(Personal Interview)
OMB 0710-0001
Expires: 30 September 2012
The public report burden this information collection is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503, Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.
Please read each question carefully. Choose the most appropriate answer where choices are supplied. Mark the box beside the answer with an "X". Unless otherwise specified, the term boating season refers to the (Year) boating season.
1. How many years has there been a marina been at this location? _________ years
2. How many years have you been the operator of this marina? _________ years
3. Which services and facilities does your marina provide? Mark all categories that apply.
[ ] wet slips/moorings [ ] fuel/oil [ ] transient dockage
[ ] summer dry stack service [ ] motor repairs [ ] parking
[ ] launch ramp [ ] hull repair [ ] hoist
[ ] marine supplies [ ] boat/motor rentals [ ] slip electric hookup
[ ] boat/motor sales [ ] slip water hookup [ ] ice
[ ] pump-out facility [ ] gas dock store [ ] restrooms
[ ] restaurant [ ] other ____________ [ ] other______
4. Please indicate your dock structure type:
[ ] Fixed docks [ ] Floating docks [ ] Combination floating and fixed docks
5. How many slips are located at your marina for seasonal rent? _________________
6. How many slips are located at your marina for daily transient rent? _________
7. During the (Year) season, what percent of your seasonal slips were rented?
Seasonal occupancy: ___________%
8. If your occupancy rate was less than 100%, mark the reason(s) you feel contributed this. Mark all categories that apply.
[ ] poor boat sales [ ] high local unemployment
[ ] economic recession [ ] insufficient water depths
[ ] docks in need of repair [ ] competition from other boating facilities
[ ] decline in populations [ ] other (please specify)
preference for boating _____________________________________
9. Indicate the number of seasonal slip renters by boat type and length that used your marina during the (Year) boating season.
< 16' 16-20' 21-25' 26-39' 40-64' >64'
Boat Type
Outboard _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Inboard _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
I/O _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Sailboat _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
10. What is the basis for your slip rental fees for seasonal users?
Per Foot of Flat rate by slip
boat length __________ or dock length _________ Other__________
11. Does the rental rate include: Water Y N Electricity Y N
Winter Storage Y N
12. Please provide the (Year) rental rates for seasonal slip renters by the following boat class sizes/dock lengths:
< 16' 16-26' 26-39' 40-64' >64'
Boat Type
Power Boats $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______
Sail boats $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______
Other rates $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______ $_______
13. What is the daily transient rental fee? $________________
14. When can slip renters start to put their boats in the water and when do they have to have their boats out?
a. Earliest date boat can go in slip? ________ __________
Day Month
b. Latest date before boat must be out of water? ________ __________
Day Month
15. Estimate the percent distribution for the (Year) seasonal slip rental fleet by draft of their boat.
Boat draft Boat draft
< 0.5 Foot ________% 1.6- 2.0 Feet ________%
0.6- 1.0 Foot ________% 2.1- 2.5 Feet ________%
1.1- 1.5 Feet ________% > 2.5 Feet ________%
Information on water levels for the __________ area is provided below for the (Year) boating season as well as the period 1900 to (Year). Please refer to this information when answering the following questions.
A P R I L 1 T H R U
O C T O B E R 3 1
Monthly Levels
to (Year) Average
Daily - (Year) Boating Season
Maximum xxx.xx feet Month
Year xxx.xx feet Month Year
Minimum xxx.xx feet Month
Year xxx.xx feet Month Year
Average xxx.xx
feet xxx.xx feet
Variation xx.xx
feet xx.xx feet
When water levels were their highest during the (Year) boating season, what was the range of water depths (distance from water surface to bottom) throughout the following areas at your facility: (Sample answers, 5 Feet, 2 Inches, 7 Feet 9 Inches.)
Minimum Water Depth Maximum water Depth
Water depth at slips ________ Feet______ Inches ________Feet _____Inches
Depth at access channel
within the marina ________ Feet______ Inches ________Feet _____Inches
17. As compared to the highest water level during the (Year) boating season, how much higher or lower should water levels be for optimum (best) operation of your marina. (Sample answers: 1 Feet, 8 Inches, 0 Feet 6 Inches.)
