0590 ABSTRACTS_2004(Attachment A)

0590 ABSTRACTS_2004(Attachment A).DOC

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

OMB: 2125-0590

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Attachment A - FHWA Survey Abstracts


  1. Traveler Opinion and Perception (TOP) Survey – The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will conduct a national survey to determine the level of public satisfaction with characteristics of the nations roads and highways. The purpose of the survey is to gain a better understanding of transportation system performance from the user perspective. The information obtained from the survey will be used in the development of future improvement initiatives. Highway users (including drivers and passengers) will be surveyed. Survey of 2,500 respondents at 30 minutes.

  1. Work Zone Customer Satisfaction Survey – The Office of Operations (HOP) will conduct a national customer satisfaction survey to gauge the public’s attitude toward the current work zone status, to gauge their likely acceptance of newer approaches to alleviate some of the impacts from work zones, to identify their needs, and to assess the effectiveness of changes. The primary respondents would be the traveling public. Survey of 1,000 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. New Driver Highway Work Zone Safety and Awareness Survey – The Office of Operations (HOP) will conduct a national customer feedback survey to determine the effectiveness of new driver work zone safety and awareness toolkits in raising awareness of new drivers of the complexity of driving through work zones and ways to be a safer driver through work zones. New drivers aged 14-18 years old and driver education teachers will be surveyed. Survey of 1,000 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. Customer Satisfaction with Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Products – The Office of Safety (HSA) will conduct a customer satisfaction survey of those who have ordered various FHWA’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program materials (i.e., brochures, CD-ROMs, Manuals, web-based programs, etc) produced for FHWA Division offices, State and local agencies, and the general public. The information gathered will be used to gauge their effectiveness, and to help us develop other useful products in the future. Respondents include a sampling of customers who have ordered the materials from FHWA. Survey of 5,000 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. Safety of Shared-Use-Paths – The Office of Safety (HSA) will conduct a survey of users of non-motorized transportation facilities such as shared-use-paths. The information gathered will be used to measure and help improve the safety of these facilities for all users. The general public, specifically, people who use shared-use-paths (pedestrians, joggers, bicyclists, rollerbladers, etc.) will be surveyed. Survey of 5,000 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. Public Roads Readers Satisfaction Survey – The Office of Research, Development, and Technology (HRD) will conduct a nationwide survey of “Public Roads” readers to gauge overall reader satisfaction and solicit feedback for improvements on the quality and content of the magazine. “Public Roads” readers will be surveyed. Survey of 1,500 respondents at 15 minutes. (Will cancel OMB Approval No. 2125-0562).

  1. FHWA Report Readers Feedback Comment Card – FHWA will include a voluntary feedback comment card in some of its technical reports, data reports and other publications. For example, the Office of Environment, Planning, and Realty will include a comment card in its Transportation Air Quality Report to obtain feedback on the usefulness of the report. In addition, there will be approximately 20 similar voluntary feedback comment cards in other FHWA reports and publications. Responses will be used to assess the usefulness of the reports and for planning future reports. Any report reader will have the option to respond. Survey of 6,000 respondents at 5 minutes.

  1. FHWA Web Pages and Web-Enabled Resources Customer Satisfaction Feedback – FHWA will add a few questions to various FHWA web pages and web-enabled resources to obtain customer satisfaction feedback. For example, the Office of Administration will continue to use a web-based survey to survey customers visiting the FHWA public Website to ensure they are finding the information they need and to ask the users for ways to improve the website. In addition, there will be approximately 20 similar voluntary feedback pages in specific program areas on other FHWA web pages. Any FHWA web page user will have the option to respond. Survey of 6,000 respondents at 5 minutes.

  1. Customer Service Comment Card – The FHWA New Jersey Division office (HDA-NJ) will conduct periodic customer service surveys to determine the level of public satisfaction. The goal of these surveys is to assess the success of our efforts in providing quality data or information. The Division Office receives other external inquiries regarding various matters of public concern. The inquiries are promptly forwarded to appropriate Division staff for response. A voluntary customer service feedback card is attached to the Division’s response. The survey provides the Division with important information about the level of customer satisfaction resulting from the Division’s response to the inquiry. Respondents will normally be the general public. Survey of 100 respondents at 5 minutes.


