1513-0067 Laws and Regs.

1513-0067 Laws and Regs 2009-10-07.doc

Wholesale Dealers Applications, Letterheads, and Notices Relating to Operations. (Variations in Format or Preparation of Records) (TTB REC 5170/6)

1513-0067 Laws and Regs.

OMB: 1513-0067

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26 U.S.C.

Sec. 5114. - Records

(a) Requirements

(1) Distilled spirits

Every wholesale dealer in liquors who sells distilled spirits to other dealers shall keep daily a record of distilled spirits received and disposed of by him, in such form and at such place and containing such information, and shall submit correct summaries of such records to the Secretary at such time and in such form and manner, as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe. Such dealer shall also submit correct extracts from or copies of such records, at such time and in such form and manner as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe; however, the Secretary may on application by such dealer, in accordance with such regulations, relieve him from this requirement until further notice, whenever the Secretary deems that the submission of such extracts or copies serves no useful purpose in law enforcement or in protection of the revenue.

(2) Wines and beer

Every wholesale dealer in liquors and every wholesale dealer in beer shall provide and keep, at such place as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe, a record in book form of all wines and beer received, showing the quantities thereof and from whom and the dates received, or shall keep all invoices of, and bills for, all wines and beer received.

(b) Exemption of States, political subdivisions, etc.

The provision of subsection (a) shall not apply to a State, to a political subdivision of a State, to the District of Columbia, or to liquor stores operated by any of them, if they maintain and make available for inspection by internal revenue officers such records as will enable such officers to trace all distilled spirits, wines, and beer received, and all distilled spirits disposed of by them. Such States, subdivisions, District, or liquor stores shall, upon the request of the Secretary, furnish him such transcripts, summaries and copies of their records with respect to distilled spirits as he shall require.

(c) Cross references

(1) For provisions requiring proprietors of distilled spirits plants to keep records and submit reports of receipts and dispositions of distilled spirits, see section 5207.

(2) For penalty for violation of subsection (a), see section 5603.

(3) For provisions relating to the preservation and inspection of records, and entry of premises for inspection, see section 5146

Sec. 5146. - Preservation and inspection of records, and entry of premises for inspection

(a) Preservation and inspection of records

Any records or other documents required to be kept under this part or regulations issued pursuant thereto shall be preserved by the person required to keep such records or documents, as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe, and shall be kept available for inspection by any internal revenue officer during business hours.

(b) Entry of premises for inspection

The Secretary may enter during business hours the premises (including places of storage) of any dealer for the purpose of inspecting or examining any records or other documents required to be kept by such dealer under this chapter or regulations issued pursuant thereto and any distilled spirits, wines, or beer kept or stored by such dealer on such premises.

Sec. 5555. - Records, statements, and returns

(a) General

Every person liable to any tax imposed by this chapter, or for the collection thereof, shall keep such records, render such statements, make such returns, and comply with such rules and regulations as the Secretary may prescribe.

(b) Authority to waive

Whenever in this chapter any record is required to be made or kept, or statement or return is required to be made by any person, the Secretary may by regulation waive, in whole or in part, such requirement when he deems such requirement to no longer serve a necessary purpose. This subsection shall not be construed as authorizing the waiver of the payment of any tax.

(c) Photographic copies

Whenever in this chapter any record is required to be made and preserved by any person, the Secretary may by regulations authorize such person to record, copy, or reproduce by any photographic, photostatic, microfilm, microcard, miniature photographic, or other process, which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for so reproducing the original of such record and to retain such reproduction in lieu of the original. Every person who is authorized to retain such reproduction in lieu of the original shall, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, preserve such reproduction in conveniently accessible files and make provision for examining, viewing, and using such reproduction the same as if it were the original. Such reproduction shall be treated and considered for all purposes as though it were the original record and all provisions of law applicable to the original shall be applicable to such reproduction. Such reproduction, or enlargement or facsimile thereof, shall be admissible in evidence in the same manner and under the same conditions as provided for the admission of reproductions, enlargements, or facsimiles of records made in the regular course of business under section 1732(b) of title 28 of the United States Code

Sec. 5603. - Penalty relating to records, returns and reports

(a) Fraudulent noncompliance

Any person required by this chapter (other than subchapters F and G) or regulations issued pursuant thereto to keep or file any record, return, report, summary, transcript, or other document, who, with intent to defraud the United States, shall -

(1) fail to keep any such document or to make required entries therein; or

(2) make any false entry in such document; or

(3) cancel, alter, or obliterate any part of such document or any entry therein, or destroy any part of such document or any entry therein; or

(4) hinder or obstruct any internal revenue officer from inspecting any such document or taking any abstracts therefrom; or

(5) fail or refuse to preserve or produce any such document, as required by this chapter or regulations issued pursuant thereto;

or who shall, with intent to defraud the United States, cause or procure the same to be done, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both, for each such offense.

