B State
Part C Coordinator Survey
This survey is part of the IDEA National Assessment Implementation Study (NAIS), a new study that is occurring as part of the congressionally mandated National Assessment of Progress under IDEA 2004. The NAIS is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education (ED), Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The purpose of the study is to determine how state and local agencies are implementing early intervention and special education programs supported under IDEA 2004. The NAIS has important implications for the education of children with disabilities as it will provide critical information to the Department of Education and Congress and inform the next reauthorization of IDEA.
We are requesting you and other state Part C Coordinators complete this questionnaire because you and your staff have the most knowledge about early intervention policies and practices for infants and toddlers identified for services in your state. With your contribution, ED and Congress will gain a more accurate and complete understanding of how IDEA is being implemented for young children at the state level. While we are aware that the regulations for Part C have not been finalized, this survey still provides an opportunity to capture the policies and practices currently in place in states for infants and toddlers identified for early intervention. Please note that data on state policies and resources/supports may be reported by state.
Thank you for joining us in our effort to understand the implementation of IDEA 2004. We appreciate your time and cooperation.
Please see the next page for definitions for completing this survey.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1800-0011. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average one hour (or minutes) per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4537. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Lauren Angelo, U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Suite 502H, Washington, D.C. 20208.
If you have any questions, contact:
Martha Wilaby, 800-XXX-XXXX
e-mail: [email protected]
Throughout this questionnaire “children with disabilities” means infants and toddlers (up to 36 months) with an Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP).
“Early intervention” refers specifically to the services being provided to children with IFSPs and their families under Part C of IDEA.
The term “Special Educator” as used throughout the survey refers to one of the types of qualified personnel who provide early intervention services as referenced in IDEA, Part C (Sec. 632(4)(F)(i))
Lead Agency Responsibilities and Staffing
For the current fiscal year (2009), which state agency is designated as the lead agency for early intervention under IDEA, Part C (e.g., State Department of Health)? Please indicate more than one agency if there are co-leads in your state.
Indicate lead agency below
How many times has the lead agency changed since full implementation of Part C in 1991?
If none, enter 0, then skip to Item 4 |
When did your agency become the lead agency?
___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ m m y y y y |
As the designated Part C coordinator, which of the following best describes the scope of your responsibilities?
Skip to Item 7 |
If you checked c please describe other obligations below:
If your agency does not have responsibility for preschool special education services, how closely do you work with staff from the Part B-619 preschool agency?
What topics do you regularly address when working with the state Part B-619 Coordinator?
If “other” please describe below
Which entities in your state have responsibilities for and provide early intervention services under IDEA Part C? Please do not consider staff with administrative duties. Ongoing service coordination should be reported in the last column (oversee or coordinate direct services). Check all that apply.
Responsible for intake |
Performs evaluation/ eligibility |
Oversee or coordinate evaluation/ eligibility |
Performs initial service coordination |
Provides direct services |
Oversee or coordinate direct services |
State level staff employed by lead agency: |
State level staff employed by agency other than lead agency: |
Local private agencies/programs |
Individual service provider contracted with: |
Other agency |
If “other” please describe below:
Service Coordination
Which model best describes the way on-going service coordination (i.e., post initial IFSP development) is provided in your state?
If “other” please describe below
What is the minimal education required of service coordinators? Check one.
If “other” please specify below:
What additional qualifications are required of service coordinators? Check all that apply.
If “other” please specify below:
Interagency Coordinating Councils (ICC)
For which age range is the State Interagency Coordinator Council (SICC) responsible?
If “other” please specify below:
How many staff support the SICC? Please indicate the number in full-time equivalents (FTEs).
If the SICC does not have dedicated staff, please enter 0 |
Does your state have local Interagency Coordinating Councils (ICCs) ?
Yes |
No |
Skip to item 16 |
For which age range are the local ICCs responsible? Check one.
If “other” please specify below:
What are the roles and responsibilities of the local ICCs? Check all that apply.
If “other” please specify below:
Does your state have regional ICCs?
Yes |
No |
Skip to item 19 |
For which age range are the regional ICCs responsible? Check one.
If “other” please specify below:
What are the roles and responsibilities of the regional ICCs? Check all that apply.
If “other” please specify below:
Part C Funding and Financing
Does the Part C early intervention policy in your state permit the provision of services for children after they turn age 3?
Yes |
No |
What are the top three funding sources that support Part C early intervention services as required by IFSPs? Please write in the space provided a “1” for the source that provides the largest share of funding, a “2” for the source that provides the next largest share of funding and a “3” for the third largest funding source.
If “other” please specify below:
For the current fiscal year (2009) what percentage of all sources funding early intervention services came from IDEA, Part C?
If percentage is unknown, please enter DK |
Family Cost Participation
The term “family cost participation” (FCP) is a broad and encompassing term used to describe any approach that a state may elect to institute (either by the use of private insurance, developing a family fee system, or both), that results in some degree of cost to a family participating in the Part C system. FCP may mean indirect or direct cost to the family through the use of their private insurance coverage, or the assignment of some sort of financial cost1 to the family to receive Part C IFSP services.2
For the current fiscal year (2009), is there a family cost participation (FCP) policy for Part C early intervention services in place in your state?
Yes |
No |
Skip to Item 24 |
What does your state’s FCP policy require? Check one.
Referral and Identification
What are the top three referral sources for Part C early intervention services? Please write in the space provided a “1” for the source providing the most referrals, a “2” for the source that provides the next largest number of referrals, “3” for the source providing the third largest number of referrals.
