Long Term Contracting (LTC)

Long Term Contracting (LTC)

2008 LTCS help screens

Long Term Contracting (LTC)

OMB: 0560-0249

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Long Term Contracting

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Long Term Contracting System (LTCS)
Vendor Application---Detailed Information
Point & Ctrl + Click subject to view. Selected text will display.
Click [Top of Page] to return to the LTCS / Vendor Application Menu.

Admin Process - LTCS Vendor

LTCS Overview for Vendors
LTCS Navigation Bar
Bid Process


Invitation Select


Order Wire
Online Help

Additional Topics: [QuickSteps] [Edits and Validations/Vendor Application]

The Long Term Contracting (LTCS) system provides a flexible system to process long-term contracts for current cheese
commodities as well as for other commodities in the future. Long-Term Contracting will apply to anything that is "more than a
Prices/products under Long-Term Contracting may be by State---MCD-2, PCD-3, and BCD-1, which would have different year
limitations. Long-Term Contracts may be purchased by:

School Year (June - July) which actually crosses Fiscal Year.
Fiscal Year (October - September)

As a vendor you have the ability to:

prepare and submit a bid
modify a bid
view/print a bid
withdraw a bid previously submitted
authorize the USDA to modify a bid.

[Top of Page]

Admin Process for LTCS Vendor Application
[Corporation Person] [Plant Person]

Corporation Person (Created by Branch Chief / CO / Specialist) logon to the Vendor Application.

Step #

Admin Process
The Corporation user logon to the LTCS VENDOR
application (LTCSVENDOR)
The Corporation user clicks on Admin button on the top



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Adding additional persons under the corporation
Select person page displays all the added persons
related to the corporation.
The Corporation user clicks on Add Person button on
the second row.
The Corporation user selects Bidder / Contract Admin
Person Types from the dropdown and creates the name
& address information. The Corporation user clicks on
update button.
Creating logon ID and Assigning Roles
The Corporation user selects the added person name
from the Select Person page and clicks on Logon Id


Logon Id is created automatically. Initial password will be
PASSWRD$1. Initial logon id Status will be ACTIVE. The
Corporation user assigns the existing role name for the
added person. The Corporation user selects the
Contract Admin role and clicks on update.


The Corporation user can not modify their own logon Id
information. But can modify the logon id and password
information for other added persons.



Corporation Address
The Corporation user clicks on Edit Entity button.
The Corporation user can not modify the Corporation
address information. But they can view the address
The Corporation user clicks on Relationship button to
view the corporation/plants relationship. The Corporation
user also able to view the person names, types related to
the corporation/plants.

[Top of Page]

Plant Person (Created by Branch chief / CO / Specialist) logon to the Vendor Application. (LTCS Security Admin Business
Process Flow)

Step #

Admin Process


The Plant user logon to the LTCS VENDOR application (LTCSVENDOR)
The Plant user clicks on Admin button on the top row.




Adding additional persons under the Plant
Select person page displays all the added persons related to the Plant.
The Plant user clicks on Add Person button on the second row.
The Plant user selects Bidder / Contract Admin Person Types from the
dropdown and creates the name & address information. The Plant user clicks
on update button.
Creating logon ID and Assigning Roles
The Plant user selects the added person name from the Select Person page
and clicks on Logon Id button.
Logon Id is created automatically. Initial password will be PASSWRD$1. Initial
logon id Status will be ACTIVE. The Plant user assigns the existing role
name for the added person. The Plant user selects the Contract Admin role



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and clicks on update.




The Plant user can not modify their own logon Id information. But can modify
the logon id and password information for other added persons.
Plant Address
The Plant user clicks on Edit Entity button. The Plant user can not modify
the Plant address information. But they can view the address information.
The Plant user clicks on Relationship button to view the corporation/plants
relationship. The Corporation user also able to view the person names, types
related to the corporation/plants.

[Top of Page]

[Menu Options] [Business Functions]

Menu Options (LTCS Navigation Bar)
Menu options within LTCS are in three levels:

FUNCTION: First row target the area of operations to be engaged.


PAGE: Second row selects data entry screens for the selected function.


ACTION: Third row correlates to each data entry screen and updates the database or performs another action or service.

The PAGE and ACTION prompts will change to reflect the function (or page) previously selected. An example is shown below.




Copy Capacity








[Return to LTCS Navigation Bar]
[Top of Page]

Business Functions (LTCS Navigation Bar)
Error Message and Validation Process
LTCS has validations built into the system to assist with invitation accuracy, prior to updating. Should a screen be filled out in a
manner that does not satisfy the requirements of the validation process, a message will appear providing sufficient information as
to what is needed to complete the task or advising why the action cannot be performed.
For example:
If you should....

Then the error message will state....

Modify a person's
address, but do not
enter a city name on
the Personal

"A valid city must be entered."



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Maintenance Page...
If the announcement number does not
exist message box stating "The
Enter the
announcement number is invalid" . If the
announcement number announcement exists the system would
and the invitation
then check to see if the invitation number
number and click on
exists in the PCIMS database. IF it does
the Update Button.
exist and error message will be displayed
stating "The invitation number already

Note: LTCS prompts the user to save (update) changes before moving to another page. Regular updates should be a
common practice, thus preventing loss of data during a power surge, outage, etc.
[Return to LTCS Navigation Bar]
[Top of Page]

Update Process---(LTCS Navigation Bar)
When data is entered or a change is made on a page, it must be saved with the Update function. The Update function can be
triggered manually or automatically. To trigger the Update manually click on the Update button on the top of the page.
Validations will be performed and the changes will be saved but not released to the web. If an error is encountered, an
appropriate error message will be displayed and the changes will not be saved. Errors can be corrected and the update function
can be triggered again. If there are no validation errors, the database will be updated.
Attempting to exit any LTCS page without explicitly updating the data or releasing it, will cause the following message to display:
"If you continue you will lose your data! To save your data return and select UPDATE! Ok to continue. Cancel to return." If a bid
has been updated (after initially releasing it) and NOT released the following message will display on the Invitation Selection page:
"Your bid has been modified since it was last submitted."
Print Process
The user will have the option of printing any page or report of the LTCS system. After the page or report has been displayed, the
user can use Internet Explorer's browser command, File, Print, or Netscape's browser command, File, Print Frame, to print a
copy for their records. LTCS also provides its own Print button on some screens.
Printing from the Web will require that you click your cursor in the actual frame, of the window you want to print. If you experience
incomplete printing, reposition your cursor, and re-try.
[Return to LTCS Navigation Bar]
[Top of Page]

[Overview] [Steps to Logon to LTCS] [Options from the Logon Page]

The Logon page is the first page displayed to the vendor when accessing LTCS Vendor application. In order to access any
pages within the LTCS application, the vendor must first logon. Only those vendors with a valid logon ID and password will be
allowed into the vendor portion of the LTCS application. If the logon is successful, the vendor will be transferred to the Invitation
Selection page. If the vendor's ID or password are incorrect, the Logon page will be redisplayed with an error message. The
vendor has only a limited number of attempts to logon to the application. If the vendor exceeds that limit, the vendor will not be
allowed to logon until their password is reset by a USDA user.
By using the Admin process, the vendor can not create or modify their own logon id and password information. But vendor can
create or modify the logon id and password for additional persons related to the corporation. If the vendor wants to modify their
own logon id, logon id status or password information, the vendor needs to contact their USDA personnel.
If the vendor logs on as a corporation (VEND-PLNT-CD = '00'), address for all active plants are retrieved from PCIMS and



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updated on LTCS. If the vendor logs on as a plant (VEND-PLNT-CD not equal to '00'), then only the plant's address information is
Page Specific Fields (Logon Process)

Format Update Rqd

Password (08)

Password (08)



The New Password field is used
to modify an existing system
password. This field must be
used in conjunction with the
Verify Password field.


The Verify Password field is
used to confirm the new
password entered in the New
Password field. Both the New
Password and the Verify
Password fields must match
before the password is changed
in the database. This field must
be used in conjunction with the
New Password field.

[Return to Logon Process]
[Top of Page]

Steps To Logon to LTCS (Logon Process)

Logon to Internet using URL to be provided by Dairy and Domestic Operations Division (DDOD).


Enter Logon ID provided.


Enter "PASSWRD$1" as default password.


Immediately enter and verify your new password.


