PSAP Verification Phase; TSAP Verification Phase; SDRP Verification Phase; Redistricting Data Program Verification Phase

Generic Clearance for Geographic Partnership Programs


PSAP Verification Phase; TSAP Verification Phase; SDRP Verification Phase; Redistricting Data Program Verification Phase

OMB: 0607-0795

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2010 Census Tribal Statistical Areas Program (TSAP)
Alaska Native Regional Corporation Review of the 2010
Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas

Alaska Nation Regional Corporation Procedures for Reviewing of Alaska Native
Village Statistical Areas

ANVSAs are statistical areas that represent the densely settled portions of an ANV and
are used to tabulate Census data. The delineation of an ANVSA does not convey any
rights of land ownership, governmental authority, or jurisdictional status. ANVSAs are
defined through direct partnership with representatives of the ANCSA recognized
villages and groups, but in cases where the Census Bureau received no response, we
solicited the assistance and local knowledge of village and regional corporations. In the
absence of any local partner, Census Bureau geographers adjusted or delineated some
ANVSA boundaries to insure that they conform to the revised ANVSA criteria and
guidelines for the 2010 Census.
The criteria and guidelines for the Alaska Native Areas Program were published in the
Federal Register on November 4, 2008 and a copy of the Federal Register notice was
individually mailed to each Alaska Native village, group and corporation. In addition, the
notice was included with all ANVSA delineation program materials and is available on
the Tribal Statistical Areas Program (TSAP) website at , under Final Criteria and
To assist with your review of ANVSAs within your region, the Census Bureau is
providing the enclosed map(s) showing the ANVSAs within your corporation. Should
you wish to see the ANVSAs in more detail, we are also providing map documents in
PDF format of all ANVSAs included in our database. All maps can be opened from the
internet, and no additional Census Bureau software or tools will be needed to assist
viewing or printing. Instructions for locating and viewing ANVSA maps are below.
Viewing ANVSA Maps
Once a user has navigated to the TSAP website, locate and click on [ANVSA Maps]. A
new page will pop up with a general description and complete listing of ANVSAs under
each Alaska Native Regional Corporation.
The list will include ANVSA names, grouped by the Alaska Native Regional
Corporations in which they are located, followed by a total number of mapsheets that
have been created for each. After clicking on a desired ANVSA, another page will
appear with a list of PDF maps available to view. Each mapsheet is identifiable by a
unique map code. Depending on the amount of area and detail, the number of maps
created to identify the entirety of an ANVSA will vary. Simply click on a map code to
view the contents.
An ANVSA that is smaller in land area may only have a single map sheet. ANVSAs with
a large land area may have an index map, a series of parent maps and a number of inset
maps. An index map shows the complete ANVSA with gridlines defining specific areas

shown on the parent map. A parent map shows a detailed version of a single grid box
from the index map and, if needed, an inset shows finer details of areas within the parent


Map codes ending with _000 are Index maps
Map codes ending with _XXX represent the zoomed in areas within the index
map (parent maps)
Map codes ending with _A0X are inset maps
X =single numeric digit

Concluding the Review
During this time, participating Alaska Native Villages (ANV) are also reviewing our
current ANVSA boundaries and have the opportunity to make minor changes. If you have
any questions regarding an ANVSA boundary, collaborate with village officials within
your region and notify the Seattle Regional Census Center (RCC) of any concerns.
Should any dispute arise between you and the ANV official over a specific ANVSA, the
Census Bureau encourages the respective parties to reach a mutually acceptable
agreement that complies with the final program criteria and follows the final program
guidelines. If parties are unable to reach an agreement, the Census Bureau shall give
priority to comments and changes submitted by the ANV delineating official, in
recognition of the government-to government relationship with the ANV, provided that
an ANVSA change meets the final program criteria.
Because the ANVSAs will be included in the results of the 2010 Census and data will be
tabulated for each area, the Census Bureau must finalize all geography updates by May,
2010. For this reason, we ask that you conclude your review and notify the Seattle RCC
by April 9, 2010.

Contact Information
Seattle RCC: Geography
19820 North Creek Parkway N, Suite 100
Bothell, WA 98011
Phone: (425) 908-3010
Fax: (425) 908-3020
E-mail: [email protected]

Disclosure to Respondent
The Geography Division manages programs to continuously update features, boundaries,
addresses, and geographic entities in the Master Address File / Topologically Integrated
Geographic Encoding and Referencing System (MAF/TIGER) database (MTDB) that is
used to support programs and to conduct the census and surveys. The TSAP program was
developed to give tribes the opportunity to review and update, if necessary, statistical
tribal entities for use in tabulating and publishing data from the 2010 Census, the
American Community Survey, and other surveys.
Public reporting burden for the verification of information is estimated to average 4 hours
per respondent, including organizing and reviewing the information. We anticipate that
an estimated 6 participants will respond. For larger areas or areas with many changes,
however, the respondent burden may be 12 hours or longer to complete. Please send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to:
Paperwork Project
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Room 3K138
Washington, D.C. 20233
You may e-mail comments to [email protected]. Use “Paperwork Project 06070795” as the subject.
Responses to this survey are voluntary. The authority for conducting these activities is
covered under the legal authority of Title 13 U.S.C. Sections 141 and 193.
No agency may conduct and no person may be required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval
number. The OMB approval number for this information collection is 0607-0795.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleANRC verification procedures
File Modified2010-01-15
File Created2010-01-15

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