Lead in Construction Standard 1926.62

Lead in Construction Standard.pdf

Lead in Construction Standard (29 CFR 1926.62)

Lead in Construction Standard 1926.62

OMB: 1218-0189

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Lead in Construction

OSHA 3142-09R 2003

This informational booklet provides a
general overview of a particular topic
related to OSHA standards. It does not alter
or determine compliance responsibilities in
OSHA standards or the Occupational Safety
and Health Act of 1970. Because interpretations and enforcement policy may change
over time, you should consult current OSHA
administrative interpretations and decisions
by the Occupational Safety and Health
Review Commission and the Courts for
additional guidance on OSHA compliance
This publication is in the public domain
and may be reproduced, fully or partially,
without permission. Source credit is
requested but not required.
This information is available to sensory
impaired individuals upon request.
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Lead in Construction
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA 3142-09R

Health Hazards of Lead Exposure...3
Worker Exposure...5
Construction Workers and Lead Exposure...5
OSHA’s Lead Standard...6
Employer Responsibilities...8
Hazard Assessment...9
Medical Surveillance...12
Medical Removal Provisions...14
Exposure Reduction and Employee Protection...18
Engineering Controls...18
Housekeeping and Personal Hygiene...21
Protective Clothing and Equipment...24
Respiratory Protection...26
Employee Information and Training...29
OSHA Assistance, Services, and Products...30
OSHA Regional Office Directory...36

Health Hazards of Lead Exposure
Pure lead (Pb) is a heavy metal at room temperature and
pressure. A basic chemical element, it can combine with various
other substances to form numerous lead compounds.
Lead has been poisoning workers for thousands of years. Lead
can damage the central nervous system, cardiovascular system,
reproductive system, hematological system, and kidneys. When
absorbed into the body in high enough doses, lead can be toxic.
In addition, workers’ lead exposure can harm their children’s
Short-term (acute) overexposure–as short as days--can cause
acute encephalopathy, a condition affecting the brain that develops
quickly into seizures, coma, and death from cardiorespiratory
arrest. Short-term occupational exposures of this type are highly
unusual but not impossible.
Extended, long-term (chronic) overexposure can result in severe
damage to the central nervous system, particularly the brain. It can
also damage the blood-forming, urinary, and reproductive systems.
There is no sharp dividing line between rapidly developing acute
effects of lead and chronic effects that take longer to develop.

Some of the common symptoms include:

Loss of appetite;






Excessive tiredness;




Fine tremors;


Colic with severe abdominal pain;


Metallic taste in the mouth;




Nervous irritability;





Muscle and joint pain or soreness;








Numbness; and



Lead is toxic to both male and female reproductive systems.
Lead can alter the structure of sperm cells and there is evidence of
miscarriage and stillbirth in women exposed to lead or whose
partners have been exposed. Children born to parents who were
exposed to excess lead levels are more likely to have birth defects,
mental retardation, or behavioral disorders or to die during the first
year of childhood.
Workers who desire medical advice about reproductive issues
related to lead should contact qualified medical personnel to
arrange for a job evaluation and medical followup--particularly if
they are pregnant or actively seeking to have a child. Employers
whose employees may be exposed to lead and who have been
contacted by employees with concerns about reproductive issues
must make medical examinations and consultations available.

Under certain limited circumstances, a physician may prescribe
special drugs called chelating agents to reduce the amount of lead
absorbed in body tissues. Using chelation as a preventive
measure--that is, to lower blood level but continue to expose a
worker--is prohibited and therapeutic or diagnostic chelations of
lead that are required must be done under the supervision of a
licensed physician in a clinical setting, with thorough and appropriate medical monitoring. The employee must be notified in writing
before treatment of potential consequences and allowed to obtain a
second opinion.


Worker Exposure
Lead is most commonly absorbed into the body by inhalation.
When workers breathe in lead as a dust, fume, or mist, their lungs
and upper respiratory tract absorb it into the body. They can also
absorb lead through the digestive system if it enters the mouth and
is ingested.
A significant portion of the lead inhaled or ingested gets into the
bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, lead circulates through the
body and is stored in various organs and body tissues. Some of this
lead is filtered out of the body quickly and excreted, but some
remains in the blood and tissues. As exposure continues, the amount
stored will increase if the body absorbs more lead than it excretes.
The lead stored in the tissue can slowly cause irreversible damage,
first to individual cells, then to organs and whole body systems.

Construction Workers and Lead Exposure

In construction, lead is used frequently for roofs, cornices, tank
linings, and electrical conduits. In plumbing, soft solder, used
chiefly for soldering tinplate and copper pipe joints, is an alloy of
lead and tin. Soft solder has been banned for many uses in the
United States. In addition, the Consumer Product Safety
Commission bans the use of lead-based paint in residences.
Because lead-based paint inhibits the rusting and corrosion of iron
and steel, however, lead continues to be used on bridges, railways,
ships, lighthouses, and other steel structures, although substitute
coatings are available.
Construction projects vary in their scope and potential for
exposing workers to lead and other hazards. Projects such as
removing paint from a few interior residential doors may involve
limited exposure. Others projects, however, may involve removing
or stripping substantial quantities of lead-based paints on large
bridges and other structures.

Workers potentially at risk for lead exposure include those
involved in iron work; demolition work; painting; lead-based paint

abatement; plumbing; heating and air conditioning maintenance
and repair; electrical work; and carpentry, renovation, and remodeling work. Plumbers, welders, and painters are among those
workers most exposed to lead. Significant lead exposures also can
arise from removing paint from surfaces previously coated with
lead-based paint such as bridges, residences being renovated, and
structures being demolished or salvaged. With the increase in
highway work, bridge repair, residential lead abatement, and residential remodeling, the potential for exposure to lead-based paint
has become more common.
Workers at the highest risk of lead exposure are those involved

Abrasive blasting and


Welding, cutting, and burning on steel structures.