New Password must be 9 characters long, and at least: One character must be alphabetic. Once character must be
numeric(0-9). One character must be a special character: ! @ # $ % \ & * ~ ?.


Verify Password. The Verify Password must be identical to the New Password field. If not, the user will receive an error


Click Logon. You are now in LTCS . . . Menu options within LTCS will be displayed according to the access (security)
role you have been assigned.


Session will time out after 30 minutes (approx.), if you have not accessed the server.


Best window size for viewing is 8--x600.

Options from the Logon Page (Logon Process)

Privacy Statement


Contacts/Logon Help



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Selection of Standard or 508 Accessibility Version.

[Return to Logon Process]
[Top of Page]

Invitation Select
[Page Navigation] [Page Specific Fields] [The Vendor]

Page Navigation (Invitation Select)
The select invitation page is accessed by selecting the Invitation Select button on the main menu. This page is automatically
displayed when the vendor enters into the LTCS System.
Overview (Invitation Select)
The vendor Invitation Select page is the first page that is presented to the vendor after logging onto the LTCS vendor
application. The purpose of the invitation select page for the vendor side is to view the available announcement/invitations details
and select one of the listed announcement/invitations for further processing. All the announcement/invitations that are in
"released to vendor" (RV), "opened" (OP), "sent to LP" (LP), or "contract" (CT) status and all the invitations which have their
invitation period end dates after the current date will be displayed. If the invitation period end date for an invitation has passed, it
will not be displayed.
The announcement/invitation details that a vendor is able to view on this page are: announcement/invitation number,
announcement description, bid open date/time, submit date/time, offers by location, comments, and indicators for whether the
vendor has completed the certification questions and entered data into the capacity for the announcement/invitation. If there is an
amendment number for an announcement/invitation number, it is also displayed as part of the announcement/invitation number.
The vendor will be able to select an announcement/invitation from the list displayed and proceed further.
The announcement/invitations are sorted and displayed first by announcement in the ascending order and then by invitation in the
descending order. Only master and shortfall invitations will be displayed on this page. Allocation invitations will not be displayed
on this page.
[Return to Invitation Select]
[Top of Page]

Page Specific Fields (Invitation Select)
The fields displayed on this page are as follows:
A radio button is displayed beside
each row of data to allow the vendor
to select an invitation. Only one
invitation can be selected at a time
using this radio button. When this
page is first displayed the first
announcement/invitation listed will be
selected by default.
Announcement/Invitation The announcement/invitation number
retrieved from the database will be
displayed in this field. If there is an
amendment number for an
announcement/invitation number, it is
also displayed as part of the
announcement/invitation number. If
the announcement is an exchange
announcement, then the text "EXCH"
will be displayed after the
amendment number.
Select Radio Button



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Open Date/Time

Certification Indicator

Offers By Location

Capacity Indicator

Submit Date/Time


The announcement description
retrieved from the database will be
displayed in this field.
The bid open date and time retrieved
from the database will be displayed in
this field. This field indicates the date
and time by which the vendor has to
submit bids for a given invitation.
The bid certification indicator will be
retrieved from the database and will
be analyzed to see if it has a value of
'Y'. If it does, then this field will
display an "x", otherwise, this field will
be blank. An "x" in this field indicates
that all the certification questions
have been answered by the vendor.
The plant locations for which the
vendor has already entered bids into
the system are retrieved from the
database and displayed here. The
locations which have entered bids will
be displayed in ascending order. If
the vendor has not entered bids for
any plant locations, then this field will
be blank.
The bid capacity indicator will be
retrieved from the database and will
be analyzed to see if it has a value of
'Y'. If it does then this field will
display an "x", otherwise this field will
be blank. An "x" in this field indicates
that at least one capacity value has
been entered into the system for
every combination of plant location
and product that the vendor is
bidding on.
The bid submit date and time
retrieved from the database will be
displayed in this field. This field
indicates the date and time at which
a bid for an announcement/invitation
was submitted by the vendor. If a bid
has not been submitted by the
vendor for a given
announcement/invitation, this field
will be blank.
The Comments field displays
information about the bid or
The following is a list of the
messages that might be displayed:

*** Closed *** - The USDA
user has opened the
announcement/invitation. If an
announcement/invitation is
closed, it means that the
USDA user has opened the
vendor's bid. The vendor will
be restricted in the actions that
can be performed on the bid
after it has been closed for



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that announcement/invitation.
The vendor will be able to go
to the view bid page to view
the bid details, and the
authorize change page to
authorize a change if the
USDA user has requested an
authorize change.
'You need to Authorize a
change' - The vendor is
requested to complete the
authorize change page for this
'Your bid has been modified
since it was last submitted.'
- The vendor will need to resubmit the bid for the changes
to be considered during bid
'Your acceptance wire is
ready for viewing' - If the
logged in vendor is a
corporation and USDA has
published an acceptance wire
for the vendor then this
message will be displayed.
Also, if the logged in vendor is
not a corporation and USDA
has published an acceptance
wire for the corporation vendor
related to the logged in
vendor, then this message is
'Your order wire is ready for
viewing' - If the logged in
vendor is a corporation and
USDA has published an order
wire for the vendor then this
message will be displayed.
Also if the logged in vendor is
not a corporation and USDA
has published an order wire
for the corporation vendor
related to the logged in
vendor, then this message is

[Return to Invitation Select]
[Top of Page]

The Vendor (Invitation Select)


May Select an announcement/invitation to work on by clicking on the select field radio button and clicking on the bid
process button on menu system.
Can go to the acceptance wire or order wire screens for a given announcement/invitation by clicking on the respective
menu buttons on top of the screen once the acceptance wire and order wire have been published.
{ If the vendor clicks on the acceptance wire button on the menu before the acceptance wire has been published, an
error message will be displayed stating "Acceptance wire has not been published".
{ If the vendor clicks on the order wire button on the menu before the order wire has been published, an error
message will be displayed stating "Order wire has not been published".



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When the vendor selects a master or shortfall invitation and clicks on the acceptance wire button on the menu, all
the acceptance wire information for the invitation will be retrieved and displayed on the acceptance wire screen.
When the vendor selects an invitation and clicks on the order wire button on the menu, all the order wire
information will be retrieved and displayed on the order wire screen. The order wire screen will display all order
wires for the vendor.

Exchange vendors will be allowed access only to exchange invitations. Once the vendor selects an invitation from the
page and clicks on any button on the menu, the system will check to see if the vendor is an exchange vendor. If yes, then
the system will check to see if the invitation selected is an exchange invitation. If not, then an error message will be
displayed saying "Exchange vendors are allowed access to only exchange invitations. Please select an exchange
invitation to proceed."
Non exchange vendors will be allowed access only to non exchange invitations. If a non exchange vendor logs in and
selects an exchange invitation on this page and clicks on any menu button, then an error message will be displayed saying
"Access to exchange invitations not allowed for non exchange vendors. Please select a non exchange invitation to
If a corporation vendor is logged in and if that corporation does not have any associated plants in LTCS, then an error
message will be displayed when the bid process menu button is clicked saying "Corporation vendor does not have any
associated plants in LTCS. Corporation vendor is not allowed to bid."

