Crosswalk for Public Computer Ctr and Sustainable Appls

Final Eval Crosswalk Analysis.PCC.SA.070209.xls

BTOP-Broadband Infrastructure, Public Computer Center, and Sustainable Adoption Applications Requirements

Crosswalk for Public Computer Ctr and Sustainable Appls

OMB: 0660-0031

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Public Computer Centers
Sustainable Adoption

Sheet 1: Public Computer Centers

Public Computer Centers Application

Question Category Question Number Statute NoFA Comments
Applicant Legal Name 1-A.i 6001(e)(2); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.3 line 1155: identify of applicant
EIN/TIN 1-A.ii 6001(e)(2) VI.D.3 line 1155: identify of applicant
Address 1-A 6001(e)(2) VI.D.3 line 1155: general applicant information
Contact Person 1-B 6001(e)(2) VI.D.3 line 1155: general applicant information
DUNS 1-C.i 6001(e)(2) VI.B.1 line 859: requires DUNS number Required for
CCR number 1-C.ii 6001(e)(2) VI.B.2 line 864 requires CCR number Purpose is to allow NTIA to accept electronic signatures
Funding Opportunity Number & Title 1-C.iii 6001(e)(2)

CFDA Number & Title 1-C.iv 6001(e)(2) line 64
Organization Classification 1-D 6001(e)(1); 6001(i)(5) V.B.1 line 561: Eligible Entities

V.B.2 line 576 BTOP Public Interest Finding

VII.A.2.a line 1471: Reviewers to consider whether applicants are SDBs or are contracting with SDBs
Delinquency on Federal Debt 1-E 6001(e)(2) See DoC Interim Grants Manual Chapter 9, Section F.2
Congressional Districts 1-F 6001(i)(5); 6001(h)(1) II.B.3 line 329: NTIA to consider geographic distribution of grants, including 1 per state

II.B.3 line 337: NTIA to consider recommendations of states

VI.D.3 line 1159: Applicants must list Congressional Districts
Project Description 2 6001(e)(2); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.3 line 1157: Description to be made public
Project Type 3 123 Stat. at 118 I line 245: Three categories of eligible projects
Other applications under BTOP or BIP 4 6001(e)(2)

Estimated Funding 5 123 Stat. at 128; 6001(g) V.D.3 line 1160: Dollar amount of funding request
Eligibility Factors 6 6001(e)(2)-(5); 6001(d)(3); 6001(b); 6001(f) NOFA Section V.C line 586 et seq
Fully Completed Application
6001(e)(2) V.C.1.a line 595: Fully Completed Application
Offer Broadband Service Meeting Definition
6001(b) III. Line 384: Broadband definition
Project Completion
6001(c)(3) V.C.1.b line 598: Timely Completion
Advances BTOP Statutory Purposes
6001(b) V.C.4.a line 702: Conformity with Statutory Purposes
Cost Matching
6001(f) V.C.4.b line 704: applicant must provide 20% or request a waiver
But For Federal Funding
6001(e)(3) V.C.4.c line 728: Demonstration that the Project Could not be Implemented But For Federal Grant Assistance
Technical Feasibility
6001(e)(4); 6001(h) V.C.1.c line 605: Applications must be technically feasible
Reasonable Budget and Eligible Costs
6001(e)(4)-(5) V.C.4.d line 736: Project budget must be reasonable

V.D.1 line 745: Award funds must be used only to pay for eligible costs.
Executive Summary of Overall Proposal 7 Sec 6001(e)(2); Sec 6001(i)(5) VI.D.2 line 1098: requires applicants to include an executive summary
Project Purpose 8 Sec 6001(b) II.B.2 line 262: all projects must advance one or more of the five BTOP statutory purposes

VII.A.2.a, line 1448: fit with BTOP purposes evaluated

VII.A.2.a line 1458: Recovery Act and other governmental collaboration
Recovery Act and Other Governmental Collaboration 9 See, e.g.,123 Stat. at 208, 214 VII.A.2.a line 1458: Recovery Act and other governmental collaboration
Enhanced Services for Health Care Delivery, Education, and Children 10 6001(h)(2)(C) VI.C.2 line 931: project purposes

VII.A.2.a, line 1466: evaluated in project purpose
Small and Disadvantaged Business Involvement 11 6001(h)(3) VI.D.2, line 1118: requires applicants to summarize planned agreements with small businesses

