Initial Federal Register notice


Report of Changes in Organizational Structure; Supplement to the Report of Changes in Organizational Structure; Annual Report of Bank Holding Companies; Annual Report of Foreign Banking Organizations

Initial Federal Register notice

OMB: 7100-0297

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 3, 2008 / Notices

8:45 a.m., and you will be asked to
identify yourself and your affiliation at
the beginning of the call.
Information on Services for
Individuals with Disabilities: For
information on access or services for
individuals with disabilities, please
contact Christine Ross at 703–347–3389
or [email protected]. To request
accommodation of a disability, please
contact Christine Ross, preferably at
least 10 days prior to the meeting, to
give EPA as much time as possible to
process your request.
information on the public listening
sessions, please contact Christine Ross,
IRIS Staff, National Center for
Environmental Assessment, (8601P),
U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone:
703–347–3389; facsimile: 703–347–
8689; or e-mail: [email protected].
If you have questions about the draft
cerium assessment, contact Martin
Gehlhaus, IRIS Staff, National Center for
Environmental Assessment, (8601P),
U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone:
703–347–8579; facsimile: 703–347–
8689; or e-mail:
[email protected].

listening session is a new step in EPA’s
revised process, announced on April 10,
2008, for development of human health
assessments for inclusion on IRIS. The
new process is posted on the NCEA
home page under the Recent Additions
menu at Two
listening sessions are scheduled under
the new IRIS process. The first is during
the public review of the draft
assessment that includes only
qualitative discussion. The second
session is during the public review of
the externally peer-reviewed draft
assessment; if feasible, this draft will
include both qualitative and
quantitative elements (i.e., a ‘‘complete
draft’’). All IRIS assessments that are at
the document development stage will
follow the revised process, which
includes the two listening sessions.
However, when EPA initiated the new
IRIS process, its draft assessment for
Cerium Oxide and Cerium Compounds
had already been released for public
review and comment, so EPA will only
hold one listening session during the
public review and comment period of
the externally peer-reviewed draft.

ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES


Dated: May 28, 2008.
Peter W. Preuss,
Director, National Center for Environmental
[FR Doc. E8–12382 Filed 6–2–08; 8:45 am]

(73 FR 21932), on page 21932, in second
column, the table:


VOC ..........................................
NOX ..........................................


is corrected to read:

Adequacy Status of the Indiana and
Ohio Portions of the CincinnatiHamilton, Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana,
Submitted 8-Hour Ozone Attainment
Demonstration for Transportation
Conformity Purposes; Correction
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of adequacy; correction.

SUMMARY: This document corrects an
error in the table posted in the April 23,
2008, notice of adequacy of the motor
vehicle emissions budgets (MVEB) for
the Indiana and Ohio portions of the
Cincinnati-Hamilton OH/KY/IN area.
The MVEBs were submitted by Indiana
as part of the 8-hour ozone attainment
demonstration for the area. The MVEB
table in that notice conflicts with the
actual MVEBs. EPA, therefore, is
correcting the erroneous table.
DATES: Effective Date: This correction is
effective on June 3, 2008.
Anthony Maietta, Life Scientist, Criteria
Pollutant Section, Air Programs Branch
(AR–18J), Environmental Protection
Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604,
(312) 353–8777,
[email protected].

published a notice of adequacy on April
23, 2008, (73 FR 21932) which finds the
2008 MVEBs for volatile organic
compounds (VOC) and oxides of
nitrogen (NOX) for the Indiana and Ohio
portions of the Cincinnati-Hamilton
OH/KY/IN area to be adequate for
transportation conformity purposes. In
this notice, EPA erroneously identified
the 2008 MVEBs as 72.16 tons per day
(tpd) for VOC and 18.99 tpd for NOX.
The table in that notice conflicts with
the actual MVEBs. The actual 2008
MVEBs are 46.00 tpd for VOC and 91.36
tpd for NOX. Therefore, the table is
being corrected to refer to the correct
budget amounts.


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2008 MVEB

[EPA–R05–OAR–2007–0520; FRL–8574–9]

In the notice of adequacy published in
the Federal Register on April 23, 2008,

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2008 MVEB

VOC ..........................................
NOX ..........................................


