Internet Inquiry Change Request Chart for FEMA Form 90-151

FF90-151 Internet Inquiry Change Request-New Order.doc

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Individual Assistance Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Internet Inquiry Change Request Chart for FEMA Form 90-151

OMB: 1660-0036

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FF 90-151, Internet Inquiry/Update-Phone Survey





(New Question in Revised Text )

1. Which of the following websites did you access to apply for disaster assistance?



Pg 6, #3

After the disaster, how did you hear about FEMA?

  1. Newspaper

  2. Television

  3. Radio

  4. FEMA Employees

  5. Community Groups

  6. Friends / Relatives

  7. Flyers

  8. Church

  9. Other

1a. How did you find out about that website?

a) Newspaper

b) Radio

c) Community Group

d) Television

e) Friend or Family

f) Disaster Worker

g) Internet Search

g) Other

Pg 6 #3a

How would you rate the effectiveness of the communications in helping you get the information you need?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average or

  5. Poor

  6. Don’t know, no opinion

(This question is now removed)

Pg 6 #3b

In what way was the information below average or poor?

  1. The information did not accurately represent the services provided by FEMA

  2. The information was confusing

  3. There was insufficient information to help

  4. The information was too late

  5. Had to seek out information on my own

  6. Other (Specify)

(This question is now removed)


(Due to Executive Order: New Question in Revised)

2. You were offered an option to take an anonymous Pre-Screening Questionnaire before doing an online disaster assistance registration. Did you take the questionnaire?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Remember


(Due to Executive Order: New Question in Revised)

2a. This series of questions relate only to that questionnaire. How would you rate the questions on being easy to understand?

  1. Extremely Easy

  2. Very Easy

  3. Easy

  4. Not Very Easy

  5. Not at all Easy

  6. No Opinion


(Due to Executive Order: New Question in Revised)

2b. After completing the questionnaire you may have received information about other agencies. How helpful was that information?

  1. Extremely Helpful

  2. Very Helpful

  3. Helpful

  4. Not Very Helpful

  5. Not at all Helpful

  6. No Opinion


(Due to Executive Order: New Question in Revised)

2c. How could the information have been more helpful?

  1. More concise information

  2. More detailed information

  3. Provide contact phone number

  4. Provide web address

  5. Make less complicated

  6. Other (Specify)


(New Question in Revised Text)

3. The website provided the ability to browse information by category or by agency. How helpful was it to browse by:


(New Question in Revised Text)

3a. Category?

  1. Extremely Helpful

  2. Very Helpful

  3. Helpful

  4. Not Very Helpful

  5. Not at all Helpful

  6. No Opinion


(New Question in Revised Text)

3b. What about by Agency?

  1. Extremely Helpful

  2. Very Helpful

  3. Helpful

  4. Not Very Helpful

  5. Not at all Helpful

  6. No Opinion

Pg 2 #1

Overall, how would you rate the information and support you've received from FEMA since the disaster occurred? Would d you say it's been:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

4. Overall, how would you rate the website for obtaining disaster assistance information? Would you say it was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

Pg #1a

In what way was the information and support you received below average/poor?

  1. Did not receive financial/enough assistance

  2. Helpdesk Tech had poor attitude

  3. Application process too complicated

  4. Programs not explained clearly

  5. Helpdesk Tech didn't seem interested in helping me

  6. Took too long to complete application

  7. Difficulty accessing Individual Assistance Center on

  8. Was not treated with respect

  9. Other (Specify)

4a. Tell me a little about your reasons for that rating.

  1. Difficulty navigating the screens

  2. Questions hard to understand

  3. Response option hard to understand

  4. Referrals were too lengthy

  5. Referrals were hard to understand

  6. No contact phone numbers on referrals

  7. No web address / link on referrals

  8. Technical problems

  9. Other (Specify)

Pg 7 #4b

Overall how would you rate your experience in using the Internet to view or change your FEMA Disaster Assistance Application? Would you say it was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

5. For the next questions please think only about your experience in using the internet to view or change your disaster assistance application. Overall, how would you rate that experience? Would you say it was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

Pg 7 #4c

What made your experience below average or poor?

