1513-0074 Laws and Regs

1513-0074 Laws and Regs.doc

Airlines Withdrawing Stock from Customs Custody (TTB REC 5620/2)

1513-0074 Laws and Regs

OMB: 1513-0074

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19 U.S.C.

Sec. 1309. - Supplies for certain vessels and aircraft

(a) Exemption from customs duties and internal-revenue tax

Articles of foreign or domestic origin may be withdrawn, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, from any customs bonded warehouse, from continuous customs custody elsewhere than in a bonded warehouse, or from a foreign-trade zone free of duty and internal-revenue tax, or from any internal-revenue bonded warehouse, from any brewery, or from any winery premises or bonded premises for the storage of wine, free of internal-revenue tax -

(1) for supplies (not including equipment) of

(A) vessels or aircraft operated by the United States,

(B) vessels of the United States employed in the fisheries or in the whaling business, or actually engaged in foreign trade or trade between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States or between the United States and any of its possessions, or between Hawaii and any other part of the United States, or between Alaska and any other part of the United States, or

(C) aircraft registered in the United States and actually engaged in foreign trade or trade between the United States and any of its possessions, or between Hawaii and any other part of the United States or between Alaska and any other part of the United States; or

(2) for supplies (including equipment) or repair of

(A) vessels of war of any foreign nation, or

(B) foreign vessels employed in the fisheries or in the whaling business, or actually engaged in foreign trade or trade between the United States and any of its possessions, or between Hawaii and any other part of the United States or between Alaska and any other part of the United States, where such trade by foreign vessels is permitted; or

(3) for supplies (including equipment), ground equipment, maintenance, or repair of aircraft registered in any foreign country and actually engaged in foreign trade or trade between the United States and any of its possessions, or between Hawaii and any other part of the United States or between Alaska and any other part of the United States, where trade by foreign aircraft is permitted. With respect to articles for ground equipment, the exemption hereunder shall apply only to duties and to taxes imposed upon or by reason of importation.

The provisions for free withdrawals made by this subsection shall not apply to petroleum products for vessels or aircraft in voyages or flights exclusively between Hawaii or Alaska and any airport or Pacific coast seaport of the United States.

(b) Drawback

Articles withdrawn from bonded warehouses, bonded manufacturing warehouses, continuous customs custody elsewhere than in a bonded warehouse, or from a foreign-trade zone, imported articles, and articles of domestic manufacture or production, laden as supplies upon any such vessel or aircraft of the United States or laden as supplies (including equipment) upon, or used in the maintenance or repair of, any such foreign vessel or aircraft, shall be considered to be exported within the meaning of the drawback provisions of this chapter.

(c) Articles removed in, or returned to, the United States

Any article exempted from duty or tax, or in respect of which drawback has been allowed, under this section or section 1317 of this title and thereafter removed in the United States from any vessel or aircraft, or otherwise returned to the United States, shall be treated as an importation from a foreign country.

(d) Reciprocal privileges

The privileges granted by this section and section 1317 of this title in respect of aircraft registered in a foreign country shall be allowed only if the Secretary of the Treasury shall have been advised by the Secretary of Commerce that he has found that such foreign country allows, or will allow, substantially reciprocal privileges in respect of aircraft registered in the United States. If the Secretary of Commerce shall advise the Secretary of the Treasury that he has found that a foreign country has discontinued, or will discontinue, the allowance of such privileges, the privileges granted by this section and such section 1317 shall not apply thereafter in respect of aircraft registered in that foreign country

26 U.S.C.

Sec. 5064. - Losses resulting from disaster, vandalism, or malicious mischief

(a) Payments

The Secretary, under such regulations as he may prescribe, shall pay (without interest) an amount equal to the amount of the internal revenue taxes paid or determined and customs duties paid on distilled spirits, wines, and beer previously withdrawn, which were lost, rendered unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official by reason of -

(1) fire, flood, casualty, or other disaster, or

(2) breakage, destruction, or other damage (but not including theft) resulting from vandalism or malicious mischief,

if such disaster or damage occurred in the United States and if such distilled spirits, wines, or beer were held and intended for sale at the time of such disaster or other damage. The payments provided for in this section shall be made to the person holding such distilled spirits, wines, or beer for sale at the time of such disaster or other damage.

