2 instrument

Evaluation of User Satisfaction with NIH Internet Sites

NIDDK_1301_05_User_Track_Survey Instrument

African-American Women, Community Health Educators

OMB: 0925-0486

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OMB # 0925-0486-1301-05
Exp. 07/31/2010

NIDDK NKDEP’s Family Reunion Initiative Web site User Satisfaction Survey (User Track)

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0486). Do not return the completed form to this address.

Thank you for choosing to take part in NKDEP’s survey about the Family Reunion Initiative and Family Reunion Health Guide. This survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Please be assured your identity and answers will be kept confidential and not shared with anyone outside the study. Once again, thank you for your time.

  1. How did you view or receive the Family Reunion Health Guide (select all that apply).

I downloaded part or all of Guide from the NKDEP Website.

I ordered a printed copy.

Someone gave one to me.

Other: Please specify: _______________________________________________

  1. What did you do with the Guide? (Select all that apply.)

I read or skimmed through it.

I used it to plan an activity at a family event.

I gave it to a family member so she/he could plan an activity.

I encouraged friends to check out the Guide.

I promoted the Guide to people I work with, or people who are members of an organization I belong to.

I distributed the Guide to 50 or more people.

Other: Please specify ___________________________________________________

I don’t know.

  1. How did you learn about the Guide?

Through a search engine (e.g., Yahoo!, Google, etc.)

NKDEP Website or eNewsletter

Another organization’s Website, newsletter, or email (If you select this response, please tell us the organization if you can remember it: ________________________________)

A friend, family member, or colleague

Church or other place of worship

An event (e.g., National Urban League conference)

A community worker

I don’t know

Other: Please specify: _____________________________________________________

  1. Did you personally use the Guide to help you plan an activity at your family reunion or other family gathering?

A) Yes

i) If yes, will you use it again?

Yes. Please briefly explain. _______________________

No. Please briefly explain__________________

ii ) If yes, have you or will you encourage others to use the Guide with their families?

Yes. Why? ______________________________________

No. Why not? _____________________________________

B) No

i) If no, why not? Please mark all that apply.

I gave it to another family member to plan an activity.

I didn’t learn about it and/or receive the Guide in time for the event

No time yet, but I plan to use it in the future

I didn’t feel I could do it well

It was too complicated

I don’t know

I felt my family wouldn’t like it

Diabetes and high blood pressure don’t affect many of my family members

It’s not my job to talk about health with family members

It didn’t feel appropriate to do at a family reunion or gathering

I’d rather not say

Other: Please specify: _________________________________

ii) What, if anything, would make you more likely to use the Guide in the future? For example, how should it be changed? ________________

C) I don’t know

D) Other: Please briefly explain: _______________________________________

  1. How do you rate the Guide in terms of the following factors?

Strongly disagree




Strongly agree

Don't Know

It is easy to read

It is useful

It is easy to use.

It is attractive.

It has all the information I need.

It includes language I can relate to

It includes images I can relate to.

If you would like, please use this space to explain your reasoning for any of the ratings ________

  1. You may remember that the Guide offered three approaches for sharing information with family members. Which approach or combination of approaches did you use? Select all that apply.

Note to Family Members

Individual One-on-one Discussion (Talking One-on-One)

15-minute “Make the Kidney Connection” Health Discussion

I used a combination of activities.
(If you can remember, please tell us what you did: ________________________________)

I created my own approach
(If you can remember, please tell us what you did:_____________________)

I don’t know

Other: Please specify ________________________________

  1. Which family gathering did you use to share information with your family members?

Family reunion

A holiday (Which one? _____________________)

An anniversary party

A birthday party

Other: Please specify: ______________________________

  1. Approximately how many family members did you reach with information? _____________________________

  1. How useful did your family find the information useful?

Very useful

Somewhat useful

Not very useful

Not at all useful

  1. During or at the end of your family event, did anyone tell you that he/she was planning to get tested for CKD as a result of the information you provided?



I don’t know/Not sure

Other: Please specify: _______________________________________________

  1. Do you know if anyone was tested for CKD as a result of your presentation, letter, discussion, etc.?



I don’t know/Not sure

Other: Please specify: _______________________________________________

  1. What giveaways would you have liked to be able to distribute during your reunion had they been available? ______________________________________________________

  2. When you completed the survey, you said you learned about the Guide through _____________. Can you tell me other ways that NKDEP might consider promoting the Guide?

  3. Would you recommend the Guide to your friends who are planning family gatherings?

Yes. Why? ________________________________________________________

No. Why not? ____________________________________________________

Once again, thank you for taking this survey!

ATTACH 1 – Guide user survey

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleNKDEP FRI user survey
Last Modified Bycurriem
File Modified2009-01-16
File Created2009-01-16

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