  1. System was difficult to use

  2. Instructions were not clear

  3. Difficulty understanding terminology

  4. Not confident changes I made were saved

  5. Other (Specify)

5a. Tell me a little about your reasons for that rating.

  1. System was difficult to use

  2. Took too long to view/edit information

  3. Technical problems

  4. Instructions were hard to understand

  5. Help Page information was not clear

  6. Did not provide information needed

Pg 8 #6

As part of the information packet you were mailed, you may have received a booklet called "Help After a Disaster: Applicant's Guide to the Individual and Households Program" Have you had a chance to read the guide?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't know/Can't remember

(This question is now removed)

Pg 8 #6a

How would you rate the Applicant Guide on helping you understand the disaster assistance programs available to you? Would you say it was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

6. Each screen included a "Help for this Page" button to assist you in filling out your application. Would you say the help information was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

Pg 8 #6b

How was it below average or poor?

  1. Information was confusing

  2. Took more than 7-10 days to receive

  3. Insufficient detail/Information

  4. Too much information

  5. Other (Specify)

6a. In what way was the help information below average or poor?

  1. Information was too complicated

  2. Did not understand the terms used

  3. Not enough information provided

  4. Other (Specify)

Pg 8 #5

Now I'd like to ask you about the information packet FEMA mailed to you? Have you received it?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't know/Can't remember

(This question is now removed)

Pg 8 #5a

How would you rate the information in this packet? Would you say it was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

7. The Application Overview screen provided a summary of the categories of assistance, status of your Claim, date approved and eligible amount. How would you rate this section on providing needed information?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

Pg 8 #5b

Why is that?

  1. Information was confusing

  2. Took more than 7-10 days to receive

  3. Insufficient detail/Information

  4. Too much information

  5. Other (Specify)

7a. What were your reasons for this rating?

  1. Did not understand Category Information

  2. Did not understand Status Information

  3. Not enough details provided

  4. Help instructions not clear

  5. Other (Specify)

Pg 9 #7

How would you rate FEMA's letters on being easy to understand?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

8. The Correspondence screen summarized correspondence sent from FEMA as well as letters and faxes you sent to FEMA. How would you rate this section? Would you say that information was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

Pg 9 #7a

In what way were FEMA's letters below average or poor?

  1. Seemed too complicated/confusing

  2. Had to call Helpline for explanation

  3. Insufficient details/information

  4. Print was too small to read

  5. Information not received in a timely manner

  6. Too much information

  7. Uncertain what to do next

  8. Other (Specify)

8a. In what way was the correspondence information below average or poor?

  1. Items requested by FEMA were difficult to understand

  2. Items I sent to FEMA were not listed as received

  3. Summary of letter was difficult to understand

  4. Help instructions not clear

  5. Other (Specify)

Pg 12 #10

When you initially registered for disaster assistance, did we refer you to other agencies that may also be able to provide you with assistance?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't Remember

(The revised question #8 addresses the topic but with a different purpose: helpful scale versus recall of the referral)

Pg 12 #10a

Which agencies were you referred to?

  1. Small Business Administration

  2. American Red Cross

  3. Farm Services Agency

  4. Local Unemployment

  5. Internal Revenue

  6. Insurance company

  7. Other

(The Revised question #9 addresses the topic but with a different purpose. Revised measures the helpfulness – not the recall of the referral)

Pg 12 #10b

Based on your application, we may have referred you to (read highlighted referrals that applicant did not identify in 10a). Would you like me to give you the information so you can contact them when you have an opportunity?

  1. Yes

  2. No

(This question is now removed)


(Revised is similar to #10 and #10a in Current but with a different purpose: helpful scale versus recall of the referral)

9. The Agency screen provided contact information for other agencies or organizations that may be able to assist you. Would you say that information provided was:

  1. Extremely Helpful

  2. Very Helpful

  3. Helpful

  4. Not Very Helpful

  5. Not at all Helpful

  6. No Opinion


(New Follow Up Question in Revised Text)

9a. What were your reasons for that rating?

