NAHMS-217 Goat 2009 General Management Report

National Animal Health Monitoring System; Goat 2009 Study


Goat 2009 Study - Respondents

OMB: 0579-0354

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Animal and
Plant Health


National Animal Health
Monitoring System
2150 Centre Ave Bldg B
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Form Approved
OMB Number xxxx-xxxx
Exp. Date xx/xxxx

Beginning time (military): ___________

We would like to ask you some questions about your goat operation. To understand important issues in
the goat industry, we need to obtain information about the health status of your goats and any health
problems they may have had, as well as about productivity and management.
You may find it easier provide accurate data if you use records to answer some of the questions. Your
participation is voluntary and not required by law. However, your responses are needed to make regional
and national estimates as precise as possible.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it
this information
is OMB
The time
to complete
a valid
control number.
The valid
for this
is xxxx-xxxx.
is estimated
hours percollection
time for1.0
required totocomplete
is including
estimated to
hours perinstructions,
response, including
the time
to review
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of information.
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and review
the information

JUL 2009
JUL 2009

Section A—Inventory
1. How many goats or kids did you have on hand on July 1, 2009? ............................

_____ head

[If NO goats on hand (Item 1 = ZERO), SKIP to Administrative Section.]
2. Of the goats or kids on this operation on July 1, 2009, how many were:
[Answer based on primary use, regardless of breed.]





a. Breeding does 1 year old and older?
b. Breeding bucks 1 year old and older?
c. Replacement kids less than 1 year old,
including all kids kept for breeding (unweaned
and weaned)?
d. Market kids less than 1 year old, including all
kids not intended for breeding (unweaned and
e. Market goats 1 year old and older (include
does and bucks no longer used for breeding)?
f. Total [should equal Item 1]

[If Item 2f “other” = ZERO, SKIP to Section B.]
Now I have some questions about the “other” goats in Item 2 above.
3. I would like to ask about the primary uses for these “other”
goats (for young goats, the use for which they are intended).
[Include each animal only once.]
a. Brush control/forage management?...................................................................

_____ head

b. Showing, competition, 4H, or club? ...................................................................

_____ head


Companion goats for pleasure?.........................................................................

_____ head

d. Pack goats? .......................................................................................................

_____ head

e. Other? (specify: __________________________) ...........................................

_____ head


_____ head

Total [should equal Item 2f “other”] ...................................................................

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Section B—General Management
1. What do you consider to be the primary production focus of this operation?
[Check one only. If multiple categories apply, select the one that provided
the majority of the operation’s earnings during the previous 12 months.]
†1 Meat
†2 Dairy
†3 Angora/fiber
†4 Other (specify: _____________________________)
2. Approximately how many years ago did the primary operator first enter
the goat business? ......................................................................................................

_____ years

3. How important are the following reasons to you for raising goats?





a. Family tradition (always had goats)
b. Fun/hobby
c. Source of income (sale of live animals, meat,
dairy products, fiber, etc.)
d. Meat, milk, or fiber for personal consumption
or use
e. Clubs (e.g., 4H)
f. Other reason (specify: _______________)

4. As a source of information on goat health, how important are:
a. Production and management books?
b. Industry/association meetings?
c. Internet?
d. Magazines/newsletters?
e. University/extension agent?
f. Veterinarian, nutritionist, or other consultant?
g. Feed and drug salespeople?
h. Other goat producers?

5. Do you belong to a:
a. National goat association or club? .................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. State or local goat association or club? ……………………………….............

†1 Yes

†3 No

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6. During the previous 12 months, did you maintain or use
production records which were:
a. Computerized?...............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Noncomputerized (e.g., hand-written or typed)? ...........................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Open range (large unfenced acreage)?.........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Fenced range (large fenced acreage)?..........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Fenced farm (cultivated pasture or browse)? ................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Dry lot (pen which does not allow grazing and is not
meant for finishing goats on a high-energy diet for slaughter).......................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Other (specify: _______________________) ...............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

7. During the previous 12 months, did you manage your goat herd on:

8. Which of these (Item 7) were used to manage the majority of goats?
[Enter an item code from Item 7.] .........................................................................