[Return to Invitation Select]
[Top of Page]

Bid Process
[Price] [Copy Price] [Capacity] [Certification] [View Bid] [Submit Bid] [Withdraw Bid] [Authorize Change]

[Page Navigation] [Page Specific Fields] [Creating or Updating a Bid] [Page Button]

Page Navigation (Bid Process)
The vendor can access the price page by selecting one of the announcement/invitations from the invitation select screen, then
clicking on the bid process menu button, then by clicking on the price button on the second menu line.
NOTE: If the vendor has already selected an announcement/invitation they can come to this page from the Certification, Capacity
or View pages.
Overview (Bid Process)
The Price Page displays a list of plant locations, products, and destinations that a vendor can enter bid prices for. The page is
primarily used by vendors to enter the bid price for delivering a product from one of their plant locations to any destination
anywhere in the state listed on the page. This page allows a vendor to bid on individual states, or all states by entering a price in
the Contiguous US price field. The vendor can only enter prices for one commodity at at time. Multiple plant locations for the
same vendor may enter a bid. Once the prices have been entered, vendors can only update their bids. The vendor must
complete the certification and capacity pages also for a submit bid to be successful.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Specific Fields: (Bid Process--Price)
The fields displayed on this page are as follows:
The announcement/invitation number



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along with amendment number (if
any), announcement type (if any) and
Announcement/Invitation announcement description are
displayed at the top of the page.
These values are retrieved from the

Location Dropdown

Product Dropdown


Product Comments

This displays a list of plant locations.
When a corporation vendor logs into
the system, this dropdown will display
a list of all the plant locations
associated with that corporation. If a
plant vendor logs into the system,
only that location will be displayed.
Plant locations are listed by location
number with the plant with the lowest
number selected as the default
plant. Vendors are only allowed to
select one location at a time.
This displays the list of products that
the USDA user has selected in the
commodity page. If a vendor is
coming to this page for the first time,
the first product retrieved from the
database will be selected by default.
Vendors are only allowed to select
one product at a time.
This displays a list of types or
preferences for the product selected
in the product dropdown field. The
first type or preference retrieved will
be selected as the default. If there
are no types or preferences
associated for the selected product,
the field will not be displayed.
Vendors are allowed to choose only
one type/preference (if displayed) per
product at a time. The preference or
type chosen for the product will apply
to all the states for which prices are
entered on the page.
This field displays comments related
to the product selected in the product
dropdown. These comments are
entered by the USDA user in the
commodity page. Based on the
product selected, the system will
check the availability of comments
associated with the product. If
comments exist they will be
displayed. Otherwise this field is not

This field displays the contiguous US
price for a combination of plant
location, product and preference (if
displayed). If there is a contiguous
US price existing for a location,
Contiguous US Price per product and preference, that price will
be displayed in this field. If no
contiguous US price exists or if the
vendor is coming to this page for the
first time, this field will be blank. If the
vendor enters a valid value in this
field, the system interprets this to
mean the vendor is willing to supply



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Price per LBS

the selected product and preference
from the selected plant location to all
50 states for the same price. This
field will accept any valid numeric
value to include both positive and
negative values, as well as zero. If
this field is left empty, the vendor is
not bidding a single price for all the 50
This field displays the list of
destinations selected from the
destination page which include both
domestic and offshore locations.
This field displays the bid price a
vendor is going to charge to deliver
the selected product for a particular
location, to any state in which the
price was entered. If there is a price
existing for a location, product,
preference (if displayed) and state,
that price will be displayed. If no price
exists or if the vendor is coming to this
page for the first time, this field will be
empty. This field will accept any valid
numeric values to include both
positive and negative values, as well
as zero. If this field is left empty, the
vendor is not bidding a price for the

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Creating or Updating a Bid (Bid Process--Price)
To create a new bid or update an existing bid:

Select a Location from the location dropdown.


Select a Product from the product dropdown.


Select a Preference from the Type/Preferences dropdown (if displayed).


For new bids:
{ The destination price fields OR contiguous US price field will be blank.


Either enter values in the destination OR contiguous price fields. In addition, enter any applicable offshore price

For existing bids:
{ If Contiguous US price is existing in the database, it will be displayed in the Contiguous US price field. All the state
price fields will not be displayed.

If no Contiguous US price is existing in the database, the existing state price fields will be retrieved from the
database and displayed against the corresponding state.


The vendor has the ability to change the existing price, remove the existing prices or enter new prices in the fields
which do not have any.



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Click on Update button in the menu.
Clicking on the Update button will cause the following steps to take place:
The system will check validations.

The application will
check to see if valid
values have been
entered in all the
price fields:


If Contiguous US price is
entered, the system will
validate the Contiguous US
price field entry to make
sure it is a valid numeric
price value. If not, it will
display an error message
saying "Please enter valid
numeric values in the
Contiguous US price field."
The system will check to
see if the state prices
entered are valid numeric
values. If not, it will display
an error message saying
"Please enter valid numeric
value in the state price

Then, the system will check to see if the bid is being
updated before or after bid open date and time.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Update process functionally before bid open date and time have passed: (Vendor Bid Process)

If a new bid is being created or a modified bid is being updated then all the page data will be read and the
database will be updated accordingly. All bids submitted before the bid open date and time will be marked as
on-line bids.


If a submitted bid is being updated then the system will create a new record in the database with the modified
data from the page and mark that bid as a modified bid. Whenever a vendor views that bid, only the modified
bid data will be displayed to the vendor.


If a submitted/modified bid is being updated and if new plants or products are added/deleted for that bid, then
the corresponding bid records are updated. The capacity records are left as is. So if a vendor has specified
capacities for "Total for all plants" or "Total for all products", then it would mean that the capacity includes all
the changed values from the price page.


If a submitted/modified bid is being updated and if all the price values for an existing plant and product
combination is deleted, then that price record is deleted from the database. If associated capacity or
certification records exist, then they are left as is.

Update process functionality after bid open date and time have passed:

A new bid cannot be created after the bid open date and time have passed. If a vendor tries to update the
price page after the bid open date and time have passed, and the vendor does not have any previously ontime submitted bids, the system will display an error message stating "Bid can not be updated after bid open
date and time."


If the vendor has at least one previously on-time submitted bid then the vendor will be able to update a bid
after the bid open date and time have passed, but before the USDA user opens the bids. Bids submitted
after bid open date and time will be marked as late bids.



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If the bid has been opened by the USDA user, the vendor will not be allowed to access this page.


If the vendor comes to the price page after the bid open date and time have passed, and if, at the same time
the USDA user opens the bid before the vendor has had a chance to update their changes, an error message
will be displayed to the vendor when they click on the update button saying that the bid cannot be updated
after bid open date and time.

If the vendor changes any data on the page and then clicks on any other button on menu then the system will display a message
stating "If you continue, you will LOSE your data! To save your data return and select update. Ok to continue, Cancel to return."
If the user confirms it, the system will save the page data to the database.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Button (Bid Process--Price)
After clicking this button all page validations and data validations
will be done. If the data is valid the system will update the
database. The vendor can update/add bid data for
unsubmitted/new bid by clicking this button. If vendor modifies a
submitted bid and then clicks this button the system will create a
new record for the updated/submitted bid.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

[Page Navigation] [Page Specific Fields] [Copying Data] [Page Button]

Page Navigation
The vendor can access this page by clicking the bid process menu button and then clicking on the copy price button in the
Overview (Copy Price)
The Copy Price Page is used by corporation vendors to copy the bid price data that has been entered into the system for one
of their plants to another one of their plants. A corporation vendor can only copy one plant's price data to one or more plants. The
capacity page and the certification questions answer data are not copied. The corporation must have entered at least one bid
price for a plant before coming to this page.
The plant locations that have existing price page data will appear in the copy from the drop down list. The plant locations that do
not have any existing price page data will appear in the copy to list box. A list of products and preferences will be shown with a
checkbox below the copy dropdown and listbox. The corporation vendor can then decide to remove some of the products or
leave them all as selected. When the corporation clicks on the copy price button, it will copy all the bid price data for the products
and preferences selected from the original plant location to the new plant location or locations.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Specific Fields (Copy Price--Bid Process)
Fields displayed on this page are as follows:



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number along with
amendment number (if
any), announcement type (if
Announcement/Invitation Number
any) and announcement
description are displayed at
the top of the page. These
values are retrieved from
the session.

Copy from Location Dropdown

This dropdown lists the
plant locations, for the
logged in corporation
vendor, which have bid
price data entered on the
price page. This prevents
overwriting data for a
combination of plant
location and product. Each
entry in the list consists of
the plant number, street
address, city and state of
the plant location. The
plant locations will be listed
in ascending order of the
plant numbers. The first
plant location listed will be
selected by default. There
has to be at least one plant
location with bid price data
existing for the corporation
vendor to come to this
page. If none of the
corporation vendor plant
locations have bid price
data existing and the
corporation vendor tries to
come to this page, the
system will display an error
message saying "Please
enter price page data for at
least one plant location
before coming to this page."

Copy to Location List Box

This list box lists the plant
locations, for the logged in
corporation vendor, which
do not have bid price data
entered on the price page.
This prevents overwriting
data for a combination of
plant location and product.
The vendor can select one
or multiple locations from
this list box. Each entry in
the list consists of the plant
number, street address, city
and state of the plant
location. The plant
locations will be listed in
ascending order of the plant
numbers. The first plant
location listed will be
selected by default. As and
when price page data is
copied from a plant in the



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copy from location
dropdown to one or more
plants in this list box, that
plant entry or various plant
entries are removed from
this listbox and they are
added to the copy from
location dropdown. If all the
plant locations in this list
have been copied, this list
box will display "All plant
locations copied."

