Form 1 survey

Health Behaviors in School-Age Children Survey

Attach 2

School Administrators

OMB: 0925-0557

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Attachment 2: Data Collection Instruments

1. Administrator Survey


OMB No.: 0925-0557
Expiration Date: 01/31/2009

Health Behaviors in School-Age Children
Admininistrator Questionnaire
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including
the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN:
PRA (0925-0557). Do not return the completed form to this address.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess physical education, nutrition, tobacco, violence, and health programs and
policies in your school. Follow the instructions for each question, checking the response that best represents your answer.
Thanks for your cooperation. Your answers will be kept confidentialy.

Instructions for Completing the Survey
		 Read all the printed answers before marking your choice.
		 Mark the circle for the one answer that best fits your situation.
		 Use a No. 2 pencil.
		 Make heavy marks that fill the circle for your answer.
		 Erase cleanly any answer you wish to change.
		 Please do not make stray marks of any kind.

2.	 Does this school offer students opportunities to
participate in intramural activities or physical
activity clubs?
	 (Mark one circle)
	No

The following four (4) questions ask about physical
education and after school physical activity
1.	 Is physical education (PE) required for students
in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 in this school?
Don’t know (SKIP TO QUESTION 2)

3.	 Which of these facilities for physical activity
exist in the indoor school area, the school
yard (within 200 meters), or in the school
neighborhood (200 yards to 2000 yards)?
	 (Mark “no” or “yes” for each item.)

1b.	Please indicate the number of days per week
in which physical education (PE) classes
are required in your school for each of the
following grades: (Please mark one circle per
response for each item. If PE is not required for the
entire school year, please estimate average for full
school year, e.g., 3days/week for 1/3 of school year
= 1day/week average across full school year.)
0 days
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
This grade level is not in our school

a.	 Grade 6 	
b.	 Grade 7	
c.	 Grade 8 	
d.	 Grade 9	
e.	 Grade 10	


1c.	Please indicate how much time per week is
allocated to physical education (PE) classes
that are required in your school for each of the
following grades: (If PE is not required for the
entire school year, please indicate the number of
hours per week during those weeks it is required.)

Grade 6	 ___hours	 ___minutes (per week)	
 This grade level is not in our school
Grade 7	 ___hours	 ___minutes (per week)	
 This grade level is not in our school
Grade 8	 ___hours	 ___minutes (per week)	
 This grade level is not in our school
Grade 9	 ___hours	 ___minutes (per week)	

 This grade level is not in our school
Grade 10	 ___hours	 ___minutes (per week)	
 This grade level is not in our school


a.	 Gymnasium,
	sport hall	
b.	 Swimming
c.	 Football and/
	 or soccer field	
d. Court space with
	 for other ball
e.	Areas for
f.	 Open field space
	 with no markings	 	
g.	 Playground
h.	Activity trails	
i.	 Green fields/
j.	 Wooded areas	
k.	 Water (sea, river,


Have students access
to this in unstructured
school time? (Breaks,
free hours).



















4.	 Does the school organize physical activities
during the school day outside Physical Education
classes? (Please mark one circle for each line)

7.	 Does your school’s cafeteria offer any of the
following options?
Every day
3-4 times a week
1-2 times a week
Less than once a week

Yes, 3-5 days per week
Yes,1-2 days per week
Yes, 2-3 days per month


a.	 Salad bar	
b.	 Whole Grains	
	 (i.e., whole grain bread, brown rice)	
c.	 Vegetarian entrees		

a.	 Before school hours	
b.	 In lunchtime	
c.	 In breaks	
d.	 After school	
e.	 Other times during the school day	

8.	 Can students purchase any of the following
items from vending machines or at the school
store, cafeteria, or snack bar? (Please mark one
circle for each line)

The following six (6) questions ask about
nutrition-related policies and practices at this


5a.	Which graders are allowed to leave campus
during their lunch period?
	No grades are allowed to leave campus.
	 Skip to question 6.

Mark all that apply

	1	
	2	
	3	

	4	
	5	
	6	

	7	

Yes, daily
Yes, some days

a.	 Chocolate candy	
b.	 Other kinds of candy	
c.	 Salty snacks that are not low in fat,
	 such as regular potato chips	
d.	 Salty snacks that are low in fat, such as
	 such as pretzels, baked chips, or other
	 low fat chips
e.	 Fruits
f.	 Vegetables
g.	 Soft drinks, sports drinks, or fruit drinks
	 that are not 100% juice
h.	 100% fruit juice
i.	 Bottled water
j.	 Whole milk
k.	 Skim (non-fat) or low-fat milk
l.	 Chocolate milk
m.	Warm drinks (coffee, tea, hot cocoa)
n.	 Yogurt
o.	 Regular cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries,
	 or other non-low-fat baked goods
p.	 Low-fat cookies, crackers, cakes,
	 pastries, or other low-fat baked goods
q.	 Pizza

	10
	11
	12

5b.	Which of the following off-campus food sources
are close enough for students to walk or drive
to during lunch?
	Fast food restaurants
	Other restaurants, cafeterias, or diners
 Supermarkets, convenience stores, or other
Off-campus lunch wagons or push carts
	Other food sources (Specify)
6.	 How often do school organizations sell pizza or
other main entrée items during lunch?
	Every day
	Three to four times a week
One to two times a week
Less than once a week
School district forbid organizations from selling
	 food during lunch periods
Don’t know


9.	 Does this school… (Mark “no” or “yes” for each
a.	 Offer a la carte breakfast items
	 to students?	
b. Participate in the USDA
	 reimbursable School Breakfast
c. Offer any other breakfast meals
	 to students?		