Dated: May 20, 2008.
Richard C. Karl,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 5.
[FR Doc. E8–12373 Filed 6–2–08; 8:45 am]

Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities; Comment
Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.
SUMMARY: Background. On June 15,
1984, the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) delegated to the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (Board) its approval authority
under the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA), as per 5 CFR 1320.16, to approve
of and assign OMB control numbers to
collection of information requests and
requirements conducted or sponsored
by the Board under conditions set forth
in 5 CFR 1320 Appendix A.1. Boardapproved collections of information are
incorporated into the official OMB
inventory of currently approved
collections of information. Copies of the
Paperwork Reduction Act Submission,
supporting statements and approved
collection of information instruments
are placed into OMB’s public docket
files. The Federal Reserve may not
conduct or sponsor, and the respondent
is not required to respond to, an
information collection that has been
extended, revised, or implemented on or
after October 1, 1995, unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number.

Request for Comment on Information
Collection Proposals
The following information
collections, which are being handled
under this delegated authority, have
received initial Board approval and are
hereby published for comment. At the
end of the comment period, the
proposed information collections, along
with an analysis of comments and



ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 3, 2008 / Notices
recommendations received, will be
submitted to the Board for final
approval under OMB delegated
authority. Comments are invited on the
a. Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the Federal Reserve’s
functions; including whether the
information has practical utility;
b. The accuracy of the Federal
Reserve’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed information collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
c. Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
d. Ways to minimize the burden of
information collection on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before August 4, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by FR H–6; FR 2030, FR
2030a, FR 2056, FR 2086a, FR 2087, and
FR 2083; or FR Y–6, FR Y–7, and FR
Y–10, by any of the following methods:
• Agency Web Site: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments at
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• E-mail:
[email protected].
Include docket number in the subject
line of the message.
• Fax: 202–452–3819 or 202–452–
• Mail: Jennifer J. Johnson, Secretary,
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, 20th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20551.
All public comments are available
from the Board’s Web site at http://
foia/ProposedRegs.cfm as submitted,
unless modified for technical reasons.
Accordingly, your comments will not be
edited to remove any identifying or
contact information. Public comments
may also be viewed electronically or in
paper form in Room MP–500 of the
Board’s Martin Building (20th and C
Streets, NW.) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
on weekdays.
Additionally, commenters should
send a copy of their comments to the
OMB Desk Officer by mail to the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
U.S. Office of Management and Budget,
New Executive Office Building, Room

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10235, 725 17th Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20503 or by fax to 202–
copy of the PRA OMB submission
including the proposed reporting form
and instructions, supporting statement,
and other documentation will be placed
into OMB’s public docket files, once
approved. These documents will also be
made available on the Federal Reserve
Board’s public Web site at: http://
reportforms/review.cfm or may be
requested from the agency clearance
officer, whose name appears below.
Michelle Shore, Federal Reserve
Board Clearance Officer (202–452–
3829), Division of Research and
Statistics, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, Washington,
DC 20551. Telecommunications Device
for the Deaf (TDD) users may contact
(202–263–4869), Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System,
Washington, DC 20551.
Proposal To Approve Under OMB
Delegated Authority the Extension for
Three Years, Without Revision, of the
Following Reports
Report title: Notifications Related to
Community Development and Public
Welfare Investments of State Member
Agency form number: FR H–6.
OMB control number: 7100–0278.
Frequency: Event-generated.
Reporters: State Member Banks.
Annual reporting hours: 86.
Estimated average hours per response:
Investment notice, 2 hours; Application
(Prior Approval) 5 hours; and Extension
of divestiture period, 5 hours.
Number of respondents: Investment
notice, 38; Application (Prior Approval)
1; and Extension of divestiture period,
General description of report: This
information collection is required to
obtain a benefit (12 U.S.C. 338a, and 12
CFR 208.22). Individual respondent data
generally are not regarded as
confidential, but information that is
proprietary or concerns examination
ratings would be considered
Abstract: Regulation H requires state
member banks that want to make
community development or public
welfare investments to comply with the
Regulation H notification requirements:
(1) If the investment does not require
prior Board approval, a written notice
must be sent to the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank; (2) if certain criteria are
not met, a request for approval must be
sent to the appropriate Federal Reserve
Bank; and, (3) if the Board orders

