NMEP Survey – Updated 07/30/08
During this period of expanding program services, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Federal agency that administers the Medicare program is conducting this telephone survey to help us understand what information you need about Medicare, where you go to find the information, and if you feel we have been effective in getting you the information you need to make informed decisions about Medicare benefits and medical care.
As part of our commitment to enhancing communication to meet your needs, we are asking you to take a few minutes to answer some questions. All information you provide will be held in confidence by CMS and is protected by the Privacy Act. You do not have to participate in this survey. Your help is voluntary and your decision to participate or not to participate will not affect your Medicare benefits in any way. This is a legitimate research study sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which is part of the United States Department of Health & Human Services.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this NMEP survey is 0938-0738. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average less than 15 minutes. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, Attn.: Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Blvd. Baltimore, MD. 21244.
A. screening questions
1) Have you (or has your spouse) ever worked for the Social Security Administration or the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, formerly known as the Health Care Financing Administration?
2) Do you currently receive Medicare or Medicaid benefits?
Don’t know
3) Gender [Don’t ask]
B. General Medicare and Insurance Coverage
1) Which of the following types of health insurance do you have to cover your hospital
expenses or doctor visits?
Medicare, but no other medical insurance
Medicare and a supplemental insurance policy, sometimes called Medigap
A Medicare HMO or PPO plan, also known as Medicare Advantage, where you have to see a doctor from the plan’s list
Medicare plus employer or retiree coverage
VA, or veterans’ health insurance
No insurance/Self-Pay
Other (Specify___________________________)
Don’t know
2) Are you aware of Medicare prescription drug plans, also called Part D?
Don’t Know
3) Are you enrolled in a Medicare prescription drug plan?
Don’t know
4) Some people are not enrolled in a Medicare prescription drug plan because they already have insurance that covers the cost of prescription drugs.
Do you have other insurance that pays for your prescription drugs?
Don’t know
5) Here is a list of the kinds of insurance and health plans that some people have that help pay for their prescription drugs. Please tell me which one or ones you have (READ LIST).
Medigap, or Medicare Supplemental insurance
Employer, Union, or retiree health insurance
Drug discount card from a pharmacy or pharmaceutical company
Other (Specify_________________________________________)
Don’t know
C. Health Behaviors
1) When it comes to your Medicare coverage and services, do you usually make decisions on your own, with someone else’s help, or do you rely on someone else to make those decisions for you? [IF NECESSARY, READ LIST TO CLARIFY.]
I make those decisions on my own
I make those decisions with someone else’s help
I rely on someone else to make those decisions for me
2) Who usually helps you or makes these decisions for you? [DO NOT READ LIST. ACCEPT MULTIPLES.]
Other family member
A friend
Receive help at a senior center
Receive help from my state’s health insurance department
Other (Specify: ___________________)
3) Thinking about your own health, how often do you and your doctor or nurse discuss ways that you can stay healthy or improve your health?
Every office visit
Don’t know
4) And how often do you and your doctor or nurse discuss ways that you can control your health care costs?
Every office visit
Don’t know
5) How confident are you that you can identify when it is necessary for you to get medical care? Would you say that you are…
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not at all confident
[DO NOT READ] Don’t go to doctors
Don’t know
6) How often do you take a list of all your prescribed medicines to your doctor visits? [READ LIST]
Not applicable, not on prescription meds
Don’t know
7) How confident are you that you know the right questions to ask before surgery to make sure you have a shorter, safer hospital stay? [READ LIST]
Not at all confident
Somewhat confident
Very confident
Don’t know
8) How often do you ask your doctor questions about Medicare?
Every office visit
Don’t know
9) How does your doctor usually handle these questions?
Try to answer them on their own
Refer you to someone else in their office
Refer you to Medicare
Other (Specify___________________________________)
Don’t know
d. General Satisfaction
1) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the information and assistance you have received from Medicare in the past year? Would you say you are
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied,
Somewhat dissatisfied, or
Very dissatisfied?
