Core Questionnaire


Study To Assess Hepatitis Risk (STAHR)

Core Questionnaire

OMB: 0920-0804

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Study to Assess Hepatitis Risk

Attachment 4

Core Questionnaire

Form Approved:

OMB #: 0920-XXXX

Expiration Date

Core Questionnaire

STAHR HCV Risks Assessment

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 55 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: CDC Information Collections Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (XXXXXXXX).

Qa. Computer number

__ __

Qb. Staff initials / ID

__ __ __

Qc. Screener ID Number:


Q1. Enter the Participant ID. (This should be provided by the attendant) __ __ __ __ __

The survey you are about to complete will be given to you by the computer. You will enter your answers directly into the computer yourself. No one will see what you answer. A study staff will be available to answer any questions you may have, but will not see what you answer. The questions will appear on the screen while you listen to them being read to you through a pair of headphones.

Depending on your personal experiences, this interview could take up to thirty minutes to complete.

It is very important that your answers be as accurate as possible because the information we gather from you will be used to help educate others. If you are having trouble with any question, you may ask any study staff member for help.

Now press "Next Question" to go on.

A training module will give you an idea of the different types of questions you will see during the interview, and will give you a chance to ask the staff any questions before you get started. Use the "Next Question" button to advance to the next element of the survey. Now, use the mouse to click on the "Next Question" button to begin.

Q2. Would you like to go through the training module?

1 Yes

0 No (Skip to instruction before A1)

Q3. Some questions will ask you to choose an answer from a list of possible answers. These answers appear in boxes like those pictured below. Each box has a different answer written in it. When a box has your answer in it, click on that box. Try this now, by clicking "Box A" below. (Choose only one)

1 Box A

2 Box B

3 Box C

4 Box D

Q4. Another example of a question using box answers is below. Please answer the following question: What is your favorite color? (Choose only one)

1 Red

2 Blue

3 Green

4 Yellow

5 Purple

6 Pink

7 Orange

The previous question asked you to choose just one answer. However, some questions will ask you to choose more than one answer. These are called "Check all that apply" responses. The following screen has an example of this type question.

Q5. Please answer the following question: "Which of the following are days of the week?" After you have chosen your answers, you must click the "Next Question" button to move to the next screen. (Check all that apply)

__ Monday

__ December

__ Saturday

__ Sunday

__ April

__ Earth

__ Thursday

Q6. Another type of question will ask you to give a number for an answer. For example, if I were to ask how many days are in a week, you would answer "7." Please try this now by clicking the box with the number "7" below. When you are done, click "Next Question" to move to the next screen.

Q7. Some number answers may be large. For example, if you wanted to answer 107, you would click the boxes with the numbers "1" then "0" then "7". Try this now, and then click "Next Question."

Q8. If you enter the wrong number and want to change your answer, click the button with the word "Clear" written in it. Try this now by entering a number below, then click the "Clear" button. When the number is erased enter another number. Then, click "Next Question."

Q9. Some questions will ask for a date. To tell us what day is today, you would click on the arrow boxes until you get to today’s date. Boxes with one arrow change the day, month or year by 1. Boxes with two arrows change by larger amounts. Try this now by telling us what day is today.

1/1/2008 – 1/1/2010 = mm/dd/yyyy

__ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / dd / yyyy

Q10. Some questions will ask that you type in an answer. This screen will allow you to type in an answer you want. To do this you click on the letters until the answer is spelled out completely. Try this now by entering below what your favorite food is.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

In some questions where you type in the answer, you may need to answer with more than one word. To put a space between words, you would click on the empty box to the right of the text alphabet. In some answers you may need to use a comma (,) or period (.) or even a number. There is a button which allows you to do this. It is the "ALT" button.

Q11. Next to the alphabet, the space button is on the bottom and the "ALT" button is above it. Click the "ALT" button now - and the alphabet is replaced by numbers and punctuation marks. Click the "ALT" button again - and the alphabet returns. For practice, type the following: 10 Main Street, USA

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Last, there may be some questions which you don't know the answer to, that you do not want to answer, or may not apply to you. There are buttons which you can click in these situations. The next screen shows you where these buttons are.

Q12. On the right hand side of the screen near the top are the "Don't Know", "Refuse to Answer" and "Not Applicable" buttons. Try any of these buttons now by clicking on one of them.


8 Don't Know

7 Refuse to Answer

9 Not Applicable

This completes the training portion of this interview. If you have any questions please ask the study representative your questions now. If you have any questions during the interview, please call one of the study representatives to assist you.

Some of the questions in this survey are very sensitive or might make you feel uncomfortable. If you do not want to answer a question for any reason you may refuse to answer it.

A. Demographics

A1. What is your date of birth? __ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / dd / yyyy

2098 Refuse to Answer (Year)

If AGE is not less than 18 and AGE is not greater than 30, then skip to A2.

If AGE is less than 18 or AGE is greater than 30, then show “Please re-enter your date of birth." skip back to A1.

A2. In what country were you born? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 United States (skip to A5)

1 Mexico

2 Other. Please specify ____________________________________

7 Don't Know (skip to A5)

8 Refuse to Answer (skip to A5)

A3. In what city in Mexico were you born? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

A4. In what state, province or region of Mexico were you born?

_____ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

A5. What sex do you consider yourself to be? (Choose one)

1 Male

2 Female

3 Transgender/Transsexual

88 Refuse to answer

A6. What is your sexual orientation? (Choose one)

1 Straight / heterosexual

2 Lesbian / gay / homosexual

3 Bisexual

4 None of the above

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

A7. Were you born male or female?

1 Male

2 Female

8 Refuse to Answer

A8. Have you had surgery to remove or change your genitals?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

A9. Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?

1 Yes

0 No (Skip to A11)

8 Refuse to Answer

A10. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? (Check all that apply)

__ Spaniard, from Spain

__ Mexican

__ Central American

__ South American

__ Puerto Rican

__ Cuban

__ Dominican

__ Refuse to Answer

A11. How would you describe your racial background? (Check all that apply)

__ Asian

__ Black or African American

__ American Indian or Alaska Native

__ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

__ White

__ Refuse to Answer

A12. Have you been enrolled in school anytime in the past 6 months?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

A13. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Choose one)

1 8th grade or less

2 Some high school (9th to 11th grade)

3 High school graduate (12th grade) or GED

4 Some college or technical training

5 College graduate or higher

8 Refuse to Answer

A14. In the past 6 months, did you receive any money from any of the following sources? (check all that apply)

__ (a) Regular job, employed with a regular salary (full or part-time)

__ (b) Informal work, temporary work or odd jobs

__ (c) Recycling cans, returning bottles for deposits

__ (d) Panhandling

__ (e) Public assistance or disability

__ (f) Family or friends

__ (g) Theft, robbing, or stealing

__ (h) Selling needles

__ (i) Selling drugs, running or touting

__ (j) Running a shooting gallery

__ (k) Trading sex for money

__ (l) Other illegal sources of income

__ (m) Other. Please specify ___________________________________________________

__ (n) Refuse to Answer

A15. Where did you get most of your money in the past 6 months? (Choose one)

01 Regular job, employed with a regular salary (full or part-time)

02 Informal work, temporary work or odd jobs

03 Recycling cans, returning bottles for deposits

04 Panhandling

05 Public assistance or disability

06 Family or friends

07 Theft, robbing, or stealing

08 Selling needles

09 Selling drugs, running or touting

10 Running a shooting gallery

11 Trading sex for money

12 Other illegal sources of income

13 Other. Please specify ______________________________________________________

88 Refuse to Answer

If A15 is not selected in A14, then show “You have chosen a main source of income that you did not choose as a source of income in the last question. Please recheck your answer or change your answer to the previous question." skip to A14.

A16. Which best describes your total personal income from all sources in the past 12 months? (Choose one)

01 No income

02 $1 - $9999

03 $10,000 - $19,999

04 $20,000 - $29,999

05 $30,000 - $39,999

06 $40,000 - $49,999

07 $50,000 - $59,999

08 $60,000 - $100,000

09 More than $100,000

88 Refuse to Answer

A17. Please check any of the places where you have lived or slept for at least one week during the past 6 months. (Check all that apply)

__ Your parent's house or apartment

__ Your own, house, apartment (Not your parent's house)

__ Your spouse’s house or apartment

__ Your sexual partner’s (other than spouse) house or apartment

__ Family house or apartment

__ Friend's house or apartment

__ Migrant worker's camp

__ Work place

__ Rented room (hotel or other rooming house)

__ Car, bus, truck or other vehicle

__ Abandoned Building

__ Shelter, welfare residence

__ Jail (prison, detention center, correctional institution)

__ Halfway house or Drug treatment center

__ On the Streets

__ Shooting gallery

__ Medical care facility (i.e., hospital, hospice, or nursing home)

__ Other__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Refuse to Answer

A18. In the past 6 months, which place did you sleep in most of the time? (Choose ONLY one)

01 Your parent's house or apartment

02 Your own, house, apartment (Not your parent's house)

03 Your spouse’s house or apartment

04 Your sexual partner’s (other than spouse) house or apartment

05 Family house or apartment

06 Friend's house or apartment

07 Migrant worker's camp

08 Work place

09 Rented room (hotel or other rooming house)

10 Car, bus, truck or other vehicle

11 Abandoned Building

12 Shelter, welfare residence

13 Jail (prison, detention center, correctional institution)

14 Halfway house or Drug treatment center

15 On the Streets

16 Shooting gallery

17 Medical care facility (i.e., hospital, hospice, or nursing home)

18 Other__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

88 Refuse to Answer

If A18 is not marked in A17, then show “You have chosen a place that you did not mention as having lived or slept in the past 6 months. Please recheck your answer or change your answer to the previous question." skip to A17.

A19. Approximately, how many people (including yourself) currently live in your household or, if homeless, the place where you stay most often?

__ __ people

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

A20. In the past 6 months, on a typical day, how many hours did you spend on the streets? This includes looking for or dealing drugs, other forms of obtaining money, using drugs, and sleeping on the street.

__ __ hours a day

A21. Was there ever a time before you were 18 when your parent or guardian asked you to leave or threw you out of the house and you stayed away for at least one night?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

A22. As a child, did you ever live in an orphanage, a foster home, a group home, or as a ward of the state?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

A23. In the past 6 months, have you slept in a car, abandoned building, public park, canyon, beach, shelter, squatting place, or other non-dwelling for more than 7 nights in a row?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

If car, abandon building, park, canyon, beach, shelter or squatting place are not marked in A17, then show, “You have answered that you have slept in a car, abandoned building, public park, shelter or other non dwelling more than 7 nights, but you did not check off any of these places. Please review your answer." skip to A17.

A24. In the past 6 months, have you thought of yourself as homeless?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

A25. Have you ever spent time in a jail, prison, or juvenile detention center?

1 Yes

0 No (skip to X)

8 Refuse to answer (skip to X)

If jail was marked in A17, then show “In a previous question you have answered that you have spent time in a jail, prison, or detention center. Please go back and review your answer." skip to A17.

These next few questions refer to any time you might have spent in jail, prison or juvenile detention center in your entire lifetime.

A26. Jail is county detention center for persons awaiting trial or those convicted of minor crimes (petty theft, urinating in the street). How many times have you been in jail?

If you have not been in jail, please enter 0. __ __

A27. Prison is under state jurisdiction for persons convicted of serious crimes. How many times have you been in prison?

If you have not been in prison, please enter 0. __ __

A28. How many times have you been in a juvenile detention center?

