Key Concepts Matrix

Key Concepts Matrix.xls

National Study on Alternative Assessments (NSAA) Teacher Survey

Key Concepts Matrix

OMB: 1850-0860

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1 Background (B&D)
2 Exp and Motivation (E&M)
3 Prof Cap & Resources (PCR)
4 Opportunity to learn (OTL)

Sheet 1: 1 Background (B&D)

Background and Demographics (B&D)

Key Concepts Source Multiple question? Question Text (and ISI question number)
1. Teacher CIS
1.A.1 What are the grade-level bands for most students in your classroom or on your case load?

1.A.2 How many students are in your classroom or on your caseload?

PCR 1 1.A.4 How many years have you been teaching reading/English language arts/mathematics/science/students with significant cognitive disabilities?

PCR 1 1.A.5 What is the highest degree you hold?

PCR 1 1.A.6 What certifications do you possess?

PCR 1 1.A.7 Do you hold any teaching license with a concentration in reading/English language arts/mathematics/science/Special education?

1.A.3 How many of the students in your classroom or on your caseload will take the alternate assessment this school year (2008-09)?
2. Student CIS
2.1 Which of the communication levels listed best reflects the highest level at which the target student currently communicates? (Check one box) [3 levels of symbolic communication]

2.2 What is the target student’s chronological age? (circle one)

2.3 What is the target student’s assigned grade level? (circle one)

2.6 Is your target student an English language learner?

2.7 Does your target student use an augmentative communication system in addition to or in place of oral speech?

2.8 Receptive Language

2.9 Vision

2.10 Hearing

2.11 Motor

2.12 Engagement

2.13 Health Issues and Attendance

2.14 Reading

2.15 Mathematics

2.5 Please describe the disability of the target student. Provide the primary disability in the first column. In the second column, provide all disabilities (including the primary disability).

2.4 At what grade level is the target student currently performing?

Sheet 2: 2 Exp and Motivation (E&M)

Clear Expectations and Motivation (E&M)

Key Concepts Source Multiple question? Question Text (and ISI question number)
Teacher’s understanding and support of academic content and achievement standards

1. Do the teachers have sufficient knowledge of the academic content standards? CIS PCR 1 1.B.2 During the past 12 months, how much time have you spent engaged in professional development in each of the following areas:
o      Reading/English language arts content standards
o      Math content standards
o      Science content standards?

1.C.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
o      I have a clear understanding of the content standards in my state in reading/English language arts, mathematics, science
2. Do teachers support academic content instruction and accountability for students with significant cognitive disabilities? NSAAS
1.D.1 The alternate assessment measures the skills and knowledge that are specific to the instructional needs of students with significant cognitive disabilities (agree/disagree)

1.D.7 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Check one box in each row)
o        Students with significant cognitive disabilities benefit from inclusion in the accountability system.
o        It is important that students with significant cognitive disabilities receive academic instruction.
Other stakeholder understanding and support

3. Do district and school leadership personnel support academic content standards and alternate assessments for students with signficant cognitive disabilities? NSAAS E&M 7a 1.C.1 The following are some common conflicts experienced by teachers providing instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities. How great a challenge is each of these conflicts for you?
o Time to teach versus time to conduct the alternate assessment
o Teaching academic standards versus students’ other skill areas
o Student individual needs versus state expectations for academic achievement
o Parental preferences versus requirements of alternate assessment
o Routine duties and paperwork versus time with the student

PCR 4 1.D.1 I have the resources I need to provide academic instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities in reading/language arts, mathematics, science (agree/disagree)

1.D.2 Which of the following kinds of support have you received to help with alternate assessment administration and assembly? (Check all that apply)
o        Reduced or flexible teaching schedule
o        Common planning time or collaboration with other teachers administering/assembling the alternate assessment
o        Extra classroom assistance (e.g., teacher aides)
o        Regular supportive communication with your principal, other administrators, or department chair
o       Guidance or assistance from another teacher
o       Release time from instruction through the provision of a substitute
4. Do students understand and support the use of alternate assessments? NSAAS
1.D.4 Regarding your students and their parents, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? (agree, disagree, don't know)
o        My students are aware of the alternate assessment process.
o       My students understand the meaning of the alternate assessment scores
5. Do parents understand and support the use of alternate assessments? NSAAS PCR 3 1.D.4 Regarding your students and their parents, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? (agree, disagree, don't know)
o        Parents of my students understand the results from the alternate assessment.
o        I am able to interpret the results of the alternate assessment for parents.
Clear Expectations