_____ code

9. During the previous 12 months, were the following feed sources
or supplements used all year, sometimes, or never for
any goats or kids on this operation?
All Year Sometimes


a. Range (noncultivated native grasses)..................................




b. Pasture (cultivated grasses) ................................................




Forbs (weeds) and/or browse (woody plants,
vines, and brush)..................................................................




d. Cut grass or legume hay ......................................................







Concentrate/grain rations (corn, milo,
barley, wheat, oats, rye).......................................................




g. High protein feed (cottonseed meal/
soybean meal/fish meal or other specialty protein) .............




h. Commercial “complete” goat feed—pelleted
or textured ............................................................................









e. Crop residue/byproduct feeds (e.g., fat, soy hulls,
wheat middlings) ..................................................................

Other (specify: ______________________) .......................

10. During the previous 12 months, were any of
this operation’s goats or kids placed on:
a. Public land (State or Federal)? ......................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Other land (not part of this operation)? ..........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Items 10a and 10b both = NO, SKIP to Section C.]
11. When placed on public or other land, were any of this
operation’s goats commingled with sheep or
goats from other operations?................................................................................
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Section C—Breeding Management
†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. More uniformly sized or aged kid crop ...........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Condensed kidding to maximize labor ...........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


More efficient use of facilities.........................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d, More efficient use of bucks.............................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. To allow artificial insemination (AI) or embryo transfer..................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Flushing (does fed extra energy ration prior to breeding season) .................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Buck scrotum palpation/evaluation ................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Buck semen evaluation ..................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Genetic selection for ability to breed out of season .......................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Regulation of light for out-of-season breeding...............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Use of hormones for out-of-season breeding.................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

g. Ultrasound (pregnancy diagnosis, fetal counting)..........................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

6. Were any bucks used for natural breeding on this operation
during the last breeding season? .........................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

1. Did this operation breed any goats during the previous 12 months? ...................
[If Item 1 = NO, SKIP to Section D.]
2. Did you manipulate breeding (estrus synchronization) during the
previous 12 months? ...........................................................................................
[If Item 2 = NO, SKIP to Item 5.]
3. Did you use hormones to synchronize estrus? ....................................................
4. What were the reasons you used estrus synchronization in your does?

Other (specify: ____________________________________) .....................

5. Did you use any of the following reproductive practices during
the previous 12 months?

[If Item 6 = NO, SKIP to Section D.]
7. For the last breeding season, how many females were bred by:
a. Kid bucks (less than 12 months old)? ............................................................

_____ head

b. Yearling bucks (12 to 18 months old)? ..........................................................

_____ head


_____ head

Adult bucks (over 18 months old)? ................................................................

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Section D—Kid Crop and Management
1. How many kids were born in your 2008 kid crop? …………………………………

_____ head

2. How many of these kids were weaned? ……………………………………………..

_____ head

3. Were any kids born on your operation between July 1, 2008,
and June 30, 2009?..............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 1 = NO, SKIP to Section E.]
First we want to ask about all the does that were expected to kid between
July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. This includes does that actually kidded,
and the does that were bred but did not kid because they never got
pregnant or they aborted.
4. How many of the does expected to kid between July 1, 2008,
and June 30, 2009:
a. Aborted (known abortion)?.............................................................................

_____ head

b. Gave birth (kid born dead or alive)?...............................................................

_____ head


Never became pregnant (or unobserved abortion)?......................................

_____ head

d. Total [Add Items 2a-2c.] ................................................................................

_____ head

If Item 2c > ZERO, how many of these does had
a multiple birth (twins/triplets)? .............................................................................

_____ head

5. How many of these same does (expected to kid between
July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009) were successfully bred:
a. By artificial insemination (A/I)?.......................................................................

_____ head

b. By embryo transfer?.......................................................................................

_____ head


Naturally by this operation’s bucks? ..............................................................

_____ head

d. Naturally by another operation’s bucks?........................................................

_____ head

e. Total [should equal Item 2d] ..........................................................................

_____ head

Now we will ask about the kids born between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009.
6. Of the kids born between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009, how
many kids were:
a. Born alive? .....................................................................................................

_____ head

b. Born dead?.....................................................................................................

_____ head


_____ head

Total [Add Items 4a-4b.] ................................................................................

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7. Of the total kids born (alive or dead), how many were born during:
[Enter percentage or head.]
a. July 2008?.........................................................................................