Other operations with the potential to expose workers to lead

Lead burning;


Using lead-containing mortar;


Power tool cleaning without dust collection systems;


Rivet busting;


Cleanup activities where dry expendable abrasives are used;


Movement and removal of abrasive blasting enclosures;


Manual dry scraping and sanding;


Manual demolition of structures;


Heat-gun applications;


Power tool cleaning with dust collection systems; and


Spray painting with lead-based paint.

OSHA’s Lead Standard
OSHA’s Lead Standard for the Construction Industry, Title 29 Code
of Federal Regulations 1926.62, covers lead in a variety of forms,
including metallic lead, all inorganic lead compounds, and organic
lead soaps.


The standard establishes maximum limits of exposure to lead for
all workers covered, including a permissible exposure limit (PEL)
and action level (AL).
The PEL sets the maximum worker exposure to lead: 50 micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air (50µg/m3) averaged over an
eight-hour period. If employees are exposed to lead for more than
eight hours in a workday, their allowable exposure as a TWA for
that day must be reduced according to this formula:
Employee exposure (in µg/m3) = 400 divided by the hours worked
in the day.
The AL, regardless of respirator use, is an airborne concentration of 30µg/m3, averaged over an eight-hour period. The AL is the
level at which an employer must begin specific compliance activities outlined in the standard.

OSHA’s lead in construction standard applies to all construction
work where an employee may be exposed to lead. All work related
to construction, alteration, or repair, including painting and decorating, is included. Under this standard, construction includes, but is
not limited to:

Demolition or salvage of structures where lead or materials
containing lead are present;


Removal or encapsulation of materials containing lead;


New construction, alteration, repair, or renovation of structures,
substrates, or portions or materials containing lead;


Installation of products containing lead;


Lead contamination from emergency cleanup;


Transportation, disposal, storage, or containment of lead or
materials containing lead where construction activities are
performed; and


Maintenance operations associated with these construction


Employer Responsibilities

Employers of construction workers are responsible for developing and implementing a worker protection program. At a minimum,
the employer’s worker protection program for employees exposed
to lead above the PEL should include:

Hazard determination, including exposure assessment;


Medical surveillance and provisions for medical removal;


Job-specific compliance programs;


Engineering and work practice controls;


Respiratory protection;


Protective clothing and equipment;




Hygiene facilities and practices;




Employee information and training; and



Because lead is a cumulative and persistent toxic substance and
health effects may result from exposure over prolonged periods,
employers must use these precautions where feasible to minimize
employee exposure to lead.
The employer should, as needed, consult a qualified safety and
health professional to develop and implement an effective, sitespecific worker protection program. These professionals may work
independently or may be associated with an insurance carrier, trade
organization, or onsite consultation program.

For each job where employee exposure exceeds the PEL, the
employer must establish and implement a written compliance
program to reduce employee exposure to the PEL or below. The
compliance program must provide for frequent and regular inspections of job sites, materials, and equipment by a competent person.
Written programs, which must be reviewed and updated at least
every six months, must include:


A description of each activity in which lead is emitted (such as
equipment used, material involved, controls in place, crew size,
employee job responsibilities, operating procedures, and
maintenance practices);


The means to be used to achieve compliance and engineering
plans and studies used to determine the engineering controls
selected where they are required;


Information on the technology considered to meet the PEL;


Air monitoring data that document the source of lead emissions;


A detailed schedule for implementing the program, including
copies of documentation (such as purchase orders for
equipment, construction contracts);


A work practice program;


An administrative control schedule, if applicable; and


Arrangements made among contractors on multi-contractor
sites to inform employees of potential lead exposure.

Hazard Assessment
An employer is required to conduct an initial employee exposure
assessment of whether employees are exposed to lead at or above
the AL based on:

Any information, observation, or calculation that indicates
employee exposure to lead;


Any previous measurements of airborne lead; and


Any employee complaints of symptoms attributable to lead

Objective data and historical measurements of lead may be used
to satisfy the standard’s initial monitoring requirements.

Initial monitoring may be limited to a representative sample of
those employees exposed to the greatest concentrations of
airborne lead. Representative exposure sampling is permitted when
there are a number of employees performing the same job, with


lead exposure of similar duration and level, under essentially the
same conditions. For employees engaged in similar work, the
standard requires that the members of the group reasonably
expected to have the highest exposure levels be monitored. This
result is then attributed to the other employees of the group.
The employer must establish and maintain an accurate record
documenting the nature and relevancy of previous exposure data.
Instead of performing initial monitoring, the employer may in some
cases rely on objective data that demonstrate that a particular leadcontaining material or product cannot result in employee exposure
at or above the action level when it is processed, used, or handled.

Analysis of blood lead samples must be conducted by an OSHAapproved lab and be accurate (to a confidence level of 95 percent)
within plus or minus 15 percent, or 6 µg/dl, whichever is greater. If
an employee’s airborne lead level is at or above the AL for more
than 30 days in any consecutive 12 months, the employer must
make biological monitoring available on the following schedule:

At least every two months for the first six months and every six
months thereafter for employees exposed at or above the action
level for more than 30 days annually;


At least every two months for employees whose last blood
sampling and analysis indicated a blood lead level at or above
40 µg/dl; and


At least monthly while an employee is removed from exposure
due an elevated blood lead level.

Until the employer performs an exposure assessment and
documents that employees are not exposed above the PEL, OSHA
requires some degree of interim protection for employees. This
means providing respiratory protection, protective work clothing
and equipment, hygiene facilities, biological monitoring, and
training—as specified by the standards—for certain tasks prone to
produce high exposure. These include:



Manual demolition of structures such as dry wall, manual
scraping, manual sanding, and use of a heat gun where leadcontaining coatings or paints are present;


Power tool cleaning with or without local exhaust ventilation;


Spray painting with lead-containing paint;


Lead burning;


Use of lead-containing mortar;


Abrasive blasting, rivet busting, welding, cutting, or torchburning on any structure where lead-containing coatings or
paint are present;


Abrasive blasting enclosure movement and removal;


Cleanup of activities where dry expendable abrasives are used;


Any other task the employer believes may cause exposures in
excess of the PEL.

