State 619 Coordinator Survey

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 National Assessment Implementation Study (NAIS)

Appendix C.State 619 Survey 12.08

State 619 Coordinator Survey

OMB: 1850-0863

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Appendix C

State 619 Coordinator Survey



This survey is part of the IDEA National Assessment Implementation Study (NAIS), a new study that is occurring as part of the congressionally mandated National Assessment of Progress under IDEA 2004. The NAIS is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education (ED), Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The purpose of the study is to develop an understanding of how state and local government agencies are implementing early intervention and special education programs supported under IDEA 2004. The NAIS has important implications for the education of children with disabilities as it will provide critical information to the Department of Education and Congress and inform the next reauthorization of IDEA.

The NAIS is not a compliance study, nor a study of the results of effectiveness of IDEA.

We are requesting you and other state 619 coordinators complete this questionnaire because you and your staff have the most knowledge about special education policies and practices for children ages 3 through 5 with disabilities in your state. As grantees under IDEA, state education agencies are required to participate in this data collection (20 U.S.C. 1221e-3, 1226c, 1231a, 3474, and 6511(a)); it is not voluntary. With your contribution, ED and Congress will gain a more accurate and complete understanding of how IDEA is being implemented for young children at the state level.

Please note that data on state policies and resources/supports may be reported by state. Thus, while personally identifiable information about individual respondents will not be released, data displayed by state could be attributed to the state agency or possibly to an individual respondent.

Thank you for joining us in our effort to understand the implementation of IDEA 2004. We appreciate your time and cooperation.

Please see the next page for definitions for completing this survey.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1800-0011. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average one hour (or 60 minutes) per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4537. If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Lauren Angelo, U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, 555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Suite 502H, Washington, D.C. 20208.

If you have any questions, contact:

Martha Wilaby, 1-888-463-1892

e-mail: [email protected]


Throughout this questionnaire “children with disabilities” is used to reflect children ages 3 through 5 having mental retardation; hearing impairment, including deafness; speech or language impairment; visual impairment, including blindness; serious emotional disturbance (hereafter referred to as emotional disturbance); orthopedic impairment; autism; traumatic brain injury developmental delay; other health impairment; specific learning disability; deaf-blindness; or multiple disabilities and who, by reason thereof, receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) according to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Services Plans (IFSPs).

The phrase “preschool special education services” is used to reflect publicly funded services provided through an IEP or IFSP to children ages 3 through 5 who are not yet attending kindergarten. These are services funded under Section 619 of Part B of IDEA for which the state education agency has oversight responsibility.



  1. As the designated 619 coordinator, which of the following best describes the population of students for which you have responsibility?

    1. Part B-619 only

    1. Part B-619 and Part C early intervention (children birth to 3)

    1. Part B-619 and preschool for typically developing children

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below

  1. In your state, which group of children are served by IDEA Part B, 619 program funds? Check one.

    1. Children with disabilities ages 3 through 5 who are not yet attending kindergarten

    1. Children with disabilities ages 3 through 5 who are not yet attending kindergarten and those attending kindergarten

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below

  1. Are there any state-level interagency agreements addressing the provision of preschool services to children with disabilities?



Skip to Item 6

  1. Which agencies participate in these state-level interagency agreements? Check all that apply.

    1. Education

    1. Health

    1. Mental health

    1. Social services

    1. Head Start

    1. Developmental disabilities

    1. Child care

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below

  1. What areas do these state-level interagency agreements address? Check all that apply.

    1. Evaluation/eligibility/assessment

    1. Cost or resource sharing

    1. Responsibility for direct services

    1. Transition to preschool

    1. Professional development and/or training

    1. Data sharing

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below

  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, is the 619 program organizing or funding any collaborative training activities with the following agencies? Check all that apply.

    1. Education

    1. Human services

    1. Health

    1. Mental health

    1. Social services

    1. Head Start

    1. Developmental disabilities

    1. Child care

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, in what ways is the 619 program offering interagency coordination supports to local agencies? Check all that apply.

    1. Funds to school districts/local providers to support coordination activities

    1. Technical assistance related to interagency coordination

    1. Written guidelines related to interagency coordination

    1. Workshops or professional development on interagency coordination

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. How are preschool special education and related services typically provided at the local level? Check all that apply.

    1. Local school districts or county offices of education provide services

    1. Private programs contract with the state to provide services

    1. A non-education public agency provides services

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

Preschool Advisory Council

  1. Does your state have a preschool special education Advisory Council that addresses issues only for children with disabilities ages 3 through 5?