  1. Descriptions of agency services was difficult to understand

  2. Agency contact information was incomplete

  3. No agency found for assistance needed

  4. Help instructions not clear

  5. Other (Specify)

Pg 3 #2

Did you call the Internet technical Helpdesk for assistance while reviewing your case?

  1. Yes

  2. No

10. Did you use the website's Technical Support services such as e-mailing or calling the 800 number about a technical problem?

  1. Yes

  2. No


(New Question in the Revised Text)

10a. Which contact method did you use?


  1. 800 number

  2. both

Pg 3 #2 continued

If yes: Thinking only about your call to the Technical Helpdesk, how would you rate the way the Technician handled your call? Would you say:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

10b. Thinking only about your communications with Technical Support, how would rate the service you received? Would you say it was?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

Pg 3 #2a

In what way was your call (below average or poor)?

  1. Helpdesk phone was busy or on hold too long

  2. Helpdesk Tech had poor attitude

  3. Internet inquiry process too complicated

  4. Didn't explain clearly

  5. Didn't seem interested in helping me

  6. Didn't take time to listen to me

  7. Took too long to answer question

  8. Helpdesk Tech couldn't answer question

  9. Didn't treat me with respect

  10. Other (Specify)

10c. In what way was the support Below Average or Poor?

  1. 800 Number Tech did not answer question

  2. Took too long to get through to 800 Number

  3. 800 Number gave incorrect info

  4. 800 Number Poor customer Service

  5. e-mail response did not answer question

  6. took too long to get e-mail response

  7. e-mail gave incorrect information

  8. Other (Specify)

Pg 4 #2b

How would you rate the Technician on showing a genuine interest in your call?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

(This question and those following regarding the Helpdesk are all included in the one question above #10)

Pg 4 #2c

On taking the time to listen to the details of your situation?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

(This question is now removed)

Pg 4 #2e

On treating you with respect?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

(This question is now removed)

Pg 4 #2f

How would you rate the Technician's overall attitude during your call?

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

(This question is now removed)

Pg 4 #2g

In what way was it (below average or poor)?

  1. Condescending

  2. Impatient

  3. Rude

  4. Other (Specify)

(This question is now removed)

Pg 5 #2h

How would you rate the Helpdesk Technician on answering your questions? Would you say:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

(This question is now removed)

Pg 5 #2i

What question was the technician unable to answer?

  1. FEMA programs/policies

  2. Screen navigation

  3. Internet browser

  4. Error message

  5. System response time

  6. Data field terms/descriptions

  7. Other (Specific)

(This question is now removed)

Pg 11 #9

Based on what you have seen, read, and heard, as well as your personal opinion, how would you rate FEMA's overall reputation in your community? Would you say it was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

(The Current image questions are replaced with other image questions in the Revised Text #11 and #12)

Pg 11 #9a

Why do you feel FEMA's reputation in your community is below average/poor?

  1. Poor attitude of FEMA personnel

  2. Application process too complicated

  3. No consistency in amount awarded

  4. FEMA didn't seem interested in helping

  5. Took too long to get assistance

  6. Disaster assistance information miss-communicated

  7. Not enough money awarded

  8. Was told I did not qualify for assistance

  9. Too much red tape to get assistance

  10. Representative didn't treat me with respect

  11. Other (Specify)

(This question is now removed)


(New Question in Revised)

11. If you need to check your FEMA application again, how likely would you be to use the internet? Would you:

Definitely use

Probably Use

Might or Might Not use

Probably would Not use

Definitely would Not use

No Opinion

Pg 13 #11

For this next question, FEMA is very interested in getting your opinion on what we could do to improve our service. What suggestions would you like to pass on to FEMA? (Specify)

11a. What changes are needed to increase the likelihood? (Specify)


(New Question in Revised)

12. Would you recommend the site to a friend or family member?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't Know

Pg 32 #12

No Change

All right, I have only one more question for you. FEMA is very interested in the quality of service we provide you. May we call you at a later date to ask you some additional questions?