How Much Higher Or How Much Lower
Slips ______Feet ______Inches ______Feet ______Inches
Access Channel
Within the Marina ______Feet ______Inches ______Feet ______Inches
As compared to the highest water level during the (Year) boating season, how much lower can water levels drop before the adverse impacts listed below would occur.
How much lower before:
(a) Some slips in marina
become unusable. ______Feet ______Inches
(b) At least half of the slips
in marina become unusable. ______Feet ______Inches
(c) The marina becomes
completely unusable. ______Feet ______Inches
19. As compared to the highest water level during the (Year) boating season, how much higher can water levels rise before the adverse impacts listed below would occur.
How much higher before:
(a) Docks or walkways are
underwater or unusable. ______Feet ______Inches
(b) Marina buildings/offices
begin to flood. ______Feet ______Inches
(c) Marina becomes
completely unusable. ______Feet ______Inches
20. For the period that you have operated this marina facility, choose the categories which best describe any impacts that affected the operation of your marina as a result of high water levels. Mark all categories that apply.
[ ] erosion of shoreline property [ ] inundated dryland facilities
[ ] wave damage to docks [ ] docks difficult to use
[ ] access problems from inadequate [ ] increased accessibility in narrow
clearance under bridges channels or shallow areas
[ ] greater depths allowed docking [ ] money was saved because dredging
of bigger boats was reduced or not necessary
[ ] longer boating season [ ] no need to shift boats during the
[ ] flooding of grounds [ ] flooding of buildings/office/equipment
[ ] ice damage [ ] other (please specify) ____________________
21. If high water levels have affected the operation of your marina, please check for each potential cause, to what degree you feel they have contributed to or caused these impacts.
Degree Potential Causes have Contributed to These Impacts
No Minor Moderate Major
Potential Cause Affect Affect Affect Affect
Natural Causes
(Rainfall, runoff) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Man Made Control
(Lake Level regulation [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Other (Please Specify)
___________________ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
22. For the period that you have operated this marina facility, choose the categories which best describe any impacts which affected the operation of your marina as a result of low water levels. (Mark all categories that apply.)
[ ] inadequate channel depths [ ] shorter boating season
[ ] insufficient depth at dock or berth [ ] reduction in number of useable
[ ] reduced storm damage [ ] reduced danger of flooding
[ ] dry rot of wood structures from [ ] rentals restricted to smaller exposure to air shallower draft boats
[ ] reduced accessibility in narrow [ ] docks difficult to use
channels or shallow areas
[ ] other (please specify)________________________________________
23. If low water levels have adversely impacted the operation of your marina, please check for each potential cause, to what degree you feel that they have contributed to these impacts.
Degree Potential Causes have Contributed to These Impacts
No Minor Moderate Major
Potential Cause Affect Affect Affect Affect
Natural Causes
(Rainfall, runoff) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Man Made Control
(Lake Level regulation) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Other (Please Specify)
______________________ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
24. Which of the following measures did you take to deal with the impacts from high water levels that you marked in question #20. Mark all categories that apply.
[ ] nothing [ ] temporarily closed slips or docks
[ ] added fill along the shoreline [ ] added to breakwall height
[ ] shortened the slip rental season [ ] modified dock height to new water level
[ ] temporarily closed the marina [ ] constructed adjustable/floatable docks
[ ] landfilled to raise ground elevation [ ] relocated the marina
[ ] floodproofed buildings/office [ ] did emergency measures( sandbags, pumping)
[ ] raised building/office contents [ ] other (please specify)
to higher elevation __________________________________
25. Which of the following measures did you take to deal with the low water levels impacts that you checked in question #22. Mark all categories that apply.