Skip to Item 11

  1. Is a Part C agency representative part of your statewide preschool special education Advisory Council?



  1. What topics do you regularly address when working with the state Part C Coordinator?

    1. Child Find

    1. Transitions

    1. Training/professional development

    1. Data sharing

    1. Disputes

    1. State Performance Plans required under IDEA

    1. Annual Performance Reports required under IDEA…………………………..

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below


  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, in what ways is your agency supporting the transition of children with disabilities from Part C to Part B? Check all that apply.

    1. Part B preschool funds can be used to provide FAPE (free, appropriate, public education) to children before their third birthday

    1. Part C funds can be used to provide FAPE for children past their third birthday .

    1. Developed policies on transition from Part C to Part B

    1. Provided technical assistance to local providers on transition

    1. Developed/disseminated materials for parents on transition from Part C to Part B

    1. Developed/maintained an electronic database of individual child records to allow children to be followed from Part C to Part B

    1. None of the above

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, in what ways is your agency supporting the transition of children with disabilities from preschool to kindergarten/elementary school? Check all that apply.

    1. Developed agreements on transitions between agencies providing preschool services and elementary schools

    1. Developed policies on transition from preschool to elementary school

    1. Provided technical assistance to local providers on transition

    1. Developed/disseminated materials for parents on preschool to elementary school transition

    1. Developed/maintained an electronic database of individual child records to allow children to be followed from preschool programs to elementary school

    1. None of the above

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

Identification and Eligibility

Universal preschool refers to preschool access for all preschool-aged children similar to kindergarten availability through public schools. In some states, universal preschool is available without cost to only certain student groups, such as low-income children, children from working families, or children identified “as risk” of school failure. Please respond to the questions below if your state’s program fits this general description, even if it is not called universal preschool.

  1. During the 2008-2009 school year, does your state operate a state-funded “universal preschool” program?



Skip to Item 16

  1. For each age group, which children are eligible for your state-funded universal preschool program? Check all that apply.

3 year olds

4 year olds

5 year olds

    1. All children in this age group are eligible

If all children are not eligible in a specific age group, then check all eligible groups:

    1. Children from low-income families

    1. Children with disabilities

    1. Children with other specific risk factors

    1. No children in this age group are eligible

If “other” specific risk factor, please describe below:

  1. Which activities does your agency conduct to support the identification of preschool children in need of special education services? Check all that apply.

    1. Child Find screenings

    1. Development/dissemination of written materials, (e.g. posters, pamphlets) to pediatricians and other health care providers

    1. Development/dissemination of written materials (e.g. posters, pamphlets) for child care centers, nursery schools, and other facilities

    1. Workshops for pediatricians and other health care providers

    1. Workshops for staff from child care centers, nursery schools, and other facilities.

    1. Outreach to referral sources

    1. Web-based information and other electronic materials

    1. Outreach through radio, TV, newspapers and other print media to promote awareness of disabilities and services for young children

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

Systematic Screening and Progress Monitoring

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-step approach to providing early and more intensive intervention and monitoring within the general education setting, typically targeted to students in grades K-3. Many states have or are considering implementing a similar system at the preschool level. In early childhood classrooms, teachers undertake periodic screening of

all children to identify those who show signs of learning difficulties or behavioral challenges and may need systematic progress monitoring and additional intervention or support. Progressively intense interventions are used as part of the approach, including referring children to be considered for special education when they do not respond to the interventions being implemented. Below we refer to this method as RtI, although it may be called something different in your state, such as Recognition and Response. Please respond to these questions if your program fits the general description above, even it if not called RtI.

  1. Which of the following describes the activities of your agency in implementing RtI for preschool children in your state? Check all that apply.

    1. The agency has no current initiatives related to implementation of RtI for preschool children

Skip to Item 19

    1. The agency has a pilot initiative to implement RtI in a limited number of preschools

    1. The agency has an initiative that supports statewide implementation of RtI for preschool children

    1. The agency has a state-level RtI task force, commission or internal working group specifically for preschool children

    1. The agency has provided resources (e.g., grants or RFPs) for preschool providers to explore the use of RtI (e.g. to identify model RtI programs; to assist in implementation)

    1. There are state guidelines on RtI for preschool children

    1. Information on RtI for preschool children is available on the agency website

    1. The agency has organized trainings on RtI for preschool children that were conducted by consultants or contractors

    1. Agency staff conduct trainings on RtI for preschool children

    1. Agency staff provide technical assistance (specialized advice and customized support) to local providers that are investigating or implementing RtI for preschool children

    1. The agency arranges technical assistance from consultants or contractors for local providers that are investigating or implementing RtI for preschool children

l. Other

  1. If your state has either a pilot or statewide initiative that promotes RtI in preschools, at what level or levels are decisions made about each of the aspects of RtI implementation? Check one or more box in each row.

