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OMB CONTROL NO. 0648-0515
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) 16
U.S.C. 1801 et seq. authorizes the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) to
prepare and amend fishery management plans for any fishery in waters under its jurisdiction.
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) manages the crab fisheries in the waters off the coast
of Alaska under the Fishery Management Plan for Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab and
groundfish under the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery of the Bering Sea and
Aleutian Islands and the Fishery Management Plan (FMPs) for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska.
Regulations implementing the FMPs appear at 50 CFR part 679 for groundfish and 50 CFR part
680 for shellfish.
An interagency electronic reporting system (IERS) was implemented for use in the fisheries of
the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). NMFS requires that eLandings, the data entry component
of IERS, be used as a single reporting system for commercial harvest and production of
groundfish (including rockfish), Pacific halibut, and certain species of crab. eLandings allows
processors and others to make all three required landings reports with a single reporting system
to NMFS, the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC), and Alaska Department of Fish
and Game (ADF&G). NMFS collects groundfish harvest and production data for FMP species
in the EEZ. ADF&G collects harvest data for groundfish species taken in the State of Alaska
(State) waters, and has responsibility for some fisheries in the EEZ, such as lingcod and black
rockfish. ADF&G and NMFS cooperatively manage the Crab Rationalization Program (CR)
fisheries. NMFS and IPHC cooperatively manage Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Pacific
halibut in both State waters and in the EEZ.
This action is a request for renewal of this collection-of-information.
Using eLandings removes reporting duplications and makes recordkeeping and reporting
simpler. Additional benefits of the eLandings system include:
• Immediate verification of permits and vessel identification;
• Timely catch reports for management agency use;
• Options for processors to import or export catch and production information; and
• Significant reduction in data entry by management agencies and processors.
Processors report groundfish, crab, Pacific halibut, and sablefish landings on the eLandings
website ( and print records of those landings in the format of an
ADF&G fish ticket. Fish and shellfish are reported and printed as daily at-sea or shoreside
production reports. Pacific halibut, sablefish, and crab IFQ information is printed in the format
of an IFQ landing report. These paper copies are maintained for enforcement purposes.
Clients with no web access, such as the at-sea fleet, will use eLandings client desktop software
provided by NMFS and submit landing reports as e-mail attachments. The vessels use satellite
communications which may or may not include telephone, Internet, text messaging, e-mail, and
e-mail attachment capabilities.
1. Explain the circumstances that make the collection of information necessary.
eLandings is used to debit annual harvest and production amounts. eLandings is a more
convenient, accurate, and timely method of reporting than current paper forms and logbooks,
mainly because fishery participants do not have to enter data three times to comply with three
different fishery management agencies. Additionally, eLandings provides continuous access to
individual accounts by participants. These provisions make recordkeeping and reporting
requirements less burdensome by allowing participants to more efficiently monitor their accounts
and fishing activities.
eLandings is expected to strengthen the partnership between NMFS, ADF&G, and IPHC by
minimizing the burden and maximizing the utility of information created, collected, maintained,
used, disseminated, and retained. The use of eLandings incorporates the goals of the
Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) by ensuring that information technology is
acquired, used, and managed to improve performance of agency missions, including the
reduction of information collection burdens on the public.
2. Explain how, by whom, how frequently, and for what purpose the information will be
used. If the information collected will be disseminated to the public or used to support
information that will be disseminated to the public, then explain how the collection
complies with all applicable Information Quality Guidelines.
eLandings is the data entry portion of the IERS for reporting commercial fishery landings in
Alaska. eLandings is used to report landings and production data for groundfish, IFQ halibut,
IFQ sablefish, Community Development Quota (CDQ) halibut, IFQ and CDQ crab, and
Community of Adak golden king crab. In the future, the system will include landings for
shellfish and salmon.
Having worked with the industry over the years, it is known that all Users have computers with
Internet connectivity, which will support Internet submissions of commercial fishery landings,
production data, and discard or disposition data. The User will enter this information over the
Internet at by logging on to the eLanding system or by using the
desktop client software.
The User must print daily onsite through eLandings each landing report, eLandings production
report, and if an IFQ delivery, each IFQ receipt. The parties to the information must
acknowledge the accuracy of the printed reports by signing them and entering date signed.