Don’t know
2) How favorable or unfavorable is your opinion of the Medicare Program? Would you say…?
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable
Don’t know
3) In general, how favorable or unfavorable is your impression of health insurance companies? Would you say…?
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable
Don’t know
4) How favorable or unfavorable is your impression of the Medicare prescription drug plans (Part D)? Would you say…?
Very favorable
Somewhat favorable
Somewhat unfavorable
Very unfavorable
Don’t know
E. Beneficiary perceptions / opinions
1) I am going to read you several statements about Medicare. For each one, please tell me if you believe the statement is true or false. If you do not know the answer, please give me your best guess.
True |
False |
Don’t Know |
1a) Seniors who have limited incomes can receive extra help from the Social Security Administration to help pay for Medicare premiums, deductibles, and co-payments. |
1b) Medicare by itself doesn’t cover or pay for all of your health care expenses. |
1c) Medicare offers a “welcome to Medicare physical exam for new enrollees which Medicare covers within the first year of Part B coverage. |
1d) Medicare covers the cost of heart screening to check cholesterol among other risk factors. |
1e) Medicare covers the cost of diabetes screenings. |
1f) Medicare covers the cost of colon cancer screenings. |
1g) Medicare covers the cost of routine mammograms to check for breast cancer. |
1h) Medicare pays for screening tests for prostate cancer. |
1i) Out of pocket costs are the same in all Medicare prescription drug plans. |
1j) If seniors are satisfied with how their plan worked in 2007, they don’t need to review how it will work in 2008. |
1k) The co-payments and deductibles for Medicare plans can change from year to year. |
1l) Monthly premiums for Medicare plans can change from year to year. |
1m) The drugs covered by Medicare plans can change from year to year. |
1n) Seniors can switch to a drug plan that doesn’t have a coverage gap. |
1o) Seniors can switch to a drug plan that covers the drugs they take if their drug needs have changed. |
1p) Seniors can switch Medicare plans during the open enrollment period. |
1q) I can find plan comparison information in my Medicare and You handbook. |
1r) I can find plan comparison information on www.Medicare.gov. |
1s) I can compare plans to help me make my health care decisions. |
1t) I feel in charge of my health plan choice. |
1u) All Medicare prescription drug plans covers the same list of prescription drugs. |
1v) Anyone on Medicare can sign up for Part D, prescription drug coverage. |
1w) Only people with low incomes can sign up for Part D. |
1x) Beneficiaries have methods available to them to resolve complaints about the quality of their healthcare. |
1y) Medicare health plans are allowed to raise their fees or change their benefits every year. |
1z) If you are in a Medicare health plan and disagree with a decision they’ve made about your health care, you have a right to appeal that decision. |
1aa) People can switch to a different Medicare health plan only once during a given year.
1ab) Recent changes have been made to Medicare coverage rules for certain medical equipment and supplies. |
2) How much would you say you know about the Medicare Prescription drug benefit?
A great deal
A fair amount
Just some
Very little
Don’t know
1) Have you ever received a letter from Medicare or the Social Security Administration
advising you to apply for extra financial help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs?
Don’t know
2) Have you ever received a letter or call from your prescription drug plan advising you to apply for extra financial help with Medicare prescription drug costs?
Don’t know
3) Did you apply to for Extra Help to pay for Medicare prescription drug costs?
Don’t know
4) Did you know that people with limited income may qualify for financial assistance to help lower their prescription drug costs?
Don’t know
5a) Have you ever been given or mailed an application for extra help to pay for prescription
Yes, applied and was approved
Yes, applied, but was denied
Yes, applied and am waiting to hear the results
Yes, I gave it to someone else to fill out, but I’m not sure what happened
Yes, I’ve received an application, but I have not filled it out
No, I have never been given or mailed an application
Not sure
5b) And why haven’t you filled out and mailed in the application? [RECORD VERBATIM RESPONSE]
6) I’m going to read you a couple of statements. For each sentence I want you to tell me whether you think it is true, false or if you don’t know.