If the initial assessment indicates that no employee is exposed
above the AL, the employer may discontinue monitoring. Further
exposure testing is not required unless there is a change in
processes or controls that may result in additional employees being
exposed to lead at or above the AL, or may result in employees
already exposed at or above the AL being exposed above the PEL.
The employer must keep a written record of the determination,
including the date, location within the work site, and the name and
social security number of each monitored employee.

The employer must notify each employee in writing of employee
exposure assessment results within five working days of receiving
them. Whenever the results indicate that the representative
employee exposure, without the use of respirators, is above the
PEL, the employer must include a written notice stating that the
employee’s exposure exceeded the PEL and describing corrective
action taken or to be taken to reduce exposure to or below the PEL.


Medical Surveillance
When an employee’s airborne exposure is at or above the AL for
more than 30 days in any consecutive 12 months, an immediate
medical consultation is required when the employee notifies the
employer that he or she:

Has developed signs or symptoms commonly associated with
lead-related disease;


Has demonstrated difficulty in breathing during respirator use or
a fit test;


Desires medical advice concerning the effects of past or current
lead exposure on the employee’s ability to have a healthy child;


Is under medical removal and has a medically appropriate need.

The best indicator of personal lead exposure is through a blood
test to indicate elevated blood lead levels. A medical exam must
also include:

Detailed work and medical histories, with particular attention to
past lead exposure (occupational and nonoccupational),
personal habits (smoking and hygiene), and past gastrointestinal, hematologic, renal, cardiovascular, reproductive, and
neurological problems;


A thorough physical exam, with particular attention to gums,
teeth, hematologic, gastrointestinal, renal, cardiovascular, and
neurological systems; evaluation of lung function if respirators
are used;


A blood pressure measurement;


A blood sample and analysis to determine blood lead level;
• Hemoglobin and hematocrit determinations, red cell indices,
and an exam of peripheral smear morphology; and
• Zinc protopor-phyrin; blood urea nitrogen; and serum


A routine urinalysis with microscopic exam; and


Any lab or other test the examining physician deems necessary.



The employer must provide all examining physicians with a copy
of the lead in construction standard, including all appendices, a
description of the affected employee's duties as they relate to the
employee’s exposure, the employee's lead exposure level or anticipated exposure level, a description of personal protective
equipment used or to be used, prior blood lead determinations, and
all prior written medical opinions for the employee.

Employers must make available, at no cost to the employee,
initial medical surveillance for employees exposed to lead on the
job at or above the action level on any one day per year. This initial
medical surveillance consists of biological monitoring in the form of
blood sampling and analysis for lead and zinc protoporyrin (ZPP)
levels. In addition, a medical surveillance program with biological
monitoring must be made available to any employee exposed at or
above the action level for more than 30 days in any consecutive 12

Employers must obtain and provide the employee a copy of a
written opinion from each examining or consulting physician that
contains only information related to occupational exposure to lead
and must include:

Whether the employee has any detected medical condition that
would increase the health risk from lead exposure;


Any special protective measures or limitations on the worker’s
exposure to lead,


Any limitation on respirator use; and


Results of the blood lead determinations.

In addition, the written statement may include a statement that
the physician has informed the employee of the results of the consultation or medical examination and any medical condition that
may require further examination or treatment.

The employer must instruct the physician that findings, including
lab results or diagnoses unrelated to the worker’s lead exposure,
must not be revealed to the employer or included in the written
opinion to the employer. The employer must also instruct the
physician to advise employees of any medical condition, occupational or non-occupational, that necessitates further evaluation or
treatment. In addition, some states also require laboratories and
health care providers to report cases of elevated blood lead concentrations to their state health departments.

Medical Removal Provisions
Temporary medical removal can result from an elevated blood
level or a written medical opinion. More specifically, the employer
is required to remove from work an employee with a lead exposure
at or above the AL each time periodic and follow-up (within two
weeks of the periodic test) blood sampling tests indicate that the
employee’s blood level is at or above 50 µg /dl. The employer also
must remove from work an employee with lead exposure at or
above the AL each time a final medical determination indicates that
the employee needs reduced lead exposure for medical reasons. If
the physician who is implementing the employer’s medical
program makes a final written opinion recommending the
employee’s removal or other special protective measures, the
employer must implement the physician’s recommendation.
For an employee removed from exposure to lead at or above the
AL due to a blood lead level at or above 50 µg/dl, the employer may
return that employee to former job status when two consecutive
blood sampling tests indicate that the employee’s blood lead level
is below 40 µg /dl. For an employee removed from exposure to lead
due to a final medical determination, the employee must be
returned when a subsequent final medical determination results in
a medical finding, determination, or opinion that the employee no
longer has a detected medical condition that places the employee
at increased risk of lead exposure.
The employer must remove any limitations placed on
employees or end any special protective measures when a subse-


quent final medical determination indicates they are no longer
necessary. If the former position no longer exists, the employee is
returned consistent with whatever job assignment discretion the
employer would have had if no removal occurred.

The employer must provide up to 18 months of medical removal
protection (MRP) benefits each time an employee is removed from
lead exposure or medically limited. As long as the position/job
exists, the employer must maintain the earnings, seniority, and
other employment rights and benefits as though the employee had
not been removed from the job or otherwise medically limited. The
employer may condition medical removal protection benefits on
the employee's participation in followup medical surveillance.
If a removed employee files a worker's compensation claim or
other compensation for lost wages due to a lead-related disability,
the employer must continue medical removal protection benefits
until the claim is resolved. However, the employer's MRP benefits
obligation will be reduced by the amount that the employee
receives from these sources. Also, the employer’s MRP benefits
obligation will be reduced by any income the employee receives
from employment with another employer made possible by virtue
of the employee’s removal.

