August 26, 2009
Chief, Technologies Management Office
From: David C. Whitford Signed August 26, 2009
Chief, Decennial Statistics Studies Division
Prepared by: Patricia B. Hartman and Angela-Jo Wetzel
Quality Assurance Branch
Decennial Statistics Studies Division
Subject: 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Person Interview Reinterview Instrument Specification
This memorandum contains the specification for the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement (CCM) Person Interview (PI) Reinterview (RI) instrument. It includes revisions to the 2009 specification dated May 19, 2009, based on findings from the 2009 PI RI Operational Test.
The attached specification outlines the PI RI scripts, skip patterns, special instructions and proposed screen layouts. This specification, in conjunction with the detailed PI RI operational requirements and the PI instrument specification, provides the basis for the PI RI instrument development. The requirements are provided in Memorandum 2010-D1-06 in this series, 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Person Interview and Reinterview Operational High Level and Detailed Level Requirements. The PI instrument specification is provided in Memorandum 2010-D8-02 in this series, 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Person Interview Instrument Specification.
The 2010 CCM PI RI operation will be conducted by personal visit or telephone using a computer-assisted data collection instrument on a laptop computer. For each CCM PI interviewer, we will conduct a reinterview on a sample of completed and eligible interview cases. The purpose of the reinterview is to confirm that the PI interviewer conducted an interview, to determine the unit's status on the PI interview date, to collect the household roster for units occupied on the PI date, and to conduct a Full PI interview when certain questionable conditions exist.
Helping you make informed Decisions
The PI RI instrument will also contain a Spanish wording path. The Spanish Translation specification will be provided in Memorandum 2010-D10-04 in this series, 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Person Interview Reinterview Instrument Specification – Spanish.
The PI RI instrument will also contain a Puerto Rico Spanish wording path. The Puerto Rico Spanish Translation specification will be provided in Memorandum 2010-D10-05 in this series, 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Person Interview Reinterview Instrument Specification – Puerto Rico Spanish.
The 2010 CCM PI RI operation is scheduled to occur from 8/21/10 to 10/09/10. The workload is estimated at approximately 36,300 reinterview cases. Please direct any questions on this specification to Angela-Jo Wetzel on 301-763-9277 or Patricia Hartman on 301-763-1975.
DSSD CCM Contacts List
S. Johnson (TMO)
Y. Purohit "
C. Ziesing "
2010 Census Coverage Measurement
Person Interview
Reinterview Instrument Specification
2010 CCM PI RI Instrument Specification Modification History Table
Change # |
Version # |
CR # |
CR Status |
Screen Changed |
Description of Change |
Date of Change |
Special Instructions
The following items provide a guideline for interpreting the specification for the Person Interview (PI) Reinterview (RI) instrument. This section should be examined prior to reading the screen specification.
Screen Specification Table
Our specification for each screen is outlined in a table consisting of the following eight sections:
Variable Name
Field Description
Screen Text
Input Options
Fill Instructions
Skip Instructions
Special Instructions
1.1. Section 1 - Variable Name: This section gives the screen name and its screen number in alphanumeric. Screen names and numbers are present to add clarity for the reinterview enumerators (reinterviewers) and to aid in training. Any changes to the screen names and numbers must be discussed with the Decennial Statistical Studies Division (DSSD) – Quality Assurance Branch (QAB) staff. If new screens need to be created, the screen names need to be consistent with the purpose of the screen and the screen numbers should follow the numbering used in that section of the instrument.
We tried to number the screens sequentially within each section of the instrument – the Front, the Middle, and the Back. The Front screens have a prefix of "F" before their number; the Middle screens, a prefix of "M"; and the Back screens, a prefix of "B."
Both screen name and number should appear in the laptop computer for each screen as seen in the specification. Screen names are in all caps throughout the specification. They are also bolded, except in the universe block.
Section 2 - Field Description: This section gives a brief description of the screen's purpose.
Section 3 - Universe: The universe gives the conditions for which the screen is applicable.
Section 4 - Screen Text: This section displays question text, information useful/helpful to the reinterviewer, and/or information useful/helpful to the programmer.
To discern what information in Section 4 is for the programmer, the reinterviewer, and read to the respondent, we used five categories for screen presentation of text:
- BLACK/BOLD UPPERCASE text is used for variable names.
- Black/Bold text is used to identify text the reinterviewer reads aloud to the respondent.
- Plain Blue text is used to represent Actions/Instructions for the reinterviewer. A diamond precedes this text.
- Black plain text is used for unread response options in the answer list and optional screen text the reinterviewer reads if necessary (will appear in gray bold text on the screen).
- Italics text is information for the programmer.
1.4.2. Some screen text is designated by a variable fill. The fill is the value of the variable or the "word" fill for that value. Appendix A lists the wording for a variable's values when a word fill is specified.
Section 5 - Input Options: This section lists the acceptable response choices for the screen. Only one response per question is allowed unless otherwise stated. Also, blank is not a valid response option, unless otherwise stated.
The numbers beside the response options are displayed on the screen and used as the response's input/output value, unless otherwise stated. Note that for a few of the screens, the responses are not numbered in order.
Special attention should be given to the "Don't Know" and "Refused" response options. "Don't Know" and "Refused" are options on every screen, unless otherwise stated. "Don't Know" and "Refused" should not be visible on the screen. However, they should be rapidly available to the reinterviewer. "Don't Know" and "Refused" are represented by DK and RF, respectively, in the skip instructions. "Don't Know" and "Refused" may not be combined with other responses, unless otherwise stated (that is, when multiple responses are allowed). "Don't Know" and "Refused" will be input and output according to their respective Blaise conversions, unless otherwise stated.
Section 6 - Fill Instructions: When applicable, this section tells the programmer the conditions for filling each option listed for a fill in the Screen Text section.
Section 7 - Skip Instructions: This section tells the programmer the next screen the instrument should go to if a particular input option is chosen and if certain conditions exist. The instructions also tell the programmer what variables to set and what counters to increment. The skip instructions are written in a linear progression, so that conditions are tested from top to bottom.
Section 8 - Special Instructions: This section, when used, provides other relevant information for the programmer.
2. Screen Layout
The screen layout will depend on the amount of space on the screen and the method chosen to display the text.
The input method options will depend on the number and nature of the response categories.
2.3. If screens need to be broken into multiple screens or changed in some other way, programmers should consult with DSSD-QAB staff.
3. Functions
Case NOTES (Ctrl+F7) is a global function available throughout the instrument from any screen. The instrument also opens NOTES each time a case is closed following the RI close routine.
Item Notes functionality is disabled.
HU_HELP (Shift+F6) for occupancy/unit status questions/decision is a global button available throughout the instrument.
H_RESP_RULES (F6) for Respondent/Attempt type Rules is a global button available throughout the instrument.
Exit/F10 is a global function that leads to the END_NOW screen and allows the reinterviewer to end the interview early. However it should only be accessible if the following condition is true:
(ROSTER1B = 1 and COMPLETE = 1).
3.6 PI RI Frequently Asked Questions (PI RI FAQs) are accessed through a parallel button and (Shift+F3). The list of questions and answers are in Appendix B.
3.7 PI FAQs are accessible through a global button and (Shift+F2). Copy the text from the PI Instrument.
3.8 The instrument will use buttons, instead of tabs, to allow for appropriate functionality.
3.9 When the PRFLAG = 1 in the input, the instrument should default to PR Spanish Mode. When the PRFLAG = 0 in the input, the instrument should default to Untied States (U.S.) English Mode. Both U.S. and PR modes should have the counterpart Spanish and English available.
3.10 For tables entries, F12 allows the user to copy an entry from the same column in the previous row.
Person Interview Variables Needed for the Person Interview Reinterview Instrument
The following table lists the variables from the PI Instrument and/or the PI RI Sample Control Input File (SCIF) needed as input in the PI RI Instrument. Since RI variables often use the same names as their corresponding PI variables, certain PI instrument variables should be copied to variables with an "ORIG_" prefix added to the PI variable name. These "ORIG_ " prefixed variables should then serve as the input variables in the RI instrument.
PI Variable Name |
Description |
Copy to … |
Date original case was completed |
Time original case was completed |
Flag designating Puerto Rico case |
PI sample address variables |
All address variables input into the PI instrument for the sample address (U.S. and Puerto Rico) |
Outcome of PI |
Type of PI conducted |
Line 1 of PI proxy address |
Line 2 of PI proxy address |
City of PI proxy address |
State of PI proxy address |
CP2ZP5 |
ZIP Code of PI proxy address |
Name of the original respondent |
R_PHONE (Split into AREA, PREFIX, and SUFFIX on the PI RI SCIF.) |
Telephone number of the original respondent |
ORIG_R_PHONE and initially set MASTER_PHONE (Merged from AREA, PREFIX, and SUFFIX on the PI RI SCIF.) |
Type of original respondent |
Language spoken by PI respondent |
Age of PI respondent |
Sex of PI respondent |
The PI respondent’s relationship to reference person (PV) |
The PI respondent’s relationship to reference person (Telephone) |
Current status of the sample address on PI date |
Best time to contact – collected during the original interview |
Reinterview category set by PI RI MaRCS |
Initial 'attempt mode' set by PI RI MaRCS |
5. Other Required Information
Each reinterview case must also have the necessary variables required for display or processing by the Coverage Measurement Operations Control System (CMOCS), Laptop Case Management (LCM), or the PI RI Matching, Review and Coding System (MaRCS). These variables are defined in the PI RI SCIF and the TMO-PI RI MaRCS Interface Control Document (ICD). These variables include the following types of information:
Case control information, similar to that for the corresponding PI case.
Employee information such as the Applicant ID and Field Representative (FR) Code for both the interviewer and reinterviewer.
5.3. The data in the Record of Calls Table on the History Tab in LCM.
6. Address Fills
The variable SAMPLE_ADDR is a concatenated field of the address information for the PI sample address. It is composed of the address variables defined on Record Type 20 of the PI RI SCIF. When filling the PI sample address (SAMPLE_ADDR with a length of 442) and other addresses in the reinterview instrument, the following rules apply.
If U.S., the following should be displayed:
Display House Number, Street Name, and Unit designation, if both House Number and Street Name are present (excluding Don’t Know and Refused answers).
Otherwise, display RURALADDRESS, if not blank.
Otherwise, display Street Name, if not blank, and Physical Description, if not blank.
For the Sample Address, if (HOUSENO = blank or STREETNM = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank), we collect another description of the address from the respondent, this description (ADDRESS_DESCRIP) should be used throughout the instrument when SAMPLE_ADDR is used in fills.
If Puerto Rico, the following should be displayed:
6.2.1 If (PR House Number and PR Urbanization Name) or (PR Urbanization Name and PR Unit Designation) or ((PR House Number or PR KM/HM) and PR Street Name) or ((PR House Number or PR KM/HM) and PR Ramal) are not blank, then display:
PR Urbanization Name, PR Complex Descriptor and Designation, PR Street Name, PR Ramal, PR House Number, PR Unit Designation, PR Area Name 1, PR Area Name 2, and PR KMHM. (Remove blank fields and concatenate for readability, separating field values by commas.)
Else if RURALADDRESS is filled: display RURALADDRESS.
Else display PR Urbanization Name, PR Street Name, PR Ramal, and Physical Description. (Remove blank fields and concatenate for readability, separating field values by commas.)
For the PR Sample Address, if all of the following are true:
(PR House Number = blank or PR Urbanization Name = blank) and
(PR Urbanization Name = blank or PR Unit Designation = blank) and
((PR House Number = blank and PR KM/HM = blank) or PR Street Name = blank) and
((PR House Number = blank and PR KM/HM = blank) or PR Ramal = blank) and
we collect another description of the address from the respondent. This description (ADDRESS_DESCRIP) should be used throughout the instrument when SAMPLE_ADDR is used in fills.
The variable ORIG_PRX_LOC is a concatenated field of the address information from the PI instrument. It is composed of the following copied PI address variables: CP2ADD1, CP2ADD2, CP2PO, CP2ST, and CP2ZP5.
The variable PRX_LOC_UPDATE is a concatenated field of the address information from the following variables: CP1ADD1, CP1ADD2, CP1PO, CP1ST, and CP1ZP5. These variables may be updated in the reinterview instrument.
For all state collections, a state lookup box will be provided. It will sort through the lookup based on state abbreviations or arrow or clicking on a line. The state abbreviation shall appear, as well as the spelled out name, for ease in finding the proper state.
6.6 A hard error that states, 'Enter a complete five-digit ZIP Code' will be displayed when less than five numbers are entered for a ZIP Code entry. Also, 99998 and 99999 are not valid ZIP Codes. They are reserved for a ZIP Code entry of "Refused" (99998) and "Don't Know " (99999).
Phone Number Fills
When filling a phone number in the reinterview instrument, the following rules apply:
Display a valid phone number only. A valid phone number, (ABC) DEF-GHIJ, must meet each of the following conditions:
The telephone number contains 10 digits
The digits in positions A and D are not 0 or 1
The digit in position B is not 9
The digits in positions B and C are not the same
The digits in positions ABC are not 456, 710, or 950
The digits in positions AB are not 88.
The digits in positions DEFGHIJ are not all the same
The digits in positions DEF are not 555, 950, 958, 959
The digits in positions EF are not 11
Display MASTER_PHONE as the phone number fill, except when filling ORIG_R_PHONE on STARTA, INTRO_INT, and RI_START_TPH.
Always update MASTER_PHONE with the latest phone number collected in the reinterview instrument or Laptop Case Management, if the latest phone number is valid.
Date Format Fills
Use the long date format (day of week, month, day, and four-digit year) to display ORIG_ENTRYDATE in the reinterview instrument. This includes instances where the date is displayed in the roster section.
Roster Screens
The PI RI instrument contains various screens that collect household members' names. When setting the name of a household member (WNAME), trim and concatenate the various parts (FNAME, MINIT and LNAME or DESCRIPTION and LNAME), leaving a space between each part.
All roster list information must travel with the case.
Reinterview Categories
The PI RI MaRCS sets a reinterview category flag for all potential reinterview cases. This flag must travel with the reinterview case. Values of the RI_CATEGORY Flag for eligible RI cases are:
1 - Sample household occupied or seasonally occupied and interviewed
2 - Proxy interviewed and sample household occupied or seasonally occupied, contact information available
3 - Proxy interviewed and sample household occupied or seasonally occupied, contact information not available
5 - Proxy interviewed, sample household vacant, seasonally vacant or not a housing unit, and contact information available
6 - Proxy interviewed, sample household vacant, seasonally vacant or not a housing unit, and contact information not available
7 - Sample household vacant, seasonally vacant or not a housing unit, and unit status determined by enumerator (interviewer) observation or respondent type of "Don't Know."
Reinterview Groups
Some of the RI Categories subdivide into groups based on the number of reinterview attempts and/or the results of those attempts. The possible Categories and Groups are:
- Category 1 – Group 1
- Category 1 – Group 11
- Category 2 – Group 2
- Category 2 – Group 21
- Category 3 – Group 3
- Category 5 – Group 5
- Category 5 – Group 51
- Category 6 – Group 6
- Category 6 – Group 61
- Category 7 – Group 7
- Category 7 – Group 71
A brief description of each of the groups follows:
For RI cases where the PI unit status was occupied or seasonally occupied and the original PI respondent was a household member, we attempt to reinterview the original respondent.
If the original respondent is not available and another household member is available, that person will be reinterviewed.
If the original household confirms that a PI interview took place, we attempt to complete a reinterview with that household. We do not reinterview a proxy.
If the original household does not confirm that a PI interview took place, we attempt to complete a Full PI interview with that household. We do not interview a proxy.
11.2. Category 1 – Group 11
If the original household cannot be contacted after six attempts, or will not be available for an extended period on any attempt, attempts will be made to reinterview a proxy respondent.
At the point a Category 1 case is set to interview a proxy respondent, rather than a household respondent, the case converts from a Group 1 case to a Group 11 case. The reinterview is structured differently, as we will no longer be contacting the original respondent.
For RI cases where the PI unit status was occupied or seasonally occupied and the original PI respondent was a proxy, and we have enough contact information about the proxy, we attempt to contact the original proxy respondent.
If the original proxy respondent confirms that a PI interview took place, we attempt to complete a reinterview with that person.
11.4. Category 2 – Group 21
If the original proxy refuses to be reinterviewed at all, or does not confirm that a PI interview took place, attempts will be made to complete a Full PI interview with the PI sample household.
If the original proxy respondent is not available after six attempts, or will not be available for an extended period on any attempt, we attempt to complete a Full PI interview with the PI sample household.
At the point a Category 2 case is set to interview a household respondent rather than the proxy respondent, the case converts from a Group 2 case to a Group 21 case. The reinterview is structured differently, as we will no longer be contacting the original respondent.
When the PI unit status was occupied or seasonally occupied and we do not have sufficient information to contact the original proxy, we go directly to the PI sample household. We make six attempts to conduct the Full PI interview with the household. No proxy interviews are attempted.
