Other states/territories reporting of bluefin tuna landings and call-backs for fish over 73"

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Recreational Landings Reports

0328 bluefin tuna IVR

Other states/territories reporting of bluefin tuna landings and call-backs for fish over 73"

OMB: 0648-0328

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NMFS IVR Call Script 7_2009
GenCat1,NOTE. 2009 vessel permits are now available. Please visit
w.w.w. dot h m s permits dot g.o.v. to apply... The h.m.s. permitting
and landings reporting data collection programs comply with the
paperwork reduction act and are authorized by the office of management
and budget. . The office of management and budget control numbers and
expiration dates for these data collections may be obtained by
contacting the H.M.S. management division at 3.0.1..7.1.3..
by calling customer service at 8.8.8..8.7.2..,
GenCat2,.. The coastwide General category Atlantic bluefin tuna fishery
is currently open.,
GenCat3,..the daily retention limit for vessels fishing under the
General category is three blue fin tuna per day slash trip. these fish
must measure 73 inches or greater curved fork length,
GenCat4,.. These bluefin tuna retention limits are effective for all
areas. except the gulf of mexico. The gulf of mexico is designated as
a spawning ground for bluefin tuna. .Therefore vessels are not allowed
to target these fish in this area,
GenCat5,.. The final 2009 blue fin tuna quota specification and effort
controls are now available. please visit w.w.w. dot h m s permits dot
g.o.v. to obtain a copy.,
AngCat1,.. NOTE. 2009 vessel permits are now available. Please visit
w.w.w. dot h.m. s. permits dot g. o. v. to apply... The h.m.s.
permitting and landings reporting data collection programs comply with
the paperwork reduction act and are authorized by the office of
management and budget. . The office of management and budget control
numbers and expiration dates for these data collections may be obtained
by contacting the H.M.S. management division at
3.0.1..7.1.3.. by calling customer service at
8.8.8..8.7.2.. coastwide recreational Atlantic bluefin tuna
fishery is currently open. . ,
AngCat2,..The daily bluefin tuna retention limit is one bluefin tuna.
measuring between 27 to less than 47 inches curved fork length. plus
one bluefin tuna. measuring between 47 to less than 73 inches curved
fork length. . In addition to the daily retention limit. vessels are
allowed 1 trophy bluefin tuna. measuring 73 inches or greater per
vessel per year. These bluefin tuna retention limits are effective for
all areas. except the gulf of mexico. The gulf of mexico is designated
as a spawning ground for bluefin tuna. .Therefore vessels are not
allowed to target these fish in this area Vessels may catch and
release. or tag. and release bluefin tuna of all size classes. The gulf
of mexico is designated as a spawning ground for bluefin tuna.
.Therefore vessels are not allowed to target these fish in this area
Vessels may catch and release. or tag. and release bluefin tuna of all
size classes.,

