Fall - Institutional Characteristics - 2 year program form with price

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Web-Based Collection System (KI)


Fall - Institutional Characteristics - 2 year program form with price

OMB: 1850-0582

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Survey Form Page 1 of 21 

Institutional Characteristics 

Part A - Educational Offerings 

1. Which of the following types of instruction/programs are offered by your institution? 
[Check one or more] 
If your institution does not offer occupational, academic or continuing professional programs, you are not 
expected to complete this or any other IPEDS survey. 

Occupational, may lead to a certificate, degree, or other formal award 
Academic, leading to a certificate, degree, or diploma 
Recreational or avocational (leisure) programs 
Adult basic or remedial instruction or high school equivalency 
Secondary (high school) 


Part A - Mission Statement 
2. Please enter your institution's mission statement or a web address (URL) where your 
mission statement can be found. Mission statements provided manually must be limited 
to 2,000 characters or less. If your mission statement is lengthy but available 
electronically, please provide the web address in the space provided. The mission 
statement will be available to the public on the College Opportunities Online Locator 
(IPEDS COOL) website. 
Mission Statement URL: http:// 
Mission Statement 
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Part B - Organization - Control and Level 
1. What is your institutional control or affiliation? 
Public - Specify 
Primary control Secondary control (if applicable) 
Select One Select One 
Private for-profit 
Private not-for-profit independent (no religious affiliation) 
Private not-for-profit religious affiliation - Specify 
Select One 
2. What award levels are offered by your institution? [Check all that apply] 
Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of less than one academic year 
.. less than 900 contact or clock hours, or 
.. less than 30 semester or trimester credit hours, or 
.. less than 45 quarter credit hours 
Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of at least one but less than two academic 
.. at least 900 but less than 1800 contact or clock hours, or 
.. at least 30 but less than 60 semester or trimester credit hours, or 
.. at least 45 but less than 90 quarter credit hours 
3 Associate's degree 
Postsecondary award, certificate, or diploma of at least two but less than four academic 
.. 1800 or more contact or clock hours, or 
.. 60 or more semester or trimester credit hours, or 
.. 90 or more quarter credit hours 
5 Bachelor's degree or equivalent 
6 Postbaccalaureate certificate 
7 Master's degree 
8 Post-master's certificate 
9 Doctor's degree 
10 First-professional degree 
11 First-professional certificate (Post-degree) 
12 Other; please specify in the Caveats box 
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Part B - Organization - Calendar System 

Your response to the next question determines how your institution reports Graduation Rates data in the 
Spring and how you report student charges in Part D of this survey. 

3. What is the predominant calendar system at the institution? [Choose one] 
Standard academic terms 

Checking one of these systems determines that your institution will provide Graduation Rates data based on a 
FALL COHORT and student charges based on a FULL ACADEMIC YEAR 




4-1-4 or similar plan 

Other academic calendar 

Other calendar system 

Checking one of the following determines that your institution will provide Graduation Rates data based on a 
FULL YEAR COHORT and student charges data will be requested by PROGRAM. 

Differs by program 

Continuous basis (every 2 weeks, monthly, or other period) 



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Part B - Organization - Student Enrollment 

4. Does your institution enroll any of the following types of students? 
Include all levels that your institution offers, even if there are no students currently 
enrolled at that level. The reported full- and part-time 2005 Fall Enrollment counts are 
provided for your reference. 

The answers to these questions determine which screens will be generated for reporting academic year tuition 
charges, and for reporting Fall Enrollment during the Winter and Spring collections. Additionally, checking Yes for 
full-time, first-time students determines that your institution will report pricing information for these students (on 
the IC survey) and student financial aid information in the Spring collection. 

Full-time Enroll- Part-time Enroll- 
ment ment 
Students in academic or 
occupational programs No Yes No Yes 





First-time students 

Estimated 2006 Fall Enrollment 

Please provide an early estimate of your institution's fall enrollment for all levels offered at your institution as 
indicated above for full- and part-time students. Estimates should be based on the definitions used in the IPEDS 
Enrollment component submitted in the Winter or Spring collection. These data will NOT appear in IPEDS COOL 
(College Opportunities Online Locator), but will be made available in the IPEDS Peer Analysis System. 

