OMB NUMBER: 0701-0136
It should take approximately 20 minutes to complete this survey. If you have comments or suggestions regarding the length or
content of this survey, please send them to: Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services
Directorate (0701-0136),1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1155. Respondents should be aware that
notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of
information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. This survey is completely voluntary and respondents
may stop taking it at any point. Respondents who do not want to participate in this survey will not suffer any penalty or loss of
benefits to which they are otherwise entitled.
Your opinions are important to us and will be used to improve the CCAF program. This survey is anonymous. Your responses will be aggregated and may be reported in statistical form; however, no response will be connected to individually identifying information. A serious conscientious response is earnestly solicited.
Please direct any questions or comments to MSgt Lisa Arnold, CCAF/DFC, 100 S. Turner Blvd., Gunter Annex, Montgomery, AL.
36114-3011. Telephone (334) 953-3172 (DSN 493-3172); or E-mail [email protected]
survey is being administered through CCAF’s Internet website.
Please select the response that is closest to the way you feel.
you are done, please click “Submit” to transmit your
responses to the CCAF staff at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
(A) Strongly agree (B) Agree (C) Undecided (D) Disagree (E) Strongly disagree
1. I would have earned an associate degree while in the Air Force even if CCAF did not exist.
2. CCAF is an important benefit for enlisted Air Force personnel.
3. An individual with a CCAF degree is more likely than an individual without a degree to leave the Air Force before completing
20 years of service.
4. Completion of my CCAF degree motivated me to continue my education.
5. The opportunity to earn college credit for Air Force training was a factor in my decision to enter the Air Force.
6. I re-enlisted at least once in order to complete a CCAF degree.
7. Completion of my CCAF degree allowed me to separate or retire earlier than I had originally planned.
8. The Community College of the Air Force plays an important role in the development of a professional Air Force
enlisted corp.
9. CCAF serves the job-related educational needs of the USAF enlisted community.
9. How well did completion of CCAF degree requirements prepare you in each of the following areas?
Course Area |
Very well |
Adequately |
Poorly |
Not at all |
Give effective oral presentations |
Write logically and clearly |
Apply math concepts |
Understand human behavior |
Appreciate cultures other than your own |
Understand how to effectively interact with people whose culture is different than my own |
Understand the human experience |
Appreciate fine arts |
Critically evaluate information for decision making |
Use computer technology |
Exercise leadership/management |
10. In your opinion is the CCAF degree well respected by prospective civilian employers?
A. Yes |
B. No |
C. No opinion |
D. Don’t know |
11. Would you recommend completion of a CCAF degree to others?
A. Yes, I would |
B. No, I would not |
C. No opinion |
12. What are your overall feelings about the CCAF program?
A. Positive |
B. Neutral |
C. Negative |
13. To what extent is your current job related to your last Air Force career field?
A. Directly related |
B. Somewhat related |
C. Not related |
D. Not sure |
14. To what extent is your current job related to your CCAF degree?
A. Directly related |
B. Somewhat related |
C. Not related |
D. Not sure |
15. Was your CCAF degree helpful in gaining employment?
A. Yes, it was very helpful |
B. Yes, it was somewhat helpful |
C. No, it was of no benefit |
D. Not sure if it made a difference |
16. What is your gross annual salary?
A. Less than $10,000 |
D. $40,000-59,999 |
B. $10,000-19,999 |
E. $60,000-79,999 |
C. $20,000-39,999 |
F. $80,000 and above |
17. What type of school have you attended or are you now attending (your most recent school if you have attended
more than one)?
A. Vocational-technical school |
B. Two-year Community College |
C. Four-year college or university |
D. Graduate or professional school |
E. Professional certificate program (resulting in a license or professional certification) |
18. Did you attempt to transfer CCAF credit to your civilian degree program?
A. Yes |
B. No |
19. If your answer to question 18 was YES, were you successful? (If your answer to question 18 was NO, skip to question 21.)
A. Yes, all CCAF credits transferred |
B. Yes, most CCAF credits transferred |
C. Yes, a few CCAF credits transferred |
D. No CCAF credit was accepted in transfer |
20. How well did earning your CCAF degree prepare you for additional college course work?
A. Very well |
B. Adequately |
C. Poorly |
D. Not at all |
E. Undecided |
21. How many years of active duty military service did you complete?
A. 1-4 years |
D. 13-16 years |
G. 25 or more years |
B. 5-8 years |
E. 17-20 years |
C. 9-12 years |
F. 21-24 years |
22. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?
A. Employed full-time (30 hours or more a week) |
B. Employed part-time (less than 30 hours per week) |
C. Not employed, seeking employment |
D. Not employed, not seeking employment |
E. Retired (age 62+) |
F. Other/undecided |
23. What is your marital status?
A. Single (includes divorced, legally separated, widower/widow) |
B. Single with dependent(s) under age 18 |
C. Married with no dependent(s) under age 18 |
D. Married with dependent(s) under age 18 |
24. When did you earn your CCAF degree (your first degree if you earned more than one)?
A. Before 1980 |
D. 1990-1994 |
G. 2005- present |
B. 1980-1984 |
E. 1995-1999 |
C. 1985-1989 |
F. 2000-2004 |
25. What is the highest level degree you have earned?
A. Associate degree |
B. Bachelor's degree |
C. Master's degree |
D. Doctorate |
E. Other |
26. What is your final educational goal?
A. Attained—no future goal |
D. Master's degree or higher |
B. Civilian associate degree |
E. Vocational-technical training |
C. Bachelor's degree |
F. Undecided |
Please use this space for any comments or suggestions on how we might improve the CCAF program.
Please include your e-mail address if you would like a personal response.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | CCAF |
Last Modified By | Patricia Toppings |
File Modified | 2009-03-31 |
File Created | 2008-08-18 |