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pdfU.S. Department of State
Guidelines for Completion of a Form DSP-73
Application/License for Temporary Export of Unclassified Defense Articles
These guidelines are provided to assist applicants in accurately completing the Form DSP-73 application
for license for temporary export in compliance with the International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR
– 22 CFR 120-130). The submission of a complete and compliant request will provide the Directorate of
Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) with the necessary information to perform a timely review of your
request. A properly completed application also provides relevant information to other government
agencies and offices in the Department of State when it is necessary to seek their recommendations.
Applications that do not meet the regulatory requirements or fail to provide adequate details and
information necessary to complete a review may be Returned Without Action (RWA’d).
Prior to completing your application you should determine that:
Your company is registered with the Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. If
you are not a manufacturer or in the business of exporting defense articles, you may seek relief from
registration (see 22 CFR 122).
A 22 CFR §120.25 ITAR empowered official has been identified to sign the application.
All required documentation is available (see 22 CFR §123.1) for submission with your request.
The eligibility requirements of 22 CFR §120.1(c) and §126.13 can be satisfied. If they cannot be
satisfied, you are not eligible to apply for a license.
The U.S. Munitions List (USML) covers the commodity(s) that are the subject of the request (see
22 CFR 121). Should a doubt exist regarding the agency jurisdiction for any commodity(s), see 22
CFR §§ 120.3, 120.4, and 120.6 of the ITAR and DDTC’s Web site ( for
assistance. Should a commodity jurisdiction determination be required, please see the CJ guidelines
on DDTC’s Web site.
Documentation Requirements. You will be asked to identify the documents that you submit with your
request. While you may submit any document necessary to assist in the review, the types of documents
identified include:
Firearms and Ammunitions Import Permit
Firearms and Ammunitions Letter of Explanation, when necessary
Other amplifying data (e.g., briefing, proposal)
Precedent (identical/similar) cases
Product brochures
Supplementary explanation of transaction (e.g., white paper)
Technical drawings, schematics, or blue prints
Transaction exception request
22 CFR § 126.13 Eligibility Letter
Manufacturer Unknown Letter of Explanation
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Note: A letter of explanation (supplementary explanation of transaction) should only be submitted when
all the pertinent information cannot be included on the application or attachment(s) and the information in
the document adds to the content of the application or a special requirement has been imposed by the
Office of Defense Trade Controls Licensing.
General Instructions:
1. All blocks with an asterisk must be completed.
2. Any supporting documentation/attachments to the application must be submitted with the initial
3. No defense articles authorized for temporary export may be re-exported or transferred to any other
country, to a national of any other country, or to another end use or end user without the prior written
approval of the Department of State.
4. This form may only be used to temporarily export hardware. Any export of technical data is
considered a permanent export and must be licensed on a DSP-5. Software is considered technical data.
See 22 CFR § 121.8 for definitions (e.g., software and firmware). However, in exceptional circumstances
DDTC will consider an exception to licensing policy to permit the temporary export of computer
software when for use in demonstrations, provided the applicant submits with the application a letter
explaining the transaction and a statement that applicant will not transfer the computer software and will
retain physical possession during its temporary export and return it to the U.S. immediately following the
5. Requests for temporary export of hardware may be submitted for more than one foreign destination.
However, when the county(s) of ultimate destination are geographically dispersed, the applicant should
submit a separate application for each major geographical region (e.g. Africa, East Asia, Europe, etc.).
For identification of the countries and the regions in which they are located, see the DDTC Web site.
6. All applications for license must include the complete name and address of all U.S. consignors/freight
forwarders and all foreign consignees and foreign intermediate consignees involved in the transaction.
This information is required in accordance with 22 CFR § 126.13(b). Applicants must also identify all
persons performing brokering activities (22 CFR 129) in connection with the proposed transaction. Port
Directors of U.S. Customs and Border Protection will permit only those U.S. consignors or freight
forwarders listed on the license to make shipments under the license, and only when the applicant’s
registration is valid and only to those foreign consignees named on the license or attachment.