The User must retain a printed paper copy onsite or onboard of each landing report; each
production report; if IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut, each landing receipt; if IFQ
crab, each crab IFQ landing receipt. In addition, the User of a shoreside processor, stationary
floating processor (SFP), catcher/processor, mothership, Registered Buyer, and Registered Crab
Receiver must make the printed copies available upon request of NMFS observers and
authorized officers.
This renewal summary uses actual number of eLandings reports submitted annually rather than
numbers of potential submissions by number of permits. This number also reflects revisions as
well as original reports.
a. eLandings processor registration
Before using the eLandings system to report landings, production, discard, and disposition data,
the User must request authorization to use the system, reserve a unique User ID, and obtain a
password by using the Internet to complete the eLandings Processor Registration at Once registered, the User is not required to
register again unless ownership changes; new ownership requires a new Federal permit and
ADF&G processor code.
Upon receipt of the registration information, eLandings verifies that all of the required
information is provided in the correct format, and that the requested User ID is not already in
use. After completing registration or creating a new operation, eLandings will generate a User
Agreement Form.
The User must print, sign, and submit the registration form to NMFS Restricted Access
Management Program (RAM), eLandings Registration at fax number (907) 586-7354. The
User’s signature on the registration form means that the User agrees to the following terms:
♦ Use eLandings access privileges only for submitting legitimate fishery landing reports;
♦ Safeguard the User ID and password to prevent their use by unauthorized persons; and
♦ Ensure that the User is authorized to submit landing reports for the processor permit
number(s) listed.
Mail to:
eLandings Registration
P.O. Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802-1668
or fax to:
(907) 586-7354
Attn: eLandings Registration
or deliver to: NMFS RAM
eLandings Registration
709 West Ninth Street, Suite 713
Juneau, AK 99801.
NMFS will email confirmation to indicate that the User is registered, authorized to use
eLandings, and that the User ID and User’s account are enabled.
The User must enter the following information to obtain operation registration and User ID
registration. Information collected on an eLandings registration is necessary to identify the
participant and to provide authorization for the participant to use eLandings.
eLandings Processor Registration
Operation type
Operation name
ADF&G processor code
Enter all Federal permit numbers
If a shoreside processor or SFP, enter the Federal Processor Permit (FPP) number
If a catcher/processor or mothership, enter the Federal Fisheries Permit (FFP) number
If a Registered Buyer, enter the Registered Buyer permit number
If a Registered Crab Receiver, enter the Registered Crab Receiver (RCR) permit number
Home port code
ADF&G vessel registration number, if mothership or catcher/processor
If a buying station, enter the home port code
If a tender, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number
If a vehicle, enter the vehicle license number and state of license
Physical operation. If a buying station or custom processor, identify the associated processor
Operation type
ADF&G processor code
Applicable permit number
User ID registration for primary User
Requested User ID
Initial password
Company name and User name
City and state
Business telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address
Security question and security answer.
eLandings Processor Registration, Respondent
Number of respondents
Total annual responses
Frequency of response = 1
Total burden hours (3.75)
Time per response (15/60 = 0.25) x 15
Total personnel cost ($25/hr) x 4
Total miscellaneous cost (7.05)
Photocopy = 0.05 x 1 x 15 = 0.75
Postage = 0.42 x 15 = 6.30
4 hr
eLandings processor registration, Federal Government
Total annual responses
Total burden hours
4 hr
Time per response (15/60 = 0.25)
Total personnel cost ($25/hr)
Total miscellaneous cost
b. eLandings landing report
eLandings is an online data entry port through which data for four reports (under this Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) number) are entered. These reports are: groundfish landing
reports (IFQ and non-IFQ), crab landing reports, at-sea production reports (from
catcher/processors and motherships), and shoreside production reports (from shoreside
processors and SFPs. Additional information regarding eLandings may be found at
Information collected on an eLandings landing report is needed to identify the participant, to
monitor the deliveries to the facility as well as record discard and disposition of species, and for
management of various fisheries. Each of these reports is guided by a data entry time limit.
An optional manual landing report is available in the event the eLandings system and/or the
Internet is unavailable. A User who for any reason is unable to properly submit a landing report
or production report through eLandings must enter the information onto a manual landing report
for crab and groundfish (this collection-of-information) and for individual fishing quota (IFQ)
halibut or sablefish, OMB Control No. 0648-0272. The manual landing report must be used until
network connections are restored. When the network is restored, the User must enter this same
information into eLandings.
