30 CFR Part 243, Suspensions Pending Appeal and Bonding

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30 CFR Part 243, Suspension Pending Appeal and Bonding

30 CFR Part 243, Suspensions Pending Appeal and Bonding

OMB: 1010-0122

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 155 / Monday, August 13, 2007 / Notices

with little relief from the need for U.S.
export documents. Unless the receiving
country had entered the same
reservation or was a non-Party, U.S.
exporters of CITES-listed plants and
animals would continue to be required
to obtain CITES-comparable documents
because the Parties have agreed to trade
with non-Parties and reserving Parties
only if they issue permits and
certificates that substantially conform
with CITES requirements and contain
the required information outlined in
CITES Resolution Conf. 9.5 (Rev.
CoP13). If the United States were to
enter a reservation for a particular
species, it may confuse importers and
exporters because, as stated above,
CITES permit requirements would still
be imposed by other Parties. This could
lead persons to inadvertently violate the
laws of foreign countries that honor the
This notice was prepared by Pat Ford,
Division of Scientific Authority, (see
ADDRESSES, above).
Authority: This notice is issued under the
authority of the U.S. Endangered Species Act
of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: July 31, 2007.
H. Dale Hall,
[FR Doc. E7–15828 Filed 8–10–07; 8:45 am]

Minerals Management Service
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection,
Comment Request
Minerals Management Service
(MMS), Interior.
ACTION: Notice of an extension of a
currently approved information
collection (OMB Control Number 1010–

jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES


SUMMARY: To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), we are inviting comments on a
collection of information that we will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review and approval.
We changed the title of this ICR. The
previous title of this ICR was ‘‘30 CFR
243—Suspensions Pending Appeal and
Bonding—Minerals Revenue
Management (Forms MMS–4435,
Administrative Appeal Bond; MMS–
4436, Letter of Credit; and MMS–4437,
Assignment of Certificate of Deposit).’’
The new title of this ICR is ‘‘30 CFR
243—Suspensions Pending Appeal and

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Bonding.’’ Forms associated with this
collection are Forms MMS–4435,
Administrative Appeal Bond; MMS–
4436, Letter of Credit; and MMS–4437,
Assignment of Certificate of Deposit.
DATES: Submit written comments on or
before October 12, 2007.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
to Sharron L. Gebhardt, Lead Regulatory
Specialist, Minerals Management
Service, Minerals Revenue Management,
P.O. Box 25165, MS 302B2, Denver,
Colorado 80225. If you use an overnight
courier service or wish to hand-deliver
your comments, our courier address is
Building 85, Room A–614, Denver
Federal Center, West 6th Ave. and
Kipling Blvd., Denver, Colorado 80225.
You may also e-mail your comments to
us at [email protected]. Include
the title of the information collection
and the OMB control number in the
‘‘Attention’’ line of your comment. Also
include your name and return address.
If you do not receive a confirmation that
we have received your e-mail, contact
Ms. Gebhardt at (303) 231–3211.
Sharron L. Gebhardt, telephone (303)
231–3211, FAX (303) 231–3781, or email [email protected].
Title: 30 CFR Part 243—Suspensions
Pending Appeal and Bonding.
OMB Control Number: 1010–0122.
Bureau Form Number: Forms MMS–
4435, MMS–4436, and MMS–4437.
Abstract: The Secretary of the U.S.
Department of the Interior is responsible
for collecting royalties from lessees who
produce minerals from leased Federal
and Indian lands. The Secretary is
required by various laws to manage
mineral resources production on
Federal and Indian lands, collect the
royalties due, and distribute the funds
in accordance with those laws. The
Secretary also has a trust responsibility
to manage Indian lands and seek advice
and information from Indian
beneficiaries. The MMS performs the
royalty management functions and
assists the Secretary in carrying out the
Department’s trust responsibility for
Indian lands. Applicable law citations
pertaining to mineral leases on Federal
and Indian lands include: Public Law
97–451—Jan. 12, 1983 (Federal Oil and
Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982
[FOGRMA]); Public Law 104–185—Aug.
13, 1996 (Federal Oil and Gas Royalty
Simplification and Fairness Act of 1996
[RSFA]), as corrected by Public Law
104–200—Sept. 22, 1996; and Public
Law 97–382—Dec. 22, 1982 (Indian
Mineral Development Act of 1982). The
RSFA section 4(l), ‘‘Stay of Payment
Obligation Pending Review,’’ requires