AngCat3,.. The recreational yellowfin tuna daily retention limit is 3
yellowfin per person. The minimum size for yellowfin and bigeye tuna
is 27 inches curved fork length. There are no recreational limits for
bigeye. skipjack. or albacore tunas. .,
AngCat4,.. The current recreational daily swordfish retention limit is
one fish per person. with a maximum of 4 fish per vessel. The minimum
size for a recreational swordfish is 47 inches lower jaw fork length.
You may not keep long bill spear fish. There are no retention limits
for Atlantic sailfish. blue marlin. and white marlin. but NOAH
Fisheries encourages recreational anglers to release all bill fish
alive. . to obtain a tagging kit or report a tag recovery. .
contact the cooperative tagging program at 1. 800. 4. 7. 3. 3. 9.
3. 6. ,
AngCat5,..The final 2009 blue fin tuna quota specification and effort
controls are now available. please visit www dot h m s permits dot g o
v. to obtain a copy. . ,
ChartCat1,.. 2009 vessel permits are now available. Please visit w.w.w
dot h. m. s. permits dot g. o. v. to apply. The h.m.s. permitting and
landings reporting data collection programs comply with the paperwork
reduction act and are authorized by the office of management and
budget. . The office of management and budget control numbers and
expiration dates for these data collections may be obtained by
contacting the H.M.S. management division at 3.0.1..7.1.3..
by calling customer service at 8.8.8..8.7.2.. ,
ChartCat2,.. Anglers aboard vessels permitted in the H. M. S. Charter
Headboat category may fish under either. the Angling or General
category retention limits. . The size class of the first bluefin tuna
retained will determine the fishing category of all persons aboard the
vessel for a given day. .The coastwide General category Atlantic
bluefin tuna fishery is currently open. The final 2009 blue fin tuna
quota specification and effort controls are now available. please
visit www dot h m s permits dot g o v. to obtain a copy.,
ChartCat3,..The daily bluefin tuna retention limit is one bluefin tuna.
measuring between 27 to less than 47 inches curved fork length. plus
one bluefin tuna. measuring between 47 to less than 73 inches curved
fork length. . In addition to the daily retention limit. vessels are
allowed 1 trophy bluefin tuna. measuring 73 inches or greater per
vessel per year. . .
These bluefin tuna retention limits are
effective for all areas. except the gulf of mexico. The gulf of mexico
is designated as a spawning ground for bluefin tuna. therefore vessels
are not allowed to target these fish in this area.. ,
ChartCat4,.. The recreational yellowfin tuna daily retention limit is
3 yellowfin per person. The minimum size for yellowfin and bigeye tuna
is 27 inches curved fork length. There are no recreational limits for
bigeye. skipjack. or albacore tunas. .,
ChartCat5,..The current recreational daily swordfish retention limit is
one fish per person. with a maximum of 6 fish per charter vessel .

and a maximum of 15 fish per head boat vessels . The minimum size for
a recreational swordfish is 47 inches lower jaw fork length. You may
not keep long bill spear fish. There are no retention limits for
Atlantic sailfish. blue marlin. and white marlin. but NOAH Fisheries
encourages recreational anglers to release all bill fish alive. . to
obtain a tagging kit or report a tag recovery. . contact the
cooperative tagging program at 1. 800. 4. 7. 3. 3. 9. 3. 6.,
Welcome to the National Marine Fisheries Voice activated System where you can speak your choices.
Here’s what I can help you with. You can say “Fishing Permits”, “Report Landings” or “Tournament
Information”. You can also say “More choices”.
We’re back at the main menu. You can say “Fishing Permits”, “Report Landings”, “Tournament
Information” or “More choices”.
Please say “Fishing Permits”, “Report Landings”, “Tournament Information” or “More choices”. <1.5
second pause> To speak with a customer service representative say “operator”
Let’s try once more using your keypad. To renew, change or check the status of a fishing permit press 1.
To Report a landing press 2. For Tournament Information press 3. To hear more choices press 4. To speak
with a customer service representative press 0
Sorry, which one? <1.5 second pause> “Fishing Permits”, “Report Landings”, “Tournament Information”
or “More choices”. <1.5 second pause> To speak with a customer service representative say “operator”
Let’s try once more. To renew, change or check the status of a fishing permit press 1. To Report a landing
press 2. For tournament information press 3. To hear more choices press 4. To speak with a customer
service representative press 0
My Mistake, Let’s try again. Say “Fishing Permits” or press 1, “Report Landings” or press 2,
“Tournament Information” or press 3, “More Choices” or press 4. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0
To renew, change or check the status of a fishing permit press 1. To Report a Landing press 2. For
Tournament Information press 3. For regulation updates, Tuna ID guides or permit applications press 4.
To speak with a customer service representative press 0
From here you can listen to tournament rules or you can have a tournament package mailed to you. Now
say “Tournament Rules” or “Tournament package”
Say “Tournament Rules” or “Tournament package”. You can also say “Main Menu”
To hear tournament rules press 1. To have a tournament package mailed to you press 2. To return to the
main menu press 3. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Sorry, which one? <1.5 second pause> Say “Tournament Rules” “Tournament package” or “Main Menu”.

