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Ryan White CARE Act Dental Reimbursement Program

0151 dental report

Ryan White CARE Act Dental Reimbursement Program

OMB: 0915-0151

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OMB No. 0915-0151

Expires: June 30, 2008



Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0915-0151. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to: HRSA Clearance Officer, Room 10-33, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD., 20857.

Division of Community-Based Programs


Health Resources and Services Administration

Parklawn Building, Room 7A-30

5600 Fishers Lane

Rockville, Maryland 20857

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Please refer to the Dental Services Report Instructions for a description of each section and item.

All Part F Dental programs must complete Sections 1 through 4. If you are applying for Dental Reimbursement Program (DRP) funding, continue to Section 5. If you are submitting the annual data report for the Community-Based Dental Partnership Program (CBDPP), complete Section 6 instead of Section 5.

Section 1. Institution/Program and Contact Information

  1. Institution/program information:




State ZIP Code

Nine-digit Federal tax ID # - D-U-N-S number: - -

Institution/program Web site address:

  1. Is the institution in #1 using this Report to (select only one):

 Apply for funds through the Dental Reimbursement Program (DRP)? (Complete Sections 1 through 5)

  • Submit data for the Community-Based Dental Partnership Program (CBDPP)? (Complete Sections 1 through 4 and 6)

  1. Type of institution/program submitting this Report (select only one):

Accredited predoctoral dental education program—School of Dentistry

Accredited postdoctoral dental education program—School of Dentistry, Hospital, Health Center or Other

  • Accredited dental hygiene education program

  1. Program contact person (dentist or dental hygienist) most closely connected to the provision of services covered by this Report:

Program Contact Person: This individual will be notified of funding and will be considered the primary contact person for all Dental Program communications.



Address (if different from address in #1)


State ZIP Code

Telephone: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

Fax: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

Pager: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

E-mail address:

  1. Check this box if the program contact person in #4 would like to receive bimonthly updates from the HIV/AIDS Bureau on technical assistance and primary care related to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.

Bimonthly updates are distributed by email ONLY; therefore, you must specify an e-mail address in #4.

  1. Alternate program contact person (this individual will be contacted if the person identified in #4 cannot be reached):



Address (if different from address in #1)


State ZIP Code

Telephone: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

Fax: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

Pager: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

E-mail address:

  1. Contact person (if different from #4) responsible for verifying and submitting data contained in this Dental Services Report:

The data you provide in this Report, as part of your
Federally-supported program, are subject to audit.



Address (if different from address in #1)


State ZIP Code

T elephone: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

Fax: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

Pager: (__ __ __) __ __ __-__ __ __ __

E-mail address:

Section 2. Patient Demographics AND ORAL HEALTH SERVICES

Note: Throughout this Report, all references to “your program” refer to aggregate data from your institution/program including all your partners or sites, if applicable. Avoid reporting in the “Unknown” category whenever possible.

8a. Total number of unduplicated patients with HIV treated by students, residents, faculty, and other dental staff of your program:

8b. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, how many were seen by your program for the first time during the period covered by this Report?

  1. Please show the HIV/AIDS status of the patients reported in #8a (as of the first visit in the period covered by this Report):


Number of Patients

HIV-positive, not AIDS

CDC-defined AIDS (HIV-positive with AIDS-defining illness)

HIV-positive, AIDS status unknown


  1. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, indicate the number by gender:


    Number of Patients with HIV






  2. Of the number of female patients with HIV reported in #10, indicate the number by pregnancy status:

Pregnancy Status

Number of Female Patients with HIV


Not pregnant

Unsure if pregnant



If unknown/unreported, explain why: ____________


12a. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, indicate the number by ethnicity:


Number of Patients with HIV

Hispanic or Latino/a

Non-Hispanic or Latino/a


12b. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, indicate the number by race:


Number of Patients with HIV


Black or African American


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

American Indian or Alaska Native

More than one race


  1. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, indicate the number by age:


Number of Patients with HIV

12 or younger




65 or older



  1. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, indicate the number by household income:


    Number of Patients with HIV

    Equal to or below the Federal poverty line

    101–200% of Federal poverty line

    201–300% of Federal poverty line

    > 300% of Federal poverty line



  2. Indicate the total number of visits made by patients reported in #8a for each type of oral health service:

Type of Service

Number of Visits



Oral health education/health promotion

Nutrition counseling

Tobacco prevention/cessation

Oral medicine/oral pathology




Oral and maxillofacial surgery


Anesthesia/sedation/nitrous oxide analgesia/palliative care

Emerg0ency services

Other (specify: ____________


  1. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, please show where they received their primary medical care by each of the following locations:

Location of Primary Medical Care

Number of Patients with HIV

Provider or clinic co-located in the same physical facility or site where oral health care is provided

Provider or clinic in the same institution providing oral health care, but at a different site

Other medical provider or clinic not in the same institution providing oral health care, at a different site




17a. Did the parent institution of the program identified in #1 receive any other Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program funding (not only for oral health care or training) during the period covered by this Report?