For a vacant, a seasonally vacant, or a "not a housing unit (HU)" case with sufficient original respondent contact information, we attempt to reinterview the original respondent (PI sample household member or proxy household member). If we find that the PI sample address was occupied on the PI date, and the original respondent is a member of the PI sample address, we conduct a Full PI interview with the original respondent.
If a vacant, a seasonally vacant, or a "not a HU" case with sufficient original respondent contact information was occupied on the PI date, and the original respondent is NOT a member of the PI sample address, we attempt to conduct a Full PI interview with an eligible household member of the PI sample address.
At the point a Category 5 case is set to interview a PI sample household respondent, rather than the original proxy respondent, the case converts from a Group 5 case to a Group 51 case. The reinterview is structured differently, as we will no longer be contacting the original respondent.
11.8. Category 6 – Group 6
For vacant, seasonally vacant, or "not a HU" cases with insufficient original respondent contact information, we attempt to reinterview a new respondent (PI sample household member or new proxy household member). If we find that the PI sample address was occupied on the PI date, and the new respondent is a member of the PI sample address, we conduct a Full PI interview with the new respondent.
11.9. Category 6 – Group 61
If a vacant, seasonally vacant, or "not a HU" case with insufficient respondent contact information was occupied on the PI date, and the new respondent is NOT a member of the PI sample address, we conduct a Full PI interview with an eligible household member of the PI sample address.
At the point a Category 6 case is set to interview the PI sample address because the new respondent is not an eligible household member, the case converts from a Group 6 case to a Group 61 case. The reinterview is structured differently, since we are required to contact the PI sample address.
For a vacant, a seasonally vacant, or a "not a HU" case whose unit status was determined by interviewer observation or respondent type of "Don't Know", we attempt to reinterview a new respondent (PI sample household member or new proxy household member). If we find that the PI sample address was occupied on the PI date, and the new respondent is a member of the PI sample address, we conduct a Full PI interview with the new respondent.
11.11. Category 7 – Group 71
If a vacant, a seasonally vacant, or a "not an HU" case whose unit status was determined by interviewer observation, was occupied on the PI date, and the new respondent is NOT a member of the PI sample address, we conduct a Full PI interview with an eligible household member of the PI sample address.
At the point a Category 7 case is set to interview the PI sample address because the new respondent is not an eligible household member, the case converts from a Group 7 case to a Group 71 case. The reinterview is structured differently, since we are required to contact the PI sample address.
11.12. A case in Group 21, 3, 51, 61 or 71, or a case in Group 1, 5, 6 or 7 that requires a Full PI interview, becomes a noninterview after the PI sample household refuses, six attempts to interview the household have been made, or the household is unavailable for an extended period.
11.13. The case's category (RI_CATEGORY) and updated group number (RI_GROUP) must travel with the case.
12. Pathing to Person Interview Instrument Screens
12.1. If a reinterview case requires a Full PI interview, the skip instructions in the PI RI Instrument Specification will lead to either the ROSTER_ADDR1 screen or the ROSTER_REV screen in the PI Instrument Specification. The reinterview case will then follow the PI Instrument Specification from that screen to the end of module L and then path into PI RI's back section at R_TYPE, R_PHONE or BEST_TIME. At the PI RI's close routine, the PI RI instrument will set the PI outcome code (PI_OUTCOME) according to the coding of OUTCOME in the PI Instrument Specification. The PI RI instrument will then continue with the PI RI's close routine, setting the PI RI outcome code (RI_OUTCOME) and closing the case.
12.1.1. Appendix C lists the PI RI outcome codes.
12.1.2. Refer to Attachment A of the PI Instrument Specification for instructions for setting PI outcome codes.
12.2. When following the PI Instrument Specification, adhere to instructions for question type (Person Based, Topic Based, Household Based), Rosters, Age Calculations, and Date Fills outlined in the Special Instructions in the PI Instrument Specification.
12.3. Note that some of the screen names in the PI RI Instrument Specification are identical to similar screens in the PI Instrument Specification. This should not cause a problem. If the reinterview path leads to either ROSTER_ADDR1 or (ROSTER_REV and PI_SCREENS = 1), proceed with the PI instrument screens, as specified. If not, continue with the RI instrument screens.
13. Variables to Empty Based on RI_OUTCOME
Based on the current reinterview outcome code, certain variables need to be emptied or retained using the following rules.
13.1 If the reinterview outcome is 200, use the original version.
13.2 If the reinterview outcome is 201 or 203, send the current version of all fields to HQ.
13.3 If the reinterview outcome is 213, 214, or 219 and is accepted in Supervisory Review, send the current version of all fields to HQ.
13.4 For any reinterview outcome, if a case is reassigned through View/Reassign, send the original version to the reinterviewer.
13.5 If the reinterview outcome is 219 and the case is reassigned through Supervisory Review, send the original version to the reinterviewer.
13.6 If the reinterview outcome is 302 and GATE_TROSTER = 1 and the case is reopened, empty the following fields in the in script:
13.7 Empty the following fields in the in script if the:
reinterview outcome is 202 and the case is reopened, or
reinterview outcome is 302 and GATE_TROSTER = 0, and the case is reopened, or
reinterview outcome is 213 or 214 and the case is reassigned through Supervisory Review (current version ONLY).
Instrument Screens
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Help for occupancy/unit status questions/decisions. Global throughout the instrument. |
Universe |
(HU_HELP1=1) OR (HU_HELP2=1) OR (HU_HELP3=1) OR (HU_HELP4=1) OR (Global Function accessible through a parallel block (button) or Shift+F6) Button name: HU_HELP Fly over: (Shift+F6) occupancy/unit status questions/decisions |
Screen Text |
♦ Occupancy/unit status
Input Options |
1 - Housing unit 2 - Vacant 3 - Usual residence 4 - Mobile Home/trailer – Empty Site or Moved 5 - Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1: Goto HU_HELP1 2: Goto HU_HELP2 3: Goto HU_HELP3 4: Goto HU_HELP4 5: GO BACK to previous/originating screen |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
HU_HELP1 F1a |
Field Description |
Help for Housing Unit |
Universe |
(HU_HELP = 1) |
Screen Text |
Housing Unit
A housing unit (also known as separate living quarters) is one in which:
1) The household members live separately from other person(s) in the building, AND2) The household members have direct access from the outside of the building OR through a common hall (as in an apartment).
If the housing unit is vacant, the criteria of separateness and direct access apply to the intended occupants.
Examples: a house, an apartment, a trailer or mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room.
(Also see special rules for empty mobile home sites and moved trailers.)
A tent, a cave or even a burned out building, can also be considered to be housing units, if they are OCCUPIED by someone with no other usual residence.
A house or an apartment that is used for commercial purposes is not considered to be a housing unit. A model home or model apartment are two examples of this. These units are reported as "Not a housing unit" and "Business" in the instrument. The same is true of a unit used purely for storage purposes.
Addresses used as Group Quarters (dormitories, nursing homes, etc.) are not housing units. They are reported as "Not a housing unit" and "Group Quarters" in the instrument. |
Input Options |
1 - Return to HU_HELP 2 - Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1-Return to HU_HELP 2-Return to question (GOTO originating screen) |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
HU_HELP2 F1b |
Field Description |
Help for Vacant |
Universe |
(HU_HELP = 2) |
Screen Text |
A vacant unit is any housing unit that was not occupied on the day of the PI.
A "Vacant" housing unit is not for seasonal or occasional use and was not occupied on the PI date.
A "Seasonal vacant" or "Seasonal occupied" housing unit is for seasonal or occasional use and was either vacant or occupied for less than two months by persons with a usual residence elsewhere on the day of the PI.
(Also see rules for empty mobile home sites and moved trailers.)
Input Options |
1 - Return to HU_HELP 2 - Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1-Return to HU_HELP 2-Return to question (GOTO originating screen) |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
HU_HELP3 F1c |
Field Description |
Help for Usual Residence |
Universe |
(HU_HELP = 3) |
Screen Text |
Usual Residence
A usual residence is defined as the place where an occupant lives and sleeps most of the time.
Examples: A live in employee who spends 4 or more nights a week at the employer's residence should be counted as living there. The unit where he spends the other 3 nights is considered to be a "Vacant" and "For occasional use" housing unit, whether or not the employee was in occupancy there on the day of the PI.
If a household has more than one home, their usual residence is the one in which they live and sleep the most time.
A person's usual residence, as classified by the Census Bureau, does not always agree with what a person considers his usual residence to be. It is not necessarily their voting address, or the address on their driver's license, or any other criteria they might apply. It is the residence where they live and sleep most of the time.
The definition of usual residence is important since it can be the factor that can make the difference in a unit being considered to be an occupied unit or a vacant unit.
In the case of unusual addresses, such as a tent, it can be the difference between the address being considered to be an occupied housing unit and not a housing unit.
Input Options |
1 - Return to HU_HELP 2 - Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1-Return to HU_HELP 2-Return to question (GOTO originating screen) |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
HU_HELP4 F1d |
Field Description |
Help for Mobile Homes/Trailers – Empty Site or Moved |
Universe |
(HU_HELP = 4) |
Screen Text |
Mobile Homes/Trailers – Empty Site or Moved
An empty mobile home site, or address, in a trailer park or mobile home park is not considered to be a housing unit. However, the site is reported as "Not a housing unit" and "Empty mobile home/trailer site" in the instrument. A location outside of a mobile home park, or trailer park, which no longer holds a mobile home, is reported as "Not a housing unit" and "Trailer moved from non-park location."
Input Options |
1 - Return to HU_HELP 2 - Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1-Return to HU_HELP 2-Return to question (GOTO originating screen) |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Help screen for reinterview respondent Global throughout the instrument |
Universe |
(H_RESP_RULES1=1) OR (H_RESP_RULES2=1) OR (Global Function accessible through a parallel block (button) or F6) Button name: H_RESP_RULES Fly over: (F6) respondent/attempt type rules |
Screen Text |
♦ Respondent /Attempt Type Rules
Input Options |
1 – Original respondent was household member 2 – Original respondent was NOT household member 3 – Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1: Goto H_RESP_RULES1 2: Goto H_RESP_RULES2 3 Return to previous/originating screen |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Help screen for reinterview respondent |
Universe |
(H_RESP_RULES = 1) |
Screen Text |
Original Respondent Was A Household Member
A proxy respondent should not be interviewed in place of the original household unless you have made 6 attempts to contact the original household, or if the original household is unable to respond.
After 6 attempts to contact the household, you will attempt to complete a reinterview with a proxy. After unsuccessful attempts to interview a proxy, the case will be accepted as a noninterview.
In certain cases you will only be allowed to interview the household. In these cases, only household attempt types will be active. After 6 unsuccessful attempts (at least 3 personal visits) this case will be accepted as a noninterview.
Input Options |
1 – Return to H_RESP_RULES 2 – Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1 – Return to H_RESP_RULES 2 – Return to question (Goto originating screen)
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Help screen for reinterview respondent |
Universe |
(H_RESP_RULES = 2) |
Screen Text |
Original Respondent Was Not A Household Member (Proxy)
A household respondent should not be interviewed in place of the original proxy respondent unless you have made 6 attempts to contact the original proxy respondent or if the original respondent is unwilling or unable to respond.
After 6 attempts to interview the proxy, you will attempt to complete a Full PI interview with the household. After unsuccessful attempts to interview the household, the case will be accepted as a noninterview.
Input Options |
1 – Return to H_RESP_RULES 2 – Return to reinterview
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
1 – Return to H_RESP_RULES 2 – Return to question (Goto originating screen) |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Tells that the unit status was determined by observation |
Universe |
(STARTA = 1 and RI_CATEGORY=7 and ORIG_R_TYPE = 6) |
Screen Text |
The PI interviewer determined the unit status of the sample address by observation. Attempt to obtain what the unit's status was on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> from a knowledgeable respondent.
Input Options |
1 – Enter 1 to Continue
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Reinterviewer selects the type of reinterview to be attempted. |
Universe |
(STARTA = 1 and RI_CATEGORY = 1 – 6) OR (STARTA = 1 and RI_CATEGORY = 7 and ORIG_R_TYPE = DK) OR (BYOBS = 1) |
Screen Text |
(All of the following information is brought forward from the original PI interview)
Original Interview: PI Respondent Type: <fill with ORIG_R_TYPE in words> PI Interview Type: <fill with ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE in words>
RI To Do: <Fill 1: RI with PI sample household /RI with original proxy /RI with new proxy /PI interview with PI sample household/RI with original respondent /RI with new respondent>
♦ Press F6 for Respondent/Attempt Type Rules
You are trying to:
Input Options |
1 –Visit the PI sample household at <SAMPLE_ADDR> 2 –Visit the original proxy respondent at <PRX_LOC_UPDATE> 3 - Telephone the PI sample household - <MASTER_PHONE> 4 – Telephone the original proxy respondent - <MASTER_PHONE> 6 –Visit a new proxy respondent 7 – Telephone a new proxy respondent 8 - Quit
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen
If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)), display only choices 1, 3, 8
If RI_GROUP = 2, display only choices 2, 4, 8
If RI_GROUP = 11, display only choices 6, 7, 8
If RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and ORIG_R_TYPE ne 4 and PRX_OK = 1, display only choices 2, 4, 6, 7, 8
If RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and ORIG_R_TYPE ne 4 and PRX_OK = blank, display only choices 2, 4, 8
If RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and ORIG_R_TYPE = 4 and PRX_OK = 1, display only choices 1, 3, 6, 7, 8
If RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and ORIG_R_TYPE = 4 and PRX_OK = blank, display only choices 1, 3, 8
If RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank, display only choices 1, 3, 6, 7, 8 |
Fill Instructions |
If RI_GROUP = 1 and COMPLETE = blank, display "RI with PI sample household "
If RI_GROUP = 2, display "RI with original proxy"
If RI_GROUP = 11, display "RI with new proxy"
If RI_GROUP = 1 and COMPLETE = 1, display "PI interview with PI sample household"
If RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71, display "PI interview with PI sample household"
If RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = 1, display "PI interview with PI sample household"
If RI_GROUP = 6 and COMPLETE = 1, display "PI interview with PI sample household"
If RI_GROUP = 7 and COMPLETE = 1, display "PI interview with PI sample household"
If RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and PRX_OK=blank, display "RI with original respondent "
If RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and PRX_OK=1, display "RI with new respondent "
If RI_GROUP = 6 and COMPLETE = blank, display "RI with new respondent"
If RI_GROUP = 7 and COMPLETE = blank, display "RI with new respondent"
Skip Instructions |
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, Goto RI_STARTB_PV
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, Goto RI_STARTB_TPH
Special Instructions |
(Wording for ORIG_R_TYPE and ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE, can be found in Appendix A at the end of this specification.)
COUNT_ATTEMPTS will be initialized to 0 in the setup. PV_ATTEMPTS will be initialized to 0 in the setup. TPH_ATTEMPTS will be initialized to 0 in the setup. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Attempt to contact a respondent by personal visit |
Universe |
(ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6) |
Screen Text |
<Fill 1: PI Sample Address: <SAMPLE_ADDR> PI Proxy Respondent Address: <ORIG_PRX_LOC>/blank> PI Respondent Name: <ORIG_R_NAME> PI Respondent Type: <fill from ORIG_R_TYPE in words>>
♦ What happened when you tried to visit <Fill 4: the PI sample household at <SAMPLE_ADDR>/ the original proxy respondent at <PRX_LOC_UPDATE>/ a new proxy respondent>?