Lets try once more. To hear tournament rules press 1. To have a tournament package mailed to you press
2. To return to the main menu press 3. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. Say “Tournament Rules” or press 1. “Tournament package” or press 2.
“Main Menu” or press 3. “Operator” or press 0.
I can either play tournament rules over the phone for you or help you get a tournament package. To hear
tournament rules press 1. To have a tournament package mailed to you press 2. To return to the main
menu press 3. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Registration is required for any fishing tournament involving the catch and or landing of Atlantic highly
migratory species, including Atlantic tunas, shark, sword fish or billfish. Regulations require that a
tournament operator notify National Marine Fisheries of the purpose, date and location of the tournament if
it is conducted from a port in an Atlantic coastal state. This includes Puerto Rico and the US Virgin
Islands. The tournament must be reported at least 4 weeks prior to commencement of the event. National
Marine Fisheries will notify the tournament operator, in writing, when his or her tournament has been
selected for reporting. The tournament operator must maintain and submit to National Marine Fisheries a
record of catch and effort using forms provided by National Marine Fisheries. Tournament operators must
submit completed forms within 7 days of the conclusion of the tournament and much attach a copy of the
tournament rules.
To hear that again say “Repeat that”. If you’d like to receive a tournament registration package say
“Tournament package”
To hear tournament rules again say “Repeat that”. Otherwise say “Tournament Package”. You can also
say “Main Menu”.
To repeat the tournament rules press *. To have a tournament packaged mailed to you press 1. To return to
the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Sorry, what was that? <1.5 second pause> Say “Repeat That” “Tournament package” or “Main Menu”.
You can also say “Operator”
Let’s try once more. To repeat the tournament rules press *. To have a tournament packaged mailed to you
press 1. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
My mistake. Let’s try again. To repeat the tournament rules press *. To have a tournament packaged
mailed to you press 1. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service representative
press 0.
To repeat the tournament rules press *. To have a tournament package mailed to you press 1. To return to
the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
From here you can say. “New Permits” “Permit Renewals”, or “Check permit status”. To apply by mail
say “Permit Package”. Please note: Not all permits are transferable between vessels. <2.0 second pause>
To update your address or phone number, or to change vessel ownership say “operator”.
Were back at the Permits Menu. You can say “New Permits” “Permit Renewals”, or “Check permit
status”. To apply by mail say “Permit Package”. <2.0 second pause> To update your address or phone
number, change vessel ownership or to speak with a customer service representative say “operator”.

Please say “New Permits” “Permit Renewals”, or “Check permit status”. To apply by mail say “Permit
Package”. To update your address or phone number, change vessel ownership or to speak with a customer
service representative say “operator
Let’s try once more. For new permits press 1. To renew an existing permit press 2. To check the status of
a permit press 3. To have a Permit Package mailed to you press 4. To update your address, phone number
or to change vessel ownership press 0. To return to the main menu press #
Sorry, what was that?  Say “New Permits” “Permit Renewals”, or “Check permit status”. To
apply by mail say “Permit Package”. You can also say “Operator”
Let’s try once more. For new permits press 1, To renew an existing permit press 2. To check the status of a
permit press 3. To have a Permit Package mailed to you press 4. To update your address, phone number or
to change vessel ownership press 0 to speak with an operator.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. Say “New Permits” or press 1. “Permit Renewals” or press 2. “Check
permit status” or press 3. To apply by mail say “Permit Package” or press 4. To update your address or
phone number, change vessel ownership or to speak with a customer service representative say “operator”
or press 0. For the main menu press #.
For new permits press 1, To Permit Renewals press 2. To check the status of a permit press 3. To have a
Permit Package mailed to you press 4. To get a copy of a permit, update your address, phone number or to
change vessel ownership press 0 to speak with an operator. To return to the Main menu press #.
You can use this system to renew the following 3 types of permits only. Atlantic Tuna, Atlantic HMS
Angling, or Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat . To renew one of these permits say “Continue”. Otherwise
say “Other Permits”
If you’re calling to renew an Atlantic tuna, an Atlantic HMS, or an Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permit,
say “Continue”. If not, say “Other Permits”.
Here are the permits you can renew using this system. The Atlantic tuna. The Atlantic HMS Angling, or
the Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat . If you’re calling to renew one of these permits press 1. For
information on how to renew other types of permits press 2.
Pardon? <1.5 second pause> To renew an Atlantic tuna, Atlantic HMS Angling, or Atlantic HMS
Charter/Headboat say “Continue”. Otherwise say “Other Permits”
Let’s try once more. To renew a Atlantic tuna, Atlantic HMS Angling, or Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat
permit press 1. For other permits press 2.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. If your calling to renew an Atlantic tuna, an Atlantic HMS Angling, or an
Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permit say “Continue” or press 1. If not press 2.
Currently we can renew Atlantic tuna, Atlantic HMS Angling, or Atlantic HMS Charter/Headboat permits.
To renew one of these permits say “Continue”. Otherwise say “Other Permits”