The next two (2) questions are about staff and student development.
14.	During the past three years, did the school
facilitate staff development (such as workshops,
conferences, courses, continuing education, or
any other kind of in-service training) on the
following topics? (Please mark one circle for each line)
Yes , for the cafeteria personnel
Yes, for the teachers
Yes, for the principal (school leadership)

10.	Does this school… (Mark “no” or “yes” for each
a.	 Offer a la carte lunch items
	 to students?	
b. Participate in the USDA
	 reimbursable School Lunch
c. Offer any other lunch meals
	 to students?		

a.	 Nutrition 	
b.	 Physical activity	
c.	 ICT (information and communication 	
	 technology/computer use)		
15.	In the past 3 years, which of the following
programs/projects have your school
participated in? (Mark “no” or “yes” for each item.)

a.	 Physical activity program		
b. Nutrition program	 	
c. 	Bullying and/or violence
	 prevention program	
d. Anti-smoking program (e.g.:
	 smoke-free classes)	
e. Alcohol and/or drugs program	
f. Sex education program	

11.	On a typical day, about how many students are
eligible for free/reduced price meals? (Write in
the number of students or percentage)

_______________ number of students

_______________ percentage (%) of students
The following two (2) questions ask about tobacco
use policy at this school.

16.	Does your school have a written plan for
responding to violence at the school?
	 (Mark one response.)
	No

12.	Has this school adopted a policy prohibiting
tobacco use by faculty and staff? (Mark one

The following two (2) questions ask about student
health screenings that might be conducted at this
school. Please think about screenings done in any
grade while a student attends this school.

13.	Does that policy specifically prohibit tobacco
use by faculty and staff in any of the following
locations? (Mark “no” or “yes” for each item.)

a.	 In school buildings		
b. On school grounds		
c. 	In school buses or other vehicles
	 used to transport students 	
d. At off-campus, school-sponsored


17.	Are most students from this school screened at
the school for any of the following? (Mark “no”
or “yes” for each item.)
a.	 Height and weight (or body mass)	 	
b. Hearing problems	 	
c. 	Vision problems	 	
d. Oral health problems	



18.	Please indicate what the school does when
a student’s screening indicates a potential
problem. (Mark “no” or “yes” for each item.)

The following two (2) questions ask about health
education programs in this school.


21.	Please indicate the number of days per week
in which health education (HE) classes
are required in your school for each of the
following grades: (Please mark one circle for
each response for each item. If HE is not required
throughout the school year, please estimate average
for full school year, e.g., 3 days/week for 1/3 of school
year = 1day/week average across full school year.)

The following two (2) questions ask about mental
health and social services provided at this school.
Please include both contracted providers and
regular school staff.

This grade level is not in our school
5 days
4 days
3 days
2 days
1 day
0 days

a.	 Notify the student’s parents or
b. Notify the student’s teachers	
c. 	ot applicable—no health



19.	Are there part-time or full-time guidance
counselors, psychologists, or social workers
who provide standard mental health or social
services to students at this school? (Mark one

a.	 Grade 6 	
b.	 Grade 7 	
c.	 Grade 8 	
d.	 Grade 9	
Grade 10 	

20.	During the past 30 days, how many hours per
week in total have the guidance counselors,
psychologists, and/or social workers spent at
this school? (Mark one response)
	Fewer than 5 hours
5 to 10 hours
11 to 15 hours
16 to 20 hours
21 hours or more

22.	During this school year, which of the following
topics have been included in a required health
education course in grades 6 through 10? (Mark
one circle for each item.)
10th Grade
9th Grade
8th Grade
7th Grade
6th Grade

a.	 Accident or injury prevention
b. Alcohol or other drug use
c. 	Dental and oral health	
d. Emotional and mental health	
e.	 Growth and development	 	
f.	 Physical activity and fitness	
g.	 Tobacco use prevention	 	
h.	Bullying prevention	
i.	 Fighting prevention	
j.	 Homicide prevention	
k.	 Nutrition and dietary behavior	
l.	 HIV (Human immunodeficiency
	 virus) prevention		
m.	Human sexuality			
n.	Pregnancy prevention		
o. STI (sexually transmitted
	 infection) prevention		
p. 	Suicide prevention			


The following question asks about your current


23.	What is your position in this school? (Mark one
	Principal
Assistant or Vice Principal
Other administrator
Other, (specify: _______________________.)


Thank you for your responses. Please seal this
completed questionnaire in the envelope provided
and give to the HBSC data collector who visits your
















This is the end of the survey.
If there is time, please go back and review each question to be sure you have answered all the questions and followed the directions.



File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMaryAnn D'Elio
File Modified2008-08-26
File Created2008-08-15

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