VII.A.2.a line 1471: reviewers will give consideration for being or establishing agreements with SDBs
Public Availability 12 123 Stat. at 128; 6001(b); 6001(g)(4); 6001(h)(2) VII.A.2.b line 1528: project to be evaluated on availability to public
Restrictions on Center Use 13 123 Stat. at 128; 6001(b); 6001(g)(4); 6001(h)(2) VII.A.2.b line 1528: project to be evaluated on availability to public
Accessibility 14 6001(g)(4) VII.A.2.b line 1528: project to be evaluated on availability to public

V.D.3.b line 808: Grantees may use funds to facilitate access to broadband services
Center Locations 15 6001(b)(3); 6001(e)(2)-(3); 6001(h)(2); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.2 line 1126: requires applicants to provide the location of each Center
Center Capacity 16 6001(e)(2)-(3); 6001(g)(1); 6001(h)(2) V.D.3 line 803: Grantees may use public computer center funds to purchase broadband-related equipment

VI.D.2 line 1131: requires applicants to indicate equipment to be provided

VII.A.2.b line 1528: project to be evaluated on availability to public
Size and Scope of Target Audience 17 6001(h)(2)(a) VI.C.2 line 933: NTIA will consider the size and scope of the populations to be served

VII.A.2.b line 1528: project to be evaluated on availability to public
Vulnerable Populations 18 6001(b)(3)(B); 6001(g)(4) VII.A.2.a line 1449 footnote 39: project purpose

V.D.3.b line 808: Grantees may use funds to facilitate access to broadband services
Outreach 19 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.b line 1532: project to be evaluated on availability to public including public outreach
Peripherals and Equipment 20 6001(g)(1) V.D.3 line 803: Grantees may use public computer center funds to purchase broadband-related equipment

VI.D.2 line 1131: requires applicants to indicate equipment to be provided
Workstation Software 21 6001(g)(1) V.D.3 line 804: Grantees may use public computer center funds to purchase broadband-related software

VI.D.2 line 1131: requires applicants to indicate software to be provided
Training and Education Programs 22 6001(b)(3) VII.A.2.b line 1535: project to be evaluated on training and educational programs offered
Technology Strategy 23 6001(e)(4) V.C.1.b line 605: Technical Feasibility required

VII.A.2.c line 1557: project to be scored on technical solution and system design
Management Team Resumes 24 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1568: reviewers will consider years of experience and expertise of the project management team
Organizational Readiness 25 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1566: reviewers will consider applicant's organizational capability
Organizational Chart 26 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1566: reviewers will consider applicant's organizational capability
Key Partners 27 6001(e)(4); 6001(b)(3)-(4) VII.A.2.c line 1571: reviewers will consider the level of community involvement in the project
Contracting and/or Partnering with Disadvantaged Businesses 28 6001(h)(3) VII.A.2.c line 1574: reviewers will consider whether partners are SBDs
Project Timeline and Challenges 29 6001(d)(3); 6001(e)(4); 6001(i)(5) VII.A.2.c line 1580: reviewers will consider ability to start project promptly and other aspects of timeline, including challenges
Licenses and Regulatory Approvals 30 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1583: reviewers will consider ability to start project promptly, including whether applicant has secured all licenses, franchises and regulatory approvals
Legal Opinion 31 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1566: reviewers will consider applicant's organizational capability
Budget Narrative 32 6001(e)(4);6001(g) VII.A.2.d line 1588: reviewers will consider reasonableness of the project budget
Reasonableness 33 6001(e)(4)-(5) VII.A.2.d line 1588: reviewers will consider reasonableness of the project budget
Demonstration of Financial Need 34 6001(e)(3) V.C.4.c line 728: Demonstration that the Project Could not be Implemented But For Federal Grant Assistance
Historical Financial Statements 35 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1566: reviewers will consider applicant's organizational capability

VII.A.2.d line 1592: reviewers will consider the sustainability of the project
Sustainability 36 123 Stat. at 128; 3(a)(1); 6001(b)(5); 6001(h)(2)(A) VII.A.2.d line 1592: reviewers will consider the sustainability of the project
Matching Funds 37 6001(f); 6001(e)(5) V.C.4.b line 704: applicant must provide 20% or request a waiver

VII.A.2.d line 1600: reviewers will consider leverage of outside resources; additional consideration for cash, more than 20%
Unjust Enrichment 38 6001(e)(6); 6001(h)(2)(D) II.B.3 line 334: NTIA to consider avoidance of unjust enrichment