6. Do alternate assessments and state content standards set expectations that influence teachers? CIS
1.C.5/7/9 How much does each of the following influence what you teach in reading/English language arts/mathematics/science classes? (Check one box in each row)
o     State reading/English language arts/mathematics/science content standards
o     State reading/English language arts/mathematics/science curriculum frameworks or guidance documents for curriculum scope and sequence
o     Textbooks and instructional materials used in general education
o     State alternate assessment requirements
o     State alternate assessment results from previous years
o     Reading/English language arts/mathematics/science content, materials, and/or activities used by general education teachers in my school
o     Training from my degree program (undergraduate or graduate)
o     Students’ needs as documented on IEPs
o     School or district initiatives or priorities
o     Principal or other administrator expectations
o     Professional development experiences
o     Classroom assessment results (e.g., curriculum based assessment)
o     Instructional materials for students with significant cognitive disabilities

1.D.7 Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. (Check one box in each row)
o        I use academic curriculum more as a result of the alternate assessment.
7a. Do teachers perceive expectations as clear, consistent and challenging (for teachers)? NSAAS E&M 2 1.C.1 The following are some common conflicts experienced by teachers providing instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities. How great a challenge are each of these conflicts for you?
o     Time to teach versus time to conduct the alternate assessment
o Teaching academic standards versus students’ other skill areas
o Student individual needs versus state expectations for academic achievement
o Parental preferences versus requirements of alternate assessment
o Routine duties and paperwork versus time with students
7b. Do teachers perceive expectations as clear, consistent and challenging (for students)? NSAAS E&M 8 1.D.7 Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. (Check one box in each row)
o      Alternate assessment scores reflect the actual achievement of the students.
o      Alternate assessment scores accurately reflect student progress.
o      The state sets high expectations for students through the alternate assessment process.
o      Students with significant cognitive disabilities can meet the expectations set by the state.
Results from Alternate Assessments Guide Instruction

8. Do alternate assessments provide guideposts for teaching and programs? NSAAS
1.D.3 Regarding results from the alternate assessment, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? (Check one box in each row)
o        I receive results from the alternate assessment in time for IEP development.
o        The alternate assessment provides me information that is used for IEP development.
o        I receive results from the alternate assessment in time for instructional planning during the following year.
o        Results from the alternate assessment accurately reflect the performance of my students at their various ability levels.
o        Results from the alternate assessment are used by my school and/or district to make decisions about resources (e.g., funds, staff, curricular materials, assistive technologies).

E&M 7b 1.D.7 Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. (Check one box in each row)
o        Alternate assessment scores reflect the actual achievement of the students.
o        Alternate assessment scores accurately reflect student progress.
Consequences and Interventions

9. Do teachers perceive accountability rewards and punishments associated with alternate assessments? NSAAS
1.D.3 I worry about the evaluation of my teaching because of the performance of my students with significant cognitive disabilities on state and/or local tests (agree/disagree)

1.D.5 Are alternate assessment results included in the following?
o        Teacher performance evaluations
o        School improvement plans

1.D.6 Which of the following can happen in your school or district as a result of alternate assessment outcomes of students in your classroom? (Check all that apply)
[Note: School or district leaders may include school principals, school or district administrators, or teacher leaders.]
o        A school or district leader observes content delivery in my classroom.
o        A school or district leader provides me with feedback.
o        A school or district leader reviews my lesson plans in academic content areas.
o        Additional resources are provided to me to improve student performance.
o        Additional staff is provided to me to improve student performance.
o        Professional development (e.g., workshops or events) is provided to me to improve student performance.
o        Other (Specify _________________________)
o        There are no consequences or interventions in my school that result from alternate assessment outcomes.
o        I don’t know whether any consequences and interventions relate to alternate assessment outcomes.

Sheet 3: 3 Prof Cap & Resources (PCR)

Professional Capacity and Resources (PCR)

Key Concepts Source Multiple question? Question Text (and ISI question number)
Professional Capacity

1. Do teachers have knowledge and skills for delivering instruction in academic content areas? CIS B&D 1 1.A.4 How many years have you been teaching reading/English language arts/mathematics/science/students with significant cognitive disabilities?

B&D 1 1.A.5 What is the highest degree you hold?

B&D 1 1.A.6 What certifications do you possess?

B&D 1 1.A.7 Do you hold any teaching license with a concentration in reading/English language arts/mathematics/science/Special education?

1.B.2 During the past 12 months, how much time have you spent engaged in professional development in each of the following areas:
o    Instructional strategies in teaching reading/English language arts
o    Instructional strategies in teaching math
o    Instructional strategies in teaching science

E&M 1 1.B.2 During the past 12 months, how much time have you spent engaged in professional development in each of the following areas:
o    Reading/English language arts content standards
o    Math content standards
o    Science content standards?
2. Do teachers have knowledge and skills to deliver academic instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities? CIS B&D 1 1.A.4 How many years have you been teaching reading/English language arts/mathematics/science/students with significant cognitive disabilities?