_____ % OR _____ head

b. August 2008? ....................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head


September 2008?..............................................................................

_____ %

_____ head

d. October 2008? ..................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head

e. November 2008?...............................................................................

_____ %

_____ head


December 2008?...............................................................................

_____ %

_____ head

g. January 2009? ..................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head

h. February 2009?.................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head


March 2009? .....................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head


April 2009? ........................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head


May 2009? ........................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head


June 2009? .......................................................................................

_____ %

_____ head

m. Total [should equal100% or Item 4c.]...............................................


_____ head

8. Were any kids born in the following types of environments:
a. Individual kidding pen or jug? ........................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Barn or shed (covered without individual pens)?...........................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

Special kidding pasture that allows increased observation
and/or shelter? ...............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Other fenced pasture? ...................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Open range? ..................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Dry lot (pen which does not allow grazing)? ..................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

g. Other? (specify: _____________________) .................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


9. Which of the above was the primary type of environment where
kids were born? ....................................................................................................

_____ code

The next questions are about kid care and management. Answer based
on what this operation usually did in the previous 12 months.
10. Which best describes how kids were normally raised on this operation?
†1 No nursing—kids were separated from the mothers immediately after
birth and hand fed (e.g., teat feeder/bottle/bucket feeding)
†2 Nursing and hand fed—kids were raised on a combination of nursing and
hand fed (teat feeder/bottle/bucket feeding)
†3 Nursing only—kids nursed their mothers and were not hand fed
unless orphaned
[If Item 10 = 1, SKIP to Item 12.]

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11. After kidding, were doe and kid usually:
[Check one only.]
†1 Kept separate from other goats?
If CHECKED, for how many days? ...................................................

_____ days

†2 Placed with other doe/kid pairs?
†3 Placed with remainder of herd?
†4 Other? (specify: _______________________________)
12. During the previous 12 months, did this operation usually:
a. Heat treat colostrum before it was fed to kids?..............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Pasteurize milk before it was fed to kids?......................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


†1 Yes

†3 No

Provide creep feed to kids? ...........................................................................

13. When kids were weaned during the previous 12 months,
what was their average age (weeks)?..................................................................
14. Were any weaned kids sold during the previous 12 months?..............................

_____ weeks
†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 14 = NO, SKIP to Section E.]
15. At what age and weight were weaned kids usually sold?
a. Age (weeks) ...................................................................................................

_____ wk

b. Weight (pounds).............................................................................................

_____ lb

Section E—Goat Diseases
1. Which of the following categories best describes your experience
with the FAMACHA© card/eye color (anemia) score?
[Check one only.]
†1 Regularly use FAMACHA© card as management tool
†2 Have used the FAMACHA© card some
†3 Have seen/heard about the FAMACHA© card, but don’t use
†4 Have not heard of it before
2. During the previous 12 months, have any of your goats had scabs
around the mouth, feet, or udders? ......................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 2 = NO, SKIP to Item 4.]

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3. Did you use any of the following practices when handling goats with scabs
around the mouth, feet, or udders?
a. Wear gloves when handling goats with scabs ...............................................

†1 Yes †3 No

b. Wash hands with soap and water after touching goats with scabs ...............

†1 Yes †3 No


Cover cuts and scrapes when handling goats with scabs .............................

†1 Yes †3 No

d. Obtain veterinary consultation when goats have scabs.................................

†1 Yes †3 No

e. Vaccinate for sore mouth ...............................................................................

†1 Yes †3 No

4. For any goats or kids on this operation, which of the following symptoms
did you see during the previous 12 months?
a. Joint swelling (knobby knees) or crippled goats ............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Wasting or weight loss in spite of good appetite............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

Central nervous system signs (loss of coordination,
staggering, swaying, falling down, high stepping of foreleg,
or stiff legged rear legs, lip smacking) ...........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Sores of hoof area with foul odor ...................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Abscesses, boils, or lumps on the head, shoulder, or upper rear legs..........

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Isolate the animal ..........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Drain or lance the lumps ................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

Treat with antibiotics ......................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Inject formalin solution into abcess/lump .......................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Sell the animal to market or slaughter ...........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Call the veterinarian .......................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

g. Ignore .............................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


[If Item 4e = NO, SKIP to Item 6.]
5. In the previous 12 months, what did you usually do with animals with
abscesses, boils, or lumps?

