0703-0020 Supporting Documentation

0703-0020 Supporting Documentation.doc

Enlistee Financial Statement

OMB: 0703-0020

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1. An assessment of the ability of an individual who has someone either fully or partially dependent on them for

financial support is necessary to ensure that the individual will be able to meet their financial obligations on Navy pay. It would not benefit either the Navy or the enlistee if the financial obligations could not be met. In order to make this assessment, it is necessary to have information on the individual’s current financial situation.

There is no interim level authority defining this form. Title 5, USC, Section 301 establishes Departmental regulations. Title 10, USC, Section 503 provides information on enlistment, Section 504 provides information on persons not qualified for enlistment in the armed forces, Section 508 establishes reenlistment qualifications and Section 12103 establishes Reserve components qualifications.

2. The prospective enlistee provides information during an interview with a Navy recruiter. The information gathered is used by Navy recruiters and by recruiting management personnel in assessing the Navy applicant’s ability to meet their financial obligations on Navy pay. This prevents the enlistment of, and subsequent management difficulties with, people who cannot reasonably expect to meet their financial obligations on

Navy pay.

3. The burden involved in this information collection consists of the time required for completion of an approximately three page financial statement. Average response time for applicants was 45 minutes. This method is considered to be the most efficient method currently available when considering the respondents come from all over the United States. We are working toward meeting the requirements of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act.

4. No similar financial information on the applicant’s current financial picture is available on any other forms or documents used in the recruitment process. The information provided is not previously available elsewhere.

5. The collection of information does not impact small business or other small entities.

6. The collection of information is needed in order to make a fair and reasonable assessment of the ability of an applicant to meet their financial obligations on Navy pay and to evaluate the extent of the enlistee’s debts; therefore, it is not possible to reduce the frequency of collection.

7. No Paperwork Reduction Act imposed guidelines must be exceeded. Collection is consistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d).

8. A copy of notice published in the Federal Register (Vol. 73, P. 72033, dated November 26, 2008) is attached. No public comments were received. The Navy Recruiting Command’s financial statement has been designed and developed by persons knowledgeable with the Navy’s requirements. Navy recruiters hold periodic discussions with applicants and have minimized difficulties with responses and maximized the useful information obtained.

9. No payment or gift will be provided to respondents.

10. Information is collected on a continual basis and is not reported or published. Applicants are informed in writing that the requested information is covered under the Privacy Act, and that the information will be used only for assisting the applicant’s ability to meet their financial obligation on Navy pay. If the individual is enlisted in the Navy, the information is retained in the enlistee’s residual file for a period of four years and is then destroyed. If the individual is rejected and not enlisted in the Navy, the information is destroyed. This information is not the only prerequisite for enlistment in the Navy but assists in determining if the individual can exist on Navy salary.

11. No information of a sensitive nature is required in the reference application.

12. Estimate of information collection burden:

Number of respondents: 3,300

Number of responses per respondent: 1

Annual burden hours: 2,475

Response burden: 45 minutes

Response frequency: On occasion

Total burden: 2,475 hours

The estimated annual cost to each respondent is $18.00, allowing for 45 minutes (average wage rate/hr $24.00 for First Class Petty Officers).

13. There will be no additional cost burden to respondents.

14. Estimates of annualized costs to the Federal Government follow:

Personnel: $19,800

Operating costs

Equipment: None

Overhead: None

Paper/printing/faxing: $330.00

Total: $20,130

Personnel time (15 minutes each at $24.00 per hour) = Government personnel costs. There are no overhead costs. Printing costs are actual costs.

15. This is an extension of a previously approved collection for which approval was previously granted.

16. The results of this information collection will not be published.

17. Approval is not sought for avoiding display of the expiration date for OMB approval.

18. There will be no exceptions to the certification statement identified in Item 19, “Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions”, of OMB Form 83-1.



. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION EMPLOYING STATISTICAL METHODS: The collection of this information does not employ statistical methods.


File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByPatricia L Toppings
File Modified2009-05-31
File Created2009-05-14

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