If you have not been in a juvenile detention center, please enter 0. __ __

If A26 is equal to 0 and A27 is equal to 0 and A28 is equal to 0, then show “Previously you answered that you have been in either a jail, prison, or juvenile detention center, but then did not indicate the number of times you had been in these places. Please go back and review your answers." skip to A17.

A29. When were you released the last time you were in jail, prison, or juvenile detention center?
If you do not remember the exact date, please enter the approximate month and year.

__ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / dd / yyyy

If A29 is greater than TODAY, then show “You have entered a date in the future. Please go back and review your answer." skip to A29.

Inject Network

Now we would like to ask you some questions about your family, friends, and people that you know who might inject drugs.

B1. How many family members do you have in San Diego who inject drugs?

__ __ __ __ people

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

B2. How many friends do you have in San Diego who inject drugs?

__ __ __ __ people

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

B3. Of these [Response to B2] friends in San Diego who inject drugs, how many would you say are close friends?

__ __ __ __ people

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

B4. How many acquaintances do you have in San Diego who inject drugs?

__ __ __ __ people

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

B5. How many people do you know by name or street name in San Diego who inject drugs? If you don’t know the exact number, please give an estimate.

__ __ __ __ people

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

If recruited by a method other than RDS, skip to C1.

B6. What is your relationship to the person who gave you the coupon? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Not applicable (i.e., interviewee is a seed)

1 Relative

2 Sex Partner other than your Spouse

3 Spouse

4 Friend

5 Acquaintance

6 Stranger

7 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

B7. Did the person who gave you the coupon pressure you to come be part of this study?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

B8. Where did you come in contact with this person when they gave you the coupon? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

01 shooting gallery

02 street

03 jail/prison

04 drug treatment center

05 store

06 friend's house

07 dealer

08 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

B9. How did this person know you were an injection drug user? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

B10. How long have you known this person?

__ __ __ __ YEARS

__ __ __ __ MONTHS

_________ DAYS

B11. How often do you talk with this person? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

1 Every Day

2 4 to 6 days a week

3 2 to 3 days a week

4 Once a week

5 2 to 3 days a month

6 Once a month or less

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

B12. Which of the following activities have you done with this person within the last 3 months? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ Inject drugs

b. __ Share injection equipment

c. __ Give/get emotional support

d. __ Buy drugs

e. __ Sell drugs

f. __ Have sex

g. __ Hang out/Spend time with

h. __ Live with

i. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

C. Alcohol and Non-Injection Drug Use

The next set of questions are about drug or alcohol use. Again, please remember that everything you tell us is strictly confidential.

C1. How often did you drink alcohol in the past 3 months? (Choose one)

By alcohol we mean wine, beer, or liquor.

1 Every Day

2 4 to 6 days a week

3 2 to 3 days a week

4 Once a week

5 2 to 3 days a month

6 Once a month or less

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

If C1 is equal to 7 or C1 is equal to 8, then skip to instruction before C3.

C2. In the past 3 months, how often did you drink five or more drinks in a single day? (Choose one)

By "a drink" we mean a 12 ounce can of beer, a glass of wine, a cocktail, or a shot of liquor.

1 Every Day

2 4 to 6 days a week

3 2 to 3 days a week

4 Once a week

5 2 to 3 days a month

6 Once a month or less

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

C3. Have you ever in your life sniffed, smoked, or swallowed any of the following drugs? Do not include drugs that you have injected. (Check all that apply)

01 Ecstasy (E, X, MDMA)

02 GHB (gamma hydroxybuturic acid, G, GBL)

03 Rohypnol (Roffies)

04 Special K (Ketamine, K)

05 Marijuana or hashish

06 Methamphetamines (Crystal, meth, Ice, Tina)

07 Amphetamine (Speed, other than meth)

08 Heroin

09 Other hallucinogens (LSD, mushrooms, Peyote, or Mescaline)

10 PCP (Angel Dust, wet, wicky sticks)

11 Poppers (Amyl Nitrate)

12 Powdered Cocaine

13 Rock or Crack Cocaine

14 Tranquilizers, Barbiturates or recreational use of prescription drugs to get high (Codeine, Vicondin or Hydrocodone, Percocet, Darvon, Oxycontin or Oxycodone, Demerol, Dilaudid, Valium, Librium, Seconal, Xanax)

15 Viagra or similar drugs (Levitra, Cialis)

16 None

77 Don't Know

88 Refuse to Answer

C4. You indicated that you have never in your life sniffed, smoked, or swallowed any of the previous drugs. Is this correct? (Choose one)

List will automatically include all drugs not selected in C3.

0 Yes

1 No, I would like to change my answer

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If C4 equals to 1 skip to C3. If C3 does not equal to 1 skip C5.

C5. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow Ecstasy (E, X, MDMA)? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 2 skip C6.

C6. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow GHB? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 3 skip C7.

C7. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow rhohypnol (roffies)?? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 4 skip C8.

C8. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow ketamine (Special K)? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 5 skip C9.

C9. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow marijuana? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 6 skip C10.

C10. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow methamphetamine (meth, crystal, tina)? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 7 skip C11.

C11. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow amphetamine (speed)? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 8 skip C12.

C12. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow heroin? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 9 skip C13.

C13. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow hallucinogens? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 10 skip C14.

C14. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow PCP? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 11 skip C15.

C15. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow poppers (nitrites, whippets)? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 12 skip C16.

C16. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow powder cocaine? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 13 skip C17.

C17. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow rock or crack cocaine (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 14 skip B18.

C18. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow traquilizers (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If C3 does not equal 15 skip B19.

C19. In the past 3 months, how often did you sniff, smoke, or swallow Viagra (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

D. Injection Drug Use Questions

In the next set of questions we would like to ask you about your injection drug use.

D1. How old were you when you first injected drugs?

__ __

98 Refuse to Answer

If D1 is greater than AGE (A1), then show “You have entered an invalid age. Please review your answer." skip to D1.

D2. The first time you injected any drugs, what drugs or Combination of drugs did you inject? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

00 Heroin Alone

01 Powder cocaine alone

02 Heroin & cocaine (Speedball)

03 Crystal (Meth) Alone

04 Crystal (Meth) & Heroin together

05 Crystal (Meth) & Cocaine

06 Tranquilizers

07 Barbiturates

08 Other Drug Alone __ __ __ __ __ _

09 Other Combination __ __ __ __ __

10 Crack alone

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

D2. When was the last time you injected any drugs?

__ __ / __ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / dd / yyyy

If D2 is greater than TODAY, then show “ You have entered an invalid date. Please review your answer." skip to D2.

D3. So how long ago does that make it since you last injected? (Choose one)

1 One day or less

2 Between 1 day and 1 week ago

3 Between 1 week and 1 month ago

4 Between 1 month and 6 months ago

5 Between 7 months and 1 year ago

6 More than one year ago

7 Don't Know

If the time period in D3 does not match the date in D2, then show, “The date you gave for your last injection does not match the time you said it has been since your last injection. Please check your answers and correct if necessary." skip to D2.

D4. Which of the following drugs, if any, have you injected? (Check all that apply)

__ Heroin and Cocaine together (Speedball)

__ Heroin and amphetamine together

__ Methamphetamine (Crystal, meth, Ice, Tina) by itself

__ Amphetamine (Speed, other than meth) by itself

__ Heroin by itself

__ Cocaine by Itself

__ Crack by itself

__ Other. Please specify ______________________________

__ I have never injected

If D4 does not equal 1, skip D5.

D5. In the past 3 months, how often did you inject heroin and Cocaine together (Speedball)? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If D4 does not equal 2, skip D6.

D6. In the past 3 months, how often did you inject heroin and amphetamine together (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If D4 does not equal 3, skip D7.

D7. In the past 3 months, how often did you inject methamphetamine (Crystal, meth, Ice, Tina) by itself (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If D4 does not equal 4, skip D8.

D8. In the past 3 months, how often did you inject amphetamine (Speed, other than meth) by itself (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If D4 does not equal 5, skip D9.

D9. In the past 3 months, how often did you inject heroin by itself (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If D4 does not equal 6, skip D10.

D10. In the past 3 months, how often did you inject Cocaine by itself (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

If D4 does not equal 7, skip D11.

D11. In the past 3 months, how often did you inject Crack by itself (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Less than once a week

2 Once a week

3 2 to 6 days a week

4 Once a day, every day

5 2 to 4 times a day, every day

6 5 or more times a day, every day

8 Refuse to Answer

D12. During the past 3 months, what did you inject most often? (Choose one)

01 Heroin and Cocaine together (Speedball)

02 Heroin and amphetamine together

03 Amphetamine (Crystal meth, Speed) by itself

04 Heroin alone

05 Cocaine by itself

06 Crack by itself

07 Other. Please specify_____________________________________________

98 Refuse to Answer

If D4 is not equal to 1, 2, or 5, skip D13.

D13. In the past 3 months, what kind of heroin did you inject most often? (Choose one)

1 Black Tar

2 Brown powder

3 White powder

4 All three

5 Other

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If D4 is not equal to 2, 3 or 4, skip D14.

D14. In the last 3 months, what was the Color of the methamphetamine you usually injected?

1 Pink

2 Green

3 Black

4 Yellow

5 Clear (ice)

6 Other__ __ __ __ __ __

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

D15. In a typical week that you inject drugs, how many days do you inject at least once a day? (Choose one)

1 1 day per week

2 2 days per week

3 3 days per week

4 4 days per week

5 5 days per week

6 6 days per week

7 Everyday

D16. On the days that you inject, how many times do you inject? __ __

If D16 is less than 1, then show “You must have injected at least once on the days you injected. Please review your answer." skip to D16.

D17. Did you inject at least once a week, every week, for the last 3 months?

0 Yes (Skip to D19)

1 No

7 Don't Know (Skip to D19)

8 Refuse to Answer (Skip to D19)

D18. For how many weeks in the past 3 months did you not inject? __ __

If 0, skip to D21.

D19. From your answers, it looks like you have injected a total of [calculated] times in the past 3 months. Does that seem about right?

1 Yes Skip to D22

0 No

D20. If [calculated] times was not right, please enter the total number of times you think you injected in the past 3 months.

__ __ __ __

If D20 is not equal to 0, then skip to D22

D21. You have entered 0 for the number of times you have injected in the past 3 months. Are you sure you haven't injected in the past 3 months?

1 Yes (skip to F1)

0 No

D22. In the last 3 months, where have you injected drugs? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

__ At your home

__ At someone else's home

__ Shooting gallery

__ Construction site

__ Alleyway

__ Bar/Hangout

__ On the street

__ Vacant lot

__ Park

__ Freeway overpass/canyon

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

D23. In the last 3 months, where were you most often when you injected drugs? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

00 At your home

01 At someone else's home

02 Shooting gallery

03 construction site

04 Alleyway

05 Bar/Hangout

06 On the street

07 Vacant lot

08 Park

08 Freeway overpass/canyon

09 Other __ __ __ __ __ __

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

If answer in D23 not selected in D22, show “You indicated that you inject most in a location that you did not select as a location that you injected in in the previous 3 months. Please review your answer.” Skip to D22.