Instructional Message

An instructional message is
displayed below the copy
from location and copy to
location dropdowns. This
message informs the user
about the selected plant
location in the copy from
location dropdown and an
instruction stating "deselect
checkbox below to prevent
a product from being copied
to the new location." The
location name in this
message is dynamically
generated based on the
plant location selected in
the copy from location

Product Table

The product table displays
the list of products and
preferences that have been
selected in the price page
for a plant location listed in
the copy from location
dropdown. This product
and preference list is
dynamically generated
based on the plant location
selected in the copy from
location dropdown. A
checkbox beside the
product name allows the
vendor to deselect products
for which the bid price data
need not be copied to the
new location. This
checkbox is selected by
default for all products
when the vendor selects a
copy from location. Using
this table the vendor
chooses the products which
need to be copied to the
new location.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Copying Data (Copy Price--Bid Process)
To copy data from one plant location to another, complete the following steps: (Copy Price)



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Select a plant location in the copy from location dropdown.


Select one or more plant locations in the copy to location list box.


Select/deselect products that need to be copied.


Click on Update button on the menu.

Once the bid price data has been copied from one plant location to one or more plant locations, that data will be visible in the price

If the vendor copies the data by mistake, then they have to go to the price page and manually blank out all the prices
and hit update to remove all the bid price data for that plant location and product combination.


If the vendor changes any data on the page and then clicks on any other button on menu, the system will display a
message stating "If you continue, you will LOSE your data! To save your data, return and select update! Ok to continue,
Cancel to return." If the user confirms it, the system will save the page data to the database.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Button (Copy Price--Bid Process)
After clicking this button all page validations will
be done. If the data is valid the system will
update the database, and the same prices are
copied from one plant location to another.


[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

[Page Navigation] [Page Specific Fields] [Steps to add/modify a capacity] [Functionality of Update Button] [Page Button]

Page Navigation
The vendor selects the announcement/invitation from the Select Invitation page. The vendor has to select locations and products
before entering the capacity form. After selecting locations and products in the price page the vendor can enter the capacity page
by selecting the capacity button on the menu.
Overview (Capacity--Vendor Bid Process)
The Capacity Page will present the vendor with a form to fill out capacity constraints according to plant location, delivery period,
and product. A vendor will be able to enter a quantity that will tie to the selections made in the list boxes for location and product.
This allows the vendor the flexibility to choose a particular capacity based on their needs. The plant locations and products that
have bids entered on the price page are displayed on the capacity page. A vendor will only be able to view this page if at
least one bid price has been successfully entered in the price page for the announcement/invitation. The vendor can
enter capacity for individual or multiple products at one or multiple locations on monthly or semi-monthly basis, for the delivery
periods selected by the USDA users in the delivery period page. A vendor should enter at least one capacity per product and
plant location to submit a bid. A vendor can add, update, or delete capacity on this page.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]



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Page Specific Fields: (Capacity--Bid Process)
If the vendor has existing capacity the data will show
Existing here. It will display a sequential number, plant number,
Capacity and the commodity and pack size description.
Delivery periods that are selected by USDA user in the
delivery period page will be displayed. Delivery periods
will be selected on a semi-monthly basis by the USDA
user in the delivery period page. The months
corresponding to these semi-monthly delivery periods
will be displayed as monthly delivery periods on this
This field specifies the maximum product quantity that
Delivery the vendor can supply for that particular monthly
Capacity delivery period.
Delivery This field specifies the maximum product quantity that
the vendor can supply for that particular semi-monthly
Capacity delivery period.
The capacity page displays the following: (Capacity--Bid Process)

Announcement/Invitation Number--The announcement/invitation number along with amendment number (if any),
announcement type (if any), and announcement description are displayed at the top of the page. These values are
retrieved from the session.


Capacity Dropdown--The capacity dropdown contains all capacities for a plant location and product that have been
created for the announcement/invitation. The dropdown will contain capacity details such as a sequential number and the
plant numbers for which capacities have already been created. If capacities have been created for the
announcement/invitation, this dropdown will default to the lowest sequential number. The delivery period capacity table
values displayed on the page will be dynamically generated based on the entry selected in this dropdown. There will also
be an entry named "***New***" for creating new capacities for the announcement/invitation. If there are no capacities
existing for the announcement/invitation, this dropdown will default to "***New***".


Location List Box--This list box contains all plant locations that have bids entered in the price page. The lowest plant
number location will be selected by default. If the vendor wants to enter capacity quantities for multiple plant locations at
the same time, the vendor can select multiple locations in the location list box. The vendor can also enter capacity values
for all the listed plant locations by selecting the "Total for all plants" option in the list box. The "Total for all plants" option
will be displayed only for corporation vendors who have selected more than one plant location in the price page. As and
when capacities have been created for a combination of one plant location and all corresponding products, that plant
location will be removed from this list.


Product List Box--This list box contains all products that have bids entered in the price page. The first product retrieved
from the database will be selected by default. If the vendor wants to enter capacity quantities for multiple products at the
same time, the vendor can select multiple products in the product list box. The vendor can also enter capacity values for all
the listed products by selecting the "Total for all products" option in the list box. There should at least be two products
listed in the product list box for the "Total for all products" option to be displayed. This list box will be dynamically
generated based on the plant location selected in the location list box. This means that the vendor will have to first
choose the plant location and then the product to enter capacities for. If a capacity has been created for a
combination of one plant location and one product, that product will be removed from this list box for that corresponding
plant location.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

The following table shows some scenarios and which values get shown in the location and product list boxes when
capacities have been created and when capacities have not been created: (Capacity--Vendor Bid Process)
Capacity has been

No Capacities have been



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List Box

List Box

If capacities have been
created for every
combination of a plant
location and all
products, then the plant
location will not be
displayed in this list. If
there is at least one
combination of a plant
location and one
product that has no
capacities created, that
plant location will be
listed on this list box.
If capacities have been
created for a
combination of a
product and a plant
location, then the
product will not be
displayed in this list.

If bid price data exists for a
plant location, that plant
location will be displayed in
the list box.

If bid price data exists for a
product, that product will be
displayed in the list box.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

The capacity page displays the following (continued): (Capacity--Bid Process)

Truck Size--The truck size field displays the number of pounds that a vendor truck can accommodate of a given product.
Different products will have different truck sizes. Depending on the product selected in the product list box, the truck size
for that product will be retrieved from the database and displayed. If the vendor chooses multiple products in the product
list box, this field will not be displayed. The capacity quantities entered by the vendor in the capacity fields will need to be a
multiple of the truck size value if a single product is selected. If not, a warning message will be displayed saying that the
capacity quantity needs to be a multiple of the truck size.


Month--The month is calculated based on the semi-monthly delivery periods that a USDA user has selected in the delivery
period page. So if the USDA user selects the semi-monthly delivery period of 01/01/2004 to 01/15/2004, an entry for
"January-2004" will be displayed in the month column.


Monthly Delivery Capacity (LBS)--The monthly delivery capacity displays the quantity of a product that the vendor can
deliver for the entire month. If the vendor has a previously entered monthly capacity in the database, that capacity will be
displayed. If there are no existing capacities or if the vendor is coming to this page for the first time, this field will be
defaulted to zero. A zero in this field means that the vendor cannot supply that product for this month. If a vendor
wants to supply an unlimited quantity of a given product for a given month, they have to enter 9 nines (999999999) in
the corresponding monthly delivery capacity field. Any positive number value other than 0, and 9 nines (999999999) in the
monthly delivery capacity field will indicate the exact capacity amount that the vendor is willing to supply for that product
and month. If the USDA user selects only a single semi-monthly delivery period for a given month, this field will not be
displayed. Example: If the USDA user selects the delivery period of 01/01/2004 to 01/15/2004 and does not select the
delivery period of 01/16/2004 to 01/31/2004 on the delivery period page, the textbox for January-2004 monthly capacity on
this page will not be displayed.


Delivery Period--This field displays all the semi-monthly delivery periods that have been selected by the USDA user in the
delivery period page for an announcement/invitation.