 Yes (go to #17b)

 No (go to #18)

17b. Indicate the total funds the parent institution of the program identified in #1 received from other Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grants to provide any HIV-related services or training during the period covered by this Report (rounded to the nearest dollar):

Ryan White Program Part

Amount Received

Part A

Part B

Part C

Part D

Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS)

AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs)

  1. Of the number of patients reported in #8a, indicate the number whose third party coverage for oral health services fell under each of the following categories:

Third Party Payor Coverage

Number of Patients with HIV

Number of patients who received oral health care with NO third party payor coverage

Number of patients who received oral health care with PARTIAL third party payor coverage

Number of patients whose third party payor coverage status was UNKNOWN

  1. Indicate the number of patients with HIV whose oral health care was partially covered by each of the following sources and the total amount of payment received (rounded to the nearest dollar):

Payment Source

Number of Patients with HIV

Payment Received ($)

Medicaid (non-HMO/ non‑managed care)

Medicaid (HMO/managed care)


Other public insurance (e.g., TRICARE, VA)

Private insurance, including HMO/managed care

Self-pay or cash

Other (specify: ________



Section 4. Staffing and Training

  1. For the period covered by this Report, provide the following information about the number of dental students, residents, dental hygiene students, and other non-student dental providers who participated in or rotated through your program. Please feel free to attach an optional narrative description of your HIV training program as further clarification of the information that you provide below.


or Postdoctoral



a. The total number of students and residents who were enrolled in all years of your school or program

b. The total number of students, residents, and other providers who received formal didactic instruction in medical assessment or oral health management for patients with HIV

c. The total number of students, residents, and other providers who gained experience providing direct clinical services for patients with HIV

d. The total number of hours of your training curriculum (didactic and clinical combined) that were dedicated to issues related to medical assessment or oral health management for patients with HIV

i. As part of required curriculum

  1. _______

  1. _______

    1. _______

ii. As part of elective curriculum

ii. _______

ii. _______

ii. _______

ii. ________

e. The total number of hours that all students, residents, and other providers spent providing direct clinical services for patients with HIV

Continue with Section 5 if you are applying for DRP funding. Otherwise, skip to Section 6 if you are submitting an annual CBDPP data report.

Section 5. ADDITIONAL Dental Reimbursement Program Information

  1. Person authorized to sign for the institution:



Address (if different from address in #1)


State ZIP Code


A. Use of Funding

  1. Specify how the Dental Reimbursement funds will be used within your predoctoral dental/postdoctoral dental/dental hygiene education program (check all that apply):

 Direct patient services (e.g., provider/faculty salaries)

 Patient education or outreach

 Curriculum development

 Student education/training

 Staff education/training

 Clinic staff salary/support

 Equipment/instruments/supplies/materials

  • Pharmaceuticals or dental medicaments

  • General operations

  • Other (specify:_________________________)

B. UnreimburseD COSTS

23a. Total unreimbursed costs of oral health care provided to patients with HIV (rounded to the nearest dollar):


Submit responses to #23b through #28 as
separate attachments.

23b. As a separate attachment, please provide a concise description of the methods used to calculate the amount reported in #23a.

C. NarrativeS

  1. Site Descriptions

List and concisely describe the sites where your predoctoral dental/postdoctoral dental/dental hygiene education program provides oral health services to patients with HIV. In identifying these sites, please address the following questions:

  • Do your students or residents provide direct patient care in community-based facilities?

  • Are such facilities organizational components of your institution, or are they separate organizations?

  1. Working Relationships with Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs

Concisely describe working relationships that your predoctoral dental/postdoctoral dental/dental hygiene education program has established with the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs listed in item #17b, including Part A HIV Planning Councils and Part B HIV Consortia. Describe how your program has been working to maximize coordination, integration, and effective linkages among local Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs.

  1. Development of the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need

Concisely describe how your predoctoral dental/postdoctoral dental/dental hygiene education program has been involved in the development and updating of the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (SCSN) in your state.

  1. Outreach

Concisely describe any additional ways your predoctoral dental/postdoctoral dental/dental hygiene education program conducts outreach to persons with HIV to increase their awareness of the availability of oral health services, or builds community links with program managers and providers working with this population.

  1. Special Strengths or Unique Capabilities

Concisely describe any special strengths or unique capabilities of your predoctoral dental/postdoctoral dental/dental hygiene education program in providing oral health care for patients with HIV (e.g., facilities, hours of operation, support services, or staff skills or expertise). Responses might include information regarding evening and weekend clinic hours, onsite participation in clinical trials, provider or staff diversity, special patient education programs, the availability of childcare services, language translation services, transportation services, or other special strengths.

Section 6 should be completed only by CBDPP grantees.

Section 6. ADDITIONAL Community-Based Dental Partnership Program Information

  1. List the names and addresses of the member organizations of your Community-Based Dental Partnership Program (other than your institution) and their roles or function in the partnership.

Name of Partner Organization

Contact Information

Does partner receive CBDPP funds?

Brief Description of Partner’s Role or Function

Street: __________________________________

City: ____________________________________

State: ____________, ZIP __________________



Contact Person___________________________

Contact Email Address:_____________________



Street: __________________________________

City: ____________________________________

State: ____________, ZIP __________________



Contact Person___________________________

Contact Email Address:____________________



Street: __________________________________

City: ____________________________________

State: ____________, ZIP __________________



Contact Person___________________________

Contact Email Address:____________________



Street: __________________________________

City: ____________________________________

State: ____________, ZIP __________________



Contact Person___________________________

Contact Email Address:____________________



If space for more partners is needed, please copy this page and complete as many boxes as needed.

  1. Indicate which of the following populations were specially targeted to receive services through the
    Community-Based Partnership Program (check all that apply):

 Urban populations

 Suburban populations

 Rural populations other than migrant or seasonal workers

 Migrant or seasonal workers

 Runaway or street youth

 Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender youth

 Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender adults

 Homeless persons

 Incarcerated persons

 Paroled persons

 Substance addicted persons

 Other, specify: _________________________________

File Typeapplication/msword
File Titlenod
AuthorRuth Steenburg
Last Modified ByHRSA
File Modified2008-05-06
File Created2008-04-10

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