1.3 ATTC Pre-Event ATTC Pre-Event Form Training

National Cross-Site Assessment of Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTC) Network

Attachment 1-3 ATTC PreEvent Form Training


OMB: 0930-0216

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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices

and Budget, New Executive Office

Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC


Dated: December 19, 2006.

Caroline Lewis,

Acting Associate Administrator for

Administration and Financial Management.

[FR Doc. E6–22138 Filed 12–26–06; 8:45 am]




National Institutes of Health

Submission for OMB Review;

Comment request; The

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities

Study (ARIC)



Under the provisions of

Section 3507(a)(1)(D) of the Paperwork

Reduction Act of 1995. the National

Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

(NHLBI), the National Institutes of

Health (NIH) has submitted to the Office

of Management and Budget (OMB) a

request for review and approval the

information collection listed below.

This proposed information collection

was previously published in the Federal

Register on August 28, 2006, pages

50924–50925, and allowed 60-days for

public comments. Only one comment

was received. The purpose of this notice

is to allow an additional 30 days for

public comment. The National Institutes

of Health may not conduct or sponsor,

and the respondent is not required to

respond to, an information collection

that has been extended, revised, or

implemented on or after October 1,

1995, unless it displays a currently

OMB control number.

Proposed Collection: Title: The

Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities

Study (ARIC).

Type of Information Collection

Request: Revision of a currently

approved collection (OMB NO. 0925–


Need and Use of Information

Collection: This project involves annual

follow-up by telephone of participants

in the ARIC study, review of their

medical records, and interviews with

doctors and family to identify disease

occurrence. Interviewers will contact

doctors and hospitals to ascertain

participants’ cardiovascular events.

Information gathered will be used to

further describe the risk factors,

occurrence rates, and consequences of

cardiovascular disease in middle aged

and older men and women.

Frequency of Response: The

participants will be contacted annually.

Affected Public: Individuals or

households: Businesses or other for

profit; Small businesses or


Type of Respondents: Individuals or

households; doctors and staff of

hospitals and nursing homes. The

annual reporting burden is as follows:

Estimated Number of Respondents:


Estimated Number of Responses per

Respondent: 1.0;

Average Burden Hours per Response:

0.242; and

Estimated Total Annual Burden

Hours Requested: 3,108. The annualized

cost to respondents is estimated at

$60,525, assuming respondents’ time at

the rate of $16.5 per hour for family and

patient respondents, and $75 per hour

for physicians. There are not Capital

Costs to report. There are no Operation

or Maintenance Costs to report.









Type of response

Number of re-


Frequency of


Average time

per response

Annual hour


Participant Follow-up .......................................................................................






Physician, hospital, nursing home staff







Participant’s next-of-kin .................................................................................












Annual burden is placed on doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, and respondent relatives/informants through requests for information which will

help in the compilation of the number and nature of new fatal and nonfatal events.

Request for Comments: Written

comments and/or suggestions from the

public and affected agencies should

address one or more of the following

points: (1) Evaluate whether the

proposed collection of information is

necessary for the proper performance of

the function of the agency, including

whether the information will have

practical utility; (2) Evaluate the

accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the

burden of the proposed collection of

information, including the validity of

the methodology and assumptions used;

(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and

clarity of the information to be

collected; and (4) Minimize the burden

of the collection of information on those

who are to respond, including the use

of appropriate automated, electronic,

mechanical, or other technological

collection techniques or other forms of

information technology.

Direct Comments to OMB: Written

comments and/or suggestions regarding

the item(s) contained in this notice,

especially regarding the estimated

public burden and associated response

time, should be directed to the: Office

of Management and Budget, Office of

Regulatory Affairs, New Executive

Office Building, Room 10235,

Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Desk

Officer for NIH. To request more

information on the proposed project or

to obtain a copy of the data collection

plans and instruments, contact; Dr.

Hanyu Ni, NIH, NHLBI, 6701 Rockledge

Drive, NSC 7934, Bethesda, MD 20892–

7934, or call non-toll-free number (301)

435–0448 or E-mail your request,

including your address to:

[email protected].

Comments Due Date: Comments

regarding this information collection are

based assured of having their full effect

if received within 30-days of the date of

this publication.

Dated: December 20, 2006.

Peter Savage,

Acting Director, National Institutes of Health.

[FR Doc. 06–9874 Filed 12–26–06; 8:45 am]




Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Services Administration

Agency Information Collection

Activities: Submission for OMB

Review; Comment Request

Periodically, the Substance Abuse and

Mental Health Services Administration

(SAMHSA) will publish a summary of

information collection requests under

OMB review, in compliance with the

Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.

Chapter 35). To request a copy of these

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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices

documents, call the SAMHSA Reports

Clearance Officer on (240) 276–1243.

Project: Addiction Technology Transfer

Centers (ATTC) Network Program

Monitoring (OMB No. 0930–0216)—


The Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Administration’s (SAMHSA)

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

(CSAT) will continue to monitor

program performance of its Addiction

Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs).