6a) People with limited income may qualify for financial assistance from the Medicare Program to help lower their prescription drug costs.
Don’t know
6b) You would accept financial assistance from the government to help pay for your prescription drugs.
Don’t know
6c) You would qualify as a person with limited income.
Don’t know
7) And why do you think you might not qualify as a person with limited income?
My income is too high
I don’t take enough prescription drugs
I don’t pay much for prescription drugs
I (or spouse) is still working
I have other insurance
I have been denied as a person with limited income in the past
Other (Specify________________________________________________)
Don’t know
8) After you applied for extra help to pay for Medicare prescription drug costs, what was the result? [READ LIST. IF NEEDED, EXPLAIN THAT THIS IS AN APPLICATION SENT TO SOCIAL SECURITY.]
Were you approved to get Extra Help
Were you denied Extra Help
Are you waiting to hear the results
Did you give it to someone else to fill out but you are not sure what happened
Don’t know
9) How difficult or easy was it to complete the application form? Would you say it was…?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Somewhat easy
Very easy
Don’t know
10) How likely is it that you will apply for extra financial help to pay for a Medicare prescription drug plan in 2008? Would you say …?
Definitely will not apply
Probably will not apply
Probably will apply
Definitely will apply
Don’t know
11) How difficult do you believe it is to apply for extra financial help for the Medicare Prescription Drug Program? Would you say…?
Not difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Don’t know
12) How concerned are you about providing personal information, such as actual dollar amounts in your bank accounts, on an application for extra financial help for the Medicare Prescription Drug Program? Would you say…?
Not concerned
Somewhat concerned
Very concerned
Don’t know
G. Branding
1) To what extent to do you agree that Medicare is modern? Would you say you…
Disagree completely
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree completely
2) To what extent to do you agree that Medicare is innovative? Would you say you…
Disagree completely
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree completely
3) To what extent to do you agree that Medicare is your partner in healthcare? Would you
say you…
Disagree completely
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree completely
H. information sources
1) Where do you usually get information about Medicare coverage and services? [DO NOT READ LIST. ACCEPT MULTIPLES. IF RESPONDENT SAYS “IN THE MAIL,” CLARIFY FROM WHERE]
In the mail – from Medicare: A LETTER
In the mail – from Medicare: A PAMPHLET
In the mail – from Medicare: THE HANDBOOK
In the mail – from somewhere else (nonspecific)
Medicare and You handbook
Physician or nurse
Insurance or drug plan
Television, radio, newspaper, magazine
Senior Center
Health Fair
Internet (specify _____________)
OTHER (Specify_____________)
Don’t know
2) I’d like to ask you how often you have looked for information about Medicare or
health insurance over the past year. Would you say that over the past year you
have looked for information about Medicare or health insurance…
3) In the past 12 months, did you look for information on any of the following topics:
Insurance coverage, co-payments or billing?
Changes to your Medicare benefits?
Comparing your health plan options
Getting help to pay for your prescription drugs?
The new 2006 Prescription drug benefit?
Quality of care at hospitals?
4) Which source of information are you most comfortable with when seeking information about the Medicare program and its benefits?
The Social Security Office
The Medicare Program
A Senior Center or Aging Program (This is meant to encompass SHIP since they
Probably won’t know SHIP by name)
State Department of Insurance or Health
Insurance Company or Agent
Family Member, Friend, or Co-Worker
Other (Specify: ___________________)
Don’t know
Are you familiar with the Medicare & You Handbook, mailed to beneficiaries each
year in the fall?
Don’t know
6) If yes, would you say you have read it thoroughly, read parts of it, glance through it, or you really haven’t yet looked through it at all?
Read it thoroughly
Read parts of it (thoroughly or not)
Glanced through it
Really haven’t looked through it at All
Don’t know
7) Would you say you use the Medicare & You Handbook, a lot, use it sometimes, or do you use it rarely or not at all?
