PC-912.2 and PC-91 RPCV Survey Question and Focus Group Question

Discussion Guide: Focus Groups With Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in the Private Sector/RPCV Survey

RPCV Survey Question and Focus Group Form (PC-912.2 and PC-12.3)

Intention To Conduct a Survey of and Focus Groups With Returned Peace Corps Volunteers

OMB: 0420-0543

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RPCV Survey Question

Focus Group Question

Did you have specific career plans you believed would be enhanced by serving in the Peace Corps?

      Did your career choice influence you to join the Peace Corps?

o       Did anyone ever suggest to you that you should consider the Peace Corps to enhance your credentials or qualifications for your career?


Did Peace Corps service shape, influence, or change your career choices?

      Do you think your current career choice was influenced by your Peace Corps service? 

      How have you used the skills or experiences you gained as a Volunteer in your career?

o       How has being a Volunteer influenced your career?


When you look back at your career path, do you think your Peace Corps service:

  1. Hurt your career?

  2. Neither helped nor hurt your career?

  3. Was of some help to your career?

  4. Was of great help to your career?

  5. Not sure?

6.      Overall, how has your Peace Corps experience influenced your career path or development

a.      Helped?

b.      Hindered?

c.      Influenced which career path you took?


Overall, how do you think your employer(s) has viewed the value of your Peace Corps Service?

      Did the Peace Corps make you more marketable for the job(s) you sought?

o       Do employers, potential employers or co workers generally know that you are an RPCV?

o       What effect do you think that information has on your marketability and/or career mobility?


Below is a list of skills and abilities that Volunteers commonly report having developed through their Peace Corps service.  Please mark each skill and/or ability your developed as a Peace Corps Volunteer AND those that have been useful in your career. 

  1. Flexibility

  2. Grant Writing

  3. Interpersonal skills

  4. Language skills

  5. Leadership/team building skills

  6. patience

  7. Problem solving/resourcefulness

  8. Project planning/management

  9. Self-confidence

  10. Teaching skills

  11. Understand, accept and appreciate different cultures

  12. Other (please specify)

      How has your Peace Corps experience affected your job performance or how well you are able to do your job?

      How, if at all, does your Peace Corps service relate to your current position?


Did your Peace Corps experience influence your decision to return to school?

      Did your Peace Corps experience influence your educational path, which then influenced your career path?


What professional associations, if any, do you belong to?

      Has your Peace Corps experience influenced the professional organizations or activities that you are involved in?

o       Are you involved in any RPCV networks that focus on professional development?


PC-912.2 (07/2009) PC-912.3 (07/2009)

PC-912.2 (07/2009) PC-912.3 (07/2009)

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleRPCV Survey Question
AuthorCaroline Allen
Last Modified ByCaroline Allen
File Modified2009-07-30
File Created2009-07-30

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