7. Firearms, Temporary Exports, Special Requirements.
a) All requests for the temporary export of firearms must either provide an import permit from
the foreign government or have written verification that no document was issued by it. In
those instances where a foreign government does not issue import permits, the applicant must
provide with the application the written verification from the foreign destination that the
importing country does not require such import permits.
b) Each request must provide a letter of explanation for the transaction (e.g., reason/rationale for
the temporary export) and state in the letter that a) “I have verified that the country to which
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these firearms are being temporarily exported does not issue an import certificate and have
enclosed written verification” or b) “I have submitted an import permit with this request.”
c) Requests for trade shows or for motion pictures. The temporary export of firearms to a
foreign destination for use in a trade show or for a motion picture must include a letter that
provides the details of the security arrangements in the foreign country (e.g., access, storage,
d) All firearms licenses will only be valid for the period of the import permit minus one day.
8. The applicant retains a temporary export license, except for exports of an aircraft or vessel when it is
placed in the aircraft/vessel during its export abroad. However, all temporary licenses must be
presented to and endorsed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Licenses should be returned to
DDTC when all the items have been returned to the U.S., when the applicant no longer has a
requirement, or when the license expires.
9. Copies of a license may NEVER be used to make shipments. However, the applicant may make
photocopies of licenses for internal use.
10. The DDTC mailing address is available on DDTC’s Web site.
11. Electronic submissions only. When submitting your application electronically, you will be asked to
assign the case a company/applicant user identification number in the Transaction ID field. The content
of this field is determined by you and will assist in identifying your specific transaction. This field will
also help link your electronic submission to any documentation that is subsequently submitted to DDTC
(e.g. mail, FAX, hand carry) in support of the application. This number will also serve to identify
electronically submitted requests related to State’s DTSI initiatives. For additional information on these
programs consult our Web site.
Specific Instructions/Guidelines:
*Block 1. Date Prepared. When submitting electronically, the date the application is prepared is
automatically entered (month/day/year). It is updated each time the application is opened until
submission to DDTC, at which time the application must be digitally signed.
*Block 2. PM/DDTC Applicant/Registrant Code. Enter your DDTC Applicant/Registrant Code
number, including the pre-fix letter “M” if applicant is a manufacturer and/or exporter. Ensure your
registration is valid. No application will be processed unless your registration is current, or you are
exempt or have been provided relief from registration (see 22 CFR § 122.1(b)). If you do not have a
registration code, are not exempt or have not been provided relief from registration, STOP here and
please contact DDTC. Prior to contacting DDTC you may wish to review registration requirements by
viewing 22 CFR 122 and guidance provided on DDTC’s Web site.
*Block 3. Single/Series of Departure(s) and Return(s). Select either single departure and return or
series of departures and returns.
*Block 4. Specific Countries of Sojourn. For electronic submissions select the country(s) to which the
item(s) will be temporarily exported. For paper submission, provide the complete name of the country
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(e.g., United Kingdom not UK). When there is insufficient room in the block to identify all the countries,
continue the list (i.e., continuation of Block 4) and provide it as an attachment to the application.
1. The country(s) identified in Block 4 are the destination(s) of the end user(s) and must match the
country(s) listed in Block 22 (i.e., the temporary foreign end-user). The intermediate destinations to
which the defense article(s) will be shipped prior to reaching it final destination should be provided in
Blocks 18 and 20.
2. To expedite the review of your request, separate applications should be submitted for each Department
of State geographic region (e.g., Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Europe). To determine what countries are
in what geographic region see the DDTC Web site.
Block 5. Applicant’s Name and Address. Check the appropriate block indicating applicant business
(Government, Manufacturer, and Exporter). State the registered applicant’s complete name and address,
including zip code. Be sure to include the complete telephone number, including the area code. As
appropriate, provide information on subsidiary(s) for electronic submissions by selecting “Add subsidiary
information” and complete. For paper submissions, check the box “subsidiary” and provide the
information in an attachment to the application.