Use it a lot
Use it sometimes
Rarely use it
Don’t use it at all
Refuse Don’t know
8) All in all, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the help it provides in answering questions about Medicare? Would you say you are
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Very unsatisfied
Don’t know
9) Thinking of all of the information you have received in the past year about choosing or comparing health plan options, how easy was it to understand the information? Was it:
Very easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Don’t know
I. Internet Usage
1) Do you have access to the Internet, either on your own or with someone else’s help?
Don’t know
2) Have you ever visited Medicare’s website (READ w w w dot Medicare dot gov) either on your own or with someone else’s help?
Yes, on my own
Yes, with someone else’s help
Don’t know
3) How often do you access the internet on your own or with someone else’s help? [READ LIST.]
Almost daily
Once or twice a week
Once or twice a month
Only a few times a year
Don’t have internet access/don’t use the internet
Don’t know
4) Have you ever used the internet for any of the following activities? [READ LIST]
Online banking
Shopping online
Researching health issues or topics
Reading the news
Managing your retirement funds
Visiting your health insurance website
Tracking or accessing your own personal health or medical records
Checking email
[DO NOT READ] None of these
Don’t know
J. 1-800-medicare
1) There’s a special nationwide toll-free Medicare information helpline number run by the federal Medicare program. The number is 1-800-MEDICARE OR 1-800-633-4227. In the past year, have you ever called this number to get information about Medicare?
Don’t know
2) [if yes]Thinking about the most recent call you made to this number, what was the reason you called?
Coverage for specific tests, services, products or procedures
Billing, claims, co-payments, or cost questions
General questions about coverage or what Medicare pays
Coverage while traveling
Hospitalization coverage, costs, length of stay
Making insurance or HMO choices
Long term care/nursing home coverage
Generally keeping informed
Other (Specify______________________)
Don’t know
K. Open Enrollment
Each year, Medicare has an open enrollment period between November 15 and December 31st. During the open enrollment period, people on Medicare can decide to make changes to their insurance coverage, including Medigap, Medicare Advantage, and prescription drug plans.
1) Were you aware before this interview that you could make changes in your Medicare insurance coverage during the open enrollment period?
Don’t know
2) Since you started receiving Medicare, have you (or the person who helps you) ever made
changes to the type of Medicare medical or drug plan coverage you have?
Yes, I did
Not applicable – 2008 was 1st year of
enrollment in plan
Yes, the person who helped me did
No, the person who helped me did not
Don’t recall what I did
Don’t recall what the person who helped
Don’t know
3) During the last open enrollment period, which was November 15 to December 31 of 2007, did you (or the person who helps you) review your Medicare coverage to see if, in 2008, there were going to be changes in the premium, deductibles, co-payments, or other out of pocket expenses?
Yes, I did
No, I did not
Not applicable – 2008 was 1st year of enrollment in plan
Yes, the person who helped me did
No, the person who helped me did not
Don’t recall what I did
Don’t recall what the person who helped me did
Don’t know
4) During the last open enrollment period, did you (or the person who helps you) review your Medicare coverage to see if the kinds of treatment, drugs and services covered would still meet your health care needs in 2008?
Yes, I did
No, I did not
Not applicable – 2008 was 1st year of enrollment in plan
Yes, the person who helped me did
No, the person who helped me did not
Don’t recall what I did
Don’t recall what the person who helped me did
Don’t know
5) Did you (or the person who helps you) compare your plan with other plans that were available in 2008?
Yes, I did
No, I did not
Not applicable – 2008 was 1st year of enrollment in plan
Yes, the person who helped me did
No, the person who helped me did not
Don’t recall what I did
Don’t recall what the person who helped me did
Don’t know
6) What did you compare? [READ LIST. ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
Cost of the premium
Deductible amount
Types of treatment or services covered
Prescription drugs covered
Quality of the plan
Quality of the service provided by the plan
Don’t recall what I compared
Don’t recall what person who helped me compared
Other (Specify_______________________)
7) Thinking about the upcoming open enrollment period, do you (or the person who helps you) plan to review your current insurance plans to see if they are still the right ones OR do you plan to stick with the coverage you currently have? And do you… [READ LIST.]
