(Personal Interview or Mail Survey)
OMB 0710-0001
Expires: 30 September 2012
The public report burden this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this data collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Executive Services Directorate, Information Management Division, and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503, Attn.: Desk Officer for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your completed form to either of these offices.
1. Trip Behavior
a. Current trip behavior
1. Is this visit part of a day trip or will you be away from home for one or more nights?
Day trip More than one day
2. Which of the following best describes the type of trip you are on? (Please check only one)
Single day trip Vacation trip
Overnight trip Other:
Weekend trip
3. How many days has it been since you started your trip? Days
How important was viewing the scenery to your decision to take a trip to this location?
Not at All Important |
Slightly Important |
Somewhat Important |
Quite Important |
Extremely Important |
How important was being close to nature in your decision to take a trip to this location?
Not at All Important |
Slightly Important |
Somewhat Important |
Quite Important |
Extremely Important |
How important was learning more about nature in your decision to take a trip to this location?
Not at All Important |
Slightly Important |
Somewhat Important |
Quite Important |
Extremely Important |
7. How important was viewing historic sites in your decision to take a trip to this location?
Not at All Important |
Slightly Important |
Somewhat Important |
Quite Important |
Extremely Important |
8. How important was doing some hiking in your decision to take a trip to this location?
Not at All Important |
Slightly Important |
Somewhat Important |
Quite Important |
Extremely Important |
9. How important was doing some fishing in your decision to take a trip to this location?
Not at All Important |
Slightly Important |
Somewhat Important |
Quite Important |
Extremely Important |
10. How important was doing some camping in your decision to take a trip to this location?
Not at All Important |
Slightly Important |
Somewhat Important |
Quite Important |
Extremely Important |
11. Which of the following statements best describes your reason for choosing [site name] as a destination?
I planned to visit several recreation areas on this trip, this is the main one
I planned to visit several recreation area on this trip, but this is not the main one
This destination is one of several recreation areas that I wanted to visit on this trip more or less equally.
I planned to visit family and/or friends, then while in the general area decided to visit here.
I planned to visit the general area for business, then while in the area decided to visit here.
b. General trip behavior
12. Do your [activity] trips usually occur during? (Check only one)
Weekends or Holidays only ____ Weekdays only ____ Both
2. Trip purpose
13. Is [site name] your only destination on this trip or is it one of several places you are visiting?
Only destination
One of several
14. Is [site name] the first destination on this trip?
15. Is your visit to [site name] the main destination of your trip?
YES NO IF NO, where is your main destination?
16. Was [site name] the final destination on your trip or just one stop along the way?
(check one)
Final stop
Just one stop
IF [site name] was just one stop, how many miles out of your way did you travel to visit it? Write 0 if you didn’t travel any extra miles. Extra miles (one way)
17. Is your visit part of a:
Vacation pleasure trip
Business trip
Combined business/pleasure trip
Other (specify _____________________)
3. Off-site trip characteristics
18. Where did you stay overnight before arriving here?
19. What destinations did you go to before coming here? (List destinations in the order that you visited them)
Name |
Name |
City |
City |
State |
State |
County |
County |
Main Activity |
Main Activity |
(Note: main activity can include non-recreational activities., e.g. visiting family, business) |
(Note: main activity can include non-recreational activities., e.g. visiting family, business) |
Time spent at site (not including travel time) |
Time spent at site (not including travel time) |
Days hours |
days hours |
Means of transportation to get to above destination. |
Means of transportation to get to above destination. |
(The above format can be repeated as many times as necessary)
20. Where will you stay overnight after you leave here?
How many days of your trip thus far have you spent in [geographic region]?
________ days
22. How many days of your trip after you leave here will you spend in [geographic area]? _____ days
23. Have you visited other recreation areas on this trip so far?
IF YES, which areas and for how long?
Areas: A ______; B________; C_______
Length of stay: A_____;B_____; C______
24. Will you visit other recreation areas on this trip after you leave here?
IF YES, which areas and for how long?
Areas: A ________; B _________; C ________
Length of stay: A _____; B ______; C _______
4. Trip planning
25. In planning this trip did you attempt to avoid crowds by selecting a time when you though the fewest number of people would be at [site name]?
IF YES, what time did you select to avoid crowds?