*Block 6. Probable Port of Exit from the U.S. Provide the known or expected U.S. Customs and
Border Protection port from which the defense article(s) will be temporarily exported.
*Block 7. Probable Port of Entry into U.S. Provide the known or expected port at which the defense
article(s) will enter the U.S.
*Block 8. Probable Date of First Exit from U.S. Provide the known or expected date the defense
article(s) will first exit the U.S.
*Block 9. Probable Date of Final Entry into U.S. Provide the known or expected date the defense
article(s) will make their final entry into the U.S.
Note: All exits and entries must be made during the validity period of the license. Articles exported
pursuant to a temporary export license may not be sold or otherwise permanently transferred to a foreign
person while overseas; nor may transfer of title occur during the period of temporary export. A renewal
of the license or other written approval must be obtained from DDTC if the defense article is to remain
outside the U.S. beyond the validity period. (See 22 CFR § 123.5).
Block 10a. Applicant Contact. List an individual(s) familiar with the transaction who can respond to
questions from DDTC staff or other government agencies. The individual(s) should be prepared to
answer procedural and/or technical questions. You may list more than one individual and provide the
area of expertise (John Doe – technical, Andrew Heart – regulatory/process). Please do not list an
individual who is not familiar with the transaction and thus unable to respond. Do not list government
Block 10b. U.S. Government Personnel Familiar with Commodity. Identify an individual(s)
employed by the U.S. Government (i.e., a military service or agency) familiar with the defense
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article/defense program. It cannot be an employee of DDTC. This information could assist in expediting
the review of your request.
Block 11. Description of Transaction.
*11a. Select one. a) Only completely new shipment or b) only renewal of previously issued license
1. Only completely new shipment means this is the first time you have made a request for the defense
article(s) that are the subject of this transaction (e.g., contract, purchase order, marketing material).
2. Only renewal of previously issued license means that you have an existing license that has expired or
will expire, and not all the articles on the license have been shipped or not all the articles shipped have
been returned to the U.S.
11b. This application has a related license number(s). Select “application has related license numbers”
and provide the DDTC case number(s).
1. If you are applying for a renewal you must provide a DDTC case number. For all other requests,
information on previous approvals, denials and RWA’s can provide substantial and necessary history to
ensure adequate and timely processing of your request. Information that the defense article was
previously approved to the same country(s) may eliminate seeking interagency recommendations.
Identical means that it is the EXACT configuration of a defense article that has been previously
requested/approved. If a license for the identical commodity has not been requested but a SIMILAR
commodity has been, you may wish to include this information with your application and provide the
details of the commodity licensed compared with the commodity that is the subject of the request
2. To expedite the review process, you may provide a copy of any license or agreement (Approved,
Disapproved or RWA'd) that has been identified. For agreements you may wish to provide only the
relevant pages. For all cases include any proviso letters related to the approval of the case(s).
*Block 12. Quantity. Provide the quantity of each commodity (e.g., end item, major component and
system) identified in Block 13 and select a unit type. When selecting a unit type such as “lots” unless it
is clearly evident that the term is applicable to the commodity identified in Block 13.) “Lot” is generally
only acceptable when used as a quantity for minor components or parts. However, an itemized list of the
minor components or parts may be required as an attachment to your request.
*Block 13. Commodity. The commodity must be described in detail to include the model/part number
and descriptions. List each defense article with as much detail as available. Include, to the extent
possible, the product name, manufacturer, part/model number, military nomenclature, federal stock
number, specific details of any modification and any other information that would assist in
clarification/identification of the defense article(s). Systems, end items, and major components/parts
must always be itemized. See 22 CFR § 121.8 for definitions.
1. Provide all the specific details of any modification, and any other details that would assist in
clarification/identification of the listed defense article(s). The applicant should seek to determine if any
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of the defense article(s) are Significant Military Equipment (SME), and in the case of components and
parts, whether the items are major or minor. Systems, end items, and major components and major parts
must always be itemized. (For definitions of an end-item, component, part, accessory, attachment,
system, etc, see 22 CFR § 121.8). Lack of detail, incomplete or misleading descriptions can result in your
request being Returned Without Action (RWA) or undergoing unnecessary processing/review that will
significantly delay the completion of the license.
