Generator Owner: Traid Discussion Guide

Audience Profiling for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A13 Triad Discussion Guide_02.11.09

Generator Owner: Traid Discussion Guide

OMB: 0920-0809

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OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Expiration Date XX/XX/20XX



(Note: Both homeowners and generator owners will use the same form)

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).

Data Collection

Setting: Triad discussion will meet approximately 2 hours in a professional focus group facility. A trained moderator will meet with the participants. A note taker will take notes from a behind a one-way mirror.

Consenting: Informed consent will be obtained by the note taker as the participants arrive at the facility.

Process: The triad discussion will comprise the following steps:

1. Welcome:

a. Welcome—the moderator will welcome the participants and explain the purpose of the discussion session.

b. Ground rules—the moderator will provide guidance to ensure that participants are allowed to speak without interruption by other participants.

2. Warm-up: Participants will introduce themselves and provide a little information about themselves.

3. Discussion: In the triad, participants will discuss the following topics:

a. Basic Knowledge of Carbon Monoxide Risk and Prevention

b. Materials Testing Questions

c. Equipment Ownership Questions

d. Channel and Messenger Questions

4. Closing.

Welcome (5 min)

Thank you for coming today. I’m _____, and I’m from Vanguard Communications. I am conducting this discussion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose is to discuss with you how best to inform people about carbon monoxide and things that can be done to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Your insights are very important to us, and your time today is appreciated. This group will last about two hours.

  • You have probably noticed the microphones in the room. They are here because we are audio taping. At the end of today’s discussion, I have to write a report. I want to give you my full attention and not have to take a lot of notes. I will refer to the tape when writing the report.

  • Behind me is a one-way mirror. Some of the people working on this project are observing this discussion so that they can hear your opinions directly from you. However, your identity and anything you personally say here will remain confidential. Your names, addresses, and phone numbers will not be given to anyone, and no one will contact you after this group is over. When I write my report, I will not refer to anyone by name.

Before we begin, I want to review a few ground rules for today’s group discussion.

  • Most importantly, there are no right or wrong answers. We want to know your opinions, and you might not all agree. This is fine. We want to know what each of you thinks about the issues we will be discussing. I did not develop any of the materials that I will show you later, so please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think. It will help us most if you answer honestly.

  • Because we are taping, it is important that you try to speak one at a time. I may occasionally interrupt you when two or more people are talking at once in order to be sure everyone gets a chance to talk and that responses are accurately recorded.

  • As a courtesy to everyone, please turn your beepers & cell phones off or put them on vibrate, if possible.

  • If you need to go to the restroom during the discussion, please feel free to leave; however, I’d appreciate it if you would go one at a time.

  • Do you have any questions before we begin?

Warm up (5 min)

Before we begin our discussion, let’s spend a little time getting to know one another.

1. Please share your first name and an interesting fact about yourself.

I. Basic Knowledge of carbon monoxide

Let’s start by talking about carbon monoxide.

2. What are some things that you know or have heard about carbon monoxide?


  • Where have you heard information about carbon monoxide?

  • [If necessary] What are some types of products that can cause carbon monoxide poisoning?

3. Is carbon monoxide something you consider to be dangerous?

    • How does it compare to other household dangers?

    • Who do you think is most likely to be poisoned by carbon monoxide?

4. What have you heard about where carbon monoxide comes from? [Probe: natural occurrence, electrical equipment, automobiles]

5. Are there ways to prevent carbon monoxide from getting into your home?

    • Are these actions easy or difficult to do?

    • What would make them easier to do?

Great, now I want to show you some materials that people have prepared to help people better understand and think about the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning. Throughout our discussion, I am going to be counting on you to give me your feedback. Our goal today is to find ways to make these materials more appealing and more effective in presenting their messages.

II. Materials Testing Questions

MODERATOR: Repeat section for each material tested.


Probes or Follow-Ups


6. What is your first impression of this piece?

    • Does it seem useful to you? Relevant?

    • Did you feel like it gave you information that is important to you?

    • What was its main message?

    • What, if anything, is it asking that you do?

7. How does it make you feel?

  • Does it “speak” to you?

  • Does this seem like something that was made for you, or someone else?

  • Would you think about doing what it is asking? Why or why not?


8. Is the information it provides believable to you?

  • Why/ why not?

  • What would make it more believable?

9. How credible is this source to you?

  • Can you tell who is putting out this piece?

  • Does that make you more or less likely to think the information contained in it is important or correct?

10. Is this something that they you think you could do, if you wanted to?

  • Have you seen other people take similar steps/ do similar things?

  • If asked to do the same thing, do you think you would have any trouble doing it?


11. Did you find it easy to understand?

  • What could be done to make the message or information easier to understand?

12. What did you think of the way the information is presented?

  • Did it grab your attention?

  • How do feel about the design/layout of information?

13. What do the pictures/visual elements say to you?

14. Does this material make you more or less concerned about CO poisoning?

15. Did this material make you want to do anything?

  • What did it make you want to do?

  • What about it makes you feel that way/want to do that?

16. What message was the material was trying to convey?

III. Ownership Questions


Probes or Follow-Ups


17. Have you heard any recommendations on the safe use of portable generators?

  • From what source (TV, Radio, PSAs)?

  • Did you find this information useful?

18. Where would you expect to find information on preventing CO poisoning

  • [If indicated store] What type of store?

19. If the manufacturer had a toll-free 800 number to call to get information on prevention CO poisoning, would you call it?

20. Suppose that when you bought your portable generator, you could get a special deal on a CO detector. Normally, the detector would cost $25, but if purchased at the same time as the generator, you could buy the same one for $10. Would you buy one?

21. Suppose when you bought your portable generator, you were given a coupon for a free CO detector. If you filled out the coupon and mailed it in, you would get a free CO detector. Would you mail in the coupon?


22. Have you heard any recommendations the safe use of your home furnace?

23. Suppose the heating company offered a service plan for your furnace. Would that be something that would interest you?

  • Why or why not?

  • What would you be willing to pay?

24. Have you ever read the inserts that come with your heating bill?

  • Do you receive only an e-bill from your heating company?

IV. Channels and Messengers

25. What sources are you most likely to trust in receiving information on carbon monoxide risks (e.g., a manufacturer, the government, local fire department, consumer group)?

26. Where and when could we reach you with information about carbon monoxide risks? [Probe: media, place of purchase, online, emergency broadcast system]

27. Which of the following best describes you:

a. When I buy a new equipment/appliance, I typically don’t look at the directions. I like to learn an appliance by using it.

b. I scan over the directions while I am first using a new appliance.

c. I typically read all the directions for a new appliance before using it.

28. Do you typically read the warning information provided by manufacturers?

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorPeyton Williams
Last Modified Bytfs4
File Modified2009-02-11
File Created2009-02-11

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