The ATTCs disseminate current health

services research from the National

Institute on Drug Abuse, National

Institute on Alcohol Abuse and

Alcoholism, National Institute of Mental

Health, Agency for Health Care Policy

and Research, National Institute of

Justice, and other sources, as well as

other SAMHSA programs. To

accomplish this, the ATTCs develop

and update state-of-the-art, research-

based curricula and professional

development training.

Each of the forms is described below.

There are no changes to any of the

forms. Sixty percent of the forms are

administered in person to participants

at educational and training events, who

complete the forms by paper and pencil.

Ten percent of the training courses are

online, and thus, those forms are

administered online. The remaining

thirty percent is made up of those 30-

day follow-up forms that are distributed

to consenting participants via electronic

mail using an online survey tool.

Event Description: The event

description form asks approximately 10

questions of the ATTC faculty/staff for

each of the ATTC events. The approved

form asks the event focus, format, and

publications to be used in the event.

Technical Assistance and Meeting

Pre-event Information: The ATTCs

provide technical assistance, which is a

jointly planned consultation generally

involving a series of contacts between

the ATTC and an outside organization/

institution during which the ATTC

provides expertise and gives direction

toward resolving a problem or

improving conditions. A meeting is an

ATTC sponsored or co-sponsored event

in which a group of people representing

one or more agencies other than the

ATTC work cooperatively on a project,

problem, and/or a policy. For technical

assistance and meeting events, the pre-

event information form asks

approximately 10 questions of each

individual who participated in the

event. The approved form asks the

participants to report their demographic

information, education, work setting,

responsibilities, and training goals.

Satisfaction measures after each

technical assistance and meeting event

and at 30-day follow-up will be

collected using the CSAT Government

Performance and Results Act (GPRA)

Customer Satisfaction forms. The

burden has been approved under OMB

# 0930–0197.

Training Forms

Trainings are defined as ATTC

sponsored or co-sponsored events,

mainly focusing on the enhancement of

knowledge and/or skills of counselors

and other professionals who work with

individuals with substance use

disorder-related problems. The study

design for trainees will include a

description of each event, and a pre-post

survey that collects identical

information at initiation of ATTC

courses/trainings, at the completion of

the course/training, and again after 30


Pre-Event Information Form for

Training: The pre-event information

form for training asks approximately 10

questions of each participant in the

training. The approved form asks the

participants to report demographic

information, education, work setting,

responsibilities, and training goals.

Post-Event Information Form for

Training: The Post-Event Information

Form for Training asks approximately

30 questions of each individual that

participated in the training. The

approved form asks the participants to

report demographic information,

satisfaction with the quality of the

training and training materials, and to

assess their level of skills in the topic


Followup Information Form for

Training: The Followup Information

Form for Training asks about 10

questions of about 25% of consenting

participants. The approved form asks

the participants to report demographic

information, satisfaction with the

quality of the training and training

materials, and to assess their level of

skills in the topic area.

This information will assist CSAT in

documenting the numbers and types of

participants in ATTC events, describing

the extent to which participants report

improvement in their clinical

competency, and which method is most

effective in disseminating knowledge to

various audiences. This type of

information is crucial to support CSAT

in complying with GPRA reporting

requirements and will inform future

development of knowledge

dissemination activities.

The chart below summarizes the

annualized burden for this project.

Type of respondent


ber of






per re-




per re-






Faculty/staff: Event Description Form ............................................................................................................





Meeting and Technical Assistance Participants:Pre-Event Information Form ...............................................





Training Participants:

Pre-Event Information Form ....................................................................................................................





Post-Event Information Form ..................................................................................................................





Followup Information ...............................................................................................................................











Written comments and

recommendations concerning the

proposed information collection should

be sent by January 26, 2007 to:

SAMHSA Desk Officer, Human

Resources and Housing Branch, Office

of Management and Budget, New

Executive Office Building, Room 10235,

Washington, DC 20503; due to potential

delays in OMB’s receipt and processing

of mail sent through the U.S. Postal

Service, respondents are encouraged to

submit comments by fax to: 202–395–


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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 248 / Wednesday, December 27, 2006 / Notices

Dated: December 18, 2006.

Elaine Parry,

Acting Director, Office of Program Services.

[FR Doc. E6–22117 Filed 12–26–06; 8:45 am]




Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Services Administration

Agency Information Collection

Activities: Submission for OMB

Review; Comment Request

Periodically, the Substance Abuse and

Mental Health Services Administration

(SAMHSA) will publish a summary of

information collection requests under

OMB review, in compliance with the

Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.

Chapter 35). To request a copy of these

documents, call the SAMHSA Reports

Clearance Officer on (240) 276–1243.