Input Options |
1 - Someone answers <Fill 2: at <SAMPLE_ADDR> / at <PRX_LOC_UPDATE> /blank > 2 - No one answers 3 – <Fill 3: <SAMPLE_ADDR> is /<PRX_LOC_UPDATE> is > vacant or not a housing unit 4 - Unable to locate <Fill 5: <SAMPLE_ADDR>/ <PRX_LOC_UPDATE>>
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen
If (RI_GROUP = 11 or (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 6)), answer categories 3 and 4 are not valid and are grayed out. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If (RI_GROUP = 1 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1)), display "PI Sample Address: <SAMPLE_ADDR> PI Respondent Name: <ORIG_R_NAME> PI Respondent Type: <fill from ORIG_R_TYPE in words>"
If (RI_GROUP = 2 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2)), display "PI Proxy Respondent Address: <PRX_LOC_UPDATE> PI Respondent Name: <ORIG_R_NAME> PI Respondent Type: <fill from ORIG_R_TYPE in words>"
If ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1)), display "PI Sample address: <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
Else If (RI_GROUP = 11 or (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 6)), Leave blank
Fill 2:
If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 5, 6 or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1)), display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
If (RI_GROUP = 2 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2)), display "at <PRX_LOC_UPDATE>"
If (RI_GROUP = 11 or (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 6)), leave blank
Fill 3:
If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1)), display "<SAMPLE_ADDR> is "
If (RI_GROUP = 2 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2)), display "<PRX_LOC_UPDATE> is "
Fill 4:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "the PI sample household at <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, display "the original proxy respondent at <PRX_LOC_UPDATE>"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 6, display "a new proxy respondent"
Fill 5:
If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1)), display "<SAMPLE_ADDR>"
If (RI_GROUP = 2 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2)), display "<PRX_LOC_UPDATE>"
Skip Instructions |
If RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and GATE_TROSTER ne 1 and (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71), Goto INTRO_FULL
If RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and GATE_TROSTER ne 1 and (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7) and COMPLETE = 1, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 only} Goto INTRO_FULL
If RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and GATE_TROSTER = 1 and (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71), Goto VER_RESP
If RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and GATE_TROSTER = 1 and (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7) and COMPLETE = 1, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 only} Goto VER_RESP
If RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and COMPLETE = blank and ((RI_GROUP = 11, 6, or 7) or (RI_GROUP = 5 and PRX_OK = 1)), Goto INTRO3
If RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and COMPLETE = blank and ((RI_GROUP = 1 or 2) or (RI_GROUP = 5 and PRX_OK = blank)), Goto INTRO1
If RI_STARTB_PV = 2 and (RI_GROUP = 11 or (RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank)), Goto CALLBACK
If RI_STARTB_PV = 2 and ((RI_GROUP = 1, 2, 21, 3, 5, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = 1 {applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 only})) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Goto CALLBACK
If RI_STARTB_PV = 2 and ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 only} Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If RI_STARTB_PV = 2 and (RI_GROUP = 1 or 5) and COMPLETE = blank and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
If RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and (RI_GROUP = 1 or 5) and COMPLETE = blank, Set PRX_OK =1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
If RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and RI_GROUP = 2, Goto INTERVIEW_HH
If RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 only} Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 only} Goto CALLBACK
If RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and ((RI_GROUP = 11) or (RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank)), Goto CALLBACK
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Attempt to contact a respondent by telephone |
Universe |
(ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7) |
Screen Text |
<Fill 1: PI Respondent telephone number: <ORIG_R_PHONE> PI Respondent name: <ORIG_R_NAME>PI Respondent type: <ORIG_R_TYPE in words> /blank > <Fill 2: Callback number: <MASTER_PHONE> /blank >
♦ What happened when you tried to telephone <Fill 3: the PI sample household - <MASTER_PHONE>/ the original proxy respondent - <MASTER_PHONE>/ a new proxy respondent >?
Input Options |
1 - Someone answers 2 - Answering machine/voice mail 3 - Busy signal 4 - Ring no answer 5 - Number disconnected or out of service – (If you misdialed, enter 4 and try again.) 6 - Number changed
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If (RI_GROUP = 1, 2, or 5), display "PI Respondent telephone number: <ORIG_R_PHONE> PI Respondent name: <ORIG_R_NAME>PI Respondent type: <ORIG_R_TYPE in words>" Else, leave blank.
Fill 2:
If MASTER_PHONE valid, display "Callback Number: <MASTER_PHONE>" Else, leave blank.
Fill 3:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display " the PI sample household - <MASTER_PHONE>"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 4, display " the original proxy. respondent - <MASTER_PHONE>"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 7, display " a new proxy respondent"
Skip Instructions |
If RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and Gate_TROSTER ne 1 and (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61 or 71), Goto INTRO_FULL
If RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and Gate_TROSTER ne 1) and (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7) and COMPLETE = 1, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 only} Goto INTRO_FULL
If RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and Gate_TROSTER = 1 and (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61 or 71), Goto VER_RESP
If RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and Gate_TROSTER = 1 and (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7) and COMPLETE = 1, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 only} Goto VER_RESP
If RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and COMPLETE = blank and ((RI_GROUP = 11, 6, or 7) or (RI_GROUP = 5 and PRX_OK = 1)), Goto INTRO3
If RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and COMPLETE = blank and ((RI_GROUP = 1 or 2) or (RI_GROUP = 5 and PRX_OK = blank)), Goto INTRO1
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS < 2, Goto CALLBACK
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2 and RI_GROUP = 2 and PRX_LOC_UPDATE = blank, Goto CALLBACK
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2 and (RI_GROUP ne 2 or (RI_GROUP = 2 and PRX_LOC_UPDATE ne blank)), Set PV_TEL_FLAG = PV Goto MAKE_PV
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4) and ((RI_GROUP = 11) or (RI_GROUP=6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Goto CALLBACK
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4) and ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP=1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, {Skip applies to ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 only} Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4) and (RI_GROUP = 1 or 5) and COMPLETE = blank and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto CALLBACK
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4) and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Goto INTERVIEW_HH
If (RI_STARTB_TPH = 5 or 6), Set PV_TEL_FLAG = PV Then If (RI_GROUP = 1 or 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Goto MAKE_PV
If (RI_GROUP = 1 or 5) and COMPLETE = blank and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto CALLBACK
If ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, {Skip applies to Goto MAKE_PV ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 only}
If ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and {Skip applies to COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 only} Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If ((RI_GROUP = 11) or (RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank, Goto MAKE_PV
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Attempt to contact same respondent for cases open for Full PI where the roster is locked |
Universe |
(GATE_TROSTER = 1 and RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) OR (GATE_TROSTER = 1 and RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) OR (GATE_TROSTER = 1 and RI_STARTB_ TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) OR (GATE_TROSTER = 1 and RI_STARTB_ TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) |
Screen Text |
♦ A Full PI was started for this case. You will continue where the interview left off after your introduction.
♦ Previous Respondent's Name: <R_NAME>
♦ If above name is valid, read:
Hello, I’m (Your Name) from the Census Bureau. <Fill 1: (♦Show ID)/blank> May I speak with <R_NAME>?
♦ If above name is NOT valid, read:
Hello, I’m (Your Name) from the Census Bureau. <Fill 1: (♦Show ID)/blank> We started an interview with someone previously. May I speak to that person again? |
Input Options |
1 – Yes, continue interview with [<R_NAME>/ the previous respondent] 2 – No, make appointment to continue interview with [<R_NAME>/the previous respondent] RF – Refused
"Don't Know" is not an option on this screen.
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "(♦Show ID)"
Else, leave blank
Skip Instructions |
If VER_RESP = RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Introduce survey to same respondent for cases open for Full PI where the roster is locked |
Universe |
(VER_RESP=1) |
Screen Text |
♦ Repeat if necessary: Hello, I’m (Your Name) from the Census Bureau.
Earlier we spoke to you about this address. I’m here to complete the interview. |
Input Options |
1 – Enter 1 to Continue RF - Refuse
"Don't Know" is not an option on this screen
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO_COMP = 1, Goto next unanswered question
If INTRO_COMP = RF Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
INTRO1 F11 |
Field Description |
To introduce the reinterviewer to the respondent and to verify that the reinterviewer has reached the correct address or phone number for RI_GROUP = 1, 2, or 5 |
Universe |
(RISTARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and COMPLETE = blank) OR (RISTARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 2) OR (RISTARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and PRX_OK = blank) OR (RISTARTB_TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and COMPLETE = blank) OR (RISTARTB_TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 2) OR (RISTARTB_TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and PRX_OK = blank) OR (INTRO1 = 3 and LANG_SPEAK_Q = 52) |
Screen Text |
Hello, I'm (Your Name) from the Census Bureau. <Fill 1: (♦ Show ID) Is this <SAMPLE_ADDR>? /(♦ Show ID) Is this <PRX_LOC_UPDATE>? /Is this <MASTER_PHONE>? /(♦ Show ID) >
Input Options |
1 - <Fill 2: Enter 1 to Continue/Yes> 2 - No 3 - Language problem DK – Don't Know RF - Refused
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 and <PRX_LOC_UPDATE> = blank, answer categories 2 and "Don't Know" are not valid and are grayed out. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "(♦ Show ID) Is this <SAMPLE_ADDR>?"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 and <PRX_LOC_UPDATE> ne blank, display "(♦ Show ID) Is this <PRX_LOC_UPDATE>?"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4, display "Is this <MASTER_PHONE>?"
Else, display "(♦ Show ID)"
Fill 2:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 and <PRX_LOC_UPDATE> = blank, display "Enter 1 to Continue"
Else, display "Yes" |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO1 = 1 and ORIG_R_NAME is valid (not equal to blank, "Don't Know" or "Refused"), Goto INTRO2
If INTRO1 = 1 and ORIG_R_NAME is not valid (Equal to blank, "Don't Know" or "Refused"), Goto INTRO_INT
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Goto CALLBACK
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Goto MAKE_PV
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 1 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, Goto CALLBACK
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 1 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, Goto MAKE_PV
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 1 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 4, Goto MAKE_PV
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, Goto CALLBACK
If (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Goto INTERVIEW_HH
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
INTRO2 F13 |
Field Description |
Ask to speak to the original respondent for RI_GROUP= 1, 2, or 5 |
Universe |
(INTRO1 = 1 and ORIG_R_NAME valid) OR (INTRO2 = 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and LANG_SPEAK_Q = 52) |
Screen Text |
May I please speak with <ORIG_R_NAME>? |
Input Options |
1 -Yes 2 - No – not at home <Fill 1:, comeback/, callback> 3 - No – Person unknown 4 - Language Problem 5 - No – Not available to be interviewed by October 7, 2010 RF - Refused
"Don't Know" is not an option on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, display ", comeback"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS < 2, display", callback"
Else, leave blank. |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO2 = 1, Set H_RESP = blank Goto INTRO _INT
If INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2, Goto MAKE_PV
If INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 1 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 3)), Set H_RESP = 1 Goto INTRO_INT
If INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 2 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 or 4)), Set H_RESP = 2 Goto INTRO_INT
If INTRO2 = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 1 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE =1 or 3)), Set H_RESP = 1 Goto INTRO_INT
If INTRO2 = 5 and RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 or 4, Set H_RESP = 2 Goto INTRO_INT
If INTRO2 = 5 and RI_GROUP = 2, Set H_RESP = 2 Goto INTRO_INT
If INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank, Goto JICINT
If INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank, Goto JICINT
If INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 2 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank, Goto JICINT
If INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank, Goto JICINT
If INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank, Goto JICINT
If RI_GROUP = 5 and JICINT = blank, Goto JICINT
If RI_GROUP = 1 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, Set COMPLETE = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto INTRO_FULL2
If RI_GROUP = 1 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, Set COMPLETE = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto VER_ADD
If INTRO2 = 4 and RI_GROUP = 1 or 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
To introduce the reinterviewer to the respondent at sample address and to verify that the reinterviewer has reached the correct address. This screen is similar to INTRO1 for Full PI cases. |
Universe |
(RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and GATE_TROSTER ne 1 and RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and GATE_TROSTER ne 1 and RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and GATE_TROSTER ne 1 and RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and GATE_TROSTER ne 1 and RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) OR (INTRO_FULL = 3 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and LANG_SPEAK_Q = 52) |
Screen Text |
Hello, I'm (Your Name) from the Census Bureau. <Fill 1: (♦ Show ID) Is this <SAMPLE_ADDR> / Is this <MASTER_PHONE>>?
Input Options |
1 – Yes 2 - No 3 - Language problem DK - Don't Know RF - Refused
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "(♦ Show ID) Is this <SAMPLE_ADDR>?"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display "Is this <MASTER_PHONE>?"
Skip Instructions |
If (INTRO_FULL = 2, DK or RF) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK =2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If INTRO_FULL = 3 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
VER_ADD F14a |
Field Description |
Verify address if the interview is done by telephone and either (the person is unknown for RI_GROUP=1) OR (RI_GROUP=21, 3, 51, 61, or 71). There is a possibility you are talking to the wrong household. |
Universe |
Screen Text |
Is this <SAMPLE_ADDR>? |
Input Options |
1 – Yes, address is correct 2 – No, address is incorrect RF – Refused
"Don't Know" is not option on this screen.
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If VER_ADD = 2 or RF, Goto MAKE_PV
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
To verify the respondent lives at sample address for telephone cases where COMPLETE=1 |
Universe |
Screen Text |
Do you live at <SAMPLE_ADDR>?
Input Options |
1 - Yes 2 - No RF - Household refusal
"Don't Know" is not an option on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO1B = 2, Goto INTRO1C
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks to speak to a respondent who lives at the sample address for telephone cases where COMPLETE=1 |
Universe |
(INTRO1B = 2 or RF) |
Screen Text |
May I speak with someone who lives at <SAMPLE_ADDR>?
Input Options |
1 - Yes 2 - No RF - Household refusal
"Don't Know" is not an option on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If (INTRO1C = 2 or RF) and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
To introduce the survey to the reinterview respondent. Similar to INTRO3 for cases where COMPLETE=1 and the PI interview was not done with the household. |
Universe |
(INTRO_FULL = 1 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1) OR (INTRO2 = 3 and ATTEMPT_TYPE=1 and RI_GROUP = 1) OR (INTRO1B = 1) OR (INTRO1C = 1) OR (INTRO_INT = 2 or DK and RI_GROUP = 1)
Screen Text |
♦ Repeat if necessary: Hello, I'm (Your Name) from the Census Bureau.
In preparation for the next census, we conducted a census test in this area. I'm doing a routine check on the quality of our work. <Fill 1: (♦ Hand respondent Introductory Letter and Information Sheet) This notice explains that your answers are confidential./ Your response to this test census is required by law under Title 13 of the United States Code. This is the same law that protects your privacy. No one outside the Census Bureau will see your answers. > The interview will take about 10 to 20 minutes.
I have some questions about <SAMPLE_ADDR>.
Input Options |
1 - Enter 1 to Continue RF - Refused
"Don't Know" is not an option on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "(♦ Hand respondent Introductory Letter and Information Sheet) This notice explains that your answers are confidential."
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display "Your response to this test census is required by law under Title 13 of the United States Code. This is the same law that protects your privacy. No one outside the Census Bureau will see your answers." |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and ((HOUSENO = blank or STREETNM = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank)), Goto ADDRESS_DESCRIP
If INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and (PRHNO = blank or PRURBNZ = blank) and (PRURBNZ = blank or PRUNITDES = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or PRSTREETNM = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or RAMAL = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank), Goto ADDRESS_DESCRIP
If INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and ((HOUSENO ne blank and STREETNM ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank)), Goto INTRO2B
If INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and ((PRHNO ne blank and PRURBNZ ne blank) or (PRURBNZ ne blank and PRUNITDES ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and PRSTREETNM ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and RAMAL ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank)), Goto INTRO2B
JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
To try to find out if the original PI interview was conducted |
Universe |
(INTRO1 = 1 and ORIG_R_NAME not valid) OR (INTRO2 = 1) OR (INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (INTRO2 = 5 and RI_GROUP = 1or 5) OR (INTRO2 = 5 and RI_GROUP = 2) OR |
Screen Text |
♦ Find out if the original PI interview was conducted.
<Fill 1: Were you, or someone in your household/Was someone in your household> recently interviewed by the Census Bureau about <SAMPLE_ADDR> on or about <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>? <Fill 2: The interviewer would have used a laptop computer to record the answers. /The interview would have been done over the phone. >
(All of the following information is brought forward from the original PI interview) Original Interview Respondent Respondent Type: <ORIG_R_TYPE in words> Proxy Respondent Address: <ORIG_PRX_LOC> only filled for proxy interviews Respondent Name: <ORIG_R_NAME> filled for all interview types Respondent Phone: <ORIG_R_PHONE> filled for all interview types - display 10 digits. Respondent characteristics: <Fill 3: <ORIG_AGE@1>, <ORIG_SEX@1 in word>, <Fill 4: <ORIG_RELATION1@1 in words>/ <ORIG_RELATION2@1 in words>> /blank>
Date and Time: <ORIG_ENTRYDATE and ORIG_BEGINTIME of original interview final attempt> Status of interview: <ORIOUT in words>
Input Options |
1 -Yes or "I think so" 2 - No DK - Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If H_RESP=blank, display "Were you, or someone in your household"
If H_RESP = 1 or 2, display "Was someone in your household"
Fill 2:
If ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2, display "The interviewer would have used a laptop computer to record the answers."
If ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4, display "The interview would have been done over the phone."
Fill 3:
If ORIG_R_TYPE = 4, display "ORIG_AGE@1, ORIG_SEX@1 in words, <Fill 4:< ORIG_RELATION1@1 in words / ORIG_RELATION2@1 in words"> >
If ORIG_R_TYPE ne 4, Leave both (Fill 3 and Fill 4) blank
Fill 4:
If ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "ORIG_RELATION1@1 in words"
If ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display "ORIG_RELATION2@1 in words"
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO_INT = 1, Set COMPLETE = blank {TMO moved to the out script} Goto INTRO3
If (INTRO_INT = 2 or DK) and RI_GROUP = 5, Set COMPLETE = blank {TMO moved to the out script} Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto INTRO3
If INTRO_INT = RF and RI_GROUP = 5, Set COMPLETE = blank {TMO moved to the out script} Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
If (INTRO_INT = 2, DK, or RF) and RI_GROUP = 2, Goto INTERVIEW_HH
If (INTRO_INT = 2 or DK) and RI_GROUP = 1, Set COMPLETE = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto INTRO_FULL2
If INTRO_INT = RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Set COMPLETE = blank {TMO moved to the out script} Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
INTRO_INT_FLAG when set in the RI_CLOSE is always saved and travels with the case.