  1. It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air Survey – The Office of Environment, Planning, and Realty (HEP) will conduct a national survey of its community partners to determine their satisfaction with the process and impact evaluation tools we have provided and to collect results of their evaluations. This information will be used to: 1) evaluate our materials and services and our community partners’ needs, 2) compare and contrast our partners’ evaluation results, so they can learn from each other and thereby improve their public education programs, and 3) help in the development of future resources and tools for our community partners. State, regional, and local transportation and air quality agencies will be surveyed. Survey of 100 respondents at 45 minutes.

  1. It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air Education Initiative – The Office of Environment, Planning, and Realty (HEP) will conduct a Web-based survey of the It All Adds Up Web site users to determine their satisfaction with the It All Adds Up materials and services. This information will be used to: 1) evaluate our materials and services and our community partners’ needs and 2) help develop improved services, messages, materials, and education initiatives. State, regional, and local transportation and air quality agencies; various state, local and private organizations; and the general public will be surveyed. Survey of 6,000 respondents at 5 minutes.

  1. State and Local Partner Satisfaction Survey – Realty – The Office of Environment, Planning, and Realty, will conduct a national survey of State departments of transportation and selected metropolitan planning organizations to determine customer satisfaction with the quality of services and products we provide in the area of realty. The information obtained from the survey will be used to evaluate strategic planning needs, research needs, customers' needs, relationships, service delivery and processes and to initiate improvement activities. State DOT, MPO, and various state, local and private organizations will be surveyed. Survey of 250 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. State and Local Partner Satisfaction Survey – Outdoor Advertising Control – The Office of Environment, Planning, and Realty, will conduct a national survey of State departments of transportation and selected metropolitan planning organizations to determine customer satisfaction with the quality of services and products we provide in the area of outdoor advertising control. The information obtained from the survey will be used to evaluate strategic planning needs, research needs, customers' needs, relationships, service delivery and processes and to initiate improvement activities. State DOT, MPO, and various state, local and private organizations will be surveyed. Survey of 250 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. Customer Satisfaction with Freight Access Survey – The Office of Operations (HOP) will conduct a national survey over a 3 year period to obtain customer feedback on the ability of the current North American freight transportation system, both as a whole and (as appropriate) by modal component, to provide respondents with safe, responsive, reliable, and cost-efficient transportation services appropriate to their particular provision of, or demand for, goods movement. Freight shippers, carriers, trade associations, and logistical support organizations will be surveyed. Survey of 600 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. Traffic Operations During Disasters Survey – The Office of Operations (HOP) will conduct a national customer feedback survey on how traffic operations are currently handled during disasters. The results will be used to increase the level of understanding between emergency and traffic managers and to guide the ITS deployment planning efforts. State departments of transportation will be surveyed. Survey of 50 respondents at 30 minutes.

  1. Use of Weather Information for Traffic Management – The Office of Operations (HOP) will conduct a national customer feedback survey to determine the ways in which traffic managers are using road weather information to manage highway operations. This information will provide valuable input into the Road Weather Management program, enabling the FHWA to focus its efforts on those activities that will lead to appropriate research and promotion of best practices. Traffic managers within state and metropolitan departments of transportation will be surveyed. Survey of 200 respondents at 20 minutes.

  1. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Customer Satisfaction Feedback Survey – The Office of Operations (HOP) will conduct a national customer survey to obtain feedback from practicing traffic engineers responsible for implementing the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices in their urban and suburban jurisdictions to identify areas of concern, so FHWA can then consider what actions might be justified and feasible, to improve safety and flexibility. Traffic engineers of selected local government jurisdictions in urban and suburban areas will be surveyed. Survey of 100 respondents at 30 minutes.

