30daySUpporting Statement 8-20-08

30daySUpporting Statement 8-20-08.doc

Training Registration (For Non-U.S. Government Persons)

OMB: 1405-0145

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OMB #1405-0145 (DS-3083)


  1. Under Public Law 105-277 (the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998), as codified in Title 22 Section 4021, the U.S. Department of State was given authority to provide training (excluding language training), on a space available, reimbursable or advance-of-funds basis to any United States individual (or any employee or family member thereof) that is engaged in business abroad. Form DS-3083 is to be used to obtain information from those persons so that they can enroll in courses offered by the Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute (FSI). This includes information of a personal and business nature, and credit card/billing information so that the Department can properly bill the customer and receive payments.

  2. The information collected for this purpose is entered into a training management registration/enrollment system used by the Department of State. The data is used to 1) enroll individuals into training course sessions; 2) to generate training related documents, such as attendance rosters; 3) to develop statistical information on enrollments for reporting purposes; and 4) for billing purposes. The information, both on paper and electronic, is protected (personnel sensitive).

  3. The collection of information does not involve the use of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques. Electronic submission of responses is not permitted at the present time, although copies of the collection instrument can be made available electronically, i.e., posted on and/or available for download from websites or electronically mailed (e-mail). Submission of form via facsimile is acceptable. Electronic computer submission is not currently allowed as the collection includes personal sensitive information (social security number) that Department of State information security policies do not allow to be transmitted via unclassified e-mail, and FSI currently lacks a consistent capacity to accept encrypted/secure e-mail from the public. However, upon receipt of a completed collection instrument, the information is entered into a electronic corporate data base (student training management system).

  4. The information being requested is not already available from other sources.

  5. This information collection will have no significant economic impact on small businesses or other small entities.

  6. The consequence to Federal program or policy if the information collection is not conducted or is conducted less frequently, would be the inability to enroll persons interested in training programs offered by the Department of State who are eligible to attend and the inability of the Department to receive monetary reimbursement for the training provided.

  7. Special circumstances

  • Requiring respondents to report information more than quarterly: The collection of information is a training enrollment application and is initiated by the respondent not the agency. A separate form is needed for each course being applied for. As such, it is possible (though currently unlikely) that an individual could be applying for more than one episode of training per quarter.

  • Requiring respondents to prepare written response to a collection of information in fewer than 30 days after receipt: The collection of information is a training enrollment application and is initiated by the respondent not the agency. The only instance when a respondent may need to prepare the application in less than 30 days is in order to apply for a course beginning on a certain, preferred date, although there is always the option that he or she could chose a later date the course is offered.

  • Requiring respondents to submit more than an original and two copies: This circumstance does not apply in this case.

  • Requiring respondents to retain records, other than health, medical, U.S. Government contract, grant-in-aid, or tax records, for more than three years: This circumstance does not apply in this case.

  • Collection conducted in connection with a statistical survey that is not designed to produce valid and reliable results that can be generalized to the universe of study: This circumstance does not apply in this case.

  • Requiring the use of a statistical data classification that has not been reviewed and approved by OMB: This circumstance does not apply in this case.

  • Including a pledge of confidentiality not supported by authority, etc. This circumstance does not apply in this case.

  • Requiring respondents to submit proprietary trade secrets or other confidential information: This circumstance does not apply in this case.

  1. A 60-day notice was published in the Federal Register at 73 FR 35434, Public Notice 6273. No public comments were received.

  2. No payment or gift will be provided to respondents. The purpose of this information collection is for respondents to enroll in U.S. Government provided training on a reimbursable basis.

  3. The form used for this collection (DS-3083) contains the following statement: “This information is requested pursuant to the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, 22 U.S.C. 4021. The primary purpose for soliciting this information is to provide training to United States persons engaged in business abroad. Your Social Security Number (SSN) will enable us to distinguish your records from those of other students, almost all of whom are federal employees. SSN is the identifier used, pursuant to Executive Order 9397, for personnel records of federal employees. Providing your SSN is voluntary; however, failure to provide your SSN may affect our ability to fulfill requests for records of your training. Failure to provide other information may result in non-enrollment. The information solicited on this form may be provided to other federal, state, local or foreign, for law enforcement or for other purposes authorized by law.”

  4. The form used for this collection contains no questions of a sensitive nature that require additional justification.

  5. Estimated number of respondents: 100 per year

Frequency of response: Occasional, as initiated by the respondent to enroll in a Department of State sponsored training course.

Annual hour burden: 0.5 hour per response, which yields a total estimate of 50 hours per year. Burden is estimated as staff time spent completing a training enrollment request (5 to 10 minutes) and billing/payment processes of the applicant’s employing organization (15-20 minutes).