In the case of medical removal, the employer’s records must

The worker’s name and social security number,


The date of each occasion that the worker was removed from
current exposure to lead,


The date when the worker was returned to the former job


A brief explanation of how each removal was or is being
accomplished, and


A statement indicating whether the reason for the removal was
an elevated blood lead level.


The employer must maintain any employee exposure and
medical records to document ongoing employee exposure, medical
monitoring, and medical removal of workers. This data provides a
baseline to evaluate the employee’s health properly. Employees or
former employees, their designated representatives, and OSHA
must have access to exposure and medical records in accordance
with 29 CFR 1910.1020. Rules of agency practice and procedure
governing OSHA access to employee medical records are found in
29 CFR 1913.10.

The employer must establish and maintain an accurate record of
all monitoring and other data used to conduct employee exposure
assessments as required by this standard and in accordance with
29 CFR 1910.1020. The exposure assessment records must include:

The dates, number, duration, location, and results of each
sample taken, including a description of the sampling
proce-dure used to determine representative employee


A description of the sampling and analytical methods used and
evidence of their accuracy;


The type of respiratory protection worn, if any;


The name, social security number, and job classification of the
monitored employee and all others whose exposure the
mea-surement represents; and


Environmental variables that could affect the measurement of
employee exposure.

The employer must maintain an accurate record for each
employee subject to medical surveillance, including:

The name, social security number, and description of the
employee's duties;


A copy of the physician's written opinions;



The results of any airborne exposure monitoring done for the
employee and provided to the physician; and


Any employee medical complaints related to lead exposure.
In addition, the employer must keep or ensure that the
examining physician keeps the following medical records:


A copy of the medical examination results including medical and
work history;


A description of the laboratory procedures and a copy of any
guidelines used to interpret the test results; and


A copy of the results of biological monitoring.

The employer or physician or both must maintain medical
records in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1020.

The employer must maintain--for at least the duration of
employ-ment–an accurate record for each employee subject to
medical removal, including:

The name and social security number of the employee;


The date on each occasion that the employee was removed
from current exposure to lead and the corresponding date which
the employee was returned to former job status;


A brief explanation of how each removal was or is being
accomplished; and


A statement about each removal indicating whether the reason
for removal was an elevated blood level.

The employer must establish and maintain an accurate record
documenting the nature and relevancy of objective data relied on to
assess initial employee exposure in lieu of exposure monitoring.
The employer must maintain the record of objective data relied on
for at least 30 years.

The employer must make all records--including exposure
monitor-ing, objective data, medical removal, and medical records-17

available upon request to affected employees, former employees,
and their designated representatives and to the OSHA Assistant
Secretary and the Director of the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH) for examination and copying in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1020.

When an employer ceases to do business, the successor
employer must receive and retain all required records. If no
successor is available, these records must be sent to the Director of

Exposure Reduction and
Employee Protection
The most effective way to protect workers is to minimize their
exposure through engineering controls, good work practices and
training, and use of personal protective clothing and equipment,
including respirators, where required. The employer needs to
designate a competent person capable of identifying existing and
predictable lead hazards and who is authorized to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate such problems. The employer should,
as needed, consult a qualified safety and health professional to
develop and implement an effective worker protection program.
These professionals may work independently or may be associated
with an insurance carrier, trade organization, or onsite consultation

Engineering Controls
Engineering measures include local and general exhaust ventilation, process and equipment modification, material substitution,
component replacement, and isolation or automation. Examples of
recommended engineering controls that can help reduce worker
exposure to lead are described as follows.

Equip power tools used to remove lead-based paint with dust
collection shrouds or other attachments so that paint is exhausted

through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum system. For
operations such as welding, cutting/burning, or heating, use local
exhaust ventilation. Use HEPA vacuums during cleanup operations.
For abrasive blasting operations, build a containment structure
that is designed to optimize the flow of clean ventilation air past the
workers’ breathing zones. This will help reduce the exposure to
airborne lead and increase visibility. Maintain the affected area
under negative pressure to reduce the chances that lead dust will
contaminate areas outside the enclosure. Equip the containment
structure with an adequately sized dust collector to control
emissions of particulate matter into the environment.

One way to reduce the lead inhalation or ingestion hazard posed
by lead-based paint is to encapsulate it with a material that bonds
to the surface, such as acrylic or epoxy coating or flexible wall
coverings. Another option is to enclose it using systems such as
gypsum wallboard, plywood paneling, and aluminum, vinyl, or
wood exterior siding. Floors coated with lead-based paint can be
covered using vinyl tile or linoleum.
The building owner or other responsible person should oversee
the custodial and maintenance staffs and contractors during all
activities involving enclosed or encapsulated lead-based paint. This
will minimize the potential for an inadvertent lead release during
maintenance, renovation, or demolition.

Choose materials and chemicals that do not contain lead for construction projects. Among the options are:

Use zinc-containing primers covered by an epoxy intermediate
coat and polyurethane topcoat instead of lead-containing


Substitute mobile hydraulic shears for torch cutting under
certain circumstances.


Consider surface preparation equipment such as needle guns
with multiple reciprocating needles completely enclosed within
an adjustable shroud, instead of abrasive blasting under certain

conditions. The shroud captures dust and debris at the cutting
edge and can be equipped with a HEPA vacuum filtration with a
self-drumming feature. One such commercial unit can remove
lead-based paint from flat steel and concrete surfaces, outside
edges, inside corners, and pipes.