Delivery Period Capacity (LBS)--The delivery period capacity displays the quantity of a product that the vendor can
deliver for the semi-monthly delivery period. If the vendor has a previously entered delivery period capacity in the
database, that capacity will be displayed. If there are no existing capacities or if the vendor is coming to this page for the
first time, this field will display zero. A zero in this field means that the vendor cannot supply the selected product for
this delivery period. If a vendor wants to supply an unlimited quantity of a given product for a given delivery period,
they have to enter 9 nines (999999999) in the corresponding delivery period capacity field. Any positive number value
other than 0 and 999999999 in the delivery period capacity field will indicate the exact capacity amount that the vendor is
willing to supply for that product and delivery period.

[Return to Bid Process]



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[Top of Page]

The following table shows what the different values entered in the capacity fields mean to the system:
(Capacity--Bid Process)


Blank or



A number
between 0

Monthly Delivery
Capacity (LBS)
Invalid Value. Error
message will be
displayed saying that
the delivery period
capacity field cannot
be blank.
Vendor will not be
able to supply
anything for this
Unlimited quantity of
the selected product
can be supplied for
the entire month.
The entered number
of pounds of the
selected product can
be supplied for the
entire month.

Delivery Period Capacity
Invalid Value. Error message
will be displayed saying that
the delivery period capacity
field cannot be blank.

Vendor will not be able to
supply anything for the
delivery period.
Unlimited quantity of the
selected product can be
supplied for the delivery
The entered number of
pounds of the selected
product can be supplied for
the delivery period.

The vendor has to enter either the monthly or the delivery period capacity values but not both. The table below shows some of
the values that the vendor can enter into the capacity fields and how the system will interpret those values:





1st Half
2nd Half
What it means to the
Capacity Capacity Value
The vendor cannot
supply anything for the
delivery period.
XXX where
The vendor can supply
XXX is a
XXX pounds of the
selected product for
between 0
that 1st half delivery
XXX where
The vendor can supply
XXX is a value XXX pounds of the
between 0 and selected product for
that 2nd half delivery
XXX where
YYY where
The vendor can supply
XXX is a YYY is a value XXX pounds of the
between 0 and selected product for the
between 0
1st half delivery period
and YYY pounds of the
selected product for the
2nd half delivery
period. So the total
monthly capacity that
the vendor can supply
is the sum of XXX and



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XXX where
XXX is a
between 0



XXX where YYY where
XXX is a
YYY is a
between 0 between 0
999999999 999999999

XXX where
XXX is a
between 0



The vendor can supply
XXX pounds of the
selected product for the
entire month. The
vendor can supply any
amount of the selected
product during either
the 1st half delivery
period or the 2nd half
delivery period as long
as the quantities
supplied during these
delivery periods add up
to XXX.
Invalid. An error
message will be
displayed saying that
both monthly and
delivery period capacity
cannot be specified.
Enter either the
monthly or the delivery
period capacities but
not both.

YYY where
YYY is a value
between 0 and

Invalid. An error
message will be
displayed saying that
both monthly and
delivery period capacity
cannot be specified.
Enter either the
monthly or the delivery
period capacities but
not both.

XXX where YYY where ZZZ where ZZZ
XXX is a
YYY is a
is a value
between 0 and
between 0 between 0
999999999 999999999

Invalid. An error
message will be
displayed saying that
both monthly and
delivery period capacity
cannot be specified.
Enter either the
monthly or the delivery
period capacities but
not both.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

This page allows the vendor to select multiple plant locations and multiple products to bid on at the same time. The following
table shows some multiple select scenarios and how the system will interpret the corresponding capacity quantity values:
(Capacity--Bid Process)
Locations Products How the system interprets the capacity
Selected Selected
The capacity values entered are for the
selected combination of plant location and
product. The vendor will supply the entered
pounds of the selected product from the
selected plant location.
The capacity values entered are the sum of
capacities for all the products selected in
the list box. E.g. if plant 01 is selected in
the location list box, products A and B are



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selected in the product list box and 5 is
entered in the delivery period capacity field
corresponding to Jan 01 to January 15
delivery period, it means that the quantity of
product A + quantity of product B = 5 for the
delivery period Jan 01 to Jan 15. I.e. the
vendor can supply 5 pounds of product A
and B combined for that delivery period.
The capacity values entered are the sum of
capacities for all the plant location selected
in the list box. E.g. if plant 01 and 02 are
selected in the location list box, product A is
selected in the product list box and 5 is
entered in the delivery period capacity field
corresponding to Jan 01 to Jan 15 delivery
period, it means that the combined capacity
of plant 01 and 02 for product A for that
delivery period is 5 pounds and the vendor
can supply 5 pounds of product A during
that delivery period.
The capacity values entered are the sum of
capacities for all the plant locations and
products selected in the list box. E.g. if
plant 01 and 02 are selected in the location
list box and products A and B are selected
in the product list box, and 5 is entered in
Multiple the delivery period capacity field
corresponding to Jan 01 to Jan 15 delivery
period, it means that the combined capacity
of plant 01 and 02 for products A and B for
that delivery period is 5 pounds and the
vendor can supply 5 pounds of product A
and B combined for that delivery period.

The system will interpret the "Total for all plants" and "Total for all products" options in the location and product list boxes in a
similar manner as shown in the above table.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Steps to add a new capacity or to modify an existing capacity: (Capacity--Bid Process)
To add a new capacity for the announcement/invitation, do the following:

Select "***New***" in the capacity dropdown.


The location and product list boxes will display all the locations and selected products that have bid price data filled and
that have no capacity or zero capacity data existing in the database.


Select one or more plant locations in the location list box. "Total for all plants" can be selected if the vendor wants to enter
the total capacity for all the listed plant locations at the same time.


The product dropdown will be dynamically generated based on the location selected in the location list box. If capacity has
already been entered for a combination of plant location and product, that product will not be displayed in the product list


Select one or more products in the product list box. "Total for all products" can be selected if the vendor wants to enter the
total capacity for all the listed products at the same time.



Long Term Contracting

Enter capacity quantities in the fields corresponding to the delivery periods that the vendor wants.


Click on the update button.

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To modify an existing capacity for the announcement/invitation, do the following:

Select an existing capacity in the capacity dropdown. The vendor cannot select "***New***" to update an existing capacity.


The location list box will display the plant location or locations associated with the existing capacity. If the vendor wants to
associate additional plant locations with the existing capacity, then they will have to delete the capacity record by
clicking on the delete button on the menu and then create a new capacity with the original and additional plants selected.


The product list box will display the product or products associated with the existing capacity. If the vendor wants to
associate additional products with the existing capacity, then they will have to delete the capacity record by clicking on
the delete button on the menu and then create a new capacity with the original and additional products selected.


Modify the existing capacity quantities in the fields corresponding to the delivery periods that the vendor wants.


Click on the update button.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Functionality of the Update Button: (Capacity--Bid Process)
Clicking on the update button will cause the following steps to take place:

The system will check to see if the capacity being entered is a new or existing capacity. This is done by getting the value of
the capacity dropdown. If it is "****New***", then it is a new capacity. If it is any other value, it means an existing capacity
is being updated.


The system will validate all the capacity quantities entered on the page to make sure they are valid positive integers. If
invalid values are entered, the system will display an error message saying "Please enter valid values in the capacity


The system will validate for capacity data. Refer to Capacity scenario validations table.


For new capacities:
{ The system will create one capacity record for each capacity entered on the page, excluding the zero values, in the
database for that combination of plant location and product. The zero capacity records will be created in the
database once the bid is submitted.

Records will only be created for the combination of plant locations and products that the vendor selects and submits
capacities for on this page. If there are any combination of location and products that the vendor does not select, or
has no capacities entered, then an error message will be displayed when the vendor submits the bid. During the
submit process the system will check to see if capacities have been entered for every combination of location and
product selected in the price page for the announcement/invitation. If there is even one combination of product and
location that does not have any capacity entered, then the system will display an error message saying that "The bid
cannot be submitted because capacity does not exist for all combinations of location and product for this


Once the capacity has been successfully added to the database, the product entry for that capacity in the product
list box will be removed and if capacity has been created for every combination of the corresponding plant and listed
products, then that plant will also be removed from the location list box. A new entry will be added to the capacity
dropdown which will contain the newly generated sequential number and the plant number for the just added



Long Term Contracting

If a capacity is successfully created for a combination of single or multiple plant locations and a single or multiple
products, then the "Total for all plants" option will be removed from the location list box and "Total for all products"
option will be removed from the product list box for the corresponding plant locations.