  1. The data collection form will be used to enroll private sector persons (U.S. business persons, currently limited to members of the Overseas Security Advisory Council or OSAC) into Department of State training courses. The only course offering currently available is titled “Private Sector Security Overseas Seminar.” There is no application fee, nor are there any other costs associated with the application other than the de minimis costs of mailing or fax transmission of the form. No total capital and/or start-up costs are projected since this is a training enrollment, which should already be a standard business practice for participating entities.

  2. The overall tuition rate includes indirect costs, which are defined as those not directly attributable to a specific training program/office – e.g., space, communications, utilities, printing, supplies, equipment, and the cost of processing applications and resultant billing. Estimated annualized cost to the Federal Government in this instance is $2.12/hour, times 16 hours (length of course), times 100 estimated responses = $3,392.

  3. Explanation of program change: this is an extension of a currently approved collection. The cost to respondents declined from $54,000,000 to $0, due to previous error in computing cost, which included all tuition rate charged (i.e., direct and indirect training program costs). There is no cost to respondents to apply (i.e., application fee).

  4. The results of this collection will not be published.

  5. Expiration date for OMB approval will be displayed.

  6. There is no exception to the certification statement of OMB Form 83-I being sought in this instance.


This collection does not employ statistical methods. However, the information collected is used to develop statistics for reporting purposes, e.g., number of persons trained in specific courses, etc.


FSI/EX – Catherine J. Russell

L/M – Alice Kottmyer

A/ISS/DIR – Mike Cheman

Legal Authorities

Title 22, Chapter 52, subchapter VII

§ 4021. Institution for training

(a) Institution or center for training

The Secretary of State shall maintain and operate an institution or center for training (hereinafter in this subchapter referred to as the “institution”), originally established under section 701 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, in order to promote career development within the Service and to provide necessary training and instruction in the field of foreign relations to members of the Service and to employees of the Department and of other agencies. The institution shall be headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of State. The institution shall be designated the “George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center”

(b) Provision of training

To the extent practicable, the Secretary of State shall provide training under this subchapter which meets the needs of all agencies, and other agencies shall avoid duplicating the facilities and training provided by the Secretary of State through the institution and otherwise.

(c) Training and instruction to citizens of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

Training and instruction may be provided at the Institute for not to exceed sixty citizens of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands in order to prepare them to serve as members of the foreign services of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau. The authority of this subsection shall expire when the Compact of Free Association is approved by the Congress.

(d) Training and instruction of employees of foreign governments

(1) The Secretary of State is authorized to provide for special professional foreign affairs training and instruction of employees of foreign governments through the institution.

(2) Training and instruction under paragraph (1) shall be on a reimbursable or advance-of-funds basis. Such reimbursements or advances to the Department of State may be provided by an agency of the United States Government or by a foreign government and shall be credited to the currently available applicable appropriation account.

(3) In making such training available to employees of foreign governments, priority consideration should be given to officials of newly emerging democratic nations and then to such other countries as the Secretary determines to be in the national interest of the United States.

(e) Training or services for United States person

(1) The Secretary may provide appropriate training or related services, except foreign language training, through the institution to any United States person (or any employee or family member thereof) that is engaged in business abroad.

(2) The Secretary may provide job-related training or related services, including foreign language training, through the institution to a United States person under contract to provide services to the United States Government or to any employee thereof that is performing such services.

(3) Training under this subsection may be provided only to the extent that space is available and only on a reimbursable or advance-of-funds basis. Reimbursements and advances shall be credited to the currently available applicable appropriation account.

(4) Training and related services under this subsection is authorized only to the extent that it will not interfere with the institution’s primary mission of training employees of the Department and of other agencies in the field of foreign relations.

(5) In this subsection, the term “United States person” means—

(A) any individual who is a citizen or national of the United States; or

(B) any corporation, company, partnership, association, or other legal entity that is 50 percent or more beneficially owned by citizens or nationals of the United States.

(f) Programs for Members of Congress or the Judiciary

(1) The Secretary is authorized to provide, on a reimbursable basis, training programs to Members of Congress or the Judiciary.

(2) Employees of the legislative branch and employees of the judicial branch may participate, on a reimbursable basis, in training programs offered by the institution.

(3) Reimbursements collected under this subsection shall be credited to the currently available applicable appropriation account.

(4) Training under this subsection is authorized only to the extent that it will not interfere with the institution’s primary mission of training employees of the Department and of other agencies in the field of foreign relations.

(g) Applicability of section 4024 of this title

The authorities of section 4024 of this title shall apply to training and instruction provided under this section.


(Release date: 2004-09-20 )

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByJaemie L. Drake
File Modified2008-09-11
File Created2008-09-11

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