SSA uses the information collected on
Form SSA454BK to determine whether an individual who receives
Social Security disability benefits continues to be disabled. The
SSA454BK updates the record of the disabled individual, providing
information on recent medical treatment, vocational and education
experience, work activity, and evaluations of potential for work
for adults. It also collects information on ability of Title XVI
children to function without marked and severe limitation. On the
basis of the responses provided, SSA obtains medical and other
evidence in order to make a determination whether disability, as
defined by the Social Security Act, continues or has ended, and, if
so, when the disability ended. A continuing disability review (CDR)
is typically done when a disabled individuals medical
reexamination diary matures, or when medical improvement is
reported. The number of CDRs done each fiscal year depends on the
number of maturing diaries, reports of medical improvement and SSA
budget constraints. The respondents are recipients of benefits
based on disability under Title II and/or Title XVI of the Social
Security Act.
The projected annual responses
and burden hours have decreased considerably due to budgetary
constraints. SSA processed enough CDRs, involving Title II
beneficiaries, to stay current with the Congressional mandate for
performing CDRs. However, due to the FY 2009 President's budget and
the FY 2010 Budget Request, both of which include special funding
for processing CDRs, SSA anticipates an increase in the number of
responses over the next three years. If funded, we will submit a
change sheet for the increases in the number of Title II CDR
Disability Reviews, provided they occur prior to the next clearance
of this form. In addition, we discovered that the figures used in
the previous package were inaccurate as they reflect the total
number of CDRs, which includes workloads that do not use the
SSA-454 (e.g. Age 18 Re-determinations). In order to correct for
this, we are removing the Re-determination workload from the number
of respondents we are currently reporting. Finally, we are making
significant revisions to the existing SSA-454-BK, and adding a
pilot program for two new modalities, Electronic Disability
Collection System (EDCS) screens, and a new paper form,
SSA-454-ICR. The estimated response time is 60 minutes regardless
of the modality of completion, i.e., to complete the SSA-454-BK or
to complete the stand alone interview in EDCS or to do the
SSA-454-ICR plus the abbreviated EDCS interview. SSA is also
requesting permission to pilot usage of the SSA-454-ICR in FY10
with about 300 people (see Addendum). As shown in #12 above, the
pilot usage will show 600 total responses: 300 responses for the
SSA-454-ICR and 300 for the new EDCS screens. The SSA-454-ICR is
not an independent product; therefore, we must supplement it with
the abbreviated EDCS interview.
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that
the collection of information encompassed by this request complies
with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding
the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a
benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked
and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.