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MMS to evaluate any person, ordered by
the Secretary or a delegated state to pay
any obligation (other than an
assessment) subject to RSFA, to
determine whether that person is
entitled to a stay of the order without
bond or other surety instrument,
pending an administrative or judicial
proceeding, based on the financial
solvency of that person. Public laws
pertaining to mineral royalties are
located on our Web site at http://
Regulations at 30 CFR part 243 govern
the suspension of orders or decisions
pending administrative appeal for
Federal leases. These regulations require
the submission of information
demonstrating financial solvency by the
person who represents the appellant,
requesting a suspension without the
need to provide a surety. For those
appellants who are not financially
solvent or for appeals involving Indian
leases, MMS requires that a surety
instrument be posted to secure the
financial interest of the public and
Indian lessors during the entire
administrative or judicial appeal
process. This information collection
request covers the burden hours
associated with appellants submitting
financial statements or surety
instruments, subject to annual audit,
required to stay an MMS order.
Minerals produced from Federal and
Indian leases vary greatly in the nature
of occurrence, production, and
processing methods. When a company
or an individual enters into a lease to
explore, develop, produce, and dispose
of minerals from Federal or Indian
lands, that company or individual
agrees to pay the lessor a share (royalty)
of the value received from production
from the leased lands. The lease creates
a business relationship between the
lessor and the lessee. The lessee is
required to report various kinds of
information to the lessor relative to the
disposition of the leased minerals. Such
information is similar to data reported
to private and public mineral interest
owners and is generally available within
the records of the lessee or others
involved in developing, transporting,
processing, purchasing, or selling such
minerals. The information collected
includes data necessary to ensure that
the royalties are paid appropriately.
Proprietary information submitted to
MMS under this collection is protected,
and no items of a sensitive nature are
collected. A response is required to
obtain the benefit of suspending
compliance of an order pending appeal.



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 155 / Monday, August 13, 2007 / Notices
Stay of Payment Pending Appeal
Title 30 CFR 243.1 states that lessees
or recipients of MMS Minerals Revenue
Management (MRM) orders may
suspend compliance with an order if
they appeal in accordance with 30 CFR
Part 290, Subpart B—Appeals of Royalty
Management Program and Delegated
State Orders (the Royalty Management
Program is now known as Minerals
Revenue Management). Pending appeal,
MMS suspends the payment
requirement if the appellant submits a
formal agreement of payment in case of
default, such as a bond or other surety,
or demonstrates financial solvency. The
MMS accepts the following surety types:
Form MMS–4435, Administrative
Appeal Bond; Form MMS–4436, Letter
of Credit; Form MMS–4437, Assignment
of Certificate of Deposit; Self-bonding;
and U.S. Treasury Securities.
When one of the surety types is
selected and put in place, appellants
must maintain the surety until
completion of the appeal. If the appeal
is decided in favor of the appellant,
MMS returns the surety to the appellant.
If the appeal is decided in favor of
MMS, then MMS will take action to
collect full royalty payment or draw
down on the surety. The MMS draws
down on a surety if the appellant fails
to comply with requirements relating to
amount due, timeframe, or surety
submission or resubmission. Whenever
MMS must draw down on a surety, the
total amount due is defined as unpaid
principal plus interest accrued to the
projected receipt date of the surety
payment. Appellants may refer to the
Surety Instrument Posting Instructions
for each of the five surety types to
submit the respective information.
Instructions for the five surety types
discussed below can be found at

jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES

Form MMS–4435, Administrative
Appeal Bond
Appellants may file Form MMS–4435,
Administrative Appeal Bond, which
MMS uses to secure the financial
interests of the public and Indian lessors
during the entire administrative and
judicial appeal process. Under 30 CFR
243.4, appellants are required to submit
their contact and surety amount
information to obtain the benefit of
suspension of an obligation to comply
with an order. The bond must be issued
by a qualified surety company that is
approved by the Department of the
Treasury (see Department of the
Treasury Circular No. 570, revised
periodically in the Federal Register).