In the next few years, National Marine Fisheries plans to make other permits renewable through this
system. Until then please contact one of the following permitting offices. You’ll have a chance to hear this
information again.To contact the Northeast permitting office please call 978-281-9438. For the Southeast
permitting office please call 727-824-5326.
You can say “Repeat that” or “Main Menu”
To hear the numbers again press 1. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
Sorry, what was that? <1.5 second> Say “Repeat that” or “Main Menu”.
Let’s try once more. To hear the phone numbers again press 1. To return to the main menu press #. To
speak with a customer service representative press 0.
To contact the Northeast permitting office please call 978-281-9438.
For the Southeast permitting office please call 727-824-5326.
Are you the owner/operator of this vessel OR fully authorized by the owner/operator to renew this permit?
Please say yes if you are the owner/operator of this vessel OR fully authorized by the owner/operator to
renew this permit. If not, say “No”.
If you are the owner/operator of this vessel OR if you are fully authorized by the owner/operator to renew
this permit press 1. Otherwise press 2.
Was that yes or no?
If you are the owner/operator of this vessel OR if you are fully authorized by the owner/operator to renew
this permit Press 1. Otherwise press 2.
Please say Yes if you are the owner/operator of this vessel OR if are fully authorized by the
owner/operator to renew this permit. If not say “No”
Ok, please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign, or.say it one digit at a time.
Please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign <1.5 second pause> If you don’t know
the number say “I don’t have it”.
Please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign. <1.5 second pause> You can find the
number on the upper left side of your permit. <1 second pause> You can also say “I don’t have it”.
To renew your permit, please enter the 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign or say “I don’t
have it”.
Please enter or say the number again. <1.5 second pause> You can also say “I don’t have it”.

Let’s try once more. Please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign or say “I don’t
have it”.
Please say or enter your 8-digit permit number, one digit at a time followed by the pound sign. You can
also say “I don’t have it”.
Hold one moment.
I didn’t find that permit number, let’s try again.
Sorry, your permit is not renewable. One moment.
Once again
This permit is 
With a gear type of 
 To hear that again say “Repeat that” 
To renew this permit without making any changes say “Renew it now”. <1.5 second pause> Otherwise to
make a change you can say “Change the Category” or “Change the Gear type” <1.5 second pause> To
enter a different permit number say “start over”.
To renew now without making changes press 1. To change the category of this permit press 2. To change
just the gear type press 3. To enter a different permit number press 4. To hear this permit type again press
To renew this permit without changing it Press 1. To change the category press 2. To Change the Gear
type Press 3. <1.5 second pause> To enter a new permit number press 4. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
Sorry, What was that? <1.5 second pause> You can say “Renew it now”. “Change the Category” or
“Change the Gear type” <1.5 second pause> You can also say “Repeat that” or “Start Over”.
Let’s try once more. If you’re ready to renew this permit press 1, To change the category press 2. To
change just the gear type press 3. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
My mistake, Let’s try once more. Say “renew it now” or press 1. “Change the category” or press 2.
“Change the gear type” or press 3. “Repeat that” or press *.
If you’re ready to renew this permit without making any changes press 1, To change the category press 2.
To change just the gear type press 3. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Sorry, you can’t make changes to a Long Line or Purse Seine Permit.
Sorry, the only gear type for a Harpoon Permit is Harpoon.