Shoreside processor or SFP
Information entered automatically for eLandings landing report
User ID
Processor company name
Business telephone number and e-mail address
Port of landing
ADF&G processor code and Federal permit number
Unique landing report number assigned by eLandings upon completion of data entry
Groundfish delivery information
Number of observers onboard
Crew size (including operator)
Management program name and identifying number (if any)
ADF&G groundfish statistical area of harvest
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) delivery was completed
If delivery is received from
a buying station other than a tender, enter name of buying station
a tender, enter ADF&G vessel registration number
a catcher vessel, enter ADF&G vessel registration number
If blue logsheet not received from a catcher vessel, enter NO and code for reason not provided
Gear type of harvester
Total estimated hail weight (to nearest pound)
ADF&G fish ticket number provided to catcher vessel
Landings information
Date of landing (mm/dd/yyyy)
Landed scale weight (to the nearest pound) by species code and delivery condition code
Discard or disposition information
Record discard or disposition information
that occurred on and was reported by a catcher vessel
that occurred on and was reported by a buying station
that occurred prior to, during, and after production of groundfish at the shoreside processor or SFP
when no groundfish are delivered but the blue Daily Fishing Logbooks (DFL) contains records of discards
or disposition
If groundfish or herring prohibited species catch (PSC)
Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code
Weight (to the nearest pound)
If PSC halibut, salmon, or crab
Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code
Count (in numbers of animals)
Groundfish delivery information
Number of observers onboard
Crew size (including operator)
Management program name and identifying number (if any)
ADF&G groundfish statistical area of harvest
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) that delivery was completed
If the delivery is received from a tender, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number of the vessel
If delivery received from a catcher vessel, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number of the vessel
Indicate whether the blue logsheet was received from catcher vessel
If NO, select the reason provided by the catcher vessel for not supplying this copy
Gear type of harvester
Total estimated round weight by species (pounds)
ADF&G fish ticket number provided to catcher vessel
Discard or disposition information
Record discard or disposition information
that occurred on and was reported by a catcher vessel
that occurred on and was reported by a buying station
that occurred prior to, during, and after production of groundfish at the mothership
when no groundfish are delivered but the blue DFL is submitted containing records
of discards or disposition
If groundfish or PSC herring
Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code
Weight (to the nearest pound)
If PSC halibut, salmon, or crab
Species code, delivery condition code, and disposition code
Count (in numbers of animals)
Registered Buyer
IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, and IFQ sablefish delivery information
User ID and password
Date (mm/dd) of the landing
Location of the landing (port code)
Permit numbers for receiving
IFQ hired master
CDQ halibut hired master
Registered Buyer
Delivery information
Harvesting vessel's ADF&G vessel registration number
Gear code used to harvest
ADF&G fish ticket number(s) for the landing
ADF&G statistical area of harvest
If ADF&G statistical area is bisected by a line dividing two IFQ regulatory areas, provide the
IFQ regulatory area of harvest
Initial accurate scale weight(s) (to the nearest pound) made at the time of offloading
for IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut sold and retained (where retained includes: fish intended
for personal use, fish weighed and reloaded for delivery to another processor, and fish landed but rejected
at the dock by the Registered Buyer)
Species codes, delivery condition code, and disposition code for each ADF&G statistical area of
Accurate weight of IFQ sablefish processed product obtained before the offload may be substituted before the
initial accurate scale weight at time of offload if the vessel operator is a Registered Buyer reporting an
IFQ sablefish landing
Whether initial accurate scale weight is given with or without ice and slime
Whether IFQ halibut is incidental catch concurrent with legal landing of salmon or concurrent with legal
landing of lingcod harvested using dinglebar gear
Signatures of Registered Buyer, IFQ permit holder, IFQ hired master permit holder, or CDQ hired master
permit holder
Registered Crab Receiver
IFQ crab delivery information
RCR permit number, IFQ crab permit number, and individual processing quota (IPQ) crab permit number,
as appropriate
ADF&G vessel registration number of the harvesting vessel
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) fishing began
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) of the IFQ crab landing
ADF&G fish ticket number (automatically supplied)
ADF&G statistical area of harvest
Species code and delivery-condition codes of catch
Number of crab retained and sold, condition code, product type, size/grade, sold pounds, and
optionally, price per pound
Scale weight of deadloss (to the nearest pound)
Scale weight of crab retained for personal use (to the nearest pound)
Information entered for IFQ crab custom processing landings. In addition to the information required for an IFQ
crab delivery, if custom processing IFQ crab, enter the ADF&G processor code of the person for which the
IFQ crab was custom processed
Signatures of Registered Crab Receiver, IFQ crab permit holder, IFQ crab hired master permit holder
eLandings landing report, Respondent
Number of respondents
Groundfish Landing Reports (IFQ and non IFQ): 195
Crab Landing Reports: 44
Total annual responses
Groundfish Landing Reports (IFQ and non IFQ): 20,422
Crab Landing Reports: 1,201
Total burden (12613.42)
Time per response = 35/60 (0.58)
Total personnel cost ($25/hr)
Total miscellaneous cost (2162.3)
Internet = 0.05 x 21,623 = 1081.15
Copies = 0.05 x 21,623 = 1081.15
eLandings landing report, Federal Government
Total annual responses
Total burden hours
Total personnel cost
Total miscellaneous cost
c. Manual (paper) landing report [Removed]
Because the manual landing report collects information that is meant to be entered into
eLandings, it is removed as a separate form. This information is incorporated into the cost and
burden of eLandings.