D24. In the last 3 months, who did you inject drugs with? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

__ Friends

__ Family

__ Spouse

__ Sexual partner (other than your spouse)

__ Acquaintance

__ Drug dealer

__ Strangers

__ Someone from Mexico

__ Alone

__ Sex worker

__ Your pimp

__ Sex client

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

D25. In the last 3 months, who did you inject with most often? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

01 Friends

02 Family

03 Spouse

04 Sexual partner (other than your spouse)

05 Acquaintance

06 Drug dealer

07 Strangers

08 Someone from Mexico

09 Alone

10 Sex worker

11 Your pimp

12 Sex client

13 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

14 Don't Know

88 Refuse to Answer

If response to D25, is not selected in D24, show “You indicated that you injected most with someone who you did not inject with in the last 3 months. Please review your answer.” Skip to D24.

D26. In the last 3 months, on average how many different people did you usually inject with? (‘0” if None)

__ __ __ __ # of persons

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

If D26 is equal to 0, then show “Your answer cannot be 0 because you previously stated that you have not injected alone in the past three months. Please review the number of different people who injected with you in the past 3 months." skip to D24.

E. Sharing works

Now we would like to ask you some questions about sharing needles, syringes, and works with other people.

If D24 is not equal to 9, skip to D2

E1. Even though you indicated you were alone every time you injected in the past 3 months, did you even once use a needle that someone else had used before you, even if the needle was bleached, or even if it was your sex partner?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

E2. In the last 3 months, when you injected how often did you give, rent or lend a syringe to someone else that you had already used? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE) (SYR6GIV)

0 Never

1 Sometimes

2 About half of the time

3 Often

4 Always

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

E3. In the last 3 months, when you injected how often did you used a needle or syringe that you knew or suspected had been used before by someone else? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE) (USEUSED6)

0 Never

1 Sometimes

2 About half of the time

3 Often

4 Always

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If E1 or E3=0 and E2=0 skip to E8.

E4. In the past 3 months, list any person(s) that you shared a needle with even once? (Select all that apply)

__ Friends

__ Family

__ Spouse

__ Sexual partner (other than your spouse)

__ Acquaintance

__ Drug dealer

__ Strangers

__ Someone from Mexico

__ Alone

__ Sex worker

__ Your pimp

__ Sex client

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

E5. In the past 3 months, which person did you pass on a needle to or use a needle after most often? (Choose one)

01 Friends

02 Family

03 Spouse

04 Sexual partner (other than your spouse)

05 Acquaintance

06 Drug dealer

07 Strangers

08 Someone from Mexico

09 Alone

10 Sex worker

11 Your pimp

12 Sex client

13 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

14 Don't Know

88 Refuse to Answer

If response to E5, is not selected in E4, show “You indicated that you shared a needle with most with someone who you did not use a needle with in the last 3 months. Please review your answer.” Skip to E4.

E6. The following are reasons why some people use another person's needle. (Please check all that applied to you over the past 3 months.)

__ There was only one needle available

__ Someone else scored or paid for the drugs

__ You needed help injecting

__ Someone else needed help injecting

__ You were injecting with people you trust (like a sex partner, lover, or friend)

__ People get upset if you don't use the same needle

__ Because your needle was clogged or the needle was broken or dull

__ Because the needle had been cleaned

__ Because you are already HIV positive

__ Because you are already Hepatitis C positive

__ Because the person who passed you the needle was HIV negative

__ Needles got mixed up

__ Because you were dope-sick or in withdrawal

__ Other reason not mentioned

__ Refuse to Answer

E7. Of the [calculated] times you injected in the past 3 months, how many of these injections were done with other people, even if you did not share needles?

__ __ __ __

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

E8. Of the [calculated] times you injected in the past 3 months, how often did you inject with needles that had been used before you by somebody else, even if the needle was cleaned first? (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

If E8 is equal to 7, then skip to E12.

E9. In the last 3 months, when you injected with a needle that had been used by somebody else, how often did you clean it with bleach before you used it? (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

E10. Of all of the times you injected with other people in the last 3 months, how often did you divide up drugs with somebody else by using a needle?

This is also called back loading, piggybacking or splitting drugs wet. (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

If E10 is equal to 7, then skip to instruction before E12.

E11. Of these times, how often was a brand new sterile needle used to divide up drugs?

By sterile, I mean never used before by you or anyone else. (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

The next set of questions will be about things besides the needle that people use when they inject drugs.

These questions refer only to things you did from around [show 3 month date] up to today.

E12. Of the [calculated] times you injected in the last 3 months, how often did you use a cooker with someone or after someone else used it? (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

D13. Of the [calculated] times you injected in the last 3 months, how often did you use cotton at the same time or after another person used it? (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

E14. Of the [calculated] times you injected in the last 3 months, how often did you use rinse water with or after another person drew up water or rinsed their needle in it? (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

If E12 is equal to 7 and E13 is equal to 7 and e14 is equal to 7, then skip to instruction before E18.

E15. Of all of the different people you injected with in the past 3 months, with how many different people did you share a cooker, cotton, or rinse water? (Choose one)

0 None

1 Almost none

2 Less than half

3 About half

4 More than half

5 Almost all

6 All

8 Refuse to Answer

E16. Who did you share a cooker, cotton, or rinse water with in the last 3 months? (check all that apply)

__ Friends

__ Family

__ Spouse

__ Sexual partner (other than your spouse)

__ Acquaintance

__ Drug dealer

__ Strangers

__ Someone from Mexico

__ Alone

__ Sex worker

__ Your pimp

__ Sex client

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

E17. Who did you share a cooker, cotton, or rinse water with most often? (Choose one)

01 Friends

02 Family

03 Spouse

04 Sexual partner (other than your spouse)

05 Acquaintance

06 Drug dealer

07 Strangers

08 Someone from Mexico

09 Alone

10 Sex worker

11 Your pimp

12 Sex client

13 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

14 Don't Know

88 Refuse to Answer

If answer in E17 is not selected in E16, then show “You have selected a person that you have not specified as having shared cookers, cottons, or rinse water with in the previous question. Please review your answers." skip to E16.

E18. In the past 3 months, have you chosen not to share needles with someone because you thought that they were infected with Hepatitis C virus? (Choose one)

0 No

1 Yes

2 I was not in that situation

3 I’m not sure what HIV is

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If E18 is equal to 0 or 2 or 7 or 8, then skip to D20


E19. How did you know their Hepatitis C status? (Choose one)

1 They told me

2 Someone else told me

3 I saw their Hepatitis C test results

4 They had been sick for a long time

5 They looked like they had Hepatitis C

6 No one told me, and I didn't see results, I just know

7 Other

77 Don't Know

88 Refuse to Answer

E20. In the past 3 months, have you chosen not to share needles with someone because you thought that they were infected with HIV/ the AIDS virus? (Choose one)

0 No

1 Yes

2 I was not in that situation

3 I’m not sure what Hepatitis C is

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If E20 is equal to 0 or 2 or 7 or 8, then skip to E22.

E21. How did you know their HIV status? (Choose one)

1 They told me

2 Someone else told me

3 I saw their HIV test results

4 They had been sick for a long time

5 They looked like they had HIV

6 No one told me, and I didn't see results, I just know

7 Other

77 Don't Know

88 Refuse to Answer

E22. Of the [calculated] times you injected in the past 3 months, how often did you inject with a new, sterile needle? (Choose one)

1 Always

2 Almost Always

3 More than half the time

4 About half the time

5 Less than half the time

6 Rarely

7 Never

8 Refuse to Answer

E23. In the past 3months, on average, after approximately how many injections did you change your syringe and needle? (CHGSYR)

__ __ __ __ injections

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

E24. In the past 3 months, when you used a syringe for injecting (shooting) drugs, from where did you get the syringe? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ Pharmacist

b. __ Spouse, family member, or sex partner

c. __ Friend

d. __ Drug dealer

e. __ "Hit doctor"

f. __ Shooting gallery

g. __ Needle exchange program (you went yourself)

g. __ Someone who gets them from a needle exchange program

h. __ On the Street

i. __ Doctor/clinic/hospital/store

j. __ Veterinary clinic/Granjero

k. __ Market

l. __ Some other place __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

E25. In the past 3 months, where did you get your syringes or needles most often? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

00 From a pharmacist

01 From spouse, family member, or sex partner

02 From a friend

03 From a drug dealer

04 From a 'hit doctor'

05 In a shooting gallery

06 From a needle/syringe exchange program

07 On the street

08 From a doctor/clinic/hospital/store

09 From a veterinary clinic

10 From a market

11 Some other place__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

F. Syringe Exchange Programs

In the next series of questions we would like to ask you about Needle or syringe exchange programs. Needle/syringe exchanges give you clean, unused needles and syringes for free and provide a safe place to deposit your used ones.

F1. Are you aware of any needle or syringe exchange programs in your area?
1 Yes

0 No (Skip to F4)

7 Don't Know (Skip to F4)

8 Refuse to Answer (Skip to F4)

F2. Have you used the local needle/syringe exchange program in the past 3 months?

1 Yes

0 No (Skip to F4)

7 Don't Know (Skip to F4)

8 Refuse to Answer (Skip to F4)

F3. About how many of your needles or syringes did you get from the needle exchange program in the past 3 months? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

1 All or almost all

2 About half

3 Some, but not many

4 Very few/almost none

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

F4. In the past 3 months, how easy or hard was it for you to get new, unused needles when you injected drugs? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Never tried to get new, unused needles

1 Very Easy

2 Easy

3 Hard

4 Very Hard

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If F4 is less than 3, then skip to F6.

F5. What was the main reason it was hard to get new, unused needles? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 They cost too much / No money to buy them

1 No place to legally buy them / store won't sell to me

2 No local syringe exchange

3 Syringe exchange is inconvenient / limited locations or hours of operation

4 I'm worried about getting caught / arrested by police with needles

5 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

F5. In the past 3 months when you used a needle for injecting (shooting) drugs, what did you do with the needle when you were done? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ Kept it to use on yourself again

b. __ Gave it to someone else

c. __ Left it where you shot up

d. __ Sold/rented it

e. __ Threw it away in the trash

f. __ Returned it to syringe exchange

g. __ Returned it to person you borrowed it from

h. __ Threw it away in a safe disposal box, Specify box: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

F6. In the past 3 months, how often did you use a new, sterile syringe or needle? By new, we mean a sterile syringe or needle that has never been used before by anyone including you. (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Never (Skip to G1)

1 Sometimes

2 About half of the time

3 Almost every time injected

4 Every time injected

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

F7. In the past 3months, did you acquire USED syringes in any of the following ways?

a. __ Not applicable, never acquired a used syringe

b. __ By paying for it

c. __ By sharing drugs with someone

d. __ By borrowing/renting it

e. __ By providing food/shelter to someone

f. __ By having sex with someone

g. __ By picking it up off the street

h. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

G. Abscess Questions

Now we would like to ask you about having abscesses. By abscesses we mean sores on your body that start out as a lump then open up into a sore. These sometimes appear in locations on your body where you stick a needle to inject drugs.

G1. How many abscesses have you EVER had?

__ __ __ abscesses

000 zero Skip to H1

997 Don't Know Skip to H1

998 Refuse to Answer Skip to H1

G2. Where on your body have you EVER had an abscess? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

a. __ Head (LOCABCSA)

b. __ Neck (LOCABCSB)

c. __ Arm (LOCABCSC)

d. __ Hand (LOCABCSD)

e. __ Torso (LOCABCSE)

f. __ Buttocks

g. __ Groin

h. __ Leg

i. __ Foot

j. __ Other __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

G3. Do you have an abscess now?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

The next questions ask you about the LAST TIME you had an abscess. These questions refer to the last abscess you had, not an abscess you currently have. [If current abscess is the only abscess you have had, you may respond with regard to the current abscess]

G4. When was the LAST TIME you had an abscess? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Within the last 6 months

1 More than 6 months ago but less than or equal to 1 year ago

2 More than 1 year ago

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

G5. The LAST TIME you had an abscess, did you treat the abscess on your own?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

G6. The LAST TIME you had an abscess, did you ever use illegal drugs as a way to cope with the pain from the abscess?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

G7. The LAST TIME you had an abscess, did you visit a health care provider to treat the abscess?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

H. Overdose

In the next series of questions we would like to ask you about ever overdosing. By overdosing we mean taking so much drug that you stop breathing or your heart stops.