Definitely plan to review current coverage
Probably plan to review current coverage
Probably plan to stick with current coverage
Definitely plan to stick with current coverage
Don’t know
8) And of the following three, which are you (or the person who helps you) planning to review? [READ LIST]
Only health insurance
Only prescription drug coverage
Both health and prescription drug insurance coverage
Not sure
Don’t know
9) Here are several issues that may be important in evaluating or selecting Medicare health or prescription drug insurance. Please rate each one on how important it is for you. A “0” means you think it is very unimportant and a “10” means it is very important. Remember you can use any number between 0 and 10. [READ LIST. ROTATE STATEMENTS]
When evaluating or selecting a Medicare health or prescription drug plan, how important is… |
10 pt scale |
DK |
Refused |
9a. Out of pocket expenses, including co-payments and deductibles |
-1 |
-2 |
9b. Cost of the monthly premium |
-1 |
-2 |
9c. Being able to see the doctor you choose |
-1 |
-2 |
9d. Getting the prescription drugs your doctor prescribes, including brand name drugs |
-1 |
-2 |
9e. Quality of the plan |
-1 |
-2 |
9f. Customer service provided by the plan |
-1 |
-2 |
10) I’m going to read you some statements that some people might say about Medicare. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with each statement [READ LIST. ROTATE STATEMENTS].
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
DK |
Refused |
10a. Before the open enrollment period, it’s worth it to do a “check-up” or “review”of my Medicare coverage to make sure it still meets my health needs. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
-1 |
-2 |
10b. Even if my health needs haven’t changed, I need to use the open enrollment period to make sure my insurance plan hasn’t changed. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
-1 |
-2 |
10c. During open enrollment, I plan to see if there is a plan with lower premiums and co-pays for me. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
-1 |
-2 |
10d. The earlier in the open enrollment period that I make changes in my insurance, the more likely it is my plan will be in place by January first. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
-1 |
-2 |
11) Have you or your caregiver ever asked your doctor about enrolling in or changing coverage during open enrollment?
Yes, I asked
Yes, my caregiver asked
Don’t know
L. Prevention
1) To the best of your knowledge, which of the following types of services does Medicare pay for? If you are not sure, please take your best guess. [READ LIST AND ROTATE. REPEAT BEFORE EACH ITEM: "Does Medicare pay for ...?"]
Preventive services, including screenings for different diseases
A physical exam when you first join Medicare
Annual physical exams
Counseling to quit smoking
Weight loss counseling
Shots for things like the flu or pneumonia
2) When I say “preventive services, including screening for different diseases,” what kinds of screenings or procedures do you think that includes? [DO NOT READ LIST. ACCEPT MULTIPLES.]
Bone mass measurement
Cancer screening
Cardiovascular screening/heart disease/heart problems
Diabetes screening, blood glucose or blood sugar testing
Glaucoma test
Mammogram or breast cancer screening
Pap test
Prostate cancer screening
Immunizations for flu or pneumonia
Other (Specify_________________________)
Don’t know
M. prescription drugs: coverage and out of pocket costs
1) Do you currently take any PRESCRIPTION medicine on a DAILY basis?
Don’t know
2) How many different kinds of prescription drugs do you take? ________
3) Thinking now about how much you spend in a typical year on prescription drugs,
including your monthly premium for your prescription drug coverage, your deductible, co-pays and all of your out-of-pocket costs for your prescriptions, using your best guess what is your estimate on how much you spend in a year?
