Customer Focus Group Material Testing

Health Hazard Evaluation Program Customer Survey

Attachment E-2 Focus Group Materials Testing

Customer Focus Group Material Testing

OMB: 0920-0803

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Attachment E.2: Focus Group Materials Testing Guide

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Focus Group Materials Testing Guide

The purpose of this focus group is to test materials and messages about raising awareness and utilization of the CDC/NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Program services. Participants will be pre-screened so that the group includes persons who monitor or ensure workplace safety or health for employees at their worksite.

Introduction: Welcome (15 minutes)

A. Purpose: The purpose of our discussion is to find out what you think about the following concepts and messages. These concepts and messages are meant to raise awareness and utilization of Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program services. We will also discuss ways to provide information about health hazards in the workplace and look at some informational materials.

B. Disclosures

  • Observation

  • Audio taping

  • Measures for safeguarding privacy

C. Ground rules

  • Need to hear from everyone; one at a time please

  • No right or wrong answers

  • Moderator is impartial, please be candid

D. Participant introduction

  • Your first name only

  • What type of business/industry you work in

  • What you like best about your workplace

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour and 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Maryam Daneshvar, CDC Acting Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, MS-D74, Atlanta, GA 30333.

Issue A: Icebreaker

(15 minutes)

The purpose of this section is to get participants into the frame of mind of thinking and talking about health hazards in the workplace, which will lead into testing materials designed to raise awareness and utilization of the Health Hazard Evaluation Program services.

1. When you see the phrase “health hazards in the workplace” what do you think of?

Moderator to write “health hazards in the workplace” on flipchart and record responses

Listen for topics such as:

Types of hazards (e.g., chemical, physical or biological)

Types of outcomes (e.g., lung, skin, heart disease, etc.)


Which of these concern you most?

2. How concerned are you about health hazards in your current workplace?


What makes you concerned or not concerned about health hazards in your workplace?

Issue B: Materials Testing: Outreach Tools

(60 minutes)

The purpose of this section is to get “top of mind” reactions to specific materials with messages designed to raise awareness and utilization of the Health Hazard Evaluation Program.

1. We are going to look at some different materials. For this next item I am going to give each of you a copy to read. What is your initial impression of the item?


What would you want to find out by reading the item?

How well does the item catch your attention?

I’m going to give you about five minutes to look over and read the item. As you read, I want you to write on the item to tell me what you think. As you read . . .

Moderator to write instructions on flipchart

  • Put a check () by information that you think is especially important

  • Put a circle around information you think is unclear or needs more explanation

  • Put an X next to information that you think is not relevant

Please write on the copy of the item that you have. Try to write a few words why you think the information is important, unclear, or irrelevant next to each mark you make.

2. What is your initial impression of what you just read?

3. What did you checkmark as important?


What made you think this was important?

4. What information did you circle as unclear?


What was unclear about the information you circled?

What could be done to make that information clearer?

5. What did you put an X by?


What made you mark it with an X?

How could it be more relevant?

6. Who do you think this is for?


Is it for people like you or someone else?

7. What do you think of the photos on the item?


Are these photos appropriate?

8. Who wrote or produced this item?


Have you heard of them before?

Are they a good source of information?

9. If this item were made available to you, would you use it?


What about it catches your attention?

10. What do you think of this item overall?


Is it asking you to do anything?

Would reading it make you do anything? What would it make you do?

Would you be motivated to take action?

11. Is there anything you want to know that this item does not tell you?

Issue E: Conclusion

(5 minutes)

A. Check for additional questions.

B. Thank and dismiss participants.

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