1C Employment Services Director Survey

Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Data Collection and Effectiveness Study

Employment Services Director_1.23.09

Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Study

OMB: 1293-0013

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HVRP Employment Services Director Survey
We are conducting an effectiveness study of the Homeless Veterans Reintegration
Program (HVRP) in the Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS). The purpose
of this survey is to get your perspective as a grantee on changes that have recently
been introduced by VETS and your interaction with DVOP and LVER representatives, as
well as to better understand some of the characteristics of your program and its
participants. All of the information that you provide will be used to inform the HVRP as
to its effectiveness.
Questions for the survey begin on the next page. You may want to print out a hard copy
of the survey provided in the email sent to you so that you can gather any data or
information that you will need to answer questions. Once you have begun the survey,
you can stop and return at any time using the username and password provided to you
via email. Please answer each question as honestly and accurately as possible.
Thank you for your participation, and please contact Marissa Shuffler via email at
[email protected] or (703) 934-3662, or Kenneth Fenner via email at
[email protected] or (202) 693-4728 with any questions or comments.
Responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports
prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate
responses with a specific district or individual. We will not provide information that
identifies you or your district to anyone outside the study team, except as required by

Public Burden Statement
Participation in this survey is voluntary. This survey should not be responded to unless a
valid OMB control number is displayed. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 1.4 hours (84 minutes) per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden or any other aspect of this collection
of information including suggestions for reducing this burden to the U.S. Department of
Labor, The Office of the Assistant Director for Veterans' Employment and Training, 200
Constitution Ave, N.W., Room S-1316, Washington, DC 20210 (phone: 202-693-4700).

1) How long have you been employed by your organization?

Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
Over 10 years

2) How long have you been in your current position?

Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
More than 10 years

3) Please mark your level of experience in each of the following areas (gained from
both current and previous employment):

0-2 Years3-5 Years 6-9 Years10+ Years
Job readiness/Skills assessments
Job training/Employment services
Mental health
Substance abuse
Case management/Benefits counseling
Business administration
Organizational leadership

4) Please provide an average number of hours per week that you participate in the
following activities:
Participant outreach and recruitment
Housing (i.e., emergency, transitional, long
Case management (e.g., meeting with
participant, conducting follow up calls,
Mental health services/Substance abuse
Physical health services (i.e., medical,
dental, vision)
Legal services
Job readiness/Vocational aptitude
assessment/Employment Development Plan
(EDP) development



Occupational skills training
GED attainment and/or completion
Basic skills training (e.g., literacy, work ethic,
social skills)
Outreach to potential employer partners
Resume development
Job search/Placement services
Career planning services
Follow up support/Aftercare
Marketing HVRP services
Writing reports and other documentation
Other (Please describe below)
Total Number of Hours Worked Per
Week (On Average)


5) If you selected other, please specify:


Employment Services
6) Once a veteran is enrolled in the HVRP program, please select which of the
following methods are utilized by case managers and employment/training
specialists (which may or may not include DVOP/LVER representatives) to coordinate
their services.

(Mark all that apply)

Automated case file management
Document imaging services
Job readiness/Skill assessments (online or paper-based)
Basic skills training
HVRP Orientation and Expectations session
Development of formal employment development plan (EDP)
Vocational interests assessments
Don't Know/Not Sure
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
7) When does your program develop an HVRP participant's employment
development plan (EDP) or program equivalent?

Before enrollment in the HVRP program
Immediately upon enrollment into the HVRP program before skills assessments
After skills assessments are complete
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
8) When is an HVRP participant's EDP updated? (Mark all that apply)

On a weekly basis regardless of status
On a monthly basis regardless of status
Upon completion of skill assessments
Upon enrollment of training
Upon completion of training
Upon entering employment
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify


9) Which of the following are included in your HVRP participants' EDPs or program
equivalents? (Mark all that apply)
An assessment of skill deficits
Vocational interest testing
An assessment of services needed
Specific services planned
Referrals planned
Benefits to be achieved as a result of program participation
Stipulations around check-ins and other measures to ensure EDP is still current and
‰ Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
10) Using data from your most recent program year, please estimate the percentage
of clients accepted into your program that are referred to each of the following
program components immediately following the assessment process.

(It is expected that this may not necessarily add up to 100%, as some participants
may be referred to one or more programs at the same time)
Referred directly to a job coach for job
search and placement:
Referral to local One Stop Career
Center/Workforce Office:
GED attainment:
2- or 4-year education program or technical
Certificate program for occupational or
technical skills training:
Subsidized employment/On-the-job training:
Other (Please specify below):


11) If you selected other, please specify:


12) Of the following, which are the most effective ways for your program to identify,
secure, and maintain strong relationships with potential employers and/or employers
who have hired HVRP participants? (Mark all that apply)

Alumni outreach programs
Employer recognition programs
Periodic performance reviews
Participation on local business roundtables
Cold calls to potential employer partners
Occupational research (e.g., research on industry growth trends)
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
13) Does your program systematically identify any of the following in your area?

