In 2005, the number of coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating units (EGUs) at facilities owned and operated by publicly-owned utility companies, Federal power agencies, rural electric cooperatives, and investor-owned utility generating companies included approximately 1,332 units (boilers) that generated greater than 25 megawatts-electric (MWe), according to the U.S. Department of Energy/Energy Information Administration (DOE/EIA) Form EIA‑767 database.1 Currently, this database contains the most recent data available from DOE for coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating units but DOE/EIA states that (as of the writing of this supporting statement) the 2007 database is soon to be made publically available. The 2006 EIA-860 database covers some of the same units covered by EIA-767; however, this database also includes units owned and operated by non-utilities (including independent power producers and combined heat and power producers). EPA will query this database to determine if it includes any coal- or oil-fired EGUs that meet the CAA section 112(a)(8) definition of an EGU. Additionally, EPA/OAR/Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards will coordinate with EPA/OAR/Clean Air Markets Division (to obtain an industry configuration database output from their electric utility sulfur dioxide (SO2) cap-and trade program) for help with the development of the final list of EGUs in this survey data collection effort. As facilities respond to Part I of the ICR data request, the Agency will modify this base list of units to represent all affected sources under this effort.
2. Selection of Units to Provide Source Information
All coal- and oil-fired EGUs identified by EPA as being potentially applicable sources under the definition in CAA section 112(a)(8) as well as all integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) EGUs and all EGUs fired by petroleum coke will be required to provide information on the current operational status of the unit, including applicable controls installed, along with emissions information. The coal-fired EGUs identified for this effort are shown in Attachment 4; the oil-fired EGUs identified are shown in Attachment 5; the IGCC EGUs identified are shown in Attachment 6; and the petroleum coke-fired EGUs identified are shown in Attachment 7.
3. Selection of Units to Conduct Stack Testing
Coal-fired units to be tested will be selected to cover four groups of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) that may potentially be regulated through the use of surrogate pollutant standards. At this time, we have made no final decision on the use of surrogate pollutants and any surrogate-based standard will be established only if consistent with the requirements of the CAA and applicable case law. The groups of HAP are acid-gas HAP (e.g., hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF)), dioxin/furan organic HAP, non-dioxin/furan organic HAP, and mercury and other non-mercury metallic HAP. Rationale for the selection of units for each possible surrogate group is discussed below. In the following stack testing, each facility is required to test after the last control device or at the stack if the last control device is not shared with one or more other units. In this way, the facility would test before any “dilution” by gases from a separately-controlled unit. Under certain circumstances, however, testing after a common control device or at the common stack will be allowed.
EPA has selected for testing the sources that the Agency believes, based on a variety of factors and information currently available to the Agency, are the best performing sources for the HAP groups for which they will be required to test. In targeting the best performing sources, EPA is proposing to require testing for approximately 15 percent of all coal-fired EGUs for 3 of the HAP groups – metal HAP and PM; non-dioxin/furan organic HAP, total hydrocarbon, CO, and VOC; and acid gas HAP and SO2 – instead of only 12 percent of all sources. We will, of course, be obtaining emissions information from all sources in Parts I and II of the questionnaire. We are reasonably targeting the best performing coal-fired sources because the statute requires the Agency to set the MACT floor at the “average emission limitation achieved by the best performing 12 percent of the existing sources, (for which the Administrator has information)” in the category. By targeting the best performing 15 percent of coal-fired EGUs for testing, we believe this will ensure that we have emissions data on the best performing 12 percent of all existing coal-fired EGUs. For 3 of the HAP groups or individual HAP, to the extent the Agency can establish that it has in fact collected data from all of the existing sources that represent the best performing 12 percent of existing sources, we intend to use data from sources representing the best performing 12 percent of all sources in any category or subcategory to establish the CAA section 112(d) standards. For oil-fired units, the bases for any surrogacy argument(s) are less well developed and will require more extensive testing (EPA is proposing to require 100 of the oil-fired units to test).
Coal-fired units, acid gas HAP
The acid-gas HAP, HCl and HF, are water-soluble compounds and are more soluble in water than is SO2. (Hydrogen cyanide, HCN, representing the “cyanide compounds,” is also water-soluble and will be considered an “acid-gas HAP” in this document.) HCl also has a large acid dissociation constant (i.e., HCl is a strong acid) and it, thus, will react easily in an acid-base reaction with (i.e., be readily adsorbed on) caustic sorbents (e.g., lime, limestone). This indicates that both HCl and HF will be more rapidly and readily removed from a flue gas stream than will SO2, even when only plain water is utilized. In the slurry streams, composed of water and sorbent (e.g., lime, limestone) utilized in both wet and dry flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, acid gases and SO2 are absorbed by the slurry mixture and react to (usually) form solid salts. In fluidized bed combustion (FBC) systems, the acid gases and SO2 are adsorbed by the sorbent (usually limestone) that is added to the coal and an inert material (e.g., sand, silica, alumina, or ash) as part of the FBC process. The adsorption process is temperature dependent and the cooler the flue gas, the more effectively the acid gases will react with the sorbents. One mole of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) will neutralize one mole of SO2, whereas one mole of Ca(OH)2 will neutralize two moles of HCl. A similar reaction occurs with the neutralization of HF. These reactions demonstrate that when using a spray dryer, the HCl and HF are removed more readily than is the SO2. Given that even more water is available in a wet-FGD system, the same condition would also hold in that situation (i.e., in a wet-FGD, HCl and HF would be removed more readily than SO2). Thus, we are considering emissions of SO2, a commonly measured pollutant, as a potential surrogate for emissions of the acid-gas HAP HCl and HF. Although this approach has not been used in any CAA section 112 rules by EPA, it has been used in a number of State permitting actions (e.g., Arkansas/Plum Point; Kentucky/Spurlock 3; Nebraska/Nebraska City 2; Wisconsin/Elm Road-Oak Creek, and Weston 4). However, should emissions of SO2 be deemed inappropriate as a potential surrogate for emissions of the acid-gas HAP, we are also gathering sufficient data on HCl, HF, and HCN to be able to establish individual emission limits.
EPA has identified the 175 units with the newest FGD controls installed. EPA believes that these units represent those units having to comply with the most recent, and, therefore, likely most stringent, emission limits for SO2. Even though SO2 may not be an adequate surrogate for the acid gas HAP, efforts by units to comply with stringent SO2 limits will likely represent the top performers with regard to acid gas HAP emissions. The 170 units with the newest FGD controls installed would be selected from those identified in Attachment 8 and would be required to test the specified unit for HCl, HF, HCN, SO2, O2, CO2, and moisture from the stack gases, and chlorine, fluorine, and sulfur content, HHV, and proximate/ultimate analyses of the coal being utilized during the test.
As units have been identified as meeting the criterion of being a “top performing” unit, substitution of units will not be permitted. However, for units selected for testing in this group that share an FGD system with another unit, testing after the FGD system will be allowed. Units not currently listed may be required to test if necessary to ensure that the approved number of units in the group actually test and provide the needed data to the Agency.
This would yield an additional 170 data sets to be added to the data set we currently have for these pollutants.
Coal-fired units, dioxin/furan organic HAP
Dioxin data were obtained in support of the 1998 Utility Report to Congress. However, approximately one-half of those data were listed as being below the minimum detection limit for the given test. Dioxin/furan emissions from coal-fired utility units are generally considered to be low, presumably because of the insufficient amounts of available chlorine. As a result of previous work conducted on municipal waste combustors (MWC), it has also been proposed that the formation of dioxins and furans in exhaust gases is inhibited by the presence of sulfur.2 Further, it has been suggested that if the sulfur-to-chlorine ratio (S:Cl) is greater than 1.0, then formation of dioxins/furans is inhibited.3,4 The vast majority of the coal analyses provided through the 1999 ICR indicated S:Cl values greater than 1.0. As a result, EPA expects that additional data gathering efforts will continue the trend of data being at or below the minimum detection limit. However, EPA believes that some additional data are necessary upon which either to base a surrogate standard or to establish an emission limit for dioxin/furan. Therefore, 50 units have been selected at random from the entire coal-fired EGU population to conduct emission testing for dioxins/furans (Attachment 9). In addition, as a result of previous work done on MWC units, EPA identified activated carbon as a potential control technology for dioxin/furan control. Therefore, the above data set includes some units with activated carbon injection (ACI) systems installed. Each of these units would be required to test for dioxins/furans, O2, CO2, and moisture from the stack gases, and chlorine and sulfur content, HHV, and proximate/ultimate analyses of the coal being utilized during the test.
EPA would entertain requests to test sister units at the same facility. EPA would also entertain requests, within 3 weeks of receipt of the CAA section 114 letter, to test similar units at other facilities under the company’s ownership or under an organizational umbrella (e.g., trade group) as long as the substituted unit was of similar size and type, utilized a similar coal, and had similar emission controls. The subject company would need EPA approval for any substitution. Units not currently listed may be required to test if necessary to ensure that the approved number of units in the group actually test and provide the needed data to the Agency.
This would yield an additional 50 data sets to be added to the data set we currently have for these pollutants.
Coal-fired units, non-dioxin/furan organic HAP
Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), and/or total hydrocarbons (THC) have in the past been used as surrogates for the non-dioxin/furan organic HAP based on the theory that efficient combustion leads to lower organic emissions.5 However, although indications are that these emissions are low (and perhaps below the minimum detection level), there are very few emissions data available for these compounds from coal-fired utility boilers. EPA has identified the 175 newest units as being representative of the most modern, and, thus, presumed most efficient, units (Attachment 10). The 170 newest units would be selected from those identified in Attachment 10 and would be required to test for CO, VOC, and THC. From these 170 units, 50 units would be required to test for polycyclic organic matter (POM), NOX, formaldehyde, methane, O2, and CO2, in addition to CO, VOC, and THC. All tested units would be required to test for moisture from the stack gases and HHV and proximate/ultimate analyses of the coal being utilized during the test.
As units have been identified as meeting the criterion of being a “top performing” unit, substitution of units will not be permitted. Companies with units sharing an FGD or PM control system will need to contact EPA with the individual boiler’s specifics. Units not currently listed may be required to test if necessary to ensure that the approved number of units in the group actually test and provide the needed data to the Agency.
This would yield an additional 170 data sets with data on the potential surrogates CO, VOC, and THC as well as 50 data sets on the potential surrogate relationships.
Coal-fired units, mercury and other non-mercury metallic HAP
Emissions of certain non-mercury metallic HAP (i.e., antimony (Sb), beryllium (Be), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), and nickel (Ni)) have been assumed to be well controlled by particulate matter (PM) control devices. However, mercury (Hg) and other non-mercury metallic HAP (i.e., arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), and selenium (Se)), because of their presence in both particulate and vapor phases, have been reported, in some instances, to be not well controlled by PM control devices. Also, it has been shown through recent stack testing that certain of these HAP (i.e., As, Cr, and Se) tend to condense on (or as) very fine particulate matter in the emissions from coal-fired units. There are very few recent emissions test data available showing the potential control of these metallic HAP from coal-fired utility boilers.
The capture of Hg is dependent on several factors including the chloride content of the coal, the amount of unburned carbon present in the fly ash, the flue gas temperature, and the speciation of the Hg. Based on available data, EPA believes that ACI may be an effective control technology for controlling Hg emissions in coal-fired plants. However, EPA has no direct stack test results showing how effectively these ACI-equipped plants reduce their Hg emissions.
EPA has identified the 175 units with the newest PM controls installed. EPA believes that these units represent those units having to comply with the most recent, and, therefore, likely most stringent, emission limits for PM (Attachment 11). Even though PM may not ultimately be an adequate surrogate for some of the non-mercury metallic HAP, efforts by units to comply with stringent PM limits will likely represent the top performers with regard to non-mercury metallic HAP emissions. The units selected also include a number with ACI installed. As units have been identified as meeting the criterion of being a “top performing” unit, substitution of units will not be permitted. However, units selected for testing in this group that share a PM control system with another unit, testing after the PM control system will be allowed.
The 170 units with the newest PM controls installed would be selected from those identified in Attachment 11 and would be required to test after that specific PM control (or at the stack if the PM control device is not shared with one or more other units). Each of these 170 units would be required to test the unit listed for Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, PM (total filterable, fine [dry], fine [wet]), O2, CO2, and moisture. All units would also be required to analyze their coal for the metals above (including Hg), chlorine, and provide the HHV and proximate/ultimate analyses of the coal being utilized during the test.
As units have been identified as meeting the criterion of being a “top performing” unit, substitution of units will not be permitted. However, units selected for testing in this group that share a PM control system with another unit, testing after the PM control system will be allowed. Units not currently listed may be required to test if necessary to ensure that the approved number of units in the group actually test and provide the needed data to the Agency.
This would yield an additional 170 data sets to be added to the data set we currently have for these pollutants.
Coal-fired units, other
To be able to assess the impact of the standards (e.g., reduction in HAP emissions over current conditions), EPA has selected at random 50 units (identified in Attachment 13) from the population of coal-fired units not selected in any of the above groups to test for HCl, HF, HCN, SO2, O2, CO2, CO, VOC, THC, POM, NOX, formaldehyde, methane, Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, PM (total filterable, fine [dry], fine [wet]), and moisture from the stack gases. All of these units would also be required to analyze their coal for the metals above (including Hg), chlorine, fluorine, and sulfur content, HHV, and proximate/ultimate analyses of the coal being utilized during the test. EPA does not believe that data available through other sources (e.g., National Emissions Inventory (NEI), Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), data gathered for the 1998 Utility Report to Congress) are of sufficient detail or completeness to be appropriate for this purpose. Utilities are not currently subject to a CAA section 112(d) standard and, therefore, they are not required to collect HAP data, nor report them to States which then report them to the NEI. Further, the TRI data are based on “engineering judgment,” emission factors, or other methods of estimation rather than emissions tests. In addition, none of the data sources currently contain detailed data for all of the necessary individual HAP. Thus, EPA believes that gathering these data is necessary to conduct a credible assessment of the emissions of this important source category.
EPA would entertain requests, within 3 weeks of receipt of the CAA section 114 letter, to test sister units at the same facility. EPA would also entertain requests, within 3 weeks of receipt of the CAA section 114 letter, to test similar units at other facilities under the company’s ownership or under an organizational umbrella (e.g., trade group) as long as the substituted unit was of similar size and type, utilized a similar coal, and had similar emission controls. The subject company would need EPA approval for any substitution. Units not currently listed may be required to test if necessary to ensure that the approved number of units in the group actually test and provide the needed data to the Agency.
This would yield 50 data sets to be added to the data set we currently have for this analysis.
Coal-fired units, IGCC
All IGCC units identified in Attachment 6 will be required to test for HCl, HF, HCN, SO2, O2, CO2, CO, VOC, THC, POM, NOX, formaldehyde, methane, dioxins/furans, Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, PM (total filterable, fine [dry], fine [wet]), and moisture from the stack gases. All of these units would also be required to analyze their coal for the metals above (including Hg), chlorine, fluorine, and sulfur content, HHV, and proximate/ultimate analyses of the coal being utilized during the test.
Oil-fired units
The potential surrogacy arguments for coal-fired units are primarily based on compliance with recent, stringent emission limits that have generally resulted in the use of add-on control technologies, as in the case of the non-mercury metallic HAP (fabric filter or electrostatic precipitator) and the acid-gas HAP (FGD). For dioxin/furan organic HAP, the surrogacy argument may rely on the S:Cl value of the coal. However, the data obtained in support of the 1998 Utility Report to Congress and the 2000 Regulatory Determination do not indicate any correlation between PM control and emissions of non-mercury metallic HAP from oil-fired units. Further, no oil-fired unit has a FGD system installed, eliminating the potential basis for the use of compliance with an SO2 emissions limit that resulted in the installation of an FGD system as a surrogate for emissions of the acid-gas HAP from such units. In addition, it is not known if the S:Cl value has the same relevance for oil-fired units as it does for coal-fired units. Thus, EPA has no basis for determining which oil-fired units may be the “best performers.” Therefore, EPA is requiring that 100 units selected at random from the 180 known oil-fired units (Attachment 12) test their stack emissions for Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, PM (total filterable, fine [dry], fine [wet]), HCl, HF, HCN, SO2, dioxins/furans, CO, VOC, THC, POM, NOX, formaldehyde, methane, O2, CO2, and moisture. All units would be required to sample their oil for the metals (including Hg), chlorine, fluorine, sulfur, and provide HHV and proximate/ultimate analyses of the oil being utilized during the test.
EPA would entertain requests to test sister units at the same facility. EPA would also entertain requests, within 3 weeks of receipt of the CAA section 114 letter, to test similar units at other facilities under the company’s ownership or under an organizational umbrella (e.g., trade group) as long as the substituted unit was of similar size and type, utilized a similar oil, and had similar emission controls. The subject company would need EPA approval for any substitution. Units not currently listed may be required to test if necessary to ensure that the approved number of units in the group actually test and provide the needed data to the Agency.
This would yield an additional 100 data sets to be added to the data set we currently have for this category of units.
Petroleum coke-fired units
All petroleum coke-fired units identified in Attachment 7 will be required to test for HCl, HF, HCN, SO2, O2, CO2, CO, VOC, THC, POM, NOX, formaldehyde, methane, dioxins/furans, Sb, As, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni, Se, PM (total filterable, fine [dry], fine [wet]), and moisture from the stack gases. All of these units would also be required to analyze their petroleum coke for the metals above (including Hg), chlorine, fluorine, and sulfur content, HHV, and proximate/ultimate analyses of the petroleum coke being utilized during the test.
Since the information will be requested pursuant to the authority of CAA section 114, EPA expects that all respondents requested to submit information will do so within the time allotted for the information being requested.
Attachment 1.
Draft Questionnaire Content
Preliminary estimates of the public burden associated with this information collection effort indicate a total of 125,098 hours and $75,972,758. This is the estimated burden for 537 facilities to provide information on their boilers, fuel oil types and/or coal rank, 1,332 units to provide hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions data and 12 months of fuel analyses, and 512 units to conduct emissions testing.
Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal Agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information that is sent to ten or more persons unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.
[NOTE: It is EPA’s intent for the final version of this questionnaire to be in electronic format. The final format will include all questions noted herein.]
Please provide the information requested in the following forms. If you are unable to respond to an item as it is stated, please provide any information you believe may be related. Use additional copies of the request forms for your response.
If you believe the disclosure of the information requested would compromise confidential business information (CBI) or a trade secret, clearly identify such information as discussed in the cover letter. Any information subsequently determined to constitute CBI or a trade secret under EPA’s CBI regulations at 40 CFR part 2, subpart B, will be protected pursuant to those regulations and, for trade secrets, under 18 U.S.C. 1905. If no claim of confidentiality accompanies the information when it is received by EPA, it may be made available to the public by EPA without further notice pursuant to EPA regulations at 40 CFR 2.203. Because Clean Air Act (CAA) section 114(c) exempts emission data from claims of confidentiality, the emission data you provide may be made available to the public notwithstanding any claims of confidentiality. A definition of what the EPA considers emissions data is provided in 40 CFR 2.301(a)(2)(i).