Here are the 5 Atlantic permit Categories. When you hear the one you want just say it. “Tunas General”,
“HMS Angling”, “HMS Charter Headboat”, “Tunas Harpoon” or “Tunas Trap”.
Please say “Tunas General”, “HMS Angling”, “HMS Charter Headboat”, “Tunas Harpoon” or “Tunas
Here are the categories once more. To select Tunas General press 1. For HMS Angling press 2. HMS
Charter Headboat press 3. Tunas Harpoon press 4. Tunas Trap press 5.  To speak with a customer
service representative press 0
Sorry what category? <1.5 second pause> Say “Tunas General”, “HMS Angling”, “HMS Charter
Headboat”, “Tunas Harpoon” or “Tunas Trap”
Let’s try once more. To select Tunas General press 1. HMS Angling press 2. HMS Charter Headboat
press 3. Tunas Harpoon press 4. Tunas Trap press 5.  To speak with a customer service
representative press 0
My Mistake. Let’s try again. Say “Tunas General” or press 1. “HMS Angling” or press 2. “HMS Charter
Headboat” or press 3. “Tunas Harpoon” or press 4. “Tunas Trap” or press 5. To speak with a customer
service representative press 0
Here are the categories to choose from. To change your category to Tunas General press 1. For HMS
Angling press 2. HMS Charter Headboat press 3. Tunas Harpoon press 4. Tunas Trap press 5. 
To speak with a customer service representative press 0
Please note: To qualify for this permit, you must be a licensed captain or have one aboard on every HMS
trip. If persons aboard a vessel with aCharter/Headboat permit are fishing for, or are in possession of,
Atlantic tunas, sharks, swordfish, or billfish, the operator of the vessel must carry either a valid Merchant
Marine License or an Uninspected Passenger License issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. This license must be
carried on their person.
To hear that again say “Repeat that”. If you’d still like a charter headboat permit say “Continue”.
Otherwise say “Choose a new category”.
If you’d still like a charter headboat permit say “Continue”. If not, say “Choose a new category”. To hear
the charter headboat rules again say “Repeat that”.
To select the charter headboat category press 1. To choose a different category press 2. To hear the rules
again press *. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Pardon? <1.5 second pause> Say “Continue” or “Choose a new category”. To hear the information again
say “Repeat that”
Let’s try once more. If you’d still like to select this category press 1. To choose a different category press
2. To hear the charter headboat rules again press *. To speak with a customer service representative press

My Mistake. Let’s try again. If you’d still like a charter headboat permit say “Continue” or press 1. If not,
say “Choose a new category” or press 2. To hear the charter headboat rules again say “Repeat that” or
press *. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Please note: To qualify for this permit, you must be a licensed captain or have one aboard on every HMS
trip. If persons aboard a vessel with Charter/Headboat permit are fishing for, or are in possession of,
Atlantic tunas, sharks, swordfish, or billfish, the operator of the vessel must carry either a valid Merchant
Marine License or an Uninspected Passenger License issued by the U.S. Coast Guard. This license must be
carried on their person.
Ok, Tunas General. Now, please select a gear type. You can say “Rod and Reel” “Handline” “ Harpoon”
or “Bandit Gear”
Please say “Rod and Reel” “Handline” “Harpoon” or “Bandit Gear”
Here are the gear types again. For Rod and Reel press 1. For Handline press 2. For Harpoon press 3. For
Bandit Gear press 4. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Could you repeat the gear type? <1.5 pause> Say “Rod and Reel” “Handline” “ Harpoon” or “Bandit
Let’s try once more. For Rod and Reel press 1. For Handline press 2. For Harpoon press 3, for Bandit Gear
press 4. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
You’ll need to select a gear type for this permit. To select Rod and Reel press 1. For Handline press 2. For
Harpoon press 3. For Bandit Gear press 4. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Ok, please select a gear type. Say, “Rod and Reel”, “Handline” or “Bandit Gear”.
Please say “Rod and Reel” “Handline” or “Bandit Gear”
Here are the gear types again. For Rod and Reel press 1. For Handline press 2. For Bandit Gear press 3.
To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Could you repeat the gear type? <1.5 pause> Say “Rod and Reel” “Handline” or “Bandit Gear”
Let’s try once more. For Rod and Reel press 1, for Handline press 2, for Bandit Gear press 3. To speak
with a customer service representative press 0.
You’ll need to select a gear type for this permit. To select Rod and Reel press 1. For Handline press 2.
For Bandit Gear press 3. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Ok, HMS Angling. Now, please select a gear type. Say, “Rod and Reel” or “Handline”.
Please say “Rod and Reel” or “Handline”.
Here are the gear types again For “Rod and Reel” press 1, for “Handline” press 2. To speak with a
customer service representative press 0.

