Focus Group Participant -Generic #4

Prevention Communication Formative Research

Usablity Moderators Guide_0990-0281_#4

Focus Group Participant -Generic #4

OMB: 0990-0281

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0990-0281

Exp. Date XX/XX/XX12



Individual participants will be exposed to critical features and functions of a Spanish-language QGHL prototype.


  • Open prototype.

  • Deliver Introduction.

    • We are audio-/video-recording so that we can capture your interaction with the screen.

  • Explain Consent Form.

    • Have participant read and sign consent form.

  • Turn on recorder.

    • Have the participants state their first name only.

  • Conduct usability study.

  • For every page: [Note: Say “page,” not “section.”]

      • What catches your attention?

      • What stands out?

      • What links interest you?

      • Was this intuitive/logical/“automatic”/easily understood/“natural”?

      • What do you think about the words and colors used on this page?

      • If you like or don’t like something, why/why not?

      • What/How would you change this page?

OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0281. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 120 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 537-H, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer

TASK ONE: Landing Page and Navigation

  • Take a minute to look at this “landing” page.

  • Does this look like other Web sites? Why/Why not?

  • If you found this Web site on your own through a search engine (such as Yahoo or

Google), what about this page would make you want to stay on this page?

    • Use your mouse to point to it.

    • If you were here because a friend told you about this Web site, would you stay here? Why/Why not?

  • Let’s say you want to find information on how to [watch your weight]. Where would you go? [Answer: “Nutrition and Fitness” category from landing page.]

    • Describe what you see. [Do they use tabs? Do they notice there are other pages?]

    • What do you notice first on this page?

  • Now let’s return to the landing page. [Do they notice the QGHL “Menu” button? Breadcrumbs?]

  • You want to find out how to prepare for [an emergency like a flood or fire]. Where would you go? [Answer: “Public Health and Safety” category from landing page, “Prepare for an Emergency” topic.]

    • Describe what you see. [Do they use tabs? Do they notice there are other pages?]

    • What do you notice first on this page?

  • Let’s say you wanted to see a list of all of the topics in the QGHL. Where would you look? [Note: Do participants remember how to do this?] [Answer: View All QGHL topics buttons.]

  • [myhealthfinder search box on landing page:]

    • Let’s say you wanted to find specific health recommendations for a man age 45. Where would you look?

    • [If participants do not use the myhealthfinder search box, moderator will ask:] Is there a tool on this page that you could use to find this information? [Moderator will point on the myheathfinder box if participants cannot locate this information.]

    • [Moderator will watch whether participants are able to enter information easily into the search box.]

[On myhealthfinder results page:]

    • How useful do you find the questions in the “myhealthfinder” box, where you can enter some individual information such as whether the information is for you or for someone else, or your gender?

    • Do you think this page provides you with enough information?


  • Do you think it’s easy to pick out what interests you?

  • Does this make sense to you?

  • Where do you want to go next?

  • How did you decide that?

  • What would you do if you clicked on a link that took you to an English-only section?

Probe for: exit site altogether, try to find an interpreter, print and bring to doctor, translate

for oneself with a dictionary, etc.]

TASK TWO: Search and Understanding Content Tasks

  • Search for “trans fats.”

  • Take a minute to look at the page.

  • Tell me a little bit about what you just read.

    • In your own words, describe “trans fats.”

  • Search for “nutrition facts label.”

  • Take a minute to look at the page.

  • Tell me a little bit about what you just read.

    • In your own words, describe what a “nutrition facts label” is.

      • How would you be able to tell how many calories a product has?

      • How would you be able to tell whether a product has fiber in it?

      • How would you be able to tell whether a product has vitamin A in it?

      • How would you be able to tell how much sodium a product has in it?


  • Do you see anything you can click on?

  • Go ahead and try the links.

  • What would you do if you clicked on a link that took you to an English-only section?

Probe for: exit site altogether, try to find an interpreter, print and bring to doctor, translate

for oneself with a dictionary, etc.]

TASK THREE: Condition Topic Tasks

  • From the landing page, click on “For Older Adults.”

  • Take some time to click through the “For Older Adults” content pages.

  • Tell me what you think. [Note: Say, “We just want to make sure that we’re explaining

things well.”]

  • Click and show me the part of this page that tells you if you should be worried about [colorectal cancer]. [Answer from “Am I at risk?,” page 4 of “The Basics”: If user is age 50 or older, has growths inside the colon, family history of colorectal cancer, smokes, or has health conditions such as Crohn’s Disease.]

  • Now that you’ve read this, can you tell me a little bit about a “colonoscopy” in your

own words?

  • Now that you’ve read this, can you tell me a little bit about “polyps” in your own words?


  • [Observe if they click on any links? And, if so, which are they?]