OTL 1 1.C.4/6/8 How often do you use the following types of assessments in reading/English language arts /mathematics/science classes?
o        Objective questions (e.g., true/false, multiple choice, yes/no)
o        Performance on-demand (e.g., task analysis steps, repeated trials, incidence recording)
o        Teacher observation (e.g., anecdotal or descriptive data)

1.B.1 How well prepared do you feel to do each of the following activities?
o        Develop standards-based IEP goals in academic content
o        Embed nonacademic skills within standards-based instruction

1.C.2 Which approaches do you use in teaching academic content standards to students with significant cognitive disabilities? (Check all that apply)
o    Adapt the general academic curriculum content used with younger children
o    Adapt the general academic curriculum content of each student's grade level
o    Include academic content in daily living routines
o    Use the examples provided by the state (e.g., teaching activities, state curriculum, or lesson plans)

1.C.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
o    I am prepared to adapt academic curriculum for students with significant cognitive disabilities in: reading/language arts, mathematics, science

1.C.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
o    I feel capable of providing academic instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities in: reading/language arts, mathematics, science

1.D.7 Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. (Check one box in each row)
o        I understand the learning characteristics of each of my students.
o        I am prepared to identify the most effective instructional strategies for each student.
3. Do teachers have knowledge and skills to administer and interpret alternate assessments? NSAAS
1.D.7 Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. (Check one box in each row)
o        I understand the alternate assessment process.
o        I am well prepared to administer the alternate assessment.

E&M 5 1.D.4 Regarding your students and their parents, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? (agree, disagree, don't know)
o        I am able to interpret the results of the alternate assessment for parents.

4. Do teachers have the resources needed to administer and apply alternate assessments and provide academic instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities? NSAAS
1.B.3 Below is a list of resources commonly used to prepare individuals to administer and/or assemble alternate assessments. First indicate which resource(s) you used. Second, for resources that you did use, indicate whether they were useful.
o    Administration manuals and guidance (e.g., web-based or hardcopy materials)
o    Web-based training event or module
o    Face-to-face training (provided by the state, a regional agency, or the district)
o    In-person resources (such as a school or district alternate assessment coordinator or other technical assistance)

E&M 3 1.D.1 I have the resources I need to provide academic instruction to students with significant cognitive disabilities in reading/language arts, mathematics, science (agree/disagree)

1.D.7 Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. (Check one box in each row)
o        I have adequate resources to conduct the alternate assessments.

Sheet 4: 4 Opportunity to learn (OTL)

Opportunity to Learn Academic Content (OTL)

Key Concepts Source Multiple question? Question Text (and ISI question number)
1. Do students with signficant cognitive disabilities who participate in alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards have the opportunity to achieve proficiency on academic standards? NSAAS PCR 2 1.C.4/6/8 How often do you use the following types of assessment in Reading/English language arts/math/science classes? (Check one box in each row)
o        Objective questions (e.g., true/false, multiple choice, yes/no)
o        Performance on-demand (e.g., task analysis steps, repeated trials, incidence recording)
o       Teacher observation (e.g., anecdotal or descriptive data)

2.16 Who plans the instruction for the identified target student in each of the following subject areas? (Check all that apply)
o        Reading/English language arts (i.e., reading, writing, and/or communication)
o        Math
o        Science
o        Social studies
o        Arts (e.g., visual, performing, music)
o        Health and/or physical education
o        Nonacademic content and skills (e.g., life skills, vocational development)
o        Other (Specify ______________)

2.17 Who delivers instruction for the identified target student in each of the following subject areas? (Check all that apply)
o        Reading/English language arts (i.e., reading, writing, and/or communication)
o        Math
o        Science
o        Social studies
o        Arts (e.g., visual, performing, music)
o        Health and/or physical education
o        Nonacademic content and skills (e.g., life skills, vocational development)
o        Other (Specify ______________)

2.18 Over the last 30 days, how often did the target student receive instruction in the following content areas? Please note that a single lesson may address multiple content areas simultaneously. (Check one box in each row)
o        Reading/English language arts (i.e., reading, writing, and/or communication)
o        Math
o        Science
o        Social studies
o        Arts (e.g., visual, performing, music)
o        Health and/or physical education
o        Nonacademic content and skills (e.g., lifeskills, vocational development)
o        Other (Specify ______________)

2.19 Over the last 30 days, how often did the target student receive instruction related to the following content standards? Please note that a single lesson may address multiple content standards simultaneously. (Check one box in each row)
State-specific list of content standards.
File Typeapplication/
Last Modified ByAnne-Marie Guzman
File Modified2008-10-23
File Created2008-05-27

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