If the vendor selects multiple locations and/or multiple products and successfully adds the capacity values to the
database, then the selected multiple products will be removed from the product list box and one entry will be added
to the capacity dropdown. The multiple locations will be separated from each other using '/' in the capacity drop
down entry. E.g. if the vendor selects plant 1 and 2 and products A and B and enters valid capacity values and
successfully adds them to the database, then products A and B will be removed from the product list box and a new
entry will be added to the capacity dropdown which will read "1-01/02".


If the vendor selects "Total for all plants" in the location list box and a single product in the product list box and
successfully adds the capacity values to the database, then the selected product will be removed from the product
list box so that the vendor cannot choose the same combination of "Total for all plants" and that product again. The
"Total for all products" option will also be removed from the product list box for that location. A new entry will be
added to the capacity dropdown which will read something like "2-Total for all plants".


If the vendor selects "Total for all products" in the product list box and a single plant location in the plant list box and
successfully adds the capacity values to the database, then the selected plant location will be removed from the
location list box. A new entry will be added to the capacity dropdown which will say something like "2- 01".


If the vendor selects "Total for all plants" in the location list box and "Total for all products" in the product list box and
successfully adds the capacity values to the database, then both the location and product list boxes will be emptied.
A new entry will be added to the capacity dropdown which will say something like "1-Total for all plants".


The system will also perform validations regarding bid open date and time as follows:
„ If the capacity is being created before bid open date and time, the system will get the values from the page
and update the corresponding database fields accordingly.


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After bid open date and time have passed, the vendor will not be able to access this page for new bids.

For existing capacities:
{ If the capacity is being updated for a submitted or modified bid before bid open date and time, the system will get the
modified values from the page and update the corresponding database fields accordingly.

If the capacity is being updated for a submitted or a modified bid after bid open date and time have passed, the
system will check to see if the bid has been opened by the USDA user:
„ If the bid has not been opened by the USDA user, and if the vendor has a previously on-time submitted bid
existing in the system, the vendor will be able to update the capacity details for the bid and resubmit the bid
as a late bid.


If the bid has been opened by the USDA user, an error message will be displayed saying that the bid cannot
be updated after bid open date and time have passed.

If the vendor comes to the capacity page after the bid open date and time have passed and if at the same time the
USDA user opens the bid before the vendor has had a chance to update their changes, an error message will be
displayed to the vendor when they click on the update button saying that the bid cannot be updated after bid open
date and time have passed.


If "Total for all plants" is selected in the location list box, "99" will be stored in the LTCS database as the plant code to
identify a "Total for all plants" capacity.


If "Total for all products" is selected in the product list box, "000000" will be stored in the LTCS database as the commodity
description code to identify a "Total for all products" capacity.

NOTE: If the vendor changes any data on the page and then clicks on any other button on menu then the system will display a
message stating "If you continue, you will LOSE your data! To save your data return and select update! Ok to continue, Cancel to
return". If the user confirms it, the system will save the page data to the database.



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[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Buttons (Capacity--Bid Process)


After clicking this button all page validations and data will be done. If the data is valid
the system will update the database. The vendor can update/add bid data for
unsubmitted/new bid by clicking this button. If vendor modifies a submitted bid and then
clicks this button the system will create a new record for the updated/submitted bid.


After clicking this button all page validations and data validations will be done. If the
data is valid the system will delete the capacity from the database. The vendor can
delete bid data for an existing capacity by clicking this button.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

[Page Navigation] [Certification Questions] [Page Button]

Page Navigation
The certification page is accessed by first selecting an announcement/invitation on the invitation select page on the vendor side.
Then by clicking on the bid process menu button and then the certification menu button on the 2nd row.
Overview (Certification--Vendor Bid Process)
The Certification Page displays a set of certification questions the vendor has to answer to complete the bid creation process for
a particular announcement/invitation. The purpose of the certification page at the vendor side is to select the vendor designation,
view the certification information, answer the certification questions or modify the existing answers.
On this page the vendor is able to view all the questions entered by the USDA user in the Invitation Process - Certification page at
the USDA side for a particular announcement/invitation. The vendor can either answer some, none or all the questions and
update the information using update button each time this page is accessed. There are six possible question response types;
free-form text, date, radio button, checkbox, list box and comment.
This page is filled out once per announcement/invitation. There should be at least one certification question per
announcement/invitation, but there is no maximum limit on the number of questions that may appear on this page. Once the
vendor completes answering all the questions this page need not be revisited unless the Vendor would like to modify the
answers. The questions will be sorted in the ascending order of the question number. The question number and question text are
displayed together.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Certification Questions: (Certification--Bid Process)
Updating the answers to the certification questions:
The vendor need not enter responses to all the questions before leaving this page. The vendor can update the data any time
by using the update button. The following validations are done regarding the bid open date and time:

If the vendor clicks on the update button before the bid open date and time of the invitation, the certification answers are
updated in the database.



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After the bid open date and time have passed:
{ A new bid cannot be created after the bid open date and time have passed. If a vendor tries to update the capacity
page after the bid open date and time have passed, and the vendor does not have any previously on-time submitted
bids, the system will display an error message stating "Bid can not be updated after bid open date and time."

If the vendor has at least one previously on-time submitted bid then the vendor will be able to update a bid after the
bid open date and time have passed, but before the USDA user opens the bids. Bids submitted after bid open date
and time will be marked as late bids.


If the bid has been opened by the USDA user, the vendor will not be allowed to access this page.

Anytime the vendor successfully modifies the certification answers for a bid, a message saying "Your bid has been modified" is
displayed against the bid on the vendor invitation select page to remind the vendor to submit the bid for the changes to be
considered for bid evaluation.
The vendor can change their designation by selecting the appropriate business size/type from the drop-down list box if the
selected one is incorrect.
The question response area are of different formats, different edits and validations depending on the type of the text area. Details
of these responses are listed in the edits/validations section. The question type is assigned by the USDA user on the Invitation
Process - Certification page while creating the question.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

The vendor has the ability to return to this page and change any previously entered response prior to bid opening.
(Certification--Bid Process)
Changes to the bid will apply when the vendor does one of the following:

Click the update button: When this button is clicked, field validations are performed. If an error is encountered an
appropriate error message is displayed and the changes are not saved. If there are no errors, data will be updated to the
data base. If there is no bid and the vendor comes to this page without entering the bid price and capacity data for this
announcement/invitation then a new bid is created. If the bid already exists then the bid certification question responses
are updated in the database.


Exit the page: When the vendor accesses this page and updates the data by changing the designation, or
entering/changing/deleting the responses to the questions and exits the page without updating the data, the system will first
check for the announcement/invitation status. If the status is 'RV' then the system will prompt saying : "Changes have been
made. Do you want to save the data?" The vendor can either choose to save data by clicking on the Yes button or
discard the changes by clicking on the No button and continue with other processes.