If YES, what do you usually do with the drainage?
†1 Collect drainage in syringe or other container
†2 Leave to drain
†3 Other (specifiy: ______________________)

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Familiarity Code List for Item 6
1 = Knowledgeable

2 = Somewhat knowledgeable

3 = Never heard of it
6. Which of the following categories best describes how familiar
you are with the listed diseases in goats?
a. Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE, big knee) ...............................................

_____ code

b. Caseous lymphadenitis (boils, CL, abscesses) .............................................

_____ code


Johne’s disease (paratuberculosis) ...............................................................

_____ code

d. Scrapie ...........................................................................................................

_____ code

e. Q fever............................................................................................................

_____ code


_____ code

Sore mouth (orf/contagious ecthyma)............................................................

[If Item 6f = 3, SKIP to Item 9.]
7. Do you think you have ever been infected with orf (soremouth)? ........................
8. Were any of your goats tested for brucellosis
during the previous 3 years? ...............................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

†4 Never heard of brucellosis

[If Item 8 = 4, SKIP to Item 13.]
[If Item 8 = NO, SKIP to Item 12.]
9. When you last had any of your goats tested for brucellosis, for
which of the following purposes were the goats tested?
a. Movement requirement ..................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Show or exhibition requirement .....................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Veterinarian (nonregulatory, private practitioner) recommendation ..............

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. State requirement...........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Other (specify: _______________________) ...............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

10. When you last had any of your goats tested for brucellosis, which
of the following types of tests were used?
a. Blood test .......................................................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No

b. Milk test ..........................................................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No


Tissue test (e.g., aborted fetus or biopsy)......................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No

d. Other (specify: ___________________________) .......................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No

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11. Which of the following diseases are also infectious to humans?
a. Brucellosis? ...................................................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No

b. Caseous lymphadenitis? ...............................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No


Q fever? .......................................................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No

d. Soremouth (orf) .............................................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No


Toxoplasmosis? ...........................................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No


Bluetongue? ..................................................................................

†1 Yes †2 D/K †3 No

The National Scrapie Flock Certification program is a voluntary State–Federal–Industry cooperative effort
to reduce scrapie occurrence and spread and requires annual inspections of records and sheep on the
12. Which of the following best describes your participation in the National
Scrapie Flock Certification Program?
†1 Currently participate in the certification program
†2 Know of the program but do not participate
†3 Did not know of the program prior to this

Section F—Goat Health Management and Biosecurity
1. During the previous 12 months, did this operation consult a
veterinarian for any reason related to goat health, productivity,
or management?...................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

2. Did any of the following types of people visit your operation
during the previous 12 months? [Check all that apply.] For
each box that is checked, approximately how many times per
month or year do the following types of people visit your operation?
Per Month OR Per Year
a. † Federal/State veterinarian or animal health worker....................



b. † Extension agent or university veterinarian .................................



† Private or company veterinarian.................................................



d. † Nutritionist or feed company consultant .....................................



e. † Customer (private individual) purchasing milk, fiber,
goats, meat, cheese, other goat product....................................



† Goat wholesaler, buyer, or dealer ..............................................



g. † Renderer.....................................................................................



h. † Other goat business visitors (including other producers,
feed delivery personnel and service personnel).........................



† Other nonbusiness visitors (including neighbors,
friends, and school field trip visitors) ..........................................






[If all Items 2a-2i = NO, SKIP to Item 5.]

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3. Did any of the above visitors enter the goat production area?.............................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 3 = NO, SKIP to Item 5.]
4. Did you always, sometimes, or never require the following
measures for visitors entering the goat production area of
your operation?
a. Change into clean clothes or coveralls ......................

†1 Always

†2 Sometimes

†3 Never

b. Use a footbath before entry .......................................

†1 Always

†2 Sometimes

†3 Never


Change into clean boots or use shoe covers.............

†1 Always

†2 Sometimes

†3 Never

d. Scrub shoes before or after entry ..............................

†1 Always

†2 Sometimes

†3 Never

e. Wash hands before handling goats ...........................

†1 Always

†2 Sometimes

†3 Never

No contact with other livestock for at least
24 hours before visiting your goats ............................