Choose chemical strippers in lieu of hand scraping with a heat
gun for work on building exteriors, surfaces involving carvings
or molding, or intricate iron work. Chemical removal generates
less airborne lead dust. (Be aware, however, that these strippers
themselves can be hazardous and that the employer must
review the material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for these
stripping agents to obtain information on their hazards.)

Replace lead-based painted building components such as
windows, doors, and trim with new components free of lead-containing paint. Another option is to remove the paint offsite and then
repaint the components with zinc-based paint before replacing them.

When applying lead paints or other lead-containing coatings, use
a brush or roller rather than a sprayer. This application method
introduces little or no paint mist into the air to present a lead
inhalation hazard. (Note that there is a ban on the use of lead-based
paint in residential housing.)
Use non-silica-containing abrasives such as steel or iron shot/grit
sand instead of sand in abrasive blasting operations when practical.
The free silica portion of the dust presents a respiratory health
When appropriate for the conditions, choose blasting techniques
that are less dusty than open-air abrasive blasting. These include
hydro- or wet-blasting using high-pressure water with or without an
abrasive or surrounding the blast nozzle with a ring of water, and
vacuum blasting where a vacuum hood for material removal is
positioned around the exterior of the blasting nozzle.
When using a heat gun to remove lead-based paints in residential housing units, be sure it is of the flameless electrical softener

type. Heat guns should have electronically controlled temperature
settings to allow usage below 700 degrees F. Equip heat guns with
various nozzles to cover all common applications and to limit the
size of the heated work area.
When using abrasive blasting with a vacuum hood on exterior
building surfaces, ensure that the configuration of the heads on the
blasting nozzle match the configuration of the substrate so that the
vacuum is effective in containing debris.
Ensure that HEPA vacuum cleaners have the appropriate attachments for use on unusual surfaces. Proper use of brushes of
various sizes, crevice and angular tools, when needed, will enhance
the quality of the HEPA-vacuuming process and help reduce the
amount of lead dust released into the air.

Although it is not feasible to enclose and ventilate some
abrasive blasting operations completely, it is possible to isolate
many operations to help reduce the potential for lead exposure.
Isolation consists of keeping employees not involved in the blasting
operations as far away from the work area as possible, reducing the
risk of exposure.

Housekeeping and Personal Hygiene
Lead is a cumulative and persistent toxic substance that poses a
serious health risk. A rigorous housekeeping program and the
observance of basic personal hygiene practices will minimize
employee exposure to lead. In addition, these two elements of the
worker protection program help prevent workers from taking leadcontaminated dust out of the worksite and into their homes where
it can extend the workers’ exposures and potentially affect their
families’ health.

An effective housekeeping program involves a regular schedule
to remove accumulations of lead dust and lead-containing debris.
The schedule should be adapted to exposure conditions at a particular worksite. OSHA’s Lead Standard for Construction requires

employers to maintain all surfaces as free of lead contamination as
practicable. Vacuuming lead dust with HEPA-filtered equipment or
wetting the dust with water before sweeping are effective control
measures. Compressed air may not be used to remove lead from
contaminated surfaces unless a ventilation system is in place to
capture the dust generated by the compressed air.
In addition, put all lead-containing debris and contaminated
items accumulated for disposal into sealed, impermeable bags or
other closed impermeable containers. Label bags and containers as
lead-containing waste. These measures provide additional help in
controlling exposure.

Emphasize workers’ personal hygiene such as washing their
hands and face after work and before eating to minimize their
exposure to lead. Provide and ensure that workers use washing
facilities. Provide clean change areas and readily accessible eating
areas. If possible, provide a parking area where cars will not be contaminated with lead. These measures:

Reduce workers’ exposure to lead and the likelihood that they
will ingest lead,


Ensure that the exposure does not extend beyond the worksite,


Reduce the movement of lead from the worksite, and


Provide added protection to employees and their families.

The employer must provide a clean change area for employees
whose airborne exposure to lead is above the PEL. The area must
be equipped with storage facilities for street clothes and a separate
area with facilities for the removal and storage of lead-contaminated
protective work clothing and equipment. This separation prevents
cross contamination of the employee’s street and work clothing.
Employees must use a clean change area for taking off street
clothes, suiting up in clean protective work clothing, donning respirators before beginning work, and dressing in street clothes after
work. No lead-contaminated items should enter this area.

Work clothing must not be worn away from the jobsite. Under
no circumstances should lead-contaminated work clothes be
laundered at home or taken from the worksite, except to be
laundered professionally or for disposal following applicable
federal, state, and local regulations.

When feasible, showers must be provided for use by employees
whose airborne exposure to lead is above the permissible exposure
limit so they can shower before leaving the worksite. Where
showers are provided, employees must change out of their work
clothes and shower before changing into their street clothes and
leaving the worksite. If employees do not change into clean
clothing before leaving the worksite, they may contaminate their
homes and automobiles with lead dust, extending their exposure
and exposing other members of their household to lead.
In addition, employers must provide adequate washing facilities
for their workers. These facilities must be close to the worksite and
furnished with water, soap, and clean towels so employees can
remove lead contamination from their skin.
Contaminated water from washing facilities and showers must
be disposed of in accordance with applicable local, state, or federal

The employer must ensure that employees do not enter
lunchroom facilities or eating areas with protective work clothing or
equipment unless surface lead dust has been removed. HEPA
vacuuming and use of a downdraft booth are examples of cleaning
methods that limit the dispersion of lead dust from contaminated
work clothing.
In all areas where employees are exposed to lead above the PEL,
employees must observe the prohibition on the presence and consumption or use of food, beverages, tobacco products, and
cosmetics. Employees whose airborne exposure to lead is above
the PEL must wash their hands and face before eating, drinking,
smoking, or applying cosmetics.


Employers must ensure that workers who are exposed to lead
above the permissible exposure limit follow these procedures at the
end of their workday:

Place contaminated clothes, including work shoes and personal
protective equipment to be cleaned, laundered, or disposed of,
in a properly labeled closed container.


