OMB Control Number (1290-0NEW)
Expiration Date (XX-XX-XX)
Appendix E:
Email Survey
Email Survey – Current Projects
Cover Letter
Dear Project Director:
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (OCFT) is currently undergoing an evaluation of its international child labor technical cooperation program. Westat, a survey research firm located in Rockville, Maryland, USA, is conducting the evaluation, which includes the attached email survey for project directors of active OCFT-funded projects.
This is not an evaluation of your specific project, but rather of the OCFT child labor technical cooperation program as a whole. However, this evaluation by necessity requires inputs from individual projects as well. The survey focuses on characteristics of your project, your project’s effectiveness in preventing or removing children from exploitive child labor, methods for measuring the impact of your program, and the activities employed to sustain and maintain project efforts to reduce the exploitive child labor once the OCFT grant is completed.
Your participation in this email survey is voluntary but very important. The information you provide in your response will be used to help OCFT enhance its guidance and support to projects and inform and support the Department of Labor’s reporting of the efficacy of the program to the U.S. Congress and the U.S. public. Your responses to this survey will not influence your grant in any way. Written reports of the survey will present the data in aggregate form and individual projects and people will not be named.
It should take you about 45 minutes to complete the survey. If you have any questions about the purpose or content of the survey, please contact Maureen Jaffe at OCFT. If you have questions about completing or submitting the survey, please contact Beth Rabinovich at Westat. Their contact information is below.
Maureen Jaffe |
Beth Rabinovich |
OCFT, Operations Division |
Westat |
Telephone: 202-693-4848 |
Telephone: 1-800 Westat1 |
Fax: 202-693-4830 |
301-294-2829 |
Email: [email protected] |
We would appreciate receiving your response by [insert 30 days after date survey sent]. If you are unable to complete the survey by that date, please let us know when we can expect your response.
Marcia Eugenio
Director, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
U.S. Department of Labor
2008 Survey of OCFT’s Technical Cooperation Program’s Current Projects
A. General Information about the Project
1. Name of Project: ________________________________________________________________________
2. Name of Primary Agency: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Name of Person Completing Survey: ________________________________________________________________________
3a. Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________
3b. Address: ________________________________________________________________________
3c. Office Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________________
Project Start Date: ________________________________________________________________________
5. Please check the funding sources for your project other than the U.S. Department of Labor. Check ”yes” or “no” for each response option.
Yes No
International Labor Organization
Other International Organizations (CARE,
World Food Program, UNICEF, etc.)
Non-governmental Organization
Local Government
Regional Government
National Government
B. Program Purpose, Scope and Design
6. Briefly, state the goal and objectives of your project.
7. What are the main activities of your project? Check ”yes” or “no” for each response option.
Yes No
Education (Formal, Non-Formal, Vocational)
Vocational training
Literacy and other training for parents
Public Awareness
Legislative Reform
Family Support/Social Services
Other (Specify)
8. What group(s) is/are targeted by the project? Check ”yes” or “no” for each response option.
Yes No
- In exploitive labor
- Removed from exploitive labor
- At risk of exploitive labor
service providers
Employers/Trade association
Policy makers
Local leaders
9. What is the geographical area covered by your project? Check ”yes” or “no” for each response option.
Yes No
Local neighborhood
Entire country
Region (within country)
Two or more countries
Other (Specify)
10. In the space below, please record the types of formal partners that work with the project, and the number for each type. By formal partners, we mean organizations and/or groups that receive funds through your project.
Number of
each type
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) ____
Local government ____
Regional government ____
National government ____
Employers/Trade associations ____
Trade unions ____
Other(Specify) ____
11. Please indicate the number of agency partners that you work with informally (and do not receive any funding from your OCFT project).
Number of
each type
a. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) ____
b. Local government ____
c. Regional government ____
d. National government ____
e. Employers/Trade associations ____
f. Trade unions ____
g. Volunteers ____
h. Other ____
12. Please describe how these informal agencies are involved in the project. Check ”yes” or “no” for each response option.
Yes No
a. Served on committees or boards
b. Encouraged participation within the
target population
Provided financial support
Advertised program services
Assigned/contributed staff to project
f.. Worked with the project in other ways
13. In the space below, please describe specific ways each of the partners (both formal and informal) listed above contributes to capacity building for the elimination of exploitive labor.
Formal Partners
Informal partners
C. Strategic Planning
14. Does your organization have a clear mission statement?
15. What is your organization’s prior background in child labor?
16. Does your organization have a strategic plan (a statement of the organization’s mission, identification of program and associate goals, as well as methods for achieving program goals)?
17. Is the organizational strategy known to . . .
Yes No
a. project administrators,
b. data managers,
c. supervisors, or
d. other staff (specify)
18. Is the strategy used to assess program priorities, to make program decisions, and to allocate resources?
19. Does the organization have a process in place for assessing the project’s environment (e.g., political, social, economic) to determine potential constraints and opportunities?
If Yes:
19a. Please describe the main elements of this process.
20. Does the organization have a process in place for ongoing review of beneficiaries needs and concerns (e.g., exit interviews of a sample of beneficiaries)?
If Yes:
20a. Please briefly describe the main elements of this process.
21. Does the organization have a process in place for ongoing review of stakeholders’ requirements and concerns (e.g., regular meetings)?
If Yes:
21a. Please briefly describe the main elements of this process.
22. Does the organization have a process for monitoring the implementation of its strategic plan and for revising it to reflect internal and external changes in its environment?
If Yes:
22a. Please briefly describe the main elements of this process.
23. Are each of the program areas (e.g., formal education, non formal education, family support activities, and health and hygiene activities) and their associated projects linked to the organization’s mission and strategic plan?