If “other” please specify below:
Which activities does your lead agency conduct to support the identification of children birth to age 3 in need of Part C early intervention services? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Interagency/Part B Coordination
Does your state have a Preschool Special Education Advisory Council?
Yes |
No |
Skip to Item 30 |
Does your agency have a Part C representative on that Council?
Yes |
No |
Which agencies participate in the Part C state-level interagency agreements? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below
What areas do these state-level interagency agreements address? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below
For the current fiscal year (2009), is your agency organizing or funding any collaborative training activities with the following agencies? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Part C Option
Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2004 include a provision that provides the option for states to use Part C funding to provide services for children until they enter kindergarten. This is commonly referred to as the “Part C Option.”
During the current fiscal year (2009), is your state using the Part C Option?
Yes |
Skip to Item 33 |
No, but it is under consideration |
No |
Which issues are affecting (or affected) your decision? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Transitions from Part C to Part B
For the current fiscal year (2009), in what ways is your agency supporting the transition of children with disabilities from Part C to Part B? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Early Learning Guidelines
Early learning guidelines describe expectations for young children’s learning and development.
Does your state have general early learning guidelines for infants and toddlers birth to age 3?
Yes |
No |
Skip to Item 43 |
Which state agency released the early learning guidelines? Check all
that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Which domains are covered by the guidelines? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Standards-Based IFSPs
Standards-based IFSPs are those that align goals for children with disabilities with existing early learning guidelines
For the current fiscal year (2009), does your state provide a mandated IFSP with services aligned with the early learning guidelines?
Yes |
No |
For the current fiscal year (2009), does your state provide a suggested standards-based IFSP with services aligned with the early learning guidelines?
Yes |
No |
For the current fiscal year (2009), does your state have formal policies in place regarding the alignment of the provision of Part C early intervention services with your early learning guidelines?
Yes |
No |
During the 2008 and 2009 fiscal years has your state provided any training or professional development on the alignment of early learning guidelines and the provision of Part C early intervention services?
Yes |
No |
Skip to Item 43 |
Who was the target audience for the training or professional development on the early learning guidelines? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
What topics were covered by the professional development? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Please indicate below the disciplines for which your state has routinely experienced difficulty finding qualified Part C early intervention professionals during the current (2009) or preceding two fiscal years (2007 and 2008). Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Which state agency is responsible for licensing/certification of Special Educators? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
How do Special Educators qualify for licensing/certification? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
For what age range is a Special Educator certification or credential applicable in your state? Check one.
If “other” please describe below:
During the current (2009) and past (2008) fiscal years, what strategies has your state routinely used to increase the number of qualified Special Educators? Check all that apply.
If “other”, please describe below:
Family Involvement
In what ways and at what level are families involved in the Part C system? Check all that apply.
State |
Region |
Local |
If “other” please describe below:
For the current fiscal year (2009), is your agency offering any of the following to early intervention providers to promote the involvement of families of children with IFSPs? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
For the current fiscal year (2009), does your state have a federally funded Parent Training and Information Center (PTI)?
Yes |
No |
Skip to Item 52 |
For the current fiscal year (2009), in what ways is your agency collaborating with the PTI? Check all that apply.
If “other” please describe below:
Dispute Resolution
What regulations does your agency use to resolve disputes related to Part C early intervention for children with disabilities?
During the last fiscal year (2008), how many formal mediations did your state complete for Part C early intervention?
If none, enter 0, then skip to Item 56 |
Of the mediations reported
in Item 53, how many concerned the following issues? Count
mediations more than once if they involved more than one issue.
If “other” please describe below:
Of the mediations reported in Item 53, how many resulted in a mediation agreement?
During the last fiscal year (2008), how many resolution meetings were requested?
During the last fiscal year (2008), how many impartial due process hearings were requested?
Of the number of impartial due process hearings reported in Item 57, how many concerned each of the following issues? Count hearings more than once if they involved more than one issue.
If “other” please describe below:
Does your agency conduct administrative reviews?
Yes |
No |
Skip to Item 62 |
During the last fiscal year (2008), how many state administrative review hearings did your state agency complete for Part C early intervention?
If none, enter 0, then skip to Item 62 |
Of the number of state administrative reviews reported in Item 59, how many concerned each of the following issues? Count reviews more than once if they involved more than one issue.
If “other” please describe below:
During the last fiscal
year (2008), how many state/federal judicial reviews of hearings did
your state complete for Part C early intervention?
If none, enter 0, then skip to end |
Of the number of state/federal judicial reviews reported in Item 61 how many concerned each of the following issues? Count reviews more than once if they involved more than one issue.
If “other” please describe below:
Please use the space below to add any comments you have.
Contact Information
Please provide us with your name, title, address, phone number, fax number and email address in case we need to contact you to clarify responses to any of these questions.
Name |
Title |
Address |
Phone |
Fax |
If more than one person filled out this survey, please indicate their positions below and the section completed.
Position/Section… |
Position/Section… |
Position/Section… |
Please estimate how long it took, in total, to complete this questionnaire.
hours |
minutes |
Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
1 E.g., Sliding Fee Scale, Co-payment, Participation Fee, Cost Share
2 Mackey-Andrews, S. (2005). A quick overview of Family Cost Participation. 2005 National Early Childhood Conference. Retrieved 5/2/05 from
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | SEA Survey |
Author | Tamara Daley |
Last Modified By | doritha.ross |
File Modified | 2008-09-18 |
File Created | 2008-09-18 |