(b) Claims

(1) Period for making claim; proof

No claim shall be allowed under this section unless -

(A) filed within 6 months after the date on which such distilled spirits, wines, or beer were lost, rendered unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official, and

(B) the claimant furnishes proof satisfactory to the Secretary that the claimant -

(i) was not indemnified by any valid claim of insurance or otherwise in respect of the tax, or tax and duty, on the distilled spirits, wines, or beer covered by the claim; and

(ii) is entitled to payment under this section.

(2) Minimum claim

Except as provided in paragraph (3)(A), no claim of less than $250 shall be allowed under this section with respect to any disaster or other damage (as the case may be).

(3) Special rules for major disasters

If the President has determined under the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act that a ''major disaster'' (as defined in such Act) has occurred in any part of the United States, and if the disaster referred to in subsection (a)(1) occurs in such part of the United States by reason of such major disaster, then -

(A) paragraph (2) shall not apply, and

(B) the filing period set forth in paragraph (1)(A) shall not expire before the day which is 6 months after the date on which the President makes the determination that such major disaster has occurred.

(4) Regulations

Claims under this section shall be filed under such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe.

(c) Destruction of distilled spirits, wines, or beer

When the Secretary has made payment under this section in respect of the tax, or tax and duty, on the distilled spirits, wines, or beer condemned by a duly authorized official or rendered unmarketable, such distilled spirits, wines, or beer shall be destroyed under such supervision as the Secretary may prescribe, unless such distilled spirits, wines, or beer were previously destroyed under supervision satisfactory to the Secretary.

(d) Products of Puerto Rico

The provisions of this section shall not be applicable in respect of distilled spirits, wines, and beer of Puerto Rican manufacture brought into the United States and so lost or rendered unmarketable or condemned.

(e) Other laws applicable

All provisions of law, including penalties, applicable in respect of internal revenue taxes on distilled spirits, wines, and beer shall, insofar as applicable and not inconsistent with this section, be applied in respect of the payments provided for in this section to the same extent as if such payments constituted refunds of such taxes

Sec. 5214. - Withdrawal of distilled spirits from bonded premises free of tax or without payment of tax

(a) Purposes

Distilled spirits on which the internal revenue tax has not been paid or determined may, subject to such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, be withdrawn from the bonded premises of any distilled spirits plant in approved containers -

(1) free of tax after denaturation of such spirits in the manner prescribed by law for -

(A) exportation;

(B) use in the manufacture of ether, chloroform, or other definite chemical substance where such distilled spirits are changed into some other chemical substance and do not appear in the finished product; or

(C) any other use in the arts and industries (except for uses prohibited by section 5273(b) or (d)) and for fuel, light, and power; or

(2) free of tax by, and for the use of, the United States or any governmental agency thereof, any State, any political subdivision of a State, or the District of Columbia, for nonbeverage purposes; or

(3) free of tax for nonbeverage purposes and not for resale or use in the manufacture of any product for sale -

(A) for the use of any educational organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) which is exempt from income tax under section 501(a), or for the use of any scientific university or college of learning;

(B) for any laboratory for use exclusively in scientific research;

(C) for use at any hospital, blood bank, or sanitarium), (including use in making any analysis or test at such hospital, blood bank, or sanitarium), or at any pathological laboratory exclusively engaged in making analyses, or tests, for hospitals or sanitariums; or

(D) for the use of any clinic operated for charity and not for profit (including use in the compounding of bona fide medicines for treatment outside of such clinics of patients thereof); or

(4) without payment of tax for exportation, after making such application and entries, filing such bonds as are required by section 5175, and complying with such other requirements as may by regulations be prescribed; or

(5) without payment of tax for use in wine production, as authorized by section 5373; or

(6) without payment of tax for transfer to manufacturing bonded warehouses for manufacturing in such warehouses for export, as authorized by law; or

(7) without payment of tax for use of certain vessels and aircraft, as authorized by law; or

(8) without payment of tax for transfer to foreign-trade zones, as authorized by law; or

(9) without payment of tax, for transfer (for the purpose of storage pending exportation) to any customs bonded warehouse from which distilled spirits may be exported, and distilled spirits transferred to a customs bonded warehouse under this paragraph shall be entered, stored, and accounted for under such regulations and bonds as the Secretary may prescribe; or

(10) without payment of tax by a proprietor of bonded premises for use in research, development, or testing (other than consumer testing or other market analysis) of processes, systems, materials, or equipment, relating to distilled spirits or distilled spirits operations, under such limitations and conditions as to quantities, use, and accountability as the Secretary may by regulations require for the protection of the revenue; or

(11) free of tax when contained in an article (within the meaning of section 5002(a)(14)); or

(12) free of tax in the case of distilled spirits produced under section 5181; or

(13) without payment of tax for use on bonded wine cellar premises in the production of wine or wine products which will be rendered unfit for beverage use and removed pursuant to section 5362(d).