The following section is to be completed by all facilities:
Part I - General Facility Information: once for each facility. A copy of Part I should be completed and returned to the address noted below within 90 days of receipt.
The following section is to be completed by all facilities meeting the section 112(a)(8) definition of an electric utility steam generating unit:
Part II - Fuel Analyses and Emission Data: Additional copies of certain pages may be necessary for a complete response. A copy of Part II responses should be completed and returned to the address noted below within 90 days of receipt.
The following section is to be completed by all facilities selected for stack testing:
Part III – Emissions Test Data: One emissions test (consisting of three runs). A copy of the emissions test report should be completed and returned to the address noted below within 6 to 8 months of receipt. Note the discussion in Part III as to when in the 6 to 8 month period the tested facilities results must be submitted.
Detailed instructions for each part follow.
Questions regarding this information request should be directed to Mr. William Maxwell at (919) 541-5430.
Return this information request and any additional information to:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Sector Policies and Programs Division
U.S. EPA Mailroom (D205-01)
Attention: Peter Tsirigotis, Director
109 T.W. Alexander Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Process Information
NOTE: If any rank of coal or any grade of oil (including petroleum coke [pet coke]), in any amount, is fired, complete Parts I and II and return to the address noted earlier. If NO coal or oil is fired, complete only Part I and return to the address noted earlier.
1. Name of legal owner of facility: _____________________________________________
2. Name of legal operator of facility, if different from legal owner: ___________________
3. Address of ____ legal owner or ____ operator: _________________________________
4a. Plant Name (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 2, line 1, page 37, question 1) OR Plant Name (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 2, page 1, question 1): ______________________________________________________________________________
4b. EIA Plant Code (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form-860 (2007), schedule 2, line 1, page 37, question 2) OR Plant ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), schedule 2, page 1, question 2): _____________________________________________________________
5. Complete street address of facility (physical location): ___________________________
6. Provide mailing address if different: __________________________________________
7. Name and title of contact(s) able to answer technical questions about the completed survey: _______________________________________________________________________
8. Contact(s) telephone number(s): _____________________________________________
and e-mail address(es): ____________________________________________________
9 Is this facility considered to be owned or operated by a small entity as defined by the Regulatory Flexibility Act? __ Yes __ No __ Don’t know
10. Which of the following fossil fuels or other material(s) are fired in any steam generating unit at this facility?
_____ coal _____ oil (including pet coke) _____ natural gas
_____ other (specify in question 14 below)
11. Which of the following fossil fuels or other material(s) are permitted6 to be fired in any steam generating unit at this facility?
_____ coal _____ oil (including pet coke) _____ natural gas
_____ other (specify in question 14 below)
12. If coal or solid fuel, as described below, derived from a fossil source is fired, indicate which rank of coal or solid fuel was utilized during the previous 12 months prior to the receipt of this ICR:7,8
__ lignite (% _____) __ subbituminous (% _____)
__ bituminous (% _____) __ anthracite (% _____)
__ coal refuse (including gob, culm, and subbituminous-derived coal refuse) (% _____)
__ synfuel (including, but not limited to, briquettes, pellets, or extrusions which are formed by binding materials, or processes that recycle materials) (% _____)
(please specify the type or form of synfuel used ________________________________)
__ petroleum coke (% _____)
13. If oil is fired, indicate which type of oil was utilized during the previous 12 months prior to the receipt of this ICR:9
__ distillate (% _____) __ residual or bunker C (% _____)
__ other (specify ___________) (% _____)
14a. If “other” was checked in questions 10 or 11 above indicating that any non-fossil fuel or other material (including, but not limited to, plastics, treated wood, rubber belting or gaskets, whole tires, tire-derived fuel, boiler cleaning solutions, animal wastes, etc.) is either utilized or permitted to be used, please indicate below what materials are combusted in the boiler and in what quantities (specify whether this quantity is on a weight percentage or heat [Btu] basis). Also indicate (yes/no) whether you are permitted10 to burn non-fossil fuel(s) or other material(s) even if you do not actually burn them.
Other Material Permitted to burn Actually burn Quantity/year
________________ _______________ ______________ ___________
________________ _______________ ______________ ___________
________________ _______________ ______________ ___________
________________ _______________ ______________ ___________
________________ _______________ ______________ ___________
________________ _______________ ______________ ___________
________________ _______________ ______________ ___________
14b. If “other” was checked in questions 10 or 11 above indicating that any non-fossil fuel or other material (including, but not limited to, plastics, treated wood, rubber belting or gaskets, whole tires, tire-derived fuel, boiler cleaning solutions, animal wastes, etc.) is either utilized or permitted to be used, were such material to be classified as “solid waste” under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and, thus, make the utilizing unit subject to CAA section 129, would you continue to utilize (i.e., use as a fuel) the material? __ Yes __ No
Explain: ______________________________________________________________________
15. Identification (or designation) of all coal- and oil-fired steam generating units (boilers) (as defined by Clean Air Act section 112(a)(8)) located at this facility.
Boiler ID11 |
Original design fuel (i.e. coal rank or type of oil) |
Design heat input, (MMBtu/hr)12 |
Present maximum heat input, (MMBtu/hr)13 |
MWe Gross capacity summer |
MWe Net capacity summer |
Original design gross efficiency (%, HHV) |
Present operating gross efficiency (%, HHV) |
Design steam pressure (psig)
Operating steam pressure (psig) |
Design steam temperature (°F) |
Operating steam temperature (°F) |
Design steam reheat temperature (°F)14 |
Operating steam reheat temperature (°F)15 |
Fuel16 |
Hours/year operated17 |
Average annual capacity factor for the past 3 years |
Applicable NSPS |
Estimated year of retirement18 |
Emission Control Technology
16. For each boiler noted in Part I, question 15, provide the following information for each current emission control device installed and operating and/or planned (please designate the order of the emission controls – 1 for first control following the boiler, 2 for second control following the boiler, etc.):
Boiler ID19 |
Type20 |
NOX control21 |
SO2 control22 |
PM control23 |
Other control24 |
17. For each boiler noted in Part I, question 15, provide the company (prime vendor) name and company contact information for each HAP-specific (e.g., mercury, hydrogen chloride) control technology that you have either contracted for, are installing, or have installed for the purpose of participating in a control technology demonstration project25 (e.g., U.S. Department of Energy program, consent decree, etc.).
Boiler ID26 |
Company (vendor) name |
Company (vendor) contact information |
Name |
Telephone |
Address |
18. For the control technologies identified in Part I, question 17, provide the date of actual start-up of the demonstration (if the control is currently operating), the date of expected or projected start-up, the date the demonstration was completed, the type of HAP control installed (e.g., sorbent and type; pre-combustion boiler chemical additive; combustion boiler chemical additive), the desired HAP emission reduction or rate (if any), and the coal rank(s) in use or fuel type upon which the demonstration was conducted. Please specify the format of the target HAP emission reduction or rate (e.g., lb/MWh, lb/TBtu, percent reduction, etc.). If the format of the target end-point is percent reduction, provide (1) an estimate of what an equivalent emission rate would be (and specify the format of the equivalent emission rate), and (2) the basis for calculating the percent reduction (i.e., where the “inlet” and “outlet” are).
Boiler ID27 |
Demonstration activity actual start-up date |
Demonstration activity projected start-up date |
Demonstration activity end-date or projected end-date |
Type of control (e.g., sorbent and type; chemical additive28) |
Desired HAP emission reduction (%) or emission rate |
Coal rank(s) in use |
19. For each boiler noted in Part I, question 15, provide the company (prime vendor) name and company contact information for each HAP (e.g., mercury, hydrogen chloride, etc.) control technology that you have either contracted for, are installing, or have installed for the purpose of providing a non-demonstration, full-scale operating system.
Boiler ID29 |
Company (vendor) name |
Company (vendor) contact information |
Name |
Telephone |
Address |
20. For the control technologies identified in Part I, question 19, provide the date of actual start-up (if the control is currently operating), the date of expected or projected start-up, the type of HAP control installed (e.g., sorbent and type; pre-combustion boiler chemical additive; combustion boiler chemical additive), the guaranteed HAP emission reduction or emission rate, the sorbent feed rate upon which the guarantee is based, and the coal rank(s) or fuel type upon which the guarantee is based. Please specify the format of the guarantee (e.g., lb/MWh, lb/TBtu, percent reduction, etc.). If the format of the guarantee is percent reduction, provide (1) an estimate of what an equivalent emission rate would be (and specify the format of the equivalent emission rate), and (2) the basis for calculating the percent reduction (i.e., where the “inlet” and “outlet” are).
Boiler ID30 |
Actual start-up date |
Expected or projected start-up date |
Type of control (e.g., sorbent and type; chemical additive)31 |
Guaranteed HAP emission reduction (%) or emission rate |
Sorbent or additive feed rate on which guarantee is based |
Coal rank(s) upon which guarantee is based |
21. For each boiler noted in Part I, question 15, provide the following information:
Boiler ID32 |
Permitted emission limit (indicate type of permit and format of emission limit and averaging period) |
PM33 |
PM10(34) |
PM2.5(35) |
SO2 |
HCl and/or HF |
Metal HAP36 |
Hg |
CO |
Other organics (specify) |
Other pollutant (specify) |
22. For each boiler noted in Part I, question 15, provide the following information:
Boiler ID37 |
Most recent guaranteed emission rate for each pollutant for which there is a permitted emission limit |
PM38 |
PM10 |
PM2.5 |
SO2 |
HCl and/or HF |
Metal HAP39 |
Hg |
CO |
Other organics (specify) |
Other pollutant (specify) |
23. Was any other guarantee level sought or offered? Yes _____ No _____ Please elaborate. ________________________
24. For each boiler noted in Part I, question 15, provide the following information:
Boiler ID40 |
Required monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for each pollutant for which there is a permitted emission limit |
PM41 |
PM10 |
PM2.5 |
SO2 |
HCl and/or HF |
Metal HAP42 |
Hg |
CO |
Other organics (specify) |
25. For the control technologies identified in Part I, questions 17 and 19, provide the cost information requested.43
Facility Name / Unit No.: _________ Retrofit to existing boiler? ____ Installation on new boiler? ____ |
Total Capital Investment: |
$: ______________ |
Total Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: |
$: ______________ (Include base year for operating costs [e.g., 2006]) |
26. Are any other means of emission control (for any pollutant) employed on any boiler noted in Part I, question 15 (e.g., low-ash coal, coal or oil with low trace constituents, etc.)? Please specify. _________________________________________________________________
Fuel Analysis44
Each facility should provide the following information for each coal and oil shipment received during the preceding 12 calendar months.
1a. Plant or facility name from Part I, question 4a: _________________________________
1b. Plant or facility code from Part I, question 4b: __________________________________
2. For each individual coal and oil shipment received during the preceding 12 calendar months, provide the following information, as available (indicate N/A if not available; use additional pages, as necessary):
Amount received, dry basis, short tons45 |
ID # of boiler(s) firing fuel46 |
Fuel source |
Fuel shipment method |
State/Country |
County47 |
Coal seam48 |
3. For each individual coal and oil shipment received during the preceding 12 calendar months, provide the following information49, as available (dry basis) (indicate N/A if not available):
Sample ID # |
Total amount of fuel represented by sample, tons or gallons |
Total sulfur, % |
Ash content, % |
Higher heating value, Btu/lb |
Mercury, ppm |
Chlorine, ppm |
Fluorine, ppm |
Nickel, ppm |
Other trace metal HAP, ppm50 |
4. Were the data provided in Part II, question 3 above, acquired pursuant to:
__ permit requirements
__ contractual obligations
__ standard operational procedures
__ other (please specify ____________________)
5. Analyses provided in Part II, question 3 above, supplied by
__ Fuel supplier (name and address) ______________________________________
__ Other (name and address) ____________________________________________
6. Name and address of laboratory performing analyses: ____________________________
7. In addition to the analyses required in Part II, question 3 above, for samples for which analyses of chlorine and/or any of the HAP metals were conducted, please provide copies of any analyses conducted over the preceding 12 calendar months for (a) complete proximate and ultimate analyses, (b) additional trace metals, and (c) the mineralogy of the ash that are readily available for the oil(s) or coal(s) listed in Part II, question 2 above. The Agency is requesting these data only as they may already be available; no additional sampling or analyses are required to provide these data.
Emission Data
8a. What emission test report(s), parametric monitoring data, and other data or monitoring are available for the boilers noted in Part I, question 15, for tests conducted since January 1, 2005. Please consider reports prepared for all testing and monitoring programs, for all pollutants, including (but not limited to) those required under Title V, compliance with State or local requirements, fulfillment of contractual obligations, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs, etc. (NOTE: EPA is not requesting copies of the test reports or data at this time; however we may request actual copies in the future.) Use additional pages as necessary. ______________________________________________________________________________
8b. Please indicate the date(s) and types (e.g., stack, fuel, parametric, etc.) of the test(s) and the constituents (including criteria and hazardous air pollutants) sampled for.
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
Date: _____ Type: _____ Constituents: ____________________________________
8c. Do any of these test reports reflect testing at a location upstream of any emission control devices?
Yes _____ No _____ If yes, please note which reports and provide a detailed description of the location of the emissions sampling point(s). ____________________________________
8d. Were any of these test reports conducted when use of other material(s) or non-fossil fuels were fired in the boiler? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, please note which reports and identify the other material(s) or non-fossil fuels used.. _________________________________
8e. Do any of these test reports reflect testing during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, please note which reports. ________________
8f. Did the unit’s control configuration differ from that shown in Part I, question 16, at the time of these test results? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, please list the unit’s complete control configuration at time of testing in a similar format to Part I, question 16. _____________
8g. Do any of these test reports reflect testing at a location upstream of a post combustion SO2 emission control device (e.g., FGD, SDA, Dry Scrubber)? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, please note which reports and, in addition to the detailed description of the location of the sampling point(s) (question 8c above), include detail about how much, if any, bypass of unscrubbed flue gas was utilized at the time of testing (including percentage of total scrubber exhaust gas flow). Note by diagram where sampling ports were located in relation to the bypass ductwork. ___________
9. What type of deviation reporting is required for violations of permit requirements? ______________________________________________________________________________
10. Are deviation reports available for malfunctions or other periods of noncompliance with permit terms and conditions? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, please note which reports. ______________________________________________________________________________
11. Are continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) data available (e.g., mercury, continuous opacity monitoring systems) that are not already being provided to the U.S. EPA or permit authority, even if from short-term testing? Yes _____ No _____ If yes51, please note for which pollutants CEMS data are available and the period of time (both total period and calendar period) for which data are available. If CEMS data are being provided to EPA, please note to which Office the data are being provided. _____________________________________
12. For each boiler noted in Part I, question 15, provide the following information:
Boiler ID |
Emissions test results (indicate format of emission data)52,53 |
Date of test |
PM54 |
SO2 |
Metal HAP55 |
Hg56 |
CO |
Other organics (specify) |
For units identified in Part B of the Supporting Statement, testing is to be performed for the identified HAP on a one-time basis after the last control device (i.e., after the last control device or at the stack if the last control device is not shared with one or more other units). Facilities are to use the test procedures noted in Enclosure 1 (“Summary of Coal- and Oil-fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit Test Procedures, Methods, and Reporting Requirements”) for both the stack and fuel sampling. Each test is to consist of at least three separate runs for each pollutant at the sampling location.
Companies with multiple units identified on the Attachments to Part B of the Supporting Statement will be required to notify EPA within 3 weeks of receipt of the CAA section 114 letter which units representing 60 percent of their required data will be submitted within 6 months of receipt of the letter and which units representing an additional 20 percent of their required data (i.e., a total of 80 percent of their required data) will be submitted within 7 months of receipt of the letter. Companies will also be notified of this requirement in the cover letter specifying the test requirements.
1.0 Stack Testing Procedures and Methods
2.0 Fuel Analysis Procedures and Methods
3.0 How to Report Data
4.0 How to Submit Data
5.0 Definitions
6.0 Contact Information for Questions on Test Plan and Reporting
The EPA coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating unit test program includes stack test data requests for several pollutants, including specific hazardous air pollutants (HAP) and potential surrogate groups. If you operate a coal- or oil-fired electric utility steam generating unit, you were selected to perform a stack test for some combination of the following pollutants or potential surrogate groups (i.e., simultaneous or overlapping measurements per group):
Non-dioxin/furan organic HAP: Carbon monoxide (CO), total hydrocarbons (THC), methane (CH4), formaldehyde, oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), volatile and semi-volatile organic HAP
Dioxin/furan: dioxins/furans (D/F), O2, CO2
Acid gas HAP: hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), oxides of nitrogen (NOX), sulfur dioxide (SO2), O2, CO2
Mercury and non-mercury metallic HAP: mercury (Hg), non-Hg HAP metals (including antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), beryllium (Be), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and selenium (Se)), particulate matter (PM2.5 (filterable and condensable); total solids; O2, CO2
Refer to Table 2 of the section 114 letter you received for the specific combustion unit and pollutants on which we are requesting that you perform emission tests. You may have submitted test data for some of these pollutants already.
U.S. EPA Method 1 of Appendix A of Part 60 must be used to select the locations and number of traverse points for sampling. See for a copy of the method and guidance information.
Analysis of flue gas composition, including oxygen concentration, must be performed using U.S. EPA Methods 3A or 3B of Appendix A of Part 60. See for Method 3A or for Method 3B information.
1.2 Coal- and Oil-fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit Test Methods and Reporting
Table 1.2 presents a summary of the recommended test methods for each pollutant and possible alternative methods. If you would like to use a method not on this list, and the list does not meet the definition of “equivalent” provided in the definitions section of this document, please contact EPA for approval of an alternative method.
For copies of the recommended U.S. EPA methods and additional information, please refer to EPA’s Emission Measurement Center website: For copies of the US EPA’s SW-846 sampling and analysis methods (such as EPA Method 0010 and EPA Method 8270D), please refer to EPA’s SW-846 Online website, which is available at the following internet address:
Report pollutant emission data as specified in Tables 1.2a through 1.2 d below. Each test should be comprised of at least three valid test runs. All pollutant concentrations should be corrected to 7 percent oxygen (or as otherwise directed by a specific method) and should be reported on the same moisture basis (dry). Report the results of the stack tests according to the instructions in Section 3.0 of this enclosure. During a 30 day period that includes emissions testing and fuel analysis reporting, you should collect the following process information: Total heat input; feed rate; steam output; gross electric output; net electric output; emissions control devices in use during the test; control device operating or monitoring parameters (including, as appropriate to the control device, flue gas flow rate, pressure drop, scrubber liquor pH, scrubber liquor flow rate, sorbent type and sorbent injection rate), and process parameters (such as oxygen). In addition to the emission test data, you should report the above process information as daily averages.
The owner/operator of the EGU must certify that the fuel that was fired during testing is representative of the fuel that is burned routinely at the EGU. The owner/operator of the EGU must also certify that it operated all of the pollution control equipment in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and requirements for proper operation during the emissions testing. Finally, the owner/operator of the EGU must certify that it operated its pollution control equipment to optimize reduction of the pollutants for which the equipment is designed.