If your state has no current initiatives related to implementation of RtI in any area, skip to Item 19.

Level or levels where decision is made

Staff at SEA decides

Staff at LEA decides

Staff at School decides

Not applicable

Don’t know

    1. The research-based curricula to use in general education

    1. The cut scores for determining risk status

    1. The criteria for determining a student’s responsiveness to intervention

    1. The frequency and duration of progress monitoring

    1. The choice of the interventions to use for students determined to be at risk

    1. The number of intervention sessions required prior to referral for special education

    1. The decision rules for a referral for a special education evaluation

    1. How to document intervention fidelity

Early Learning/Academic Standards

Alignment of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) with State Standards

Early learning standards describe expectations for children’s learning and development prior to kindergarten.

Standards-based IEPs are those that align goals for children with disabilities with the early learning standards that form the basis of each state’s preschool program and curriculum.

  1. Does your state have early learning standards for preschool children?



Skip to Item 21

  1. Which domains are covered by the standards? Check all that apply.

    1. Physical/health

    1. Cognitive

    1. Approaches to learning

    1. Social/Emotional

    1. Communication/language

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

Standards-Based IEPs

  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, does your state provide a mandated standards-based IEP for preschool children with disabilities?



  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, does your state provide a suggested standards-based IEP for preschool children with disabilities?



  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, does your state have formal written policies in place regarding development and use of standards-based IEPs for preschool children with disabilities?



  1. During the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years, has your state provided any training or professional development on the development of standards-based IEPs for preschool children with disabilities?



Skip to Item 27

  1. Who was the target audience for the training or professional development on standards-based IEPs? Check all that apply.

  1. Principals

  1. School administrative officials

  1. Special education staff

  1. General education staff

  1. Reading specialists

  1. Math specialists

  1. Paraprofessional or instructional learning assistants

  1. School counselors

  1. School psychologists

  1. School or district nurse

  1. Speech and language therapists

  1. Other

If “other”, please describe below:

  1. What topics were covered by the professional development? Check all that apply.

  1. Assessment of children’s current skills

  1. Developing standards-based goals for physical/health

  1. Developing standards-based goals for cognitive skills

  1. Developing standards-based goals for approaches to learning

  1. Developing standards-based goals for social/emotional areas

  1. Developing standards-based goals for communication/learning skills

  1. Linking assessment to instruction

  1. Other

If “other” please describe below:


  1. Which state agency is responsible for licensing and certification of preschool special education teachers? Check all that apply.

  1. State education agency

  1. State licensing and certification agency that is not part of the SEA

  1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. What certification/licensure requirements are required for preschool special education staff in your state?

  1. No certification/licensure required

  1. General early childhood certification (no special education requirements)

  1. General early childhood certification (including special education requirements)

  1. General early childhood certification plus preschool special education add-on or endorsement

  1. Blended early childhood/early childhood special education certification

  1. Early childhood special education certification

  1. Special education certification

  1. Special education certification plus preschool special education add-on or endorsement

  1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. In what ways can preschool special education staff qualify for the certification? Check all that apply.

Required Optional

    1. Portfolio

    1. Exam/Proficiency test

    1. Undergraduate or graduate degree program

    1. Coursework (not leading to a degree)

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. During the current (2008-2009) and prior (2007-2008) school years, what strategies has your state routinely used to increase the number of qualified preschool special education personnel? Check all that apply.

    1. Collaborate with universities to create programs and curricula to ensure that graduates meet standards (e.g., create a task force, fund grants to IHEs for restructuring)

    1. Pay for tutoring to prepare teachers for certifications tests/licensure exams

    1. Provide funding for teachers to participate in professional development opportunities (e.g., IHE tuition, workshop fees)

    1. Pay fees for tests/licensure exams

    1. Provide alternative routes to certification in preschool special education for persons with a special education degree

    1. Provide alternative routes to certification in preschool special education for any person with a bachelors degree

    1. Other

If “other”, please describe below:

Parent/Guardian Involvement

  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, is your agency offering any of the following to preschool providers to promote the involvement of parent/guardians of children with IEPs or IFSPs? Check all that apply.

    1. Funds to provider agencies to help parents participate in IEP meetings (e.g., transportation, babysitting, translators)

    1. Technical assistance related to promoting parent involvement

    1. Written guidelines related to parent involvement

    1. Workshops or professional development on increasing parent involvement

    1. Other activity

If “other” please describe below:

  1. For the 2008-2009 school year does your state have a federally funded Parent Training and Information Center (PTI)?



Skip to Item 34

  1. For the 2008-2009 school year, in what ways is the 619 program collaborating with the PTI? Check all that apply.

    1. Development or delivery of professional development

    1. Delivery of technical assistance

    1. Dissemination of information regarding each other’s services

    1. Development of training/guidance materials

    1. Parent outreach efforts

    1. Promotion of alternative dispute resolution models

    1. Other activity

If “other” please describe below:

Dispute Resolution

For the following items, please respond about disputes related to preschool special education only. Do not count disputes involving students in kindergarten.