(The above question can be modified to identify if respondents are selecting a particular time of the year, week, or day to avoid crowds. The question as written above, will have to have the particular time frame specified before it is put into use.)
5. Trip satisfaction
26. Overall, how satisfied were you with this [activity] trip?
(please check only one)
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
Extremely unsatisfied
6. Accommodations used
27. What type of overnight accommodations are you mostly using on this trip?
Other (specify )
7. Transportation
a. Form of transportation
28. How did you travel to this recreation area? (check one)
Hike Passenger vehicle
Bicycle Motorhome
Bus Camper
Other (specify: )
29. How did you reach [site name]? (check only one)
In a car On motorcycle
In a truck (including 4-wheel drive) On foot
In a van On bicycle
In a motorhome Other (specify)
b. Distance traveled
Questions in this section deal with distance the respondent has traveled to reach the site. In order to obtain accurate answers these questions, the manager or researcher constructing the questionnaire must consider the specificity of information requested. When mileage is asked, it should be specified if this is one-way or round-trip mileage. Also, lack of specificity in the site name can create problems as well. For example, while it may be less than one mile from the respondent’s home to the shore of a lake, it may be 15 miles to the nearest place he or she can launch a boat on that lake.
30. On average, how far is it from your home to the places where you usually [activity]?
31. On average, how often do you visit Army Corps of Engineer areas each year? (check one)
1-2 _ 8-14
3-4 _ 15 or more
5-7 ____ Never have visited before
1. Gender
32. What is your sex? female male
33. How many men and women are in your group?
men _____ women
34. Starting with yourself, please list all the people in your party by writing their relationship to you (e.g. wife, son, friend, etc.) their age and gender for all party members.
party members relationship to you |
Age |
sex (circle one) |
Person no. 1 |
You |
M F |
Person no. 2 |
M F |
Person no. 3 |
M F |
Person no. 4 |
M F |
Person no. 5 |
M F |
2. Age
35. How old were you on your last birthday?
years old
36. How many of the people in your group were in each of the following age groups?
<12 |
12-17 |
18-25 |
26-35 |
36-45 |
46-55 |
56-65 |
>65 |
(An advantage to use of categories in asking for the ages of a group is that the respondent may not know the actual ages of everyone in his or her party. The use of categories requires that respondents only know the approximate age of each party member.)
3. Education
37. What is the highest grade you have completed in school?
(Please circle one)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Elementary school Jr. High High school College Graduate school
4. Place of residence
38. Where is your principle home residence?
(state) (town/city) (zip code)
5. Group Composition
39. How many people are/were in your group?
40. On average, how many people are in your group when you [activity]?
1 (alone) 2-3 ____ 4-5 ____ 6-7 ____ 8 or more
41. Which of the following best describes your group?
Family |
Business associates |
Friends |
An Individual Alone |
Family and friends |
Other |
42. If it was an organized group, please give the name of the group below:
6. Employment Status
43 Are you presently?
Employed full-time |
Unemployed |
Employed part-time |
Retired |
Student full-time |
Disabled |
Full-time homemaker |
44. What is your occupation? ______________________________
45. (If married) Is your husband or wife currently...
Employed full-time |
Unemployed |
Employed part-time |
Retired |
Student full-time |
Disabled |
Full-time homemaker |
46. Please indicate which group represents your total pre-tax household income for last year? Please circle one box.
Less than $10,000 |
$50,000-$74,999 |
$10,000-$14,999 |
$75,000-$99,999 |
$15,000-$24,999 |
$100,000-$149,999 |
$25,000-$34,999 |
$150,000-$199,999 |
$35,000-$49,999 |
$200,000 or more |
47. In total how many persons live in your household including yourself?
48. What is your marital status?
single married divorced widowed
49. How many children do you have? ______________
What are their ages? ________________________
50. How would you describe your household? (Mark only one)
Single person with no children at home
Single person with children at home
Two persons with no children at home
Two persons with children at home
Multiple persons with no children at home
Multiple persons with children at home
8. Race/Ethnicity
51. Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
52. Which of the following best describes your race?
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Stuart Davis |
Last Modified By | Stuart A. Davis |
File Modified | 2009-05-28 |
File Created | 2005-07-15 |