(b) Failure to comply

Any person required by this chapter (other than subchapters F and G) or regulations issued pursuant thereto to keep or file any record, return, report, summary, transcript, or other document, who, otherwise than with intent to defraud the United States, shall -

(1) fail to keep any such document or to make required entries therein; or

(2) make any false entry in such document; or

(3) cancel, alter, or obliterate any part of such document or any entry therein, or destroy any part of such document, or any entry therein, except as provided by this title or regulations issued pursuant thereto; or

(4) hinder or obstruct any internal revenue officer from inspecting any such document or taking any abstracts therefrom; or

(5) fail to refuse to preserve or produce any such document, as required by this chapter or regulations issued pursuant thereto;

or who shall, otherwise than with intent to defraud the United States, cause or procure the same to be done, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both, for each such offense

27 CFR

Sec. 31.228 Previously prescribed or approved records of receipt and


A wholesale dealer in liquors may continue to use records of receipt and disposition in a format previously prescribed, or approved for him, provided he gives written notice of such intent to the appropriate TTB officer. Such records shall show the information required by paragraph (a) of Sec. 31.225 or paragraph (a) of Sec. 31.226, as applicable. Such records shall be preprinted with the name and address of the wholesale dealer. Each sheet or page shall bear a preprinted serial number, or page serial numbers may be affixed in unbroken sequence during the preparation or processing of the records. A serial number shall not be duplicated within a period of 6 months.

(72 Stat. 1342; 26 U.S.C. 5114)

[T.D. 7014, 34 FR 8912, June 4, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr.

15, 1975, and further redesignated and amended by T.D. TTB-25, 70 FR

19884, 19886, Apr. 15, 2005]

Sec. 31.229 Variations in format, or preparation, of records.

(a) Authorization. The appropriate TTB officer may approve

variations in the type and format of records of receipt and disposition, or in the methods of preparing such records, where it is shown that variations from the requirements are necessary in order to use data processing equipment, other business machines, or existing accounting systems, and will not (1) unduly hinder the effective administration of this part, (2) jeopardize the revenue, or (3) be contrary to any provision of law. A dealer who proposes to employ such a variation shall submit written application so to do to the appropriate TTB officer. Such application shall describe the proposed variations and set forth the need therefor. The appropriate TTB officer will determine the need for the variations, and whether approval thereof would unduly hinder the effective administration of this part or result in jeopardy to the revenue. Variations in type and format of records or methods of preparation shall not be employed until approval is received from the appropriate TTB officer.

(b) Requirements. Any information required by this part to be kept

or filed is subject to the provisions of law and this part relating to

required records and reports, regardless of the form or manner in which

kept or filed.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number


[T.D. 7014, 34 FR 8912, June 4, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr.

15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-172, 49 FR 14942, Apr. 16, 1984.

Redesignated and amended by T.D. TTB-25, 70 FR 19884, 19887, Apr. 15,


Sec. 31.236 Place of filing.

Prescribed records of receipt and disposition and monthly summary

reports required by Sec. 31.230 will be maintained by transaction or

reporting date, at the dealer's place of business. The appropriate TTB

officer may, pursuant to an application, authorize files, or an

individual file, to be maintained at another business location under the control of the dealer, if the alternative location does not cause undue inconvenience to appropriate TTB officers desiring to examine the files.

(Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1342, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5114))

[T.D. ATF-116, 47 FR 51573, Nov. 16, 1982. Redesignated and amended by

T.D. TTB-25, 70 FR 19884, 19887 Apr. 15, 2005; T.D. TTB-44, 71 FR 16948, Apr. 4, 2006]

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title26 U
AuthorKristy Colón
Last Modified ByTTB
File Modified2009-09-24
File Created2009-09-24

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