24. Does each program area (e.g., formal education, non formal education, family support activities, and health and hygiene activities) and their associated projects have a written plan?
25. Does your organization or program have a system for collecting staff suggestions on how to improve the quality of services?
If Yes:
25a. Please briefly describe the main elements of this process.
26. Do supervisors and staff meet on a regularly scheduled basis, to review and discuss beneficiaries’ services, progress reports, and other project-related issues?
27. Do supervisors and staff meet periodically (i.e., at least every six months) to assess the learning needs of staff and plan staff development activities?
28. Do off-site supervisors or technical experts visit the project sites regularly (i.e., at least twice a year)?
If Yes:
28a. Do they . . .
Yes No
Assess services (e.g., quality,
Identify successful strategies
(e.g., best practices)
Work with staff to solve
Other (Specify)
29. What technical assistance (TA) needs have you experienced during the implementation or operation of your project?
30. Has OCFT helped your project to address these TA needs?
If Yes:
30a. Please describe which TA needs have been addressed by OCFT and how OCFT has addressed these needs.
If No:
30b. Why not?
30c. How were the TA needs of the project addressed?
TA need(s) not yet addressed
31. Are there other projects in your area or region that are focused on combating exploitive child labor?
Don’t know
32. Please describe ways in which your project is similar to these other programs and ways in which it is different.
There are no similarities
There are no differences
D. Program Management
33. Does the project collect data on children served and/or other measures of program achievements?
No (Go to Section E)
Don’t know (Go to Section E)
33a. How is this information recorded?
Yes No
On Paper
Electronic medium
Other means (Specify)
33b. When are the data are collected? Check ”yes” or “no” for each response option.
Yes No
At the beginning of a project
At specific time periods in the
course of the project
At the end of the project
Only as required by the project
Other (specify)
33c. What entity (organization or group) collects performance measurement data for the project? Check ”yes” or “no” for each response option.
Yes No
Service providers?
Implementing partner(s)?
Research/Data management
Other (specify)
34. What types of data are collected?
Collected Collected
Information about Children
Vulnerability status
- At risk of exploitive labor in the project
- In exploitive labor
- Withdrawn from exploitive labor
School attendance
- Enrolled in school
- Not enrolled in school
- Receiving vocational training
- Receiving other type of training
Living arrangements
Service Information
f. Type(s) of services provided
g. Service coverage (Number of children
reached by each service)
h. Service costs
i. Other(specify)
Outcome measures
j. Number and proportion of children not
located or lost to follow-up
k. Number and proportion of children reached
and removed from exploitive labor
l. Number and proportion of children reached
and enrolled in educational program
m. New legislation adopted against exploitive
child labor
n. New policies and procedures developed to
support initiatives against exploitive child labor
o. Other outcome measures(specify)
35. How is this information used by the project? Please check all that apply.
For program management
and to improve programs
b. To measure progress and
program impact
c. For record keeping and
d. To leverage resources
E. Program Results
36. For each of the target groups you checked in question B8, please enter the number of persons served during the most recent fiscal year reporting period (FY 2007).
Number of Persons
Served Targets
Children reached by the program (total) __________________ _____
- Withdrawn from exploitive labor __________________ _____
- Prevented from becoming victims of exploitive
labor __________________ _____
Parents __________________ _____
Teachers or service providers __________________ _____
Employers/Trade association __________________ _____
Unions __________________ _____
Policy makers __________________ _____
Other (specify) __________________ _____
__________________ _____
__________________ _____
__________________ _____
System Changes
37. What changes have occurred in child labor (in the location of your project) that can be attributed to your project? Please check all that apply.
New legislation to combat exploitive child labor
Improved enforcement of labor and child protection laws
New policies and procedures to support efforts against exploitive
child labor
New government agency to address exploitive child labor
Increased public awareness
New or improved mechanism to report exploitive child labor
Increased reporting of exploitive child labor
Increased involvement by NGOs in exploitive child labor
Increased involvement by trade unions
Increased involvement by employers and trade associations
More programs to prevent or help victims of exploitive child labor
Reduction in the number of children involved in exploitive child
38. What resources have you been able to leverage for your project? Check “yes” or “no” for each option.
Yes No
Funding – government
Funding – private foundation
In-kind donations
Individual financial contributions
39. On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means not likely at all, and 5 means very likely, how likely are some activities to combat exploitive child labor to continue after OCFT funding ceases?
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not likely at all |
Very likely |
39a. Which activities do you think are the most likely to be maintained and why?
39b. Which activities do you think are the least likely to be maintained and why?
40. How likely are the results from the project activities to be sustained?
Best Practices
In the space below, please describe the three most effective activities employed to combat child labor, and the reasons you believe they were effective.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
Recommendations for Additional Activities
In the space below, please indicate other kinds of effective strategies that could be used to achieve sustainable improvements at the global and country levels to eradicate exploitive child labor.
Public Burden Statement
All responses to this survey are completely voluntary. The U.S. Department of Labor will use the information provided in this survey, along with information from other sources, to enhance existing child labor projects and help in the design of new ones. Written reports of the survey will present the data in aggregate form and individual projects and people will not be named. We estimate that it will take an average of 45 minutes to complete this collection of information, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the records needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding these estimates or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden, to the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Rm. S-5317, Washington, DC 20210. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
Please Email completed questionnaire to [email protected].
Thank You For Your Input
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Appendix E: |
Author | Amy Hobby |
Last Modified By | Amy Hobby |
File Modified | 2008-11-13 |
File Created | 2008-11-12 |