Amendment Process:
After an invitation has been successfully released to the vendor by the USDA user using the "USDA release to vendor" page, the
USDA user can add new certification questions on the "USDA certification" page. Anytime a new certification question is added
to a released invitation, the question is immediately available in the LTCS database and the new question is displayed on the
vendor certification page. If suppose, the vendor has already answered all the questions (the certification indicator in the LTCS
database is 'Y') and then the USDA user adds a question on the USDA certification page. Then the certification indicator in the
LTCS database is reset to 'N'. Then if the vendor tried to submit the bid using the submit bid page, an error message will be
displayed saying "All certification questions have not been answered. Please go back to the certification page and answer all the
questions". When the vendor goes back to the certification page, the vendor will see the additions made by the USDA user to the
original questions. The vendor can enter the appropriate answers and submit the bid.
Special Processing (Certification--Bid Process)
When the vendor comes to this page after selecting an invitation on the invitation select page for the first time and answers
capacity questions and updates it successfully, a new bid will be created in the database. The bid will get a bid status code of
"M". The USDA_ENTR_BID_IND field in the database will be set to "N" for vendor created bids.
Steps that allow the vendor to answer the certification questions or modify the existing answers:



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Select an announcement/invitation on the invitation select page


Click on the bid process menu button


Click on the certification menu button


Click on the Update button

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Button (Certification--Bid Process)


When the vendor clicks on this button, system will validate data and
check for the status of the announcement/invitation. If there are no errors
then the system will update the data.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

[Page Navigation] [Page Specific Fields] [Steps to View Bid] [Page Buttons]

Page Navigation
The vendor can access the view bid page by selecting the announcement/invitation from the invitation select page and clicking the
bid process button. Then by clicking on view/submit/withdraw button from the menu. The vendor can access this view page
from any of the following screens--Price, Capacity or Certification.
OVERVIEW (View Bid--Bid Process)
The View Bid Page displays all the bid details that have been entered by the vendor into the LTCS system for the
announcement/invitation. This page shows the price page details, capacity details and the certification questions and answer
details. It also displays the vendor's name, vendor's address, announcement/invitation number, amendment number (if any),
announcement type (if any), announcement description, bid open date and time, submit date and time and last updated date and
time. This page displays the latest modified or submitted bid data. This page is used by the vendors to view all the details of
their bid before they submit or withdraw the bid.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Specific Fields (View Bid--Bid Process)
This page is divided into five main sections and is explained in more detail below:
1) Vendor name and address---The name and address of the vendor who created the bid is retrieved from the database and is
displayed at the top of the page.
2) Announcement number and various date and time details---This section consists of the following fields:

Announcement/Invitation Number: The announcement/invitation number along with amendment number (if any), and
announcement type (if any) are displayed at the top of the page. These values are retrieved from the session.



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Announcement Description: The announcement description for the announcement/invitation is retrieved from the session
and displayed.


Open Date/Time: The open date and time for the announcement invitation is retrieved from the database and displayed.
This date and time represents the date and time before which the vendor will be able to submit an on-time bid. USDA user
can open the bid at any time after this date and time.


Submitted at: This field displays the date and time at which the bid for the announcement/invitation was successfully
submitted. If the bid was never submitted, this field will be blank. If the bid was submitted and then modified by the vendor,
this field will be blank.


Last updated at: This field displays the date and time at which the bid for the announcement/invitation was last updated. If
this field is displayed, the submitted at field should be blank. This field will be blank if the bid has been successfully
submitted and no changes have been made to the bid after the submission.

3) Price page data---The plant location, product, product comment, preferences, destinations and price per LBS selected and
entered by the vendor on the price page for the given announcement/invitation are displayed in this section. This section is
subdivided based on each plant location that has been selected in the price page. These plant location sub-sections are further
divided by tables based on plant location and product combination. For every combination of plant location and product there is a
separate table. The table lists details such as plant location, product, product comments, type/preference of the product,
destinations and prices. Only the values that are entered on the price page are displayed here. All the data is retrieved from the
database and displayed here. At the bottom of each table, the total number of states bid on is displayed. If there is no bid
price data entered by the vendor in the price page, this section will be blank.
4) Capacity data---The capacity data entered by the vendor on the capacity page are displayed. It lists the capacity details such
as plant location, product, delivery period and capacity quantity. This section is subdivided into tables. A table is created for
every combination of plant location and product entered on the capacity page. All the zero capacity records are also displayed.
All the data to be displayed is retrieved from the database. If there is no capacity data entered by the vendor in the capacity page,
this section will be blank.
5) Certification Questions and Answers---The certification questions that the USDA user selects in the USDA side certification
page are displayed in this section along with the answers entered by the vendor for each of those questions in the vendor
certification page. All the certification questions including the ones that are not answered by the vendor will be displayed here. If
there are no certification questions created by the USDA user for an announcement/invitation, this section will be blank.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Steps to View Bid: (View Bid--Bid Process)
Steps that allow the vendor to view their bid:

Select an announcement/invitation on the invitation select page


Click on the bid process menu button


Select the "view/submit/withdraw" button


Click on the Print button

NOTE: The vendor will be able to print the bid details, submit the bid, or withdraw the bid on this page.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Buttons (View Bid--Bid Process)



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The vendor can print this page for their records by clicking on this button.


The vendor can submit the bid by clicking on this button. This will bring up a pop up
window asking if they are sure that they want to submit the bid. The submit process is
explained in the submit section of this document.

The vendor can withdraw the bid by clicking on this button. This will bring up a pop up
Withdraw window asking if they are sure that they want to withdraw the bid. The withdraw
process is explained in the withdraw section of this document.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

[Page Navigation] [Page Specific Fields] [Steps to Submit Bid] [Page Button]

Page Navigation
The vendor can access this page by selecting an announcement/invitation on the invitation select page and then clicking on the
bid process menu button. Under bid process menu options, the vendor has to select the "view/submit/withdraw" button and
then the submit button to come to this page.
Overview (Submit Bid--Vendor Bid Process)
The Submit Bid Page will allow the vendor to submit their bid for the announcement/invitation selected on the invitation select
page. Once the vendor hits the submit button on the menu, the system will display a confirmation window which will ask the
vendor to confirm that they really want to submit the bid. If the user confirms it, then the bid is submitted and if there are no errors,
a message appears stating the bid has been successfully submitted and gives the date and time the bid was submitted. If the
vendor clicks on the 'Cancel' button, the bid will not be submitted and the vendor will be transferred to the invitation select page.
It will also tell the vendor to print a copy of the bid for their records. The bid data will be shown below the message, and a print
button will appear on the third menu line.
Before the bid is submitted, the system validates that the price data, capacity and certification data have been entered for the bid.
If not, then the system will display appropriate error messages. When the vendor successfully submits a bid, the bid status code
of the bid changes from "M" to "S" for on-time submitted bids and to "L" for late bids. The USDA_ENTR_BID_IND field in the
database will be set to "N" for vendor crated bids.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Specific Fields (Submit Bid--Bid Process)
The view bid portion is divided into the following four sections, and displayed in a tabular format.

The header section will list the vendor's name, vendor's address, announcement/invitation number, amendment number,
announcement type, announcement description, open date and time, the date/time of bid submission and the date/time of
Last Update (if applicable).


The bid price section will list all entries from the price page by plant location then product.


The capacity section will list all the capacity quantities entered on the capacity page.


The certification section will list the certification question numbers, questions, and the answers entered on the
certification page.

[Return to Bid Process]
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Steps to Submit Bid: (Submit Bid--Bid Process)
The following steps allow the vendor to submit their bid:

Select an announcement/invitation on the invitation select page


Click on the bid process menu button


Select the "view/submit/withdraw" button


Select the submit button


Click on the Print button

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Button (Submit Bid--Bid Process)


The vendor can print the submit message and the bid details for their own
records by clicking on the print button.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

[Page Navigation] [Business Functions] [Steps to Withdraw Bid] [Page Button]

Page Navigation
The vendor can withdraw a bid by selecting an announcement/invitation on the invitation select page and then clicking on the bid
process button, then clicking on the "view/submit/withdraw" button on the second menu line and then clicking on the
"withdraw" button on the third menu line.
Overview (Withdraw Bid)
The Withdraw Bid Page will allow the vendor to withdraw their bid for the announcement/invitation selected on the invitation
select page. This page will check to see if the bid has been successfully submitted before withdrawing the bid.
When the vendor clicks on the Withdraw button on the window, a window will appear asking 'Are you sure you want to
WITHDRAW the selected bid?' with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons.

If the vendor clicks on the 'OK' button a message will appear stating the announcement/invitation number, amendment
number, announcement type, announcement description, has been successfully withdrawn and deleted and gives the date
and time.


If the vendor clicks on the 'Cancel' button the vendor will be returned to the invitation select page.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Business Functions (Withdraw Bid--Bid Process)



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The following validations regarding bids being opened by the USDA user will also be done.
Withdraw process functionality before bid open date and time.

The vendor will be able to withdraw a bid that has been submitted.


The bid will be marked as "withdrawn" in the database. The bid will be logically deleted from the database and not
physically deleted.

Withdraw process functionally after bid open date and time.

After the bid open date and time has passed, the vendor will not be allowed to access any of the bid process pages.


If the vendor still wants to withdraw the bid, they will have to notify USDA to ignore the bid.