(Wording for ORIG_R_TYPE, ORIG_SEX, ORIG_RELATION1, ORIG_RELATION2, and ORIOUT can be found in Appendix A at the end of this specification.). |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Reinterviewer decides whether to obtain information now from a knowledgeable person since a proxy interview is permitted |
Universe |
(RI_STARTB_PV = 2 and RI_GROUP = 1 or 5 and COMPLETE = blank and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and RI_GROUP = 1 or 5 and COMPLETE = blank) OR (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR
{NA univ} {NA univ} (INTRO2 = 4 and RI_GROUP = 1 or 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (INTRO_INT = RF and RI_GROUP = 5) OR (If INTRO3 = RF and RI_GROUP = 5) OR (JICINT = 1, 2, DK or RF and RI_GROUP = 5) OR (If VACANT_CHK = DK) OR (VACANT_CHK = RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) |
Screen Text |
♦ You may interview a knowledgeable person about the status of <SAMPLE_ADDR> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>.
♦ Is a knowledgeable person available at this time?
Input Options |
1 - Yes, found knowledgeable person2 - No, Can't find a knowledgeable person at this time
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If KNOWL_AVAIL = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 4 or 7, Set ATTEMPT_TYPE = 7 Goto NEW_PROXY
If KNOWL_AVAIL = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, Goto NEW_PROXY
If KNOWL_AVAIL = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 or 6, Set ATTEMPT_TYPE = 6 Goto NEW_PROXY
If KNOWL_AVAIL = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, Goto NEW_PROXY
If KNOWL_AVAIL = 2 and RI_GROUP =1, Set RI_GROUP = 11 {TMO moved to out script} Set COUNT_ATTEMPTS1 = COUNT_ATTEMPTS {TMO moved to the out script} Reset COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to out script} Reset TPH_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the in script} Reset PV_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the in script} Set MASTER_PHONE = blank Set APPTDATE = blank Set CP1TYPE = blank Set CP1NAME = blank Set CP1PHON = blank Set CP1ADD1 = blank Set CP1ADD2 = blank Set CP1PO = blank Set CP1ST = blank Set CP1ZP5 = blank Goto CALLBACK
If KNOWL_AVAIL = 2 and RI_GROUP = 11, 5, 6, or 7, Goto CALLBACK
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Reinterviewer decides whether to obtain information now from a knowledgeable person since a proxy interview is permitted |
Universe |
Screen Text |
♦ You will now continue the interview with the new proxy respondent.
Input Options |
1 - Enter 1 to Continue
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If NEW_PROXY = 1 Reset NEW_PROXY = blank Reset INTRO3 = blank Reset KNOWL_AVAIL = blank Set NEW_PRX_OK = 1 Goto INTRO3 |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
INTRO3 F20 |
Field Description |
To introduce the survey to the reinterview respondent for RI_GROUP=1, 11, 2, 5, 6, and 7 |
Universe |
(NEW_PRX_OK = 1) OR (INTRO_INT = 1) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 11) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and PRX_OK = 1) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 11) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 1 and RI_GROUP = 5 and COMPLETE = blank and PRX_OK = 1) OR (INTRO_INT = 2 or DK and RI_GROUP = 5)
Screen Text |
♦ Repeat if necessary: Hello, I'm (Your Name) from the Census Bureau. <Fill 1: (♦ Show ID) / blank>
As part of the Census test that we conducted in this area, we contacted a sample of households to make sure we counted everyone correctly. I'm doing a routine check on the quality of our work. <Fill 2: This notice (♦Hand respondent Introductory Letter and Information Sheet) explains that your answers are confidential. /Your response to this test census is required by law under Title 13 of the United States Code. This is the same law that protects your privacy. No one outside the Census Bureau will see your answers.> The interview will take about 5 minutes.
<Fill 3: I am going to ask you a few of the same questions the original interviewer asked about <SAMPLE_ADDR>. /I have some questions about <SAMPLE_ADDR>. >
Input Options |
1- Enter 1 to Continue RF - Refused
"Don't Know" is not an option on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "(♦ Show ID)"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, leave blank.
Fill 2:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "This notice (♦ Hand respondent Introductory Letter and Information Sheet) explains that your answers are confidential."
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, display "Your response to this test census is required by law under Title 13 of the United States Code. This is the same law that protects your privacy. No one outside the Census Bureau will see your answers."
Fill 3:
If RI_GROUP = 1, 2, or 5, display "I am going to ask you a few of the same questions the original interviewer asked about <SAMPLE_ADDR>."
If RI_GROUP = 11, 6, or 7, display "I have some questions about <SAMPLE_ADDR>."
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and ((HOUSENO = blank or STREETNM = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank)), Goto ADDRESS_DESCRIP
If INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and (PRHNO = blank or PRURBNZ = blank) and (PRURBNZ = blank or PRUNITDES = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or PRSTREETNM = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or RAMAL = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank), Goto ADDRESS_DESCRIP
((If INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and ((HOUSENO ne blank and STREETNM ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) OR (If INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and ((PRHNO ne blank and PRURBNZ ne blank) or (PRURBNZ ne blank and PRUNITDES ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and PRSTREETNM ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and RAMAL ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank)))) Then If RI_GROUP = 11, 5, 6, or 7, Goto VACANT_CHK
If RI_GROUP = 1 and {NA for RI_GROUP=2} RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4, Goto VACANT_CHK
If (RI_GROUP = 1 or 2) and (RI_STARTB_PV ne 3 or 4) and INTRO_INT = 1, Goto SURVEY_Q
If RI_GROUP = 1 and {NA for RI_GROUP=2} (RI_STARTB_PV ne 3 or 4) and INTRO_INT ne 1, Goto ROSTER1B
If INTRO3 = RF and (RI_GROUP = 11, 6, or 7), Goto CALLBACK
If INTRO3 = RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and
JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
If INTRO3 = RF and RI_GROUP = 2 and (JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
If INTRO3 = RF and RI_GROUP = 5, Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collect another way to refer to the sample address to be used in future questions when we only have a physical description |
Universe |
(INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and (HOUSENO = blank or STREETNM = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank)) OR (INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and (HOUSENO = blank or STREETNM = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank)) OR (INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and (PRHNO = blank or PRURBNZ = blank) and (PRURBNZ = blank or PRUNITDES = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or PRSTREETNM = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or RAMAL = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank)) OR (INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and (PRHNO = blank or PRURBNZ = blank) and (PRURBNZ = blank or PRUNITDES = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or PRSTREETNM = blank) and ((PRHNO = blank and KM/HM = blank) or RAMAL = blank) and (RURALADDRESS = blank)) |
Screen Text |
♦ Ask if necessary
I need to refer to <SAMPLE_ADDR> during the interview. How would you like me to refer to it? Ex: Jones' Atlanta house, Maryfield Farm
Current Description: <SAMPLE_ADDR>
♦ Press Enter if description is correct
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 250 characters), Enter
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Prefill <SAMPLE_ADDR> in three locations. |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO3 = 1 and (RI_GROUP = 11, 5, 6, or 7), Goto VACANT_CHK
If INTRO3 = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and {NA for RI_GROUP= 2} (RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4), Goto VACANT_CHK
If INTRO3 = 1 and (RI_GROUP = 1 or 2) and (RI_STARTB_PV ne 3 or 4) and INTRO_INT = 1, Goto SURVEY_Q
If INTRO3 = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and (RI_STARTB_PV ne 3 or 4) and {NA for RI_GROUP= 2} INTRO_INT ne 1, Goto ROSTER1B |
Special Instructions |
Prefill text box with <SAMPLE_ADDR>. If ADDRESS_DESCRIP is not empty, use ADDRESS_DESCRIP throughout the instrument when the Sample Address is used in fills. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks the respondent if he/she lived at the sample address on the PI date |
Universe |
(INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and ((HOUSENO ne blank and STREETNM ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) OR(ADDRESS_DESCRIP = ne blank and INTRO_FULL2 = 1) OR (INTRO_FULL2 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and ((PRHNO ne blank and PRURBNZ ne blank) or (PRURBNZ ne blank and PRUNITDES ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and PRSTREETNM ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and RAMAL ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) |
Screen Text |
Did you live at <SAMPLE_ADDR> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?
Input Options
1 – Yes 2 - No 3 - This address was not a housing unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> 4 - This address was vacant on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> 5 - Make appointment to contact later RF - Household refused "Don't Know" is not an option on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO2B = 1, Set RI_CURSTAT = 1 (Occupied) Goto USUAL_RES
If INTRO2B = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
If INTRO2B = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 5, 51, 6, 61, 7 or 71) and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
If INTRO2B = RF and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks the respondent if anyone in the household lived at the sample address on the PI date |
Universe |
(INTRO2B = 2) |
Screen Text |
Did anyone in the household live at <SAMPLE_ADDR> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?
Input Options |
1 – Yes 2 - No 3 - This address was not a housing unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> 4 - This address was vacant on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> 5 - Make appointment to contact later RF - Household refused "Don't Know" is not an option on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If INTRO2B_HH = 1, Set RI_CURSTAT = 1 (Occupied) Goto USUAL_RES
If INTRO2B_HH = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
If INTRO2B_HH = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 5, 51, 6, 61, 7 or 71) and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
If INTRO2B_HH = RF and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asked to determine if the address was vacant or occupied by another household on date the PI case was completed |
Universe |
(INTRO2B_HH = 2) |
Screen Text |
On <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>, was <SAMPLE_ADDR> vacant, or was it occupied by a different household?
Input Options
1 - Vacant 2 - Occupied by a different household 3 - This address was not a housing unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> DK - Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_CURSTAT = 1 Goto USUAL_RES
If (OCC_PI_DATE = DK or RF) and
JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Ask the occupant if the address was the household's or someone in the household's usual residence |
Universe |
(INTRO2B = 1) OR(INTRO2B_HH = 1) OR (OCC_PI_DATE = 2) |
Screen Text |
<Fill 1: Is this (house/apartment/mobile home) /Is <SAMPLE_ADDR> /On <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> was <SAMPLE_ADDR> > a vacation or seasonal home, [♦pause] or <Fill 2: does/did> someone usually live <Fill 3: there/here>?
Input Options
1 - Vacation, seasonal, or occasional use 2 - Someone usually lives here DK - Don't KnowRF – Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 and OCC_PI_DATE ne 2, display "Is this (house/apartment/mobile home)"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 and OCC_PI_DATE ne 2, display "Is <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
If ATTEMPT TYPE = 2 or 4 or OCC_PI_DATE = 2, display "On <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> was <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
Fill 2:
If ATTEMPT TYPE = 1 or 3 and OCC_PI_DATE ne 2, display "does"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 or 4 or OCC_PI_DATE = 2, display "did"
Fill 3:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3 or 4, display "there"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
Skip Instructions |
If (USUAL_RES = DK or RF) and
JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Find out if the original interview was conducted before possibly ending the reinterview for RI_GROUP = 1, 2, or 5 |
Universe |
(INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank) OR (INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 2 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank) OR (INTRO2 = RF and RI_GROUP = 5 and JICINT = blank and INTRO_INT = blank) OR (INTRO2 = 3 and RI_GROUP = 5 and JICINT = blank) |
Screen Text |
♦ Try to find out if the original PI interview was conducted before ending the reinterview.
Can you tell me if <Fill 1: you, or someone in your household /someone in your household> was interviewed recently by the Census Bureau about <SAMPLE_ADDR> on or about <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>? <Fill 2: The interviewer would have used a laptop computer to record the answers. /The interview would have been done over the phone. >
Input Options |
1 -Yes 2 - No DK - Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If H_RESP ne 2, display "you, or someone in your household"
If H_RESP = 2, display "someone in your household"
Fill 2:
If ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2, display "The interviewer would have used a laptop computer to record the answers."
IF ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4, "The interview would have been done over the phone."
Skip Instructions |
If JICINT = 1, 2, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 5, Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
If JICINT = 1, 2, DK, or RF and (RI_GROUP = 1 or 2) and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank, Goto JICPOP
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Attempt to obtain the number of persons living at the sample address on the day the PI was conducted. |
Universe |
(INTRO1C = 2 or RF and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO_FULL2 = RF and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO_INT = RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO3 = RF and RI_GROUP = 1 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO3 = RF and RI_GROUP = 2 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO2B = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO2B = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 5, 51, 6, 61, 7 or 71) and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO2B = RF and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO2B_HH = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO2B_HH = 5 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 5, 51, 6, 61, 7 or 71) and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (INTRO2B_HH = RF and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (USUAL_RES = DK or RF and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (OCC_PI_DATE = DK or RF) and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR (JICINT = 1, 2, DK or RF and RI_GROUP = 1 or 2 and JICPOP = blank and ROSTER1B = blank) OR |
Screen Text |
♦ Try to get the PI count before ending the reinterview.
Can you tell me how many people were living or staying at <SAMPLE_ADDR> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?
♦ Enter number of people (01 - 49) ♦ Enter 66 if Vacant on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> ♦ Enter 77 if Not a housing unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> |
Input Options |
01 - 49 (actual count) 66 - Vacant 77 - Not HU PI date DK - Don't Know RF – Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If JICPOP = 01 - 49, DK or RF, Set RI_CURSTAT = 1 Then
If (INTRO_INT = 1 or (JICINT = 1 and H_RESP = blank)), Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If (INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and RI_GROUP = 2, Goto INTERVIEW_HH
If (INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B = 5 or INTRO2B_HH = 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Goto CALLBACK_MONTH
If (INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B = 5 or INTRO2B_HH = 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If (INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B ne 5 and INTRO2B_HH ne 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Goto CALLBACK
If (INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B ne 5 and INTRO2B_HH ne 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asked to double check that a unit was Vacant or was not a HU on the PI date. |
Universe |
(INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and RI_GROUP = 11, 5, 6, or 7 and ((HOUSENO ne blank and STREETNM ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) OR (INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_START_PV = 3 or 4 and ((HOUSENO ne blank and STREETNM ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) OR (ADDRESS_DESCRIP = ne blank and INTRO3 = 1 and RI_GROUP = 11, 5, 6, or 7) OR (ADDRESS_DESCRIP = ne blank and INTRO3 = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_START_PV = 3 or 4) OR (INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and RI_GROUP = 11, 5, 6, or 7 and ((PRHNO ne blank and PRURBNZ ne blank) or (PRURBNZ ne blank and PRUNITDES ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and PRSTREETNM ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and RAMAL ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) OR (INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_START_PV = 3 or 4 and ((PRHNO ne blank and PRURBNZ ne blank) or (PRURBNZ ne blank and PRUNITDES ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and PRSTREETNM ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and RAMAL ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) |
Screen Text |
♦ If talking to a proxy, describe the PI sample unit/location, if needed.
I'd like to double check the occupancy status of <SAMPLE_ADDR>.
Which category best describes <Fill 1: this/that> unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?
♦ Read answer categories until respondent answers.
Input Options |
1 – Vacant 2 – Seasonal Vacant 3 – Occupied only for vacation, seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 4 – Did not exist or was not a housing unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> 5 – Occupied – Address was occupied by persons with no other usual residence DK - Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 3, display "this"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7, display "that" |
Skip Instructions |
If VACANT_CHK = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7) and (ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 3), Set RI_CURSTAT = 1 Set COMPLETE = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto HUTYPE1
If VACANT_CHK = 5 and (RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7) and (ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7), Set RI_CURSTAT = 1 Goto INTERVIEW_HH
If VACANT_CHK = 5 and (RI_GROUP ne 5, 6, or 7), (ie RI_GROUP = 1 or 11) Set RI_CURSTAT = 1 Goto ROSTER1B
If VACANT_CHK = RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If VACANT_CHK = RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Set PRX_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto KNOWL_AVAIL
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asked to determine the vacancy category of a unit that was Vacant on the day the PI was conducted |
Universe |
Screen Text |
♦ Ask if unsure.
Which category best describes this vacant unit as of <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?
♦ Read answer categories until respondent answers
Input Options |
1 - For rent 2 - For sale only 3 - Rented, not occupied 4 - Sold, not occupied 5 - For vacation, seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 6 - For migrant workers 7 - Other vacant (explain in NOTES) DK - Don't Know RF – Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Indicates status of a unit that was not a housing unit on the day the PI was conducted |
Universe |
(VACANT_CHK = 4) OR (INTRO2B = 3) OR (INTRO2B_HH = 3) OR (OCC_PI_DATE = 3) OR (JICPOP = 77) |
Screen Text |
♦ Ask if unsure.