$301- $400
$401 or higher
Don’t know
4) In the last year, how much of a problem, if any, have you had being able to afford the prescription drugs you needed? Would you say it was…
A big problem
A small problem
Not a problem
Don’t know
5) Including refills of earlier prescriptions as well as new prescriptions that were written or phoned in by a doctor, in 2008, were any prescription drugs prescribed for you that you did not get?
Don’t know
6) How frequently do you get prescription drugs from Canada or Mexico?
7) Thinking about your prescription drug coverage. Some people we have talked to say they would be likely to enroll in a drug coverage plan, while others say they would not. How likely would you be to enroll in a prescription drug plan offered through Medicare? Would you be — very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, not at all likely?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not too likely
Not at all likely
Don’t know
N. Hospital / Doctor Choice
I would like you to think about how you would decide which hospital to go to if you were facing a serious health issue that might require hospitalization or surgery at some point. Please do not think here about circumstances where you would be facing an immediate medical emergency.
Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements. [READ FIRST STATEMENT. WAIT FOR RESPONSE, THEN CLARIFY FOR AGREE/DISAGREE RESPONSES] Is that strongly [agree/disagree] or somewhat [agree/disagree]?
1) I would insist on going to my most preferred hospital, even if that hospital were not the one recommended by or associated with my doctor
2) I would be inclined to trust any hospital suggested by my doctor, but I would still research it.
3) The choice of which hospital I would go to is primarily my doctor’s decision
4) In choosing a hospital, I would be more influenced by the opinions of my family and friends than my doctor's recommendation.
5) Would be willing to go for an initial test at the hospital recommended by my doctor, even if that hospital was not my preferred hospital
The next questions focus on information you may have seen about quality of care.
1) Have you seen any information that compares the quality of care at different hospitals?
Don’t know
2) Where did you see it?
In My Health Plan
In The Newspaper or in a Magazine
On a Television Program
On the Internet
On Medicare’s Website
In a Brochure or Booklet From Medicare
Literature From Hospital
Other (Specify____________________________)
Don’t know
3) Have you read or heard about any programs that pay hospitals based on how good the care is at the hospital? That is, they get paid more because they give better care.
Don’t know
4) When you have questions or concerns about how good the care is at a hospital, where do you get information?
Family Member or Friend
Doctor’s Office
Health Plan/Insurance Company
The Medicare Program
1-800-Medicare Toll Free Hotline
Employer/Past Employer
AARP-Type Service
The Social Security Office
The Internet
Medicare.gov Website
Someone at a Health Fair/Senior Expo
Other (Specify____________________________)
Don’t know
5) Have you seen or heard of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Hospital Compare, a website that provides information on how well hospitals care for their patients?
Don’t know
6) Thinking about information regarding how good the care is at hospitals, how much would you trust information from:
The Federal government agency that runs Medicare
State agencies that license the facilities
A private organization or business devoted to improving the quality of health care
A consumer-oriented publication like Consumer Reports
An organization for seniors like AARP
A doctor you were seeing for your own health
Newspapers or magazines
Radio or TV
Family or friends
A health insurance plan
P. CAREGIVERs’ questions
1) Do you currently assist someone in making decisions regarding their health?
Don’t know
2) What is your relationship to that person?
Paid aide who is just helping them get around
Paid aide who is more of a day-to-day caregiver
Family member/friend who is just helping you them around
Family member/friend who is more of a day-to-day caregiver
Family member/friend who is not necessarily caregiving on a daily basis, but is involved in decisions about their health
3) Which of the following
types of assistance have you provided for a spouse, family
friend or other person with Medicare? [ACCEPT MULTIPLES. READ LIST,
OR NO?”]