  1. In your state, are disputes for preschool special education addressed as part of the same system developed for addressing disputes for school aged children (e.g., same agency, same procedures)?



  1. During the last school year (2007–2008), how many formal mediations did your state complete for preschool special education?

If none, enter 0, then skip to Item 39

  1. How many of these formal mediations resulted from the following:

    1. Local agency requests for impartial due process

    1. Parent/guardian requests for impartial due process

  1. Of the mediations reported in Item 35, how many concerned the following issues? Count mediations more than once if they involved more than one issue.

    1. Evaluation of children for preschool special education services

    1. Eligibility of children for preschool special education services

    1. Children’s educational program (e.g., academic, functional, and life skills)
      as set forth in the IEP

    1. Educational placement

    1. Discipline (including suspension or expulsion)

    1. Procedural safeguards (e.g., prior written notice, confidentiality)

    1. Related services (e.g., transportation, speech therapy, counseling)

    1. Tuition reimbursement (e.g., private school placement)

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. Of the mediations reported in Item 35, how many resulted in a mediation agreement?

  1. During the last school year (2007–2008), how many resolution meetings were requested for preschool special education?

  1. During the last school year (2007–2008), how many impartial due process hearings were requested for preschool special education?

If none, enter 0, then skip to Item 43

  1. Of the number of impartial due process hearings reported in Item 40, how many were completed after unsuccessful mediation?

  1. Of the number of impartial due process hearings completed as reported in Item 40, how many concerned each of the following issues? Count hearings more than once if they involved more than one issue.

    1. Evaluation of children for preschool special education services

    1. Eligibility of children for preschool special education services

    1. Children’s educational program (e.g., academic, functional, and life skills) as set forth in the IEP

    1. Educational placement

    1. Discipline (including suspension or expulsion)

    1. Procedural safeguards (e.g., prior written notice, confidentiality)

    1. Related services (e.g., transportation, speech therapy, counseling

    1. Tuition reimbursement (e.g., private school placement)

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. Does your state education agency conduct administrative reviews?



Skip to Item 46

  1. During the last school year (2007–2008), how many state administrative review hearings did your state agency complete for preschool special education?

If none, enter 0, then skip to Item 46

  1. Of the number of state administrative reviews reported above in item 44, how many concerned each of the following issues? Count reviews more than once if they involved more than one issue.

    1. Evaluation of children for preschool special education services

    1. Eligibility of children for preschool special education services

    1. Children’s educational program (e.g., academic, functional, and life skills) as set forth in the IEP

    1. Educational placement

    1. Discipline (including suspension or expulsion)

    1. Procedural safeguards (e.g., prior written notice, confidentiality)

    1. Related services (e.g., transportation, speech therapy, counseling)

    1. Tuition reimbursement (e.g., private school placement)

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. During the last school year (2007–2008), how many state/federal judicial reviews of hearings did your state complete for preschool special education?

If none, enter 0, then skip to Item 48

  1. Of the number of state/federal judicial reviews reported in Item 46, how many concerned each of the following issues? Count reviews more than once if they involved more than one issue.

    1. Evaluation of children for preschool special education services

    1. Eligibility of children for preschool special education services

    1. Children’s educational program (e.g., academic, functional, and life skills) as set forth in the IEP

    1. Placement

    1. Discipline (including suspension or expulsion)

    1. Procedural safeguards (e.g., prior written notice, confidentiality)

    1. Related services (e.g., transportation, speech therapy, counseling)

    1. Tuition reimbursement (e.g., private school placement)

    1. Other

If “other” please describe below:

  1. Of the number of preschool special education cases addressed through various dispute mechanisms described above (e.g. formal mediations, mediation agreements, resolution meetings, or due process hearings) during the last school year (2007–2008), how many originated in the Part C early intervention system? Enter the number of cases.

If none, enter 0


Please use the space below to add any comments you have.

Contact Information

Please provide us with your name, title, address, phone number, fax number and email address in case we need to contact you to clarify responses to any of these questions.







If more than one person filled out this survey, please indicate their positions below and the sections each completed.




Please estimate how long it took, in total, to complete this questionnaire.



Thank you for completing this questionnaire.


SEA Sec 619- final

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSEA Survey
AuthorTamara Daley
Last Modified ByOReillyF
File Modified2008-11-24
File Created2008-11-24

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