Full-time Part-time Total 

Students in academic or occupational 

First-time students 

5. For academic year 2003-04, did your institution enroll any full-time, first-time 
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be required to provide Graduation Rates data for 2003-04 in the 
Spring collection. If you answer No to this question, please indicate the reason you are not required to report 
Graduation Rates for the cohort year requested. If you reported any full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking 
students on the 2003-04 Enrollment survey, the data will be preloaded below. 


This institution did not enroll full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students. 
This institution was not in operation in 2003-04. 


Cohort from 2003-04 Enrollment of full-time, first-time 
degree/certificate-seeking students (GRS Cohort) 

6. System, Governing Board or Corporate Structure (please see instructions for reporting 
System or Corporate data.) 
This institution is NOT a part of a system or corporate entity. 

This institution is a part of a system or corporate entity.
Specify name of the system or coporate entity.



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Part C - Admission Requirements and Services - Open Admission 
1. Does your institution have an open admission policy for all or most entering first-time 
If you answer No to this question you will be expected to answer additional questions (C2, C3, and C4) on your 
admissions procedures. 
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Part C - Admission Requirements and Services - Admission Requirements 

2. Please select the option that best describes how your institution uses any of the 
following data in its selection process. 
Admission Considerations Required Recommended Neither Required nor Don't 

Recommended Know 

Secondary school GPA 
Secondary school rank 
Secondary school record 
Completion of college-preparatory program 

Formal demonstration of competencies (e.g.
portfolios, certificates of mastery, assessment 

Admission test scores
Other Test (Wonderlic, WISC-III, etc.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)



Part C - Admission Requirements and Services - Selection Process 
3. Please provide the number of first-time, degree/certificate-seeking students who 
applied, were admitted, and enrolled (full or part time) at your institution for the most 
recent Fall period available. Include early decision, early action, and students who began 
studies during the summer prior to that fall. See instructions for further information. 
Select reporting period: Fall 2005 Fall 2006 
Men Women Total 
Number of applicants 
Number of admissions 
Number enrolled full time 
Number enrolled part time 
4. If test scores are required for admission of your enrolled first-time, 
degree/certificate-seeking students, please provide the following information: the 
number and percentage of students submitting SAT/ACT scores and the 25th and 75th 
percentile scores for each test. Provide SAT writing test scores only if used for 
admission, even if scores are collected from students. Please DO NOT convert test 
scores; scores must be reported separately. Provide data for the most recent group of 
students for which data are available; include new students admitted the summer prior 
to that fall. 
Select reporting period Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Test scores NOT required 
Number submitting SAT scores 
Percent submitting SAT scores 
Number submitting ACT scores 
Percent submitting ACT scores 
25th Percentile 75th Percentile 
SAT Critical Reasoning 
SAT Math 
SAT Writing 
ACT Composite 
ACT English 
ACT Math 
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Part C - Admission Requirements and Services - Special Learning Opportunities 

5. Does your institution accept any of the following? [Check all that apply] 
Dual credit (college credit earned while in high school)
Credit for life experiences
Advanced placement (AP) credits

None of the above 

6. What types of special learning opportunities are offered by your institution? [Check all 
that apply] 
Distance learning opportunities (e-learning) 

Air Force 
Study abroad 
Weekend/evening college 
Teacher certification (below the postsecondary level) 

Students can complete their preparation in certain areas of specialization 
Students must complete their preparation at another institution for certain areas of specialization 
This institution is approved by the state for the initial certification or licensure of teachers 

None of the above 



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Part C - Admission Requirements and Services - Student Services 

8. Which of the following selected students services are offered by your institution? 
[Check all that apply] 
Remedial services 

Academic/career counseling services 
Employment services for current students 
Placement services for program completers 
On-campus day care for children of students 

None of the above 

9. Does your institution have its own library or are you financially supporting a shared 
library with another postsecondary education institution? 
Have our own library
Do not have our own library but contribute financial support to a shared library

Neither of the above 



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Part D - Student Charges - Application Fees 

1. Is an application fee for admission required by your institution? 
No Amount Prior year 
Yes - Indicate amount of application fee 



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Part D - Student Charges Questions 

3. Are all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students required to live on-
campus or in institutionally-controlled housing? 
If you answer Yes to this question, you will not be asked to report off-campus room and board in the price of 
attendance (D13). 