Medicare and other insurance decisions
Health care decisions
Spoken with a healthcare provider on behalf of or along with someone else
Financial and legal decisions
Paying bills
Household chores or grocery shopping
Sorting medications, filing prescriptions, dosing medication into daily amounts
Bathing and dressing
Preparing meals
Searched for community resources and/or programs (IF NEEDED, CLARIFY
“such as church programs, social programs, senior centers”)
Other (Specify)______________________
[DO NOT READ] None of these
4) How frequently do you provide care to this person? [READ LIST IF
Several times a week
About once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
Q. demographics
1) What is your marital status? {Read only if necessary}
Unmarried but in committed relationship
2) What is the highest grade you completed in school? {Read if necessary}
8th Grade Or Less
Some High School, But Did Not Graduate
High School Graduate Or GED
Vocational Or Trade School
Some College Or 2-Year Degree
4-Year College Graduate
More Than 4-Year College Degree
Don’t know
3) Could you please tell me in what year you were born?
Under 65
4) Are you Hispanic or Latino?
Don’t know
5) What is your racial or ethnic background? (Select one or more)
American Indian
Other (Specify)______________________
Don’t know
6) Compared to other people who are the same age as you, do you consider you health to be
Very good
Don’t know
7) What is the annual income of your household? Is it - (READ. IF NEEDED, CLARIFY: INCOME BEFORE TAXES AND DEDUCTIONS)?
Under $10,000 ($0-$14,999)
$10,000-$20,000 ($24,999)
$20,000-$30,000 ($34,999)
$30,000-$,40000 ($49,999)
$40,000-$50,000 ($74,999)
$100,000 and over
Don’t know
R. PROVIDERS’ questions
1) Which of these best describes your area of medical specialization? [DO NOT ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
Family Practice/Family Medicine Physician
General Practice Physician
Internal Medicine Physician
Physician Assistant in Family Practice, General Practice or Internal Medicine Practice
Nurse Practitioner in Family Practice, General Practice or Internal Medicine Practice
None of the above
Don’t know
2) Which of these best describes the practice in which you primarily work? [DO NOT ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
Office based practice
Hospital based practice
Don’t know
3) In what state is this practice located? __________
4) What percent of your full-time working hours are typically spent in direct patient care activities, as opposed to teaching, research or administration? Would you say that direct patient care is…?
Zero to 24% of your working time
25% to 49% of your working time
50% to 74% of your working time
75% or more of your working time
Don’t know
5) Approximately what percent of your practice’s revenues would you say come from
Zero to 19%
20% to 39%
40% to 59%
60% to 79%
80% or more
Don’t know
6) Do you currently accept new Medicare patients?
Don’t Know
7) How often would you say you are asked questions about Medicare by patients or caregivers? [DO NOT ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
Several times a week
A few times a month
A few times a year
Almost never
Don’t know
8) How do you handle these questions? Please check all that apply. [ACCEPT
Try to answer them yourself
Refer them to someone else in your office
Refer them to Medicare
Other (Specify___________________________________)
Don’t know
9) Is there a person in the practice where you primarily work who typically answers patients’ or caregivers’ questions about Medicare?
Yes, a Nurse
Yes, a Nurse Practitioner
Yes, an Office Manager
Yes, a Physician
Yes, a Physician Assistant
Yes, a Receptionist
Yes, a Referral Coordinator
Yes, a Other (Specify___________________________________)
Don’t know
10) When patients or caregivers ask you questions about Medicare, how often are the questions about these topics?
Frequently |
Sometimes |
Rarely |
Never |
Don’t know |
10a. Part A/B coverage questions |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
10b. Part D/prescription drug coverage |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
10c. Preventive care |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
10d. Where to get general information |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
10e. Whether procedures or tests are covered |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
10f. Resolving problems with Medicare |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
10g. Resolving problems with a Medicare drug plan or health plan |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
10h. Other (Specify___________________________________) |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
11) Approximately how many minutes would you say you spend on each of the following activities during an average workday in which you see patients?
Please enter the number of minutes. |
11a. Answering patient questions or counseling them on Part D/prescription drug coverage issues. |
_________ |
11b. Looking for alternative meds for Part D patients due to co-pay or coverage issues. |
_________ |
11c. Resolving prior authorization issues related to Part D coverage. |
_________ |
11d. Responding to pharmacist queries regarding product switches due to lack of adequate Part D coverage or high co-pays. |
_________ |
12) Please rate the usefulness, as you perceive it, of these Medicare channels of communication for patients and caregivers.