(Mark all that apply)

Emerging growth industries
Emerging occupations
New employers
Don't Know/Not Sure

14) If you selected one or more options in the previous question, please explain the
identification process for each option.


15) When does your program assess an HVRP participant's training needs?

During initial intake
During the development of a participant's EDP
Don't know/Don't assess
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
16) What pre-employment preparation does your HVRP provide? (Mark all that



Resume writing assistance/classes
Job interview preparation
Classes on how to identify job leads
Soft skills development classes (e.g., getting along with co-workers, responding to
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
17) To what extent does your organization have difficulty meeting the training
requirements/goals within the grant?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
Don't know/Not sure

18) Please explain why you chose this rating.
19) Please describe how guidance from the VETS National Office can be more helpful
in your efforts.


20) Which of the following methods do you utilize to ensure the quality of your
training service providers? (Mark all that apply)

Review completion rates
Review placement rates
Collect participant feedback using training evaluation forms or other measures
Conduct on-site reviews of training
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
21) Does your training provider(s) offer any of the following incentives for your
organization? (Mark all that apply)

No incentives are offered
Job placement assistance for participants
Group discounts
Transportation vouchers or discounts
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
22) Please provide recommendations on how the HVRP program can maximize the
benefits that participants receive through their training experiences.


Retention & Follow Up
23) Which of the following job retention services are provided by your organization?

(Mark all that apply)

‰ Assistance with benefit issues (e.g., helping clients apply for transitional benefits or
resolve eligibility or benefit issues related to public assistance, food stamps, \
Medicaid, child care, housing)
‰ Group counseling/workshops (e.g., budgeting and life skills management,
anger/stress management, workplace behavior)
‰ Individual counseling/guidance
‰ Service referrals (e.g., health care, child care, education programs)
‰ Provision of WOTC, federal bonding, and/or tax information
‰ Continuing education or skills training
‰ Employee advocacy in the workplace (i.e., conflict resolution, employer mediation,
job site accommodation)
‰ We do not provide job retention services
‰ Other (please specify)
If you selected other, please specify
24) Once placed in employment, for what length of time do participants receive
follow up support/job retention services? (Mark only one option)

1-3 months
4-6 months
7-9 months
10-12 months
>12 months
We do not provide job retention services
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
25) After job placement, and before the required follow-up activities, does your
program implement any additional preventive or supportive service programs to
ensure that the HVRP participant remains successfully employed?
 Yes
 No
 Don't Know/Not Sure
26) IF YES: Please describe the program(s):


27) Which of the following strategies are used by your program to maintain contact
with program participants after placement? (Mark all that apply)

Alumni programs
Grantee newsletter
Employer contact
Regularly scheduled participant contact
Incentive programs (e.g., clothing, transportation vouchers)
Agreement upon placement that participants will provide updates
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
28) Does your program incorporate any form of direct employer contact to assist in
determining your follow up?
 Yes
 No
 Don't Know/Not Sure
29) IF YES: Please explain the process:
30) Please describe any factors that you believe may be contributing to exceeding or
not meeting your program's retention goals.
31) Does your program have an agreement either through the DVOP/LVER working
with the program or through another employment and training representative with
the State Employment Services Agency to track HVRP job placements through
unemployment insurance (UI) data?
 Yes
 No
 Don't Know/Not Sure
32) Please describe how the agreement was developed and maintained:


33) Please describe what you do use to track HVRP job placements instead of UI


DVOP/LVER Interaction
34) With how many of the following individuals does your organization have some
type of interaction?
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) ___________________________________
Local Veterans Employment Representatives ___________________________________
Employment specialists who are employed
directly by your organization:
35) What is your organization's proximity to DVOP(s)/LVER(s) with whom you

Co-located (Full-time)
Co-located (Part-time)
Located in the same city
Not located in the same city but less than 20 miles apart
Located over 20 miles apart
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
36) In general, how frequently does your organization interact with

2-3 times per week
2-3 times per month
A few times per year
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify


37) How often does your organization interact with DVOP(s)/LVER(s) regarding each
of the following issues?


Basic skills (job seeking,
job readiness, soft skills)
Case management
Development Plan (EDP)
Potential employer
Job referrals
Participant follow

2-3 times Weekly
per week

2-3 times


A few
times a


























































38) How would you rate the responsiveness of the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) working with
your organization?

Completely Unresponsive
Somewhat Unresponsive
Neither Responsive nor Unresponsive
Somewhat Responsive
Completely Responsive

39) How could the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) be more responsive to your organization's

40) What are your expectations of a DVOP/LVER? (For example, what do you believe
are or should be the duties and responsibilities of a DVOP/LVER?)