Table 1.2a: Summary of Coal- and Oil-fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit Test Methods and Alternative Methods for Non-dioxin / furan organic HAP
Pollutant |
Recommended Method |
Alternative Method |
Target Reported Units of Measure |
CO |
U.S. EPA Method 10, 10A, or 10B. Collect a minimum volume of 1.7 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 2 hours per run. |
lb/MMBtu and ppmvd @ 7% O2 |
Formaldehyde |
U.S. EPA Method 320. Use a minimum test run time of 2 hours. |
RCRA Method 0011. Collect a minimum volume of 1.7 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 2 hours per run. |
lb/MMBtu and ppmvd @ 7% O2 |
U.S. EPA Method 25A. Use a minimum sampling time of 2 hours per run. Calibrate the measuring instrument with a mixture of the organic compounds being emitted or with propane, and report as propane. |
None |
lb/MMBtu and ppmvd @ 7% O2 |
CH4 |
U.S. EPA Method 18. Use a minimum sample time of 2 hours per run. |
U.S. EPA Method 320. |
lb/MMBtu and ppmvd @ 7% O2 |
Speciated Volatile Organic HAP |
U.S. EPA Method 0031with SW-846 Method 8260B. Collect a minimum of 4 sets of sorbent traps for analysis per each 2 hour run. Each set of sorbent traps should be run for 20 minutes at an approximate flow rate of one liter per minute. |
None |
lb/MMBtu and μg/dscm @ 7% O2 |
Speciated Semi-volatile Organic HAP |
U.S. EPA Method 0010 with SW-846 Method 8270D. Collect a minimum volume of 1.7 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 2 hours per run. Use high resolution GCMS for the analytical finish. |
None |
lb/MMBtu and μg/dscm @ 7% O2 |
SO2*** |
U.S. EPA Method 6C |
U.S. EPA Method 6 |
lb/MMBtu and ppmvd @ 7% O2 |
O2/CO2*** |
U.S. EPA Method 3A |
U.S. EPA Method 3B |
% |
Moisture |
U.S. EPA Method 4 |
None |
% |
*** If a combustion unit has CEMS installed for CO, NOX, and/or SO2, the unit can report daily averages from 30 days of CEMS data in lieu of conducting a CO, NOX, and/or SO2 stack test. In order to correlate these emissions with other stack test emissions, a portion of the CEMS data should contain emissions data collected during performance of the other requested stack tests. The CEMS must meet the requirements of the applicable Performance Specification: CO – Performance Specification 4; NOX and SO2 – Performance Specification 2 and 40 CFR 60.13 or the CEMS accuracy and ongoing QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 75.
Table 1.2b: Summary of Coal- and Oil-fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit Test Methods and Alternative Methods for Dioxin / furan HAP
Pollutant |
Recommended Method |
Alternative Method |
Target Reported Units of Measure |
D/F, PCB** |
U.S. EPA Method 23. Collect a minimum volume of 8.5 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 8 hours per run. Use high resolution GCMS for the analytical finish. |
None |
lb/MMBtu and ng/dscm @ 7% O2 |
O2/CO2*** |
U.S. EPA Method 3A |
U.S. EPA Method 3B |
% |
Moisture |
U.S. EPA Method 4 |
None |
% |
** Just the 12 “dioxin-like” PCB congeners (IUPAC Numbers PCB-77, -81, -105, -114, -118, -123, -126, -156, -157, -167, -169, and -189)
*** If a combustion unit has CEMS installed for CO, NOX, and/or SO2, the unit can report daily averages from 30 days of CEMS data in lieu of conducting a CO, NOX, and/or SO2 stack test. In order to correlate these emissions with other stack test emissions, a portion of the CEMS data should contain emissions data collected during performance of the other requested stack tests. The CEMS must meet the requirements of the applicable Performance Specification: CO – Performance Specification 4; NOX and SO2 – Performance Specification 2 and 40 CFR 60.13 or the CEMS accuracy and ongoing QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 75.
Table 1.2c: Summary of Coal- and Oil-fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit Test Methods and Alternative Methods for Acid gas HAP
Pollutant |
Recommended Method |
Alternative Method |
Target Reported Units of Measure |
HCl and HF |
U.S. EPA Method 26A. Collect a minimum volume of 2.5 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 3 hours per run. |
U.S. EPA Method 26 or U.S . EPA Method 320 if there are no entrained water droplets in the sample. |
lb/MMBtu |
U.S. EPA Conditional Test Method 033 (CTM-033) |
U.S. EPA Method 26A combined with the analysis procedures from CTM-033, or U.S. EPA Method 26 combined with the analysis procedures from CTM-033 or U.S. EPA Method 320 if there are no entrained water droplets in the sample. |
lb/MMBtu |
NOX*** |
U.S. EPA Method 7E |
U.S. EPA Method 7, 7A, 7B, 7C, or 7D |
lb/MMBtu and ppmvd @ 7% O2 |
SO2*** |
U.S. EPA Method 6C |
U.S. EPA Method 6 |
lb/MMBtu and ppmvd @ 7% O2 |
O2/CO2*** |
U.S. EPA Method 3A |
U.S. EPA Method 3B |
% |
Moisture |
U.S. EPA Method 4 |
None |
% |
*** If a combustion unit has CEMS installed for CO, NOX, and/or SO2, the unit can report daily averages from 30 days of CEMS data in lieu of conducting a CO, NOX, and/or SO2 stack test. In order to correlate these emissions with other stack test emissions, a portion of the CEMS data should contain emissions data collected during performance of the other requested stack tests. The CEMS must meet the requirements of the applicable Performance Specification: CO – Performance Specification 4; NOX and SO2 – Performance Specification 2 and 40 CFR 60.13 or the CEMS accuracy and ongoing QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 75.
Table 1.2d: Summary of Coal- and Oil-fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit Test Methods and Alternative Methods for Mercury and Non-mercury metallic HAP
Pollutant |
Recommended Method |
Alternative Method |
Target Reported Units of Measure |
Hg |
U.S. EPA Method 30B. Use a minimum sample time of 2 hours per run. |
None |
lb/MMBtu |
Metals |
U.S. EPA Method 29. Collect a minimum volume of 3.4 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 4 hours per run. Determine total filterable PM emissions according to § Use ICAP/MS for the analytical finish. |
None |
lb/MMBtu |
PM2.5 (filterable) from stacks without entrained water droplets (e.g., not from units with wet scrubbers) |
U.S. EPA Other Test Method 27 (OTM 27). Include cyclone catch as filterable PM. Collect a minimum volume of 3.4 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 4 hours per run. |
None |
lb/MMBtu |
PM2.5 (filterable) from stacks with entrained water droplets
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) from wet scrubber recirculation liquid |
U.S. EPA Method 5 with a filter temperature of 320°F +/- 25°F. Collect a minimum volume of 3.4 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 4 hours per run.
ASTM D5907 |
For TDS and TSS, Standard Methods of the Examination of Water and Wastewater Method 2540B for solids in scrubber recirculation liquid |
lb/MMBtu for PM;
mg solids liter of scrubber recirculation liquid* |
PM2.5 (condensable) |
U.S. EPA Other Test Method 28 (OTM 28). Collect a minimum volume of 3.4 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 4 hours per run. |
None |
lb/MMBtu |
D/F, PCB** |
U.S. EPA Method 23. Collect a minimum volume of 8.5 cubic meters and have a minimum sample time of 8 hours per run. Use high resolution GCMS for the analytical finish. |
None |
lb/MMBtu and ng/dscm @ 7% O2 |
O2/CO2*** |
U.S. EPA Method 3A |
U.S. EPA Method 3B |
% |
Moisture |
U.S. EPA Method 4 |
None |
% |
Also report scrubber recirculation liquid flow rate in liters/min and
fuel feed rate in MMBTU/hr.
** Just the 12 “dioxin-like” PCB congeners (IUPAC Numbers PCB-77, -81, -105, -114, -118, -123, -126, -156, -157, -167, -169, and -189)
*** If a combustion unit has CEMS installed for CO, NOX, and/or SO2, the unit can report daily averages from 30 days of CEMS data in lieu of conducting a CO, NOX, and/or SO2 stack test. In order to correlate these emissions with other stack test emissions, a portion of the CEMS data should contain emissions data collected during performance of the other requested stack tests. The CEMS must meet the requirements of the applicable Performance Specification: CO – Performance Specification 4; NOX and SO2 – Performance Specification 2 and 40 CFR 60.13 or the CEMS accuracy and ongoing QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 75.
The EPA coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating unit test program is requesting fuel variability data for fuel-based HAP. The fuel analyses requested include: mercury, chlorine, fluorine, and metals (e.g., antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel, and selenium) for any coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating unit that is selected to conduct a stack test.
You will need to collect at least three samples of the fuel combusted during each metals, mercury, particulate matter, acid gas, and dioxin / furan emissions test run; composite these samples; and then analyze and report each composited sample. Only chlorine and fluorine analyses are required during acid gas emissions testing. Should you have an oil-fired unit that is subject to emissions testing and that is fed from just one fuel tank whose content is uniform and is sufficient to complete the emissions testing campaign, you may contact us with a request to reduce fuel sampling requirements. Your request should identify the characteristics of your site, your proposed alternative fuel sampling procedure, and anticipated impact on emissions of using your proposed approach.
Refer to page 1 of the Section 114 letter you received for the specific types of fuel analyses we are requesting from your facility. Directions for collecting, compositing, preparing, and analyzing fuel analysis data are outlined in Sections 2.1 through 2.4.
Table 2.1 outlines a summary of how samples should be collected. Alternately, you may use the procedures in ASTM D2234–00 (for coal) to collect the sample.
Table 2.1: Summary of Sample Collection Procedures
Sampling Location |
Sampling Procedures |
Sample Collection Timing |
Solid Fuels |
Belt or Screw Feeder |
Stop the belt and withdraw a 6- inch wide sample from the full cross-section of the stopped belt to obtain a minimum two pounds of sample. Collect all the material (fines and coarse) in the full cross-section.
Transfer the sample to a clean plastic bag for further processing as specified in Sections 2.2 through 2.5 of this document. |
Each composite sample will consist of a minimum of three samples collected at approximately equal intervals during the testing period.
Fuel Pile or Truck |
For each composite sample, select a minimum of five sampling locations uniformly spaced over the surface of the pile.
At each sampling site, dig into the pile to a depth of 18 inches. Insert a clean flat square shovel into the hole and withdraw a sample, making sure that large pieces do not fall off during sampling.
Transfer all samples to a clean plastic bag for further processing as specified in Sections 2.2 through 2.5 of this document. |
Liquid Fuels |
Manual Sampling |
Follow collection methods outlined in ASTM D 4057 |
Automatic Sampling |
Follow collection methods outlined in ASTM D4177 |
Fuel Supplier Analysis |
Fuel Supplier |
If you will be using fuel analysis from a fuel supplier in lieu of site specific sampling and analysis, the fuel supplier must collect the sample as specified above and prepare the sample according to methods specified in Sections 2.2 through 2.5 of this document. |
Follow the seven steps listed below to composite each sample:
(1) Thoroughly mix and pour the entire composite sample over a clean plastic sheet.
(2) Break sample pieces larger than 3 inches into smaller sizes.
(3) Make a pie shape with the entire composite sample and subdivide it into four equal parts.
(4) Separate one of the quarter samples as the first subset.
(5) If this subset is too large for grinding, repeat step 3 with the quarter sample and obtain a one-quarter subset from this sample.
(6) Grind the sample in a mill according to ASTM E829-94, or for selenium sampling according to SW-846-7740.
(7) Use the procedure in step 3 of this section to obtain a one quarter subsample for analysis. If the quarter sample is too large, subdivide it further using step 3.
Use the methods listed in Table 2.2 to prepare your composite samples for analysis.
Table 2.2: Methods for Preparing Composite Samples
Fuel Type |
Method |
Solid |
SW-846-3050B or EPA 3050 for total selected metal preparation |
Liquid |
SW-846-3020A or any SW-846 sample digestion procedures giving measures of total metal |
Coal |
ASTM D2013-04 |
Biomass |
ASTM D5198-92 (2003) or equivalent, EPA 3050, or TAPPI T266 for total selected metal preparation |
Table 2.3 outlines a list of approved methods for analyzing fuel samplings. If you would like to use a method not on this list, and the list does not meet the definition of “equivalent” provided in Section 5 of this document, please contact EPA for approval of an alternative method.
Table 2.3: List of Analytical Methods for Fuel Analysis
Analyte |
Fuel Type |
Method |
Target Reported Units of Measure |
Higher Heating Value |
Coal |
ASTM D5865–04, ASTM D240, ASTM E711-87 (1996) |
Btu/lb |
Biomass |
ASTM E711–87 (1996) or equivalent, ASTM D240, or ASTM D5865-04 |
Other Solids |
ASTM-5865-03a, ASTM D240, ASTM E711-87 (1997) |
Liquid |
ASTM-5865-03a, ASTM D240, ASTM E711-87 (1996) |
Moisture |
Coal, Biomass, Other Solids |
ASTM-D3 173-03, ASTM E871-82 (1998) or equivalent, EPA 160.3 Mod., or ASTM D2691-95 for coal. |
% |
Mercury Concentration |
Coal |
ASTM D6722-01, EPA Method 1631E, SW-846-1631, EPA 821-R-01-013, or equivalent |
ppm |
Biomass |
SW-846-7471A, EPA Method 1631E, SW-846-1631, ASTM D6722-01, EPA 821-R-01-013, or equivalent |
Other Solids |
SW-846-7471A, EPA Method 1631E, SW-846-1631, EPA 821-R-01-013, or equivalent |
Liquid |
SW-846-7470A, EPA Method 1631E, SW-846-1631E, SW-846-1631, EPA 821-R-01-013, or equivalent |
Total Selected Metals Concentration |
Coal |
SW-846-6010B, ASTM D3683-94 (2000), SW-846-6020, -6020A or ASTM D6357-04 (for arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, and nickel in coal) ASTM D4606-03 or SW-846-7740 (for Se) SW-846-7060 or 7060A (for As) |
ppm |
Biomass |
SW-846-6010B, ASTM D6357-04, SW-846-6020, -6020A, EPA 200.8, or ASTM E885-88 (1996) or equivalent, SW-846-7740 (for Se) SW-846-7060 or -7060A (for As) |
Other Solids |
SW-846-6010B, EPA 200.8 SW-846-7060 or 7060A for As |
Liquid |
SW-846-6020, -6020A, , SW-846-6010B, SW-846-7740 for Se, SW-846-7060 or -7060A for As |
Chlorine Concentration |
Coal |
SW-846-9250 or ASTM D6721-01 or equivalent, SW-846-5050, -9056, -9076, or -9250, ASTM E776-87 (1996) |
ppm |
Biomass, Other Solids, Liquids |
ASTM E776-87 (1996), SW-846-9250, SW-846-5050, -9056, -9076, or -9250 |
Fluorine Concentration |
Coal |
ASTM D3761-96(2002), D5987-96 (2002) |
ppm |
Report the results of your fuel analysis according to the directions provided in section 3.0 of this enclosure.
The method for reporting the results of any testing and monitoring requests depend on the type of tests and the type of methods used to complete the test requirements. This section discusses the requirements for reporting the data.
If you conducted a stack test using one of the methods listed in Table 3.1, shown below, you must report your data using the EPA Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) Version 3. ERT is a Microsoft® Access database application. Two versions of the ERT application are available. If you are not a registered owner of Microsoft® Access, you can install the runtime version of the ERT Application. Both versions of the ERT are available at The ERT supports an Excel spreadsheet application (which is included in the files downloaded with the ERT) to document the collection of the field sampling data. After completing the ERT, you will also need to attach an electronic copy of the emission test report (PDF format preferred) to the Attachments module of the ERT.
Table 3.1: List of Test Methods Supported by ERT
Test Methods Supported by ERT |
Methods 1 through 4 |
Method 7E |
Method 6C |
Method 5 |
Method 3A |
Method 29 |
Method 26A |
Method 25A |
Method 23 |
Method 202 |
Method 201A |
Method 17 |
Method 101A |
Method 101 |
Method 10 |
CT Method 40 |
CT Method 39 |
OTM 27 |
OTM 28 |
If you conducted a stack test using a method not currently supported by the ERT, you must report the results of this test in a Microsoft® Excel Emission Test Template. The Excel templates are specific to each pollutant and type of unit and they can be downloaded from the Electric Utility MACT ICR 2009 website ( You must report the results of each test on the appropriately labeled worksheet corresponding to the specific tests requested at your combustion unit. If more than one unit at your facility conducted a stack test using methods not currently supported by the ERT, you must make a copy of the worksheet and update the combustor ID in order to distinguish between each separate test. After completing the worksheet, you must also submit an electronic copy of the emission test report (PDF format preferred).
If you have CO CEMS that meets performance specification-4 or a SO2 and/or NOX CEMS that meets performance specification-2 and 40 CFR 60.13 or the CEMS accuracy and ongoing QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 75 installed at your combustion unit, and you used CEMS data to meet CO, SO2 and/or NOX test requirements at your facility, you must report daily averages from 30 days of CEMS data in a Microsoft® Excel CEMS Template. The Excel templates are specific to each pollutant and type of unit and they can be downloaded from the Electric Utility MACT ICR 2009 website (
Identify the status of measured values relative to detection levels on the spreadsheet or in the ERT using the following descriptions:
BDL (below detection level) – all analytical values used to calculate and report an in-stack emissions value are less than the laboratory’s reported detection level(s);
DLL (detection level limited) – at least one but not all values used to calculate and report an in-stack emissions value are less than the laboratory’s reported detection level(s); or
ADL (above detection level) – all analytical values used to calculate and report an in-stack emissions value are greater than the laboratory’s reported detection level(s).
each reported emissions value, insert the appropriate flag (BDL, DLL,
or ADL) in the Note line of Excel emission test
spreadsheet template or in the Comments line of the
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT).
When reporting and calculating individual test run data:
For analytical data reported from the lab as “nondetect” or “below detection level;”
Include a brief description of the procedures used to determine the analytical detection and in-stack detection levels:
In the Note line of Excel emission test spreadsheet template; or
In the Comments line of Lab Data tab in the Run Data Details in the ERT.
Describe these procedures completely in a separate attachment including the measurements made, the standards used, and the statistical procedures applied.
Calculate in-stack emissions rate for any analytical measurement below detection level using the relevant detection level as the “real” value.
Report the calculated emissions concentration or rate result:
As a bracketed “less than” detection level value (e.g., [<0.0105]) in the Excel emission test spreadsheet template and include the appropriate flag in the Note line; or
As a “real” value in the ERT with the appropriate flag in the Comments line.
Report as “real” values (i.e., no brackets or < symbol) any analytical data measured above the detection level including any data between the analytical detection level and a laboratory-specific reporting or quantification level (i.e., flag as ADL).
