Real Property Status Report, Standard form (SF-XXXX)

RPSR-FR Notice 11-13-08.pdf

Real Property Status Report, Standard Form (SF-XXXX)

Real Property Status Report, Standard form (SF-XXXX)

OMB: 3090-0296

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 220 / Thursday, November 13, 2008 / Notices
For . . .

A recipient must . . .

When . . .

Under . . .

Request disposition instructions.
Sell the equipment and reimburse the Federal awarding
agency for the Federal

Grantee no longer needs the equipment for
any purpose.
Equipment has a per unit fair market value
of greater than $5,000 and the recipient no
longer needs the equipment for any purpose and requested disposition instructions, and either was instructed to sell the
equipment or received no instructions within 120 days.
Upon completion of the award, when the
awarding agency has reserved the right to
transfer title to the Federal Government or
a third party.
It has a residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 in aggregate value
at the end of a project or program that are
not needed for other Federally supported

2 CFR 215.34(g).

Account for the equipment ....

Supplies .....................................

Compensate the Federal
Government for its share.

2 CFR 215.34(g)(1); A–102,

2 CFR 215.71(f) and 2 CFR
2 CFR 215.35(a); A–102,

Note: Citations listed in this table for OMB Circular A–102 refer to each agency’s implementing regulations. The underscore is where each
agency’s individual CFR location would be inserted. Citations for 2 CFR 215 are from OMB Circular A–110 which has been relocated to 2 CFR,
Part 215. For further information on the Circulars, please refer to

Comments on 2007 Federal Register
Notice and Responses
Comment: Requested clarification as
to whether the new report would take
precedence over specific reporting
requirements in the provisions of their
Response: The (SF–XXXX) will
replace any agency unique forms

currently in use, but it does not create
any new reporting requirements. The
provisions of individual awards still
B. Annual Reporting Burden
This report will be used to collect
information related to tangible personal
property (and supplies) when required
by a Federal financial assistance award.

mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

Number of
responses per

Number of


Since this form will primarily be used
for reporting under grants, and GSA
does not award grants, we are providing
a burden estimate for one respondent.
Respondents: Federal agencies and
their assistance recipients.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 2.75.
Estimated Cost: There is no expected
cost to the respondents or to GSA.
Average burden
hours per

Total burden

Tangible Personal Property Report (SF–XXXX) .............................
Annual Report: Attachment to SF–XXXX ........................................
Final Report: Attachment to SF–XXXX ...........................................
Disposition Request/Report: Attachment to SF–XXXX ...................
Tangible Personal Property Report Supplemental Sheet (SF–
XXXX–S) ......................................................................................









Total ..........................................................................................





Obtaining Copies of Proposals:
Requesters may obtain a copy of the
information collection documents from
the General Services Administration,
Regulatory Secretariat (VPR), 1800 F
Street, NW., Room 4041, Washington,
DC 20405, telephone (202) 208–4755.
Please cite OMB Control No. 3090–
XXXX, Tangible Personal Property
Report, in all correspondence.


Dated: October 17, 2008.
Casey Coleman,
Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–26994 Filed 11–12–08; 8:45 am]



[OMB Control No. 3090–XXXX]

General Services Administration;
Office of Governmentwide Policy;
Information Collection Standard Form
(SF–XXXX), Real Property Status
Office of Governmentwide
Policy, General Services Administration
ACTION: Interim Notice; request for
comments regarding a new information
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35), the GSA Office of
Governmentwide Policy will submit to

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the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) a request to review and approve
a new information collection
requirement concerning reporting real
property status. The GSA, on behalf of
the Grants Policy Committee, proposes
to issue a new standard form, the Real
Property Status Report (RPSR) (SF–
This interim notice is being issued to
address comments received as a result
of the notice published in the Federal
Register at 72 FR 64646 on November
16, 2007, and to present changes made
to the report as a result of those
comments. We anticipate this being the
interim notice before the form and
instructions are finalized.
The general public and Federal
agencies are invited to comment on the
proposed revised report. To view the




Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 220 / Thursday, November 13, 2008 / Notices

report and a full list of comments
received along with work group
responses, go to OMB’s Web page at and click on the
‘‘Grants Management,’’ then ‘‘Forms,’’
then Proposed Government-Wide
Standard Grants Reporting Forms links.
DATES: Comment Due Date: January 12,
Michael Nelson, Chair, Post-Award
Workgroup; telephone 301–713–0833
ext. 199; fax 301–713–0806; e-mail
[email protected]; mailing
address 1305 East-West Highway, Room
7142, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments regarding
this burden estimate or any other aspect
of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to the Regulatory Secretariat
(VPR), General Services Administration,
Room 4041, 1800 F Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20405.
A. Purpose
The report will be used to collect
information related to real property
when required by a Federal financial
assistance award. The SF–XXXX
includes a cover page, attachment A,
‘‘General Reporting’’, attachment B,
‘‘Request To Acquire, Improve or
Furnish’’ and attachment C,
‘‘Disposition Request.’’ The purpose of
this new report is to assist recipients of
grants and cooperative agreements when
they are required to provide a Federal
agency with information related to real
property to which the Federal
government holds an interest as a result
of the real property being acquired,
improved or furnished under a Federal
financial assistance award, and for real

property that was donated to a Federal
project in the form of a required match
or cost sharing donation. The report
establishes a standard format for
reporting real property status under
financial assistance awards. It does
establish an annual reporting date of
September 30 to be used if an award
does not specify an annual reporting
date, unless Federal interest in the real
property extends 15 years or longer. To
create uniformity of collection and
support future electronic submission of
information, the standard reporting form
will replace any agency unique forms
currently in use.
The GSA, on behalf of the Federal
Grants Streamlining Initiative,
announced in the Federal Register on
November 16, 2007 (72 FR 64646), its
intent to issue a new standard report,
the Real Property Status Report (SF–
Public Law 106–107 required the
OMB to direct, coordinate, and assist
Executive Branch departments and
agencies in establishing an interagency
process to streamline and simplify
Federal financial assistance procedures
for non-Federal entities. The law also
required executive agencies to develop,
submit to the Congress, and implement
a plan to achieve streamlined and
simplified procedures.
Twenty-six Executive Branch agencies
jointly submitted a plan to the Congress
in May 2001, as the Act required. The
plan described the interagency process
through which the agencies would
review current policies and practices,
and seek to streamline and simplify
them. The process involved interagency
work groups under the auspices of the

For . . .

A recipient must . . .

When . . .

Federally owned property .................

Submit an inventory listing ............

Annually, with information accurate as of 30 September, unless the
award specifies a different date.
The property is no longer needed. Upon completion of the award or
at the point Federal interest in the property ceases.
Immediately upon finding property damaged, or significantly altered.

Report the property to the Federal
awarding agency.
Notify the Federal awarding agency.
Request authority to be furnished
real property.
Request disposition instructions ...

Real property improved, donated or
acquired in whole or in part under
an assistance award.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

Grants Management Committee of the
Chief Financial Officers Council. The
plan also identified substantive areas in
which the interagency work groups had
begun their review.
One of the substantive areas that the
agencies identified in the plan was a
need to streamline and simplify Federal
grant reporting requirements and
procedures and associated business
processes to reduce unnecessary
burdens on recipients and to improve
the timeliness, completeness and
quality of the information collected.
Under the standards for management
and disposition of federally owned
property, and real property acquired
under assistance awards (real property
status) in 2 CFR part 215, the ‘‘Uniform
Administrative Requirements for Grants
and Agreements With Institutions of
Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other
Non-Profit Organizations’’, and the
‘‘Uniform Administrative Requirements
for Grants and Agreements With State
and Local Governments’’, codified by
Federal agencies at 53 FR 8048 (March
11, 1988), recipients may be required to
provide Federal agencies with
information concerning property in
their custody annually, at award
closeout or when the property is no
longer needed.
During the public consultation
process mandated by Pub. L. 106–107,
recipients suggested the need for
clarification of these requirements and
the establishment of a standard report to
help them submit appropriate property
information when required. The Real
Property Status Report is to be used in
connection with the requirements listed
in the table below and Federal awarding
agency guidelines:

Request authority to acquire or
improve real property.

Request disposition instructions ...
Sell the property and reimburse
the Federal awarding agency for
the Federal share.

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The recipient is authorized, via the assistance award, to request to
be furnished real property for the purposes of the project or program.
The property is no longer needed.
Upon completion of the award or at the point Federal interest in the
property ceases.
The recipient is authorized, via the assistance award, to request authorization from the awarding agency, during the post award
phase, to acquire or improve real property for the purposes of the
project or program.
The recipient no longer needs the property for any purpose.
The recipient is directed to sell the property under guidelines provided by the Federal awarding agency.