H1. In the last 3 MONTHS, how many times have you overdosed?

__ __ __ times

000 zero Skip to H1

997 Don't Know

998 Refuse to Answer

H2. What drugs were you using on the day of your last overdose? (Check all that apply)

a. __ Heroin alone

b. __ Cocaine/crack alone

c. __ Heroin and cocaine together

d. __ Crystal (meth) alone

e. __ Crystal (meth) and heroin together

f. __ Crystal (meth) and cocaine together

g. __ Tranquilizers

h. __ Barbiturates

i. __ Other opiates __ __ __ __ __

j. __ Alcohol

k. __ Marijuana

l. __ Other drugs __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

H3. Which of these drugs did you inject? (Check all that apply)

a. __ Heroin alone

b. __ Cocaine/crack alone

c. __ Heroin and cocaine together

d. __ Crystal (meth) alone

e. __ Crystal (meth) and heroin together

f. __ Crystal (meth) and cocaine together

g. __ Tranquilizers

h. __ Barbiturates

i. __ Other opiates __ __ __ __ __

j. __ Alcohol

k. __ Marijuana

l. __ Other drugs __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

I. Law enforcement interactions

The next set of questions that we would like to ask you about include your interactions with police officers. Please remember that all your answers are kept confidential, and no one will ever see your name and your answers to these questions together.

I1. In the last 3 months have you been arrested for anything?

[When I say arrested I mean taken into custody regardless of whether or not you were held and charged]

1 Yes

0 No Skip to I6

7 Don't Know Skip to I6

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to I6

I2. In the last 3 MONTHS, how many times have you been arrested for carrying drugs?

__ __ times

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

I3. In the last 3 MONTHS, how many times have you been arrested for carrying needles or syringes that were unused/sterile?

__ __ times

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

I4. In the last 3 MONTHS, how many times have you been arrested for carrying needles or syringes that were used?

__ __ times

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

I5. In the last 3 MONTHS, how many times have you been arrested for having track marks when you were not carrying needles or drugs? (ARRTMARK)

__ __ times

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

I6. In the last 3 MONTHS, has a police officer taken your needle(s) or syringe(s)?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

I7. How fearful are you that police are going to arrest you or interfere with your drug use? (Choose one)

0 Not at all Fearful

1 Somewhat Fearful

2 Very Fearful

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

I8. In the last 3 MONTHS, has police presence caused you to hurry or rush an injection?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

I9. In the last 3 MONTHS, has police presence affected where you use drugs?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to I11

7 Don't Know Skip to I11

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to I11

I10. In the last 3 MONTHS, how has police presence affected where you use drugs? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

a. __ Moved Inside to Use Drugs

b. __ Moved Outside to Use Drugs

c. __ Changed Location of Outdoor Use (alley or neighborhood)

d. __ Changed Location of Indoor Use

e. __ Other __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

I11. In the last 3 MONTHS, has your experience with police affected your access to new needles or syringes?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to introduction before J1

7 Don't Know Skip to introduction before J1

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to introduction before J1

I12. In the last 3 MONTHS, how has police presence affected where you buy needles/syringes? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

__ Afraid to buy at pharmacy due to police pressure

__ Afraid to carry new syringe

__ Other __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

J. Injection Correlates

If D26 equals 0, skip to K1.

Now we would like to ask you about your main injection partner. By "injection partner" we mean the person that you inject with most often.

J1. In the past 3 months, how often have you refused to share needles with your main injecting partner? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Sometimes

2 Often

3 Every time we inject

8 Refuse to Answer

9 Not Applicable

J2. In the past 3 months, how often have you refused to share needles with other people you injected with (not your main injecting partner)? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Sometimes

2 Often

3 Every time we inject

8 Refuse to Answer

9 Not Applicable

J3. Thinking about your friends who inject drugs, how many of them inject with a needle that had been used before by someone else even if it was their sex partner? (Choose one)

0 None of them

1 Less than half of them

2 About half of them

3 More than half of them

4 All of them

5 None of my friends inject drugs

8 Refuse to Answer

K. HCV Transmission beliefs and HCV Testing

In the next series of questions we would like to ask you about Hepatitis C virus and any experiences you may have had with testing for it.

K1. Compared to other drug users in the San Diego area, how likely do you think you are to get (infected with) HEPATITIS C? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Much more likely

1 A bit more likely

2 About the same

3 A bit less likely

4 Much less likely

5 Not applicable (i.e. already HCV-positive)

6 I don’t know what hepatitis C is

8 Refuse to Answer

K2. How likely do you think it is that you will become infected with HEPATITIS C from injecting drugs in the next 3 MONTHS? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Very unlikely

1 Somewhat unlikely

2 Neutral, neither likely nor unlikely

3 Somewhat likely

4 Very likely

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

K3. Have you ever been tested for HEPATITIS C before today? (HCVTEST)

1 Yes Skip to K5

0 No

7 Don't Know Skip to K5

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to K5

K4. Why have you never had a HEPATITIS C test? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ I didn't want to pay the cost of the test

b. __ I never, or almost never, go to clinics or hospitals

c. __ I don't want to know if I have hepatitis C

d. __ I don't care if I have hepatitis C

e. __ I don't know where to go to have a hepatitis C test

f.__ I don’t think I’m at risk for hepatitis C

g.__ Before today, I never heard of hepatitis C

h. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

If K4 equal to a-h skip to K8

K5. Where were you tested for HEPATITIS C? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 As part of a research study. Specify Study __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

1 Drug treatment center

2 Private clinic/doctors office

3 Public clinic/hospital

4 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

K6. What was your last HEPATITIS C test result? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Negative

1 Positive

2 Never got result

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If K6 is not equal to 1 skip to L1

K7. When did you first test positive for HEPATITIS C?

__ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / yyyy

2097 Don't Know (Year)

2098 Refuse to Answer (Year)

K8. Has a doctor/ health care worker ever told you that you had Hepatitis C?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

K9. Has a doctor/ health care worker ever offered you treatment for Hepatitis C?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

K10. Have you ever taken medicines given to you by a doctor to prevent you from getting sick from Hepatitis C?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

K11. Are you still taking these medicines?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

K12. Why are you not taking these medicines? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ I feel good/healthy

b. __ I have other medical conditions

c. __ I don't have insurance

d. __ I don't have money

e. __ I'm doing drugs/drinking

) f. __ I missed my appointment

g. __ My doctor prescribed some pills but I refused

h. __ My doctor said I don't need any medicines

i. __ I stopped seeing my doctor/ never went back

j. __ I have no doctor/not in care

k. __ I didn't want to take pills

l. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

K13. Have you known anyone personally who has Hepatitis C?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to instruction before L1

7 Don't Know Skip to instruction before L1

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to instruction before L1

K14. How many people? __ __ Persons

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

K15. How many people do you personally know who have died of Hepatitis C?

__ __ Persons

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

L. HIV Transmission Beliefs and HIV testing

L1. Compared to other drug users in the San Diego area, how likely do you think you are to get (infected with) HIV/AIDS? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Much more likely

1 A bit more likely

2 About the same

3 A bit less likely

4 Much less likely

5 Not applicable (i.e. already HIV-positive)

8 Refuse to Answer

L2. How likely do you think it is that you will become infected with HIV from injecting drugs in the next 3 MONTHS? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Very unlikely

1 Somewhat unlikely

2 Neutral, neither likely nor unlikely

3 Somewhat likely

4 Very likely

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

L3. How likely do you think it is that you will become infected with HIV from sex in the next 3 MONTHS? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Very unlikely

1 Somewhat unlikely

2 Neutral, neither likely nor unlikely

3 Somewhat likely

4 Very likely

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

L4. Have you ever been tested for HIV/AIDS before today?

1 Yes Skip to L6

0 No

7 Don't Know Skip to L6

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to L6

L5. Why have you never had an HIV test? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ I didn't want to pay the cost of the test

b. __ I never, or almost never, go to clinics or hospitals

c. __ I don't want to know if I have HIV/AIDS

d. __ I don't care if I have HIV/AIDS

e. __ I don't know where to go to have an HIV test

f. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

If L4 is not equal to 1, then skip to J14.

L6. Where were you tested for HIV? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 As part of a research study. Specify Study __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

1 Drug treatment center

2 Private clinic/doctors office

3 Public clinic/hospital

4 HIV counseling and testing site

5 at a mobile site (health department van, needle exchange, etc)

6 Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

L7. What was your last HIV/AIDS test result? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Negative

1 Positive

2 Never got result

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If L7 is not equal to 1, then skip to L14.

L8. When did you first test positive for HIV? (HIVPSDA)

__ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / yyyy

2097 Don't Know (Year)

2098 Refuse to Answer (Year)

L9. Has a doctor/ health care worker ever told you that you had HIV/AIDS?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to L14

7 Don't Know Skip to L14

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to L14

L10. Has a doctor/ health care worker ever offered you treatment for HIV/AIDS?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to L14

7 Don't Know Skip to L14

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to L14

L11. Have you ever taken medicines given to you by a doctor to treat HIV/AIDS?

1 Yes Skip to L14

0 No

7 Don't Know Skip to L14

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to L14

J12. Are you still taking these medicines?

1 Yes Skip to L14

0 No

7 Don't Know Skip to L14

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to L14

J13. Why are you not taking these medicines? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ I feel good/healthy

b. __ I have other medical conditions

c. __ I don't have insurance

d. __ I don't have money

e. __ I'm doing drugs/drinking

f. __ I missed my appointment

g. __ My doctor prescribed some pills but I refused

h. __ My doctor said I don't need any medicines

i. __ I stopped seeing my doctor/ never went back

j. __ I have no doctor/not in care

k. __ I didn't want to take pills

l. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

L14. Have you known anyone personally who has HIV/AIDS? (KNOWHIV)

1 Yes

0 No Skip to instruction before M1

7 Don't Know Skip to instruction before M1

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to instruction before M1

L15. How many people do you know who have HIV or AIDS?

__ __ Persons

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

L16. How many people do you personally know who have died of HIV/AIDS?

__ __ Persons

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer


Now we would like to ask you some questions about drug treatment.

M1. Have you EVER been in any kind of drug treatment programs (not including 12-step programs such as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous)?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to M6

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to M6

L2. In the last 3 months, have you been in any kind of drug treatment program (not including 12-step programs such as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous)?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to M6

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to M6

L3. In the last 3 months, in which type of drug treatment programs were you in? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) (0 = No, 1=Yes) 1 = Yes

a. __ Detoxification with medication

b. __ Detoxification without medication

c. __ Methadone/other medication maintenance

d. __ Drug-free residential treatment (therapeutic community) (Rehabilitation Center)

e. __ Drug-free outpatient treatment

f. ___ Inpatient (hospital) drug treatment program

g. __ Other Outpatient Treatment __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

M4. In the past 3 months, how many weeks were you in any type of drug treatment program (not including 12-step programs such as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous) that were not part of another program?