  1. Yes

  2. No

13. All right, I have only one more question. FEMA is very interested in the quality of service we provide. May we call you at a later date if we have additional questions?

  1. Yes

  2. No

Pg 2 #1b

What was the specific reason you reviewed your case over the Internet?

  1. Status of application

  2. Verify correspondence or fax received

  3. Add/Change the information in my file

  4. Check on correspondence from FEMA

  5. To get Fax number or mailing address

  6. Other (Specify)

(This question is now removed)

Pg 7 #4

When you looked up your application on the Internet, did you have any difficulty accessing FEMA's Individual Assistance Center?

  1. Yes

  2. No

(This question is now removed)

Pg 7 #4a

What difficulty did you have?

  1. Website not available on previous attempt

  2. Unable to access inquiry page on previous attempt

  3. Not confident my changes was saved

  4. Other (Specify)

(This question is now removed)

Pg 10 #8

Now I'd like you to think about the Inspection FEMA conducted to assess your damages. I see you had multiple inspections. Which one would you like to be surveyed about?

  1. Initial Inspection

  2. Second Inspection

(This question is now removed)

Pg 10 #8a

How many days after your call did FEMA conduct the inspection?

(This question is now removed)

Pg 10 #8b

How would you rate the amount of time between your call and the inspection? Would you say it was:

  1. Excellent

  2. Good

  3. Satisfactory

  4. Below Average

  5. Poor

  6. No Opinion

(This question is now removed)

Pg 10 #8c

Overall, how satisfied are you with the inspection FEMA conducted?

  1. Extremely satisfied

  2. Very satisfied

  3. Satisfied

  4. Less than satisfied

  5. Not at all satisfied

  6. No opinion

(This question is now removed)

Pg 10 #8d

Why were you dissatisfied with the inspection?

  1. Not qualified, No financial assistance or not enough financial assistance

  2. Did not show concern/compassion

  3. Did not look at all my damages

  4. Did not explain anything to me

  5. Did not listen to me

  6. Did not answer my questions

  7. Did not come at scheduled time

  8. Did not take enough time

  9. Other (Specific)

(This question is now removed)

Custom Question Series

Pg 14-15

#CQIAC-Reg Series

Did you personally attempt to do your Registration over the Internet?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Remember

(This series of questions is now removed and will be asked on a different survey)

Pg 16 #CQIAC-Inq Series

Did you try to use the website to check on your application?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Remember

(This series of questions is now removed and will be asked on a different survey)

Pg 17-19 #CQAD Series

Auto Dialer: Did you receive a recorded message from FEMA stating your correspondence or fax was received or mail was returned?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Remember

(This series of questions is now removed and will be asked on a different survey)

Pg 20-22 #CQIVR Series

Automated Information System (IVR): Have you used the automated method to check the status of your case?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Remember

(This series of questions is now removed and will be asked on a different survey)

Pg 23-26

#CQSN Series

Special Needs: Has a FEMA Special Needs Caseworker given you a courtesy call about your needs for support after the disaster?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Remember

(This series of questions is now removed and will be asked on a different survey)

Pg 27 #CQCL Series

Centralized Location: If FEMA were to provide internet access at a centralized location, how likely would you be to go to that location to use the internet and other services provided?

  1. Extremely likely

  2. Very likely

  3. Somewhat likely

  4. Not very likely

  5. Not at all likely

(This series of questions is now removed and will be asked on a different survey)

Pg 28-30 #CQDRC Series

Disaster Recovery Center: Following the disaster, did you have an opportunity to visit FEMA’s Disaster Recovery Center?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don’t Remember

  4. Would have gone, but there were none located in my area

(This series of questions is now removed and will be asked on a different survey)

Pg 31 #CQ1-4

Custom Questions for Future Use

(This question is now removed)

FF90-151 Internet Inquiry/Update - Change Request 10

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleFF-####, TITLE
AuthorFEMA Employee
Last Modified ByFEMA
File Modified2009-02-04
File Created2009-02-03

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