60 Day Federal Register Notice

60 Day FRN 2008 (Published).pdf

Data Relating to Beneficiary of Private Bill

60 Day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 1653-0026

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 234 / Thursday, December 4, 2008 / Notices
Branch, U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement, 500 12th Street, SW.,
Room 3138, Washington, DC 20536;
(202) 732–6337.
Dated: December 1, 2008.
Joseph M. Gerhart,
Chief, Records Management Branch, U.S.
Immigration and Customs
Enforcement,Department of Homeland
[FR Doc. E8–28751 Filed 12–3–08; 8:45 am]


Overview of This Information

United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Extension of an Existing
Information Collection; Comment
60-Day Notice of Information
Collection Under Review; Form G–79A,
Information Relating to Beneficiary of
Private Bill; OMB Control No. 1653–

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The Department of Homeland
Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (USICE), has submitted the
following information collection request
for review and clearance in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995. The information collection is
published to obtain comments from the
public and affected agencies. Comments
are encouraged and will be accepted for
sixty days until February 2, 2009.
Written comments and suggestions
regarding items contained in this notice,
and especially with regard to the
estimated public burden and associated
response time should be directed to the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), Joe Gerhart, Chief, Records
Management Branch, U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement, 500 12th
Street, SW., Room 3138, Washington,
DC 20536; (202) 732–6337.
Comments are encouraged and will be
accepted for sixty days until February 2,
2009. Written comments and
suggestions from the public and affected
agencies concerning the proposed
collection of information should address
one or more of the following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agencies estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,

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including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of

(1) Type of Information Collection:
Extension of currently approved
information collection.
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
Information Relating to Beneficiary of
Private Bill.
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the
Department of Homeland Security
sponsoring the collection: Form G–79A,
U.S. Immigration and Customs
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: Individual or
Households. The information is needed
to report on Private Bills to Congress
when requested.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond: 100 responses at 1 hour (60
minutes) per response.
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: 100 annual burden hours.
Comments and/or questions; requests
for a copy of the proposed information
collection instrument, with instructions;
or inquiries for additional information
should be directed to: Joseph M.
Gerhart, Chief, Records Management
Branch, U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement, 500 12th Street, SW.,
Room 3138, Washington, DC 20536;
(202) 732–6337.
Dated: December 1, 2008.
Joseph M. Gerhart,
Chief, Records Management Branch,U.S.
Immigration and Customs
Enforcement,Department of Homeland
[FR Doc. E8–28764 Filed 12–3–08; 8:45 am]

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Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R4–R–2008–N0250; 40136–1265–

Currituck National Wildlife Refuge,
Currituck County, NC
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability: Final
comprehensive conservation plan and
finding of no significant impact.

SUMMARY: We, the Fish and Wildlife
Service (Service), announce the
availability of our final comprehensive
conservation plan (CCP) and finding of
no significant impact (FONSI) for
Currituck National Wildlife Refuge

A copy of the CCP may be
obtained by writing to: Mike Hoff,
Refuge Manager, Mackay Island
National Wildlife Refuge, P.O. Box 39,
Knotts Island, NC 27950. The CCP may
also be accessed and downloaded from
the Service’s Web site: http://
Mike Hoff; Telephone: 252/429–3100;
Fax: 252/429–3185.

With this notice, we finalize the CCP
process for Currituck NWR. We started
this process through a notice in the
Federal Register on November 3, 2000
(65 FR 66256).
Currituck NWR, in northeastern North
Carolina, consists of 4,570 acres of fee
simple land and 3,931 acres of
conservation easements. Of the fee
simple land, 2,202 acres are brackish
marsh, 778 acres are brackish shrub, 637
acres are maritime forest, 202 acres are
dune, and 143 acres are managed
wetlands (impoundments). Currituck
NWR was established in 1984 to
conserve and protect the coastal barrier
island ecosystem. These refuge lands are
managed to provide wintering habitat
for waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds,
marsh birds, and neotropical migratory
songbirds, as well as to protect
threatened and endangered species,
such as piping plovers, sea turtles, and
the sea beach amaranth.
We announce our decision and the
availability of the final CCP and FONSI
for Currituck NWR in accordance with
the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) [40 CFR 1506.6(b)]
requirements. We completed a thorough
analysis of impacts on the human
environment, which we included in the



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2008-12-04
File Created2008-12-04

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