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divestiture but the bank cannot divest
within the established time limit, a
request or requests for extension of the
divestiture period must be submitted to
the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank.
Proposal To Approve Under OMB
Delegated Authority the Extension for
Three Years, With Revision, of the
Following Reports
1. Report title: Report of Changes in
Organizational Structure, Supplement to
the Report of Changes in Organizational
Structure, Annual Report of Bank
Holding Companies, and Annual Report
of Foreign Banking Organizations.
Agency form numbers: FR Y–10, FR
Y–10E, FR Y–6, and FR Y–7.
OMB control number: 7100–0297.
Frequency: Event-generated, annual.
Reporters: Bank holding companies
(BHCs), foreign banking organizations
(FBOs), member banks, Edge and
agreement corporations.
Annual reporting hours: FR Y–10,
26,712 hours; FR Y–10E, 1,384 hours;
FR Y–6, 27,069 hours; FR Y–7, 900
Estimated average hours per response:
FR Y–10, 1.00 to 1.25 hours; FR Y–10E,
0.50 hours; FR Y–6, 5.25 hours; FR Y–
7, 3.50 hours.
Number of respondents: FR Y–10,
5,952; FR Y–10E, 2,768; FR Y–6, 5,156;
FR Y–7, 257.
General description of report: These
information collections are mandatory
under the Federal Reserve Act, the BHC
Act, and the International Banking Act
(12 U.S.C. 248 (a)(1), 321, 601, 602,
611a, 615, 625, 1843(k), 1844(c)(1)(A),
3106(a), and 3108(a)), and Regulations K
and Y (12 CFR 211.13(c), 225.5(b), and
225.87). Individual respondent data are
not considered confidential. However,
respondents may request confidential
treatment for any information that they
believe is subject to an exemption from
disclosure under the FOIA, 5 U.S.C.
Abstract: The FR Y–10 is an eventgenerated information collection
submitted by FBOs; top-tier BHCs; state
member banks unaffiliated with a BHC;
Edge and agreement corporations that
are not controlled by a member bank, a
domestic BHC, or an FBO; and
nationally chartered banks that are not
controlled by a BHC (with regard to
their foreign investments only), to
capture changes in their regulated
investments and activities. The Federal
Reserve uses the data to monitor
structure information on subsidiaries
and regulated investments of these
entities engaged in banking and
nonbanking activities. The FR Y–10E is
a free-form supplement that may be
used to collect additional structural




Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 3, 2008 / Notices

information deemed to be critical and
needed in an expedited manner.
The FR Y–6 is an annual information
collection submitted by top-tier BHCs
and nonqualifying FBOs. It collects
financial data, an organization chart,
verification of domestic branch data,
and information about shareholders.
The Federal Reserve uses the data to
monitor holding company operations
and determine holding company
compliance with the provisions of the
Bank Holding Company Act (BHC Act)
and Regulation Y (12 CFR 225).
The FR Y–7 is an annual information
collection submitted by qualifying FBOs
to update their financial and
organizational information with the
Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve
uses information to assess an FBO’s
ability to be a continuing source of
strength to its U.S. operations and to
determine compliance with U.S. laws
and regulations.
Current Actions: The following
revisions would be effective December
31, 2008.
Tax Identification Number (Tax ID) (FR

ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES

The Federal Reserve proposes to
collect the Tax ID for all reportable
banking and nonbanking entities located
in the United States. The Federal
Reserve would use the Tax ID to
identify lenders for the Shared National
Credit modernization project. Also, the
Federal Reserve would use the Tax ID
to link to entities’ data stored on the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FinCEN)’s 1 BSA Direct System (such as
Suspicious Activity Reports 2 and
Currency Transaction Reports 3) to
monitor Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and
anti-money laundering compliance.
Finally, the Federal Reserve would use
the Tax ID to match market and
regulatory data for market discipline
Obtaining Tax ID data from a public
source is ineffective since the quality of
these data is low. There would be a onetime information collection to populate
the Tax ID data, as of December 31,
2008. Respondents would submit this
information no later than March 31,
2009, initially and then thirty days after
a change going forward. The Federal
Reserve would provide a means for
institutions to provide their initial data
in a format easier for respondents to
submit than individual FR Y–10 reports.
1 FinCEN is a part of the U.S. Treasury
2 Federal Reserve reporting form FR 2230; OMB
No. 7100–0212.
3 FinCEN reporting form 104; OMB No. 1506–