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The Associate Director for MRM
(Associate Director) or the delegated
bond-approving officer (officer)
maintains these bonds in a secure
facility. Once the appeal has concluded,
MMS may release and return the bond
to the appellant or collect royalty
payment upon the bond. If collection is
necessary for a remaining royalty
payment balance, MMS will issue a
demand for payment to the surety
company with a notice to the appellant,
including all interest accrued on the
affected bill.
Form MMS–4436, Letter of Credit
Appellants may choose to file Form
MMS–4436, Letter of Credit, with no
modifications. Requirements of 30 CFR
243.4 continue to apply. The Associate
Director or officer maintains the Letter
of Credit (LOC) in a secure facility. A
bank must notarize and issue the LOC
for appellants in which the bank has a
minimum Fitch rating (formerly
Bankwatch) of ‘‘C’’ for an LOC of less
than $1 million, ‘‘B/C’’ for an LOC
between $1 million and $10 million, or
‘‘B’’ for an LOC over $10 million. The
LOC must have a minimum coverage
period of 1 year and be automatically
renewable for up to 5 years.
The appellant is responsible for
verifying that the bank provides a
current rating to MMS. If the issuing
bank’s rating falls below the minimum
acceptable level, a satisfactory
replacement surety must be submitted
within 14 days, or MMS will draw
down the existing LOC. If the bank
issuing the LOC chooses not to renew
the existing LOC, it must provide MMS
with a notice of its decision not to
renew 30 days prior to expiration of the
LOC. Once the appeal has been
concluded, MMS may release and return
the LOC to the appellant or collect
royalty payment upon the LOC. If
collection is necessary for a remaining
royalty payment balance, MMS will
issue a demand for payment, which
includes all interest assessed on the
affected bill, to the bank with a notice
to the appellant.
Form MMS–4437, Assignment of
Certificate of Deposit
Appellants may choose to secure their
debts by requesting to use a Certificate
of Deposit (CD) from their bank and
submitting Form MMS–4437,
Assignment of Certificate of Deposit.
Requirements of 30 CFR 243.4 continue
to apply. Appellants must file the
request with MMS prior to the invoice
due date. The MMS will accept a bookentry CD that explicitly assigns the CD
to the Associate Director. A bank must
issue the CD in which the bank has a

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minimum Fitch rating or is confirmed
by a bank with an acceptable rating. The
acceptable ratings for a CD are the same
as for an LOC. If collection of the CD is
necessary for a royalty payment balance,
MMS will return unused CD funds to
the appellant after total settlement of the
appealed issues, including applicable
interest charges.
For Federal leases, RSFA section 4(l),
as promulgated at 30 CFR 243.201,
provides that no surety instrument is
required when a person representing the
appellant periodically demonstrates, to
the satisfaction of MMS, that guarantor
or appellant is financially solvent or
otherwise able to pay the obligation.
Appellants must submit a written
request to ‘‘self-bond’’ every time a new
appeal is filed. To evaluate the financial
solvency and exemption from
requirements of appellants to maintain
a surety related to an appeal, MMS
requires appellants to submit a
consolidated balance sheet, subject to
annual audit. In some cases, MMS also
requires copies of the most recent tax
returns—up to 3 years—filed by
In addition, appellants must annually
submit financial statements, subject to
annual audit, to support their net worth.
The MMS uses the consolidated balance
sheet or business information supplied
to evaluate the financial solvency of a
lessee, designee, or payor seeking a stay
of payment obligation pending review.
If appellants do not have a consolidated
balance sheet documenting their net
worth, or if they do not meet the $300
million net worth requirement, MMS
selects a business information or credit
reporting service to provide information
concerning an appellant’s financial
solvency. We charge the appellant a $50
fee each time we need to review data
from a business information or credit
reporting service. The fee covers our
costs in determining an appellant’s
financial solvency.
U.S. Treasury Securities
Appellants may choose to secure their
debts by requesting to use a U.S.
Treasury Security (TS). Appellants must
file the letter of request with MMS prior
to the invoice due date. The TS must be
a U.S. Treasury note or bond with
maturity equal to or greater than 1 year.
The TS must equal 120 percent of the
appealed amount plus 1 year of
estimated interest (necessary to protect
MMS against interest rate fluctuations).
The MMS only accepts a book-entry TS.