†1 Always

†2 Sometimes

†3 Never

g. Park away from goat area ..........................................

†1 Always

†2 Sometimes

†3 Never


5. Did any paid or unpaid workers (including family members)
who live off the operation have goats or other livestock at
their homes during the previous 12 months? .......................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Milk, fiber, or other processing plant ..............................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Slaughter facility.............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

Farm where goats are raised (separate from.................................................
this operation..................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Facility that sells goats (e.g., auction, flea market,
swap meet, bird market).................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Feed store or feed mill ...................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Rendering facility............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

g. Goat show or fair............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Domestic sheep .............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Captive deer, elk, or other exotic hoofstock...................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Beef or dairy cattle .........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Horses, donkeys, or other equids ..................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Llamas or alpacas ..........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Domestic pigs.................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

g. Poultry (e.g., domestic chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese) ..............................

†1 Yes

†3 No

h. Domestic dogs or cats....................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

6. During the previous 12 months, did paid or unpaid workers on
your operation, including yourself and family members, visit the
following places?


7. During the previous 12 months, which of the following .animals
did you keep on this operation?

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8. During the previous 12 months, which of the following animals
that did not reside on this operation had fence-line contact or
commingled with goats on this operation? [Include your neighbor’s
animals and visiting domestic animals.]
a. Domestic sheep or goats ...............................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Bighorn sheep or feral goats..........................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Deer, elk, antelope or other exotic hoofstock ................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Beef or dairy cattle .........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Llamas or alpacas ..........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Pigs (domestic or feral) ..................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

g. Dogs, cats, raccoons, skunks, or opossum ...................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

h. Predators (e.g., coyotes, bears, wolves, mountain lions ...............................

†1 Yes

†3 No


†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

Other (specify: _______________________________)................................

Section G—Milk Production
1. Did you milk any of your does during the previous 12 months?...........................
[If Item 1 = NO, SKIP to Section H.]
2. What percentage of your does are usually milked by:
a. Hand?.......................................................................................................................

_____ %

b. Machine?..................................................................................................................

_____ %


Total [Add Items 2a-b.] ............................................................................................


3. How many times per day were does usually milked?
[Check one only.]
†1 Less than once a day
†2 Once a day
†3 Twice a day
†4 More than twice a day
4. For goats milked during the previous 12 months, was any of the milk used for:
a. Home consumption? ......................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Raising kids?..................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Feeding to other livestock on this operation? ................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Making cheese or yogurt on the farm? ..........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

5. Was any milk, or were any milk products sold or traded?....................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 5 = NO, SKIP to Item 8.]

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6. Was the milk, or were the milk products sold or traded:
a. As cheese or to be made into cheese?..........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. As milk for human consumption?...................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


As milk for livestock consumption? ................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. As other products or to be made into other products
such as yogurt, ice cream, soap, etc.? ..........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Pet consumption? ..........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Sold directly to the public (including Internet sales, farmer’s market) ...........

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Sold to retail establishments, restaurants, or other commercial sales ..........

†1 Yes

†3 No


Sold to a cooperative or as part of a cooperative ..........................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Sold to wholesaler, dealer, or processor........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Other (specify: ______________________________) .................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

8. During the previous 12 months, did this operation routinely perform
on-farm pasteurization of goat milk intended for human consumption?
[Pasteurization means to follow the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO)
time and temperature guidelines to ensure destruction of certain
microorganisms (see guidelines below).] .............................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

7. During the previous 12 months, did you market any goat milk or
milk products intended for raw (unpasteurized) consumption? ..........................

†1 Yes

†3 No

8. During the previous 12 months, did you or any family members consume
raw (unpasteurized) goat milk or milk products that were produced
on your operation?................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

7. During the previous 12 months, how were milk products sold?

Reference Table


63°C (145°F)
72°C (161°F)
89°C (191°F)
90°C (194°F)
94°C (201°F)
96°C (204°F)
100°C (212°F)

30 min
15 sec
1.0 sec
0.5 sec
0.1 sec
0.05 sec
0.01 sec

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Section H—Fiber Production
1. Were any of your goats shorn or combed for fiber during the
previous 12 months? ............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

a. Employees of the operation (including owner)?.............................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Contracted crew? ...........................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Hired individual?.............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Other? (specify: __________________________) .......................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 1 = NO, SKIP to Section I.]
2. During the previous 12 months, were goats shorn or combed by:

3. During the previous 12 months, which of the following describes the
usual treatment of shears or combs between goats?
[Check one only.]
†1 Washed with soap and water and disinfected
†2 Washed only using soap and water
†3 No cleaning or disinfecting
4. How many pounds of the following types of fiber were produced on this
operation during the previous 12 months? [Enter 0 if none produced.]
a. Cashmere.................................................................................................................