41) Does your organization set goals for the DVOP(s)/LVER(s)?
 Yes
 No
 Don't Know/Not Sure
42) Please rate how well the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) are meeting your expectations.
 Not At All Meeting Expectations
 Moderately Meeting Expectations
 Completely Meeting Expectations
43) Please explain why you chose this rating.
44) How would you define an effective DVOP/LVER?
45) Based on your definition, please rate the effectiveness of the DVOP(s)/LVER(s)
with whom your organization interacts.

Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor Ineffective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective

46) Please explain why you chose this rating.
47) Do the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) working with your organization provide access to
training and technical assistance resources for your HVRP participants?
 Yes
 No
 Don't Know/Not Sure


48) How would you rate the effectiveness/usefulness of training and technical
assistance resources provided by the DVOP(s)/LVER(s)?

Very Ineffective/Not Useful
Somewhat Ineffective/Not Useful
Neither Ineffective nor Effective
Somewhat Effective/Useful
Very Effective/Useful
Not Applicable

49) Are the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) assigned to your organization involved in team
building with your staff?
 Yes
 No
 Don't Know/Not Sure
50) How would you rate the effectiveness of the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) in team building
with your staff to address participants' barriers to employment?

Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Ineffective Nor Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
Not Applicable

51) Please explain why you chose this rating.
52) Do the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) provide job leads?
 Yes
 No
 Don't Know/Not Sure
53) How would you rate the effectiveness/usefulness of the job leads provided by
the DVOP(s)/LVER(s)?

Very Ineffective/Not Useful
Somewhat Ineffective/Not Useful
Neither Ineffective nor Effective
Somewhat Effective/Useful
Very Effective/Useful
Not Applicable


54) Please explain why you chose this rating.
55) How would you rate the quality of job leads provided by the DVOP(s)/LVER(s)?

Poor Quality
Moderate Quality
High Quality
Not Applicable

56) Please explain why you chose this rating.
57) How would you rate the effectiveness of the DVOP(s)/LVER(s) ability to build
partnerships with local employers?

Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Ineffective nor Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
Not Applicable

58) Please explain why you chose this rating.


Common Measures
59) To what extent did you notice a change in your program's employment or
retention outcomes following the introduction of the Common Measures reporting

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

60) Please explain why you chose this rating.
61) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures affected the actual
number of participants receiving training?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

62) Please explain why you chose this rating.
63) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures affected the actual
number of participants placed in employment?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

64) Please explain why you chose this rating.


65) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures affected your
organization's ability to provide services to homeless veterans?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

66) Please explain why you chose this rating.
67) In which of the following areas have you implemented changes to your program
due to the introduction of Common Measures? (Mark all that apply)

Participant data/Information collection
Fund allocation
Job training and skill building
GED/Certificate attainment
Literacy attainment
Follow up or job retention services
No changes
Other (please specify)

If you selected other, please specify
68) If your organization has made changes in any of the above areas due to the
introduction of Common Measures, please briefly explain what changes were made
and why.
69) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures affected the way your
organization collects information about participants?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know


70) Please explain why you chose this rating.
71) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures resulted in additional
burden on your organization in any way?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

72) Please explain why you chose this rating.
73) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures impacted your
organization's financial resources?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

74) Please explain why you chose this rating.
75) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures affected perceptions
of staff performance?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know


76) Please explain why you chose this rating.
77) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures affected the morale in
your organization?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

78) Please explain why you chose this rating.
79) To what extent has the introduction of Common Measures affected any of your
organization's practices or policies?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

80) Please explain why you chose this rating.
81) To what extent do current reporting tools and processes accurately assess your
organization's retention and employment outcomes?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know


82) Please explain why you chose this rating.
83) To what extent has the new requirement that all participants must be exited by
the end of the grantee's period of performance affected your retention and
employment outcomes?

To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
I don't know

84) Please explain why you chose this rating.
85) Please provide any suggestions you have for improving the Common Measures
reporting system. These could include recommendations for improving how data is
collected, successful methods for collecting required data utilized by your
organization, or any additional data that is not currently collected but should be
incorporated into Common Measures.
86) Are there any other Department of Labor programmatic changes that have
affected your organization? If so, please explain.


Additional Information
87) FIRST YEAR GRANTEES: Please provide insight on specific challenges you face.
88) All OTHER GRANTEES: What advice would you like to pass on to new grantees?
89) OPTIONAL: Please provide any additional comments or suggestions that may be
useful to understanding the effectiveness of the HVRP.
90) Please provide feedback regarding the structure of the survey questions,
difficulty in completing particular questions, appropriateness of answer options, or
any other information that will be useful for future versions of the survey.

Thank you for your participation!
Please contact Marissa Shuffler at [email protected] with any additional questions or


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - Employment Services Director_1.23.09.doc
File Modified2009-01-23
File Created2009-01-23

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