  1. Office of Operations Products and Services Customer Satisfaction Survey – The Office of Operations (HOP) will conduct national customer feedback surveys on technical content and layout of major technical guidance products and suggestions for improvement. These surveys will be included with or sent after distribution to recipients of major technical guidance products produced by HOP organizational units. Recipients of HOP technical guidance products, typically representatives of State and local governments, academia, and the private sector will be surveyed. Multiple surveys (approximately 4 per year) of up to 1,000 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. State and Local Partner Satisfaction Survey – The Office of Safety (HSA) will conduct a survey to determine current level of service and customer satisfaction with the program and products. The information obtained from the survey will be used to evaluate strategic plan deployment, customers' needs, relationships, service delivery and processes and to initiate improvement activities. The information will be also used to evaluate the products and services and overall program direction, and used to develop future products and services based on customer demand. State, local, and tribal governments as well as academia and private sector will be surveyed. Survey of 1,500 respondents at 20 minutes.

  1. Project Development Survey – The Office of Federal Lands Highway (HFL) will conduct a survey to collect information on customer satisfaction at the end of the final design phase of a construction project. It focuses on project design and development elements as well as Federal Lands Highway’s (FLH) management practices that lead to a final design. Its purpose is to check alignment of the project development process with customer expectations at the completion of the PS&E package. Results are used to increase customer and partner satisfaction. Partner agencies such as Park Service, Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife, and local government agencies will be surveyed. Survey of 250 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. Completed Project Survey – The Office of Federal Lands Highway (HFL) will conduct a customer satisfaction survey to gather data at the completion of the construction phase of a project. It allows FLH project managers to assess overall management as well as FLH technical performance from the viewpoint of the customer. It is used to check alignment of the construction contract administration process with customer expectations at the completion of the constructed project. Results are used to increase customer and partner satisfaction. Partner agencies such as Park Service, Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife, and local government agencies will be surveyed. Survey of 250 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. Program Administration Survey – The Office of Federal Lands Highway (HFL) will conduct a customer satisfaction survey to determine to what extent the program needs of FLH partner agencies and field Divisions are being met by the administrative practices of FLH. Survey measures degree of satisfaction and importance in 5 categories: 1) Program Strategy, 2) Program of Projects, 3) Funding, 4) Scope of Work, and 5) Program Support. The results of this survey provide useful information for planning future improvement strategies in the 5 categories assessed. Survey participants include partner agencies such as Park Service, Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife, and local governments. Survey of 100 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. Environmental Collaboration – The Office of Federal Lands Highway (HFL) will conduct a customer satisfaction survey to determine how well the needs of FLH partners, regulatory agencies, and interest groups are being met by the environmental compliance services delivered by FLH. The survey measures degree of satisfaction in 5 categories: 1) Project Collaboration, 2) Collaboration Practices, 3) Adequacy of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents, 4) Permit Compliance and 5) Mitigation. The results provide useful information for planning future improvement strategies in the 5 categories assessed. Federal land management, Federal and state regulatory agencies, and national environmental interest groups will be surveyed. Survey of 350 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. Indian Reservation Roads Survey – The Office of Federal Lands Highway (HFL) will conduct an administration survey to gather feedback from federally recognized tribes on their level of satisfaction with the Indian Reservation Roads Program. Tribal government agencies will be surveyed. Survey of 562 respondents at 30 minutes.

  1. The National Highway Institute Technical Training Customer Survey – The Office of Professional and Corporate Development (HPC) will conduct a survey to determine current level of service and customer satisfaction with the program and products. The information will be used to evaluate the products and services and overall program direction, and to develop future products and services. Representatives of the major customer focus areas, i.e. State DOT training coordinators, metropolitan planning organizations and a representative sampling of private sector organizations will be surveyed. Survey of 200 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. Local/Tribal Technical Assistance Program Customer Service Survey – The Office of Professional and Corporate Development (HPC) will conduct a survey to determine current level of service and customer satisfaction with the program and products. A determination will be made on the quality of products and services received from the Local Technical Assistance Program Centers and Tribal Technical Assistance Program Centers. The information will be used to evaluate the products and services and overall program direction, and used to develop future products and services. State, local, and tribal governments will be surveyed. Survey of 2,400 respondents at 20 minutes. (Will cancel OMB Approval No. 2125-0582).

