30-day FRN 1660-0001

30-day FRN 1660-0001 pub 6-3-09.pdf

National Defense Executive Reserve Personal Qualifications Statement

30-day FRN 1660-0001

OMB: 1660-0001

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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 105 / Wednesday, June 3, 2009 / Notices

pilot programs, including the methods
and processes for collecting the required
information, after the pilots are


Notice of Requirements for Biometric
Collection From Aliens
In accordance with Immigration and
Nationality Act (INA) section 215, as
implemented in 8 CFR 215.8 and INA
section 235, as implemented in 8 CFR
235.1, DHS hereby provides a notice of
the requirements for biometric
collection from aliens, as follows:
(a) Aliens subject to notice: Aliens
subject to the conditions of entry
specified at 8 CFR 235.1(f)(1)(ii) are
subject to this notice and may be
required to provide biometric
information at the time of departure
from the United States.
(b) Aliens exempt: This notice does
not apply to (i) aliens admitted on A–
1, A–2, C–3 (except for attendants,
servants, or personal employees of
accredited officials), G–1, G–2, G–3, G–
4, NATO–1, NATO–2, NATO–3, NATO–
4, NATO–5, or NATO–6 visas, unless
the Secretary of State and the Secretary
of Homeland Security jointly determine
that a class of such aliens should be
subject to this notice; (ii) children under
the age of 14; (iii) persons over the age
of 79; (iv) classes of aliens the Secretary
of Homeland Security and the Secretary
of State jointly determine shall be
exempt; or (v) an individual alien whom
the Secretary of Homeland Security, the
Secretary of State, or the Director of
Central Intelligence determines shall be
exempt. Aliens admitted on A–1, A–2,
C–3 (except for attendants, servants, or
personal employees of accredited
officials), G–1, G–2, G–3, G–4, NATO–
1, NATO–2, NATO–3, NATO–4, NATO–
5, or NATO–6 visas who are no longer
in such status on the date of departure,
however, are subject to the departure
requirements of this notice. Aliens
exempted from paragraph (a) who are no
longer in an exempted status on the date
of departure are subject to the departure
requirements of this notice.
(c) Biometric information: All aliens
subject to this notice shall, at the time
of departure from designated air ports,
submit electronic fingerprints and
provide their travel documents as
requested at the departure inspection
(d) Airport(s) designated for US–VISIT
inspection at time of alien departure:
• Atlanta, Georgia (Hartsfield-Jackson
Atlanta International Airport).
• Detroit, Michigan (Detroit
Metropolitan Wayne County Airport).

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Paperwork Reduction Act
US–VISIT, through TSA and CBP, is
requiring aliens to provide biometric
data in certain limited circumstances
described above. This requirement is
considered an information collection
requirement under the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.).
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, has
previously approved this information
collection for use. The OMB control
number for this collection is 1600–0006.
The fingerprint collection covered by
1600–0006 is unchanged from
previously published documentation.
The US–VISIT air exit pilots use,
collect, and share personally
identifiable information (PII) in
accordance with the US–VISIT/IDENT
System of Records Notice (SORN),
applicable privacy impact assessments
(PIAs), privacy laws, regulations,
guidance, agreements, and best practices
to ensure that individual privacy is
appropriately protected. The US–VISIT
Privacy Office published a
comprehensive PIA on May 27, 2009,
that includes the assessment for the
elements being tested in the air exit
pilots that addresses the use, collection,
and retention of PII associated with the
pilots, identifies possible risks and
proposes mitigating strategies. The PIA
was reviewed and approved by the
Director of US–VISIT and the DHS Chief
Privacy Officer. The PIA was published
on the DHS public Web site at http://
The DHS Chief Privacy Officer, in
conjunction with the US–VISIT Privacy
Officer, exercises oversight of the US–
VISIT program to ensure that the
information maintained by US–VISIT is
appropriately protected under privacy
laws and guidance. DHS has established
procedures to ensure the security,
accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and
completeness of all information
maintained by US–VISIT. Information is
safeguarded in terms of applicable rules
and policies, including DHS policies for
automated systems security and access.
Only those persons with an official need
to know information for the
performance of their duties have access.
Records of all individuals, including
non-U.S. citizens, are protected in
accordance with applicable privacy
laws and regulations.
Individuals, including non-U.S.
citizens, who wish to contest or seek an
amendment of their records may submit
an inquiry via the DHS Traveler Redress