__ __ WEEKS

97 Don't Know (Weeks)

98 Refuse to Answer (Weeks)

If TIMETRX is greater than 14 then “The time span you entered is greater than three months. Please re-enter." skip to TIMETRX.

M5. Are you currently in any kind of drug treatment program (not including 12-step programs such as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous) that are not part of another program? (Choose one)

0 No

1 Yes

2 Trying to get into treatment

8 Refuse to Answer

M6. In the past 3 months, have you been a part of a 12-step program that was not part of another program?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

M7. Where any of these treatment programs in Mexico? (TRTMX)

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

M8. During the past 3 months, did you want to enter a drug treatment program but did not go? (ENTRPROG)

1 Yes

0 No Skip to NEEDTRT

7 Don't Know Skip to NEEDTRT

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to NEEDTRT

M9. What were the reasons you did not go to drug treatment? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ Fear of withdrawal

b. __ Cost/financial

c. __ Child/family related problems

d. __ Did not meet admission criteria

e. __ Dislike center

f. __ Dislike treatment regimen

g. __ Too many rules/restrictions at treatment center

h. __ Job problems (eg. getting time off from work)

i. __ Too far to travel/not nearby

j. __ Didn't know where to go

k. __ Afraid of being treated badly by the staff

l. __ Afraid of others knowing I'm in treatment

m. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

L10. What was the most important reason you did not go to drug treatment? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

(NTRMOSIG) 00 Fear of withdrawal

01 Cost/financial

02 Child/family related problems

03 Did not meet admission criteria

04 Dislike center

05 Dislike treatment regimen

06 Too many rules/restrictions at treatment center

07 Job problems (like getting time off from work)

08 Too far to travel/not nearby

09 Didn't know where to go

10 Afraid of being treated badly by the staff

11 Afraid of others knowing I'm in treatment

12 Other

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

L11. To what extent would you say that you are currently in need of treatment for your drug use? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE) (NEEDTRT)

0 No need

1 Some need

2 Great need

3 Urgent need

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer


This next part of the interview is about sex. When we say sex we mean vaginal (penis in a woman's vagina) or anal sex (penis in a man’s or woman’s anus). Sex includes all types of activities, whether they were paid or unpaid, and whether you wanted to do them or not. Please remember all your responses will be kept private and that you can refuse to answer any question.

In the next section we would like to ask you about the people you had sex with in the past 3 months. We will also be asking about male and female condom use. When we talk about condom use we mean the times that a condom was put on before there was contact between the penis and vagina for vaginal sex or before there was any contact between the penis and the anus for anal sex and taken off after you or your partner pulls out.

When we ask about male condoms we mean latex or polyurethane condoms (or “rubbers”) that go over the man’s penis, but not the kind made out of animal skin (like “Lambskin”). When we ask about female condoms we mean a polyurethane (plastic bag-like) tube that is soft in the middle with a stiff ring on either end that is put inside of the woman’s vagina or a man’s anus before sex.

For the purposes of this survey we are going to divide your sex partners into Steady and Non-Steady partners.
"Steady" partners are people you had sex with in the past three months that you feel close to in your heart,
"Non-Steady" partners are all the other people you had sex with in the last three months including those you may have had sex with for drugs or money.

Partners can be Steady or Non-Steady but not both. Each partner should only be counted once.

In the past 3 months, have you had sex with men, women, or both? (ANYSX)

1 Men only skip to N2

2 Women only skip to N1

3 Both men and women

4 I have not had sex in the past 3 months with anyone skip to instructions before FIRSTSEX

88 Refuse to answer skip to instructions before FIRSTSEX

If ANYSX equals 2 skip to instructions before N3.

N1. In the past 3 months, what is the total number of women you have had vaginal or anal sex with?

0 – 9996 = range

__ __ __ __


Refuse to Answer

M2. In the past 3 months, what is the total number of men you have had vaginal or anal sex with?

0 – 9996 = range

__ __ __ __


Refuse to Answer

If N1 is equal to 0 then skip to instructions before N31.

If N2 is equal to 0 then skip to instruction before O1 (next section after male partners)

The next questions are about all your female partners.

N3. In the past 3 months, how many steady female partners have you had vaginal or anal sex with?

0 – 9996 = range

__ __ __ __


Refuse to Answer

N4. In the past 3 months, how many Non-Steady female partners have you had vaginal or anal sex with - by that we mean "non-steady" or sex-trading partners?

0 – 9996 = range

__ __ __ __


Refuse to Answer

If N3 is equal to 0 and N4 not equal to 9998, then skip to instruction before N6 (sex trading).

If N3 is equal to 0 and N4 is equal to 9998, then skip to instruction before N31 (male questions).

Thinking about the closest or most important female steady sex partner that you've had in the past 3 months, please answer the next set of questions for that ONE person

N5. Please type in up to three initials or letters that will help you remember your closest or most important female steady sex partner

__ __ __

N6. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have vaginal sex with [Response to E3]?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N6 is equal to 0000 or 9998, then skip to N8.

N7. Of the [WVAGSEX] times you and [WINIT] had vaginal sex, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N7 is greater than N6 then “The total number of times you used a male or female condom is greater than the total number of times you had vaginal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N6.

N8. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have anal sex with [WINIT]?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero Skip to instruction before N10

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N8 is equal to 0000 or 9998 then skip to N10.

N9. Of the [WANLSEX] times that you had anal sex with [WINIT], how many times did you use a male condom or a female condom inserted into [WINIT]’s anus or butt?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N9 is greater than N6 then “The total number of times you used a male condom or female condom is greater than the total number of times you had anal sex. Please review your answer.” Skip To N6.

If N6 is equal to 0 and N7 is equal to 0 then “Earlier you said you had a steady female sex partner. We define a sex partner as someone you have had sex [vaginal or anal] within the past 3 months. Please review your answers." Skip to T6.

Now a few more questions about your closest female steady sex partner.

N10. How would you describe your relationship with [WINIT]? (Choose only one answer)

  1. She is my wife

  2. She is my girlfriend

  3. She is just a friend

  4. She is a woman I have regular sex with

  5. Other ______________

N11. How many years and/or months have you been with [WINIT]?

1 - 240 = (Months)

(Please answer "1 month" if you have been with this person less than 1 month)

__ __ __ YEARS

__ __ __ MONTHS

997 Don't Know (Months)

998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

If N11 is greater than AGEMNTHS then “You have answered that the number of years you have been together with this partner is greater than your age. Please review your answer." Skip to N11.

N12. What is the Hepatitis C status of [WINIT]? (Choose one)

1 Negative

2 Positive

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If N12 is equal to 7, then skip to WPARTINJ.

N13. How do you know her Hepatitis C status? (Choose one)

1 She told me

2 Someone else told me

3 I saw her HIV test results

4 I saw a prescription for HCV medication in her name

5 No one told me, and I didn't see results, I just know

8 Refuse to Answer

N14. What is the HIV status of [WINIT]? (Choose one)

1 Negative

2 Positive

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If N14 is equal to 7, then skip To N17.

N15. How do you know her HIV status? (Choose one)

1 She told me

2 Someone else told me

3 I saw her HIV test results

4 I saw a prescription for HIV medication in her name

5 No one told me, and I didn't see results, I just know

8 Refuse to Answer

M17. Has [WINIT] ever injected drugs?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to N21

7 Don't Know Skip to N21

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to N21

N18. In the past 3 months, have you shared a needle with [WINIT]?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to N21

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to N21

N20. When you share a needle with [WINIT], who usually injects first? (Choose one)

1 You


3 Both equally

8 Refuse to Answer

N20. Who mainly decides who injects first? (Choose one)

1 You


3 Both

4 No decision made - just injected

8 Refuse to Answer

N21. In the last 3 months, do you think that [WINIT] has traded sex for money drugs or something s/he needed? WTRADESX

1 yes

2 no

3 I’m not sure

This next set of questions is about all your female Non-Steady and/or sex-trading partners. By sex-trading partners we mean partners with whom you have exchanged money or drugs for sex. Think about all female Non-Steady or sex-trading partners you may have had in the past three months and answer the next set of questions for these people.

N22. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have vaginal sex with female Non-Steady and/or sex-trading partner(s)?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N22 is equal to 9998, then skip to N24.

N23. Of these [WVAGCS] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N22 is greater than N23 then “The total number of times you used a male or female condom is greater than the total number of times you had vaginal sex. Please review your answer." Skip to N22.

N24. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have anal sex with all female Non-Steady and/or sex-trading partner(s)?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N24 is equal to 0000 or 9998 then skip to instructions before N26.

N25. Of these [WANLCS] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N25 is greater than N24 then “The total number of times you used a male condom is greater than the total number of times you had anal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N24.

If N22is equal to 0 and N24 is equal to 0 then “You previously stated that you had &[wNon-Steady] Non-Steady female sex partners in the past 3 months but you did not indicate any type of sex with these partners in the past 3 months. Please review your answers." skip to instruction before N22.

If N2 is equal to 0 then skip to instructions before O1.

The next set of questions is about all your male partners.

If SEX is equal to 1, then skip to instruction before N27.

N26. In the past 3 months, how many steady male partners have you had vaginal or anal sex with?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

N27. In the past 3 months, how many steady male partners have you had anal sex with?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

N28. In the past 3 months, how many Non-Steady male partners have you had vaginal or anal sex with - by that we mean "non-steady" or sex-trading partners?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If SEX is equal to 2, then skip to instruction before N30.

N29. In the past 3 months, how many Non-Steady male partners have you had anal sex with - by that we mean "non-steady" or sex-trading partners?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

Thinking about the closest or most important male steady sex partner that you've had in the past 3 months, please answer the next set of questions for that ONE person.

N30. Please type in up to three initials or letters that will help you remember your closest or most important male steady sex partner

__ __ __

If N26 is equal to 9998 and is not equal to 9998 and MINIT is equal to 98, then skip to instruction before N50.

If N27 is equal to 9998 and is not equal to 9998 andMINIT is equal to 98, then skip to instruction before N50.

If N50 is equal to 9998 and is equal to 9998 and MINIT is equal to 98, then skip to instruction before O1.

If N27 is equal to 9998 and is equal to 9998 and MINIT is equal to 98, then skip to instruction before O1.

If SEX is equal to 1, then skip to MANLSEX.

N31. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have vaginal sex with [MINIT]?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero Skip to instruction before MANLSEX

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N31 is equal to 0000 or 9998, then skip to N33.

N32. Of these [MVAGSEX] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N32 is greater than N31 then “The total number of times you used a male or female condom is greater than the total number of times you had vaginal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N31.

N33. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have anal sex with [MINIT]?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero Skip to instruction before MCONCEC

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N33 is equal to 0000 or 9998, then skip to N35..

M34. Of these [MANLSEX] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N34 is greater than N33 then “The total number of times you used a male condom is greater than the total number of times you had anal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N33.

If N31 is equal to 0 and N33 is equal to 0 then “You previously stated that you had a steady male sex partner in the past 3 months but you did not indicate any type of sex with a steady male partner in the past 3 months. Please review your answers." skip to instruction before N31.

Now a few more questions about your closest male steady sex partner

N35. How would you describe your relationship with [MINIT]?

  1. He is my boyfriend

  2. He is just a friend

  3. He is someone I have regular sex with

  4. Other ______________

  5. Don’t know

  6. Refuse to answer

N36. How many years and/or months have you been with [MINIT]?

(Please answer "1 month" if you have been with this person less than 1 month)

__ __ __ YEARS

__ __ __ MONTHS

997 Don't Know (Months)

998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

If N36 is greater than AGEMNTHS then “You have answered that the number of years you have been together with this partner is greater than your age. Please review your answer." skip to N36.