Which category further describes this unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>? ♦ Read answer categories until respondent answers
Input Options |
1 - Demolished2 - Burned out3 - Business (store, office, warehouse, etc.) 4 - Other (open to the elements, condemned, under construction, etc.) 5 - Trailer moved from this location (does not include empty sites in mobile home/trailer parks) 6 - Empty mobile home/trailer site in mobile home/trailer park 7 - Group Quarters DK - Don't Know RF - Refused
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Determine how long residents are staying at a seasonal unit. |
Universe |
(VACANT_CHK = 3) OR (USUAL_RES) = 1) |
Screen Text |
Was there anyone <Fill 1: here /at <SAMPLE_ADDR>> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> whose stay will last for more than 2 months? |
Input Options |
1 – Yes 2 – No DK – Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>" |
Skip Instructions |
If SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1, DK or RF and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 3, Set COMPLETE = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto HUTYPE1
If (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1, DK, or RF) and (RI_GROUP) = 5, 6, or 7) and (ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or7), Goto INTERVIEW_HH
If (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1, DK or RF) and (RI_GROUP ne 5, 6, or 7), Goto HUTYPE1
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
To try to find out if the interviewer asked the alternate address questions, if respondent confirms being contacted |
(INTRO3=1 and PRFLAG = 0 and ((HOUSENO ne blank and STREETNM ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank)) and RI_GROUP = 1 or 2 and RI_STARTB_PV ne 3 or 4 and INTRO_INT = 1) OR (ADDRESS_DESCRIP = ne blank and INTRO3 = 1 and RI_GROUP = 1 or 2 and RI_STARTB_PV ne 3 or 4 and INTRO_INT = 1) OR (INTRO3 = 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and ((PRHNO ne blank and PRURBNZ ne blank) or (PRURBNZ ne blank and PRUNITDES ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and PRSTREETNM ne blank) or ((PRHNOne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and RAMAL ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank)) and RI_GROUP = 1 or 2 and RI_STARTB_PV ne 3 or 4 and INTRO_INT = 1) |
Screen Text |
For each person at <Fill 1: this address /<SAMPLE_ADDR>>, did the interviewer ask questions about other places that person may have lived or stayed during March or April, 2010?
Input Options |
1 – Yes or "I think so" 2 – No DK – Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "this address"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, or 4, display <SAMPLE_ADDR>
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Determine the type of housing unit at the sample address to be used in fills throughout the Full PI interview |
Universe |
(VACANT_CHK = 5 and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 3) OR (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 3) OR (USUAL_RES = 2) OR (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1, DK or RF and RI_GROUP ne 5, 6, or 7) |
Screen Text |
<Fill 1: ♦ Select the type of housing unit at < SAMPLE_ADDR > from the following list. /Is <SAMPLE_ADDR> a house, townhouse, condominium, apartment, mobile home, or another type of place?>
Input Options |
1 - House, townhouse, condominium 2 - Apartment 3 - Mobile home 4 - Other DK - Don't Know RF - Refused
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "♦ Select the type of housing unit at <SAMPLE_ADDR> from the following list."
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, display "Is <SAMPLE_ADDR> a house, townhouse, condominium, apartment, mobile home, or another type of place?"
Skip Instructions |
If HUTYPE1 = 1, set HUTYPE = "house" If HUTYPE1 = 2, set HUTYPE = "apartment" If HUTYPE1 = 3, set HUTYPE = "mobile home" If HUTYPE1 = DK or RF, set HUTYPE = "unit" Goto ROSTER1B
If HUTYPE1 = 4, Goto HUTYPE2
Special Instructions |
HUTYPE – 50 characters, alpha |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Determine the type of housing unit at the sample address to be used in fills throughout the Full PI interview |
Universe |
(HUTYPE1 = 4) |
Question Text |
<Fill 1: ♦ Select the type of housing unit at <SAMPLE_ADDR> from the following list. /Is <SAMPLE_ADDR> a RV, tent in a RV park or campground, boat, room in a hotel or motel, racetrack living quarters, carnival living quarters, or another type of place?>
Input Options |
1 - RV/tent in RV park or campground 2 - Boat 3 - Room in a hotel or motel 4 - Racetrack living quarters 5 - Carnival living quarters 6 - Other DK - Don't Know RF - Refused
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "♦ Select the type of housing unit at <SAMPLE_ADDR> from the following list."
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, display "Is <SAMPLE_ADDR> a RV, tent in a RV park or campground, boat, room in a hotel or motel, racetrack living quarters, carnival living quarters, or another type of place?"
Skip Instructions |
If HUTYPE2 = 1, set HUTYPE = "RV/Tent" If HUTYPE2 = 2, set HUTYPE = "boat" If HUTYPE2 = 3, set HUTYPE = "room" If HUTYPE2 = 4, 5, 6, DK, or RF, set HUTYPE = "unit" Goto ROSTER1B
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Indicates if the respondent will be able to provide the name or description of each person in the household on the PI date |
Universe |
(SURVEY_Q = 1, 2, DK, or RF) OR (HUTYPE1 = 1, 2, 3, DK, or RF) OR (HUTYPE2 = 1–6, DK, or RF) OR (VACANT_CHK = 5 and RI_GROUP ne 5, 6, or 7) OR (INTRO3=1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_START_PV ne 3 or 4 and INTRO_INT ne 1 and PRFLAG = 0 and ((HOUSENO ne blank and STREETNM ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) OR (ADDRESS_DESCRIP = ne blank and INTRO3=1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_START_PV ne 3 or 4 and INTRO_INT ne 1) OR (INTRO3=1 and RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_START_PV ne 3 or 4 and INTRO_INT ne 1 and PRFLAG = 1 and ((PRHNO ne blank and PRURBNZ ne blank) or (PRURBNZ ne blank and PRUNITDES ne blank) or ((PRHNO ne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and PRSTREETNM ne blank) or ((PRHNOne blank or KM/HM ne blank) and RAMAL ne blank) or (RURALADDRESS ne blank))) |
Screen Text |
We need to make a list of everyone who lived or stayed <Fill 1: here /there /at <SAMPLE_ADDR>>on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>. <Fill 2: Can you provide this information?/blank>
Input Options |
1 – Continue – respondent can provide list 2 – Respondent does not know makeup of household 3 – Respondent refuses to provide list 4 – Respondent requests a personal visit – make appointment
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on the screen. If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, answer category 4 is not valid and is grayed out. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display "there"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>
Fill 2:
If RI_GROUP = 11 or (RI_GROUP = 2 and INTRO2 = 5), display " Can you provide this information?"
Else, leave blank. |
Skip Instructions |
If ROSTER1B = 2 or 3 and RI_GROUP = 2, Goto INTERVIEW_HH
If ROSTER1B = 2 or 3 and RI_GROUP ne 2, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If ROSTER1B = 4 and RI_GROUP = 2 and {ROSTER1B = 4 NA for COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6} ATTEMPT_TYPE = 4, {and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 7 Goto INTERVIEW_HH NA for RI_GROUP = 2}
If ROSTER1B = 4 and (RI_GROUP ne 2 or (RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5)) and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, {ROSTER1B = 4 NA for Goto MAKE_PV ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6}
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
FNAME (this is the first middle screen) M9a |
Field Description |
Asks for the first name of each person in the household on the PI date |
Universe |
(ROSTER1B=1) OR (from LNAME[X] and FNAME[X] ne blank, DK, or RF and PERS[X]<49) OR (from DES[X] and PERS[X] < 49) OR (NAME_OFTEN = 1) OR (NAME_FIND = 1) OR (NAME_BABY = 1) OR (NAME_REL) = 1) OR (from FNAME[X] and ROSTER_POPUP = Close or Goto) |
Screen Text |
We need to make a list of everyone who lived or stayed <Fill 1: here /there /at <SAMPLE_ADDR>>on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>.
<Fill 2: Let's start with you, what is your first name? Middle initial? Last name?/What is the name of a person who lived or stayed <Fill 3: here/there> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>? >
<Fill 4: Anyone else? (What is that person's first name? Middle initial? Last name?)>
<Fill 5: What is that person's first name? Middle initial? Last name?>
<Fill 6: What is that child's first name? Middle initial? Last name?>
<Fill 7: Any other children? (What is that child's first name? Middle initial? Last name?)>
♦ Enter First name, Middle initial, Last name ♦ If there are no additional people to list, type 999 in "First Name" and press Enter
Input Options |
Grid of 49 lines, each line contains text boxes for FNAME, MINIT, LNAME, and DES
Text box fill (allow 20 characters), Enter
Store as FNAME[X]
Blank, "Don't Know" and "Refused" are options in the first name field and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display "there"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
Fill 2: (Use only when filling the first line of roster, else leave blank)
If (COMPLETE = 1 and INMOVER ne 1) or
( "Let's start with you, what is your first name? Middle initial? Last name?"
If (COMPLETE = 1 and INMOVER = 1) or
( (RI_GROUP = 2 or 11), display "What is the name of a person who lived or stayed <Fill 3: here/there> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?"
Fill 3: (Use only when filling the first line of roster, else leave blank)
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, display "there"
Fill 4: (Use only when coming from (LNAME or DES) and ROSFLG = 2, 3, 4, or 6 for the last person collected, else leave blank)
Fill 5: (Use only when filling the first person after coming from NAME_OFTEN = 1 or NAME_FIND = 1 or NAME_REL = 1, else leave blank)
Fill 6: (Use only when filling the first person after coming from NAME_BABY = 1, else leave blank)
Fill 7: (Use only when coming from (LNAME or DES) and ROSFLG = 5 for last person collected, else leave blank)
Skip Instructions |
Set PERS[X] consecutively for each person collected, starting with X=1. Set ROSFLG = 2 for each person collected here from ROSTER1B=1 Set ROSFLG = 3 for each person collected here from NAME_OFTEN=1 Set ROSFLG = 4 for each person collected here from NAME_FIND=1 Set ROSFLG = 5 for each person collected here from NAME_BABY=1 Set ROSFLG = 6 for each person collected here from NAME_REL=1
If FNAME[X] ne 999 and PERS[X] < 49, Goto MINIT
If (FNAME[X] ne 999, blank, DK or RF) and PERS[X] = 49, Goto ROSTER_POPUP (active signal)
If FNAME[X] = blank, DK or RF and PERS[X] = 49, Goto MINIT
If FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 2 for the last person collected, Goto NAME_OFTEN
If FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 3 for the last person collected, Goto NAME_FIND
If FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 4 for the last person collected, Goto NAME_BABY
If FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 5 for the last person collected, Goto NAME_REL
If FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 6 for the last person collected and ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1 or ROSFLG = 3 for someone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 *Goto ROSTER_ADDR1 screen for PI and continue with PI specification to the end of module L*
If FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 6 for the last person collected and ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED ne 1 and ROSFLG ne 3 for anyone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 *Goto ROSTER_REV screen for PI and continue with PI specification to the end of module L*
If FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 6 for the last person collected and ((RI_GROUP = 1 Goto ROSTER_REV (RI screen M24 in this spec)
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks for the middle initial of each person in the household on the PI date |
Universe |
(from FNAME[X] and FNAME[X] ne 999 and PERS[X] < 49) OR (from ROSTER_POPUP and ROSTER_POPUP = Suppress and FNAME[X] ne blank, DK, or RF for PERS[X] = 49) OR (from FNAME[X] and FNAME[X] = DK, RF, or blank for PERS[X] = 49) |
Screen Text |
We need to make a list of everyone who lived or stayed <Fill 1: here /there /at <SAMPLE_ADDR>>on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>.
<Fill 2: Let's start with you, what is your first name? Middle initial? Last name? /What is the name of a person who lived or stayed <Fill 3: here/there> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?>
<Fill 4: Anyone else? (What is that person's first name? Middle initial? Last name?)
<Fill 5: What is that person's first name? Middle initial? Last name?>
<Fill 6: What is that child's first name? Middle initial? Last name?>
<Fill 7: Any other children? (What is that child's first name? Middle initial? Last name?)>
♦ Enter first name, Middle initial, Last name |
Input Options |
Grid of 49 lines, each line contains text boxes for FNAME, MINIT, LNAME, and DES
Text box fill (allow 1 character), Enter
Store as MINIT[X]
Blank, "Don't Know" and "Refused" are options in the middle initial field and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display "there"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
Fill 2: (Use only when filling the first line of roster, else leave blank)
If (COMPLETE = 1 and INMOVER ne 1) or
( "Let's start with you, what is your first name? Middle initial? Last name?"
If (COMPLETE = 1 and INMOVER = 1) or
( (RI_GROUP = 2 or 11), display "What is the name of a person who lived or stayed <Fill 3: here/there> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?"
Fill 3: (Use only when filling the first line of roster, else leave blank)
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, display "there"
Fill 4: (Use only when coming from FNAME of current person collecting and ((ROSFLG = 2, for last person collected and NAME_OFTEN = blank) or (ROSFLG = 3 for last person collected and NAME_FIND = blank) or (ROSFLG = 4 for last person collected and NAME_BABY = blank) or (ROSFLG = 6 for last person collected and ROSTER_REV = blank)), else leave blank)
Fill 5: (Use only when filling the first person after NAME_OFTEN = 1 or NAME_FIND = 1 or NAME_REL = 1, else leave blank)
Fill 6: (Use only when filling the first person after coming from NAME_BABY = 1, else leave blank)
Fill 7: (Use only when coming from FNAME of the current person collecting and ROSFLG = 5 for last person collected and NAME_REL = blank, else leave blank) |
Skip Instructions |
Goto LNAME |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks for the last name of each person in the household on the PI date |
Universe |
(from MINIT) |
Screen Text |
We need to make a list of everyone who lived or stayed <Fill 1: here /there /at <SAMPLE_ADDR>>on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>.
<Fill 2: Let's start with you, what is your first name? Middle initial? Last name? /What is the name of a person who lived or stayed <Fill 3: here/there> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?>
<Fill 4: Anyone else? (What is that person's first name? Middle initial? Last name?)
<Fill 5: What is that person's first name? Middle initial? Last name?>
<Fill 6: What is that child's first name? Middle initial? Last name?>
<Fill 7: Any other children? (What is that child's first name? Middle initial? Last name?)>
♦ Enter first name, Middle initial, Last name and suffix
Input Options |
Grid of 49 lines, each line contains text boxes for FNAME, MINIT, LNAME, and DES
Text box fill (allow 20 characters), Enter
Store as LNAME[X]
Blank, "Don't Know" and "Refused" are options in the last name field and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, display "there"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
Fill 2: (Use only when filling the first line of roster, else leave blank)
If (COMPLETE = 1 and INMOVER ne 1) or
( "Let's start with you, what is your first name? Middle initial? Last name?"
If (COMPLETE = 1 and INMOVER = 1) or
( (RI_GROUP = 2 or 11), display "What is the name of a person who lived or stayed <Fill 3: here/there> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?"
Fill 3: (Use only when filling the first line of roster, else leave blank)
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, display "there"
Fill 4: (Use only when coming from MINIT of current person collecting and ((ROSFLG = 2 for the last person collected and NAME_OFTEN = blank) or (ROSFLG = 3 for last person collected and NAME_FIND = blank) or (ROSFLG = 4 for last person collected and NAME_BABY = blank) or (ROSFLG = 6 for last person collected and ROSTER_REV = blank)), else leave blank)
Fill 5: (Use only when filling the first person after NAME_OFTEN = 1 or NAME_FIND = 1 or NAME_REL = 1, else leave blank)
Fill 6: (Use only when filling the first person after coming from NAME_BABY = 1, else leave blank)
Fill 7: (Use only when coming from MINIT of the current person collecting and ROSFLG = 5 for last person collected and NAME_REL = blank, else leave blank)
Skip Instructions |
If FNAME[X] = blank, DK, or RF, Goto DES
If FNAME[X] ne blank, DK, or RF, Then Set WNAME[X] = FNAME[X] MINIT[X] LNAME[X] concatenated
= 1 and ((COMPLETE
= 1 and INMOVER
ne 1) or ( Set RESPONDENT[1] = 1 Set RESPONDENT_FLAG = 1 {TMO sets RESPONDENT_FLAG for pathing} Set R_NAME = WNAME[1] Set R_TYPE = 4 [TMO moved to the outscript]
If PERS[X] < 49, Goto FNAME
If PERS[X] = 49, Then If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1 or ROSFLG = 3 for someone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 *Goto ROSTER_ADDR1 screen for PI and continue with PI specification to the end of module L*
If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED ne 1 and ROSFLG ne 3 for anyone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 *Goto ROSTER_REV screen for PI and continue with PI specification to the end of module L*
= 1 Goto ROSTER_REV (RI screen M24 in this spec) |
Special Instructions |
WNAME[X] should be used in name fills throughout the instrument.
Variable Name |
DES M10 |
Field Description |
Asks for a description of person when first name is missing |
Universe |
(from LNAME[X] and FNAME[X] = blank, DK, or RF) OR (from DES[X] and ROSTER_POPUP = Close or Goto) |
Screen Text |
♦ If respondent REFUSES to give name, remind respondent of confidentiality, if appropriate.
♦ If respondent refuses or doesn't know the name, enter a description of the person, for example, wife, father, daughter, oldest son, first born, etc.
Input Options |
Grid of 49 lines, each line contains text boxes for FNAME, MINIT, LNAME, and DES
Text box fill (allow 20 characters), Enter
Blank, "Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen.