[ ] performed dredging [ ] constructed adjustable/floatable docks
[ ] did not use channels with low [ ] modified dock heights or length to
water level accommodate new water level
[ ] closed the marina [ ] did not rent slips with low water levels
[ ] relocated the marina [ ] replaced structures with dry rot
[ ] allowed a greater number of [ ] other (please specify)
smaller boats to rent slips _____________________________
26. The following information on your marina revenues and expenses for the (Year) boating season will allow us to better evaluate the economic impact of fluctuating water levels for all marinas throughout the Great Lakes.
Revenues and Expenses For The (Year) Boating Season
Revenue Category Revenues
Boat Slip Rental Number of slips rented _________ $_____________
In & Out Rack Storage Number rented _________ $_____________
Winter storage Number of boats stored _________ $_____________
Building Rental Income $_____________
Launch Ramp Revenue $_____________
Gasoline Sales $_____________
Pump-out Revenue $_____________
Other_____________________ $_____________
Sum of All Revenue Categories $_____________
26. (continued) Expenses (Year ) Expenses
Salaries And Wages (include employee benefits) $_____________
Advertising and promotion $_____________
Accounting, Legal & Professional services $_____________
Dock Replacement $_____________
Dredging $_____________
Taxes And licenses $_____________
Utilities (gas, electric, water, telephone) $_____________
Vehicle Expenses $_____________
Marina Insurance (Accident, Fire theft, Etc.) $_____________
General Office Supplies $_____________
Outside Services (Cleaning, security, Etc.) $_____________
Maintenance & Repairs (To docks, buildings, grounds) $_____________
Interest Expenses (On loans, to Partners, Etc.) $_____________
Amortization Expenses $_____________
Depreciation $_____________
Other (please specify)______________________ $_____________
Other (please specify)______________________ $_____________
Sum of All Expense Categories $_____________
27. Assume that the water level during the (Year) boating season was one foot less than the level indicated in your response to question 18a. In other words, assume that the water levels at your marina during the (Year) boating season remained at one foot less than where you indicated adverse impacts begin. Provide the increase in costs that you would have incurred next to the following categories listed below.
Increase in Costs
dredging costs $___________
wages and salaries (include employee benefits) $___________
cost of relocating docks (move docks to deeper water) $___________
cost for changing dock and walkway heights and lengths $___________
cost of installing new docks (docks floatable or adjustable) $___________
cost for moving around slip renters boats $___________
other (please specify) ______________________ $___________
other (please specify) ______________________ $___________
28 Assume that the water levels at your marina, during the (Year) boating season, remained at one foot less than where you indicated adverse impacts begin in question 18a. Provide the decrease in revenues that you would have incurred next to the categories listed below.
Boat Slip Rental $_________ In & Out Rack Storage $_________
Winter storage $_________ Building Rental Income $_________
Launch Ramp Revenue $_________ Gasoline Sales $_________
Pump-out Revenue $_________ Other_________________ $_________
Other______________ $_________ Other_________________ $_________
29. Assume that the water level during the (Year) boating season was one foot greater than the level indicated in your response to question 19 (a). In other words, assume that the water levels at your marina during the (Year) boating season remained one foot higher than where you indicated adverse impacts begin. Provide the increase/decrease in costs that you would have incurred next to the categories listed below.
Increases: Increased Costs
adding additional height to the marinas breakwater $___________
wages and salaries (include employee benefits) $___________
cost for changing dock and walkway heights and lengths $___________
cost of installing new docks (docks floatable or adjustable) $___________
floodproofing buildings/offices $___________
cost of raising building/office contents to higher elevation $___________
emergency measures (sandbags, pumping) $___________
landfill of low areas $___________
other (please specify ______________________ $___________
other (please specify ______________________ $___________
Decreases: Decrease In Costs
decrease in dredging costs $___________
decrease in cost of moving around slip renters boats $___________
other (please specify ______________________ $___________
other (please specify ______________________ $___________
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | MARINA SURVEY |
Author | Stuart Davis |
Last Modified By | Stuart A. Davis |
File Modified | 2009-05-21 |
File Created | 2005-10-03 |