  1. Research, Development and Technology Products and Services Customer Satisfaction Survey – The Office of Research, Development and Technology (HRD) will conduct a survey to determine customer satisfaction with the quality of services and products being delivered. The information obtained from the survey will be used to assist in evaluating service delivery and processes and to initiate improvement activities. Among those to be survey are state transportation agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, universities, cities, and consultants. Survey of 250 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. Quarterly Technical Service Teams Survey – The FHWA Resource Center (HRC) will use an electronic, web-based customer survey to be made accessible to primary customers of FHWA Resource Center (i.e., state departments of transportation, FHWA division offices and headquarters, transportation-related academia, and transportation consultants). The information collected will be used by the Resource Center to obtain customer feedback on the quality and effectiveness of the products and services offered to its customers. Survey of 1,500 respondents at 8 minutes.

  1. Construction Engineering Survey – The FHWA Resource Center (HRC) will use an electronic, web-based customer survey to be made accessible to primary customers of FHWA Resource Center's Construction & Project Management Technical Service Teams. The survey would be conducted to establish a baseline of construction engineering capability and technological needs in the state departments of transportation. Survey of 500 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. Hydraulics Engineering Survey – The FHWA Resource Center (HRC) will use an electronic, web-based customer survey to be made accessible to primary customers of FHWA Resource Center's Geotechnical & Hydraulics Technical Service Teams. The survey would be conducted to establish a baseline of hydraulic engineering capability in the state departments of transportation. Survey of 500 respondents at 12 minutes.


  1. State DOT and MPO Partner Satisfaction Survey – The 52 FHWA Division offices (HDA) and the Office of Professional and Corporate Development (HPC) will conduct surveys to determine Agency partner satisfaction with the quality of services and products FHWA provides. The information obtained from the surveys will be used to evaluate strategic plan deployment, customers' needs, relationships, service delivery and processes and to initiate improvement activities. Among those to be surveyed are state transportation agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, various state, local and private organizations, and the general public. Survey of 7,800 respondents at 15 minutes.

  1. Georgia Division State and Local Partner Satisfaction Survey – The FHWA Georgia Division office (HDA-GA) will conduct a survey as a follow up to the nationally consolidated FHWA State DOT and MPO Partner surveys. The goal of the survey is to provide in-depth information on customer satisfaction with the quality of services and products we provide. The information obtained from the survey will be used to evaluate strategic plan deployment, customers' needs, relationships, service delivery and processes and to initiate improvement activities. Respondents will be from the State DOT and MPO. Survey of 30 respondents at 45 minutes.

  1. Idaho Division Customer Satisfaction Survey – The FHWA Idaho Division office (HDA-ID) will conduct a survey to obtain customer satisfaction feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the work efforts of the Division. The information obtained from the survey will be used to initiate improvement activities. State DOT, MPO, and Federal and State resource agencies will be surveyed. Survey of 200 respondents at 10 minutes.

  1. Wyoming Division Customer Feedback – The FHWA Wyoming Division office (HDA-WY) will conduct a generic survey to determine customer expectations and preferences of the Division office. The information obtained from the survey will be used to develop mechanisms to improve product and services delivery in response to customer expectations and preferences. Respondents will be from the State DOT, MPO, Federal agencies, Local Technical Assistance Program Centers, Local governments and Native American Reservations. Survey of 34 respondents at 15 minutes.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleATTACHMENT – Tentative list of FHWA Customer Satisfaction Surveys (As of October 18, 2001)
Last Modified Bymichael.howell
File Modified2008-05-30
File Created2008-05-30

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