If all the above validations pass, the bid will be successfully withdrawn and the following message will be displayed on the screen:
"This bid has been successfully withdrawn:" and the date and time will be displayed.
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Steps to Withdraw Bid: (Withdraw Bid--Bid Process)
The following steps allow the vendor to withdraw their bid:

Select an announcement/invitation on the invitation select page


Click on the bid process menu button


Select the "view/submit/withdraw" button


Click on the withdraw button


Click on the Print button

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Page Button (Withdraw Bid--Bid Process)


The vendor can print the withdraw message for their own records
by clicking on the print button.

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

[Page Navigation] [Steps to Authorize a Bid Change] [Page Button]

Page Navigation



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The authorize change page is accessed by selecting the invitation from the invitation selection menu that has the authorize
change message listed in the comments fields, then clicking the bid process button on the main menu. Then click the "Authorize
Change" button on the sub menu.
Overview (Authorize Change--Bid Process)
The Authorize Change Page allows the vendor to authorize a change to their bid which was requested by the USDA user. After
the bids are opened, but before the announcement/invitation goes to "Contract" (CT) status, the USDA user may need to contact a
vendor to clarify a bid. When the USDA user reviews a bid and finds some discrepancies or problems with the bid, the USDA user
might want to make changes to the bid in order to make it a valid bid. If this clarification requires a change to the bid, the vendor
must provide a written note to explain and authorize the change. The vendor authorize change page provides that function. The
USDA user will discuss the changes needed with the vendor and then set the authorize checkbox in the bid maintenance page.
This will cause an authorize change message to be displayed in the authorize change button and approve the changes
requested using the authorize change page.
The vendor can only access this page when a USDA user checks and updates the Auth. Chg checkbox on the bid maintenance
page of the USDA bid process application. When this field is checked, a comment stating 'You need to authorize a change to you
bid' will display on the vendor invitation select page. The vendor can then select that announcement/invitation and click on the
authorize change button to access this page.
The vendor is presented with a text box to explain what they have discussed with the USDA user and what they authorize the
USDA user to change on their bid. Once the vendor has entered their comments, they can click on the update button. This
will validate that something was entered in the text box. If the validation is successful, the comments and the date/time stamp will
be stored on the LTCS database with the bid. The authorize change comment on the vendor invitation select page will be reset to
blank which will prevent the vendor from accessing the vendor authorize change page unless a USDA user checks the Auth. Chg
checkbox again on the USDA bid maintenance page. If the vendor clicks on the "Authorize Change" menu button without the
Auth. Chg checkbox being checked in the USDA bid maintenance page, the system will display an error message stating
"Authorize change page is not accessible for this bid."
When the vendor clicks on the update button, the system checks to see if any data has been entered into the textbox. If not, it will
display an error message saying "This Text Area Field Requires Information In It."
There is nothing in the system that forces the vendor to respond the USDA's request to enter Authorize Change comments.
Authorized change comments cannot be modified by either the vendor or the USDA users.
NOTE: The USDA can enter multiple comments on the USDA Bid Process - Bid Maintenance page. The USDA user does not
have to request the vendor to enter authorized change comments (by clicking on the Auth. Chg checkbox) in order to enter a
[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Steps to Authorize a Bid Change (Authorize Change--Bid Process)
The following steps allows the vendor to authorize a change to their bid:

Select the invitation from the invitation selection menu that has the authorize change message listed in the comments


Click the bid process button on the main menu


Click the "Authorize Change" button on the sub menu


Click on the Update button

[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]



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Page Button (Authorize Change--Bid Process)
When the vendor clicks this button, validations will be performed. The validation
will only verify that something was entered in the text box. If no data was
entered, an appropriate error message will be displayed to the vendor on the
vendor authorize change page. If there are no errors, the comments will be
stored with the bid and the vendor will be transferred to the invitation select
page. The authorize change flag is reset so the vendor can no longer access
the authorize change page and the comments requesting the authorize change
displayed on the invitation select page will be removed.


[Return to Bid Process]
[Top of Page]

Acceptance Wire
[Page Navigation] [Steps to Display an Acceptance Wire] [Page Button]

Page Navigation
This page can be accessed by selecting an invitation from the vendor invitation select page and then clicking on the acceptance
wire menu button.
OVERVIEW (Acceptance Wire)
The Acceptance Wire Page displays the acceptance wire created by the USDA user for the vendor for the
announcement/invitation. The acceptance wire page will only be accessible to vendors who have won yearly awards for at least
one commodity and for whom an acceptance wire has been created and released. If no acceptance wire has been created or if
one has been created by not released, then the system will display an error message saying "No acceptance wire has been
created for the announcement/invitation." This page displays details such as the contract date, contract number and the awarded
commodity. It also displays the minimum and maximum quantity required by USDA for each commodity type and pack size
awarded to the vendor.
[Top of Page]

Steps to Display an Acceptance Wire (Acceptance Wire)
Perform the following steps to display the acceptance wire created by the USDA user:

Select an invitation from the vendor invitation select page


Click on the acceptance wire menu button


Click on the Print button

[Top of Page]

Page Button (Acceptance Wire)

The print button allows the user to print the acceptance wire.

[Top of Page]



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Order Wire
[Page Navigation] [Steps to Display an Order Wire] [Page Button]

Page Navigation
This page can be accessed by selecting an invitation from the vendor invitation select page and then clicking on the order wire
menu button.
OVERVIEW (Order Wire)
The Order Wire Page displays the order wire created by the USDA user for the vendor. The order wire page will only be
accessible to vendors who have won monthly awards for at least one commodity and for whom order wire has been created and
released. If no order wire has been created and released or if one has been created but not released, then the system will display
an error message saying "No order wire has been created for the announcement/invitation." This page displays order wire text
entered by the USDA user and also the ordered quantities for the first and second half of the month for each awarded pack size.
If an order wire has been created for multiple months, then all the first half and second half delivery periods of all the months will
be listed.
[Top of Page]

Steps to Display an Order Wire (Order Wire)
Perform the following steps to display the order wire created by the USDA user:

Select an invitation from the vendor invitation select page


Click on the order wire menu button


Click on the Print button

[Top of Page]

Page Button (Order Wire)

This print button allows the user to print the order wire.

[Top of Page]

The Links page displays a list of external websites that can be accessed from within the LTCS system. Once the Links button is
pressed, another browser window will open with the list of available websites. Selecting an available website will cause the site to
be displayed in the new browser window. Closing the window will return the user to the LTCS system. The websites listed are
maintained in the COS system.
Page Buttons (Links)

The Page Buttons for the Links page are dynamically created and dependent on the website defined for LTCS within the
COS system.



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[Top of Page]

Online Help
[Overview] [Printing Help Topics]

Online Help is provided as the first means of supporting your use of LTCS. If this source does not contain the answers to your
questions, please contact one of the following:

Normal USDA contacts


Refer to the Logon Page for additional contact information.

Online Help utilizes a hypertext format. Hypertext documents are files created in an electronic format which allows you to move
quickly and easily from one part of a document to another. This is done by creating hotspots (jumps) which are activated by the
mouse pointer. When the pointer is placed over a hotspot, it becomes a pointing hand. With this hand (pointer) displayed, left
click the mouse and the selected topic will display.
LTCS has been designed to get maximum user of the mouse, i.e., drop down menus which allow a "point & click" selection. A
Navigation Bar provides smooth transition through the LTCS application. We suggest you not use the forward or backward
buttons on browser toolbar. Forward/Back buttons pull from your browser's cache storage and may not accurately display your
last action. The Navigation bar works in sync with the LTCS application and the USDA server and best depicts the actions you
have taken.
[Top of Page]

Printing Help Topics (Online Help)
The print function will be activated from the browser. The command is probably File, Print or File, Print Frame. LTCS utilizes a
limited number of topics allowing a convenient printing of Online Help for reference during the initial learning period. While screen
displays allow you to move easily between topics, it will be necessary to print each topic separately. The three topics include:
LTCS Online Help, QuickSteps, and Menu Options.


Open the Topic you wish to print.
Click the mouse within the topic content.
This is important, otherwise you get the frameset but not content.
Choose: File, Print



Choose: File, Print Frame
(...varies by browser...)
Online Help will open to LTCS Online Help. Once you've printed this,
use the mouse to jump to each remaining topic and print those as well.

[Top of Page]



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Titlehttps://indianocean.sc.egov.usda.gov/Domestic/Domestic-Help/LTC
File Modified2008-02-12
File Created2008-02-12

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