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Information Regarding Individuals (FR
Y–6 and FR Y–7)
The FR Y–6 and FR Y–7 reporting
forms collect details on individual
shareholders and insiders of reporters.
Reporters occasionally submit more
information than is required (for
example, personal home addresses,
social security numbers, and extraneous
commercial and financial information),
and some of the details provided can be
highly sensitive. Reporters rarely
request confidential treatment for this
information, even where it appears that
the information could and should be
withheld from disclosure under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5
U.S.C. 552.
Reporters ultimately should take
appropriate measures to safeguard the
confidentiality of information they
provide to the Federal Reserve,
including details regarding individuals.
In this context, it is incumbent upon
reporters to request confidential
treatment for information that may be
subject to withholding under one or
more of the FOIA exemptions from
disclosure, in accordance with the
Board’s Rules Regarding Availability of
Information (the Board’s Rules), 12 CFR
Part 261. The Federal Reserve expects
reporters to ensure that they have the
legal authority to provide information
regarding individuals to the Federal
Reserve and, on behalf of each
individual, to consent or object to
public release of the information. The
method of obtaining an individual’s
consent and the adequacy of an
individual’s consent are legal issues to
be resolved by the reporter. The Federal
Reserve presumes legally adequate
consent exists unless the reporter
expressly represents otherwise.
The Federal Reserve seeks to avoid
releases of sensitive personally
identifying information regarding
individuals. The extraneous information
provided by some reporters at times
includes these types of information.
Copies of the FR Y–6 and FR Y–7 filings
are frequently requested by members of
the public.
The Federal Reserve proposes to
modify the FR Y–6 and FR Y–7
reporting forms to highlight for reporters
issues surrounding the submission of
information on individuals.
Accordingly, the Federal Reserve
proposes to add language to this effect
to the reporting instructions and cover
page of the FR Y–6 and FR Y–7. Under
these modifications, the Federal Reserve
will assume, in the absence of a request
for confidential treatment submitted in
accordance with the Board’s Rules, that
the reporter and individual consent to

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public release of all details in the report
concerning that individual.
2. Report title: Application for
Membership in the Federal Reserve
Agency form number: FR 2083,
2083A, 2083B, and 2083C.
OMB control number: 7100–0046.
Frequency: On occasion.
Reporters: Newly organized banks
that seek to become state member banks,
or existing banks or savings institutions
that seek to convert to state member
bank status.
Annual reporting hours: 260 hours.
Estimated average hours per response:
4 hours.
Number of respondents: 65.
General description of report: This
information collection is authorized by
section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act (12
U.S.C. 321, 322, and 333) and is
required to obtain or retain a benefit.
Most individual respondent data are not
considered confidential. Applicants
may, however, request that parts of their
membership applications be kept
confidential, but in such cases the
Applicant must justify its request by
demonstrating how an exemption under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
is satisfied. The confidentiality status of
the information submitted will be
judged on a case-by-case basis.
Abstract: The application for
membership is a required one-time
submission that collects the information
necessary for the Federal Reserve to
evaluate the statutory criteria for
admission of a new or existing state
bank into membership in the Federal
Reserve System. The application
collects managerial, financial, and
structural data.
Current Actions: The current cover
page would be revised as follows:
• The reference to draft and final
applications would be deleted as the
Federal Reserve no longer accepts
complete draft applications for review,
• Four check boxes would be added
to facilitate treatment of the submitted
filing under the FOIA,
• The personal information requested
of the contact person(s) would be
revised to require an available e-mail
address, and
• Several other technical edits would
be made to reflect current application
and reporting form references and
The Federal Reserve proposes to
replace the Confidentiality section in its
entirety with language developed by the
Board’s Legal Division. The new section
would state that an Applicant may rely
upon more than two types of FOIA
exemptions to prevent applications
information from being disclosed to the



Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 3, 2008 / Notices

ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES

public and more clearly explains how
information related to an individual
associated with a proposal should be
presented to the Federal Reserve. As a
complement to those changes, a new
filing certification section would be
added that requires an Applicant to
confirm the nature of the information
being submitted in the application and
recognize how the submitted
information may be treated under the
FOIA. The Board’s Legal Division
believes that receiving the certification
at the time of submission would
facilitate the disclosure of relevant
information to the public and reduce the
processing delays that result from
uncertainties about what information is
eligible for disclosure under the FOIA.
Two sections (Related Applications and
Preliminary Charter Approval) would be
deleted as the guidance in those
sections has been incorporated into
other sections of the instructions.4
Section I (De Novo Bank) of the FR
2083 application form would be revised
to state that the Federal Reserve need
not receive a copy of the electronic
version of the Interagency Charter and
Federal Deposit Insurance Application
(ICFDA) that is prepared for and
submitted to other banking agencies.
This proposed revision is made in
recognition of the fact that the Federal
Reserve expects in 2009 to be able to
accept all applications electronically.
Such membership applications would
include the ICFDA materials.
The Federal Reserve proposes to
clarify certain information requests in
Section II (Currently Operating Bank).
The clarifications would assist an
Applicant in better explaining the
contemplated financial and managerial
changes and structure that may result
from the membership proposal. These
clarifications include the following: In
current question 7, the request for
certain authority(ies) would help
identify the need for other related
applications earlier in the applications
review process and therefore facilitate
more timely review and action on the
proposed transaction. The Federal
Reserve proposes one minor
clarification to Section III (NonOperating Bank) to emphasize that an
Applicant needs to disclose both
financial and managerial changes
resulting from a membership proposal.
The FR 2083A would be revised to
reflect the possible negative adjustment
4 In this regard, an Applicant no longer has to
wait for preliminary charter approval before filing
a membership application, but the timing of other
related applications is less certain. The instructions
now encourage an Applicant to contact the
appropriate Reserve Bank to determine when all
such related applications should be filed.