Apply these reporting and calculation procedures to measurements made with Method 23:
Report data in the Excel emission test spreadsheet template for each of the D/F congeners measured with Method 23 below the detection level as [< detection level]
Do not report emissions as zero as described in the method
For pollutant measurements composed of multiple components or fractions (e.g., Hg and other metals sampling trains) when the result for the value for any component is measured below the analytical detection level;
Calculate in-stack emissions rate or concentrations as outlined above for each component or fraction;
Sum the measured and detection level values as outlined above using the in-stack emissions rate or concentrations for all of the components or fractions; and
Report the sum of all components or fractions:
As a bracketed “less than” detection level value (e.g., [<0.0105]) in the Excel emission test spreadsheet template and include the appropriate flag in the Note line; or
As a “real” value in the ERT with the appropriate flag in the Comments line.
Report also the individual component or fraction values for each run if the Excel emission test spreadsheet template or ERT format allows; if not (i.e., the format allows reporting only a single sum value):
For the Excel emission test spreadsheet template, next to the sum reported as above report in the Notes line the appropriate flag along with the values for the measured or detection level value for each
component or fraction as used in the calculations (e.g., 0.036, [<0.069], 1.239, [<0.945] for a four fraction sample)
For the ERT, next to the sum reported as above, report on the Comments line the appropriate flag and the measured or detection level value for each component or fraction as used in the calculations (e.g., 0.036, [<0.069], 1.239, [<0.945] for a four fraction sample)
For measurements conducted using instrumental test methods (e.g., Methods 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, 25A)
Record gaseous concentration values as measured including negative values and flag as ADL; do not report as BDL
Calculate and report in-stack emissions rates using these measured values
Include relevant information relative to calibration gas values or other technical qualifiers for measured values in Comments line in the ERT
When reporting and calculating average emissions rate or concentration for a test when some results are reported as BDL
Sum all of the test run values including those indicated as BDL or DLL as “real” values
Calculate the average emissions rate or concentration (e.g., divide the sum by 3 for a three-run test)
Report the average emissions rate or concentration average:
As a bracketed “less than” detection level value (e.g., [<20.06]) in the Excel emission test spreadsheet template and include the appropriate flag in the Note line
As a “real” value in the ERT and include the appropriate flag in the Comments line.
If you conducted a fuel analysis, you must report the analysis results separately for each of the composited samples in a Microsoft ® Excel Fuel Analysis Template. This Excel template can be downloaded from the Electric Utility MACT ICR 2009 website ( If you conducted fuel analysis on more than one type of fuel used during testing, or for more than one combustion unit, you must make a copy of the worksheet and update the combustor ID and fuel type in each worksheet order to distinguish between the separate fuel analyses.
This section outlines the required data entry fields for the ERT in order to satisfy the requirements of this ICR test program. The list of fields within the ERT with the notes whether or not the field is required or optional can be found at
You may submit your data by using the Electric Utility MACT ICR 2009 website. To avoid duplicate data keep all data for a particular facility together, we request that you submit all of the data requested from your facility the same way. To submit your data:
Use the Electric Utility MACT ICR 2009 website referenced below and follow the directions listed below.
If you are submitting Confidential Business Information (CBI), you must mail a separate CD or DVD containing only the CBI portion of your data to the EPA address shown in your Section 114 letter.
Instructions for Uploading Part III
Open the Web site
Open the Electrical Utility MACT ICR 2009 Web site, located at the following address:
Log in, or register - It is assumed that the respondent has registered and logged into the website previously for entry of Part I and II data.
Go to the “Upload Part III” page
Click on the “Upload” menu item within the menu bar at the top of the screen to go to the “Upload” page.
Click on the “Upload Part III” link.
Upload your completed ERT Database and Excel Spreadsheets
Go to the tabbed section of the “Upload Part III” page.
The first
tab is the “Upload Checklist” tab.
all questions, then click on the “Continue” button.
Your answers to the “Upload Checklist” questions will
assist in guiding you correctly through the upload process.
The next tab is the “Upload ERT Database” tab.
Enter a description for the upload, or any comments. Note that the description and comments entered at this point are primarily for your own reference when referring back to the files you have uploaded (refer to 4.e).
Select the name(s) of the Facility(s) that the ERT Database applies to.
Select the name(s) of the Unit(s) that the ERT Database applies to.
Browse to the ERT Database file that you wish to upload.
selecting the file, click on the “Upload” link.
The file’s upload progress will be displayed.
Uploading may take a few seconds or minutes depending on the size
of the file you are attempting to upload, and your internet
connection speed.
Please be aware that the only file
types that will be accepted for the ERT Database upload are “.zip”
and “.acddr” (the file type of the ERT Database
originally supplied to you). It is recommended that you zip
your completed ERT Database prior to uploading it, particularly if
it is over 200MB in size.
After the ERT Database upload has completed, click on the “Continue” button.
If you
answered “Yes” to the checklist question regarding
Additional Excel data(Microsoft® Excel Emission Test
Template and/or Microsoft ® Excel Fuel Analysis Template), the
next tab will be the “Upload Additional Excel Data”
Follow the same process outlined in 4.c.
that the only file types that will be accepted for the Excel data
upload are “.xls” and “.xlsx”.
After the Excel data upload has completed, click on the “Continue” button.
The final tab is the “View uploaded files” tab. This will display a list of the files you have uploaded.
Next to each file will be links to “Delete” and “Download” the file.
You can click on the “Delete” link if you wish to remove the file in order to upload a new version.
If you would like to check the file that is currently uploaded, click on the “Download” link to download a copy of it.
At the bottom of the “View uploaded files” tab, there is a “Finalize uploads” button.
Click on this button when you are sure you have uploaded the final copy of your completed ERT Database.
Once you have finalized uploads for Part III you will no longer be able to upload further files for that part of the ICR.
at the bottom of the “View uploaded files” tab, there is
a button titled “Upload another file”.
on this button if you would like to start the upload process again,
for another completed ERT Database
The following definitions apply to the coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating unit test plan methods:
Equivalent means:
(1) An equivalent sample collection procedure means a published voluntary consensus standard or practice (VCS) or EPA method that includes collection of a minimum of three composite fuel samples, with each composite consisting of a minimum of three increments collected at approximately equal intervals over the test period.
(2) An equivalent sample compositing procedure means a published VCS or EPA method to systematically mix and obtain a representative subsample (part) of the composite sample.
(3) An equivalent sample preparation procedure means a published VCS or EPA method that: Clearly states that the standard, practice or method is appropriate for the pollutant and the fuel matrix; or is cited as an appropriate sample preparation standard, practice or method for the pollutant in the chosen VCS or EPA determinative or analytical method.
(4) An equivalent procedure for determining heat content means a published VCS or EPA method to obtain gross calorific (or higher heating) value.
(5) An equivalent procedure for determining fuel moisture content means a published VCS or EPA method to obtain moisture content. If the sample analysis plan calls for determining metals (especially the mercury, selenium, or arsenic) using an aliquot of the dried sample, then the drying temperature must be modified to prevent vaporizing these metals. On the other hand, if metals analysis is done on an ‘‘as received’’ basis, a separate aliquot can be dried to determine moisture content and the metals concentration mathematically adjusted to a dry basis.
(6) An equivalent pollutant (mercury, TSM, or total chlorine) determinative or analytical procedure means a published VCS or EPA method that clearly states that the standard, practice, or method is appropriate for the pollutant and the fuel matrix and has a published detection limit equal to or lower than the methods listed in this test plan.
Voluntary Consensus Standards or VCS mean technical standards (e.g., materials specifications, test methods, sampling procedures, and business practices) developed or adopted by one or more voluntary consensus bodies. EPA/OAQPS has by precedent only used VCS that are written in English. Examples of VCS bodies are: American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), International Standards Organization (ISO), Standards Australia (AS), British Standards (BS), Canadian Standards (CSA), European Standard (EN or CEN) and German Engineering Standards (VDI). The types of standards that are not considered VCS are standards developed by: the U.S. States, such as California (CARB) and Texas (TCEQ); industry groups, such as American Petroleum Institute (API), Gas Processors Association (GPA), and Gas Research Institute (GRI); and other branches of the U.S. government, such as Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Transportation (DOT).
This does not preclude EPA from using standards developed by groups that are not VCS bodies within their rule. When this occurs, EPA has done searches and reviews for VCS equivalent to these non-EPA methods.
For questions on how to report data using the ERT, contact:
Ron Myers
(919) 541-5407
Barrett Parker
(919) 541-5635
For questions on the test methods contact:
Peter Westlin
(919) 541-1058
Gary McAlister
(919) 541-1062
For questions on the coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating unit test plan, including units selected to test and reporting mechanisms other than the ERT, contact:
William Maxwell
(919) 541-5430
For questions on uploading files to the HTTP site, Please visit and use the toll free technical support hotline or technical support email address.
IN A. B. Brown 1
IN A. B. Brown 2
CA ACE Cogeneration Facility CFB
PA AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley 2
PA AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley 3
PA AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley 4
PA AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley 5
NY AES Cayuga 1
NY AES Cayuga 2
NY AES Greenidge LLC 4
NY AES Greenidge LLC 5
NY AES Greenidge LLC 6
IN AES Petersburg 1
IN AES Petersburg 2
IN AES Petersburg 3
IN AES Petersburg 4
PR AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) 1
PR AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) 2
OK AES Shady Point 1A
OK AES Shady Point 1B
OK AES Shady Point 2A
OK AES Shady Point 2B
NY AES Somerset LLC 1
CT AES Thames A
CT AES Thames B
MD AES Warrior Run Cogeneration Facility BLR1
NY AES Westover 11
NY AES Westover 12
NY AES Westover 13
WV Albright 1
WV Albright 2
WV Albright 3
MN Allen S. King 1
TN Allen Steam Plant 1
TN Allen Steam Plant 2
TN Allen Steam Plant 3
WI Alma B4
WI Alma B5
VA Altavista Power Station 1
IA Ames Electric Services Power Plant 7
IA Ames Electric Services Power Plant 8
ND Antelope Valley B1
ND Antelope Valley B2
AZ Apache Station 2
AZ Apache Station 3
CO Arapahoe 3
CO Arapahoe 4
PA Armstrong Power Station 1
PA Armstrong Power Station 2
MO Asbury 1
NC Asheville 1
NC Asheville 2
OH Ashtabula 7
OH Avon Lake 10
OH Avon Lake 12
MI B. C. Cobb 4
MI B. C. Cobb 5
NJ B. L. England 2
IN Bailly 7
IN Bailly 8
IL Baldwin Energy Complex 1
IL Baldwin Energy Complex 2
IL Baldwin Energy Complex 3
AL Barry 1
AL Barry 2
AL Barry 3
AL Barry 4
AL Barry 5
OH Bay Shore 2
OH Bay Shore 3
OH Bay Shore 4
WI Bay Front 5
NC Belews Creek 1
NC Belews Creek 2
MI Belle River 1
MI Belle River 2
FL Big Bend BB01
FL Big Bend BB02
FL Big Bend BB03
FL Big Bend BB04
TX Big Brown 1
TX Big Brown 2
LA Big Cajun 2 2B1
LA Big Cajun 2 2B2
LA Big Cajun 2 2B3
KY Big Sandy BSU1
KY Big Sandy BSU2
SD Big Stone 1
VA Birchwood Power 1A
MN Black Dog 3
MN Black Dog 4
NY Black River Generation E0001
NY Black River Generation E0002
NY Black River Generation E0003
WI Blount Street 7
WI Blount Street 8
WI Blount Street 9
MO Blue Valley 1
MO Blue Valley 2
MO Blue Valley 3
OR Boardman 1SG
UT Bonanza 1-1
GA Bowen 1BLR
GA Bowen 2BLR
GA Bowen 3BLR
GA Bowen 4BLR
MD Brandon Shores 1
MD Brandon Shores 2
MA Brayton Point 1
MA Brayton Point 2
MA Brayton Point 3
VA Bremo Bluff 3
VA Bremo Bluff 4
CT Bridgeport Station BHB3
PA Bruce Mansfield 1
PA Bruce Mansfield 2
PA Bruce Mansfield 3
NC Buck 5
NC Buck 6
NC Buck 7
NC Buck 8
NC Buck 9
TN Bull Run 1
IA Burlington 1
FL C. D. McIntosh Jr 3
MD C. P. Crane 1
MD C. P. Crane 2
NY C. R. Huntley Generating Station 65
NY C. R. Huntley Generating Station 67
NY C. R. Huntley Generating Station 68
PA Cambria Cogen B1
PA Cambria Cogen B2
SC Canadys Steam CAN1
SC Canadys Steam CAN2
SC Canadys Steam CAN3
KY Cane Run 4
KY Cane Run 5
KY Cane Run 6
NC Cape Fear 5
NC Cape Fear 6
UT Carbon 1
UT Carbon 2
OH Cardinal 1
OH Cardinal 2
OH Cardinal 3
IN Cayuga 1
IN Cayuga 2
FL Cedar Bay Generating LP CBA
FL Cedar Bay Generating LP CBB
FL Cedar Bay Generating LP CBC
FL Central Power & Lime 1
MD Chalk Point LLC 1
MD Chalk Point LLC 2
NJ Chambers Cogeneration LP BOIL1
NJ Chambers Cogeneration LP BOIL2
MO Chamois 2
AL Charles R Lowman 3
AL Charles R. Lowman 1
AL Charles R. Lowman 2
CO Cherokee 1
CO Cherokee 2
CO Cherokee 3
CO Cherokee 4
VA Chesapeake 1
VA Chesapeake 2
VA Chesapeake 3
VA Chesapeake 4
VA Chesterfield 3
VA Chesterfield 4
VA Chesterfield 5
VA Chesterfield 6
PA Cheswick Power Plant 1
AZ Cholla 1
AZ Cholla 2
AZ Cholla 3
AZ Cholla 4
MN Clay Boswell 1
MN Clay Boswell 2
MN Clay Boswell 3
MN Clay Boswell 4
NC Cliffside 1
NC Cliffside 2
NC Cliffside 3
NC Cliffside 4
NC Cliffside 5
IN Clifty Creek 1
IN Clifty Creek 2
IN Clifty Creek 3
IN Clifty Creek 4
IN Clifty Creek 5
IN Clifty Creek 6
VA Clinch River 1
VA Clinch River 2
VA Clinch River 3
VA Clover 1
VA Clover 2
ND Coal Creek 1
ND Coal Creek 2
IL Coffeen 01
IL Coffeen 02
NC Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen 1A
NC Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen 1B
NC Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen 2A
NC Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen 2B
VA Cogentrix Hopewell 1A
VA Cogentrix Hopewell 1B
VA Cogentrix Hopewell 1C
VA Cogentrix Hopewell 2A
VA Cogentrix Hopewell 2B
VA Cogentrix Hopewell 2C
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 1A
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 1B
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 2A
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 2B
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 3A
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 3B
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 4A
VA Cogentrix of Richmond 4B
VA Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation 1A
VA Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation 1B
VA Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation 1C
VA Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation 2A
VA Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation 2B
VA Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation 2C
AL Colbert 1
AL Colbert 2
AL Colbert 3
AL Colbert 4
AL Colbert 5
TX Coleto Creek 1
MT Colstrip 1
MT Colstrip 2
MT Colstrip 3
MT Colstrip 4
MT Colstrip Energy LP BLR1
WI Columbia 1
WI Columbia 2
PA Colver Power Project ABB01
CO Comanche 1
CO Comanche 2
CO Comanche 3
PA Conemaugh 1
PA Conemaugh 2
OH Conesville 1
OH Conesville 2
OH Conesville 3
OH Conesville 4
OH Conesville 5
OH Conesville 6
KY Cooper 1
KY Cooper 2
SC Cope COP1
AZ Coronado U1B
AZ Coronado U2B
IA Council Bluffs 1
IA Council Bluffs 2
IA Council Bluffs 3
IA Council Bluffs 4
ND Coyote B1
CO Craig C1
CO Craig C2
CO Craig C3
IL Crawford 7
IL Crawford 8
FL Crist 4
FL Crist 5
FL Crist 6
FL Crist 7
PA Cromby Generating Station 1
SC Cross 1
SC Cross 2
SC Cross 3
SC Cross 4
FL Crystal River 1
FL Crystal River 2
FL Crystal River 4
FL Crystal River 5
TN Cumberland 1
TN Cumberland 2
KY D. B. Wilson W1
KY Dale 1
KY Dale 2
KY Dale 3
KY Dale 4
IL Dallman 31
IL Dallman 32
IL Dallman 33
IL Dallman 34
MI Dan E. Karn 1
MI Dan E. Karn 2
NC Dan River 1
NC Dan River 2
NC Dan River 3
NY Danskammer Generating Station 3
NY Danskammer Generating Station 4
WY Dave Johnston BW41
WY Dave Johnston BW42
WY Dave Johnston BW43
WY Dave Johnston BW44
NJ Deepwater 8
FL Deerhaven Generating Station B2
MD Dickerson 1
MD Dickerson 2
MD Dickerson 3
LA Dolet Hills 1
SC Dolphus M Grainger 1
SC Dolphus M Grainger 2
IA Dubuque 1
IA Dubuque 5
IL Duck Creek 1
NY Dunkirk Generating Station 1
NY Dunkirk Generating Station 2
NY Dunkirk Generating Station 3
NY Dunkirk Generating Station 4
AL E. C. Gaston 1
AL E. C. Gaston 2
AL E. C. Gaston 3
AL E. C. Gaston 4
AL E. C. Gaston 5
IL E. D. Edwards 1
IL E. D. Edwards 2
IL E. D. Edwards 3
KY E. W. Brown 1
KY E. W. Brown 2
KY E. W. Brown 3
IN Eagle Valley 3
IN Eagle Valley 4
IN Eagle Valley 5
IN Eagle Valley 6
IA Earl F. Wisdom 1
KY East Bend 2
OH Eastlake 1
OH Eastlake 2
OH Eastlake 3
OH Eastlake 4
OH Eastlake 5
PA Ebensburg Power 031
MI Eckert Station 1
MI Eckert Station 2
MI Eckert Station 3
MI Eckert Station 4
MI Eckert Station 5
MI Eckert Station 6
PA Eddystone Generating Station 1
PA Eddystone Generating Station 2
DE Edge Moor 3
DE Edge Moor 4
WI Edgewater 3
WI Edgewater 4
WI Edgewater 5
IN Edwardsport 7-1
IN Edwardsport 7-2
IN Edwardsport 8-1
WI Elm Road Generating Station 1
WI Elm Road Generating Station 2
KY Elmer Smith 1
KY Elmer Smith 2
PA Elrama Power Plant 1
PA Elrama Power Plant 2
PA Elrama Power Plant 3
PA Elrama Power Plant 4
MI Endicott Station 1
MI Erickson Station 1
NM Escalante 1
IN F. B. Culley 1
IN F. B. Culley 2
IN F. B. Culley 3
IA Fair Station 1
IA Fair Station 2
TX Fayette Power Project 1
TX Fayette Power Project 2
TX Fayette Power Project 3
IL Fisk Street 19
AR Flint Creek 1
WV Fort Martin Power Station 1
WV Fort Martin Power Station 2
PA Foster Wheeler Mt Carmel Cogen SG-101
NM Four Corners 1
NM Four Corners 2
NM Four Corners 3
NM Four Corners 4
NM Four Corners 5
IN Frank E. Ratts 1SG1
IN Frank E. Ratts 2SG1
NC G. G. Allen 1
NC G. G. Allen 2
NC G. G. Allen 3
NC G. G. Allen 4
NC G. G. Allen 5
AL Gadsden 1
AL Gadsden 2
TN Gallatin 1
TN Gallatin 2
TN Gallatin 3
TN Gallatin 4
OH General James M Gavin 1
OH General James M Gavin 2
WI Genoa 1
IA George Neal North 1
IA George Neal North 2
IA George Neal North 3
IA George Neal South 4
NE Gerald Gentleman 1
NE Gerald Gentleman 2
KY Ghent 1
KY Ghent 2
KY Ghent 3
KY Ghent 4
TX Gibbons Creek 1
IN Gibson 1
IN Gibson 2
IN Gibson 3
IN Gibson 4
IN Gibson 5
VA Glen Lyn 6
VA Glen Lyn 51
VA Glen Lyn 52
AL Gorgas 6
AL Gorgas 7
AL Gorgas 8
AL Gorgas 9
AL Gorgas 10
WV Grant Town Power Plant BLR1A
WV Grant Town Power Plant BLR1B
KY Green River 4
KY Green River 5
AL Greene County 1
AL Greene County 2
SC H. B. Robinson 1
KY H. L. Spurlock 1
KY H. L. Spurlock 2
KY H. L. Spurlock 3
KY H. L. Spurlock 4
OH Hamilton 8
OH Hamilton 9
GA Hammond 1
GA Hammond 2
GA Hammond 3
GA Hammond 4
MI Harbor Beach 1
MT Hardin Generator Project PC1
IN Harding Street 50
IN Harding Street 60
IN Harding Street 70
GA Harllee Branch 1
GA Harllee Branch 2
GA Harllee Branch 3
GA Harllee Branch 4
TX Harrington 061B
TX Harrington 062B
TX Harrington 063B
WV Harrison Power Station 1
WV Harrison Power Station 2
WV Harrison Power Station 3
PA Hatfields Ferry Power Station 1
PA Hatfields Ferry Power Station 2
PA Hatfields Ferry Power Station 3
IL Havana 9
MO Hawthorn 5A
CO Hayden H1
CO Hayden H2
AK Healy 1
KY Henderson I 6
IL Hennepin Power Station 1
IL Hennepin Power Station 2
MD Herbert A. Wagner 2
MD Herbert A. Wagner 3
KY HMP&L Station Two Henderson H1
KY HMP&L Station Two Henderson H2
KS Holcomb SGU1
PA Homer City Station 1
PA Homer City Station 2
PA Homer City Station 3
MN Hoot Lake 2
MN Hoot Lake 3
OK Hugo 1
UT Hunter 1
UT Hunter 2
UT Hunter 3
UT Huntington 1
UT Huntington 2
IL Hutsonville 05
IL Hutsonville 06
MO Iatan 1
AR Independence 1
AR Independence 2
DE Indian River Generating Station 2
DE Indian River Generating Station 3
DE Indian River Generating Station 4
FL Indiantown Cogeneration LP AAB01
UT Intermountain Power Project 1SGA
UT Intermountain Power Project 2SGA
MI J. B. Sims 3
MI J. C. Weadock 7
MI J. C. Weadock 8
MT J. E. Corette Plant 2
MI J. H. Campbell 1
MI J. H. Campbell 2
MI J. H. Campbell 3
KY J. K. Smith 1
TX J. K. Spruce BLR1
TX J. K. Spruce BLR2
OH J. M. Stuart 1
OH J. M. Stuart 2
OH J. M. Stuart 3
OH J. M. Stuart 4
MI J. R. Whiting 1
MI J. R. Whiting 2
MI J. R. Whiting 3
TX J. T. Deely 1
TX J. T. Deely 2
GA Jack McDonough MB1
GA Jack McDonough MB2
MS Jack Watson 4
MS Jack Watson 5
MI James De Young 5
AL James H. Miller Jr. 1
AL James H. Miller Jr. 2
AL James H. Miller Jr. 3
AL James H. Miller Jr. 4
MO James River Power Station 3
MO James River Power Station 4
MO James River Power Station 5
SC Jefferies 3
SC Jefferies 4
KS Jeffrey Energy Center 1
KS Jeffrey Energy Center 2
KS Jeffrey Energy Center 3
WY Jim Bridger BW71
WY Jim Bridger BW72
WY Jim Bridger BW73
WY Jim Bridger BW74
PA John B Rich Memorial Power Station CFB1
PA John B Rich Memorial Power Station CFB2
WV John E Amos 1
WV John E Amos 2
WV John E. Amos 3
WI John P. Madgett B1
TN John Sevier 1
TN John Sevier 2
TN John Sevier 3
TN John Sevier 4
TN Johnsonville 1
TN Johnsonville 2
TN Johnsonville 3
TN Johnsonville 4
TN Johnsonville 5
TN Johnsonville 6
TN Johnsonville 7
TN Johnsonville 8
TN Johnsonville 9
TN Johnsonville 10
IL Joliet 29 71
IL Joliet 29 72
IL Joliet 29 81
IL Joliet 29 82
IL Joliet 9 5
IL Joppa Steam 1
