Elder Grants Program grantee Semi-annual Report Draft Revisions
New or Revised Data to be collected beginning July 1, 2009 for the July-December 2009 report, to be submitted by January 31, 2010
A1. Grant Information
Question 5. Type of funded organization
New category of funded organization has been added:
Tribal government or tribal organization
The following categories have been removed:
Disability advocacy agency/organization
Elder services agency
Faith based organization
Judicial organization
Law enforcement agency
National criminal justice constituency organization
Question 5a. Is this a faith-based organization?
Grantees will be asked whether the lead organization is a faith-based organization.
A2. Staff Information
Question 9. Staff
New categories of funded staff have been added:
Victim advocate
C1. Training
Three original questions (training events, people trained, and training topics) have been removed and nine new questions have been added.
Question 11. Number of people trained in the mandatory law enforcement training of trainers
Grantees will be asked to report the number of people who attended a mandatory 4 day training of
trainers event provided.
Question 12. Number of training events provided for law enforcement officers and/or
detectives/investigators – NEW QUESTION
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of mandatory and advanced law enforcement
training events supported with Elder Grants Program funds provided for law enforcement officers
and detectives/investigators.
Question 13. Number of people trained in the mandatory and/or advanced law enforcement
training events – NEW QUESTION
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of people who attended mandatory and/or
advanced law enforcement training events supported with Elder Grants Program funds.
Question 14. Number of prosecutors trained in the prosecutors workshop – NEW
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of prosecutors who attended a 2½ day national
prosecutor’s workshop on elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Question 15. Number of judges trained in the judicial institute – NEW QUESTION
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of judges who attended a 4-day national judicial
institute on elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Question 16. Number of people trained in the mandatory direct services training of trainers
Grantees will be asked to report the number of people who attended a mandatory 2½ day training
of trainers event provided.
Question 17. Number of people trained in the mandatory direct services training events
provided with Elder Grants Program funds – NEW QUESTION
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of people trained at local direct services training
Question 18. Cross-training events – NEW QUESTION
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of cross-training events provided for victim
services organizations, governmental agencies, courts, law enforcement, and nonprofit,
nongovernmental organizations working with older victims.
Question 19. Number of people trained in cross-training events supported with Elder Grants
Program funds – NEW QUESTION
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of people trained in cross-training events.
C2. Coordinated Community Response
The CCR table has isolated mandatory partners in the first five rows.
Question 21. Coordinated community response activities
New categories have been added:
Mandatory partnership with:
Elder program (was Elder advocacy program)
Victim service(s) organization (domestic violence)
Victim service(s) organization (sexual assault)
Partnership with:
Advocacy organization
Batterer intervention program
Financial organization
Sex offender management/sex offender treatment provider
Tribal government/Tribal organization (was Tribal government/Tribal government agency)
The following categories have been removed:
Adult protective services
Domestic violence program
Governmental agency
Sexual assault program
Grantees will be asked to complete the subsection C3, if Elder Grants Program-funded staff developed, substantially revised, or implemented policies or protocols or if Elder Grants Program funds were used to directly support the development or implementation of policies or protocols.
Question 23. Types of protocols and/or policies developed, substantially revised, or implemented
during the current reporting period
Grantees will be asked to check what types of policies and/or protocols were developed,
substantially revised, or implemented (7 general categories are listed/74 subcategories are listed).
C4. Products
The following category has been removed:
Training curricula (now called Training materials)
Question 26. Number of victims/survivors served, partially served, and victims/survivors
seeking services who were not served
Grantees will be asked to report the number of victims/survivors served, partially served, and
victims/survivors seeking services who were not served.
Question 27. Reasons that victims/survivors seeking services were not served or were
partially served
Grantees will be asked to check reasons that victims/survivors seeking services were not served or
were partially served.
Question 28. Demographics of victims/survivors served or partially served
Grantees will be asked to report the demographic information about the victims/survivors served
and partially served.
Question 29. Victims/survivors’ relationship to offender
Grantees will be asked to report the victim/survivor’s relationship to the offender.
Question 30A. Victim services
Grantees will be asked to report the type of service that the victim received.
Question 30B. Shelter services
Grantees will be asked to report the number of victims/survivors and accompanying family
members who received emergency shelter and/or transitional housing provided with Elder Grants
Program funds.
Question 30C. Hotline calls
Grantees will be asked to report the number of hotline calls received from primary victims, and the
total number of hotline calls received on phone lines paid for with Elder Grants Program funds or
answered by Elder Grants Program-funded staff.
Question 30D. Victim witness notification/outreach to victims/survivors
Grantees will be asked to report the number of unsolicited letters, phone calls, or visits to victims of specific incidents of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking identified in police reports or court documents, informing them of services and/or providing information about the criminal justice system.
Question 31. Protection orders
Grantees will be asked to report the total number of temporary and/or final protection orders requested and granted for which Elder Grants Program-funded victim services staff provided assistance to victims/survivors.
Optional focused narrative questions
At the end of most of the sections of the form there will be an optional narrative question that gives grantees the opportunity to provide additional information regarding that particular activity area.
Following is an example from the training section:
Use the space below to discuss the effectiveness of your training activities and to provide any additional information you would like to share about your training activities beyond what you have provided in the data above. An example might include that we held our first cross-disciplinary training to professionals in our community. Attendees stated upon the completion of the training that having the opportunity to receive training across the disciplines allowed them to fully understand of the roles that each person can play in addressing elder abuse.
The following sections of the form have this question: Training, Coordinated Community Response, Policies, and Victim Services.
Question 37. Optional data clarification question
A final question allows grantees to provide additional information to explain and clarify the data contained in the reporting form.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Transitional Housing New Data to Collect beginning January 1, 2008 for the January-June 2008 report to be submitted in July 20 |
Last Modified By | Karen Monahan |
File Modified | 2009-04-13 |
File Created | 2009-04-13 |