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 220 / Thursday, November 13, 2008 / Notices
For . . .

A recipient must . . .

When . . .

Transfer title to the property to the
Federal Government or to an eligible third party.
Compensate the original Federal
awarding agency or its successor.
Obtain the approval of the Federal
awarding agency.
Obtain the approval of the Federal
awarding agency.

The recipient is directed to transfer title by the Federal awarding
agency or its successor.

Request release from the obligation to report on real property.

mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

Discussion of Comments
Sixty-eight (68) comments were
received in response to the November
16, 2007, Federal Register notice (72 FR
64646) regarding the RPSR. The
majority of comments came from
Federal agencies. Following the close of
the comment period, an interagency
team met to review the comments and
make appropriate upgrades to the draft
report. A summary of the comments and
the work group responses are below:
Comment 1: The team received 9
comments regarding Attachment B,
which was designed to capture recipient
disposition requests and requests for
acquisition, improvement or furnishing
of real property. Agencies that do not
allow requests for acquisition,
improvement or furnishing in the postaward context expressed concern that
the attachment may mislead recipients
into believing it would be allowable to
make such requests.
Response: There was confusion about
the purpose of the original Attachment
B because it contains both post-award
requests and disposition instructions.
The team revised the report to separate
requests from disposition and created a
new Attachment C. If a recipient is not
allowed to make post-award requests to
acquire, improve or to be furnished real
property, Attachment B will be removed
from the recipient reporting
requirements at the time of award.
Comment 2: The team received 1
comment expressing concern that
‘‘Conservation Easement’’ was listed as
an Ownership type.
Response: As it is not an Ownership
type, ‘‘Conservation Easement’’ has been
removed as an Ownership type but can
be reported in the ‘‘Other’’ category.
Comment 3: The team received 1
comment expressing concern that the
report did not request information
regarding a property’s requirements
associated with the National Historic
Preservation Act.

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The recipient wants to retain title without further obligation to the
Federal Government.
Before making capital expenditures for improvements to property that
materially increase its value or useful life.
The recipient wants to use the real property in other Federally-sponsored projects or programs that have purposes consistent with
those authorized for support by the Federal awarding agency
when the recipient determines that the property is no longer needed for the purposes of the original project.
The Federal interest in the property expires, or the real property has
been disposed of in accordance with agency instructions.

Response: The report has been
updated to include a data request for
any National Historic Preservation Act
requirements related to the property.
Comment 4: The team received 3
comments regarding requests for
additional program specific data blocks,
such as the inclusion of detailed floor
Response: The RPSR is designed for
government-wide use. Agencies have
the latitude to modify the form, with the
OMB’s approval, to require the reporting
of additional information based on
program need.
Comment 5: The team received 3
comments regarding the use of current
agency data collection systems and the
development of a new electronic
solution for real property reporting.
Response: OMB has not made a
decision regarding the development of a
system for collecting real property
report information. The data elements
used to develop the report were taken
from reporting instruments used
throughout the Federal government.
Agencies will be required to collect the
data elements and may use existing
agency systems or formats to do so, as
long as those collections are consistent
with the report. The intent is to issue
the report in paper format with the
expectation that it will be implemented
electronically in the future.
Comment 6: The team received 1
comment on the proposed reporting
Response: Agencies will have the
option to require reporting on a less
than once a year basis not to exceed 5
years, (e.g., on a 2, 3 or up to a 5 year
basis) based on program needs.
Agencies cannot require reporting more
frequently than on a quarterly basis.
Comment 7: The team received 3
comments regarding the implementation
of the report. Agencies were concerned
about whether the form would be used
to report on past and current awards.

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Response: The team plans to require
the use of the report for all awards
issued after the report is released as
final. Agencies can individually
determine whether or not to use the
report retroactively.
Comment 8: The team received 8
comments from agencies questioning
the need to collect certain data elements
or noting that many agencies already
collect information appearing on the
Response: OMB is requiring the
submission of all information appearing
on the report so that the Federal
Government, as a whole, can better track
the vast amounts of real property in
which the government holds an interest.
Currently information on real property
in which the Federal Government holds
an interest is not being captured in a
standardized manner; and in some
cases, is not being captured at all.
The RPSR data elements will be the
standard elements for reporting on real
property once implemented by 2 CFR
part 45. The data elements used to
develop the report were taken from
reporting instruments being used
throughout the Federal Government.
Agencies will be required to collect the
data elements and may use existing
agency systems or formats to do so, as
long as those collections are consistent
with the report.
Comment 9: The team received 1
comment concerning potential
duplicative burden on recipients who
receive funding from multiple agencies.
Response: Requesting reports on each
funding stream is not duplicative
because each agency needs to be able to
establish and identify its Federal
Comment 10: The team received 5
questions and/or comments concerning
who the report applies to, when it is
applicable, and the regulatory
requirement associated with it.
Response: The requirement to use the
report will apply to all Federal financial




Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 220 / Thursday, November 13, 2008 / Notices

assistance programs for awards that
establish a Federal interest on real
property. Currently, there is no
regulatory requirement for real property
reporting. The related regulatory
requirement is being developed by OMB
and will be included in 2 CFR part 45.
Comment 11: The team received 2
comments from agencies and grantee
organizations concerning whether
legislative requirements will take
precedence over RPSR reporting
Response: If there is a statutory or
regulatory basis for the agency’s
requirements, then those requirements
take precedence to the report.
Comment 12: The team received 1
comment questioning whether ‘‘Federal
interest’’ refers to real property and
improvements acquired with Federal
funds, and whether such interest would
continue to the end of any use
Response: Yes, Federal interest in real
property is obtained by virtue of the use
of Federal funding to acquire or improve
the property and, for real property
donated as required cost sharing or
matching, unless excluded by statute or
award terms. The related award
instrument should specify the terms and
duration of the Federal interest.

Comment 13: The team received 1
comment questioning the need for the
Federal Government to impose a
reporting requirement extending beyond
the grant period on property donated to
the Federal Government.
Response: The government acquires
an interest in the total project, including
any property recipients donate to the
project as required cost sharing or
matching. Through such donation, the
government acquires a financial interest
in the property, the value of which at
any given time is the product of:
a. The Federal share of the project
costs under the award; and
b. The current value of the property.
That interest remains until the
government releases its interest in the
Comment 14: The team received 1
comment questioning whether ‘‘Tax
Credits’’ are Federal or not.
Response: This is a legal question that
individual agencies will need to
Comment 15: The team received 1
comment questioning whether agencies
will need to report on improvements to
real property in which the Federal
ownership is in question. For example:
improvements to real property erected
on Indian trust and allotted lands.

This report will be used by Federal
agencies to collect information related
to real property when required by a
Federal financial assistance award.
Since this report will be used primarily
for reporting related to Federal financial
assistance awards, we are providing a
burden estimate for one respondent.
Respondents: Assistance recipients.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 4 (per submission).
Estimated Cost: There is no expected
cost to the respondents or to OMB.
Average burden
hours per

Total burden

Real Property Status Report SF–XXXX ..........................................
SF–XXXX—Real Property Status Report [Attachment A] ...............
SF–XXXX—Real Property Status Report [Attachment B] ...............
SF–XXXX—Real Property Status Report [Attachment C] ...............





Total ..........................................................................................





Obtaining Copies of Proposals:
Requesters may obtain a copy of the
information collection documents from
the General Services Administration,
Regulatory Secretariat (VPR), 1800 F
Street, NW., Room 4041, Washington,
DC 20405, telephone (202) 501–4755, or
by faxing your request to (202) 501–
4067. Please cite the title, OMB Control
No. 3090–XXXX, Real Property Status
Report, in all correspondence.
Dated: October 17, 2008.
Casey Coleman,
Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E8–26996 Filed 11–12–08; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

B. Annual Reporting Burden

Number of
responses per

Number of


Response: This is a legal question that
should be vetted by agency attorneys.
Comment 16: The team received 17
comments concerning the clarity of the
Response: Where necessary, the team
revised the instruction language to
clarify the type of data requested.
Comment 17: The team received 5
comments on the burden estimate for
the report.
Response: The team reconsidered and
revised the burden estimate.
Comment 18: The team received 5
general comments not requiring action
or a response.

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Centers for Disease Control and

Proposed Data Collections Submitted
for Public Comment and
In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 for
opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed projects. To
request more information on the
proposed projects or to obtain a copy of
the data collection plans and
instruments, call 404–639–5960 or send
comments to CDC Acting Reports

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Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road,
MS–D74, Atlanta, GA 30333 or send an
e-mail to [email protected].
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology. Written comments should
be received within 60 days of this



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2008-11-13
File Created2008-11-13

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