IL Joppa Steam 2
IL Joppa Steam 3
IL Joppa Steam 4
IL Joppa Steam 5
IL Joppa Steam 6
WV Kammer 1
WV Kammer 2
WV Kammer 3
WV Kanawha River 1
WV Kanawha River 2
KY Kenneth C. Coleman C1
KY Kenneth C. Coleman C2
KY Kenneth C. Coleman C3
PA Keystone 1
PA Keystone 2
OH Killen Station 2
IL Kincaid Generation LLC 1
IL Kincaid Generation LLC 2
TN Kingston 1
TN Kingston 2
TN Kingston 3
TN Kingston 4
TN Kingston 5
TN Kingston 6
TN Kingston 7
TN Kingston 8
TN Kingston 9
PA Kline Township Cogen Facility 1
GA Kraft 1
GA Kraft 2
GA Kraft 3
OH Kyger Creek 1
OH Kyger Creek 2
OH Kyger Creek 3
OH Kyger Creek 4
OH Kyger Creek 5
NC L. V. Sutton 1
NC L. V. Sutton 2
NC L. V. Sutton 3
KS La Cygne 1
KS La Cygne 2
MO Labadie 1
MO Labadie 2
MO Labadie 3
MO Labadie 4
MO Lake Road 5
OH Lake Shore 18
IL Lakeside 7
IL Lakeside 8
CO Lamar 4
IA Lansing 3
IA Lansing 4
FL Lansing Smith 1
FL Lansing Smith 2
WY Laramie River Station 1
WY Laramie River Station 2
WY Laramie River Station 3
KS Lawrence Energy Center 3
KS Lawrence Energy Center 4
KS Lawrence Energy Center 5
NC Lee 1
NC Lee 2
NC Lee 3
ND Leland Olds 1
ND Leland Olds 2
MT Lewis & Clark B1
TX Limestone LIM1
TX Limestone LIM2
NJ Logan Generating Plant B01
NE Lon Wright 8
IA Louisa 101
WI Manitowoc 6
WI Manitowoc 7
WI Manitowoc 8
IL Marion 4
IL Marion 123
NC Marshall 1
NC Marshall 2
NC Marshall 3
NC Marshall 4
CO Martin Drake 5
CO Martin Drake 6
CO Martin Drake 7
TX Martin Lake 1
TX Martin Lake 2
TX Martin Lake 3
NC Mayo 1A
NC Mayo 1B
GA McIntosh 1
SC McMeekin MCM1
SC McMeekin MCM2
VA Mecklenburg Power Station BLR1
VA Mecklenburg Power Station BLR2
MO Meramec 1
MO Meramec 2
MO Meramec 3
MO Meramec 4
IL Meredosia 01
IL Meredosia 02
IL Meredosia 03
IL Meredosia 04
IL Meredosia 05
IN Merom 1SG1
IN Merom 2SG1
NH Merrimack 1
NH Merrimack 2
OH Miami Fort 6
OH Miami Fort 7
OH Miami Fort 8
OH Miami Fort 5-1
OH Miami Fort 5-2
IN Michigan City 12
KY Mill Creek 1
KY Mill Creek 2
KY Mill Creek 3
KY Mill Creek 4
IA Milton L. Kapp 2
ND Milton R. Young B1
ND Milton R. Young B2
GA Mitchell 3
WV Mitchell 1
WV Mitchell 2
PA Mitchell Power Station 33
MI Monroe 1
MI Monroe 2
MI Monroe 3
MI Monroe 4
TX Monticello 1
TX Monticello 2
TX Monticello 3
MO Montrose 1
MO Montrose 2
MO Montrose 3
WV Morgantown Energy Facility CFB1
WV Morgantown Energy Facility CFB2
MD Morgantown Generating Plant 1
MD Morgantown Generating Plant 2
MA Mount Tom 1
WV Mountaineer 1
WV Mt Storm 3
CA Mt. Poso Cogeneration BL01
WV Mt. Storm 1
WV Mt. Storm 2
IA Muscatine Plant #1 7
IA Muscatine Plant #1 8
IA Muscatine Plant #1 9
OH Muskingum River 1
OH Muskingum River 2
OH Muskingum River 3
OH Muskingum River 4
OH Muskingum River 5
OK Muskogee 4
OK Muskogee 5
OK Muskogee 6
WY Naughton 1
WY Naughton 2
WY Naughton 3
AZ Navajo 1
AZ Navajo 2
AZ Navajo 3
KS Nearman Creek N1
NE Nebraska City 1
NE Nebraska City 2
WY Neil Simpson II 2
WI Nelson Dewey 1
WI Nelson Dewey 2
PA New Castle Plant 3
PA New Castle Plant 4
PA New Castle Plant 5
MO New Madrid 1
MO New Madrid 2
IL Newton 1
IL Newton 2
OH Niles 1
OH Niles 2
WV North Branch 1A
WV North Branch 1B
NE North Omaha 1
NE North Omaha 2
NE North Omaha 3
NE North Omaha 4
NE North Omaha 5
NV North Valmy 1
NV North Valmy 2
PA Northampton Generating Company BLR1
OK Northeastern 3313
OK Northeastern 3314
CO Nucla 1
OH O. H. Hutchings H-1
OH O. H. Hutchings H-2
OH O. H. Hutchings H-3
OH O. H. Hutchings H-4
OH O. H. Hutchings H-5
OH O. H. Hutchings H-6
TX Oak Grove 1
TX Oak Grove 2
TX Oklaunion 1
OH Orrville 10
OH Orrville 11
OH Orrville 12
OH Orrville 13
IA Ottumwa 1
OH Painesville 3
OH Painesville 4
OH Painesville 5
PA Panther Creek Energy Facility BLR1
PA Panther Creek Energy Facility BLR2
KY Paradise 1
KY Paradise 2
KY Paradise 3
CO Pawnee 1
WV Philip Sporn 11
WV Philip Sporn 21
WV Philip Sporn 31
WV Philip Sporn 41
WV Philip Sporn 51
OH Picway 9
PA Piney Creek Project BRBR1
TX Pirkey 1
WI Pleasant Prairie 1
WI Pleasant Prairie 2
WV Pleasants Power Station 1
WV Pleasants Power Station 2
AR Plum Point Energy STG1
CA Port of Stockton District Energy Facility N64514
CA Port of Stockton District Energy Facility N64516
PA Portland 1
PA Portland 2
VA Potomac River 1
VA Potomac River 2
VA Potomac River 3
VA Potomac River 4
VA Potomac River 5
IL Powerton 51
IL Powerton 52
IL Powerton 61
IL Powerton 62
PA PPL Brunner Island 1
PA PPL Brunner Island 2
PA PPL Brunner Island 3
PA PPL Martins Creek 1
PA PPL Martins Creek 2
PA PPL Montour 1
PA PPL Montour 2
IA Prairie Creek 1
IA Prairie Creek 2
IA Prairie Creek 3
IA Prairie Creek 4
MI Presque Isle 5
MI Presque Isle 6
MI Presque Isle 7
MI Presque Isle 8
MI Presque Isle 9
NC Primary Energy Roxboro 1A
NC Primary Energy Roxboro 1B
NC Primary Energy Roxboro 1C
NC Primary Energy Southport 1A
NC Primary Energy Southport 1B
NC Primary Energy Southport 1C
NC Primary Energy Southport 2A
NC Primary Energy Southport 2B
NC Primary Energy Southport 2C
NJ PSEG Hudson Generating Station 2
NJ PSEG Mercer Generating Station 1
NJ PSEG Mercer Generating Station 2
WI Pulliam 3
WI Pulliam 4
WI Pulliam 5
WI Pulliam 6
WI Pulliam 7
WI Pulliam 8
KS Quindaro 1
KS Quindaro 2
KY R D Green G2
KY R. D. Green G1
MS R. D. Morrow 1
MS R. D. Morrow 2
OH R. E. Burger 5
OH R. E. Burger 6
OH R. E. Burger 7
OH R. E. Burger 8
IN R. Gallagher 1
IN R. Gallagher 2
IN R. Gallagher 3
IN R. Gallagher 4
ND R. M. Heskett B1
ND R. M. Heskett B2
IN R. M. Schahfer 14
IN R. M. Schahfer 15
IN R. M. Schahfer 17
IN R. M. Schahfer 18
MD R. Paul Smith Power Station 9
MD R. Paul Smith Power Station 11
LA R. S. Nelson 6
CO Rawhide 101
CO Ray D. Nixon 1
MS Red Hills Generating Facility AA001
MS Red Hills Generating Facility AA002
NV Reid Gardner 1
NV Reid Gardner 2
NV Reid Gardner 3
NV Reid Gardner 4
OH Richard Gorsuch 1
OH Richard Gorsuch 2
OH Richard Gorsuch 3
OH Richard Gorsuch 4
MI River Rouge 2
MI River Rouge 3
NC Riverbend 7
NC Riverbend 8
NC Riverbend 9
NC Riverbend 10
IA Riverside 9
KS Riverton 39
KS Riverton 40
WV Rivesville 7
WV Rivesville 8
NC Roanoke Valley I BLR1
NC Roanoke Valley II BLR2
KY Robert A Reid R1
NY Rochester 7 1
NY Rochester 7 2
NY Rochester 7 3
NY Rochester 7 4
IN Rockport MB1
IN Rockport MB2
LA Rodemacher 2
NC Roxboro 1
NC Roxboro 2
NC Roxboro 3A
NC Roxboro 3B
NC Roxboro 4A
NC Roxboro 4B
MO Rush Island 1
MO Rush Island 2
MA Salem Harbor 1
MA Salem Harbor 2
MA Salem Harbor 3
NM San Juan 1
NM San Juan 2
NM San Juan 3
NM San Juan 4
TX San Miguel SM-1
TX Sandow Station 4
TX Sandow Station 5A
TX Sandow Station 5B
GA Scherer 1
GA Scherer 2
GA Scherer 3
GA Scherer 4
NH Schiller 4
NH Schiller 5
NH Schiller 6
FL Scholz 1
FL Scholz 2
PA Scrubgrass Generating UNIT 1
PA Scrubgrass Generating UNIT 2
FL Seminole 1
FL Seminole 2
PA Seward 1
PA Seward 2
KY Shawnee 1
KY Shawnee 2
KY Shawnee 3
KY Shawnee 4
KY Shawnee 5
KY Shawnee 6
KY Shawnee 7
KY Shawnee 8
KY Shawnee 9
KY Shawnee 10
PA Shawville 1
PA Shawville 2
PA Shawville 3
PA Shawville 4
NE Sheldon 1
NE Sheldon 2
MN Sherburne County 1
MN Sherburne County 2
MN Sherburne County 3
MI Shiras 3
MO Sibley 1
MO Sibley 2
MO Sibley 3
MO Sikeston Power Station 1
MN Silver Bay Power BLR1
MN Silver Bay Power BLR2
MN Silver Lake 3
MN Silver Lake 4
MO Sioux 1
MO Sioux 2
IA Sixth Street 2
IA Sixth Street 3
IA Sixth Street 4
IA Sixth Street 5
MA Somerset Station 8
OK Sooner 1
OK Sooner 2
WI South Oak Creek 5
WI South Oak Creek 6
WI South Oak Creek 7
WI South Oak Creek 8
VA Southampton Power Station 1
MO Southwest Power Station 1
AZ Springerville 1
AZ Springerville 2
AZ Springerville 3
AZ Springerville 4
MI St. Clair 1
MI St. Clair 2
MI St. Clair 3
MI St. Clair 4
MI St. Clair 6
MI St. Clair 7
FL St. Johns River Power Park 1
FL St. Johns River Power Park 2
PA St. Nicholas Cogen Project 1
ND Stanton 1
ND Stanton 10
FL Stanton Energy Center 1
FL Stanton Energy Center 2
IN State Line Energy 3
IN State Line Energy 4
IA Streeter Station 7
UT Sunnyside Cogen Associates 1
IA Sutherland 1
IA Sutherland 2
IA Sutherland 3
MN Syl Laskin 1
MN Syl Laskin 2
IN Tanners Creek U1
IN Tanners Creek U2
IN Tanners Creek U3
IN Tanners Creek U4
KS Tecumseh Energy Center 9
KS Tecumseh Energy Center 10
MI TES Filer City Station 1
MI TES Filer City Station 2
MO Thomas Hill MB1
MO Thomas Hill MB2
MO Thomas Hill MB3
PA Titus 1
PA Titus 2
PA Titus 3
TX Tolk 171B
TX Tolk 172B
WA Transalta Centralia Generation BW21
WA Transalta Centralia Generation BW22
MI Trenton Channel 16
MI Trenton Channel 17
MI Trenton Channel 18
MI Trenton Channel 19
MI Trenton Channel 9A
CO Trigen Colorado Energy BLR3
CO Trigen Colorado Energy BLR4
CO Trigen Colorado Energy BLR5
NY Trigen Syracuse Energy 1
NY Trigen Syracuse Energy 2
NY Trigen Syracuse Energy 3
NY Trigen Syracuse Energy 4
NY Trigen Syracuse Energy 5
KY Trimble County 1
NV TS Power Plant BLR100
TX Twin Oaks Power One U1
TX Twin Oaks Power One U2
WY Two Elk Generating Station 1
KY Tyrone 5
SC Urquhart URQ3
WI Valley 1
WI Valley 2
WI Valley 3
WI Valley 4
CO Valmont 5
IL Vermilion 1
IL Vermilion 2
MS Victor J Daniel Jr 1
MS Victor J Daniel Jr. 2
TX W. A. Parish WAP5
TX W. A. Parish WAP6
TX W. A. Parish WAP7
TX W. A. Parish WAP8
OH W. H. Sammis 1
OH W. H. Sammis 2
OH W. H. Sammis 3
OH W. H. Sammis 4
OH W. H. Sammis 5
OH W. H. Sammis 6
OH W. H. Sammis 7
NC W. H. Weatherspoon 1
NC W. H. Weatherspoon 2
NC W. H. Weatherspoon 3
OH W. H. Zimmer 1
SC W. S. Lee 1
SC W. S. Lee 2
SC W. S. Lee 3
IN Wabash River 1
IN Wabash River 2
IN Wabash River 3
IN Wabash River 4
IN Wabash River 5
IN Wabash River 6
OH Walter C Beckjord 1
OH Walter C Beckjord 2
OH Walter C Beckjord 5
OH Walter C. Beckjord 3
OH Walter C. Beckjord 4
OH Walter C. Beckjord 6
GA Wansley 1
GA Wansley 2
IN Warrick 1
IN Warrick 2
IN Warrick 3
IN Warrick 4
SC Wateree WAT1
SC Wateree WAT2
IL Waukegan 7
IL Waukegan 8
IL Waukegan 17
TX Welsh 1
TX Welsh 2
TX Welsh 3
WI Weston 1
WI Weston 2
WI Weston 3
WI Weston 4
PA Wheelabrator Frackville Energy BLR1
NE Whelan Energy Center 1
AR White Bluff 1
AR White Bluff 2
IN Whitewater Valley 1
IN Whitewater Valley 2
AL Widows Creek 1
AL Widows Creek 2
AL Widows Creek 3
AL Widows Creek 4
AL Widows Creek 5
AL Widows Creek 6
AL Widows Creek 7
AL Widows Creek 8
IL Will County 1
IL Will County 2
IL Will County 3
IL Will County 4
SC Williams WIL1
WV Willow Island 1
WV Willow Island 2
SC Winyah 1
SC Winyah 2
SC Winyah 3
SC Winyah 4
IL Wood River 4
IL Wood River 5
PA WPS Energy Servs Sunbury Gen 3
PA WPS Energy Servs Sunbury Gen 4
PA WPS Energy Servs Sunbury Gen 1A
PA WPS Energy Servs Sunbury Gen 1B
PA WPS Energy Servs Sunbury Gen 2A
PA WPS Energy Servs Sunbury Gen 2B
NY WPS Power Niagara 1
PA WPS Westwood Generation LLC 031
WY Wygen I 3
WY Wygen II 4
WY Wyodak BW91
GA Yates Y1BR
GA Yates Y2BR
GA Yates Y3BR
GA Yates Y4BR
GA Yates Y5BR
GA Yates Y6BR
GA Yates Y7BR
VA Yorktown 1
VA Yorktown 2
PR Aguirre 1
PR Aguirre 2
PR Aguirre 3
PR Aguirre 4
PR Aguirre 5
PR Aguirre 6
PR Aguirre 7
PR Aguirre 8
PR Aguirre 9
PR Aguirre 10
PR Aguirre 11
PR Aguirre 12
FL Anclote 1
FL Anclote 2
PR Arecibo 1
PR Arecibo 2
PR Arecibo 3
NY Astoria Generating Station 30
NY Astoria Generating Station 40
NY Astoria Generating Station 50
NJ B. L. England 3
MS Baxter Wilson 1
MS Baxter Wilson 2
DC Benning 15
DC Benning 16
NY Bowline Point 1
NY Bowline Point 2
MA Brayton Point 4
CT Bridgeport Station BHB2
FL C. D. McIntosh Jr 1
FL C. D. McIntosh Jr 2
GU Cabras 1
GU Cabras 2
MA Canal Station 1
MA Canal Station 2
FL Cape Canaveral PCC1
FL Cape Canaveral PCC2
PR Central Palo Seco 1
PR Central Palo Seco 2
PR Central Palo Seco 3
PR Central Palo Seco 4
PR Central Palo Seco 5
PR Central Palo Seco 6
PR Central Palo Seco 7
PR Central Palo Seco 8
NY Charles Poletti 1
MA Cleary Flood 8
PR Costa Sur 1
PR Costa Sur 2
PR Costa Sur 3
PR Costa Sur 4
PR Costa Sur 5
PR Costa Sur 6
PR Costa Sur 7
PR Costa Sur 8
PR Costa Sur 9
PR Costa Sur 10
PA Cromby Generating Station 2
MI Dan E. Karn 3
MI Dan E. Karn 4
NY Danskammer Generating Station 1
NY Danskammer Generating Station 2
CT Devon Station 7
CT Devon Station 8
IN Eagle Valley 1
IN Eagle Valley 2
NY East River 5
NY East River 6
PA Eddystone Generating Station 3
PA Eddystone Generating Station 4
DE Edge Moor 5
IN Edwardsport 6-1
MS Gerald Andrus 1
IN Harding Street 9
IN Harding Street 10
IL Havana 1
IL Havana 2
IL Havana 3
IL Havana 4
IL Havana 5
IL Havana 6
IL Havana 7
IL Havana 8
MD Herbert A. Wagner 1
MD Herbert A. Wagner 4
HI Honolulu 16
HI Honolulu 17
FL Indian River 1
FL Indian River 2
FL Indian River 3
SC Jefferies 1
SC Jefferies 2
HI Kahe 1
HI Kahe 2
HI Kahe 3
HI Kahe 4
HI Kahe 5
HI Kahe 6
FL Manatee PMT1
FL Manatee PMT2
FL Martin PMR1
FL Martin PMR2
DE McKee Run 3
GA McManus 1
GA McManus 2
IL Meredosia 06
LA Michoud 3
CT Middletown 2
CT Middletown 4
MD Mirant Chalk Point 3
MD Mirant Chalk Point 4
PA Mitchell Power Station 1
PA Mitchell Power Station 2
PA Mitchell Power Station 3
CT Montville Station 5
CT Montville Station 6
MA Mystic Generating Station 7
CT New Haven Harbor NHB1
NH Newington 1
NY Northport 1
NY Northport 2
NY Northport 3
NY Northport 4
FL Northside Generating Station 3
CT NRG Norwalk Harbor 1
CT NRG Norwalk Harbor 2
NY Oswego Harbor Power 5
NY Oswego Harbor Power 6
FL P. L. Bartow 1
FL P. L. Bartow 2
FL P. L. Bartow 3
FL Port Everglades PPE1
FL Port Everglades PPE2
FL Port Everglades PPE3
FL Port Everglades PPE4
NY Port Jefferson 3
NY Port Jefferson 4
VA Possum Point 5
PA PPL Martins Creek 3
PA PPL Martins Creek 4
NJ PSEG Sewaren Generating Station 1
NJ PSEG Sewaren Generating Station 2
NJ PSEG Sewaren Generating Station 3
NJ PSEG Sewaren Generating Station 4
VI Randolph E. Harley 1
NY Ravenswood Generating Station 1
NY Ravenswood Generating Station 2
NY Ravenswood Generating Station 3
VI Richmond 1
FL Riviera PRV3
FL Riviera PRV4
NY Roseton Generating Station 1
NY Roseton Generating Station 2
MA Salem Harbor 4
PR San Juan Plant 1
PR San Juan Plant 2
PR San Juan Plant 3
PR San Juan Plant 4
PR San Juan Plant 5
FL Sanford PSN3
PA Schuylkill Generating Station 1
FL Suwannee River 1
FL Suwannee River 2
FL Suwannee River 3
GU Tanguisson 1
FL Turkey Point PTP1
FL Turkey Point PTP2
MD Vienna Operations 8
HI Waiau 3
HI Waiau 4
HI Waiau 5
HI Waiau 6
HI Waiau 7
HI Waiau 8
MA West Springfield 3
ME William F. Wyman 1
ME William F. Wyman 2
ME William F. Wyman 3
ME William F. Wyman 4
VA Yorktown 3
Attachment 6. List of all IGCC units requiring Part I, II, and
III Information and selected for HCl/HF/HCN
acid gas HAP,
dioxin/furan organic HAP, non‑dioxin/furan organic HAP, and
mercury and other non-mercury
metallic HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
FL |
Polk |
1CA |
FL |
Polk |
1CT |
IN |
Wabash River |
1a |
7. List of all petroleum coke-fired units requiring Part I, II, and
III Information and selected
for HCl/HF/HCN acid gas
HAP, dioxin/furan organic HAP, non‑dioxin/furan organic HAP,
and mercury
and other non-mercury metallic HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
NOX Control |
PM Control |
FGD Type |
TX |
AES Deepwater |
AAB001 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
OH |
Bay Shore |
1 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PA |
Chester Operations |
10 |
Baghouse, pulse |
CA |
Hanford |
CB1302 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
WI |
Manitowoc |
9 |
Baghouse, pulse |
FL |
Northside Generating Station |
1 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
FL |
Northside Generating Station |
2 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
LA |
R S Nelson |
1A |
Baghouse, reverse air |
LA |
R S Nelson |
2A |
Baghouse, reverse air |
CA |
Rio Bravo Jasmin |
Baghouse, pulse |
CA |
Rio Bravo Poso |
Baghouse, pulse |
LA |
Rodemacher |
3a |
Baghouse, pulse |
LA |
Rodemacher |
3b |
Baghouse, pulse |
MT |
Yellowstone Energy LP |
BLR1 |
Baghouse, pulse |
MT |
Yellowstone Energy LP |
BLR2 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Attachment 8. List of coal-fired electric utility steam generating units selected for HCl/HF/HCN acid gas HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
Primary Fuel |
Secondary Fuel |
NOX Control |
PM Control 1 |
PM Control 2 |
FGD Type |
FGD Date |
FL |
Crystal River |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
12/31/2009 |
TX |
Oak Grove |
1 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2009 |
AR |
Plum Point Energy |
STG1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2009 |
AZ |
Springerville |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2009 |
WY |
Two Elk Generating Station |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
12/31/2009 |
AZ |
Cholla |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
9/1/2008 |
AZ |
Cholla |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
9/1/2008 |
TX |
Sandow Station |
5A |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
8/31/2009 |
TX |
Sandow Station |
5B |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
8/31/2009 |
WI |
Elm Road Generating Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
6/1/2009 |
NC |
G. G. Allen |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
5/1/2009 |
NE |
Nebraska City |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
5/1/2009 |
GA |
Wansley |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
5/1/2009 |
GA |
Bowen |
2BLR |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
4/1/2009 |
OH |
Conesville |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
4/1/2009 |
SC |
Cross |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2009 |
IL |
Dallman |
34 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Packed type |
1/1/2009 |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2008 |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2008 |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
1C |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2008 |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2008 |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2008 |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
2C |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2008 |
GA |
Bowen |
4BLR |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
12/1/2008 |
WV |
John E Amos |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Tray type |
12/1/2008 |
WV |
John E Amos |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Tray type |
12/1/2008 |
GA |
Wansley |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
12/1/2008 |
NV |
TS Power Plant |
BLR100 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
6/1/2008 |
WI |
Weston |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
6/1/2008 |
KY |
Ghent |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
5/1/2008 |
GA |
Bowen |
3BLR |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
4/1/2008 |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
4/1/2008 |
NC |
Belews Creek |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2008 |
GA |
Hammond |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2008 |
GA |
Hammond |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2008 |
GA |
Hammond |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2008 |
GA |
Hammond |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2008 |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2007 |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2007 |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
2C |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2007 |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2007 |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2007 |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
1C |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2007 |
WY |
Wygen II |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
12/31/2007 |
OH |
Cardinal |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
12/1/2007 |
WV |
John E. Amos |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Tray type |
12/1/2007 |
IA |
Louisa |
101 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray dryer type |
12/1/2007 |
OH |
Cardinal |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
11/1/2007 |
IA |
Council Bluffs |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
6/1/2007 |
KY |
Ghent |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
5/1/2007 |
WV |
Mitchell |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Tray type |
4/1/2007 |
SC |
Cross |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2007 |
WI |
Pleasant Prairie |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
3/31/2007 |
WV |
Mountaineer |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/2007 |
AZ |
Springerville |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
12/31/2006 |
WV |
Mitchell |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Tray type |
12/1/2006 |
WI |
Pleasant Prairie |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
11/31/2006 |
NC |
Marshall |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
11/1/2006 |
MT |
Hardin Generator Project |
PC1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
2/1/2006 |
NC |
Asheville |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
11/1/2005 |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
4/1/2005 |
PA |
Seward |
1 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
3/1/2004 |
PA |
Seward |
2 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
3/1/2004 |
IL |
Marion |
123 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/2003 |
WY |
Wygen I |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
5/1/2003 |
CO |
Arapahoe |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Dry Sorbent Injection System |
1/1/2003 |
CO |
Cherokee |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Dry sodium injection |
1/1/2003 |
CO |
Cherokee |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
1/1/2003 |
PR |
AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2002 |
PR |
AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2002 |
CO |
Valmont |
5 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
8/1/2002 |
CO |
Cherokee |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
7/1/2002 |
WA |
Transalta Centralia Generation |
BW21 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Wet scrubber |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
6/1/2002 |
MS |
Red Hills Generating Facility |
AA001 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
3/1/2002 |
MS |
Red Hills Generating Facility |
AA002 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
3/1/2002 |
WV |
Mt. Storm |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
2/1/2002 |
WV |
Mt. Storm |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
2/1/2002 |
WA |
Transalta Centralia Generation |
BW22 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Wet scrubber |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
10/1/2001 |
PA |
Homer City Station |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
9/1/2001 |
IL |
Dallman |
31 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Packed type |
6/1/2001 |
IL |
