Form 1 Discussion Guide

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) Communications Program Planning and Evaluation

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NCCAM Health Professional Portal

OMB: 0925-0530

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OMB No. 0925-0530-06

Exp. Date 10/31/2010

NCCAM Discussion Guide

August 2010

Introduction and Warm-up

First name, city, state and occupation

Explanations of process: As I post questions, just jump right in and answer. I might ask you a follow-up afterward, and if you'd like, you can respond to what others are saying as well, but please post your own answer first. And remember: Spelling DOESN’T count, so feel free to type away.”

General Information

  1. As you know, we will be discussing the Resources for Health Care Providers portal of NCCAM’s Web site, a site that offers authoritative information to the general public and health care professionals about complementary and alternative medicine. Have you ever looked for information on complementary and alternative medicine anywhere online before?

  1. [If yes]: Specifically, what were you seeking? Provide an example.

  1. What challenges, if any, do you encounter when researching this type of information online?

  1. What resources do you use to find information about complementary and alternative medicine? List all resources you use such as the TV, books, magazines, medical journals, Web sites, friends and family, colleagues, etc.

  1. [If Internet is mentioned as a source]: Specifically, what Web sites do you visit to find this type of information?

  1. How often do you look for online information about complementary and alternative medicine? What are some examples of those sessions?

  1. What do you need, when it comes to finding information about complementary and alternative medicine online (e.g., general information, results of research, patient information)?

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)

You were asked to view and explore the Resources for Health Care Providers portal of NCCAM’s Web site prior to this discussion group. Prior to learning of this focus group, had you either (a) heard of/about NCCAM’s Web site before? or (b) actually visited this portal or NCCAM’s Web site before?

  1. If you HAVE visited this portal or NCCAM’s Web site before, for what purpose(s) had you visited?

  1. After viewing NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal, what, specifically, did you LIKE about it?

  1. What, if anything, would you CHANGE about NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal? Please explain.

NCCAM: Content, Navigation, Look and Feel

Now that you have visited and explored NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal, let’s talk more specifically about it. I am going to present the site in the window above where we are typing. [SCREEN SHOT OF “” HOME PAGE] You will see it show up on your screen in a moment. If you need to, you can re-size your screen by pulling on the edges of the frame. Also, if it helps, you can feel free to open another browser window with the NCCAM Web site. Just be sure to continue the discussion in this window!

  1. In the pre-group review, you were asked to complete some exercises. How was your experience of completing these activities? Please explain any problems you encountered along the way.

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the EASE OF LOCATING the complementary and alternative medicine info that you need in your practice when using the NCCAM Web site (with 1 being VERY EASY to locate and 5 being EXTREMELY DIFFICULT)? Please explain.

NCCAM: Section-by-Section

Now, let’s discuss some of the specific areas that you see on the NCCAM Web site. I am going to present different sections of the site in the window above where we are typing. [SCREEN SHOT OF “” HOME PAGE] You will see it show up on your screen in a moment. Remember, if you need to, you can re-size your screen by pulling on the edges of the frame. Also, if it helps, you can feel free to open another browser window with the NCCAM Web site.

  1. Let’s start with the area titled “QUICK LINKS.” [Will post screen shot of Quick Links.] What are your thoughts on this area in general, and on the specific resources included here? [Will probe on any specific sub-categories that indicates specific attention.]

  1. Similarly, let’s look at the EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE section. What are your thoughts on this section as it relates to your practice, including the resources “Results of Research on CAM” and “Literature Reviews on Specific CAM Modalities?” [Again, will probe on specific sub-categories as appropriate.]

  1. Similarly, the section CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES includes resources from the AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse and links to Featured Guidelines on various topics such as Cancer, Chronic Pain, and Insomnia. How useful is this section to you? Please explain.

  1. There are several links to resources in the section, HERBAL AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS, too. What are your thoughts on this section based on what information you need for your practice?

  1. The area titled “FOR YOUR PATIENTS” includes printable fact sheets on a variety of CAM topics. What are your thoughts about FOR YOUR PATIENTS? Please explain.

  1. Similarly, under EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, there are several resources, such as the “Time To Talk Campaign,” “Continuing Education,” and “NHIS Data on CAM Use in the U.S.” What are your thoughts about this area?


  1. There is also a section titled “CLINICAL TRIAL RESOURCES.” Is this an area you would use? Why or why not? And what are your thoughts about this particular section?

  1. What areas, topics, or sections, if any, did you NOT see on NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal that you would like to see ADDED?

  1. What is your interest in having information on complementary and alternative medicine available on audio podcasts, videocasts, or for your mobile device? Does this interest you? Why or why not?

  1. How does NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal compare to other Web sites that make information on complementary and alternative medicine available online?

NCCAM: Looking Ahead / Likelihood to Use

  1. Do you feel NCCAM’s the Resources for Health Care Providers portal is a site you would USE in your practice?

  1. [If yes]: What areas of the site do you think you would use the most?

  1. Would you download any of the materials you find on this site?

  1. [If yes]: What would you download?

  1. Would you recommend NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal to others?

  1. [If yes]: To whom? And for what purpose(s)?

  1. [Customize to group, as appropriate]: How could NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal be made more useful to [insert group name – e.g., physicians, nurses, etc.]?

  1. [Customize to group]: What would make NCCAM’s Resources for Health Care Providers portal easier to use for [insert group name]? [physicians, nurses, physicians’ assistants]


  1. Do you have any final thoughts or comments about the topics we have discussed here today?

  1. We would like to thank you for your interest in NCCAM, and for taking the time to participate in this evaluation.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 minutes per focus group, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0530). Do not return the completed form to this address.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleNCCAM Discussion Guide
AuthorMary Beth Solomon
Last Modified Bycurriem
File Modified2010-08-02
File Created2010-08-02

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