d. eLandings production report
The eLandings production reports are required for groundfish and are additional to the eLandings
landing reports. Information collected on an eLandings production report is necessary to identify
the participant; to monitor the discards and disposition product; and to monitor the product
leaving the facility.
Shoreside processor or SFP
Automatic information for eLandings production report
FPP number
Company name
ADF&G processor code
User name
email address
Production information
Reporting date
Number of observers onsite
Area of harvest (Gulf of Alaska (GOA) or Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area (BSAI))
Product description -- Product by species code, product type, and product code
Product weight – actual scale weight (to the nearest pound)
Whether no production or deliveries for the day
Catcher/processor or mothership
Automatic information for eLandings production report
FFP number
Company name
ADF&G processor code
User name
email address
Telephone number
Production information
Reporting date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Whether processor is a catcher/processor or mothership
Crew size (including operator)
Management program
Gear type of harvester
Federal reporting area of harvest
If harvest with trawl gear, whether C. Opilio Bycatch Limitation Zone (COBLZ) or Red King Crab Savings
Area (RKCSA)
Product by species code, product type, and product code
Product weight (to nearest 0.001 mt)
Whether no production for the day
Discard or disposition information
Record discard or disposition that occurred
Prior to, during, or after production
Species code and disposition code
Discard weight of groundfish and PSC herring (to nearest 0.001 mt)
Discard number of PSC Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king crab, and Tanner crab)
ADF&G statistical area
eLandings production report, Respondent
Number of respondents
At-sea production reports (from catcher/processors and
motherships): 94
Shoreside Production Reports: 84
Total annual responses
At-sea production reports: 14,378
Shoreside Production Reports: 10,048
Total burden hours (6,467.3)
Complete & print receipts
At-sea production reports = 20/60 (0.33) x 14,378 = 4,792.67
Shoreside production reports
= 10/60 (0.17) x 10,048 = 1674.67
Total personnel cost ($25/hr)
Total miscellaneous cost (2,442.60)
Photocopy = 0.05 x 24426 = 1,221.30
Internet = 0.05 x 24426 = 1,221.30
6,467 hr
eLandings production report, Federal Government
Total annual responses
Total burden hours
Total personnel cost
Total miscellaneous cost
It is anticipated that the information collected will be disseminated to the public or used to
support publicly disseminated information. As explained in the preceding paragraphs, the
information gathered has utility. NMFS will retain control over the information and safeguard it
from improper access, modification, and destruction, consistent with National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) standards for confidentiality, privacy, and electronic
information. See response to Question 10 of this Supporting Statement for more information on
confidentiality and privacy. The information collection is designed to yield data that meet all
applicable information quality guidelines. Prior to dissemination, the information will be
subjected to quality control measures and a pre-dissemination review pursuant to Section 515 of
Public Law 106-554.
3. Describe whether, and to what extent, the collection of information involves the use of
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological techniques or other forms of
information technology.
This collection is estimated to be 99% electronic. The eLandings registration, landings report,
and production report are submitted by Internet data entry at For
catcher/processors and motherships that do not have Internet service, a Desktop Client
Application (software package) can be used to generate files for submitting via email.
Manual landings reports are available for printing and completing at They must be mailed or
faxed to the local ADF&G office.
4. Describe efforts to identify duplication.
None of the information collected as part of this information collection duplicates other
5. If the collection of information involves small businesses or other small entities, describe
the methods used to minimize burden.
The proposed collection-of-information does not impose a significant impact on small entities.