Dallman |
32 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Packed type |
6/1/2001 |
MO |
Hawthorn |
5A |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
6/1/2001 |
AK |
Healy |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
9/1/2000 |
MD |
AES Warrior Run Cogeneration Facility |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
SNCR and SCR |
Baghouse, reverse air |
2/1/2000 |
FL |
Big Bend |
BB01 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
12/1/1999 |
FL |
Big Bend |
BB02 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
12/1/1999 |
AZ |
Navajo |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
8/1/1999 |
CO |
Hayden |
H2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
6/1/1999 |
OH |
Hamilton |
9 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Baghouse, pulse |
Dry gas absorption |
4/1/1999 |
CO |
Hayden |
H1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
12/1/1998 |
AZ |
Navajo |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
11/1/1998 |
NM |
San Juan |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
10/1/1998 |
NM |
San Juan |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
10/1/1998 |
NM |
San Juan |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
10/1/1998 |
NM |
San Juan |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
10/1/1998 |
CO |
Cherokee |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Dry sodium injection |
2/1/1998 |
AZ |
Navajo |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
11/1/1997 |
VA |
Birchwood Power |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
12/1/1996 |
FL |
Stanton Energy Center |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
6/1/1996 |
IN |
AES Petersburg |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
5/1/1996 |
IN |
AES Petersburg |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
5/1/1996 |
VA |
Clover |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
3/1/1996 |
FL |
Indiantown Cogeneration LP |
AAB01 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
12/1/1995 |
PA |
Conemaugh |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
11/1/1995 |
SC |
Cope |
COP1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
11/1/1995 |
WY |
Neil Simpson II |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
11/1/1995 |
VA |
Clover |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
10/1/1995 |
PA |
Northampton Generating Company |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1995 |
NY |
AES Cayuga |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
6/1/1995 |
NY |
AES Cayuga |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
6/1/1995 |
KY |
HMP&L Station Two Henderson |
H1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Tray type |
6/1/1995 |
KY |
HMP&L Station Two Henderson |
H2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Tray type |
6/1/1995 |
NC |
Roanoke Valley II |
BLR2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
6/1/1995 |
PA |
Colver Power Project |
ABB01 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1995 |
SC |
Cross |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
5/1/1995 |
OH |
General James M Gavin |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
3/1/1995 |
NJ |
B. L. England |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/1995 |
TN |
Cumberland |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/1995 |
TN |
Cumberland |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/1995 |
IN |
F. B. Culley |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/1995 |
IN |
F. B. Culley |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/1995 |
IN |
Gibson |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/1995 |
WV |
Mt Storm |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
1/1/1995 |
PA |
Conemaugh |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
12/1/1994 |
OH |
General James M Gavin |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
12/1/1994 |
KY |
Ghent |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
12/1/1994 |
KY |
Elmer Smith |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
11/1/1994 |
KY |
Elmer Smith |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
11/1/1994 |
WV |
Harrison Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
11/1/1994 |
WV |
Harrison Power Station |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
11/1/1994 |
WV |
Harrison Power Station |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
11/1/1994 |
IN |
Whitewater Valley |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray dryer type |
10/1/1994 |
NJ |
Logan Generating Plant |
B01 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
9/1/1994 |
NC |
Roanoke Valley I |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
5/1/1994 |
NJ |
Chambers Cogeneration LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
3/1/1994 |
NJ |
Chambers Cogeneration LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
3/1/1994 |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
2/1/1994 |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
2/1/1994 |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
2/1/1994 |
CO |
Arapahoe |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Dry Sorbent Injection System |
6/1/1993 |
PA |
Scrubgrass Generating |
UNIT 1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1993 |
PA |
Scrubgrass Generating |
UNIT 2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1993 |
UT |
Sunnyside Cogen Associates |
1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
2/1/1993 |
WV |
North Branch |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/1992 |
WV |
North Branch |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/1992 |
TX |
J. K. Spruce |
BLR1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
12/1/1992 |
VA |
Mecklenburg Power Station |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
11/1/1992 |
VA |
Mecklenburg Power Station |
BLR2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
11/1/1992 |
PA |
Piney Creek Project |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
11/1/1992 |
GA |
Yates |
Y1BR |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
10/1/1992 |
HI |
AES Hawaii |
Subbituminous Coal |
Tire-derived Fuels |
Baghouse, reverse air |
9/1/1992 |
HI |
AES Hawaii |
Subbituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
9/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
3A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
8/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
3B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
8/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
4A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
8/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
4B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
8/1/1992 |
WV |
Grant Town Power Plant |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
WV |
Grant Town Power Plant |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
IN |
Bailly |
7 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Packed type |
6/1/1992 |
IN |
Bailly |
8 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Packed type |
6/1/1992 |
PA |
Panther Creek Energy Facility |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
6/1/1992 |
PA |
Panther Creek Energy Facility |
BLR2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
6/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
5/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
5/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
5/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
5/1/1992 |
VA |
Altavista Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
2/1/1992 |
WV |
Morgantown Energy Facility |
CFB1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1992 |
WV |
Morgantown Energy Facility |
CFB2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1992 |
TX |
Twin Oaks Power One |
U2 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
10/1/1991 |
VA |
Southampton Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
6/1/1991 |
PA |
Ebensburg Power |
031 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1991 |
PA |
Cambria Cogen |
B1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
3/1/1991 |
PA |
Cambria Cogen |
B2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
3/1/1991 |
OH |
W. H. Zimmer |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
3/1/1991 |
Attachment 9. List of coal-fired electric utility steam generating units selected for dioxin/furan organic HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
Primary Fuel |
Secondary Fuel |
NOX Control |
PM Control 1 |
PM Control 2 |
FGD_Type01 |
CA |
ACE Cogeneration Facility |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
Baghouse, reverse air |
CT |
AES Thames |
A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
CT |
AES Thames |
B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
VA |
Altavista Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
NY |
Black River Generation |
E0003 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Multiple cyclone |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
VA |
Chesterfield |
6 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NC |
Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
4A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
IA |
Council Bluffs |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
Y |
CO |
Craig |
C2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
TN |
Cumberland |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
WY |
Dave Johnston |
BW41 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
DE |
Edge Moor |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Residual Fuel Oil |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Y |
KY |
Green River |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray dryer type |
IL |
Havana |
9 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Baghouse, pulse |
Y |
IL |
Hennepin Power Station |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MN |
Hoot Lake |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
TX |
J. K. Spruce |
BLR1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
WV |
Kammer |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
WV |
Kammer |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IL |
Marion |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Waste Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Venturi type |
ND |
Milton R Young |
B1 |
Lignite Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MI |
Monroe |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
OK |
Northeastern |
3314 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IA |
Prairie Creek |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Landfill Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NC |
Primary Energy Southport |
1C |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
CO |
Ray D. Nixon |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
NC |
Roanoke Valley I |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
GA |
Scherer |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Y |
GA |
Scherer |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
Y |
PA |
Shawville |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MN |
Silver Bay Power |
BLR2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
ND |
Stanton |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IN |
State Line Energy |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
IA |
Streeter Station |
7 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
KS |
Tecumseh Energy Center |
9 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MI |
TES Filer City Station |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
WA |
Transalta Centralia Generation |
BW21 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Wet scrubber |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
TX |
Twin Oaks Power One |
U2 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
WY |
Two Elk Generating Station |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
IL |
Vermilion |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Baghouse, pulse |
Y |
OH |
Walter C Beckjord |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IL |
Waukegan |
8 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
AL |
Widows Creek |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
AL |
Widows Creek |
7 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
AL |
Widows Creek |
8 |
Bituminous Coal |
Wet scrubber |
Tray type |
SC |
Winyah |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Venturi type |
SC |
Winyah |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Attachment 10. List of coal-fired electric utility steam generating units selected for non‑dioxin/furan organic HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
Primary Fuel |
Secondary Fuel |
Boiler Date |
NOX Control |
PM Control 1 |
PM Control 2 |
FGD Type |
TX |
Oak Grove |
1 |
Lignite Coal |
12/31/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
AR |
Plum Point Energy |
STG1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
12/31/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
AZ |
Springerville |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
12/31/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
WY |
Two Elk Generating Station |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
12/31/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
TX |
Sandow Station |
5A |
Lignite Coal |
8/31/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
TX |
Sandow Station |
5B |
Lignite Coal |
8/31/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
WI |
Elm Road Generating Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
NE |
Nebraska City |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
5/1/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
SC |
Cross |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/2009 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
IL |
Dallman |
34 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/2009 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Packed type |
NV |
TS Power Plant |
BLR100 |
Subbituminous Coal |
6/1/2008 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
WI |
Weston |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
6/1/2008 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
4/1/2008 |
Baghouse, pulse |
WY |
Wygen II |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
12/31/2007 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
IA |
Council Bluffs |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
6/1/2007 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
SC |
Cross |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
1/1/2007 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
AZ |
Springerville |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
12/31/2006 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
MT |
Hardin Generator Project |
PC1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
4/1/2006 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
4/1/2005 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PA |
Seward |
1 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/2004 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
PA |
Seward |
2 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/2004 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
IL |
Marion |
123 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
5/1/2003 |
Baghouse, pulse |
WY |
Wygen I |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
5/1/2003 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray type |
PR |
AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
12/31/2002 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PR |
AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
12/31/2002 |
Baghouse, pulse |
MS |
Red Hills Generating Facility |
AA001 |
Lignite Coal |
3/1/2002 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
MS |
Red Hills Generating Facility |
AA002 |
Lignite Coal |
3/1/2002 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
MO |
Hawthorn |
5A |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
6/1/2001 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
MD |
AES Warrior Run Cogeneration Facility |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
2/1/2000 |
SCR and SNCR |
Baghouse, reverse air |
VA |
Birchwood Power |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1996 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
FL |
Stanton Energy Center |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1996 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
VA |
Clover |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/1996 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
FL |
Indiantown Cogeneration LP |
AAB01 |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1995 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
SC |
Cope |
COP1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
11/1/1995 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
WY |
Neil Simpson II |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
11/1/1995 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
VA |
Clover |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
10/1/1995 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
PA |
Northampton Generating Company |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
8/1/1995 |
Baghouse, pulse |
NC |
Roanoke Valley II |
BLR2 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1995 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
PA |
Colver Power Project |
ABB01 |
Waste Coal |
5/1/1995 |
Baghouse, pulse |
SC |
Cross |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
5/1/1995 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
NJ |
Logan Generating Plant |
B01 |
Bituminous Coal |
9/1/1994 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
NC |
Roanoke Valley I |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
5/1/1994 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
NJ |
Chambers Cogeneration LP |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/1994 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
NJ |
Chambers Cogeneration LP |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/1994 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1994 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1994 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1994 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
PA |
Scrubgrass Generating |
UNIT 1 |
Waste Coal |
6/1/1993 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PA |
Scrubgrass Generating |
UNIT 2 |
Waste Coal |
6/1/1993 |
Baghouse, pulse |
UT |
Sunnyside Cogen Associates |
1 |
Waste Coal |
2/1/1993 |
Baghouse, pulse |
WV |
North Branch |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
12/31/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
WV |
North Branch |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
12/31/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
TX |
J. K. Spruce |
BLR1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
12/1/1992 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
PA |
Piney Creek Project |
Waste Coal |
12/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
VA |
Mecklenburg Power Station |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
11/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
VA |
Mecklenburg Power Station |
BLR2 |
Bituminous Coal |
11/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
HI |
AES Hawaii |
Subbituminous Coal |
Tire-derived Fuels |
9/1/1992 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
HI |
AES Hawaii |
Subbituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
9/1/1992 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
3A |
Bituminous Coal |
8/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
3B |
Bituminous Coal |
8/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
4A |
Bituminous Coal |
8/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
4B |
Bituminous Coal |
8/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
WV |
Grant Town Power Plant |
Waste Coal |
8/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
WV |
Grant Town Power Plant |
Waste Coal |
8/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PA |
Panther Creek Energy Facility |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
6/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
PA |
Panther Creek Energy Facility |
BLR2 |
Waste Coal |
6/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
5/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
5/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
5/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
5/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Altavista Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
2/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
WV |
Morgantown Energy Facility |
CFB1 |
Waste Coal |
1/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
WV |
Morgantown Energy Facility |
CFB2 |
Waste Coal |
1/1/1992 |
Baghouse, pulse |
TX |
Twin Oaks Power One |
U2 |
Lignite Coal |
10/1/1991 |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
VA |
Southampton Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1991 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
MD |
Brandon Shores |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
5/1/1991 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Spray type |
PA |
Ebensburg Power |
031 |
Waste Coal |
5/1/1991 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PA |
Cambria Cogen |
B1 |
Waste Coal |
3/1/1991 |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
PA |
Cambria Cogen |
B2 |
Waste Coal |
3/1/1991 |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
AL |
James H Miller Jr. |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
3/1/1991 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
OH |
W. H. Zimmer |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/1991 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, pulse |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, pulse |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, pulse |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, pulse |
CO |
Nucla |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
1/1/1991 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
KY |
Shawnee |
10 |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1990 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
KY |
Trimble County |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1990 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
NC |
Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
10/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
NC |
Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
10/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
NC |
Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
10/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
NC |
Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
10/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
PA |
Foster Wheeler Mt Carmel Cogen |
SG-101 |
Waste Coal |
9/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
TX |
Twin Oaks Power One |
U1 |
Lignite Coal |
9/1/1990 |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
CA |
ACE Cogeneration Facility |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
6/1/1990 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
WI |
Manitowoc |
8 |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
6/1/1990 |
Single cyclone |
Baghouse, pulse |
AZ |
Springerville |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
6/1/1990 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
MI |
TES Filer City Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
MI |
TES Filer City Station |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
NY |
WPS Power Niagara |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
4/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
CT |
AES Thames |
A |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/1990 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
CT |
AES Thames |
B |
Bituminous Coal |
3/1/1990 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
MT |
Colstrip Energy LP |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
2/1/1990 |
Baghouse, pulse |
IN |
Rockport |
MB2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
12/1/1989 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
N/A |
PA |
St. Nicholas Cogen Project |
1 |
Waste Coal |
12/1/1989 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PA |
Kline Township Cogen Facility |
1 |
Waste Coal |
11/1/1989 |
Single cyclone |
Baghouse, pulse |
AL |
James H Miller Jr. |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
5/1/1989 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
GA |
Scherer |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
2/1/1989 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
PA |
Wheelabrator Frackville Energy |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
9/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
NY |
Black River Generation |
E0001 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Multiple cyclone |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
NY |
Black River Generation |
E0002 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Multiple cyclone |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
NY |
Black River Generation |
E0003 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Multiple cyclone |
Jet Bubbling Reactor |
FL |
Central Power & Lime |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
1C |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Virginia Leasing Corporation |
2C |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
CA |
Mt. Poso Cogeneration |
BL01 |
Bituminous Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
PA |
WPS Westwood Generation LLC |
031 |
Waste Coal |
6/1/1988 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
FL |
St Johns River Power Park |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
5/1/1988 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
TX |
Fayette Power Project |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
4/1/1988 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
PA |
John B Rich Memorial Power Station |
CFB1 |
Waste Coal |
2/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
PA |
John B Rich Memorial Power Station |
CFB2 |
Waste Coal |
2/1/1988 |
Baghouse, pulse |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
1C |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix Hopewell |
2C |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
Spray dryer type |
MN |
Sherburne County |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
11/1/1987 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
NY |
Danskammer Generating Station |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
9/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Southport |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
9/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Southport |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
9/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Southport |
1C |
Bituminous Coal |
9/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Southport |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
9/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Southport |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
9/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Southport |
2C |
Bituminous Coal |
9/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Roxboro |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
8/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Roxboro |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
8/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
NC |
Primary Energy Roxboro |
1C |
Bituminous Coal |
8/1/1987 |
Baghouse, pulse |
N/A |
PA |
AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
7/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
PA |
AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
7/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
PA |
AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
7/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
PA |
AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
7/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
FL |
Stanton Energy Center |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
7/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
UT |
Intermountain Power Project |
2SGA |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
5/1/1987 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
NY |
Danskammer Generating Station |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
3/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
N/A |
FL |
St. Johns River Power Park |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
3/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
GA |
Scherer |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
1/1/1987 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
TX |
Oklaunion |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
12/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
KY |
D. B. Wilson |
W1 |
Bituminous Coal |
11/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
TX |
Limestone |
LIM2 |
Lignite Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
10/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
ND |
Antelope Valley |
B2 |
Lignite Coal |
7/1/1986 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
UT |
Intermountain Power Project |
1SGA |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
6/1/1986 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
UT |
Bonanza |
1-1 |
Bituminous Coal |
5/1/1986 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray type |
IN |
AES Petersburg |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
4/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
MT |
Colstrip |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
4/1/1986 |
Wet scrubber |
Venturi type |
LA |
Dolet Hills |
1 |
Lignite Coal |
Natural Gas |
4/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Wet scrubber |
Spray type |
OK |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
4/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray dryer type |
IN |
A. B. Brown |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
2/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
IN |
R. M. Schahfer |
18 |
Bituminous Coal |
2/1/1986 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
TX |
Limestone |
LIM1 |
Lignite Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
10/1/1985 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
MI |
Belle River |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
7/1/1985 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
N/A |
NV |
North Valmy |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
7/1/1985 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
WI |
Pleasant Prairie |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
7/1/1985 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
TX |
Tolk |
172B |
Subbituminous Coal |
7/1/1985 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
N/A |
AZ |
Springerville |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
6/1/1985 |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
AL |
James H Miller Jr. |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
5/1/1985 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
N/A |
Attachment 11. List of coal-fired electric utility steam generating units selected for mercury and other non-mercury metallic HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
Primary Fuel |
Secondary Fuel |
NOX Control |
PM Control 1 |
PM Control 2 |
PM Control Date |
FGD Type |
TX |
Oak Grove |
1 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2009 |
Spray dryer type |
AR |
Plum Point Energy |
STG1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2009 |
Spray dryer type |
AZ |
Springerville |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2009 |
Spray dryer type |
WY |
Two Elk Generating Station |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2009 |
Spray type |
AZ |
Cholla |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
9/1/2008 |
Spray dryer type |
AZ |
Cholla |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
9/1/2008 |
Spray dryer type |
TX |
Sandow Station |
5A |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/31/2009 |
Spray type |
TX |
Sandow Station |
5B |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/31/2009 |
Spray type |
WI |
Elm Road Generating Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/2009 |
Spray type |
NE |
Nebraska City |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/2009 |
Spray type |
SC |
Cross |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/2009 |
Spray type |
IL |
Dallman |
34 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/2009 |
Packed type |
NM |
San Juan |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/1/2008 |
Spray type |
NM |
San Juan |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/1/2008 |
Spray type |
NM |
San Juan |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/1/2008 |
Spray type |
NM |
San Juan |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/1/2008 |
Spray type |
NV |
TS Power Plant |
BLR100 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/2008 |
Spray dryer type |
WI |
Weston |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/2008 |
Spray dryer type |
IL |
Hennepin Power Station |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/2008 |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
4/1/2008 |
WY |
Wygen II |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2007 |
Spray type |
IA |
Louisa |
101 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
12/1/2007 |
Spray dryer type |
IA |
Council Bluffs |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/2007 |
Spray dryer type |
SC |
Cross |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/2007 |
Spray type |
AZ |
Springerville |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2006 |
Spray dryer type |
MT |
Hardin Generator Project |
PC1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
4/1/2006 |
Spray dryer type |
NC |
Asheville |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
11/1/2005 |
Spray type |
IN |
A. B. Brown |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/2005 |
Spray type |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
4/1/2005 |
KY |
Cane Run |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/2004 |
Spray type |
CO |
Craig |
C2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/2004 |
Spray type |
FL |
Crist |
7 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/2004 |
PA |
Seward |
1 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
3/1/2004 |
Spray dryer type |
PA |
Seward |
2 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
3/1/2004 |
Spray dryer type |
CO |
Craig |
C1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
11/1/2003 |
Spray type |
IL |
Marion |
123 |
Waste Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/2003 |
KY |
H. L. Spurlock |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/2003 |
WY |
Wygen I |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/2003 |
Spray type |
PR |
AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2002 |
PR |
AES Puerto Rico (Aurora) |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/2002 |
SD |
Big Stone |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
10/1/2002 |
MD |
Herbert A Wagner |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
8/1/2002 |
WA |
Transalta Centralia Generation |
BW21 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Wet scrubber |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/2002 |
Spray type |
MS |
Red Hills Generating Facility |
AA001 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
3/1/2002 |
MS |
Red Hills Generating Facility |
AA002 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
3/1/2002 |
WA |
Transalta Centralia Generation |
BW22 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Wet scrubber |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
10/1/2001 |
Spray type |
MI |
J. H. Campbell |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/2001 |
NE |
Gerald Gentleman |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
5/1/2001 |
MO |
Hawthorn |
5A |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/2001 |
Spray dryer type |
WI |
Weston |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/2001 |
PA |
PPL Montour |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/2001 |
GA |
Hammond |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/2001 |
NE |
Gerald Gentleman |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
12/1/2000 |
PA |
PPL Montour |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/2000 |
IL |
Will County |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/2000 |
MD |
AES Warrior Run Cogeneration Facility |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
SCR and SNCR |
Baghouse, reverse air |
2/1/2000 |
PA |
PPL Brunner Island |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
2/1/2000 |
NE |
Sheldon |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, pulse |
2/1/2000 |
NE |
Sheldon |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/1/1999 |
NC |
Cape Fear |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
11/1/1999 |
NH |
Merrimack |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
10/1/1999 |
CO |
Hayden |
H2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
6/1/1999 |
Spray dryer type |
SC |
Canadys Steam |
CAN3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
5/1/1999 |
IA |
Muscatine Plant #1 |
8 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/1999 |
IN |
State Line Energy |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1999 |
CO |
Hayden |
H1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
12/1/1998 |
Spray dryer type |
MI |
Erickson Station |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
11/1/1998 |
NC |
Asheville |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
5/1/1998 |
CO |
Martin Drake |
5 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
5/1/1998 |
SC |
H. B. Robinson |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
5/1/1997 |
GA |
Hammond |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
5/1/1997 |
NC |
Roxboro |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/1997 |
VA |
Birchwood Power |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
12/1/1996 |
Spray dryer type |
FL |
Stanton Energy Center |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1996 |
Spray type |
VA |
Clover |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
3/1/1996 |
Spray type |
IL |
Waukegan |
8 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/1996 |
FL |
Indiantown Cogeneration LP |
AAB01 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
12/1/1995 |
Spray dryer type |
SC |
Cope |
COP1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
11/1/1995 |
Spray dryer type |
WY |
Neil Simpson II |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
11/1/1995 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
PA |
Northampton Generating Company |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1995 |
WI |
Valley |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
7/1/1995 |
WI |
Valley |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
7/1/1995 |
NC |
Roanoke Valley II |
BLR2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1995 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
NC |
Roxboro |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1995 |
PA |
Colver Power Project |
ABB01 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1995 |
SC |
Cross |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
5/1/1995 |
Spray type |
IN |
Eagle Valley |
6 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
2/1/1995 |
IN |
Harding Street |
60 |
Bituminous Coal |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
2/1/1995 |
VA |
Clover |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
1/1/1995 |
Spray type |
WI |
Manitowoc |
6 |
Bituminous Coal |
Multiple cyclone |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1995 |
WI |
Manitowoc |
7 |
Bituminous Coal |
Multiple cyclone |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1995 |
NJ |
Logan Generating Plant |
B01 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
9/1/1994 |
Spray dryer type |
WI |
Valley |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
7/1/1994 |
WI |
Valley |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
7/1/1994 |
FL |
Crist |
6 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1994 |
IN |
Harding Street |
70 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1994 |
NJ |
PSEG Mercer Generating Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
SCR and SNCR |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1994 |
GA |
Hammond |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
5/1/1994 |
NC |
Roanoke Valley I |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
5/1/1994 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
MO |
James River Power Station |
5 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/1994 |
NJ |
Chambers Cogeneration LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
3/1/1994 |
Spray dryer type |
NJ |
Chambers Cogeneration LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
3/1/1994 |
Spray dryer type |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
2/1/1994 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
2/1/1994 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
FL |
Cedar Bay Generating LP |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
2/1/1994 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
KY |
Elmer Smith |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
11/1/1993 |
Spray type |
CO |
Martin Drake |
7 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
11/1/1993 |
IN |
Gibson |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
7/1/1993 |
KY |
Elmer Smith |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1993 |
Spray type |
GA |
Hammond |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1993 |
PA |
Scrubgrass Generating |
UNIT 1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1993 |
PA |
Scrubgrass Generating |
UNIT 2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1993 |
SC |
McMeekin |
MCM1 |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
5/1/1993 |
MO |
Sibley |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/1993 |
MO |
Sibley |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
4/1/1993 |
KY |
Cane Run |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
3/1/1993 |
Spray type |
UT |
Sunnyside Cogen Associates |
1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
2/1/1993 |
WV |
North Branch |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/1992 |
WV |
North Branch |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/31/1992 |
TX |
J. K. Spruce |
BLR1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
12/1/1992 |
Spray type |
PA |
Piney Creek Project |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
12/1/1992 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
VA |
Mecklenburg Power Station |
BLR1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
11/1/1992 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
VA |
Mecklenburg Power Station |
BLR2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
11/1/1992 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
IL |
Meredosia |
05 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
11/1/1992 |
HI |
AES Hawaii |
Subbituminous Coal |
Tire-derived Fuels |
Baghouse, reverse air |
8/1/1992 |
HI |
AES Hawaii |
Subbituminous Coal |
Waste Oil |
Baghouse, reverse air |
8/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
3A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
3B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
4A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
4B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
WV |
Grant Town Power Plant |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
WV |
Grant Town Power Plant |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
8/1/1992 |
PA |
Panther Creek Energy Facility |
BLR1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1992 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
PA |
Panther Creek Energy Facility |
BLR2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1992 |
Circulating Dry Scrubber |
WI |
South Oak Creek |
7 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1992 |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
VA |
Cogentrix of Richmond |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1992 |
Spray dryer type |
IN |
Michigan City |
12 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
5/1/1992 |
KS |
Quindaro |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
5/1/1992 |
IN |
Gibson |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/1992 |
SC |
McMeekin |
MCM2 |
Coal-based Synfuel |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
1/1/1992 |
WV |
Morgantown Energy Facility |
CFB1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1992 |
WV |
Morgantown Energy Facility |
CFB2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1992 |
NJ |