  • [If they ask if they may click on this? “Yes, go ahead and try the links,” etc.]

  • What would you do if you clicked on a link that took you to an English-only section?

[Probe for: exit site altogether, try to find an interpreter, print and bring to doctor,

translate by oneself with a dictionary, etc.]

TASK FOUR: Caregiver Content Tasks

  • From the landing page, click on “For Parents,” and then, click on “Protect Your Child from Injury.”

  • Tell me what you think of the page.

  • Do you find this information helpful?


  • [Observe if they click on any links? And, if so, which are they?]

  • [If they ask if they may click on this? “Yes, go ahead and try the links,” etc.]

  • What would you do if you clicked on a link that took you to an English-only section?

[Probe for: exit site altogether, try to find an interpreter, print and bring to doctor,

translate by oneself with a dictionary, etc.]

TASK FIVE: Behavior Topic Tasks

  • From the landing page, click on “Public Health and Safety,” and then, click on “Get a

Flu Shot.”

  • Take some time to click through the “Start Today: Small Steps” box.

    • Tell me what you think.

  • Click on “Take Action.”

    • After reading through these pages, are you inspired to take action?

      • What would you do?

      • Why/Why Not?


  • What would you do if you clicked on a link that took you to an English-only section?

[Probe for: exit site altogether, try to find an interpreter, print and bring to doctor,

translate by oneself with a dictionary, etc.]

TASK SIX: Interactive Tools Tasks

  • Let’s return to the landing page.

  • From the landing page, click on “Nutrition and Fitness;” then, click on “Eat Healthy;” and

then, click on “Take Action.” See link to “Print this food diary to get started.”

    • Would you keep a food diary?

      • Why/Why Not?

  • Find “Plan ahead,” and then, “Plan your meals for the day/week.”

    • Is this something you would use?

      • Why/Why Not?

  • Find “Find recipes that work for you,” and then, “Delicious Heart Healthy Latino Recipes.”

    • Is this something you would use?

      • Why/Why Not?

  • Now that you’ve seen these tools, are there any other links you would like to go back to?

  • Find the “Start Today: Small Steps” box.

    • Are these good ideas? (“Try a new fruit and vegetable every month,” “Check out these 10 tips for a healthy vegetarian diet,” and “Try these tips to spend less and get more when food shopping for your family.”)

    • Would you like to see more or fewer ideas, or is this a good amount of information for this box?

  • What would you do if you clicked on a link that took you to an English-only section? [Probe for: exit site altogether, try to find an interpreter, print and bring to doctor, translate by oneself with a dictionary, etc.]

TASK SEVEN: Email Task

  • Would you email this page to other people?

  • Is there a way to do that on this page?

  • Who would you email this to?

TASK EIGHT: Print Task

  • Would you print this page to give to someone?

    • Why/Why not?

  • Who would you give this to?

TASK NINE: Mobile Health Concepts

  • Do you own a cell phone?

  • Do you have text messaging capacity?

  • Do you pay for this text messaging service?

  • What do you think about [INSERT TYPE OF SERVICE(S) TO OFFER]?


The moderator will pass out brief questionnaires to assess levels of self-efficacy, engagement, applicability, and acceptability (Appendix A and Appendix B).


Measures of Self-Efficacy

Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 through 5, where:

1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree

  1. The information on the site is very believable.

  2. I trust this information to be accurate.

  3. This information was presented in ways that I could easily understand.

  4. This information was easy to use.

  5. This information was useful to me.

  6. This information is something I would recommend to a friend or relative.

  7. This information gave me some specific ideas about what to do to [eat healthier].

  8. This information made me feel more confident that I can do something about [eating healthier].

  9. This information made me feel better prepared to do something about [eating healthier].

  10. This information made me feel better prepared to do something in the next month to [eat healthier].

  11. The information on the site was enough to help me make a decision about my health.

  12. I still have questions about my health.

Measures of Engagement

Please rate the following on a scale of 1 through 5, where:

1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree

  1. Absorbing

  2. Attention Grabbing

  3. Stimulating

  4. Surprising

  5. Suspenseful

  6. Thought Provoking

  7. Clever

  8. Convincing

  9. Balanced

  10. Believable

  11. Not Dull

  12. Hip, Cool


Measures of Acceptability

Please rate the following on a scale of 1 through 5, where:

1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree

  • “This information was easy to use.”

  • “This information was presented in ways that I could easily understand.”

Measures of Applicability

Please rate the following on a scale from 1 through 5, where:

1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree

  • “This information was useful to me.”

  • “This information gave me some specific ideas about what to do.”

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleForm Approved
Last Modified ByAdministrator
File Modified2010-04-22
File Created2010-04-22

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