Take a shower and wash their hair. Where showers are not
provided, employees must wash their hands and face at the end
of the workshift.


Change into street clothes in clean change areas.

Protective Clothing and Equipment

Employers must provide workers who are exposed to lead
above the PEL or for whom the possibility of skin or eye irritation
exists with clean, dry protective work clothing and equipment that
are appropriate for the hazard. Employers must provide these items
at no cost to employees. Appropriate protective work clothing and
equipment used on construction sites includes:

Coveralls or other full-body work clothing;


Gloves, hats, and shoes or disposable shoe coverlets;


Vented goggles or face shields with protective spectacles or


Welding or abrasive blasting helmets; and

Clean work clothing must be issued daily for employees whose
exposure levels to lead are above 200 µg/m3, weekly if exposures
are above the PEL but at or below 200 µg/m3 or where the possibility of skin or eye irritation exists.

Workers must not be allowed to leave the worksite wearing leadcontaminated protective clothing or equipment. This is an essential


step in reducing the movement of lead contamination from the
workplace into the worker’s home and provides added protection
for employees and their families.
Disposable coveralls and separate shoe covers may be used, if
appropriate, to avoid the need for laundering. Workers must
remove protective clothing in change rooms provided for that
Employers must ensure that employees leave the respirator use
area to wash their faces and respirator facepieces as necessary. In
addition, employers may require their employees to use HEPA
vacuuming, damp wiping, or another suitable cleaning method
before removing a respirator to clear loose particle contamination
on the respirator and at the face-mask seal.
Place contaminated clothing that is to be cleaned, laundered, or
disposed of by the employer in closed containers. Label containers
with the warning: "Caution: Clothing contaminated with lead. Do
not remove dust by blowing or shaking. Dispose of lead-contaminated wash water in accordance with applicable local, state, or
federal regulations."
Workers responsible for handling contaminated clothing,
including those in laundry services or subcontractors, must be
informed in writing of the potential health hazard of lead exposure.
At no time shall lead be removed from protective clothing or
equipment by brushing, shaking, or blowing. These actions
disperse the lead into the work area.

Workers wearing protective clothing, particularly in hot environments or within containment structures, can face a risk from heat
stress if proper control measures are not used.
Heat stress is caused by several interacting factors, including
environmental conditions, type of protective clothing worn, the
work activity required and anticipated work rate, and individual
employee characteristics such as age, weight, and fitness level.
When heat stress is a concern, the employer should choose lighter,
less insulating protective clothing over heavier clothing, as long as


it provides adequate protection. Other measures the employer can
take include: discussing the possibility of heat stress and its signs
and symptoms with all workers; using appropriate work/rest
regimens; and providing heat stress monitoring that includes
measuring employees’ heart rates, body temperatures, and weight
loss. Employers must provide a source of water or electrolyte drink
in a non-contaminated eating and drinking area close to the work
area so workers can drink often throughout the day. Workers must
wash their hands and face before drinking any fluid if their airborne
exposure is above the PEL.

Respiratory Protection
Although engineering and work practice controls are the primary
means of protecting workers from exposure to lead, source control
at construction sites sometimes is insufficient to control exposure.
In these cases, airborne lead concentrations may be high or may
vary widely. Respirators often must be used to supplement engineering controls and work practices to reduce worker lead
exposures below the PEL. When respirators are required, employers
must provide them at no cost to workers.
The standard requires that respirators be used during periods
when an employee’s exposure to lead exceeds the PEL, including

Periods necessary to install or implement engineering or work
practice controls, and


Work operations for which engineering and work practice
controls are insufficient to reduce employee exposures to or
below the PEL.

Respirators also must be provided upon employee request.
A requested respirator is included as a requirement to provide
increased protection for those employees who wish to reduce
their lead burden below what is required by the standard, particularly if they intend to have children in the near future. In addition,
respirators must be used when performing previously indicated
high exposure or "trigger" tasks, before completion of the initial



Before any employee first starts wearing a respirator in the work
environment, the employer must perform a fit test. For all
employees wearing negative or positive pressure tight-fitting
facepiece respirators, the employer must perform either qualitative
or quantitative fit tests using an OSHA-accepted fit testing protocol.
In addition, employees must be fit tested whenever a different respirator facepiece is used, and at least annually thereafter.
Where daily airborne exposure to lead exceeds 50 µg/m3,
affected workers must don respirators before entering the work
area and should not remove them until they leave the highexposure area or have completed a decontamination procedure.
Employers must assure that the respirator issued to the employee is
selected and fitted properly to ensure minimum leakage through
the facepiece-to-face seal.

When respirators are required at a worksite, the employer must
establish a respiratory protection program in accordance with the
OSHA standard on respiratory protection, 29 CFR 1910.134. At a
minimum, an acceptable respirator program for lead must include:

Procedures for selecting respirators appropriate to the hazard;


Fit testing procedures;


Procedures for proper use of respirators in routine and
reasonably foreseeable emergency situations, including
cartridge change schedules;


Procedures and schedules for cleaning, disinfecting, storing,
inspecting, repairing, discarding, and otherwise maintaining


Training of employees in the respiratory hazard to which they are
potentially exposed during routine and emergency situations;


Training of employees in the proper use of respirators, including
putting on and removing them, any limitations of their use, and
their maintenance;



Procedures for regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the


Procedures to ensure air quality when supplied air is used;


A written program and designation of a program administrator;


Recordkeeping procedures.
In addition, the construction industry lead standard stipulates
medical evaluations of employees required to use respirators.

If an employee has difficulty in breathing during a fit test or
while using a respirator, the employer must make a medical examination available to that employee to determine whether he or she
can wear a respirator safely.