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 155 / Monday, August 13, 2007 / Notices

Request to OMB
The MMS is requesting OMB’s
approval to continue to collect this
information. Not collecting this
information would limit the Secretary’s
ability to discharge his/her duties and
may also result in loss of royalty

Frequency: Annually and on occasion.
Estimated Number and Description of
Respondents: 140 Federal/Indian
Estimated Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Hour’’ Burden: 140

The following chart shows the
estimated annual burden hours by CFR
section and paragraph. We have not
included in our estimates certain
requirements performed in the normal
course of business and considered usual
and customary.

Citation 30 CFR 243

Reporting and recordkeeping requirement

Hour burden

Average number of annual

Annual burden

Subpart A—General Provisions
243.4(a)(1) ........................

243.6 .................................

243.7(a) .............................

243.8(a)(2) and (b)(2) .......

How do I suspend compliance with an order?
(a) If you timely appeal an order, and if that order or
portion of that order: (1) Requires you to make a
payment, and you want to suspend compliance
with that order, you must post a bond or other surety instrument or demonstrate financial solvency
* * *.
When must I or another person meet the bonding or
financial solvency requirements under this part?
If you must meet the bonding or financial solvency
requirements under § 243.4(a)(1), or if another person is meeting your bonding or financial solvency
requirements, then either you or the other person
must post a bond or other surety instrument or
demonstrate financial solvency within 60 days after
you receive the order or the Notice of Order.
What must a person do when posting a bond or
other surety instrument or demonstrating financial
solvency on behalf of an appellant?
If you assume an appellant’s responsibility to post a
bond or other surety instrument or demonstrate financial solvency * * * (a) Must notify MMS in writing * * * that you are assuming the appellant’s responsibility * * *.
When will MMS suspend my obligation to comply
with an order?
(a) Federal leases. * * * (2) If the amount under appeal is $10,000 or more, MMS will suspend your
obligation to comply with that order if you:
(i) Submit an MMS-specified surety instrument
under subpart B of this part within a time period MMS prescribes; or
(ii) Demonstrate financial solvency under subpart
(b) Indian leases. * * * (2) If the amount under appeal is $1,000 or more, MMS will suspend your obligation to comply with that order if you submit an
MMS-specified surety instrument under subpart B
of this part within a time period MMS prescribes.

1 hour ..........

75 surety instruments (including Forms MMS–
4435, MMS–4436, and
MMS–4437, or TS).


Burden hours covered under § 243.4(a)(1).

Burden hours covered under § 243.4(a)(1).

Burden hours covered under § 243.4(a)(1).

Subpart B—Bonding Requirements

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243.101(b) .........................

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How will MMS determine the amount of my bond or
other surety instrument?
* * * (b) If your appeal is not decided within 1 year
from the filing date, you must increase the surety
amount to cover additional estimated interest for
another 1-year period. You must continue to do
this annually * * *.

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Burden hours covered under § 243.4(a)(1).



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 155 / Monday, August 13, 2007 / Notices


Citation 30 CFR 243

Reporting and recordkeeping requirement

Average number of annual

Hour burden

Annual burden

Subpart C—Financial Solvency Requirements
243.200(a) and (b) ............

243.201 (c)(1), (c)(2)(i),
and (c)(2)(ii) and

243.202(c) .........................

jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES

Total Burden ..............

How do I demonstrate financial solvency?
(a) To demonstrate financial solvency under this part,
you must submit an audited consolidated balance
sheet, and, if requested by the MMS bond-approving officer, up to 3 years of tax returns to the MMS,
*. * *.
(b) You must submit an audited consolidated balance
sheet annually, and, if requested, additional annual
tax returns on the date MMS first determined that
you demonstrated financial solvency as long as
you have active appeals, or whenever MMS requests. * * *.
How will MMS determine if I am financially solvent?
* * * (c) If your net worth, minus the amount we
would require as surety under subpart B for all orders you have appealed is less than $300 million,
you must submit * * *:.
(1) A written request asking us to consult a business-information, or credit-reporting service or
program to determine your financial solvency;
(2) A nonrefundable $50 processing fee:
(i) You must pay the processing fee * * *
(ii) You must submit the fee with your request
* * * and then annually on the date we first
determined that you demonstrated financial
solvency, as long as you are not able to demonstrate financial solvency * * * and you have
active appeals.
(d) * * * (2) For us to consider you financially solvent, the business-information or credit-reporting
service or program must demonstrate your degree
of risk as low to moderate: * * *.
When will MMS monitor my financial solvency?
* * * (c) If our bond-approving officer determines that
you are no longer financially solvent, you must
post a bond or other MMS-specified surety instrument under subpart B.