Could you repeat the gear type? <1.5 second pause> Say “Rod and Reel” or “Handline”.
Let’s try once more. For “Rod and Reel” press 1, for “Handline” press 2. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
You’ll need to select a gear type for this permit. For “Rod and Reel” press 1, for “Handline” press 2. To
speak with a customer service representative press 0.
rod and reel
Ok, Tuna Trap. Now, please select a gear type. Say, “Pound Net” or “Fish Weir”.
Please say, “Pound Net” or “Fish Weir”.
Here are the gear types again For “Pound Net” press 1, for “Fish Weir” press 2. To speak with a customer
service representative press 0.
Could you repeat the gear type? <1.5 second pause> Say, “Pound Net” or “Fish Weir”.
Let’s try once more. For “Pound Net” press 1, for “Fish Weir” press 2. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
You’ll need to select a gear type for this permit. For “Pound Net” press 1, for “Fish Weir” press 2. To
speak with a customer service representative press 0.
To confirm: you’d like to renew this
… permit with a gear type of 
Is that right?
Please say “Yes” to renew. Otherwise say “No” and we’ll start again.
To renew this permit say press 1. Otherwise press 2. To speak with a customer service representative
press 0.
Was that Yes or No? <1.5 second pause> Please say “Yes” to renew. Otherwise say “No” and we’ll start
To renew this permit say press 1. Otherwise to select a new category or gear type say press 2. To speak
with a customer service representative press 0.

To renew this permit say press 1. Otherwise to select a new category or gear type say press 2. To speak
with a customer service representative press 0.
Ok, how should I send your new permit. You can say “By mail”. “By fax” or for an extra $4.05 $4.80 (4
dollars and 80 cents) say “Priority mail”.
Say “By Mail” “By Fax” or “Priority Mail”
I can send your renewal by mail or by fax. To receive your permit by regular mail press 1. To receive a
fax press 2 For priority mail at an additional cost of three four dollars and 90 80 cents press 3. To speak
with a customer service representative press 0.
Could you repeat your choice? <1.5 second pause> Say “By Mail” “By Fax” or “Priority Mail”
Let’s try once more. For regular mail press 1. To receive a fax press 2. For priority mail press 3. To speak
with a customer service representative press 0.
I can deliver your renewal by mail or by fax. I can use the address on your current permit or you can
provide a new one. For regular mail press 1. To receive a fax press 2 For priority mail press 3. To speak
with a customer service representative press 0.
Should I mail it to the address on your permit?
To have this mailed to the address on your permit say “Yes”. Otherwise to provide a different address say
Press 1 for yes or press 2 for no.
Was that Yes or No? <1.5 second pause> To have this mailed to the address on your permit say “Yes”.
Otherwise to provide a different address say “No”.
Let’s try once more. Press 1 for yes or press 2 for no.
If you’d like to provide an address other than the one on your permit say “no” and I’ll have a customer
service representative collect your new address.
Should I use the same credit card you used for the last renewal?
To use the card you provided earlier say Yes, Otherwise say No and I’ll get your new card number.
Press 1 for yes, press 2 for no. To speak with a customer service representative press 0
Was that Yes or no? <1.5 second pause> To use the same card you provided earlier say Yes, Otherwise say
NO and I’ll get your new card number.
Let’s try once more. To use the same card you provided earlier press 1. To use a different card press 2. To
speak with a customer service representative press 0