5. Does your institution offer institutionally-controlled housing (either on or off 
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be expected to specify a housing capacity, and to
report a room charge or a combined room and board charge (D12 and D13)


 Specify housing capacity for academic year 2006-07. 

6. Do you offer board or meal plans to your students? 
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be expected to report a board charge or combined 
room and board charge (D12 and D13). 

Yes - Number of meals per week in the maximum meal plan offered 
against the card) 
Yes - Number of meals per week can vary (for example, student receives a meal card and charges meals 



Survey Form Page 15 of 21 

Part D - Student Charges - Number of programs 

7. How many programs are offered at your institution? 
Specify number of programs 



Part D - Student Charges - Price of Attendance 
9. Price of attendance for entering students 
Please enter the amounts requested below. These data will be made available to the public on the IPEDS COOL 
(College Opportunities Online Locator) Web site. Data for prior years may be corrected. If your institution 
participates in any Title IV programs (Pell, Stafford, etc.), you must complete all information for the current year. 
Leave items that do not apply blank and the system will fill in as "not applicable" or indicate that more information 
is needed. Estimates of expenses for books and supplies, room and board, and other expenses are those from 
the Cost of Attendance report used by your financial aid office for determining financial need. 
Largest program: 
CIP Code 
Total length of program contact hours credit hours 
Average number of months it takes a full-time student to complete 
this program 
If your largest program has changed from the one listed above, or if no 
program appears above, click the 'enter new largest program' link, choose a 
program and enter data for all three years. Note: if your institution participates 
in Title IV programs, you must complete all cells. 
Enter new largest program 
Published Student Charges 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 
Tuition and fees 
Books and supplies 
On campus: 
Room and board 
Other expenses 
Off campus (not with family): 
Room and board 
Other expenses 
Off campus (with family): 
Other expenses 
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Part D - Student Charges - Program Data 
10. Please list next five largest programs and provide the requested information for each 
program. To enter a CIP code and program title, click on the select button, and then click 
on the program from the list provided. Choosing clear will remove the CIP code and title. 
Report the tuition and fees and the cost of books and supplies for the TOTAL LENGTH OF 
THE PROGRAM. Also report the length of the entire program in terms of contact or credit 
hours and provide the number of months it takes a full-time student to complete the 
entire program. 
CIP Code Tuition and 
required fees 
Cost of books 
and supplies 
Total length 
of program 
# of months 
to complete 
2nd select 
3rd select 
4th select 
5th select 
6th select 
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Part D - Student Charges - Room and Board 

12. What are the typical room and board charges for a student for the full academic year 
If your institution offers room or board at no charge to students, enter zero. 

Room and board charges Amount Prior year 

Room charge (Double occupancy) 

Board charge (Maximum plan) 

Combined room and board charge
(Answer only if you CANNOT separate room and board charges.



Part E - Additional Information - Athletic Association 
1. Is this institution a member of a national athletic association? 
Yes - Check all that apply 
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) 
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) 
National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) 
United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) 
National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) 
2. If this institution is a member of the NCAA or NAIA, specify the conference FOR EACH 
SPORT using the droplist. 
Sport NCAA or NAIA 
member Conference 
Football No Yes- 
Specify Select One 
Basketball No Yes- 
Specify Select One 
Baseball No Yes- 
Specify Select One 
Cross country and/or 
track No Yes- 
Specify Select One 
3. Did your institution offer athletically-related aid to ANY students in academic year 
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be provided with screens to report the total number of students that 
received athletically-related student aid during the 2005-06 academic year (Section V of the Graduation Rates 
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Part E - Additional Information - New Institutions 
4. What percentage of your students are enrolled primarily in postsecondary programs? 
Select One 
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