N37. What is the Hepatitis C status of [MINIT]? (Choose one)

1 Negative

2 Positive

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If N37 is equal to 7, then skip to N39..

N38. How do you know his Hepatitis C status? (Choose one)

1 He told me

2 Someone else told me

3 I saw his HIV test results

4 I saw a prescription for HIV medication in his name

5 No one told me, and I didn't see results, I just know

8 Refuse to Answer

N39. What is the HIV status of [MINIT]? (Choose one)

1 Negative

2 Positive

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

If N39 is equal to 7, then skip to N41.

N40. How do you know his HIV status? (Choose one)

1 He told me

2 Someone else told me

3 I saw his HIV test results

4 I saw a prescription for HIV medication in his name

5 No one told me, and I didn't see results, I just know

8 Refuse to Answer

N41. Has [MINIT] ever injected drugs?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to O1

7 Don't Know Skip to O1

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to O1

N42. In the past 3 months, have you shared a needle with [MINIT]?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to O1

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to O1

N43. When you share a needle, who usually injects first? (Choose one)

1 You


3 Both equally

8 Refuse to Answer

N44. Who mainly decides who injects first? (Choose one)

1 You


3 Both

4 No decision made - just injected

8 Refuse to Answer

N45. In the last 3 months, do you think that [MINIT] has traded sex for money drugs or something s/he needed? MTRADESX

1 yes

2 no

3 I’m not sure

889 Refuse to answer

If N26 is equal to 1 or N27 is equal to 1, then skip to instruction before N50.

This next set of questions are about all other steady male sex partners besides [MINIT]. Thinking about all your other male steady sex partner(s) please answer the next set of questions.

If SEX is equal to 1, then skip to N48.

N46. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have vaginal sex with all other steady male sex partner(s)?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N46 is equal to 0000 or 9998, then skip to N50.

N47. Of these [MVAGOT] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N47 is greater than N46 then “The total number of times you used a male condom is greater than the total number of times you had vaginal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N46.

N48. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have anal sex with all other steady male sex partner(s)?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N48 is equal to0000 or 9998, then skip to N50.

N49. Of these [MANLOT] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N49 is greater than N48 then “The total number of times you used a male or female condom is greater than the total number of times you had anal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N48.

If N46 is equal to 0 and N48 is equal to 0 then “You previously stated that you had more than 1 steady male sex partner in the past 3 months but you did not indicate any type of sex with other steady male partners in the past 3 months. Please review your answers." skip to instruction before N46.

This next set of questions is about all your male Non-Steady and/or sex-trading partners. By sex-trading partners we mean partners whom you have exchanged money or drugs for sex. Think about all male Non-Steady or sex-trading partners you may have had in the past three months and please answer the next set of questions for these people.

If SEX is equal to 1, then skip to N52.

N50. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have vaginal sex with male Non-Steady and/or sex-trading partner(s)?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero Skip to instruction before MANLCS

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N50 is equal to 0000 or 9998, then skip to N52.

M51. Of these [MVAGCS] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N51 is greater than N50 then “The total number of times you used a male or female condom is greater than the total number of times you had vaginal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N50.

N52. In the past 3 months, how many times did you have anal sex with all male Non-Steady and/or sex-trading partner(s)?

__ __ __ __

0000 zero

9998 Refuse to Answer

IfN52 is equal to 0000 or 9998, then skip to instructions before O1.

N53. Of these [MANLCS] times, how many times did you use a male or female condom?

__ __ __ __

9998 Refuse to Answer

If N53 is greater than N52 then “The total number of times you used a male condom is greater than the total number of times you had anal sex. Please review your answer." skip to N52.

If MVAGCS is equal to 0 and MANLCS is equal to 0 then “You previously stated that you had &[mNon-Steady] Non-Steady male sex partners in the past 3 months but you did not indicate any type of sex with these male partners in the past 3 months. Please review your answers." skip to instruction before FIRSTSEX.


The next set of questions will deal with your past sexual history.

O1. How old were you the first time you had sex?

__ __

96 Never had sex

97 Don't Know Skip to O2

98 Refuse to Answer Skip to O2

If O1 is greater than AGE then “You have entered an age of first sex that is greater than your current age of &[age]. Please go back and review your answer." skip to O1.

O2. Have you ever exchanged sex for money or drugs?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to P1

8 Refuse to Answer

O3. In the last 3 months, did you give someone drugs in exchange for sex?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

O4. In the last 3 months, did you give someone money in exchange for sex?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

O5. In the last 3 months, did you give someone food, a place to stay, or another necessity in exchange for sex?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

O6. In the last 3 months, did someone give you drugs in exchange for sex?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

O7. In the last 3 months, did someone give you money in exchange for sex?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

O8. In the last 3 months, did someone give you food, a place to stay or another necessity in exchange for sex?

1 Yes

0 No

8 Refuse to Answer

O9. In the past 3 months, when someone gave you something you needed in exchange for sex, what was the gender of the person(s) you had sex with? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Male

1 Female

2 Both

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

O10. In the past 3 months, how often have you asked the people you exchange sex with for something (money, drugs, food, shelter etc.) to use a condom? (Choose one)

0 Never

1 Sometimes

2 About half the time

3 Often

4 Every time we had sex

8 Refuse to Answer


P1. How likely do you think it is that you would get Hepatitis C from sex in the next year? (Choose one)

1 Very unlikely

2 Somewhat unlikely

3 Neutral, neither likely nor unlikely

4 Somewhat likely

5 Very likely

8 Refuse to Answer

P2. How likely do you think it is that you would get HIV from sex in the next year? (Choose one)

1 Very unlikely

2 Somewhat unlikely

3 Neutral, neither likely nor unlikely

4 Somewhat likely

5 Very likely

8 Refuse to Answer

For the next four questions, please tell us how much you agree or disagree with each statement dealing with the use of condoms.

P3. Condoms ruin the mood (Choose one)

1 Strongly Agree

2 Agree

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Disagree

5 Strongly Disagree

8 Refuse to Answer

P4. Sex doesn't feel as good when I use a condom. (Choose one)

1 Strongly Agree

2 Agree

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Disagree

5 Strongly Disagree

8 Refuse to Answer

P5. Sex with condoms doesn't feel natural. (Choose one)

1 Strongly Agree

2 Agree

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Disagree

5 Strongly Disagree

8 Refuse to Answer

P6. Using condoms breaks up the rhythm of sex. (Choose one)

1 Strongly Agree

2 Agree

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 Disagree

5 Strongly Disagree

8 Refuse to Answer


The following two questions deal with topics that are often difficult to talk or think about. They are questions about physical and sexual abuse that you may have experienced early in your life. When the question says child, it means when you were younger than 18.

Q1. As a child, were you ever beaten, physically attacked, or physically abused?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

Q2. As a child, were you ever sexually attacked, raped, or sexually abused?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

Q3. As an adult, have you ever been beaten, physically attacked, or physically abused?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

Q4. As an adult, have you ever been sexually attacked, raped, or sexually abused?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

For the following items, please check whether you think the statement is TRUE or FALSE. If you are not sure, but you think you know the answer, check the answer you think is correct, but if you are really not sure then check DON'T KNOW.

Q5. Once people get infected with hepatitis C, most will have it forever (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q6. Most people with hepatitis C can tell they are infected (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q7. You can tell by looking at a person that they have hepatitis C (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q8. Contracting hepatitis A can be more serious if a person already has hepatitis C (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q9. It is safe for a person with hepatitis C to drink alcohol (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q10. Once people get infected with HIV, they will have it forever (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q11. Most people with HIV can tell they are infected (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q12. You can tell by looking at a person that they have HIV infection (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know

Q13. There are drugs that can cure a person of their HIV infection (Choose one)

1 True

2 False

7 Don't Know


The next set of questions will deal with your vaccination history.

R1. Vaccinations that protect people from hepatitis B started in 1982. Have you ever received shots to prevent hepatitis B?

1 Yes

0 No

2 I don’t know what hepatitis B is

7 Don't Know

If R1 is equal to 0, then skip to R6.

If R1 is equal to 7 or 2, then skip toR7.

R2. How many shots did you receive?

__ __

97 Don't Know

R3. What year did you receive the last shot of hepatitis B vaccine?

_ __ __ __ yyyy

2097 Don't Know (Year)

If Date(R3) is less than AGE then “The year you've given for your last shot of Hepatitis B vaccine is before your birth date. Please review your answer." skip to R3.

R4. Please check all the people or places that advised you to get the Hepatitis B vaccine. (Check all that apply)

0 = No

1 = Yes

97 = Don't Know

__ Private Doctor

__ Hospital clinic/Emergency Room staff

__ STD clinic staff

__ Free clinic/community clinic

__ HIV Counselor

__ Drug treatment program staff

__ Needle Exchange Program staff

__ Street outreach worker

__ Jail/prison staff

__ Research study

__ Friend/Family

__ Other

__ Don't Know

If (A19 is equal to 0 or A20 is equal to 0 and A21 is equal to 0) and I21EI is equal to 1 then You have checked off that you received advice to get the Hepatitis B vaccine from jail/prison staff, even though you previously answered that you have never been to jail/prison. Please review your answer." skip to A19.

R5. Please check all the places where you got the vaccine. (Check all that apply)

0= No

1 = Yes

97 = Don't Know

__ Private Doctor's office

__ Hospital clinic/Emergency Room

__ STD clinic

__ Free clinic/community clinic

__ HIV Counseling and testing clinic

__ Drug treatment program clinic

__ Needle Exchange Program or Outreach site (van, storefront)

__ Jail/prison

__ Research study

__ Other

__ Don't Know

If (A19 is equal to 0 or A20 is equal to 0 and A21 is equal to 0) and I21F is equal to 1 then You have checked off that got the vaccine from jail/prison, even though you previously answered that you have never been to jail/prison. Please review your answer." skip to A19.

If R1 is equal to 1, then skip to R8.

R6. What are the reasons that you did not get the Hepatitis B vaccine? (Choose one)

1 Did not think I could get Hepatitis B

2 Did not know there was a vaccine

3 Did not know where to get vaccine

4 Vaccine was not available at the place I was referred to

5 Too much trouble

6 Too expensive

7 Do not believe in shots

8 Other

R7. What was the MAIN reason for NOT getting the Hepatitis B vaccine? (Choose one)

1 Did not think I could get Hepatitis B

2 Did not know there was a vaccine

3 Did not know where to get vaccine

4 Vaccine was not available at the place I was referred to

5 Too much trouble

6 Too expensive

7 Do not believe in shots

8 Other

R8. Vaccinations that protect people from hepatitis A started in 1995. Have you ever received shots to prevent hepatitis A?

1 Yes

0 No

2 I don’t know what hepatitis A is

7 Don't Know

If R8 is equal to 0, then skip toR13.

If R8 is equal to 7 or 2, then skip to instruction before R.

R9. How many shots did you receive?

__ __

97 Don't Know

R10. What year did you receive the last shot of hepatitis A vaccine?

__ __ __ __ yyyy

2097 Don't Know (Year)

R11. Please check all the people or places that advised you to get the Hepatitis A vaccine. (Check all that apply)

0 = No

1 = Yes

97 = Don't Know

__ Private Doctor

__ Hospital clinic/ Emergency Room staff

__ STD clinic staff

__ Free clinic/community clinic

__ HIV Counselor

__ Drug treatment program staff

__ Needle Exchange Program staff

__ Street outreach worker

__ Jail/prison staff

__ Research study

__ Friend/Family

__ Other

__ Don't Know

If (A19 is equal to 0 or A20 is equal to 0 and A21 is equal to 0) and H22DI is equal to 1 then You have checked off the you received advice to get the Hepatitis A vaccine from jail/prison staff, even though you previously answered that you have never been to jail/prison. Please review your answer." skip to A19.