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Set WNAME[X] = DESCRIPTION[X] LNAME[X] concatenated
= 1 and ((COMPLETE
= 1 and INMOVER
ne 1) or ( Set RESPONDENT[1] = 1 Set RESPONDENT_FLAG = 1 {TMO sets RESPONDENT_FLAG for pathing} Set R_NAME = WNAME[1] Set R_TYPE = 4 {TMO moved to the out script}
If PERS[X] < 49, Goto FNAME
If PERS[X] = 49, Goto ROSTER_POPUP |
Special Instructions |
WNAME[X] should be used in name fills throughout the instrument.
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks if there is anyone else who stays at the sample address often and had another place to live on the PI date |
Universe |
(FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 2 for the last person collected) |
Screen Text |
Is there anyone else who had another place to live on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>, but who stays <Fill 1: here/at <SAMPLE_ADDR>> often?
Include people who - Stay here overnight more than anywhere else, - Stay here overnight half of the time, or - Have no place where they stay overnight most of the time
Input Options |
1 - Yes 2 – No DK - Don't Know RF - Refused
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>" |
Skip Instructions |
If NAME_OFTEN = 2, DK, or RF, Goto NAME_FIND |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks if there was anyone else staying at the sample address on the PI date until they find another place to live |
Universe |
(NAME_OFTEN = 2, DK or RF) OR(FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 3 for the last person collected) |
Screen Text |
Is there anyone else who was staying <Fill 1: here / at <SAMPLE_ADDR >> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> until they find a place to live?
Input Options |
1 - Yes 2 - No DK – Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks if there is any baby or child who is not listed on the roster who lived or stayed at the sample address on the PI date |
Universe |
(NAME_FIND = 2, DK or RF) OR(FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 4 for the last person collected) |
Screen Text |
Were there any babies, foster children, or other children who lived or stayed <Fill 1: here /at <SAMPLE_ADDR>> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> that you didn't mention yet?
Input Options |
1 - Yes 2 - No DK - Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
Skip Instructions |
If NAME_ BABY = 2, DK, or RF, Goto NAME_REL
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks if any relative/non-relative who lived or stayed at the sample address on the PI date is missing on the roster |
Universe |
(NAME_BABY = 2, DK or RF) OR(FNAME[X] = 999 and ROSFLG = 5 for the last person collected) |
Screen Text |
Have I missed any relatives or unrelated people who lived or stayed |
Input Options |
1 – Yes 2 – No DK - Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1: If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, display "here"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7, display "at <SAMPLE_ADDR>" |
Skip Instructions |
If NAME_REL = 2, DK, or RF and ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1 or ROSFLG = 3 for someone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 *Goto ROSTER_ADDR1 screen for PI and continue with PI specification to the end of module L*
If NAME_REL = 2, DK, or RF and ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED ne 1 and ROSFLG ne 3 for anyone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 *Goto ROSTER_REV screen for PI and continue with PI specification to the end of module L*
If NAME_REL = 2, DK, or RF and ((RI_GROUP = 1 (RI_GROUP = 11 or 2)), Goto ROSTER_REV (RI screen M24 in this spec) |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
ROSTER_POPUP (Active Signal) M23 |
Field Description |
Pop up text on roster screens when PERS[X] = 49 for last person entered. |
Universe |
(from FNAME[X] and before ROSTER_REV and FNAME[X] ne 999, blank, DK, or RF for PERS[X] = 49) OR (from DES[X] and before ROSTER_REV and FNAME[X] = blank, DK, or RF for PERS[X] = 49) |
Screen Text |
This is the last person you can enter for this household. Press "Suppress" to finish entering this person's name. Do NOT enter any other names. Instead, continue with the rest of the interview. |
Input Options |
Press one of the buttons at the bottom of the Active Signal box |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If ROSTER_POPUP = Close or Goto, Goto previous screen (FNAME or DES)
If ROSTER_POPUP = Suppress and FNAME[X] ne blank, DK or RF for PERS[X] = 49, Goto MINIT
If ROSTER_POPUP = Suppress and DES[X] ne blank for PERS[X] = 49, Then If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1 or ROSFLG = 3 for someone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 Goto ROSTER_ADDR1 screen for PI and continue with PI specification to end
If ((RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1) or (RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71)) and (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED ne 1 and ROSFLG ne 3 for anyone on the roster), Set CURSTAT = RI_CURSTAT Set PI_SCREENS = 1 Goto ROSTER_REV screen for PI and continue with PI specification to end
= 1 Goto ROSTER_REV (RI screen M24 in this spec) |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
The specs denoted here are for regular reinterview cases, that is, PI_SCREENS = blank. Allows the reinterviewer to make corrections to the list of people recorded for the sample address. This screen will not be on path if RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = blank. |
Universe |
(ROSTER_POPUP = Suppress and DES[X] ne
blank for PERS[X] = 49 and (RI_GROUP = 1 (ROSTER_POPUP = Suppress and DES[X] ne blank for PERS[X] = 49 and RI_GROUP = 11 or 2) OR (NAME_REL
= 2, DK or RF and (RI_GROUP = 1 (NAME_REL = 2, DK or RF and RI_GROUP = 11 or 2) OR (FNAME[X]
= 999 and ROSFLG = 6 for last person collected and ((RI_GROUP =
1 (from
LNAME[X] and FNAME[X] ne blank, DK, or RF for PERS[X] = 49 and
(RI_GROUP = 1 (from LNAME[X] and FNAME[X] ne blank, DK, or RF for PERS[X] = 49 and (RI_GROUP = 11 or 2))
Screen Text |
<Fill 1: I am going show you the list of people I recorded./I am going to read you the list of people I recorded.> Is everything spelled correctly? Is the list complete?
♦ Every person must have an action to move from this screen. To add a person, go to the last row and enter 4
Input Options |
Grid of completed roster, with each line containing box for action and filled boxes for entries for FNAME, MINIT, LNAME, and DES
For PERS[X] = 1 through N 1 – No Change 2 – Edit Name 3 – Delete Person (if DELETE[X] = 0 for PERS[X])
For Last Row (non-person row where FNAME is filled with 999) 4 – Add Member 5 – Table Now Correct – Continue reinterview
Blank, "Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1: If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "I am going to show you the list of people I recorded."
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, display "I am going to read you the list of people I recorded."
Skip Instructions |
If ROSTER_REV[X] = 1 for PERS[X], Set DELETE[X] = 0
If ROSTER_REV[X] = 2 for PERS[X], Set DELETE[X] = 0 Allow edit of FNAME[X], MINIT[X], LNAME[X], and DES[X] (if appropriate) for PERS[X] If FNAME[X] = blank, DK or RF, Set WNAME[X] = DESCRIPTION[X] LNAME[X] concatenated Else, set WNAME[X] = FNAME[X] MINIT[X] LNAME[X] concatenated If RESPONDENT[1] = 1 for PERS[X] = 1, Set RESPONDENT_FLAG = 1 {TMO sets RESPONDENT_FLAG for pathing} Set R_NAME = WNAME[1]
If ROSTER_REV[X] = 3 for PERS[X], Set DELETE[X] = 1,
If ROSTER_REV[X] = 4, Set PERS[X] = the last person number assigned + 1 Allow entry of FNAME[X], MINIT[X]. LNAME[X], and DES[X] (if appropriate) for new name to be added. Set ROSFLG = 7 for each person collected here from ROSTER_REV = 4 If FNAME[X] = blank, DK or RF, Set WNAME[X] = DESCRIPTION[X] LNAME[X] concatenated Else, set WNAME[X] = FNAME[X] MINIT[X] LNAME[X] concatenated If PERS[X] < 49, create a new row directly below the last person collected on the roster
If ROSTER_REV[X] = 1, 2, 3, or 4 and PERS[X] < 49, Goto next line of the roster
If ROSTER_REV[X] = 5 or (ROSTER_REV[X] = 1, 2, 3, or 4 and PERS[X]=49), Then Set RI_PERCOUNT = PERS[X] for last person collected minus number of persons with DELETE[X] = 1 Set GATE_TROSTER = 1
If RESPONDENT_FLAG = blank and END_NOW = blank, Goto R_TYPE
Special Instructions |
Store updated roster information back into the original roster table. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Advises reinterviewer to interview sample address household. |
Universe |
(VACANT_CHK = 5 and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7) OR (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 1, DK or RF and RI_GROUP = 5, 6, or 7 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2, 4, 6, or 7) OR
{NA univ} (JICPOP = 1 – 49, DK or RF and INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2) and RI_GROUP = 2) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 2 and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and RI_GROUP = 2) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (LANG_SPEAK_Q = 1 – 51, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR
{NA univ}
{NA univ} (INTRO2 = 3 and RI_GROUP = 2) OR (INTRO2 = 4 and RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (INTRO_INT = 2, DK, RF and RI_GROUP = 2) OR
{NA univ } (ROSTER1B = 2 or 3 and RI_GROUP = 2) OR (ROSTER1B=4 and RI_GROUP=2 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) |
Screen Text |
♦ Attempt to conduct an interview with the occupants of <SAMPLE_ADDR>.
Input Options |
1 – Enter 1 to Continue
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Goto MAKE_PV |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Advises reinterviewer to make a personal visit. |
Universe |
(INTERVIEW_HH = 1) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2 and RI_GROUP ne 2) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2 and RI_GROUP = 2 and PRX_LOC_UPDATE ne blank) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 5 or 6 and ((RI_GROUP = 1, 2, 21, 3, 5, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 5 or 6 and ((RI_GROUP = 11) or (RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE = blank))) OR (INTRO1 = 2, DK or RF and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2) OR (INTRO_FULL = 2, DK, or RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3) OR (VER_ADD = 2 or RF) OR (ROSTER1B = 4 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and (RI_GROUP ne 2 or (RI_GROUP = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5))) |
Screen Text |
♦ This case requires a personal visit <Fill 1: to <PRX_LOC_UPDATE> / to <SAMPLE_ADDR> / to a new RI proxy respondent /. There is no address for the original proxy. Collect address on the CALLBACK screens>. |
Input Options |
1 - This address is in my assignment area and I will make a personal visit. 2 - This case needs to be reassigned, it is not in my area. 3 - I will not make personal visit due to another problem/reason(Explain in NOTES)
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If RI_GROUP = 1, 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71 or (RI_GROUP = 2, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1), display "to <SAMPLE_ADDR>"
= 11 or (RI_GROUP = 6, or 7 "to a new RI proxy respondent."
= 2 or 5 and ORIG_PRX_LOC ne blank "to <PRX_LOC_UPDATE>"
= 2 or 5 ". There is no address for the original proxy. Collect address on the CALLBACK screens"
Skip Instructions |
If MAKE_PV = 1 and ROSTER1B ne 4, Set PV_TEL_FLAG = PV Then If INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2, Goto CALLBACK_MONTH
If INTRO2 ne 2 or COUNT_ATTEMPTS >= 5 or ATTEMPT_TYPE ne 3 or 4 or TPH_ATTEMPTS < 2, Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Allows reinterviewer to tell why (s)he ended the interview and to handle unusual situations (refusals, appointments to contact later) |
Universe |
Global Function (Exit/F10) that may only be accessed if the following conditions are true:
(ROSTER1B = 1 and COMPLETE = 1)
Screen Text |
♦ Why are you ending the interview?
Input Options |
1 - Refusal by household member
3 – Make appointment to contact later
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen.
Suppress and disable option 2 for the 2010 Census. Therefore, skips and universes for option 2 presently do not apply and have been struckthrough in the spec.
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If RI_PERCOUNT ne 1 – 49 and JICPOP = blank, Goto JICPOP2
If RI_PERCOUNT = 1 – 49 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If RI_PERCOUNT ne 1 – 49 and JICPOP = blank, Goto JICPOP2
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Attempt to obtain the number of persons living at the sample address on the day the PI was conducted. |
Universe |
(END_NOW = 1 |
Screen Text |
♦ Try to get the PI count before ending the reinterview.
Can you tell me how many people were living or staying at <SAMPLE_ADDR> on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>?
♦ Enter number of people (01 - 49) ♦ Enter 66 if Vacant on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE> ♦ Enter 77 if Not a housing unit on <ORIG_ENTRYDATE>
Input Options |
01 - 49 (actual count) 66 - Vacant 77 - Not HU PI date DK - Don't Know RF – Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If JICPOP2 = 66, Set RI_CURSTAT = 2 Goto R_TYPE
If JICPOP2 = 77, Set RI_CURSTAT = 3 Goto R_TYPE
If JICPOP2 = 01 - 49, DK or RF, Then If END_NOW = 3 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5, Goto CALLBACK_MONTH
If END_NOW = 3 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
If END_NOW = 1, Set CALLBACK = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Identifies what type of respondent was interviewed |
Universe |
(END_NOW = 1 (VACANT_CHK = 2) OR (HU_STATUS1 = 1 – 7, DK or RF ) OR (HU_STATUS2 = 1 – 7, DK or RF ) OR (SEASONAL_OCCUPIED = 2) OR {For both Full PI and Regular PI cases} ((ROSTER_REV = 5 or (ROSTER_REV=1, 2, 3, or 4 and PERS[X]=49)) and RESPONDENT_FLAG = blank and END_NOW=blank) OR (JICPOP2 = 66 or 77) |
Screen Text |
♦ Describe the Respondent:
Input Options |
1 - Landlord (Superintendent, Rental Office, Owner, etc.) 2 - Neighbor 3 - Relative/caregiver to occupant 4 - Current occupant 5 - Former occupant - prior to PI 6 - Reinterviewer (explain in NOTES) 7 - Other – (Specify in NOTES) DK - Don't Know
Blank and Refused are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If R_TYPE = 1 – 5, or 7 and RESPONDENT_FLAG = blank and (END_NOW = blank or JICPOP2 = 66 or 77), Goto R_NAME
If R_TYPE = 1 – 5, or 7, and
If R_TYPE = 1 – 5, or 7, and
If R_TYPE = 6, Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects respondent name |
Universe |
(R_TYPE = 1 – 5, or 7 and RESPONDENT_FLAG = blank and (END_NOW = blank or JICPOP2 = 66 or 77)) |
Screen Text |
What is your name?
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 42 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, Goto R_PHONE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects the respondent's phone number |
Universe |
(from R_NAME and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6) OR {For both Full PI and Regular PI cases} ((ROSTER_REV = 5 or (ROSTER_REV= 1, 2, 3, or 4 and PERS[X] = 49)) and RESPONDENT_FLAG = 1 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 and END_NOW=blank) |
Screen Text |
In case we need to contact you again may I please have your telephone number?
♦ You may verify the number if it is already filled in below.
<Fill 1: <MASTER_PHONE> /blank>
♦ Enter N for No Phone |
Input Options |
Prefill Phone Number: (area code first) (Allow 3) Allow 3-Allow 4 using the fill instructions below:
10 digit numeric (when a phone number is provided, check that all 10 digits are filled)
N – No phone DK – Don't Know RF – Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If MASTER_PHONE valid, display "<MASTER_PHONE>" and allow changes
Else, leave blank.
Skip Instructions |
If R_PHONE valid, update MASTER_PHONE
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, 3, or 4, Goto BEST_TIME
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Get street address of new proxy |
Universe |
(from R_NAME and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 7) OR(from R_PHONE and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 6 or 7) |
Screen Text |
What is your address?
Street Address (line 1)?___________ Street Address (line2)? City? <Fill 1: <State?/blank> ZIP Code?
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 54 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are options and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "State?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blank |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1ADD1. First of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Get line 2 of street address of new proxy |
Universe |
(from PRX_LOC_ADD1) |
Screen Text |
What is your address?
Street Address (line 1): <CP1ADD1> Street Address (line2)?______________ City? <Fill 1: State?/ blank> ZIP Code?
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 54 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank is an option on this screen "Don't Know" and "Refused" are options and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "State?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blank |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1ADD2. Second of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Get city of new proxy's address |
Universe |
(from PRX_LOC_ADD2) |
Screen Text |
What is your address?
Street Address (line 1): <CP1ADD1> Street Address (line2): <CP1ADD2> City?______________________ <Fill 1: State?/ blank> ZIP Code?
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 28 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are options and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "State?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blank |
Skip Instructions |
If PRFLAG = 1, Goto PRX_LOC_ZP5 |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1PO. Third of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Get state of new proxy's address |
Universe |
(from PRX_LOC_PO and PRFLAG = 0) |
Screen Text |
What is your address?
Street Address (line 1): <CP1ADD1> Street Address (line2): <CP1ADD2> City: <CP1PO> <Fill 1: State?_________________/ blank> ZIP Code?
Input Options |
Text box fill (Use State Lookup Table, with layout example "VA-Virginia," and store as alpha abbreviation), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are options and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "State?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blank |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as 2 character abbreviation in CP1ST. Fourth of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Get ZIP Code of new proxy's address |
Universe |
(from PRX_LOC_PO and PRFLAG = 1) OR (from PRX_LOC_ST) |
Screen Text |
What is your address?
