Pompeys Pillar Vistor Survey

Pompeys Pillar Visitor Survey

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Pompeys Pillar Vistor Survey

OMB: 1028-0093

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Pompeys Pillar National Monument

Visitor Survey

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PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Public burden for the collection of this information is estimated to average 9 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions and completing the form. Comments regarding this collection of information should be directed to the Bureau Clearance Officer, US Geological Survey, 2150 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80525 or call 970-226-9445.

Note: The text in the shaded boxes below will not be included in the on-site survey (the visitors will not read this as a part of the survey process). This text is used to annotate the questions in response to Part A question 2 of the PRA Supporting Statement

Opening text for interviewer:

Hello, I work here at the Pompeys Pillar National Monument. We are conducting a survey about your visit. We are revising our Resource Management Plan and we need your help. You are being asked to complete this to help us evaluate the local economic importance of visitation at Pompeys Pillar National Monument. Please take this clipboard and pencil and fill out the survey. This should take less than 10 minutes of your time today. Once you are done – you can place your completed survey in the box at the end of the table.

Thank you for your assistance and we invite you to visit Pompeys Pillar National Monument again!

SECTION 1 - Please tell us about your visit to Pompeys Pillar National Monument.

Variables in this section are necessary for the travel cost model of visitor use. Specifically, Question #1 is the dependent variable, their baseline number of trips. Question #2 sorts out people on single destination/single purpose trips from those on multiple purpose/multi-destination trips, Question 3 on travel time and travel distance are used as price variables while Question 4 is used a as a proxy for price of substitute sites. Questions 5 and 6 are used to determine associated trip length at the monument and local area. Question 7 is to standardize the analysis by group type.

  1. How many times have you visited Pompeys Pillar National Monument in the last 12 months?

 This is my first visit _______ # Trips

  1. For your most recent visit to Pompeys Pillar National Monument was it (please check only one):

  • the primary purpose or sole destination of your trip?

  • one of many equally important reasons or destinations for your trip?

  • just an incidental or spur of the moment stop on a trip taken for other purposes or to other destinations?

  1. What was your one-way travel time and travel distance from home to Pompeys Pillar National Monument on this most recent trip?

Travel time: ______ # hours ______ # minutes Distance: _______ # one-way miles

  1. What is the distance from your home to the next best recreation area you would go to if you could not go to Pompeys Pillar National Monument? _______________ # one way miles

  1. What was the amount of time you spent in the local area (including Billings, Pompeys Pillar, and Yellowstone County) on this most recent trip?

_________# of hours or ________ # of days

  1. How much of this time was spent at Pompeys Pillar National Monument? _____# of hours

  1. For your most recent visit to Pompeys Pillar National Monument, was your visit (please check only one):

  • An individual or family outing?

  • Part of an organized (non-commercial) group trip, e.g. school or church function?

  • Part of an organized commercial group trip, e.g. commercial bus tour?

SECTION 2 - Please tell us about your trip expenditures.

The expenditure information is needed for the IMPLAN Input-Output model to calculate the economic impact of visitor spending in local Yellowstone County and State of Montana income and employment. Since visitors come from across the U.S., accurate impact assessment requires identification of that portion of expenditures that occur in the Yellowstone County area. Question 2 is to standardize the analysis on a per person basis. Question 3 is to estimate user values for those visiting the area. It will be particularly useful to estimate value for those people that are multi-destination trips for which the travel cost method is not applicable. Question 4 is to estimate if visitors had any additional expenses in the area related to their visit to the monument. Question 5 is used to create separate spending profiles for local, non-local resident, and non resident visitors.

  1. Please record the amount you and members of your group with whom you shared expenses (e.g., other family members, traveling companions) spent on your most recent visit to Pompeys Pillar National Monument (please enter the amount for each category)


Amount Spent Locally in

Yellowstone County

(within 50 miles of the Monument including Billings)

Amount Spent Elsewhere in Montana En Route to and from Pompeys Pillar National Monument

Gasoline/Related automobile costs

$ _________

$ _________


$ _________

$ _________

Campground/RV Park fees

$ _________

$ _________

Food/drink: restaurants

$ _________

$ _________

Food/drink: groceries

$ _________

$ _________

Other supplies/souvenirs/other retail

$ _________

$ _________

Car rental

$ _________

$ _________

Canoe/kayak/raft rental

$ _________

$ _________

Entertainment fees

$ _________

$ _________

Entrance fees




$ _________

$ _________

  1. Including yourself, how many people in your group shared these expenses on this most recent trip?

________# of persons in your group sharing expenses

3. As you know, some of the costs of travel such as gasoline often change. Please circle the highest increase in total trip costs you would have been willing pay during this most recent visit to Pompeys Pillar National Monument

$0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $35 $50 $75 $100 $125 $150 $200 $225 $250

  1. Did your most recent visit to Pompeys Pillar National Monument cause you to spend additional time in Billings or Montana (please check all that are appropriate)?

  • No, this visit to Pompeys Pillar did not cause me to spend additional time in Billings or Montana.

  • Yes, my party stayed an extra night in the local area (Billings or elsewhere n Yellowstone County).

  • Yes, my party purchased extra meals in the local area (Billings or elsewhere n Yellowstone County).

  • Yes, my party stayed an extra night elsewhere in Montana.

  • Yes, my party ate purchased meals elsewhere in Montana.

  1. Where are you from?

  • Yellowstone County, Montana

  • Elsewhere in Montana

  • Another state (please specify) _____________

  • Outside the US

SECTION 3 - Please tell us about yourself.

Your answers will only be used for the analysis of this study. You will not be identified in any way.

This information is needed to check the representativeness of our sample against the population. Variables such as age and retirement are often good predictors of demand and visitation behavior.

1. Are you? _____ Male _____ Female

2. Age? _____ Years

3. Are you retired? _____ Yes _____ No


Please feel free to write down any comments you have regarding your visit to Pompeys Pillar National Monument.

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorJohn Loomis
Last Modified Bypondsp
File Modified2009-05-27
File Created2009-04-07

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