R12. Please check all the places where you got the vaccine. (Check all that apply)

0 = No

1 = Yes

97 = Don't Know

__ Private Doctor's office

__ Hospital clinic/Emergency Room

__ STD clinic

__ Free clinic/community clinic

__ HIV Counseling and testing clinic

__ Drug treatment program clinic

__ Needle Exchange Program or Outreach site (van, storefront)

__ Jail/prison

__ Research study

__ Other

__ Don't Know

If (A19 is equal to 0 or A20 is equal to 0 and A21 is equal to 0) and H22EH is equal to 1 then You have checked off that got the vaccine from jail/prison, even though you previously answered that you have never been to jail/prison. Please review your answer." skip to A19.

If R8 is equal to 1, then skip to instruction before S1.

R13. What was the MAIN reason for NOT getting the Hepatitis A vaccine? (Choose one)

1 Did not think I could get Hepatitis A

2 Did not know there was a vaccine

3 Did not know where to get vaccine

4 Vaccine was not available at the place I was referred to

5 Too much trouble

6 Too expensive

7 Do not believe in shots

8 Other


S1. If you wanted to talk to someone about things that are very personal and private or if you needed some advice, is there anyone you could talk to?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

S2. If you needed to borrow $25 or something valuable is there anyone who would lend or give it to you?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

S3. How many people do you know who have ever used drugs? (They may do drugs with you, with others or by themselves. They also may have used drugs in the past but do not now.)

__ __ people

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer


The next set of questions deal with Tuberculosis.

T1. Can people have TB in their body and not know it because they don’t have any obvious symptoms to it?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

T2. Can TB be spread from person to person through the air?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

T3. Can TB be cured by taking medicines?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

T4. Do you currently have a cough?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to TBSKINTS

7 Don't Know Skip to TBSKINTS

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to TBSKINTS

T5. How long have you had your cough?

1 7 days or less

2 8-13 days

3 14-20 days

4 21 days or more

5 I’m not sure

T6. Since this cough began, have you ever seen blood in the phlegm (mucus) that you coughed up?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

T7. How many times since your cough started have you seen blood in the phlegm (mucus) that you coughed up?


T8. Have you ever had a skin test for TB?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to T10

7 Don’t Know Skip to T10

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to T10

T9. What was the result of your last test? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Negative

1 Positive

2 Indeterminate

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

T10. Have you ever had a chest X-ray because a medical person thought you might have TB?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to T12

7 Don't Know Skip to T12

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to T12

T11. When was the last time you had a chest X-ray for TB? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

1 Within the past month

2 2-6 Months ago

3 7-12 Months ago

4 More than a year ago

5 Don't Know

6 Refuse to Answer

T12. Have you ever been told by a doctor or health care provider that you have active TB?
This does not include having a positive skin test for TB but no symptoms.

1 Yes

0 No Skip to T17

7 Don't Know Skip to T17

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to T17

T13. In which CITY were you told that you have active TB? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

T14. In which STATE were you told that you have active TB? __ __ __ __ __ __ __

T15. In which COUNTRY were you told that you have active TB? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 Mexico

1 US

2 Other __ __ __ __ __

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

T16. When were you told that you had an active TB test?

__ __ / __ __ __ __ (mm / yyyy)

7 Don't Know (Year)

8 Refuse to Answer (Year)

T17. Have you ever taken medication for TB disease or latent (sleeping TB)?

1 Yes for TB disease

2 Yes for latent (sleeping TB)

0 No Skip to T1

7 Don't Know Skip to T1

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to T1

T18. Please type in the name(s) of the drug(s) you were prescribed for tuberculosis. Don’t worry about spelling. Just do your best.


T19. For how many months did you take TB medicines? __ __ months

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

T20. If you stopped taking your medicine sooner than your doctor asked you to, what was your reason for stopping early? (READ OUT LIST, CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ The drugs made me feel sick

b. __ I did not think I needed them anymore

c. __ I could not afford to buy the medicine

d. __ My doctor told me to stop

e. __ I was deported back to Mexico

f. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

g. __ Don't Know

h. __ Refuse to Answer


T1. Have you ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease by a doctor, nurse, or other medical provider?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to U1

7 Don’t Know Skip to U1

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to U1

T2. Which sexually transmitted disease(s) were you ever diagnosed with? (CHECK THAT APPLY)

__ Chancroid

__ Chlamydia (The Clam, Gooey Stuff)

__ Genital warts(HPV, Human Papalloma Virus)

__ Gonorrhea (Dose, Clap, Drip)

__ Granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis)

__ Hepatitis B

__ Herpes

__ Lice (pubic lice, crabs)

__ Lymphogranuloma venarium (LGV)

__ Molluscum (Molluscum Contagiosum)

__ MPC (Mucopurulent Cervicitis)

__ NGU (Non-gonococcal urethritis)

__ Syphilis

__ Trichomonas

__ An injury (e.g., zipper burn, spider bite)

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

T3. How many times in your LIFETIME have you been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease? If you had the same type of infection two times, please count it as twice.

__ __

00 Zero

97 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

T4. When was the last time you were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease?

__ __ __ __ Years

__ __ __ __ Months

__ __ __ __ Days

9997 Don't Know (Months)

9998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

T5. The last time that you were diagnosed, which sexually transmitted disease did you have? (CHECK THAT APPLY)

__ Chancroid

__ Chlamydia (The Clam, Gooey Stuff)

__ Genital warts(HPV, Human Papalloma Virus)

__ Gonorrhea (Dose, Clap, Drip)

__ Granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis)

__ Hepatitis B

__ Herpes

__ Lice (pubic lice, crabs)

__ Lymphogranuloma venarium (LGV)

__ Molluscum (Molluscum Contagiosum)

__ MPC (Mucopurulent Cervicitis)

__ NGU (Non-gonococcal urethritis)

__ Syphilis

__ Trichomonas

__ An injury (e.g., zipper burn, spider bite)

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

T6. Which additional sexually transmitted diseases have you been diagnosed with in the past 3 months? (CHECK THAT APPLY)

__ Chancroid

__ Chlamydia (The Clam, Gooey Stuff)

__ Genital warts(HPV, Human Papalloma Virus)

__ Gonorrhea (Dose, Clap, Drip)

__ Granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis)

__ Hepatitis B

__ Herpes

__ Lice (pubic lice, crabs)

__ Lymphogranuloma venarium (LGV)

__ Molluscum (Molluscum Contagiosum)

__ MPC (Mucopurulent Cervicitis)

__ NGU (Non-gonococcal urethritis)

__ Syphilis

__ Trichomonas

__ An injury (e.g., zipper burn, spider bite)

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer


U1. Have you ever been diagnosed with a viral hepatitis by a doctor, nurse, or other medical provider?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to LANGUAGE

7 Don’t Know Skip to LANGUAGE

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to LANGUAGE

U2. Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis A by a doctor, nurse, or other medical provider?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to LANGUAGE

7 Don’t Know Skip to LANGUAGE

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to LANGUAGE

U3. Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis B by a doctor, nurse, or other medical provider?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to LANGUAGE

7 Don’t Know Skip to LANGUAGE

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to LANGUAGE

U4. Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis C by a doctor, nurse, or other medical provider?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to LANGUAGE

7 Don’t Know Skip to LANGUAGE

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to LANGUAGE

U5. When were you diagnosed with hepatitis B?

__ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / yyyy

2097 Don't Know (Year)

2098 Refuse to Answer (Year)

U6. When were you diagnosed with hepatitis C?

__ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / yyyy

2097 Don't Know (Year)

2098 Refuse to Answer (Year)

U7. Have you ever experienced jaundice (yellow discoloration of the eyes)?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don’t Know

8 Refuse to Answer

U8. When was the first time that your experienced jaundice (yellow discoloration of the eyes)?

__ __ / __ __ __ __ mm / yyyy

2097 Don't Know (Year)

2098 Refuse to Answer (Year)

If not recruited by RDS method, skip to W.


Now we would like to ask you some questions about the person that asked you to participate in this study. We will call this person, “the person who gave you the study coupon”

V1. What gender is the person who gave you the study coupon?

1 A male

2 A female

3 Transgender/Transexual

V2. How old do you think is the person who gave you the study coupon?

__ __ years

2097 don’t know

2098 Refuse to answer

V3. What is the ethnicity of the person who gave you the study coupon?

1 African American or Black

2 Asian or Asian American

3 Caucasian (white - non Hispanic)

4 Hispanic or Latino

5 Pacific Islander

6 Native American/American Indian/Alaskan Native

7 Other

V4. How long have you and the person who gave you the study coupon known each other? (Please choose a timeframe) (Choose one)

0 day(s)

1 week(s) SKIP TO V6

2 month(s) SKIP TO V7

3 year(s) SKIP TO V8

4 Never met before

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

V5. How many days ago?

__ __ __ DAYS

997 Don't Know (Days)

998 Refuse to Answer (Days)

V6. How many weeks ago?

__ __ __ WEEKS

997 Don't Know (Weeks)

998 Refuse to Answer (Weeks)

V7. How many months ago?

__ __ __ MONTHS

997 Don't Know (Months)

998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

V8. How many years ago?

__ __ __ YEARS

997 Don't Know (Years)

998 Refuse to Answer (Years)

V9. What would you say is your current relationship with the person that you gave the study coupon? (Check all that apply)

01 Friend

02 Boyfriend/Girlfriend

03 Spouse

04 Non-Steady sex partner

05 Acquaintance

06 Stranger

07 Other ____________________

77 Don’t know

88 Refuse to Answer

V10. Have you and the person that gave you the study coupon ever used drugs together?

1 Yes

0 No

V11. Have you and the person that gave you the study coupon ever injected drugs together? )

1 Yes

0 No

If RDS7 is equal to 0 skip to V14.

V12. How long ago was the first time you and the person who gave you the study coupon inject drugs together? (Please choose a timeframe) (Choose one)

0 DAY(s)

1 week(s) skip to V12b

2 month(s) skip to V12c

3 year(s) skip to V12d

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

V12a. How many days ago?

__ __ __ DAYS

997 Don't Know (Days)

998 Refuse to Answer (Days)

V12b. How many weeks ago?

__ __ __ WEEKS

997 Don't Know (Weeks)

998 Refuse to Answer (Weeks)

V12c. How many months ago?

__ __ __ MONTHS

997 Don't Know (Months)

998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

V12d. How many years ago?

__ __ __ YEARS

997 Don't Know (Years)

998 Refuse to Answer (Years)

V13. How long ago was the last time you and the person who gave you the study coupon inject drugs together?

(Please choose a timeframe) (Choose one)

0 day(s)

1 week(s) Skip to V13b

2 month(s) Skip to V13c

3 year(s) Skip to V13d

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

V13a. How many days ago?

__ __ __ DAYS

997 Don't Know (Days)

998 Refuse to Answer (Days)

V13b. How many weeks ago?

__ __ __ WEEKS

997 Don't Know (Weeks)

998 Refuse to Answer (Weeks)

V13c. How many months ago?

__ __ __ MONTHS

997 Don't Know (Months)

998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

V13d. How many years ago?