PSEG Mercer Generating Station |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
SCR and SNCR |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/1992 |
MO |
Sibley |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/1992 |
TX |
Twin Oaks Power One |
U2 |
Lignite Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
10/1/1991 |
VA |
Altavista Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1991 |
Spray dryer type |
CO |
Comanche |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
6/1/1991 |
WI |
South Oak Creek |
8 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1991 |
VA |
Southampton Power Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
6/1/1991 |
Spray dryer type |
OH |
W. H. Zimmer |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
6/1/1991 |
Spray type |
MD |
Brandon Shores |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
5/1/1991 |
Spray type |
PA |
Ebensburg Power |
031 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
5/1/1991 |
WI |
Manitowoc |
8 |
Bituminous Coal |
Petroleum Coke |
Single cyclone |
Baghouse, pulse |
4/1/1991 |
PA |
Cambria Cogen |
B1 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
3/1/1991 |
PA |
Cambria Cogen |
B2 |
Waste Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
3/1/1991 |
AL |
James H Miller Jr. |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
3/1/1991 |
Spray type |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1991 |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1991 |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
2A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1991 |
OK |
AES Shady Point |
2B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
1/1/1991 |
AL |
Colbert |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1/1/1991 |
CO |
Nucla |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
1/1/1991 |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
1/1/1991 |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
1/1/1991 |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
1/1/1991 |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
1/1/1991 |
N/A |
NY |
Trigen Syracuse Energy |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
1/1/1991 |
N/A |
KY |
Trimble County |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
12/1/1990 |
Spray type |
AL |
Colbert |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
11/1/1990 |
CO |
Comanche |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
11/1/1990 |
NC |
Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen |
1A |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
10/1/1990 |
Spray dryer type |
NC |
Cogentrix Dwayne Collier Battle Cogen |
1B |
Bituminous Coal |
Baghouse, pulse |
10/1/1990 |
Spray dryer type |
Attachment 12. List of all oil-fired electric utility steam generating units selected for HCl/HF/HCN acid gas HAP, dioxin/furan organic HAP, non‑dioxin/furan organic HAP, and mercury and other non-mercury metallic HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
NOX Control |
PM Control 1 |
PM Control 2 |
PR |
Aguirre |
3 |
PR |
Aguirre |
4 |
PR |
Aguirre |
9 |
PR |
Aguirre |
10 |
FL |
Anclote |
1 |
FL |
Anclote |
2 |
PR |
Arecibo |
1 |
NY |
Astoria Generating Station |
40 |
NJ |
B L England |
3 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
DC |
Benning |
16 |
MA |
Brayton Point |
4 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
CT |
Bridgeport Station |
BHB2 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
FL |
C. D. McIntosh Jr |
2 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
GU |
Cabras |
2 |
FL |
Turkey Point |
PTP1 |
Multiple cyclone |
FL |
Turkey Point |
PTP2 |
Multiple cyclone |
PR |
Central Palo Seco |
2 |
PR |
Central Palo Seco |
3 |
PR |
Central Palo Seco |
4 |
PR |
Central Palo Seco |
5 |
PR |
Central Palo Seco |
6 |
PR |
Central Palo Seco |
7 |
PR |
Central Palo Seco |
8 |
MA |
Cleary Flood |
8 |
PR |
Costa Sur |
1 |
PR |
Costa Sur |
2 |
PR |
Costa Sur |
6 |
PR |
Costa Sur |
7 |
PR |
Costa Sur |
8 |
PR |
Costa Sur |
9 |
PR |
Costa Sur |
10 |
CT |
Devon Station |
8 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IN |
Eagle Valley |
1 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IN |
Eagle Valley |
2 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NY |
East River |
6 |
PA |
Eddystone Generating Station |
4 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
DE |
Edge Moor |
5 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IN |
Harding Street |
9 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IN |
Harding Street |
10 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IL |
Havana |
2 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
IL |
Havana |
4 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
IL |
Havana |
5 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
IL |
Havana |
6 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
IL |
Havana |
7 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
IL |
Havana |
8 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
HI |
Honolulu |
16 |
FL |
Indian River |
1 |
FL |
Indian River |
2 |
FL |
Indian River |
3 |
SC |
Jefferies |
2 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
HI |
Kahe |
3 |
HI |
Kahe |
4 |
FL |
Manatee |
PMT1 |
Multiple cyclone |
FL |
Manatee |
PMT2 |
Multiple cyclone |
FL |
Martin |
PMR1 |
Multiple cyclone |
DE |
McKee Run |
3 |
Multiple cyclone |
GA |
McManus |
2 |
LA |
Michoud |
3 |
MD |
Mirant Chalk Point |
3 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
Mitchell Power Station |
1 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
Mitchell Power Station |
2 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
Mitchell Power Station |
3 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
CT |
Montville Station |
5 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
CT |
Montville Station |
6 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MA |
Mystic Generating Station |
7 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NH |
Newington |
1 |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
NY |
Northport |
2 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NY |
Northport |
4 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
FL |
Northside Generating Station |
3 |
Baghouse, pulse |
NY |
Oswego Harbor Power |
5 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
FL |
Port Everglades |
PPE3 |
Multiple cyclone |
FL |
Port Everglades |
PPE4 |
Multiple cyclone |
NY |
Port Jefferson |
4 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
VA |
Possum Point |
5 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
PPL Martins Creek |
3 |
PA |
PPL Martins Creek |
4 |
NJ |
PSEG Sewaren Generating Station |
2 |
NJ |
PSEG Sewaren Generating Station |
4 |
VI |
Randolph E. Harley |
1 |
NY |
Ravenswood Generating Station |
1 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NY |
Ravenswood Generating Station |
2 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
VI |
Richmond |
1 |
FL |
Martin |
PMR2 |
Multiple cyclone |
NY |
Roseton Generating Station |
2 |
Multiple cyclone |
PR |
San Juan Plant |
1 |
PR |
San Juan Plant |
2 |
PR |
San Juan Plant |
4 |
PA |
Schuylkill Generating Station |
1 |
Multiple cyclone |
FL |
Suwannee River |
2 |
FL |
Suwannee River |
3 |
MD |
Vienna Operations |
8 |
Multiple cyclone |
HI |
Waiau |
3 |
HI |
Waiau |
4 |
HI |
Waiau |
5 |
HI |
Waiau |
6 |
HI |
Waiau |
7 |
HI |
Waiau |
8 |
MA |
West Springfield |
3 |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
ME |
William F Wyman |
1 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
ME |
William F Wyman |
2 |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Attachment 13. List of 50 additional coal-fired electric utility steam generating units not chosen in Attachments 8 through 11 selected for HCl/HF/HCN acid gas HAP, non dioxin/furan organic HAP, and mercury and other non-mercury metallic HAP testing
State |
Plant Name |
Boiler ID |
Primary Fuel |
Secondary Fuel |
NOX Control |
PM Control 1 |
PM Control 2 |
FGD Control |
WV |
Albright |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
WV |
Albright |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
CT |
Bridgeport Station |
BHB3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Residual Fuel Oil |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Y |
OH |
Cardinal |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
VA |
Clinch River |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
AL |
Colbert |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MT |
Colstrip |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Wet scrubber |
Venturi type |
OH |
Conesville |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
FL |
Crystal River |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
KY |
Dale |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NY |
Dunkirk Generating Station |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
NY |
Dunkirk Generating Station |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
PA |
Eddystone Generating Station |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
PA |
Elrama Power Plant |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Multiple cyclone |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Venturi type |
NC |
G. G. Allen |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
TN |
Gallatin |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
Hatfields Ferry Power Station |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IL |
Havana |
9 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
Baghouse, pulse |
Y |
MN |
Hoot Lake |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
TX |
J. T. Deely |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MO |
James River Power Station |
4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IL |
Joliet 9 |
5 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
KS |
La Cygne |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
KS |
Lawrence Energy Center |
3 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
TX |
Monticello |
1 |
Lignite Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Baghouse, shake and deflate |
IL |
Newton |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
PPL Martins Creek |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
WI |
Pulliam |
8 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
KY |
R D Green |
G2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Spray type |
IN |
R M Schahfer |
14 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
LA |
R. S. Nelson |
6 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
CO |
Rawhide |
101 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
Spray dryer type |
NV |
Reid Gardner |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Lignite Coal |
Multiple cyclone |
Spray type |
OH |
Richard Gorsuch |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
NC |
Riverbend |
7 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
NH |
Schiller |
5 |
Bituminous Coal |
Residual Fuel Oil |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
FL |
Scholz |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
Shawville |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
MN |
Silver Bay Power |
BLR1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Baghouse, reverse air |
MO |
Sioux |
2 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Tire-derived Fuels |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IN |
Tanners Creek |
U4 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
SC |
Urquhart |
URQ3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IL |
Vermilion |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Natural Gas |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Baghouse, pulse |
Y |
OH |
W H Sammis |
3 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
OH |
W H Sammis |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Subbituminous Coal |
Baghouse, reverse air |
NC |
W. H. Weatherspoon |
1 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
IN |
Wabash River |
2 |
Bituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
TX |
Welsh |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, hot side |
NE |
Whelan Energy Center |
1 |
Subbituminous Coal |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
PA |
WPS Energy Servs Sunbury Gen |
4 |
Bituminous Coal |
Distillate Fuel Oil |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
Electrostatic precipitator, cold side |
1 Note that units have been identified to the best of the Agency’s ability for the purpose of this ICR action only. Identification of any unit for receipt of the CAA section 114 letter requiring information be submitted or testing be conducted does not constitute a final Agency applicability determination related to the rule under development. Similarly, units not receiving a CAA section 114 letter may ultimately be determined to be subject to the final rule. Specific applicability definitions will be developed during the rulemaking process and will be subject to notice and comment.
2 Gullett, B.K., et al. Effect of Cofiring Coal on Formation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans during Waste Combustion. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 34, No. 2:282-290. 2000.
3 Raghunathan, K., and B,K. Gullett. Role of Sulfur in Reducing PCDD and PCDF Formation. Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. 30, No. 6:1827-1834. 1996.
4 Li., H., et al. Chlorinated Organic Compounds Evolved During the combustion of Blends of Refuse-derived Fuels and Coals. Journal of Thermal Analysis. Vol. 49:1417-1422. 1997.
5 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. NESHAPS: Final Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Hazardous Waste Combustors; Final Rule. 64 FR 52828. September 30, 1999.
6 “Permitted,” in this context, refers to refers to the fuels that the permit anticipates will be combusted that the facility.
7 If the boiler is fired by a blend of coal ranks, please specify percentage (separately, on both a mass and on a Btu basis) of each coal rank (e.g., 85% subbituminous/15% bituminous).
8 In reference to footnote Error: Reference source not found, if necessary, a notation can be added to a utilized fuel type that is not listed in the operating permit noting the reason the fuel type was combusted (e.g., “the permitting agency allowed this fuel to be combusted for special testing and research purposes”).
9 If the boiler is fired by a blend of fuel oil ranks, please specify percentage (separately, on both a volume and on a Btu basis) of each fuel oil rank (e.g., 85% residual oil/15% distillate).
10 If necessary, a notation can be added to a utilized fuel type that is not listed in the operating permit noting the reason the fuel type was combusted (e.g., “the permitting agency allowed this fuel to be combusted for special testing and research purposes”).
11 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
12 Per fuel burned in the boiler. Report this based on higher heating value (HHV).
13 Per fuel burned in the boiler. Report this based on higher heating value (HHV).
14 Please indicate if more than one steam reheat cycle is utilized, and, if so, please provide information for both.
15 Please indicate if more than one steam reheat cycle is utilized, and, if so, please provide information for both.
16 Indicate the fuels utilized for the indicated boiler, and percentages, as indicated in questions 11 - 13.
17 The “ hours/year operated” would be the average of the actual number of hours the unit operated in 1 year based on the last 3 years of operation.
18 This can be treated as CBI and can be submitted through the proper CBI procedure if desired.
19 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
20 Examples: tangential-fired; cyclone; wall-fired; circulating fluidized bed (CFB)
21 Examples: low-NOx burners; selective catalytic reduction (SCR); selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR); over-fire air (OFA). Include specific date that control went online or planned operational date for new installation. If this boiler’s control configuration utilizes a SCR, please include the type of material from which the catalyst is manufactured and the type of reductant used in with the SCR (e.g., anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia, urea, other). Also, please note if the catalyst is specifically designed to reduce SO3 formation?
22 Examples: wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD; any type); dry scrubbing (any type); specify whether calcium- or sodium-based. Include specific date that control went online or planned operational date for new installation.
23 Examples: fabric filter; cold-side electrostatic precipitator (ESP); hot-side ESP; cyclone or multiclone; venturi scrubber. Include specific date that control went online or planned operational date for new installation.
24 Please indicate systems installed specifically to control any other pollutants (e.g., Hg, SO3, etc.). Examples: activated carbon injection (ACI); Powerspan ECO®; dry sorbent injection or wet ESP for SO3 control; flue gas conditioning to control opacity (e.g., SO3 injection, ammonia, other); additive use for mercury control (e.g., bromine; scrubber additives). Include specific date that control went online or planned operational date for new installation. Also include any pollutants controlled by this other technology (e.g., control technology [pollutant controlled]).
25 A control technology demonstration project is defined as a U.S. Government (e.g., U.S. Department of Energy program) sponsored (in whole or in part) project or mandate (e.g., as a result of a consent decree) that adds a HAP control technology to a facility’s unit to demonstrate the technology’s HAP removal performance.
26 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
27 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
28 If additive is used, please indicate injection point.
29 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
30 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
31 If additive is used, please indicate injection point.
32 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
33 If the boiler has separate permitted emission limits for filterable and condensable PM, respectively, please include those separate limits. Also include the compliance test method utilized.
34 List the compliance test method utilized.
35 List the compliance test method utilized.
36 Metal HAP include compounds of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium; indicate permit level for all metal HAP for which a permit limit is in place.
37 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
38 If the boiler has separate guaranteed emission rate for filterable and condensable PM, respectively, please include those separate emission rates.
39 Metal HAP include compounds of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium; indicate permit level for all metal HAP for which a permit limit is in place.
40 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
41 If the boiler’s monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements require your company to monitoring, keep records, and report filterable and condensable PM separately, please describe the separate actions required.
42 Metal HAP include compounds of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium; indicate permit level for all metal HAP for which a permit limit is in place.
43 This can be treated as CBI and can be submitted through the proper CBI procedure if desired.
44 The respondent should reply to this ICR with separate pages 18 through 24 (Part II) for each of their facilities.
45 EPA recognizes that facilities have (sometimes) several months inventory and that the amount received is not necessarily the same as the amount fired.
46 Boiler ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-860 (2007), “Annual Electric Generator Report,” schedule 6, part A, line 1, page 53, [for plants equal to or greater than 10 MW but less than 100 MW] or on schedule 6, part B, line 1, page 54, [for plants greater than 100 MW]) OR Generator ID (as reported on U.S. DOE/EIA Form EIA-923 (2008), “Power Plant Operations Report,” schedule 5, part A, page 8).
47 If known.
48 If known.
49 To the extent that a vendor provides these data or that a facility is required by State or local agency to analyze its fuel for HAP constituents (e.g., Cl, F), and any metallic HAP (e.g., Hg, Pb, As, Se, etc.), EPA wishes the responding facility to provide those fuel analyses results. Otherwise, this 12-month fuel analysis requirement can be bypassed by the respondent.
50 Metal HAP includes compounds of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium.
51 Where units are monitored by CEMS (either following CAMR, State, or NIST QA/QC procedures), and where data are available, EPA requests that these CEMS data be submitted by the respondent. The respondent should also mark the periods of start up, shut down and malfunction events (SSM) in the data sets.
52 Provide emission test data for all tests conducted since January 1, 2005. Please include test data acquired both before and after any control device. Use additional pages as necessary. EPA may, at some future date, request a copy of one or more emission test reports. Data generated to fulfill both Federal and State requirements must be provided. Note that data generated pursuant to CAA Title V must be maintained and available for 5 years. Also include averaging times and measurement units for all pollutants.
53 For each emissions test run the respondent should provide the following process information: Unit Load (MW), Net generation during run (MWh net), Flue gas moisture content (%), Flue gas flow rate (dscfm or Nm3/hr), Flue gas oxygen content (%, dry), Flue gas carbon dioxide content (%, dry), Flue gas temperature at sampling point (°F), Flue gas pressure at sampling point (atm), Standard temperature (°F), Standard pressure (atm).
54 If emission testing recorded the emissions of filterable and condensable PM, separately, please include those separate emission results. Also, please include separate emission results for total PM, PM10, and PM2.5.
55 Metal HAP include compounds of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium; indicate emission level for all metal HAP for which an emission test has been conducted.
56 Please provide separate results for total Hg, elemental Hg, oxidized Hg, and particulate Hg, as available. If the emissions testing recorded the amount of unburned carbon in fly ash (as reflected by the “Loss on Ignition” [L.O.I.]) at the time of any Hg testing, please include these data.
File Type | application/msword |
Author | bmaxwell |
Last Modified By | ctsuser |
File Modified | 2009-12-22 |
File Created | 2009-12-22 |