Street Address (line 1): <CP1ADD1> Street Address (line2): <CP1ADD2> City: <CP1PO> <Fill 1: State: <CP1ST>/ blank> ZIP Code?_________________
Input Options |
Numeric box fill (allow 5 digits), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
"Don't Know" and "Refused"are options and are stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0 or blank, display "State: <CP1ST>"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blank |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1ZP5. Fifth of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Determine best time to recontact respondent. |
Universe |
(from PRX_LOC_ZP5) OR (from R_NAME and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4) OR (from R_PHONE and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, 3, or 4) OR {For both Full PI and Regular PI cases} ((ROSTER_REV = 5 or (ROSTER_REV = 1, 2, 3, or 4 and PERS[X] = 49)) and RESPONDENT_FLAG = 1 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 and END_NOW=blank)
Screen Text |
In case we need to contact you again, what is the best time to reach you?
Input Options |
1 - Day 2 - Evening 3 - Either DK - Don't Know RF - Refused |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If BEST_TIME = 1, 2, 3, DK or RF and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, Goto THANK_YOU
If BEST_TIME = 1, 2, 3, DK or RF and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, Goto THANK_YOU_TPH |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Thanks personal visit respondent |
= 1 –5, or 7 and END_NOW = 1 (BEST_TIME = 1, 2, 3, DK, or RF and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6) |
Screen Text |
This concludes our interview. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Input Options |
1 – Enter 1 to Continue
"Don't Know", and "Refused"are not options on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Thanks telephone respondent |
= 1 –5, or 7 and END_NOW = 1 (BEST_TIME = 1, 2, 3, DK, or RF and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7) |
Screen Text |
This concludes our interview. Thank you very much for your cooperation. This survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget and given the approval number xxxx-xxxx. This approval number enables us to conduct the interview and to collect the information. If you have any questions or comments about this census, including suggestions for reducing its length, I have an address you can write to for information. Would you like that address?
Input Options |
1 - Yes 2 - No
"Don't Know" and "Refused"are not options on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
OMB B11 |
Field Description |
Gives additional information from the privacy act form to a telephone respondent who has requested it. |
Universe |
Screen Text |
The address is
Paperwork Project xxxx-xxxxU.S. Census Bureau4600 Silver Hill Road, AMSD-3K138 Washington, DC 20233
You may e-mail comments to Use Paperwork Project xxxx-xxxx as the subject.
Input Options |
1- Enter 1 to Continue
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks the reinterviewer if another visit would result in an interview or a better interview. |
Universe |
(RI_STARTB_PV = 2, 3, or 4 and ((RI_GROUP = 11 and NEW_PRX_OK ne 1) or (RI_GROUP=6 or 7 and COMPLETE=blank))) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 2 and ((RI_GROUP =1, 2, 21, 3, 5, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 6 or 7 and COMPLETE=1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 3 or 4 and ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP=1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE=1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4 and ((RI_GROUP = 11) or (RI_GROUP=6 or 7 and COMPLETE=blank)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS < 2) OR (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 1 or 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2) OR
{NAuniv} (INTRO_FULL = 2, DK, or RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1) OR
{NA univ}
{NA univ} (KNOWL_AVAIL = 2 and RI_GROUP =1, 11, 5, 6, or 7) OR (INTRO3 = RF and RI_GROUP = 11, 6, or 7) OR
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ} (JICPOP = 1 – 49, DK, or RF and INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B ne 5 and INTRO2B_HH ne 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 and RI_GROUP = 1 or 5 and COMPLETE = blank and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR
{NA univ} (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and TPH_ATTEMPTS >= 2 and RI_GROUP = 2 and PRX_LOC_UPDATE = blank) OR (VER_RESP = RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) |
Screen Text |
STATUS: This case is missing information.
♦ Do you think another visit or call to the <Fill 1: original household respondent /original proxy respondent /new respondent /<SAMPLE_ADDR>>, could result in a complete interview about <SAMPLE_ADDR>? |
Input Options |
1 - Yes, I will try again. 2 - No, I don't think I can get any more information.
"Don't Know", and "Refused" are not options on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If RI_GROUP = 1 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 3), display "original household respondent"
If RI_GROUP = 2 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 2 or 4), display "original proxy respondent"
If RI_GROUP = 11, 6, or 7 or (RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 6 or 7), display "new respondent"
If RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71, display "<SAMPLE_ADDR>" |
Skip Instructions |
If CALLBACK = 2 and R_TYPE = 6, Goto RI_CLOSE
If CALLBACK = 2 and R_TYPE ne 6, Goto LANG_WHICH |
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Indicates month the reinterviewer intends to make a callback to complete the interview |
Universe |
(INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1 or 2) OR (INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and TPH_ATTEMPTS < 2) OR
{NA univ}
{NA univ} (MAKE_PV = 1 and ROSTER1B ne 4 and INTRO2 = 2 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3 or 4 and TPH_ATTEMPT >= 2) OR (END_NOW = 3 and RI_PERCOUNT=1-49 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (JICPOP = 01-49, DK, or RF and INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B = 5 or INTRO2B_HH = 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (CALLBACK = 1) OR (JICPOP2 = 01-49, DK, or RF and END_NOW = 3 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR (VER_RESP = 2) OR (MAKE_PV = 1 and ROSTER1B = 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) |
Screen Text |
What would be a good date and time for me to <Fill 1: return/call/visit> to complete an interview? Current Date: <SYSTEMDATE>
Month? Day? Hour? Minutes? AM/PM? |
Input Options |
Allow 2 digits 04, 05, or 06) Enter
Store in appropriate portion of APPTDATE to be displayed in LCM.
Blank and "Don't Know" are options and are stored as blank.
"Refused" is not an option on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "return" If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B ne 4, display "call"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B = 4, display "visit"
Display previous entries for callback date and time |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Allow reinterviewer to correct the filled month entry or to collect a new entry for month. First of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Indicates day the reinterviewer intends to make a callback to complete the interview |
Universe |
Screen Text |
What would be a good date and time for me to <Fill 1: return/call/visit> to complete an interview? Current Date: <SYSTEMDATE>
Month: Day? Hour? Minutes? AM/PM?
Input Options |
Allow 2 digits (1-31), Enter
Store in appropriate portion of APPTDATE to be displayed in LCM. Blank and "Don't Know" are options and are stored as blank.
"Refused" is not an option on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "return" If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B ne 4, display "call"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B = 4, display "visit"
Display previous entries for callback date and time |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Allow reinterviewer to correct the filled day entry or to collect a new entry for day. Second of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Indicates hour the reinterviewer intends to make a callback to complete the interview |
Universe |
Screen Text |
What would be a good date and time for me to <Fill 1: return/call/visit> to complete an interview? Current Date: <SYSTEMDATE>
Month: Day: Hour? Minutes? AM/PM?
Input Options |
Allow 2 digits (1-12), Enter
Store in appropriate portion of APPTDATE to be displayed in LCM. Blank and "Don't Know" are options and are stored as blank.
"Refused" is not an option on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "return" If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B ne 4, display "call"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B = 4, display "visit"
Display previous entries for callback date and time |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Allow reinterviewer to correct the filled hour entry or to collect a new entry for hour. Third of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Indicates minutes the reinterviewer intends to make a callback to complete the interview |
Universe |
Screen Text |
What would be a good date and time for me to <Fill 1: return/call/visit> to complete an interview? Current Date: <SYSTEMDATE>
Month: Day?: Hour: Minutes? AM/PM?
Input Options |
Allow 2 digits (0-59), Enter
Store in appropriate portion of APPTDATE to be displayed in LCM. Blank and "Don't Know" are options and are stored as blank.
"Refused" is not an option on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "return" If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B ne 4, display "call"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B = 4, display "visit"
Display previous entries for callback date and time |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Allow reinterviewer to correct the filled minutes entry or to collect a new entry for minutes. Fourth of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Indicates AM/PM the reinterviewer intends to make a callback to complete the interview |
Universe |
Screen Text |
What would be a good date and time for me to <Fill 1: return/call/visit> to complete an interview? Current Date: <SYSTEMDATE>
Month: Day: Hour: Minutes: AM/PM?
Input Options |
AM, Enter PM, Enter
Store in appropriate portion of APPTDATE to be displayed in LCM. Blank and "Don't Know" are options and are stored as blank.
"Refused" is not an option on this screen. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, display "return" If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B ne 4, display "call"
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7 and ROSTER1B = 4, display "visit"
Display previous entries for callback date and time |
Skip Instructions |
= INTRO2B = 5 or INTRO2B_HH = 5 or ROSTER1B = 4, Goto R_TYPE2
ne INTRO2B ne 5 and INTRO2B_HH ne 5 and ROSTER1B ne 4, Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Allow reinterviewer to correct the filled AM/PM entry or to collect a new entry for AM/PM. Fifth of five duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
R_TYPE2 B14 |
Field Description |
Identifies what type of respondent was interviewed |
Universe |
(from CALLBACK_AM_PM and
(END_NOW = |
Screen Text |
♦ Describe the Respondent: |
Input Options |
1 - Landlord (Superintendent, Rental Office, Owner, etc.) 2 - Neighbor 3 - Relative/caregiver to occupant 4 - Current occupant 5 - Former occupant - prior to PI 6 – No respondent 7 - Other – (Specify in NOTES) DK - Don't Know
Blank and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If R_TYPE2 = 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, or DK, Goto CALLBACK_PRX_NAME
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1TYPE.
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects callback name at PI sample household address |
Universe |
(R_TYPE2 = 4)
Screen Text |
PI Sample Household:
Household Name? <CP1NAME> Household Phone Number?
Input Options |
Text box fill, (allow 42 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused"are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Display previous entry for CP1NAME field and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1NAME.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect new entry.
First of two duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects PI sample household callback phone number |
Universe |
Screen Text |
PI Sample Household:
Household Name: <CP1NAME> Household Phone Number? <MASTER_PHONE> if valid
Input Options |
Numeric fill in phone number format [(allow 3) allow 3-allow4], Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Display previous entry for MASTER_PHONE if valid and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
If phone number valid, store as CP1PHON and update MASTER_PHONE.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect new entry.
Second of two duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects proxy name for callback |
Universe |
(R_TYPE=1, 2, 3, 5, 7, or DK)
Screen Text |
(Potential) Proxy:
Proxy name or Type (mailman for example)? <CP1NAME> Proxy street address (line1)? Proxy street address (line2)? Proxy city? <Fill 1: Proxy state?/blank> Proxy ZIP Code? Proxy Phone Number?
Input Options |
Text box fill, (allow 42 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "Proxy state?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blank
Display previous entry for CP1NAME field and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
If valid (not DK or RF), store as CP1NAME.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect new entry.
First of seven duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects proxy street address (line1) for callback |
Universe |
Screen Text |
(Potential) Proxy:
Proxy name or Type (mailman for example): <CP1NAME> Proxy street address (line1)? <CP1ADD1> Proxy street address (line2)? Proxy city? <Fill 1: Proxy state?/blank> Proxy ZIP Code? Proxy Phone Number?
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 54 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "Proxy state?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blankDisplay previous entry for CP1ADD1 field and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1ADD1.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect a new entry.
Second of seven duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects proxy street address (line2) for callback |
Universe |
Screen Text |
(Potential) Proxy:
Proxy name or Type (mailman for example): <CP1NAME> Proxy street address (line1): <CP1ADD1> Proxy street address (line2)? <CP1ADD2> Proxy city? <Fill 1: Proxy state?/blank> Proxy ZIP Code? Proxy Phone Number?
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 54 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "Proxy state?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blank
Display previous entry for CP1ADD2 field and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1ADD2.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect a new entry.
Third of seven duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects proxy city for callback |
Universe |
Screen Text |
(Potential) Proxy:
Proxy name or Type (mailman for example): <CP1NAME> Proxy street address (line1): <CP1ADD1> Proxy street address (line2): <CP1ADD2> Proxy city? <CP1PO> <Fill 1: Proxy state?/blank> Proxy ZIP Code? Proxy Phone Number?
Input Options |
Text box fill (allow 28 characters), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "Proxy state?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blankDisplay previous entry for CP1PO field and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1PO.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect a new entry.
Fourth of seven duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects proxy state for callback |
Universe |
(from CALLBACK_PRX_PO and PRFLAG = 0) |
Screen Text |
(Potential) Proxy
Proxy name or Type (mailman for example): <CP1NAME> Proxy street address (line1): <CP1ADD1> Proxy street address (line2): <CP1ADD2> Proxy city: <CP1PO> <Fill 1: Proxy state? <CP1ST>/blank> Proxy ZIP Code? Proxy Phone Number?
Input Options |
Text box fill (Use State Lookup Table, with layout example VA-Virginia, and store as alpha abbreviation), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display "Proxy state? <CP1ST>"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blankDisplay previous entry for CP1ST field and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1ST.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect a new entry.
Fifth of seven duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects proxy ZIP Code for callback |
Universe |
Screen Text |
(Potential) Proxy:
Proxy name or Type (mailman for example): <CP1NAME> Proxy street address (line1): <CP1ADD1> Proxy street address (line2): <CP1ADD2> Proxy city: <CP1PO> <Fill 1: Proxy state: <CP1ST>/blank> Proxy ZIP Code? <CP1ZP5> Proxy Phone Number?
Input Options |
Numeric box fill (allow 5 digits), Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display " Proxy state?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blankDisplay previous entry for CP1ZP5 field and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
Store as CP1ZP5.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect a new entry.
Sixth of seven duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Collects proxy phone number for callback |
Universe |
Screen Text |
(Potential) Proxy:
Proxy name or Type (mailman for example): <CP1NAME> Proxy street address (line1): <CP1ADD1> Proxy street address (line2): <CP1ADD2> Proxy city: <CP1PO> <Fill 1: Proxy state: <CP1ST>/blank> Proxy ZIP Code: <CP1ZP5> Proxy Phone Number? <MASTER_PHONE> if valid
Input Options |
Numeric fill in phone number format [(allow 3) allow 3-allow4], Enter DK – Don't Know RF – Refused
Blank, "Don't Know", and "Refused" are options on this screen and stored as blank. |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If PRFLAG = 0, display " Proxy state?"
If PRFLAG = 1, leave blankDisplay previous entry for MASTER_PHONE if valid and allow edit. |
Skip Instructions |
Special Instructions |
If phone number valid, store as CP1PHON and update MASTER_PHONE.
Allow reinterviewer to correct previous entry or to collect a new entry.
Seventh of seven duplicate screens. |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Asks the reinterviewer which language the majority of the interview was conducted in. |
Universe |
Screen Text |
♦ What language was the majority of the reinterview conducted in?
Input Options |
1 - English 2 - Spanish 3 - Another language 4 – Did not speak with anyone
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Skip Instructions |
If LANG_WHICH = 1, 2, 3, or 4, Goto RI_CLOSE
Special Instructions |
Variable Name |
Field Description |
Wrapup screen for every case. |
Universe |
ALL PATHS LEAD HERE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(R_TYPE = 6) OR
(R_TYPE2 = 6) OR (STARTA = 2) OR (ATTEMPT_TYPE = 8) OR (RI_STARTB_PV = 2, 3 or 4 and ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP=1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE=1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (RI_STARTB_TPH = 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 and ((RI_GROUP = 21, 3, 51, 61, or 71) or (RI_GROUP = 1, 5, 6, or 7 and COMPLETE = 1)) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (INTRO1 = 2, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 5 and ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, 3, or 4 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (LANG_SPEAK_Q = 01 – 51, DK, or RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 5) OR(LANG_SPEAK_Q = 01–51, DK, or RF and RI_GROUP = 1, 11, 21, 3, 5, 51, 6, 61, 7, or 71 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR
{NA univ} (INTRO_FULL = 2, 3, DK, or RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ}
{NA univ} (JICPOP = 1 – 49, DK or RF and (INTRO_INT = 1 or (JICINT = 1 and H_RESP = blank))) OR (JICPOP = 1 – 49, DK, or RF and INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B ne 5 and INTRO2B_HH ne 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (VACANT_CHK = RF and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (CALLBACK = 2 and R_TYPE = 6) OR (LANG_WHICH = 1, 2, 3, or 4) OR (ROSTER1B = 2 or 3 and RI_GROUP ne 2) OR (MAKE_PV = 1 and (INTRO2 ne 2 or COUNT_ATTEMPTS >= 5 or ATTEMPT_TYPE ne 3 or 4 or TPH_ATTEMPTS < 2)) OR (MAKE_PV=2 or 3) OR (JICPOP = 01 – 49, DK or RF and INTRO_INT ne 1 and (JICINT ne 1 or H_RESP = 1 or 2) and RI_GROUP ne 2 and (INTRO2B = 5 or INTRO2B_HH = 5) and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (END_NOW = 3 and RI_PERCOUNT = 1 – 49 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 5) OR (JICPOP2 = 01-49, DK, or RF and
END_NOW = (JICPOP2 = 01-49, DK, or RF and END_NOW = 1) OR (from CALLBACK_AM_PM and (END_NOW
ne (INTRO_COMP = RF) |
Screen Text |
<Fill 1: ♦ If appropriate, thank respondent for his/her time. / blank>
This case will now close.
Enter reinterview notes about this case when NOTES opens.