__ __ __ YEARS

997 Don't Know (Years)

998 Refuse to Answer (Years)

V14. Have you and the person that gave you the study coupon ever had sex?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to RDS13

V15. How long ago was the first time you and the person who gave you the study coupon had sex? (Please choose a timeframe) (Choose one)

0 day(s)

1 week(s) SKIP TO V15b

2 month(s) SKIP TO V15c

3 year(s) SKIP TO V15d

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

V15a. How many days ago?

__ __ __ DAYS

997 Don't Know (Days)

998 Refuse to Answer (Days)

V15b. How many weeks ago?

__ __ __ WEEKS

997 Don't Know (Weeks)

998 Refuse to Answer (Weeks)

V15c. How many months ago?

__ __ __ MONTHS

997 Don't Know (Months)

998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

V16d. How many years ago?

__ __ __ YEARS

997 Don't Know (Years)

998 Refuse to Answer (Years)

V17. How long ago was the last time you and the person who gave you the study coupon had sex? (Please choose a timeframe) (Choose one)

0 day(s)

1 week(s) SKIP TO V17b

2 month(s) SKIP TO V17c

3 year(s) SKIP TO V17d

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

V17a. How many days ago?

__ __ __ DAYS

997 Don't Know (Days)

998 Refuse to Answer (Days)

V17b. How many weeks ago?

__ __ __ WEEKS

997 Don't Know (Weeks)

998 Refuse to Answer (Weeks)

V17c. How many months ago?

__ __ __ MONTHS

997 Don't Know (Months)

998 Refuse to Answer (Months)

V17d. How many years ago?

__ __ __ YEARS

997 Don't Know (Years)

998 Refuse to Answer (Years)

V18. Do you know the HIV status of the person who gave you the study coupon?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to V20

7 Don’t know

V19. What is his/her status?

1 HIV positive

2 HIV negative

998 Refuse to Answer

V20. Do you know if the person who gave you the study coupon had hepatitis C virus (HCV)?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don’t know

998 Refuse to Answer

V21. How much would you say you currently trust the person who gave you the study coupon?

01 I don’t trust him/her at all








09 I trust him/her a lot

997 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

V22. In general, how trusting are your family members?

01 Extremely trusting








09 Not at all trusting

997 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

V23. In general, how trusting are your friends?

01 Extremely trusting








09 Not at all trusting

997 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

V24. In general, how trusting are your acquaintances?

01 Extremely trusting








09 Not at all trusting

997 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

V25. In general, how trusting are your sex partners?

01 Extremely trusting








09 Not at all trusting

997 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

V26. In general, how trusting are you with your injection partners?

01 Extremely trusting








09 Not at all trusting

997 Don't Know

98 Refuse to Answer

V27. The person that gave you the study coupon only had three coupons to refer other people to this study, why do you think that this person chose to give his/her coupon to you? OPEN ENDED______________________________________________________________________


W1. Which of the following languages do you speak at least well enough to have a conversation? (check all that apply)

  1. English

2 Spanish

3 Other, please specify____________

8 Refuse to answer

U2. How many countries have you been to in the last 10 years other than the U.S.? (CHOOSE ONLY ONE)

0 None Skip to U3

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 More than 5

7 Don't Know Skip to U3

8 Refuse to Answer Skip to U3

U3. Do you have friends or family who live in Mexico?

01 Yes, friends only

02 Yes, Family only

03 Yes, both friends and family

04 No

07 Don’t know

08 Refuse to answer

U4. Have you ever traveled to Mexico?

1 Yes

0 No [skip toH25]

7 Don't Know [skip to H25]

8 Refuse to Answer [skip toH25]

U5. Do you sometimes spend the night in Mexico?

1 Yes

0 No

7 Don't Know

8 Refuse to Answer

U6. In last 3 months, how many times did you cross the border into Mexico?

__ __ __ times

000 zero Skip to U9

997 Don't Know Skip to u9

998 Refuse to Answer Skip to U9

U7. In the last 3 months, which cities in Mexico have you traveled to?

01 Tijuana

02 Tecate

03 Puerto Nuevo

04 Rosarito

05 Ensenada

06 Other _____________

998 Refuse to Answer

U8. In the last 3 months, did you do any of the following in the Mexico? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

a. __ Work

b. __ Visit Family

c. __ Visit Friends

d. __ Vacation

e. __ Sell illegal drugs

f. __ Buy illegal drugs

g. __ Use illegal drugs

i. __ Buy sex

j. __ Sell sex

k. __ Sell blood/plasma

l. __ Have unprotected sex

m. __ Went to drug treatment

n. __ Went to alcohol treatment

o. __ Medical care

p. __ Transporting people

q. __ Transporting illegal drugs

r. __ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

U9. Overall, how many people whom you consider to be friends, family, sex partners, or injecting partners do you know who traveled to Mexico at least once in the past year?

__ __ __ people

997 Don't Know

998 Refuse to Answer

U10. Have you ever used drugs in Mexico (not injected)?

1 Yes

0 No [skip to U12]

7 Don't Know [skip to U12]

8 Refuse to Answer [skip to U12]

U11. In the last 3 months, have you used drugs while in Mexico (not injected)?

1 Yes

0 No [skip to U12]

7 Don't Know [skip to U12]

8 Refuse to Answer [skip to U12]

U11. In what city(s)/town(s) did you use drugs in Mexico?

00 Tijuana

01 Tecate

02 Puerto Nuevo

03 Rosarito

04 Ensenada

05 Other (specify)______________

U12. Have you ever injected drugs in Mexico?

1 Yes

0 No [skip to U24]

7 Don't Know [skip to U24]

8 Refuse to Answer [skip to U24]

U13. In the last 3 months, have you injected drugs while in Mexico? (3MMXINJ)

1 Yes

0 No [skip to U15]

7 Don't Know [skip to U15]

8 Refuse to Answer [skip to U15]

IF EVRMXINJ is equal to 0 or 7 or 8 skip to TYPDRGMX

U14. In what city(s)/town(s) did you inject drugs in Mexico?

00 Tijuana

01 Tecate

02 Puerto Nuevo

03 Rosarito

04 Ensenada

05 Other (specify)

U15. Have you ever injected with someone while you were in Mexico?

00 No [skip to U23]

01 Yes

07 DK [skip to U23]

08 Ref [skip to U23]

U16. Have you ever, lent or rent your syringe to someone in Mexico after you had already used it?

00 No [skip to U18]

01 Yes

07 DK [skip to U18]

08 Ref [skip to U18]

U17. How long has it been since you last gave, lent or rented your used syringe to someone in Mexico for their use?

_____ Days

_____ Months

_____ Years

07 DK

08 Ref

U18. Thinking of all the times you injected with other people in Mexico, did you ever use a syringe after someone had already used it?

00 No [skip to U20]

01 Yes

07 DK [skip to U20]

08 Ref [skip to U20]

U19. How long has it been since you last used a syringe in Mexico that someone else had already used?

_____ Days

_____ Months

_____ Years

07 DK

08 Ref

U20. Again, thinking of all the times you injected with other people in Mexico, did you ever share injection equipment like cookers, cotton, or water with them?

00 No [skip to U22]

01 Yes

07 DK [skip to U22]

08 Ref [skip to U22]

U21. How long has it been since you last shared injection equipment like cookers, cottons or water with someone in Mexico?

_____ Days

_____ Months

_____ Years

07 DK

08 Ref

U22. Please indicate any places where you have ever injected drugs in Mexico? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

__ At your home

__ At someone else's home

__ Shooting gallery

__ Construction site

__ Alleyway

__ Bar/Hangout

__ On the street

__ Vacant lot

__ Park

__ Other __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

U23. In the last 3 months, have you used any of the following drugs while in Mexico?

01 Marijuana or hash

02 Smoked heroin by itself

03 Snorted/inhaled heroin by itself

04 Injected heroin by itself

05 Smoked powder cocaine

06 Smoked crack cocaine

07 Snorted/inhaled powder cocaine

08 Snorted/inhaled crack cocaine

09 Injected powder cocaine by itself

10 Injected crack cocaine by itself

11 Injected heroin and cocaine (crack or powder) together (sometimes called “speedball”)

12 Smoked methamphetamine/crystal by itself

13 Snorted/inhaled methamphetamine/crystal by itself

14 Injected methamphetamine/crystal by itself

15 Injected methamphetamine and cocaine together

16 Injected methamphetamine and heroin together

17 Inhalants (like glue, gasoline)

18 Swallowed tranquilizers (like diazepam, valium, Ativan, Restoril)

19 Injected tranquilizers

20 Swallowed barbiturates (like Amytal, Nembutal, and Seconal)

21 Injected barbiturates

00 None - didn’t use any drugs in Mexico last 3 months

U24. [If answered yes to U13] In the last 3 months when you injected drugs in Mexico, who did you inject drugs with? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) (DRGPERSM)

__ Friends

__ Family

__ Spouse

__ Sexual partner (other than your spouse)

__ Acquaintance

__ Drug dealer

__ Strangers

__ Someone from Mexico

__ Alone

__ Pimp

__ Sex worker

__ Sex client

__ Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ Don't Know

__ Refuse to Answer

U25. In the last 3 months, on average how many different people did you usually inject with in Mexico? (‘0” if None)

__ __ __ __ # of persons

9997 Don't Know

9998 Refuse to Answer

U26. Have you ever bought drugs in Mexico?

1 Yes

0 No Skip to U29

9 Refuse to Answer

U27. What were your reason(s) for buying drugs in Mexico?

01 Cheaper

02 Easier to get

03 Better quality

04 Better choices of drugs

05 I don’t know any dealers or where to buy drugs in San Diego

06 Other________________________

U28. Of all the times you bought drugs in the past 3 months, what percent of the time have you bought drugs in Mexico?

01 Less than 25%

02 25% to 49%

03 50% to 74%

04 75% or more

9998 Refuse to Answer

U29. Have you ever injected drugs in the US with someone who lives in Mexico?

1 Yes

0 No [skip to H25]

7 Don't Know [skip to H25]

8 Refuse to Answer [skip to H25]

U30. When was the last time you injected drugs in the US with someone who lives in Mexico?

_ __ __ DAYS

_ __ __ MONTHS

__ __ __ YEARS

997 Don't Know

998 Refuse to Answer

H25. Thank you for your time and your hard work. We believe that all the effort that you put into answering these questions will be helpful to others. Please let a staff member know that you are finished.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

If H25 is not equal to NEGIDU then “The password you have entered is incorrect. Please re-enter the password." skip to H25.

If H25 is equal to NEGIDU, then skip to end of questionnaire.

H26. Thank you for your time and hard work. The computer determined that there were data inconsistencies and you are not eligible to be in the study. Please call the attendant.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

If H26 is not equal to ENDINT then Password is incorrect. Please reenter the password." skip to H26.

If H26 is equal to ENDINT, then skip to end of questionnaire.

H27. Error 2. Please call a staff member.

__ __ __ __ __ __

If H27 is equal to ENDINT, then skip to end of questionnaire.

If H27 is equal to GOBACK then You will now resume the interview." skip to instruction before B20.

If H27 is not equal to ENDINT then Password is incorrect. Please reenter the password." skip to H27.

H28. Error 1. Please call a staff member.

__ __ __ __ __ __

If H28 is equal to GOBACK then You will now resume the interview." skip to A1.

If H28 is not equal to ENDINT then Password is incorrect. Please reenter the password." skip to H27.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleStudy to Assess Hepatitis Risk
Last Modified ByPetunia L. Gissendaner
File Modified2009-02-05
File Created2009-02-02

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