60-Day FRN

60-day FRN.pdf

Application for Death Benefits Under the Civil Service Retirement System Documentation and Elections in Support of Application for Death Benefits When Deceased Was an...

60-Day FRN

OMB: 3206-0156

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 236 / Monday, December 8, 2008 / Notices



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Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff informs the requester of the staff’s determination whether the request for access
provides a reasonable basis to believe standing can be established and shows (1) need for SUNSI or (2) need to know for
SGI. (For SUNSI, NRC staff also informs any party to the proceeding whose interest independent of the proceeding would
be harmed by the release of the information.) If NRC staff makes the finding of need for SUNSI and likelihood of standing,
NRC staff begins document processing (preparation of redactions or review of redacted documents). If NRC staff makes
the finding of need to know for SGI and likelihood of standing, NRC staff begins background check (including fingerprinting
for a criminal history records check), information processing (preparation of redactions or review of redacted documents),
and readiness inspections.
If NRC staff finds no ‘‘need,’’ ‘‘need to know,’’ or likelihood of standing, the deadline for petitioner/requester to file a motion
seeking a ruling to reverse the NRC staff’s denial of access; NRC staff files copy of access determination with the presiding
officer (or Chief Administrative Judge or other designated officer, as appropriate). If NRC staff finds ‘‘need’’ for SUNSI, the
deadline for any party to the proceeding whose interest independent of the proceeding would be harmed by the release of
the information to file a motion seeking a ruling to reverse the NRC staff’s grant of access.
Deadline for NRC staff reply to motions to reverse NRC staff determination(s).
(Receipt +30) If NRC staff finds standing and need for SUNSI, deadline for NRC staff to complete information processing and
file motion for Protective Order and draft Non-Disclosure Affidavit. Deadline for applicant/licensee to file Non-Disclosure
Agreement for SUNSI.
(Receipt +180) If NRC staff finds standing, need to know for SGI, and trustworthiness and reliability, deadline for NRC staff to
file motion for Protective Order and draft Non-disclosure Affidavit (or to make a determination that the proposed recipient of
SGI is not trustworthy or reliable). Note: Before the Office of Administration makes an adverse determination regarding access, the proposed recipient must be provided an opportunity to correct or explain information.
Deadline for petitioner to seek reversal of a final adverse NRC staff determination either before the presiding officer or another designated officer.
If access granted: Issuance of presiding officer or other designated officer decision on motion for protective order for access
to sensitive information (including schedule for providing access and submission of contentions) or decision reversing a
final adverse determination by the NRC staff.
Deadline for filing executed Non-Disclosure Affidavits. Access provided to SUNSI and/or SGI consistent with decision issuing
the protective order.
Deadline for submission of contentions whose development depends upon access to SUNSI and/or SGI. However, if more
than 25 days remain between the petitioner’s receipt of (or access to) the information and the deadline for filing all other
contentions (as established in the notice of hearing or opportunity for hearing), the petitioner may file its SUNSI or SGI contentions by that later deadline.
(Contention receipt +25) Answers to contentions whose development depends upon access to SUNSI and/or SGI.
60 (Answer receipt +7) Petitioner/Intervenor reply to answers.
Decision on contention admission.

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[FR Doc. E8–28946 Filed 12–5–08; 8:45 am]

[OMB Control No. 3206–0156]

Proposed Information Collection;
Request for Comments on a Revised
Information Collection; Standard
Forms 2800 and 2800A

mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

AGENCY: Office of Personnel
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub.
L. 104–13, May 22, 1995), this notice
announces that the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) intends to submit to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) a request for review of a revised
information collection. This information
collection, ‘‘Application for Death
Benefits under the Civil Service
Retirement System (CSRS)’’ (OMB
Control No. 3206–0156; form SF 2800),
is needed to collect information so that
OPM can pay death benefits to the
survivors of Federal employees and

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annuitants. ‘‘Documentation and
Elections in Support of Application for
Death Benefits When Deceased Was an
Employee at the Time of Death’’ (OMB
Control No. 3206–0156; form SF
2800A), is needed for deaths in service
so that survivors can make the needed
elections regarding military service.
Comments are particularly invited on
whether this information is necessary
for the proper performance of functions
of the Office of Personnel Management,
and whether it will have practical
utility; whether our estimate of the
public burden of this collection of
information is accurate and based on
valid assumptions and methodology;
and ways in which we can minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond through the
use of appropriate technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Approximately 68,000 SF 2800’s are
processed annually. The completion
time for this form is approximately 45
minutes. An annual burden of 51,000
hours is estimated. Approximately 6,800
applicants will use SF 2800A annually.
The completion time for this form is
also approximately 45 minutes. An
annual burden of 5,100 hours is

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estimated. The total burden is 56,100
For copies of this proposal, contact
Margaret A. Miller by telephone at (202)
606–2699, by Fax (202) 418–3251, or by
e-mail at [email protected].
Please include a mailing address with
your request.
DATES: Comments on this proposal
should be received within 60 calendar
days from the date of this publication.
ADDRESS: Send or deliver comments to:
Ronald W. Melton, Deputy Assistant
Director, Retirement Services Program,
Center for Retirement and Insurance
Services, U.S. Office of Personnel
Management, 1900 E Street, NW., Room
3305, Washington, DC 20415–3500.
For Information Regarding
Administrative Coordination Contact:
Cyrus S. Benson, Team Leader,
Publications Team, RIS Support
Services/Support Group, U.S. Office of
Personnel Management, 1900 E Street,
NW., Room 4H28, Washington, DC
20415, (202) 606–0623.
Office of Personnel Management.
Howard Weizmann,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E8–28918 Filed 12–5–08; 8:45 am]



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2008-12-06
File Created2008-12-06

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