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Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP), a Webbased portal available at http://
www.dhs.gov/trip, or by writing to the
US–VISIT program office and sending a
fax to (202) 298–5201 or an e-mail to
[email protected]. A mailed
inquiry may be sent to the following
address: Privacy Officer, US–VISIT,
National Protection and Programs
Directorate, Department of Homeland
Security, Washington, DC 20528.
However, because security concerns
occasionally cause mail delays, the
other communication methods are
preferred and may result in quicker
responses. The request should include
the requester’s full name, current
address, date of birth, and a detailed
explanation of the amendment sought.
More information on redress procedures
can be found at http://www.dhs.gov/
xtrvlsec/programs/editorial 0436.shtm.
If the matter cannot be resolved by the
US–VISIT Privacy Officer, further
appeal for resolution may be made to
the DHS Chief Privacy Officer at the
following address: Chief Privacy Officer,
U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
Washington, DC 20528; telephone (202)
282–8000; or fax (202) 772–5036.
Robert A. Mocny,
Director, US–VISIT.
[FR Doc. E9–12939 Filed 6–2–09; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID: FEMA–2009–0001]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
AGENCY: Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Notice; 30-day notice and
request for comments; revision of a
currently approved information
collection; OMB No. 1660–0001; FEMA
Form 646–0–1 (new number assignment
replacing FEMA Form 85–3), National
Defense Executive Reserve Personal
Qualifications Statement.
SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) has
submitted the information collection
abstracted below to the Office of
Management and Budget for review and
clearance in accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. The submission
describes the nature of the information
collection, the categories of



Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 105 / Wednesday, June 3, 2009 / Notices
respondents, the estimated burden (i.e.,
the time, effort and resources used by
respondents to respond) and cost, and
includes the actual data collection
instruments FEMA will use.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before July 6, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
on the proposed information collection
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget. Comments
should be addressed to the Desk Officer
for the Department of Homeland
Security, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, and sent via
electronic mail to
[email protected] or faxed
to (202) 395–6974.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
should be made to Director, Records
Management Division, 1800 South Bell
Street, Arlington, VA 20598–3005,
facsimile number (202) 646–3347, or email address FEMA–[email protected].



Collection of Information
Title: National Defense Executive
Reserve Personal Qualifications
Type of information collection:
Revision of a currently approved
information collection.
OMB Number: 1660–0001.
Form Titles and Numbers: FEMA
Form 646–0–1 (new number assignment
replacing FEMA Form 85–3), National
Defense Executive Reserve Personal
Qualifications Statement.
Abstract: FEMA Form 646–0–1,
National Defense Executive Reserve
Personal Qualifications Statement, is an
application form that is used by Federal
departments and agencies to fill NDER
vacancies. To become a Reservist,
individuals with the requisite
qualifications must complete the
application form. FEMA serves as the
NDER coordinator for all Federal
departments and agencies, ensuring that
applicants are not already serving in a
Federal department or agency sponsored
unit and determines the Federal
department or agency best suited for the
Affected Public: ‘‘Individuals or
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Frequency of Response: Once.
Estimated Average Hour Burden per
Respondent: .5 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 5 hours.

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Estimated Cost: There is no annual
reporting or recordkeeping costs
associated with this collection.
Larry Gray,
Director, Records Management Division,
Office of Management, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. E9–12828 Filed 6–2–09; 8:45 am]

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Form I–907, Revision of a
Currently Approved Information
Collection; Comment Request
ACTION: 30-Day Notice of Information
Collection Under Review: Form I–907,
Request for Premium Processing
Service; OMB Control No. 1615–0048.

The Department of Homeland
Security, U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) has
submitted the following information
collection request to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and clearance in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995. The information collection was
previously published in the Federal
Register on February 5, 2009, at 74 FR
6171, allowing for a 60-day public
comment period. USCIS did not receive
any comments.
The purpose of this notice is to allow
an additional 30 days for public
comments. Comments are encouraged
and will be accepted until July 6, 2009.
This process is conducted in accordance
with 5 CFR 1320.10.
Written comments and/or suggestions
regarding the item(s) contained in this
notice, especially regarding the
estimated public burden and associated
response time, should be directed to the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), and to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), USCIS
Desk Officer. Comments may be
submitted to: USCIS, Chief, Regulatory
Products Division, Clearance Office, 111
Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC
20529–2210. Comments may also be
submitted to DHS via facsimile to 202–
272–8352 or via e-mail at
[email protected], and to the OMB USCIS
Desk Officer via facsimile at 202–395–
6974 or via e-mail at
[email protected].

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When submitting comments by e-mail
please make sure to add OMB Control
Number 1615–0048 in the subject box.
Written comments and suggestions from
the public and affected agencies should
address one or more of the following
four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques, or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Revision of an existing information
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
Request for Premium Processing
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the
Department of Homeland Security
sponsoring the collection: Form I–907.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: Individuals and
households. This form will be used by
USCIS to provide employers the
opportunity to request faster processing
of certain employment-based petitions
and applications.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
• Filing by Mail 97,000 responses
at 30 minutes (.50) per response.
• Electronically 3,000 responses at
20 minutes (.333) per response.
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: 49,500 annual burden hours.
If you need a copy of the information
collection instrument, please visit the
Web site at: http://www.regulations.gov/
We may also be contacted at: USCIS,
Regulatory Products Division, 111



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2009-06-03
File Created2009-06-03

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