_____ lb

b. Mohair (Angora goat) ...............................................................................................

_____ lb


_____ lb

Other (specify: ______________________________) ...........................................

5. Did you sell or trade any fiber during the previous 12 months? ...........................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 5 = NO, SKIP to Section I.]
6. What percentage of fiber sold or traded during the previous 12 months was
marketed by the following methods?
a. Private locally .................................................................................................

_____ %

b. Internet ...........................................................................................................

_____ %


Direct sales to mill buyer ................................................................................

_____ %

d. Cooperative pools ..........................................................................................

_____ %

e. Commercial warehouses................................................................................

_____ %


Other (specify: ____________________________) .....................................

_____ %

g. Total [should equal 100%] .............................................................................


7. Was the fiber usually tested for quality prior to sale?...........................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 7 = NO, SKIP to Section I.]

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8. What fiber characteristics were measured?
a. Vegetable matter............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Average fiber diameter...................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No


Average fiber length .......................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Clean yield .....................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Other (specify: ________________________________) .............................

†1 Yes

†3 No

Section I—Marketing and Movement
1. During the previous 12 months, how many kids or goats were
added to this operation? [Exclude kids born on your operation.]
a. Kids ..........................................................................................................................

_____ head

b. Goats........................................................................................................................

_____ head


_____ head

Total [Add Items 1a-1b.]...........................................................................................

[If Item 1 = ZERO for both kids and goats, SKIP to Item 5.]
2. During the previous 12 months, how many times were kids or goats added?
[Example: If 5 goats were added all at once, it counts as 1 time.] ..............................

_____ times

3. For the kids or goats added during the previous 12 months, how many
of the kids or goats came from the following sources?
a. Goat wholesaler or dealer ........................................................................................

_____ head

b. Directly from another premises with goats...............................................................

_____ head


Farm store or feed store...........................................................................................

_____ head

d. Flea market, farmer’s market, or swap meet ...........................................................

_____ head

e. Fair or show .............................................................................................................

_____ head


Auction market .........................................................................................................

_____ head

g. Other (specify: _____________________________) .............................................

_____ head

h. Total [should equal Item 1c] ....................................................................................

_____ head

4. For this question, the term “isolate” means to prevent
nose-to-nose contact with other goats from this operation,
and to prevent sharing of feed, drinking water, and equipment
between goats.
During the previous 12 months, when new kids or goats were added to
your operation, did you always, sometimes, or never isolate them
from your primary herd for any period of time prior to introduction?
[Check one only.]
†1 Always
†2 Sometimes
†3 Never

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If ALWAYS or SOMETIMES, on average, how many days were
new animals isolated? ............................................................................................................................................

_____ days

If ALWAYS, what was the minimum number of days new animals were isolated?…

_____ days

Now I am going to ask about goats that temporarily left your operation
and then returned.
5. During the previous 12 months, did any kids or goats leave this operation,
attend an event (e.g., fair, show, rodeo, or visit to another operation), and
then return to your operation? ..............................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 5 = NO, SKIP to Item 7.]
6. During the previous 12 months, when kids or goats temporarily left and returned,
did you always, sometimes, or never isolate them for any period of time
prior to re-introduction to the herd?
[Check one only.]
†1 Always
†2 Sometimes
†3 Never
If ALWAYS or SOMETIMES, on average, how many days were
returning animals isolated? ................................................................................................................................

_____ days

If ALWAYS, what was the minimum number of days new animals were isolated?…

_____ days

Now I am going to ask about kids or goats that were permanently
removed from your operation.
7. During the previous 12 months:
a. How many live kids less than 1 year old were permanently
removed from this operation? [Exclude kids that died.] ....................................