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to a bank’s total face amount of capital
and surplus data that might be
necessary to calculate the appropriate
level of Federal Reserve Bank stock to
be purchased. Footnote 1 would be
expanded to explain the possible
adjustment. Several technical edits
would be made to the FR 2083B and the
FR 2083C.5
3. Report title: Applications for
Subscription to, Adjustment in the
Holding of, and Cancellation of Federal
Reserve Bank Stock.
Agency form number: FR 2030, FR
2030a, FR 2056, FR 2086, FR 2086a, FR
OMB control number: 7100–0042.
Frequency: On occasion.
Reporters: National, state member,
and nonmember banks.
Annual reporting hours: FR 2030, 15
hours; FR 2030a, 26 hours; FR 2056, 864
hours; FR 2086, 1 hour; FR 2086a, 18
hours; FR 2087, 2 hours.
Estimated average hours per response:
.5 hours.
Number of respondents: FR 2030, 30;
FR 2030a, 52; FR 2056, 1,728; FR 2086,
2; FR 2086a, 36; FR 2087, 4.
General description of report: These
information collections are mandatory.
• FR 2030 and FR 2030a: (12 U.S.C.
222, 282, 248(a) and 321).
• FR 2056: (12 U.S.C. 287, 248(a) and
• FR 2086: (12 U.S.C. 287, 248(a) and
• FR 2086a: (12 U.S.C. 321, 287,
• FR 2087: (12 U.S.C. 288, 248(a) and
Most individual respondent data are
not considered confidential. Applicants
may, however, request that parts of their
membership applications be kept
confidential, but in such cases the
Applicant must justify its request by
demonstrating how an exemption under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
is satisfied. The confidentiality status of
the information submitted will be
judged on a case-by-case basis.
Abstract: These application forms are
required by the Federal Reserve Act and
Regulation I. These forms must be used
by a new or existing member bank
(including a national bank) to request
the issuance, and adjustment in, or
cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank
stock. The forms must contain certain
certifications by the applicants, as well
as certain other financial and
shareholder data that is needed by the
Federal Reserve to process the request.
5 The title of Cashier has been added to two
signature lines in the FR 2083B for consistency with
the other stock application forms and the reference
to Regulation H in the FR 2083C has been changed
to Regulation I for accuracy purposes.

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Current actions: The Federal Reserve
proposes no revisions to the FR 2086
and 2087. The revisions proposed to the
remaining four application forms (the
FR 2030, 2030a, 2056, and 2086a) are
intended to facilitate the processing of
each application form by the
appropriate Reserve Bank and the
calculation of the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank stock to be purchased or
adjusted. Additional signature lines
would be added to all four application
forms to ensure that they are signed by
at least one individual listed with the
appropriate Reserve Bank (as having the
authority to submit accounting- and
other reporting-related materials on
behalf of the bank) in the event that the
senior officials required to authorize the
purchase or adjustment, under the
Federal Reserve Act, are not listed.
On the FR 2056, the Federal Reserve
proposes to clarify the appropriate
components of capital and surplus used
in the Federal Reserve Bank stock
calculation and to more clearly explain
the possible negative capital adjustment
within those calculations. In addition,
the references in the accompanying
worksheet would fully correspond to
the Consolidated Reports of Condition
and Income (FFIEC 031 and 041; OMB
No. 7100–0036) data items filed by
commercial banks. The references to
Sinking Fund preferred stocks would be
deleted as these instruments are
generally no longer issued and may no
longer qualify as regulatory capital.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, May 29, 2008.
Jennifer J. Johnson,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. E8–12295 Filed 6–2–08; 8:45 am]

Change in Bank Control Notices;
Acquisition of Shares of Bank or Bank
Holding Companies
The notificants listed below have
applied under the Change in Bank
Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and
§ 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12
CFR 225.41) to acquire a bank or bank
holding company. The factors that are
considered in acting on the notices are
set forth in paragraph 7 of the Act (12
U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).
The notices are available for
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank indicated. The notices
also will be available for inspection at
the office of the Board of Governors.
Interested persons may express their
views in writing to the Reserve Bank
indicated for that notice or to the offices



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File Created2008-06-03

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