6. Describe the consequences to the Federal program or policy activities if the collection is
not conducted or is conducted less frequently.
This action is necessary to improve recordkeeping and reporting efficiency for processors and to
improve the quality of data obtained by NMFS, ADF&G, and IPHC for fishery management
purposes. Advances in technology, public expectations, Congress’s GPEA mandate, and
Administration policy all require that agencies of the United States government move
expeditiously to adopt electronic processes. If this collection were not conducted, NMFS fishery
data collection would not be able to obtain this objective.
7. Explain any special circumstances that require the collection to be conducted in a
manner inconsistent with OMB guidelines.
No inconsistencies occur in this collection.
8. Provide information on the PRA Federal Register Notice that solicited public comments
on the information collection prior to this submission. Summarize the public comments
received in response to that notice and describe the actions taken by the agency in response
to those comments. Describe the efforts to consult with persons outside the agency to
obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of
instructions and recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting format (if any), and on the data
elements to be recorded, disclosed, or reported.
A Federal Register notice published on December 17, 2008 (73 FR 76615) solicited public
comments on this information collection. No comments were received.
9. Explain any decisions to provide payments or gifts to respondents, other than
remuneration of contractors or grantees.
No payment or gift will be provided under this program.
10. Describe any assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents and the basis for
assurance in statute, regulation, or agency policy.
As stated on the manual landing forms and the eLandings website, the information collected is
confidential under section 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (16 U.S.C. 1881a et seq.); and
also under NOAA Administrative Order (AO) 216-100, which sets forth procedures to protect
confidentiality of fishery statistics.
11. Provide additional justification for any questions of a sensitive nature, such as sexual
behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs, and other matters that are commonly considered
This information collection does not involve information of a sensitive nature.
12. Provide an estimate in hours of the burden of the collection of information.
Total estimated unique respondents: 239, decreased from 1,277. Total estimated responses:
46,064, decreased from 100,317. Total estimated burden: 19,084, decreased from 57,762 hr.
Total estimated personnel cost: $477,100 decreased from $1,444,050.
13. Provide an estimate of the total annual cost burden to the respondents or recordkeepers resulting from the collection (excluding the value of the burden hours in Question
12 above).
Total estimated miscellaneous costs: $4,612, decreased from $14,931.
14. Provide estimates of annualized cost to the Federal government.
Total estimated annual burden: 4, decreased from 319 hr. Total estimated personnel cost: $100,
decreased from $7,975.
15. Explain the reasons for any program changes or adjustments.
The following adjustments are made due to having actual annual numbers of responses:
IERS processor registration is decreased because registration is necessary only once unless
changes occur
a decrease of 1,262 respondents and responses, 15 instead of 1,277
a decrease of 315 burden, 4 instead of 319
a decrease of $7,875 personnel costs, $100 instead of $7,975
a decrease of $555 miscellaneous costs, $7 instead of $562
eLandings landings report is decreased because actual annual counts are available
a decrease of 1,038 respondents, 239 instead of 1,277
a decrease of 35,457 responses, 21,623 instead of 57,080
a decrease of 20,493 burden, 12,613 instead of 33,106
a decrease of $514,045 personnel costs, $315,325 instead of $827,650
a decrease of $2,347 miscellaneous costs, $2,162 instead of $4,509
eLandings production report is decreased because actual annual counts are available
a decrease of 27 respondents, 178 instead of 205
a decrease of 16,574 responses, 24,426 instead of 41,000
a decrease of 17,313 burden, 6,467 instead of 23,780
a decrease of $432,825 personnel costs, $161,675 instead of $594,500
a decrease of $1,657 miscellaneous costs, $2,443 instead of $4,100
Manual landing report is removed because the costs and burden are included in eLandings
a decrease of 20 respondents, 0 instead of 20
a decrease of 960 responses, 0 instead of 960
a decrease of 557 burden, 0 instead of 557
a decrease of $13,925 personnel costs, $0 instead of $13,925
a decrease of $5,760 miscellaneous costs, $0 instead of $5,760
16. For collections whose results will be published, outline the plans for tabulation and
The information collected will not be published.
17. If seeking approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the
information collection, explain the reasons why display would be inappropriate.
18. Explain each exception to the certification statement identified in Item 19 of the
OMB 83-I.
This collection does not employ statistical methods.
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | pbearden |
File Modified | 2009-06-11 |
File Created | 2009-06-11 |