(b) Cross references

(1) For provisions relating to denaturation, see sections 5241 and 5242.

(2) For provisions requiring permit for users of distilled spirits withdrawn free of tax and for users of specially denatured distilled spirits, see section 5271.

(3) For provisions relating to withdrawal of distilled spirits without payment of tax for use of certain vessels and aircraft, as authorized by law, see 19 U.S.C. 1309.

(4) For provisions relating to withdrawal of distilled spirits without payment of tax for manufacture in manufacturing bonded warehouse, see 19 U.S.C. 1311.

(5) For provisions relating to foreign-trade zones, see 19 U.S.C. 81c.

(6) For provisions authorizing regulations for withdrawal of distilled spirits free of tax for use of the United States, see section 7510.

(7) For provisions authorizing removal of distillates to bonded wine cellars for use in the production of distilling material, see section 5373(c).

(8) For provisions relating to distilled spirits for use of foreign embassies, legations, etc., see section 5066

27 CFR

Sec. 28.280 Distilled spirits and wines.

When an airline desires to withdraw distilled spirits or wines from its stock being held at the airport under customs custody, for use on a particular aircraft, a requisition in triplicate shall be prepared for presentation to the customs officer. The requisition shall show the flight number, the registry number of the aircraft on which the distilled spirits or wines are to be laden, the country for which the aircraft is to be cleared, the date of departure of the aircraft, and the brand, kind, and quantity of distilled spirits or wines. Where the distilled spirits or wines are contained in kits which have been previously prepared while under customs custody, the kit number shall also be shown on the requisition. Where the kits are not prepared and the distilled spirits or wines are withdrawn for direct lading on aircraft, the requisition shall be serially numbered in lieu of the insertion of the kit number. When the distilled spirits or wines are withdrawn and laden aboard the aircraft, the lading shall be verified by the customs officer by an appropriate stamp or notation on the requisition. One copy of the requisition shall be retained by the customs officer who certifies to the lading for attachment to the outgoing manifest. The other two copies shall be delivered to the airline which shall retain both copies until the return of the flight. In case any of the distilled spirits or wines are removed from the aircraft on its return, they shall be returned to customs custody, appropriate notation made on both copies of the requisition retained by the airline and one copy shall be delivered to the customs officer for attachment to the incoming manifest. The remaining copy shall be retained by the airline.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number


(46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1336, 1362, 1380; 19 U.S.C. 1309, 26 U.S.C. 5062, 5214, 5362)

[25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975,

and amended by T.D. ATF-172, 49 FR 14943, Apr. 16, 1984]

Sec. 28.281 Certificate of use for distilled spirits and wines.

When all of the distilled spirits or wines represented by a single application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, or 1582-A (5120.24), as the case may be, have been withdrawn from customs custody and laden and used on aircraft, the airline shall prepare a certificate of use on which are itemized all the requisitions pertaining to such distilled spirits or wines. The certificate shall be executed under the penalties of perjury by an officer of the airline and shall show the name of the exporter, the entry number, the brand and kind of distilled spirits or wines, and the number of bottles to be accounted for; and, as to each requisition, the requisition (or kit) number, the date laden, the registry number of the aircraft, the country for which the aircraft was cleared, and the number of bottles used. When completed, the certificate shall be presented to the customs officer at the airport who shall then execute his certificate on both copies of the appropriate application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, or 1582-A (5120.24), as the case may be, noting thereon any exception, such as shortages or breakage. The customs officer shall then attach the certificate of use to the copy of the appropriate form and forward both copies of the form to the district director of customs.

(46 Stat. 690, as amended, 72 Stat. 1336, 1362, 1380; 19 U.S.C. 1309, 26 U.S.C. 5062, 5214, 5362)

[25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec.

28.281, see the List of CFR Sections Affected in the Finding Aids

section of this volume.

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title26 U
AuthorKristy Colón
Last Modified ByTTB
File Modified2009-08-14
File Created2003-06-24

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