1 hour ..........



Estimated Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour’’ Cost
Burden: There are no additional
recordkeeping costs associated with this
information collection. However, MMS
estimates 15 appellants will pay MMS a
$50 fee to obtain credit data from a
business information or credit reporting
service as a ‘‘non-hour’’ cost burden
over the next 3 years for a total of $250
per year (5 appellants per year × $50 =
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
Comments: Before submitting an ICR
to OMB, PRA section 3506(c)(2)(A)
requires each agency ‘‘ * * * to provide
notice * * * and otherwise consult

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Burden hours covered under §§ 243.4(a)(1) and 243.200(a)
and (b).

Burden hours covered under §§ 243.4(a)(1) and 243.200 (a)
and (b).

with members of the public and affected
agencies concerning each proposed
collection of information * * *.’’
Agencies must specifically solicit
comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the agency to perform its
duties, including whether the
information is useful; (b) evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (c) enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
minimize the burden on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
The PRA also requires agencies to
estimate the total annual reporting
‘‘non-hour cost’’ burden to respondents
or recordkeepers resulting from the
collection of information. If you have

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65 self-bonding submissions-demonstration of
financial solvency.

140 ....................................


costs to generate, maintain, and disclose
this information, you should comment
and provide your total capital and
startup cost components or annual
operation, maintenance, and purchase
of service components. You should
describe the methods you use to
estimate major cost factors, including
system and technology acquisition,
expected useful life of capital
equipment, discount rate(s), and the
period over which you incur costs.
Capital and startup costs include,
among other items, computers and
software you purchase to prepare for
collecting information; monitoring,
sampling, and testing equipment; and
record storage facilities. Generally, your
estimates should not include equipment
or services purchased: (i) Before October
1, 1995; (ii) to comply with
requirements not associated with the
information collection; (iii) for reasons




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 155 / Monday, August 13, 2007 / Notices

other than to provide information or
keep records for the Government; or (iv)
as part of customary and usual business
or private practices.
We will summarize written responses
to this notice and address them in our
ICR submission for OMB approval,
including appropriate adjustments to
the estimated burden. We will provide
a copy of the ICR to you without charge
upon request. The ICR also will be
posted on our Web site at http://
Public Comment Policy: We will post
all comments in response to this notice
on our Web site at http://
FRNotices/FRInfColl.htm. We also will
make copies of the comments available
for public review, including names and
addresses of respondents, during regular
business hours at our offices in
Lakewood, Colorado. Before including
your address, phone number, e-mail
address, or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be advised that your entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your comment to
withhold from public review your
personal identifying information, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
MMS Information Collection
Clearance Officer: Arlene Bajusz (202)

Dewey County
Vici M–K–T Depot, Houser St., Bet. 7th St.
and 8th St., Vici, 07000911.

J. Paul Loether,
Chief, National Register of Historic Places/
National Historic Landmarks Program.

Love County
Love County Jail and Sheriff’s House, 408 1/
2 W. Chickasaw, Marietta, 07000916.


Santa Fe Depot
101 SE Front, Marietta, 07000913.

Leon County
Billingsley Farm, 3640 Oakhurst Ln.,
Tallahassee, 07000897.
Cook County
Hatch, William H., House, 309 Keystone
Ave., River Forest, 07000898.
Lake County
West Park Neighbourhood Historic District,
Roughly bounded by Green Bay Rd.,
Westminster, Oakwood, and Atteridge
Rds., Lake Forest, 07000900.
Winnebago County
West Downtown Rockford Historic District,
Roughly bounded by Park Ave., State St.,
Church St., and Wyman St., Rockford,
Orleans Parish
Carrollton Historic District (Boundary
Increase), Roughly bounded Claiborne,
National Octavia, Grape and Lowerline,
New Orleans, 07000901.