Very Useful |
Somewhat Useful |
Not very Useful |
Not at all Useful |
Don’t know |
12a) www.medicare.gov website |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
12b) 1-800 Medicare |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
12c) Medicare & You handbook |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
12d) Other Medicare brochures available through the 800 number or website |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
-1 |
13) If you were to describe the economic status of your Medicare patients, what percent would you say are in each of these categories? Please enter percentages that add to 100%.
Please enter a percent for each line. |
a. Wealthy |
_________ |
b. Upper middle class |
_________ |
c. Middle class |
_________ |
d. Lower middle class |
_________ |
e. Poor |
_________ |
100% |
14) To the best of your knowledge, which of the following types of information are available to the general public on the Hospital Compare website? [ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
Hospital charges
Hospital quality ratings
Mortality rates
Patient satisfaction scores
Physician quality ratings
Process improvement indicators
Don’t know
15) Have you heard of the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) or Personal Health Records (PHRs)?
Yes, both
Yes, PHRs
16) When discussing preventive services with patients, which one of the following is most often true? [DO NOT ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
You usually raise the topic of which preventive screenings the patient is due to
Patient or caregiver usually raises the topic
You and the patient/caregiver raise the topic to about an equal extent
Don’t typically discuss preventive health issues with patients or caregivers
Don’t know
17) Do you feel that patients’ knowledge about the need for, and awareness of, preventive services covered by Medicare has increased, decreased or stayed about the same over the last few years?
Stayed the same
Don’t know
18) Have you visited this website, http://www.medlearn.com/?
Don’t know
19) Have you heard of a website called Hospital Compare, a site that provides information to consumers about how well hospitals provide care for certain conditions?
Don’t know
20) How would you describe the area or areas in which your practice operates? Please check all that apply. [ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
Large city
Mid-size city
Small city
Don’t know
21) Which of these descriptions best describes the size of your practice?
Sole practitioner
1 – 4 physician practice
5 – 9 physician practice
10 or more physicians
Don’t know
22) Finally, who is the majority owner of your practice?
Hospital/integrated delivery system (IDS)
Insurance company or health maintenance organization (HMO)
MSO (Management Services Organization) or PPMC (Physician Practice Management Company)
University or medical school
None of the above
Don’t know
S. PARTNERs’ questions
1) Which of these best describes your organization? [DO NOT ACCEPT MULTIPLES]
Health care focused
Disease focused
Prevention focused
Ethnic-group focused
Age group focused
Faith based
Other (Specify___________________________________)
None of the above
Don’t know
2) What training materials have you used?
Outreach toolkits
Web casts
Press Releases
Publications (Specify___________________________________)
Campaign Materials
Beneficiary Mailings
Other (Specify___________________________________)
Don’t know
3) What purpose did these training materials serve?
Used during information session
Given to beneficiaries
Circulated throughout office
Used as reference tool
Other (Specify___________________________________)
4) How well do these materials enable you to perform Medicare outreach and assistance for your constituencies?
Don’t know
5) Do you know how to obtain additional Medicare information?
Don’t know
6) Which training products are most effective?
Outreach toolkits
Web casts
Press Releases
Publications (Specify___________________________________)
Campaign Materials
Beneficiary Mailings
Other (Specify___________________________________)
Don’t know
7) Which training products are least effective?
Outreach toolkits
Web casts
Press Releases
Publications (Specify___________________________________)
Campaign Materials
Beneficiary Mailings
Other (Specify___________________________________)
Don’t know
8) How can these products be improved?
Thank you very much for your time!
File Type | application/msword |
Author | CMS |
Last Modified By | CMS_DU |
File Modified | 2008-09-18 |
File Created | 2008-09-18 |