2. For electronic submissions, when completing Block 12, an item number will be automatically assigned
to each new commodity that is requested.
*Block 14. U.S. Munitions List (USML) Category. The USML, 22 CFR § 121.1, will assist you in
identification of the category and sub-category for the commodity(s) stated on your application (e.g.,
Aircraft – VIII(a), Military Radio - XI(a)(4)(iii)). If more than one commodity is stated in Block 13, list
the USML category for each commodity.
*Block 15. Value. The value is expressed in both unit price and line time total.
Unit Price. Enter the unit price (in U.S. dollars) of the commodity listed in Block 13. For example, if an
AN/X-2 radio identified in Block 13 is $400, enter a unit price of $400.
Line Item Total. For electronic submissions, you do not need to enter a line item total. The electronic
software is designed to determine the total value by computing the quantity and unit price (e.g., two (2)
AN/X-2 radios @ a unit price of $400 would calculate the total line value to be $800). For paper
submissions, you must calculate the line item total.
*Block 16. Total Value. This is the value of all line item totals. For electronic submissions, the
software is designed to compute this value, so the applicant does not need to enter a value. The
applicant who submits a paper application must compute this value.
*Block 17. Manufacturer of Commodity. Select same as Block 5 or provide the name and address of
the manufacturer of the commodity(s). It is recommended that applicants seek to determine, when the
source is a manufacturer, that the manufacturer is registered with DDTC as required by the Arms Export
Control Act.
*Block 18. Name and Address of Foreign Intermediate Consignee. Select “None” (when there is no
foreign intermediate consignee) or provide the name, address and the role of the foreign intermediate
consignee(s), regardless of where located, that will receive the commodity(s) for onward movement to the
temporary foreign consignee or temporary foreign end-user (e.g., freight forwarder, customs broker,
agent or representative, brokers. Do not use post office boxes or other imprecise addresses. Also, do not
include banks or common carriers unless they are involved in the transaction (e.g. brokering) or your
Letter of Credit specifies that they are a party to the transaction. There may be more than one foreign
intermediate parties involved in the transaction. The foreign intermediate consignee(s) may be in a
country(s) that is different than the country of the foreign consignee/end-user.
*Block 19. Source of Commodity. Select same as Block 5 or Block 17 or provide the name and address
of the source(s) of the commodity(s). Do not provide post office boxes or imprecise addresses.
*Block 20. Name and Address of Temporary Foreign Consignee. Select “none” or provide the
complete name and address of the temporary foreign consignee who will receive the shipment for storage,
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modification, or for incorporation into another end-item, and for subsequent forwarding to the temporary
foreign end-user (Block 22). Do not use post office box numbers or other general or imprecise addresses.
The temporary foreign consignee may be in the same country as the foreign end user or in another
country. Ensure that the application provides adequate details regarding the transaction and all the parties
involved, paying particular attention to clarification of their roles when the parties are various and/or in
different countries.
*Block 21. Consignor and/or Freight Forwarder in the United States. Select same as Block 5 or
identify the party(s) in the U.S. that will actually deliver the defense article(s) identified in Block 13 to
the foreign intermediate consignee/temporary foreign end user. When the applicant is delivering the
defense articles directly to a common carrier (e.g., using no freight forwarder) enter "Same as Block 5."
When using freight forwarder(s), state their complete name and address. You may provide all the U.S.
freight forwarders that you anticipate will be handling this temporary export (e.g., any freight
forwarder(s) that is under contract to the applicant to handle the export of defense articles). When
submitting a paper application, an original and one copy of all freight forwarder continuation sheets must
be provided.