Dated: August 6, 2007.
Lucy Querques Denett,
Associate Director for Minerals Revenue
[FR Doc. E7–15783 Filed 8–10–07; 8:45 am]

Caldwell County


Cumberland County

Franklin County

National Park Service

McGhee, C.L. and Bessie G., House, 103 W.
Mason St., Franklinton, 07000903.

National Register of Historic Places;
Notification of Pending Nominations
and Related Actions

Wake County

Nominations for the following
properties being considered for listing
or related actions in the National
Register were received by the National
Park Service before July 28, 2007.
Pursuant to § 60.13 of 36 CFR Part 60
written comments concerning the
significance of these properties under
the National Register criteria for
evaluation may be forwarded by United
States Postal Service, to the National
Register of Historic Places, National
Park Service, 1849 C St., NW., 2280,
Washington, DC 20240; by all other

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Lenoir Downtown Historic District, Roughly
bounded by Ashe Ave., Mulberry St.,
Harper Ave., Church St., and Boundary St.,
Lenoir, 07000905.
Verdery, Dr. William C., House, 1428 Raeford
Rd., Fayetteville, 07000904.


jlentini on PROD1PC65 with NOTICES

carriers, National Register of Historic
Places, National Park Service, 1201 Eye
St., NW., 8th floor, Washington, DC
20005; or by fax, 202–371–6447. Written
or faxed comments should be submitted
by August 28, 2007.

Boylan Apartments, 817 Hillsborough St.,
Raleigh, 07000902.
Washington County
Davenport House, VA 1143 (Mount Tabor Rd.
and VA 1146 (Mount Tabor RoadBackwoods Creswell, 07000932.
Atoka County
First Presbyterian Church, 212 E. 1st St.,
Atoka, 07000914.
Creek County
Bristow Firestone Service Station, (Route 66
and Associated Resources in Oklahoma AD
MPS), 321 N. Main, Bristow, 07000912.

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Kay County
Tonkawa Lodge No. 157 A.F. & A.M., 112 N.
7th St., Tonkawa, 07000910.

Oklahoma County
Film Exchange Historic District, Jct. of W.
Sheridan Ave. and Lee Ave., Oklahoma
City, 07000908.
Texas County
Franklin Hall, 201 N. College Ave.,
Goodwell, 07000909.
Tulsa County
Buena Vista Park Historic District, Roughly
bounded by W. 18th St. S, rear lot lines of
W of S. Cheyenne Ave., W, W. 21st St. S
and Riverside Dr./S, Carson, Tulsa,
Carlton Place Historic District, Bounded by
W. 14th St. S, S. Carson Ave. W., W. 15th
St. S and S. Cathage Ave. W, Tulsa,
Riverview Historic District, Roughly bounded
by W. 12th and 13th Sts. S, E of S. Elwood
Ave. W., W., 14th Place S., S. Riverside Dr.,
S. Jackson Ave., Tulsa, 07000906.
Stonebraker Heights Historic District,
Roughly bounded by W. 15th St. S., Alley
E of South Cheyenne Ave. W., W., 17th St.
S and S. Elwood Ave. W, Tulsa, 07000917.
Will Rogers High School, 3909 E. 5th Place,
Tulsa, 07000918.
Woodward County
Woodward Federal Courthouse and Post
Office, 1023 10th St., Woodward,
Clackamas County
Williamette Falls Locks, W bank of
Williamette R, West Linn, 07000920.
Douglas County
English Settlement School, 17455 Elkhead
Rd., Oakland, 07000924.
Jackson County
Cooley—Neff Warehouse, 340 N. Fir St.,
Medford, 07000923.
Multnomah County
Gerber, G.G., Building, 210 NW 11th Ave.,
Portland, 07000922.
Olson, Charles and Fae, House, 765 SW
Walters Rd., Gresham, 07000921.
Smith, Alfred H. and Mary E., House, 1806
SW High St., Portland, 07000926.
Charleston County
Atlanticville Historic District, (Sullivan’s
Island, South Island MPS), Middle St.,
Jasper Blvd., Myrtle Ave. bet. Stations 221⁄2
and 26, Sullivan’s Island, 07000927.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-08-11
File Created2007-08-11

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