V.C.4.b line 717: federal funds may not be used as matching funds

V.C.4.e line 740: NTIA to consider unjust enrichment
Disclosure of Federal and/or State Funding Sources 39 6001(e)(6) V.C.1.d line 608: Applicants must disclose other federal or state funding
Buy American 40 1605 IX.C.5 line 1818: Certification that applicant meets Buy American requirements or satisfies waiver requirements
Environmental Questionnaire 41 NEPA (42 USC 4321 et seq.), NHPA (16 USC 470 et seq.), and ESA (16 USC 1534 et seq.) VI.D.2 line 1150: applicants to complete environmental questionnaire

X.F line 1986: applicants to complete environmental questionnaire
Certifications 42 6001(e)(4); 6001(f); 1605; 1609 IX.C.5 line 1795: Certifications
6001(e)(3),(5),(6) VI.D.3, line 1144: requires applicants to provide budget information

VII.A.2.d line 1588: reviewers will consider reasonableness of the project budget
6001(e)(4) X.O, line 2068: compliance with applicable laws
6001(e)(3),(5),(6) VI.D.3, line 1144: requires applicants to provide budget information

VII.A.2.d line 1588: reviewers will consider reasonableness of the project budget
6001(e)(4) X.O, line 2068: compliance with applicable laws




Sheet 2: Sustainable Adoption

Sustainable Adoption & Demand Application

Question Category Question Number Statute NoFA Comments
Applicant Legal Name 1-A.i 6001(e)(2); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.3 line 1155: identify of applicant
EIN/TIN 1-A.ii 6001(e)(2) VI.D.3 line 1155: identify of applicant
Address 1-A 6001(e)(2) VI.D.3 line 1155: general applicant information
Contact Person 1-B 6001(e)(2) VI.D.3 line 1155: general applicant information
DUNS 1-C.i 6001(e)(2) VI.B.1 line 859: requires DUNS number Required for
CCR number 1-C.ii 6001(e)(2) VI.B.2 line 864 requires CCR number Purpose is to allow NTIA to accept electronic signatures
Funding Opportunity Number & Title 1-C.iii 6001(e)(2)

CFDA Number & Title 1-C.iv 6001(e)(2) line 64
Organization Classification 1-D 6001(e)(1); 6001(i)(5) V.B.1 line 561: Eligible Entities

V.B.2 line 576 BTOP Public Interest Finding

VII.A.2.a line 1471: Reviewers to consider whether applicants are SDBs or are contracting with SDBs
Delinquency on Federal Debt 1-E 6001(e)(2) See DoC Interim Grants Manual Chapter 9, Section F.2
Congressional Districts 1-F 6001(i)(5); 6001(h)(1) II.B.3 line 329: NTIA to consider geographic distribution of grants, including 1 per state

II.B.3 line 337: NTIA to consider recommendations of states

VI.D.3 line 1159: Applicants must list Congressional Districts
Project Description 2 6001(e)(2); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.3 line 1157: Description to be made public
Project Type 3 123 Stat. at 118 I line 245: Three categories of eligible projects
Other applications under BTOP or BIP 4 6001(e)(2)

Estimated Funding 5 123 Stat. at 128; 6001(g) V.D.3 line 1160: Dollar amount of funding request
Eligibility Factors 6 6001(e)(2)-(5); 6001(d)(3); 6001(b); 6001(f) NOFA Section V.C, line 586 et seq

V.D.3 line 1161: Applicant must verify it meets eligibility factors
Fully Completed Application
6001(e)(2) V.C.1.a line 595: Fully Completed Application
Project Completion
6001(c)(3) V.C.1.b line 598: Timely Completion
Advances Statutory Purposes
6001(b) V.C.4.a line 702: Conformity with Statutory Purposes
Cost Matching
6001(f) V.C.4.b line 704: Cost Sharing/Matching
But For Federal Funding
6001(e)(3) V.C.4.c. line 728: Demonstration that the Project Could not be Implemented But For Federal Grant Assistance
Technically Feasible
6001(e)(4) V.C.1.c line 605: Applications must be technically feasible
Reasonable Budget and Eligible Costs
6001(g) V.C.4.d line 736: Project budget must be reasonable

V.D.1 line 745: Award funds must be used only to pay for eligible costs.
Executive Summary of Overall Proposal 7 6001(e)(2) VI.D.3 line 1172: Applicants to include an executive summary
Project Purpose 8 6001(b) II.B.2 line 262: All projects must advance one or more of the five BTOP statutory purposes