Note: When a freight forwarder is required to handle the shipment of commodity(s) after the application
has been approved by DDTC, they may only be added to the license by submitting a request for an
amendment. Do not attempt to make the export using a freight forwarder that is not identified on the
license or your shipment may be detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
*Block 22. Name and Address of Temporary Foreign End User. Select “Same as Block 20” when
the temporary foreign end user is the same as the temporary foreign consignee. When different provide
the complete name and address of the temporary foreign end user. Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use
of post office box numbers will generally result in your request being RWA’d. The temporary foreign
end-user(s) must be in the country(s) identified in Block 4.
*Block 23. Specific Purpose of Temporary Export. For any request that is submitted to satisfy the
requirements of 22 CFR § 126.8, select “Request for prior approval.” For all requests, provide the
specific purpose for the temporary export. Be specific about the purpose for which you wish to
temporarily export the defense articles. Information provided in this block will enhance the review and
processing time and could be important in determining the final determination. Simply stating, "for use
in repair” or “for marketing purposes” is inadequate. Provide reference to any applicable approved (or
pending) licenses and/or agreements in order to clarify the transaction.
Note: Information regarding user(s) and use(s) for which the defense articles are being temporarily
exported are critical to a U.S. Government determination. The specific details in this block should
provide rationale for the review and final determination. Examples are:
- Mechanism for deployment of parachute in German manufactured [model/type] ejection seat that
failed in testing. Mechanism is being returned to Germany for repair/replacement. See AG-999-01.
- Export for demonstration to Portuguese and Spanish Ministries of Defense to display capabilities of
new armor plating to support the production of transport vehicles that will be produced in Portugal. The
Spanish Government is participating in the demonstration since the production is a co-production effort in
which the Government of Spain is providing economic assistance in return for data and production rights
for the vehicles from the Government of Portugal. It is anticipated that this is solely a sale of hardware
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(i.e., armor plating) and no manufacturing data will be exported. However, there may be a need to
provide limited technical data and defense services. This requirement will be determined at the time of
demonstration and will be limited to data necessary to place the armor plating on the vehicles.
*Block 24. Is the article being exported an Aircraft or Vessel. Select either yes or no. If yes, provide
additional information in Blocks 25, 26, 27, and 28. In addition, Block 29 must be completed when the
aircraft and/or vessel is to be temporarily exported under its own power or capable of flight upon
reaching the temporary foreign destination. This includes any aircraft and vessel that is disassembled for
export to a foreign destination that will be reassembled in a foreign destination for use or demonstration
purposes. The additional information is:
Block 25. FAA Reg. No., or Vessel Document Number of aircraft or vessel, and vessel name. Enter
the registration number(s) of the aircraft/vessel. Be sure to include the name of the vessel (e.g., RA-3527,
Russian Mil-8TV Helicopter, Lockheed C-130H).
Block 26. Date of FAA Reg. No. or Vessel Document Number.
Block 27. Make, model and serial number of aircraft or vessel.
Block 28. Physical location of the aircraft or vessel. Provide the complete address. Ensure that the
address is precise and will provide to DDTC the ability to locate the aircraft/vessel for an inspection
when deemed appropriate.
Block 29. Aircraft or vessel commander name, and complete address and operator or certification
license number. Only the individual(s) identified on the license are granted authorization to operate the
aircraft/vessel during its temporary export. Should the names of these individuals change (i.e., add,
delete, modify) you may request an amendment to the license.
Block 30. Applicant’s Statement. Electronic submissions. Type the name of the individual who will
digitally sign the request and check the boxes that apply.
Paper submissions. Type the name of the individual who will sign the license application, sign the
application and check the boxes that apply.
Note: Applications must be signed by either an ITAR empowered official (see 22 CFR § 120.25) or an
official of a foreign government entity. Applications signed by another individual or “for” another
company or person is a violation of the ITAR.
22 CFR § 126.13 Certification. Select one. When selecting 2, 3, or 4 ensure that the additional
documentation is submitted with your request.
Block 31. License to be sent to. FOR PAPER SUBMISSIONS ONLY. Provide the complete name,
address and phone number. DO NOT PUT “SAME AS BLOCK 3.”
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File Type | application/pdf |
Author | SweeneyMF |
File Modified | 2006-03-30 |
File Created | 2006-03-30 |