The employer must select the appropriate respirator from Table 1
of the lead standard, 29 CFR 1926.62(f)(3)(i). The employer must
provide a powered air-purifying respirator when an employee
chooses to use this respirator and it will provide the employee
adequate protection. A NIOSH-certified respirator must be selected
and used in compliance with the conditions of its certification. In
addition, if exposure monitoring or experience indicates airborne
exposures to contaminants other than lead such as silica, solvents,
or polyurethane coatings, these exposures must be considered
when selecting respiratory protection.
Select type CE respirators approved by NIOSH for abrasive
blasting operations. Currently, there are two kinds of CE respirators
with the following assigned protection factors (APFs): a continuousflow respirator with a loose-fitting hood, APF 25; and a full
facepiece supplied-air respirator operated in a positive-pressure
mode, APF 2,000. (Note: OSHA recognizes Bullard Helmets, Models
77 and 88 (1995); Clemco Appollo, Models 20 and 60 (1997); and 3M
Model 8100 (1998) as having APFs of 1,000.)
For any airline respirator, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding air quality, air pressure, and inside
diameter and length of hoses. Be aware that using longer hoses or
smaller inside diameter hoses than the manufacturer specifies or

hoses with bends or kinks may reduce or restrict the airflow to
a respirator.

Employee Information and Training
The employer must inform employees about lead hazards
according to the requirement of OSHA's Hazard Communication
standard for the construction industry, 29 CFR 1926.59, including-but not limited to--the requirements for warning signs and labels,
material safety data sheets (MSDSs), and employee information
and training. (Refer to 29 CFR 1910.1200.)

Employers must institute an information and training program
and ensure that all employees subject to exposure to lead or lead
compounds at or above the action level on any day participate. Also
covered under information and training are employees who may
suffer skin or eye irritation from lead compounds. Initial training
must be provided before the initial job assignment. Training must
be repeated at least annually and, in brief summary, must include:

The content of the OSHA lead standard and its appendices;


The specific nature of operations that could lead to lead
expo-sure above the action level;


The purpose, proper selection, fit, use, and limitations of


The purpose and a description of the medical surveillance
program, and the medical removal protection program;


Information concerning the adverse health effects associated
with excessive lead exposure;


The engineering and work practice controls associated with
employees' job assignments;


The contents of any lead-related compliance plan in effect;


Instructions to employees that chelating agents must not be
used routinely to remove lead from their bodies and when
necessary only under medical supervision and at the direction of
a licensed physician; and


The right to access records under "Access to Employee
Exposure and Medical Records," 29 CFR 1910.1020.

All materials relating to the training program and a copy of the
standard and its appendices must be made readily available to all
affected employees.

Employers are required to post these warning signs in each work
area where employee exposure to lead is above the PEL:








All signs must be well lit and kept clean so that they are easily
visible. Statements that contradict or detract from the signs' meaning are prohibited. Signs required by other statutes, regulations, or
ordinances, however, may be posted in addition to, or in combination with, this sign.

OSHA Assistance, Services, and Products
OSHA can provide extensive help through a variety of programs,
including assistance about safety and health programs, state plans,
workplace consultations, voluntary protection programs, strategic
partnerships, alliances, and training and education. An overall commitment to workplace safety and health can add value to your
business, to your workplace, and to your life.
How does safety and health management system assistance
help employers and employees?
Working in a safe and healthful environment can stimulate innovation and creativity and result in increased performance and
higher productivity. The key to a safe and healthful work environment is a comprehensive safety and health management system.
OSHA has electronic compliance assistance tools, or eTools, on
its website that walks users through the steps required to develop a

comprehensive safety and health program. The eTools are posted at
www.osha.gov, and are based on guidelines that identify four
general elements critical to a successful safety and health management system:

Management leadership and employee involvement,


Worksite analysis,


Hazard prevention and control, and


Safety and health training.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act)
encourages states to develop and operate their own job safety and
health plans. OSHA approves and monitors these plans and funds
up to 50 percent of each program’s operating costs. State plans
must provide standards and enforcement programs, as well as
voluntary compliance activities, that are at least as effective as
federal OSHA’s.
Currently, 26 states and territories have their own plans. Twentythree cover both private and public (state and local government)
employees and three states, Connecticut, New Jersey, and New
York, cover only the public sector. For more information on state
plans, see the list at the end of this publication, or visit OSHA’s
website at www.osha.gov.

Consultation assistance is available on request to employers
who want help establishing and maintaining a safe and healthful
workplace. Funded largely by OSHA, the service is provided at no
cost to small employers and is delivered by state authorities
through professional safety and health consultants.

Under the consultation program, certain exemplary employers
may request participation in OSHA's Safety and Health
Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). Eligibility for participation includes, but is not limited to, receiving a full-service, compre-


hensive consultation visit, correcting all identified hazards, and
developing an effective safety and health management system.
Employers accepted into SHARP may receive an exemption from
programmed inspections (not complaint or accident investigation
inspections) for 1 year initially, or 2 years upon renewal. For more
information about consultation assistance, see the list of consultation projects at the end of this publication.

Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) are designed to recognize
outstanding achievements by companies that have developed and
implemented effective safety and health management programs.
There are three VPP programs: Star, Merit, and Demonstration. All
are designed to

Recognize who that have successfully developed and
implemented effective and comprehensive safety and health
management programs;


Encourage these employers to continuously improve their safety
and health management programs;


Motivate other employers to achieve excellent safety and health
results in the same outstanding way; and


Establish a cooperative relationship between employers,
employees, and OSHA.