Proposed Project: Cross-site Evaluation

of the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial

Suicide Prevention and Early

Intervention Programs—New

The Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Services Administration’s

(SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health

Services (CMHS) will conduct the cross-

site evaluation of the Garrett Lee Smith

Memorial Suicide Prevention and Early

Intervention State/Tribal Programs and

the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Suicide

Prevention Campus Programs. The data

collected through the cross-site

evaluation will address four stages of

program activity: (1) The context stage

will assess the existing databases and

availability of data sources, (2) the

product stage will describe the products

and services that are developed and

utilized by these programs, (3) the

process stage will assess the progress on

key activities and milestones related to

implementation of program plans, and

(4) the impact stage will assess the

impact of program activities on youth/

students, gatekeepers, faculty/staff, and

program partners within States/Tribal

sites and campus sites. In addition,

enhanced evaluation efforts are planned

for the Tennessee Lives Count Suicide

Prevention Program. The purpose of the

enhanced evaluation is to expand upon

self-evaluation and cross-site evaluation

efforts to evaluate medium- and long-

term outcomes associate with suicide

prevention program activities.

There are 36 State/Tribal programs

and 55 Campus programs participating

in the cross-site evaluation. Data will be

collected from suicide prevention

program staff (project directors,

evaluators), key program stakeholders

(state/local officials, child-serving

agency directors, gatekeepers, mental

health providers, campus

administrators), training participants,

college students, and campus faculty/

staff. Data collection for the cross-site

evaluation will be conducted over a

three-year period that spans FY2007

through FY2009. Because the State/

Tribal grantees differ from the campus

grantees in programmatic approaches,

specific data collection activities also

vary by type of program. The following

describes the specific data collection

activities and the sixteen data collection

instruments to be used, followed by a

summary table of number of

respondents and respondent burden:

Existing Database Inventory (2

versions). The Existing Database

Inventory includes two versions to be

administered to one respondent from (1)

The 36 State/Tribal grantees and (2) the

55 Campus grantees. The Existing

Database Inventory will be completed

once in year one and once in year three

of the cross-site evaluation by program

staff. The questions included assess the

availability of existing data, the

integration of data systems, and the data

elements that may or may not be

collected in each system. The Existing

Database Inventory will take

approximately 30 minutes to complete

and the number of existing databases

within each grantee site will determine

the number of items to complete.

Questions on the Existing Database

Inventory are open-ended and multiple


Product and Services Inventory-

State/Tribal (2 versions). The Product

and Services Inventory for State/Tribal

grantees includes 2 versions. The State/

Tribal grantees will complete the State/

Tribal Product and Services Inventory-

Baseline version once in year one of the

cross-site evaluation and the State/

Tribal Product and Services Inventory-

Follow-up version quarterly thereafter

in years two and three. The baseline

version assesses the development and

utilization of products and services

during the first year of grant funding,

and the follow-up version updates the

development of products and services

on a quarterly basis. These products and

services may include awareness

campaign products and materials; risk

identification training materials and

workshops; and enhanced services,

including early intervention, family

support, and postsuicide intervention

services, as well as evidence-based

programs. Both versions of the State/

Tribal Product and Services Inventory

will take approximately 45 minutes and

the number of products and services

developed and utilized within each

grantee site will determine the number

of items to complete. Questions on both

versions of the State/Tribal Product and

Services Inventory are open-ended and

multiple choice.

Product and Services Inventory-

Campus (2 versions). The Product and

Services Inventory for Campus grantees

includes 2 versions. The Campus

grantees will complete the Campus

Product and Services Inventory-Baseline

version once in year one of the cross-site

evaluation and will complete the

Campus Product and Services

Inventory-Follow-up version quarterly

thereafter in years two and three. The

baseline version assesses the

development and utilization of products

and services during the first year of

grant funding, and the follow-up version

updates the development of products

and services on a quarterly basis. These

products and services may include

awareness campaign products and

materials; risk identification training

materials and workshops; and enhanced

services, including early intervention,

family support, and postsuicide

intervention services, as well as

evidence-based programs. Both versions

of the Campus Product and Services

Inventory will take approximately 45

minutes and the number of products

and services developed and utilized

within each grantee site will determine

the number of items to complete.

Questions on both versions of the State/

Tribal Product and Services Inventory

are open-ended and multiple choice.

Referral Network Survey (1 version).

The Referral Network Survey will be

administered to representatives of

organizations and/or agencies involved

in the referral networks that support the

36 State/Tribal suicide prevention

programs. The 14 State/Tribal grantees

funded in October 2005 will receive two

administrations of the Referral Network

Survey and the 22 State/Tribal grantees

funded in June and October 2006 will

receive 3 administrations. It is estimated

that for each of the 36 State/Tribal

referral networks, there are

approximately 20 agencies/

organizations involved. Therefore,

assuming 2 appropriate respondents per

agency/organizations and an 80%

response rate, we estimated that 3,008

respondents would complete the

Referral Network Survey, or 1,003

annually. The questions included on the

Referral Network Survey will describe

the referral networks, the agencies and

organizations involved and at what level

and the types of agency agreements and

protocols are in place to support youth

who are identified at risk for suicide.

Questions on the Referral Network

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2006-12-27
File Created2006-12-27

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