Claims Management System_30 day Federal Register Notice


TSA Claims Management System

Claims Management System_30 day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 1652-0039

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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 119 / Tuesday, June 23, 2009 / Notices

materials at:
A listing of HPSAs and their scores is
posted at
Additional Information
Entities wishing to provide additional
data and information in support of their
inclusion on the proposed list of HPSAs
and entities that would receive priority
in assignment of scholarship-obligated
Corps members must do so in writing no
later than July 23, 2009. This
information should be submitted to:
Mark Pincus, Director, Division of Site
and Clinician Recruitment, Bureau of
Clinician Recruitment and Service, 5600
Fishers Lane, Room 8A–55, Rockville,
MD 20857. This information will be
considered in preparing the final list of
HPSAs and entities that are receiving
priority for the assignment of
scholarship-obligated Corps personnel.
Paperwork Reduction Act: The R&R
Assistance Application has been
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The OMB clearance
number is 0915–0230 and expires
September 30, 2011.
The program is not subject to the
provisions of Executive Order 12372,
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs (as implemented through 45
CFR part 100).
Dated: June 17, 2009.
Mary K. Wakefield,
[FR Doc. E9–14741 Filed 6–22–09; 8:45 am]

Transportation Security Administration
Extension of Agency Information
Collection Activity Under OMB Review:
TSA Claims Management Program
AGENCY: Transportation Security
Administration, DHS.
ACTION: 30-day Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces that
the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) has forwarded the
Information Collection Request (ICR),
OMB control number 1652–0039,
abstracted below to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
renewal in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act. The ICR
describes the nature of the information
collection and its expected burden. TSA
published a Federal Register notice,
with a 60-day comment period soliciting
comments, of the following collection of

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information on April 1, 2009, at 74 FR
14808. The collection involves the
submission of information from
claimants in order to thoroughly
examine and resolve tort claims against
the agency.
DATES: Send your comments by July 23,
2009. A comment to OMB is most
effective if OMB receives it within 30
days of publication.

Comments may be mailed
or delivered to Ginger LeMay, PRA
Officer, Office of Information
Technology, TSA–11, Transportation
Security Administration, 601 South
12th Street, Arlington, VA 20596–6011.
Interested persons are invited to submit
written comments on the proposed
information collection to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget.
Comments should be addressed to Desk
Officer, Department of Homeland
Security/TSA, and sent via electronic
mail to [email protected]
or faxed to (202) 395–6974.


Ginger LeMay, Office of Information
Technology, TSA–11, Transportation
Security Administration, 601 South
12th Street, Arlington, VA 20598–6011;
telephone (571) 227–3616 or e-mail
[email protected].

Comments Invited
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.), an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The ICR documentation is
available at
Therefore, in preparation for OMB
review and approval of the following
information collection, TSA is soliciting
comments to—
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
information requirement is necessary for
the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including using
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.

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Information Collection Requirement
Title: TSA Claims Management
Type of Request: Renewal of one
currently approved Information
Collection Request (ICR).
OMB Control Number: 1652–0039.
Form(s): Supplemental Information
Form, Payment Form.
Affected Public: Members of the
traveling public who believe they have
experienced property loss or damage, a
personal injury, or other damages due to
the negligence or wrongful act or
omission of a TSA employee and decide
to seek compensation by filing a Federal
tort claim against TSA.
Abstract: Submission of a claim is
entirely voluntary and initiated by
individuals. The claimants (or
respondents) to this collection are
typically the traveling public. Currently,
claimants file a tort claim by submitting
to TSA a Standard Form 95 (SF–95),
which has been approved under OMB
control number 1105–0008. Because
TSA requires further clarifying
information to thoroughly examine their
claim, claimants are asked to complete
a Supplemental Information page added
to the SF–95. The Supplemental
Information page requests claimants to
provide additional claim information
including: (1) E-mail address, (2)
Airport name, (3) Location of incident
within the airport, (4) Complete travel
itinerary, (5) Whether baggage was
delayed by airline, (6) Why they believe
TSA was negligent, (7) Whether they
used a third-party baggage service, (8)
Whether they were traveling under
military orders, and (9) Whether they
submitted claims with the airlines or
If TSA determines payment is
warranted, TSA will then send the
claimant a separate form requesting: (1)
Claimant signature, (2) banking
information (bank routing number and
account number), and (3) Social
Security number (required by the U.S.
Treasury for all Government payments
to the public pursuant to 31 U.S.C.
Claims instructions and forms are
available through the TSA Web site at Claimants must
download these forms and mail or fax
them to TSA. TSA will use all data
collected from claimants to examine and
analyze tort claims against the agency to
determine alleged TSA liability and to
reimburse claimants when the claims
are approved. In some cases, TSA may
use the information to identify victims
of theft or to aid any criminal
investigations into property theft.
Number of Respondents: 22,800.



Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 119 / Tuesday, June 23, 2009 / Notices
Estimated Annual Burden Hours: An
estimated 11,400 hours annually.
Issued in Arlington, Virginia, on June 17,
Ginger LeMay,
Paperwork Reduction Act Officer, Business
Improvements and Communications, Office
of Information Technology.
[FR Doc. E9–14647 Filed 6–22–09; 8:45 am]

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
[CIS No. 2477–09; DHS Docket No. USCIS–
RIN 1615–ZA88

Request for Public Comment on the EVerify Program Designated Agent
AGENCY: U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services, DHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) seeks
public comment on the E-Verify
Program Designated Agent Process
under which a participating employer
may choose to outsource submission of
employment eligibility verification
queries for newly hired employees to a
Designated Agent.
DATES: This Notice is effective June 23,
2009. Please submit your comments or
suggestions for improving the
Designated Agent process by August 24,
ADDRESSES: Please submit your written
comments and suggestions by e-mail to
[email protected] and include ‘‘DA
Re-Engineering Comment’’ in the
subject line of your e-mail. When
submitting your comments or
suggestions, please let us know whether
you access the E-Verify Program
directly, or whether you developed and
use a web services interface to access
the E-Verify Program.
Cassandra Stekly, Department of
Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration Services (USCIS),
Verification Division, 470–490 East
L’Enfant Plaza, SW., Suite 8001,
Washington, DC 20529–2630;
Telephone: (888) 464–4218.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The EVerify Program is a free employment
eligibility confirmation system operated
jointly by USCIS and the Social Security
Administration (SSA). It is designed to

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determine the employment eligibility of
new hires. The E-Verify Program allows
participating employers to electronically
confirm the employment eligibility of
newly hired employees to help maintain
a stable and legal workforce.
An E-Verify Designated Agent is a
liaison between E-Verify and employers
who choose to outsource submission of
employment eligibility verification
queries for newly hired employees. EVerify Designated Agents conduct the
verification process for other employers
or clients. An E-Verify Designated Agent
must register online and sign a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with SSA and DHS. Once the MOU is
approved, the E-Verify Designated
Agent can then begin registering
employers and clients who have
designated it to perform their
verification services.
The program design for Designated
Agents has changed very little over the
past several years. Accordingly, USCIS
plans to review the Designated Agent
process to assess how Designated
Agents provide this service to their
clients. The purpose of this notice is to
request that Designated Agents, their
clients, or others with Designated Agent
experience provide their comments or
suggestions for improving the
Designated Agent process.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The E-Verify Program has been
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The approved OMB
Control Number is 1615–0092.
Michael Aytes,
Acting Deputy Director, U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services.
[FR Doc. E9–14641 Filed 6–22–09; 8:45 am]

Notice of Approved Class II and III
Tribal Gaming Ordinances
AGENCY: National Indian Gaming
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is
to inform the public of class II and III
gaming ordinances approved by the
Chairman of the National Indian
Gaming Commission.
DATES: Effective Date: This notice is
effective upon date of publication in the
Federal Register.
Frances Fragua, Office of General

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Counsel at the National Indian Gaming
Commission, 202–632–7003, or by
facsimile at 202–632–7066 (not toll-free
Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA)
25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq., established the
National Indian Gaming Commission
(Commission). Section 2710 of the IGRA
authorizes the Chairman of the
Commission to approve class II and
class III tribal gaming ordinances.
Section 2710(d)(2)(B) of the IGRA, as
implemented by 25 CFR 522.8, requires
the Commission to publish, in the
Federal Register, approved class III
gaming ordinances and the approvals
The Commission believes that
publishing a periodic notice of
approved class II or III gaming
ordinances in the Federal Register,
along with publishing on the
Commission’s Web site the full text of
each ordinance and any approved
amendments, is sufficient to meet the
requirements of 25 U.S.C. Section
2710(d)(2)(B) and provide the public
with adequate notice of all gaming
ordinance approvals. Every approved
gaming ordinance, every approved
ordinance amendment, and the
approvals thereof, are posted on the
Commission’s Web site (http:// under Reading Room,
Gaming Ordinances. Also, the
Commission will make copies of
approved ordinances available to the
public upon request. Requests can be
made in writing to the Office of General
Counsel, National Indian Gaming
Commission, Attn: Frances Fragua, 1441
L Street, NW., Suite 9100, Washington,
DC 20005.
The following constitutes a
consolidated list of all Tribes for which
the Chairman has approved tribal
gaming ordinances authorizing class II
or III gaming.
1. Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of
2. Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla
3. Ak-Chin Indian Community
4. Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town
5. Alturas Indian Rancheria
6. Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
7. Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes of Fort
8. Augustine Band of Mission Indians
9. Bad River Band of Lake Superior
Tribe of Chippewa
10. Barona Band of Mission Indians
11. Bay Mills Indian Community
12. Bear River Band of Rohnerville
13. Berry Creek Rancheria of Tyme
Maidu Indians



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2009-06-23
File Created2009-06-23

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