V.D.3, line 1178: Applicants to provide description of purpose

VII.A.2.a line 1448: Reviewers to consider fit with BTOP purposes
Recovery Act & Other Governmental Collaboration 9 See, e.g.,123 Stat. at 208, 214 VII.A.2.a line 1458: Recovery Act and other governmental collaboration
Enhanced Services for Health Care Delivery, Education and Children 10 6001(h)(2)(C) VI.C.3 line 937: Project purposes

VI.D.3, line 1192: Applicants to provide information on how program would enhance service for health care delivery, education, and children

VII.A.2.a, line 1466: Reviewers to consider this in project purpose
Small and Disadvantaged Business Involvement 11 6001(h)(3) VI.D.3, line 1194: Applicants to summarize planned contracts with small businesses

VII.A.2.a line 1471: reviewers will give consideration for being or establishing agreements with SDBs
Innovative Approach 12 123 Stat. at 128 VI.D.3, line 1173: Applicants to describe how project is innovative

VII.A.2.b, line 1553: Projects to be evaluated on innovation
Household Subscribers 13 6001(b)(5); 6001(h)(2)(A) VI.D.3 line 1199: Applicants to describe number of new users to be generated

VII.A.2.b line 1544: Applications to be evaluated on # of new subscribers
Institutional Subscribers 14 6001(b)(5); 6001(h)(2)(A) VI.D.3 line 1199: Applicants to describe number of new users to be generated

VII.A.2.b line 1544: Applications to be evaluated on # of new subscribers
Users of Public Access Facilities 15 6001(b)(5) VI.D.3 line 1199: Applicants to describe number of new users to be generated

VII.A.2.b line 1544: Applications to be evaluated on # of new users
Population Demographics 16 6001(g)(4); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.3 line 1201: requires applicants to identify vulnerable populations to be served

VII.A.2.a line 1449 footnote 39: project purpose
People Trained/Educated 17 6001(b)(5); 6001(g)(6) VI.D.3 line 1203: Applicants to state # of people to be reached by training

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details

V.D.3.c line 818: grantees may use funds to provide training
Scope of Training/Education Programs 18 6001(b)(5); 6001(g)(6) VI.D.3 line 1203: requires # of hours of training

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details

V.D.3.c line 818: grantees may use funds to provide training
Instructors 19 6001(b)(5); 6001(g)(6) VI.D.3, line 1204: requires # of instructors

VII.A.2.c line 1562: projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details

V.D.3.c line 818: grantees may use funds to provide training
Equipment Purchased 20 6001(b)(5); 6001(e)(3); 6001(h)(2)(A) VI.D.3 line 1205: Applicant to state # receiving equipment

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details
Cost of Devices 21 6001(b)(5); 6001(e)(3); 6001(h)(2)(A) VI.D.3 line 1206: Applicant to describe cost of equipment

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details
Loan Program Participants 22 6001(b)(5); 6001(e)(3); 6001(h)(2)(A) VI.D.3 line 1205: requires # receiving equipment

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details
Loan Cost to Borrower 23 6001(b)(5); 6001(e)(3); 6001(h)(2)(A) VI.D.3 line 1207: Applicant to state cost to customer

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details
Target Population, Awareness Campaign 24 6001(b)(5); 6001(e)(3); 6001(g)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details

V.D.3.c line 820: Grantees may use funds to conduct awareness campaigns
Awareness Campaign Methods 25 6001(b)(5); 6001(e)(3); 6001(g)(4) VI.D.3 line 1209: Applicant to describe strategies for awareness campaign

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details

V.D.3.c line 820: grantees may use funds to conduct awareness campaigns
Measuring Campaign Impact 26 6001(e)(4) VI.D.3 line 1209: requires explanation of how applicant will measure impact of campaign

VII.A.2.c line 1562: Projects to be evaluated on mechanics and operational details

V.D.3.c line 820: grantees may use funds to conduct awareness campaigns

VII.A.2.b line 1544: reviewers to consider # of new users and cost-effectiveness
Total Cost Per New Subscriber 27 6001(e)(3); 6001(h)(2)(A) VII.A.2.b line 1549: reviewers to consider cost per new user
Technology Strategy 28 6001(e)(3)-(4) VI.D.3 line 1212: requires applications to include description of feasibility of project

VII.A.2.c line 1563: applications scored on clarity and detail of plan, and likelihood of replicability
Management Team Resumes 29 Sec 6001(e)(4) VI.D.3 line 1214: requires applicants to summarize qualifications of management team

