Process for Certification of Games and "Electronic, Computer, or Other Technologic Aids" as Meeting the Classification Standards, Proposed, 25 C.F.R. 546.9.

ICR 200810-3141-005

OMB: 3141-0013

Federal Form Document

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Supporting Statement A
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ICR Details
3141-0013 200810-3141-005
Historical Inactive 200710-3141-013
Process for Certification of Games and "Electronic, Computer, or Other Technologic Aids" as Meeting the Classification Standards, Proposed, 25 C.F.R. 546.9.
New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number)   No
Withdrawn 12/10/2008
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 10/15/2008
The information collection request is withdrawn because it is associated with regulations that have been withdrawn by the agency.
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36 Months From Approved
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Proposed 25 C.F.R. 546.9 creates a process for the submission (by game manufacturers), review (by independent testing laboratories), and approval (by Tribal gaming regulatory authorities) of Class II games and "electronic, computer, or other technologic aids," in order to ensure that the games and aids comply with the requirements of proposed Part 546. The information collected allows the National Indian Gaming Commission to oversee the process.

US Code: 25 USC 2701 Name of Law: Indian Gaming Regulatory Act

3141-AA31 Final or interim final rulemaking 73 FR 30508 10/10/2008


IC Title Form No. Form Name
Proposed Classification Regulations

Changing Regulations
Proposed 25 C.F.R. § 547.4 establishes a process for assuring that technologic aids used with the play of Class II games comply with these technical standards. Proposed part 547 uses the term “Class II gaming system” to refer to any particular collection of hardware, software, and other components used to play a Class II game. Proposed 25 C.F.R. § 547.4(c) contains the general rule. A tribe’s gaming regulatory authority must require that all Class II gaming systems, or modifications thereof, be submitted to a qualified, independent testing laboratory for review and analysis of the system’s compliance with proposed part 547. As a matter of established practice, it is the game manufacturer who makes the submission to the testing laboratory, though the proposed rule also leaves open the possibility that the gaming operation may do so. The submission must include a working prototype of the complete system – all pertinent hardware and software – together with an information collection: the complete documentation and description of all functions and components. In turn, the laboratory will provide the next information collection, a written report stating that the system does or does not meet the requirements of the proposed rule and of any additional requirements adopted by the tribe’s gaming regulatory authority. The laboratory will provide the report and certification to the tribal gaming regulatory authority for its approval or disapproval of the gaming system. The tribal gaming regulatory authority must retain a copy of the lab report as long as the gaming system in question remains in play. These information collections allow Federal and tribal gaming regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with the requirements of the proposed rule for all Class II equipment offered for play to the public.

Michael Gross 202 632-7003


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