VPP participation can bring many benefits to employers and
employees, including fewer worker fatalities, injuries, and illnesses;
lost-workday case rates generally 50 percent below industry
averages; and lower workers' compensation and other injury- and
illness-related costs. In addition, many VPP sites report improved
employee motivation to work safely, leading to a better quality of
life at work; positive community recognition and interaction; further
improvement and revitalization of already-good safety and health
programs; and a positive relationship with OSHA.
After a site applies for the program, OSHA reviews an
employer's VPP application and conducts a VPP onsite evaluation to
verify that the site’s safety and health management programs are


operating effectively. OSHA conducts onsite evaluations on a
regular basis.
Sites participating in VPP are not scheduled for regular, programmed inspections. OSHA does, however, handle any employee
complaints, serious accidents, or significant chemical releases that
may occur at VPP sites according to routine enforcement procedures.
Additional information on VPP is available from OSHA regional
offices listed at the end of this booklet. Also, see "Cooperative
Programs" on OSHA’s website.

OSHA has learned firsthand that voluntary, cooperative partnerships with employers, employees, and unions can be a useful alternative to traditional enforcement and an effective way to reduce
worker deaths, injuries, and illnesses. This is especially true when a
partnership leads to the development and implementation of a
comprehensive workplace safety and health management system.

Alliances enable organizations committed to workplace safety
and health to collaborate with OSHA to prevent injuries and
illnesses in the workplace. OSHA and its allies work together to
reach out to, educate, and lead the nation’s employers and their
employees in improving and advancing workplace safety and
Alliances are open to all, including trade or professional organizations, businesses, labor organizations, educational institutions,
and government agencies. In some cases, organizations may be
building on existing relationships with OSHA through other cooperative programs.
There are few formal program requirements for alliances, which
are less structured than other cooperative agreements, and the
agreements do not include an enforcement component. However,
OSHA and the participating organizations must define, implement,
and meet a set of short- and long-term goals that fall into three cat-


egories: training and education; outreach and communication; and
promotion of the national dialogue on workplace safety and health.

OSHA Strategic Partnerships are agreements among labor, management, and government to improve workplace safety and health.
These partnerships encourage, assist, and recognize the efforts of
the partners to eliminate serious workplace hazards and achieve a
high level of worker safety and health. Whereas OSHA's
Consultation Program and VPP entail one-on-one relationships
between OSHA and individual worksites, most strategic partnerships build cooperative relationships with groups of employers and
For more information about this program, contact your nearest
OSHA office or visit our website.

The OSHA Training Institute in Arlington Heights, Ill., provides
basic and advanced training and education in safety and health for
federal and state compliance officers, state consultants, other
federal agency personnel, and private-sector employers,
employees, and their representatives.

OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organizations to provide safety
and health training and education to employers and workers in the
workplace. Grants often focus on high-risk activities or hazards or
may help nonprofit organizations in training, education, and
OSHA expects each grantee to develop a program that
addresses a safety and health topic named by OSHA, recruit
workers and employers for the training, and conduct the training.
Grantees are also expected to follow up with students to find out
how they applied the training in their workplaces.
For more information contact OSHA Office of Training and
Education, 2020 Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005;
or call (847) 297-4810.



OSHA has a variety of materials and tools on its website at
www.osha.gov. These include eTools such as Expert Advisors and
Electronic Compliance Assistance Tools, information on specific
health and safety topics, regulations, directives, publications,
videos, and other information for employers and employees.
OSHA also has an extensive publications program. For a list of
items, visit OSHA’s website at www.osha.gov or contact the OSHA
Publications Office, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue, NW, N-3101, Washington, DC 20210. Telephone (202) 6931888 or fax to (202) 693-2498.
In addition, OSHA’s CD-ROM includes standards, interpretations,
directives, and more. It is available for sale from the U.S.
Government Printing Office. To order, write to the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
20402, or phone (202) 512-1800.

To report an emergency, file a complaint, or seek OSHA advice,
assistance, or products, call (800) 321-OSHA or contact your nearest
OSHA regional office listed at the end of this publication. The teletypewriter (TTY) number is (877) 889-5627.
Employees can also file a complaint online and get more information on OSHA federal and state programs by visiting OSHA’s
website at www.osha.gov.


OSHA Regional Offices
Region I
(CT,* ME, MA, NH, RI, VT*)
Boston, MA 02203
(617) 565-9860
Region II
(NJ,* NY,* PR,* VI*)
201 Varick Street, Room 670
New York, NY 10014
(212) 337-2378
Region III
(DE, DC, MD,* PA,* VA,* WV)
The Curtis Center
170 S. Independence Mall West
Suite 740 West
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3309
(215) 861-4900
Region IV
(AL, FL, GA, KY,* MS, NC,* SC,*
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth Street SW, Room 6T50
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 562-2300
Region V
(IL, IN,* MI,* MN,* OH, WI)
230 South Dearborn Street,
Room 3244
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 353-2220

Region VI
(AR, LA, NM,* OK, TX)
525 Griffin Street, Room 602
Dallas, TX 75202
(214) 767-4731 or 4736 x224
Region VII
(IA,* KS, MO, NE)
City Center Square
1100 Main Street, Suite 800
Kansas City, MO 64105
(816) 426-5861
Region VIII
(CO, MT, ND, SD, UT,* WY*)
1999 Broadway, Suite 1690
PO Box 46550
Denver, CO 80202-5716
(303) 844-1600
Region IX
(American Samoa, AZ,* CA,* HI,
NV,* Northern Mariana Islands)
71 Stevenson Street, Room 420
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 975-4310
Region X
(AK,* ID, OR,* WA*)
1111 Third Avenue, Suite 715
Seattle, WA 98101-3212
(206) 553-5930

*These states and territories operate their own OSHA-approved job safety and health
programs (Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York plans cover public employees
only). States with approved programs must have a standard that is identical to, or at
least as effective as, the federal standard.
Note: To get contact information for OSHA Area Offices, OSHA-approved state plans,
and OSHA Consultation Projects, please visit us online at www.osha.gov or call us at
(800) 321-OSHA.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleLead in Construction
AuthorCindy Hesson
File Modified2003-09-25
File Created2003-09-25

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