_____ head

b. How many live goats 1 year or older were permanently
removed from this operation? [Exclude goats that died.]..................................

_____ head

[If Items 7a and 7b both = ZERO, SKIP to Section J.]
8. How many of these live kids or goats were permanently
removed through the following channels?


a. Direct sales to consumer or ethnic market............................................



b. Direct sale to slaughter/packer .............................................................



Another premises with goats, or
backgrounder (non-feedlot feeders)......................................................



d. Auction/sale barn ..................................................................................



e. Buyer/dealer..........................................................................................



Direct sales to feedlot separate from
this operation.........................................................................................



g. Other (specify: ________________________) ....................................



h. Totals [should equal Items 7a + 7b] ........................





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[If Item 8h (total adult goats removed) = ZERO, SKIP to Section J.]
9. Of the permanently removed adult goats reported in Item 8h, how many were considered to be:
a. Culled breeding bucks?..................................................................................

_____ head

b. Culled breeding does? ...................................................................................

_____ head


_____ head

Total culled bucks and does [Add Items 9a-9b.] ...........................................

[If Item 9c = ZERO, SKIP to Section J.]
10. Of the culled goats, how many were culled primarily due to:
[Include each animal only once.]


a. Old age/teeth problems?................................................................................ _____

_____ head

b. Poor mothering?.............................................................................................

_____ head


Failure to kid (open or aborted) or other reproductive problems? .................

_____ head

d. Single kids?....................................................................................................

_____ head

e. Buck breeding performance?......................................................................... _____


(1) Mastitis (including hard bag syndrome)?.................................................

_____ head

(2) Thin or unthrifty?...................................................................................... _____

_____ head

(3) Central nervous system signs (loss of coordination,
staggering, swaying, falling down, high stepping of foreleg,
or stiff legged rear legs, lip smacking) .....................................................


_____ head

(4) Internal parasites, low blood count, or based on FAMACHA score ...... _____

_____ head

(5) Other illness? (specify: ___________________________).................... _____

_____ head

g. Poor genetics (bad conformation, small young, etc.)..................................... _____

_____ head

h. Economic issues? (e.g., drought, herd reduction, market conditions)........... _____

_____ head


Low productivity …………………………………………………………………. _____

_____ head


Other? (specify: ____________________________) ................................... _____

_____ head


Totals [should equal Items 9a and 9b.] ......................................................... _____

_____ head


11. What was the average age (years) of these culled bucks and does?
a. Bucks.................................................................................................

_____ yrs

b. Does ..................................................................................................

_____ yrs

12. Of the goats that were culled, what percentage had a
herd identification (e.g., farm name, farm logo, or a number
unique to the farm) when they left this operation? .........................................

_____ %

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Section J—Identification
1. Do any of the goats on this operation have an individual or
herd ID, such as a tattoo, collar, ear notch, brand, microchip,
or ear tag? ............................................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

[If Item 1 = NO, SKIP to Item 3.]
2. Which of the following methods does this operation use to identify goats
individually and/or as a member of the herd?
goat ID
(e.g., a unique
assigned to
each goat)

Herd ID
(e.g., farm name,
farm logo, or
unique to
this farm)

a. Tattoo ................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

b. Collar or leg band..............................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No


Ear notch...........................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

d. Hot-iron/freeze brand ........................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

e. Paint brand........................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No



†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

g. Scrapie ear tag..................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

h. Ear tag other than scrapie ear tag ....................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No


†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

3. Has this operation been assigned a unique herd ID
as part of the National Scrapie Eradication Program (scrapie PIN)? ...................

†1 Yes

†3 No

4. Has this operation been assigned a unique premises ID by your
State’s Department of Agriculture as part of the National Animal
ID System (NAIS)? ...............................................................................................

†1 Yes

†3 No

†1 Yes

†3 No

Other (specify: _________________________) ..............

[If Item 4 = NO, SKIP to Administrative Section.]
5. Has this operation implemented an individual animal ID system
or technology that utilizes the U.S. Animal Identification Number (AIN)
guidelines (a unique “840” number used for official identification of
individual animals in the United States)? .............................................................

G:\CAHM\Goat\NAHMS 2009\Questionnaires\NASS questionnaire.doc


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - NASS questionnaire.doc
File Modified2009-03-03
File Created2008-11-19

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