VII.A.2.c, line 1566: applications will be evaluated on whether project team has organizational capacity to undertake and complete project
Organizational readiness 30 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c, line 1566: applications will be evaluated on whether project team has organizational capacity to undertake and complete project
Organizational Chart 31 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c line 1566: reviewers will consider applicant's organizational capability
Key Partners 32 6001(e)(3)-(4); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.3, line 1216: requires applicants to summarize key partners

VII.A.2.c line 1571: reviewers to consider partnerships
Contracting and/or Partnering with Disadvantaged Businesses 33 6001(h)(3) VII.A.2.c line 1574: reviewers will consider whether partners are SBDs
Project Timeline and Challenges 34 6001(d)(3); 6001(e)(4); 6001(i)(5) VI.D.3 line 1219: requires applications to include schedule with milestones for completion of project

VII.A.2.c line 1580: reviewers will consider ability to start project promptly, potential challenges, and other aspects of timeline
Licenses and Regulatory Approvals 35 6001(e)(4) VI.D.3 line 1222: requires applicants to summarize challenges that could cause delay, including licenses and regulatory approvals

VII.A.2.c line 1583: reviewers will consider ability to start project promptly, including whether applicant has secured all licenses, franchises and regulatory approvals
Legal Opinion 36 6001(e)(4) VII.A.2.c, line 1566: applications will be evaluated on whether project team has organizational capacity to undertake and complete project
Budget Narrative 37 6001(e)(3); 6001(g) VI.D.3 line 1223: requires applicants to provide budget information

VII.A.2.d, line 1588: reviewers to consider reasonableness of budget
Budget Reasonableness 38 6001(e)(3); 6001(g) V.C.4.d line 736: Project budget must be reasonable

VII.A.2.d, line 1588: reviewers to consider reasonableness of budget
Demonstration of Financial Need 39 6001(e)(3) V.C.4.c line 728: Demonstration that the Project Could not be Implemented But For Federal Grant Assistance

VI.D.3 line 1223: applicants must show need for federal grant assistance
Historical Financial Statements 40 6001(e)(4) VI.D.3, line 1215: requires applicants to provide financial statements

VII.A.2.c, line 1566: applications will be evaluated on whether project team has organizational capacity to undertake and complete project

VII.A.2.d, line 1596: reviewers to consider whether project will be sustained
Sustainable Increases in Subscribership 41 123 Stat. at 128; 3(a)(1); 6001(b)(5); 6001(h)(2)(A) VI.D.3 line 1225: requires applicants to explain how increases in demand will be sustained

VII.A.2.d, line 1596: reviewers to consider whether demand increase will be sustained
Matching Funds 42 6001(f); 6001(e)(5) V.C.4.b line 704: applicant must provide 20% or request a waiver

VII.A.2.d line 1600: reviewers will consider leverage of outside resources; additional consideration for cash, more than 20%
Unjust Enrichment 43 6001(e)(6); 6001(h)(2)(D) II.B.3 line 334: NTIA to consider avoidance of unjust enrichment

V.C.4.b line 717: federal funds may not be used as matching funds

V.C.4.e line 740: NTIA to consider unjust enrichment
Disclosure of Federal and/or State Funding Sources 44 6001(e)(6) V.C.1.d line 608: Applicants must disclose other federal or state funding
Buy American 45 1605 IX.C.5 line 1818: Certification that applicant meets Buy American requirements or satisfies waiver requirements
Environmental Questionnaire 46 NEPA (42 USC 4321 et seq.), NHPA (16 USC 470 et seq.), and ESA (16 USC 1534 et seq.) VI.D.3 line 1230: applicants to complete environmental questionnaire

X.F line 1986: applicants to complete environmental questionnaire
Certifications 47 6001(e)(4); 6001(f); 1605; 1609 IX.C.5 line 1795: Certifications
Sec 6001(e)(3),(5),(6) VI.D.3, line 1223: requires applicants to provide budget information

VII.A.2.d line 1588: reviewers to consider reasonableness of budget
6001(e)(4) X.O, line 2068: compliance with applicable laws
6001(e)(3),(5),(6) VI.D.3, line 1223: requires applicants to provide budget information
6001(e)(4) X.O, line 2068: compliance with applicable laws




File Typeapplication/
Last Modified ByKatherine Marie Scott
File Modified2009-07-02
File Created2009-06-10

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