7620-8 Opt-In Reduction from Improved Efficiency Confirmation R

Acid Rain Program under Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments (Renewal)


Acid Rain Program under Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments

OMB: 2060-0258

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Opt-in Reduction from Improved
Efficiency Confirmation Report
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Step 1

OMB No. 2060-0258
Expires 1-31-99

See instructions for completing this form.

Plant Name


Facility Account Number

Unit ID

Step 3 Heat Rate

Compliance Year

Step 2

Verified Reduction from Demand Side Measures that
Improve Efficiency of Electric Consumption (kWh)

Step 4

Verified Reduction from Demand Side
Measures that Improve Efficiency of
Electric Consumption (mmBtu)

Step 5

Verified Reduction from Demand Side Measures that
Improve Efficiency of Steam Consumption (mmBtu)

Step 6

Verified Reduction from Improved Steam Production
Efficiency (mmBtu)

Step 7

Verified Reduction from Heat Rate Improvements (mmBtu)

Step 8

Total Verified Reduction from Improved Efficiency

Make sure the documentation supporting all numbers is attached.

Step 9

Revised Annual Utilization (mmBtu)

Step 12
Step 11

Allowances to be Credited

Estimated Average Utilization (mmBtu)

Step 10

Revised Average Utilization (mmBtu)

Allowances to be Deducted

Step 13

Allowance Deduction Form Included?

Does the Number of Allowances Credited or Deducted Affect the Unit's
Compliance Status?

 Yes

 Yes

Step 14

Step 15

 No

 No

I am authorized to make this submission on behalf of the owners and operators of the affected source or affected Units for which
the submission Is made. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the statements and
information submitted In this document and all its attachments. Based on my Inquiry of those Individuals with primary
responsibility for obtaining the Information, I certify that the statements and information are to the best of my knowledge and
belief true; accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false statements and
information or omitting required statements and Information, Including the possibility of fine or Imprisonment.
I certify that where two or more opt-in sources and Phase I units Include in the confirmation reports the verified mmBtu
reductions from the same specific demand side measures or improvements in heat rate or steam production efficiency, we have
agreed on an apportionment of the total mmBtu reductions among such sources and have included in our confirmation reports
only our respective shares of the reductions. We will make that apportionment available upon request.







EPA Form 7620-8 (11/96)

Acid Rain Program
Instructions for Opt-in Reduction from
Improved Efficiency Confirmation Report
(40 CFR 74.43 and 74.44)
The Acid Rain Program regulations require the designated representative to submit an Opt-in Reduction from
Improved Efficiency Confirmation Report for each opt-in source that is claiming any reduction in heat input
resulting in improved efficiency by July 1 of the year in which the Opt-in Utilization Report was submitted. EPA
may grant, for good cause shown, an extension of time for submission.


Enter the Plant Name, State, Boiler Identification Number, Facility Account Number, Compliance
Year, and Unit ID.


Enter all reductions in kWh from demand-side measures that improve efficiency of electric
consumption to be verified by EPA for the calendar year for the opt-in source. Only demand-side
measures at the opt-in source may be used. Attach documentation that supports these reductions,
including demand-side measures in kWh. (The EPA Conservation Verification Protocols and The
User's Guide to the Conservation Verification Protocols (Version 2.0) may be used to develop the
documentation.) Demand-side measures listed in Appendix A Section 1 of 40 CFR Part 73 and
other measures that are not listed in Appendix A may be included.


Enter the heat rate for the opt-in source in mmBtu/kWh to eight decimal places. The heat rate used
to convert kWh to mmBtu must be based on actual heat input divided by actual net generation by the
opt-in source. Heat rate information must come from EIA form 767 or a comparable source. If the
source generates no electricity, then no credit can be claimed for demand-side measures.


Enter the reductions in mmBtu from demand-side measures that improve efficiency of electric
consumption by multiplying the kWh value reported in Step 2 by the heat rate in Step 3.


Enter all reductions in mmBtu from demand-side measures that improve efficiency of steam
consumption to be verified by EPA for the calendar year for the opt-in source. Attach documentation
that supports these reductions. (The EPA Conservation Verification Protocols and The User's Guide
to the Conservation Verification Protocols (Version 2.0) may be used to develop the documentation.)
Demand-side measures listed in Appendix A Section 1 of 40 CFR Part 73 and other measures that
are not listed in Appendix A may be included.


Enter all reductions in mmBtu from improvement in the efficiency of steam production to be verified
by EPA for the calendar year for the opt-in source. Attach documentation that supports these
reductions. In order to claim improvements in the efficiency of steam production, the designated
representative must demonstrate that the heat rate of the opt-in source has not increased since the
baseline period.


Enter all reductions in mmBtu from improvements in heat rate to be verified by EPA for the calendar
year for the opt-in source. Heat rate information must come from EIA form 767 or a comparable
source. Attach documentation that supports these reductions. Supply-side measures listed in
Appendix A. Section 2.1 of 40 CFR Part 73 and other measures that are not listed in Appendix A
may be included.


Enter the total verified reduction from improved efficiency as follows.
Step 8 = Step 4 + Step 5 + Step 6 + Step 7


Enter the opt-in source's revised actual heat input, Revised Annual Utilization (mmBtu), for the
calendar year as follows.
Step 9 = Step 3 from the Opt-in Utilization Report + Step 8

STEP 10

Enter the Revised Average Utilization (mmBtu) for the calendar year as follows. If this is the first
year the source is affected under the Acid Rain Program:
Step 10 = Step 9
Step 10 =

Step9  (Step4(A)  Step4(B)Op t  in Utilization Report
Number of months for which
lesser of 
or 36 
 the opt - in permit is in effect

Calculate Step 2 from the Opt-in Utilization Report - Step 10.
If the result is <= 0 and Step 9 from the Opt-in Utilization Report = 0, then go to Step 15.
Otherwise, go to Step 11.

Enter the estimated Average Utilization (mmBtu) from Step 7 of the Opt-in Utilization Report.


Calculate the number of allowances to be credited to or deducted from the opt-in source's ATS
account as follows.
= number of allowances
credited/deducted allocated for the
compliance year

(Step 10 - Step 11)
divided by
Step 2 from the Opt-in Utilization Report

If the result of this formula is < 0, enter the absolute value of the result as the number of additional
allowances to be deducted.
If the result of this formula is > 0, enter the number of allowances to be credited to your account,
which is the lesser of the result of this formula or the number entered in Step 10 of the Opt-in
Utilization Report.

Check the appropriate box to indicate if you are including an Allowance Deduction form that
identifies specific allowances to be deducted or credited. If you do not specify serial numbers,
allowances will be deducted using first-in, first-out (FIFO), or allowances will be returned using lastout, first-in (LOFI).


If the opt-in source did not previously have excess emissions based on the Annual Compliance
Certification for the year, but the additional allowances deducted in Step 12 now result in excess
emissions for the year, or if the source previously had excess emissions, but the allowances
credited in Step 12 reduce the amount of or eliminate the excess emissions, check the Yes box.
If the compliance status does not change, check the No box.
EPA will notify you concerning any additional penalty payment that you owe or refund that you will


Read the certifications, type your name, sign, and date.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - 7620-8_4-23-08.doc
File Modified2009-07-17
File Created2009-07-17

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