Input Options |
1 – Close case
"Don't Know" and "Refused" are not options on this screen |
Fill Instructions |
Fill 1:
If THANK_YOU = blank and THANK_YOU_TPH = blank, display "♦ If appropriate, thank respondent for his/her time."
If THANK_YOU = 1 or THANK_YOU_TPH = 1 or 2, Leave blank |
Skip Instructions |
If RI_PERCOUNT = blank and 0 < JICPOP <= 99, {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_PERCOUNT = JICPOP
If RI_PERCOUNT = blank and 0 < JICPOP2 <= 99, {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_PERCOUNT = JICPOP2
If INTRO_INT = blank and (JICINT = 1 or (JICINT = 2 and H_RESP = blank), Set INTRO_INT = JICINT
If R_TYPE = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or DK, Set CP1TYPE = R_TYPE
If R_NAME is filled and R_TYPE = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7, Set CP1NAME = R_NAME
If R_PHONE is valid and R_TYPE = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7, Set CP1PHON = R_PHONE {TMO moved to the out script}
If INTERVIEW_HH = 1, Set RI_HH_OK = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Set COMPLETE = 1 {TMO moved to the out script}
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 1, 2, or 6, Increase COUNT_ATTEMPTS by 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Increase PV_ATTEMPTS by 1 {TMO moved to the out script}
If ATTEMPT_TYPE = 3, 4, or 7, Increase COUNT_ATTEMPTS by 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Increase TPH_ATTEMPTS by 1 {TMO moved to the out script}
If NEW_PRX_OK ne blank, Set PRX_OK = NEW_PRX_OK {TMO moved to the out script} Set NEW_PRX_OK = blank {TMO moved to the out script} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RI cases with unit status of PI sample HU on PI date verified as vacant (RI_CURSTAT=2), seasonal vacant (RI_CURSTAT=5), or did not exist or not a HU (RI_CURSTAT=3)
If RI_CURSTAT = 2 or 5, Then If R_TYPE = 1 – 5 or blank, Set PI_OUTCOME= 326 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If R_TYPE = 6, 7 or DK, Set PI_OUTCOME = 327 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If RI_CURSTAT = 3, Then If R_TYPE = 1 – 5 or blank, Set PI_OUTCOME = 333 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If R_TYPE = 6, 7 or DK, Set PI_OUTCOME = 334 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RI cases requiring a Full PI (COMPLETE = 1) and pathed to the PI instrument screens (PI_SCREENS = 1)
If COMPLETE = 1 and PI_SCREENS = 1, Set PI_OUTCOME in this section only according to the coding of OUTCOME in the PI Instrument Specification Then If PI_OUTCOME = 201, Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If PI_OUTCOME = 208, Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If PI_OUTCOME = 203, Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If PI_OUTCOME = 209, Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If PI_OUTCOME = 202 or 219 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6, Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If PI_OUTCOME = 202 or 219 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and
(CALLBACK = 2 or END_NOW = 1 Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If PI_OUTCOME = 202 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and
(CALLBACK ne 2 and END_NOW ne 1 Set RI_OUTCOME = 302 Set RI_TODO = 3 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RI cases requiring a Full PI (COMPLETE = 1) and did not path to the PI instrument screens (PI_SCREENS = blank)
If INTERVIEW_HH = 1 and PI_SCREENS = blank and RI_GROUP = 2, 5, 6, or 7, (If RI_CATEGORY = 2, set RI_GROUP = 21, OR {TMO If RI_CATEGORY = 5, set RI_GROUP = 51, OR moved If RI_CATEGORY = 6, set RI_GROUP = 61, OR to the if RI_CATEGORY = 7, set RI_GROUP = 71,) out script} Set RI_TODO = 3 {TMO moved to the out script} Set COUNT_ATTEMPTS1 = COUNT_ATTEMPTS {TMO moved to the out script} Reset COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the out script} Reset TPH_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the in script} Reset PV_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the in script} Set MASTER_PHONE = blank Set APPTDATE = blank Set CP1TYPE = blank Set CP1NAME = blank Set CP1PHON = blank Set CP1ADD1 = blank Set CP1ADD2 = blank Set CP1PO = blank Set CP1ST = blank Set CP1ZP5 = blank Then If REASSIGN_FLAG = 1 Set RI_OUTCOME = 214 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If REASSIGN_FLAG = blank Set RI_OUTCOME = 302 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COMPLETE = 1 and PI_SCREENS = blank and RI_CURSTAT = 1 or 4 and 0 < RI_PERCOUNT < 50 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6, Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If COMPLETE = 1 and PI_SCREENS = blank and RI_CURSTAT = 1or 4 and 0 < RI_PERCOUNT < 50 and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6, Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set RI_OUTCOME = 302 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 3 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COMPLETE = 1 and PI_SCREENS = blank and RI_CURSTAT = 1, 4 or blank and RI_PERCOUNT = blank, 98, or 99 and RI_HH_OK = blank and COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6, Then If PROBLEM = 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 213 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 3 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If REASSIGN_FLAG=1, Set RI_OUTCOME = 214 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 3 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If PROBLEM ne 4 and REASSIGN_FLAG = blank and
(END_NOW ne 1 Set RI_OUTCOME = 302 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 3 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COMPLETE = 1 and PI_SCREENS = blank and RI_PERCOUNT = blank, 98, or 99 and RI_HH_OK = blank and (COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6 or (COUNT_ATTEMPTS
< 6 and (END_NOW = 1 Then If RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_CURSTAT = 1, 4 or blank and (INTRO_INT = 1 or JICINT = 1 or (INTRO_INT = 2 and H_RESP = blank)), Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ for processing
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ for processing
If RI_GROUP = 1 and RI_CURSTAT = 1, 4 or blank and (INTRO_INT ne 1 and JICINT ne 1 and (INTRO_INT ne 2 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)), Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If RI_GROUP = 21 or 3 and RI_CURSTAT = 1, 4 or blank, Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If RI_GROUP = 5, 6, 7, 51, 61, or 71 and RI_CURSTAT = 1 or 4 and R_TYPE = 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If RI_GROUP = 5, 6, 7, 51, 61, or 71 and RI_CURSTAT = 1 or 4 and R_TYPE ne 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If RI_GROUP = 5, 6, 7, 51, 61, or 71 and RI_CURSTAT = blank, Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Then
If (END_NOW = 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If (END_NOW ne 1 Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RI cases not requiring a Full PI (COMPLETE = blank)
If RI_GROUP = 1, 2 or 11 and COMPLETE = blank and ROSTER1B = 1 and RI_CURSTAT = blank, Set RI_CURSTAT = ORIG_CURSTAT {TMO moved to the out script}
If COMPLETE = blank and RI_CURSTAT = 1 or 4 and ROSTER1B = 1, Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 201 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ processing
If COMPLETE = blank and RI_CURSTAT = 1, 4, or blank and ROSTER1B = 2, 3, 4, or blank and RI_GROUP = 11, Then If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG=1, Set RI_OUTCOME = 214 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 4 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG=blank, Set RI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 4 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6, Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If COMPLETE = blank and RI_CURSTAT = 1, 4, or blank and ROSTER1B = 2, 3, 4, or blank and RI_GROUP = 2, Then If REASSIGN_FLAG = 1, Set RI_OUTCOME = 214 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If PROBLEM = 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 213 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If REASSIGN_FLAG = blank and PROBLEM ne 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 2 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COMPLETE = blank and RI_CURSTAT = blank and RI_GROUP = 6 or 7, Then If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG = 1, Set RI_OUTCOME = 214 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 6 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG = blank, Set RI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 6 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6, Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If COMPLETE = blank and RI_CURSTAT = 1, 4, or blank and ROSTER1B = 2, 3, 4, or blank and RI_GROUP = 1, Then If COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6 and (INTRO_INT = 1 or JICINT = 1 or (INTRO_INT = 2 and H_RESP = blank)) Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Then If CALLBACK = 2, Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ for processing
If CALLBACK ne 2, Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ for processing
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6 and (INTRO_INT ne 1 and JICINT ne 1 and (INTRO_INT ne 2 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and PRX_OK = 1, Set RI_GROUP = 11 {TMO moved to the out script} Set COUNT_ATTEMPTS1 = COUNT_ATTEMPTS{TMO moved to the out script} Reset COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the out script} Reset TPH_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the in script} Reset PV_ATTEMPTS = 0 {TMO moved to the in script} Set MASTER_PHONE = blank Set APPTDATE = blank Set CP1TYPE = blank Set CP1NAME = blank Set CP1PHON = blank Set CP1ADD1 = blank Set CP1ADD2 = blank Set CP1PO = blank Set CP1ST = blank Set CP1ZP5 = blank Set RI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 4 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6 and (INTRO_INT ne 1 and JICINT ne 1 and (INTRO_INT ne 2 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and PRX_OK = blank, Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Then If CALLBACK = 2, Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If CALLBACK ne 2, Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG = 1, Set RI_OUTCOME = 214 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and PROBLEM = 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 213 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and CALLBACK = 1 or blank and REASSIGN_FLAG = blank and PROBLEM ne 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 1 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and CALLBACK = 2 and (INTRO_INT = 1 or JICINT = 1 or (INTRO_INT = 2 and H_RESP = blank)), Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ for processing
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and CALLBACK = 2 and (INTRO_INT ne 1 and JICINT ne 1 and (INTRO_INT ne 2 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)) and Set PI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review
If COMPLETE = blank and RI_CURSTAT = blank and RI_GROUP = 5, Then If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG = 1, Set RI_OUTCOME = 214 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 5 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and PROBLEM = 4, Set RI_OUTCOME = 213 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 5 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review for reassignment
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG = blank and PROBLEM ne 4 and PRX_OK = blank, Set RI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 5 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS < 6 and REASSIGN_FLAG = blank and PROBLEM ne 4 and PRX_OK = 1, Set RI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_TODO = 6 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Keep on laptop
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6 and (INTRO_INT = 1 or JICINT = 1 or (INTRO_INT = 2 and H_RESP = blank)), Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 203 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to HQ for processing
If COUNT_ATTEMPTS = 6 and (INTRO_INT ne 1 and JICINT ne 1 and (INTRO_INT ne 2 or H_RESP = 1 or 2)), Set PI_OUTCOME = 202 {TMO moved to the out script} Set RI_OUTCOME = 219 {TMO moved to the out script} Close case.* Transmit to supervisory review ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If LANG_SPEAK = blank and LANG_WHICH = 1, set LANG_SPEAK = 1 {TMO moved to the end of the out script} If LANG_SPEAK = blank and LANG_WHICH = 2, set LANG_SPEAK = 2 {TMO moved to the end of the out script}
Special Instructions |
Refer to Appendix B for the list of PI RI outcome codes (RI_OUTCOME).
RI_CATEGORY, and the updated values of COUNT_ATTEMPTS, PV_ATTEMPTS, TPH_ATTEMPTS, COUNT_ATTEMPTS1, RI_GROUP, COMPLETE, RI_TODO, PV_TEL_FLAG, MASTER_PHONE, and RI_OUTCOME, must travel with the case every time it is closed and reopened.
In addition, contact person information (name, phone number, and address) and respondent information (name, phone number, and address) must travel with the case every time it is closed and reopened.
Word Fills for Variables
The following list of fills are to be used throughout the instrument where indicated to fill a variable in words.
ORIOUT (outcome of original PI interview)
201 - Occupied - Complete interview with household member
208 - Occupied - Complete interview with proxy respondent
203 - Occupied - Partial interview with household member
209 - Occupied - Partial interview with proxy respondent
326 - Vacant - Determined by Landlord, Neighbor, etc.
327 - Vacant - Determined by observation or "Other" respondent type
333 - Housing unit does not exist or not a housing unit - Determined by Landlord, Neighbor, etc.
334 - Housing unit does not exist or not a housing unit - Determined by observation or Don't Know or "Other" respondent type
213 - Noninterview - Language problem
218 - Noninterview - Refusal
216 - Noninterview - No knowledgeable respondent
219 - Noninterview - Other
ORIG_ATTEMPT_TYPE (method for conducting the original PI interview)
1 - Personal visit with PI household member
2 - Personal visit with proxy respondent
3 - Telephone interview with PI household member
4 - Telephone interview with proxy respondent
5- Confirm PI Sample Address vacant or not HU
6- Quit
ORIG_R_TYPE (type of original PI respondent)
1 - Landlord (superintendent, rental office, owner, etc.)
2 - Neighbor
3 - Relative/Caregiver to occupants
4 - Current occupant
5 - Former occupant
6 - Enumerator observation or personal knowledge
7 - Other
9 - Don't Know
Word Fills for Variables (cont)
ORIG_LANG_SPEAK (language spoken during the original PI interview)
1-English |
19-French |
37-Polish |
2-Spanish |
20-German |
38-Portuguese |
3-Albanian |
21-Greek |
39-Romanian |
4-Amharic |
22-Haitian Creole |
40-Russian |
5-Arabic |
23-Hebrew |
41-Serbian |
6-Armenian |
24-Hindi |
42-Somali |
7-Bengali |
25-Hmong |
43-Swahili |
8-Bulgarian |
26-Hungarian |
44-Tagalog |
9-Burmese |
27-Ilocano |
45-Thai |
10-Cambodian |
28-Italian |
46-Tigrinya |
11- Chinese, Simplified |
29-Japanese |
47-Turkish |
12- Chinese, Traditional |
30-Korean |
48-Ukranian |
13-Croatian |
31-Laotian |
49-Urdu |
14-Czech |
32-Lithuanian |
50-Vietnamese |
15-Dari |
33-Malayalam |
51-Yiddish |
16-Dinka |
34-Navajo |
52-No language problem - |
17-Dutch |
35-Nepali |
Return to previous screen |
18-Farsi |
36-Panjabi |
99 - Don't Know |
98 - Refused |
ORIG_SEX (sex of the original PI household respondent)
1 - Male
2 - Female
9 - Don't Know
8 - Refused
ORIG_BEST_TIME (best time to contact original respondent)
1 – Day
2 – Evening
3- Either
9 - Don't Know
8 - Refused
Word Fills for Variables (cont)
ORIG_RELATION1 (relationship of original respondent to the first person listed on the roster in a multi person household during a personal visit PI interview)
1-Husband or wife
2-Biological son or daughter
3- Adopted son or daughter
4- Stepson or stepdaughter
5-Brother or sister
6-Father or mother
9-Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
10-Other relative
11-Roomer or boarder
12-Housemate or roommate
13-Unmarried partner
14-Other nonrelative
99 - Don't Know
98 - Refused
ORIG_RELATION2 (relationship of original respondent to the first person listed on the roster in a multi person household during a telephone PI interview)
1-Husband or wife
2-Son or daughter
3- Brother or sister
4- Father or mother
7-Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
8-Other relative
9-Roomer or boarder
10-Housemate or roommate
11-Unmarried partner
12-Other nonrelative
99 - Don't Know
98 - Refused
Word Fills for Variables (cont)
RI_OUTCOME (outcome of reinterview attempts)
302- Open case for Full Person Interview
201 - Complete Reinterview
203 - Sufficient Partial Reinterview
213 - Type A - Language Problem - Reassign
214 - Reinterview Noninterview to Reassign for Personal Visit
202 - Open Case for Reinterview
200 - Unopened Case
PI RI Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long will this take?
2. Why are you calling me again?
3. Are you calling everyone, or am I just lucky?
Don't you have anything better to do with my tax dollars?
I'm too busy to answer your questions again.
6. Are you checking up on me? I told you the truth the first time you were here.
7 Return to reinterview
(RI_FAQ1) (How long will this take?)
These interviews average about 5-10 minutes.
(RI_FAQ2) (Why are you calling me again?)
We're interested in maintaining the quality of our product, so we
reinterview a few households who are in the survey to make sure we're collecting data
efficiently and accurately.
(RI_FAQ3) (Are you calling everyone, or am I just lucky?)
We can get a reliable measure of data quality by reinterviewing only a small percentage of the total households interviewed in the survey.
(RI_FAQ4) (Don’t you have anything better to do with my tax dollars?)
Actually, it could save money. By law, we have to conduct a census every ten years. What we learn from the 2010 Census will help us improve the coverage of subsequent censuses.
(RI_FAQ5) (I’m too busy to answer your questions.)
The questions I have today are different, and I hope not to take up very much time.
We really appreciate your help.
(RI_FAQ6) (Are you checking up on me? I told you the truth the first time you were here.)
The purpose of reinterview is not to check up on respondents. To make sure we are collecting data efficiently and accurately, we reinterview a few households who are in the survey.
The response options for each Reinterview FAQ answer are:
1. Return to reinterview
2. Return to FAQs_RI
PI RI Outcome Codes – RI_OUTCOME
Case stays on laptop unless reassigned.
201 - Completed RI
214 – Type A - Reassign to PV
Case transmitted to supervisory review.
Case transmitted to supervisory review.
Case stays on laptop unless reassigned.
200 - New Case, not started
213 – Type A – Language Problem - Reassign
Case transmitted to supervisory review.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | sebro001 |
Last Modified By | mcart002 |
File Modified | 2009-08-27 |
File Created | 2009-08-27 |