To use the same card you provided earlier press 1. To use a different card press 2. To speak with a
customer service representative press 0
Ok, The renewal charge is $28.00 $16.00.  Now, I’ll need your credit card information.
Please enter the credit card number followed by the pound sign. or say it one digit at a time.
Sorry, that’s not a valid card number. Please enter your credit card number followed by the pound sign or
say it one digit at a time.
If you need extra time to find your card say “Wait” or press the Star key. Otherwise, please enter your
credit card number followed by the pound sign or say it one digit at a time.
Please enter your credit card number followed by the pound sign.
Please enter your credit card number again, followed by the pound sign. or say it one digit at a time.
Let’s try once more using your keypad. Please enter the credit card number followed by pound sign.
If you need extra time to find your card say “wait”. I wait 10 seconds before I ask for the number again.
Ok, When you’re ready press 1. <10 seconds of silence>
What’s the expiration date?
Please say the expiration date, for example you could say June 2009 2011.
Please enter the expiration date using your keypad. For example June 2009 2011 would be entered as 0 6 0
9 0 6 1 1.
What’s the expiration date? (upward inflection)
Let’s try once more. Please enter the expiration date using your keypad. For example June 2009 2011
would be entered as 0 6 0 9 0 6 1 1.
Please say the expiration date, for example you could say June 2009 2011 or enter it on your keypad. For
example June 2009 2011 would be entered as 0 6 0 9 0 6 1 1.
Thanks, one moment while I process your order.
Sorry we’re experiencing technical difficulties and can’t process your credit card at the moment. Let me
get someone to assist you.

I'm sorry, but I wasn’t able to process that card. Please contact the issuing bank for more information.
You can say “Try another card” or to speak with a customer service representative say “Operator” <1.5
second pause> You can also say “Main Menu”
Please say “Try another card”, “Operator” or “Main Menu”.
To enter a different credit card press 1, To speak with a customer service representative press 0. To return
to the Main Menu press #.
Sorry, what was that? <1.5 second pause> You can say “Try another card”, “Operator” or “Main Menu”
Let’s try once more. To try a different credit card press 1, To speak with a customer service representative
press 0. To return to the Main Menu press #.
My mistake. Let’s try again. <1.5 second pause> Say “Try another card” or press 1. “Operator or press 0.
“Main Menu or press #.
A permit renewal fee of $28 $16.
If Mail flag = P
With an additional fee of $4.05 $4.80 (4 dollars and 80 cents) for priority mail
…was applied to your credit card.
The confirmation number is 
Should I repeat that?
To hear that information again say “Yes” Otherwise say “Continue”
Press 1 to hear that information again. Otherwise press 2.
Was that Yes or No?
To hear that information again press 1. Otherwise press 2
You’ll need the confirmation number in case of a problem with the renewal. To hear it again press 1.
Otherwise press 2
Ok, you should receive your renewal within 3 to 4 business days. Please verify its accuracy as soon as you
receive it. You have 10-calendar days from the date of issuance to make corrections to the permit category.
Your renewed permit will be valid through December 31, 2008 2009. 
From here you can say “Renew another permit” or “Main Menu”. If you’re finished say “goodbye” or
hang up.

Ok, you should receive your renewal within 1-2 business days. Please verify its accuracy as soon as you
receive it. You have 10-calendar days from the date of issuance to make corrections to the permit category.
Your renewed permit will be valid through December 31, 2008 2009. 
From here you can say “Renew another permit” or “Main Menu”. If you’re finished say “goodbye” or
hang up.
(By Fax)
Ok, you should receive your renewal within 2 hours. Your renewed permit will be valid through
December 31, 2008 2009. From here your choices are. “Renew another permit” or “Main Menu”. If
you’re finished say “goodbye” or hang up.
(Said by fax but renewal failed at D1400)
Thank you. Your renewed permit will be valid through December 31, 2008 2009. From here your choices
are. “Renew another permit” or “Main Menu”. If you’re finished say “goodbye” or hang up.
What would you like to do now. You can say “Renew another Permit” or “Main menu”. If you’re finished
say “goodbye”.
To renew another permit press 1, To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
Sorry, which option did you want? <1.5 second pause> Say “renew another permit” or “main menu”. If
you’re done say “goodbye” or hang up.
Let’s try once more. To renew another permit press 1. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a
customer service representative press 0.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. Say “Renew another Permit” or press 1. “Main menu” or press #. . If you’re
finished say “goodbye”.
From here you can renew another permit or return to the main menu. To renew another permit press 1, To
return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Is this landing for Bluefin Tuna?
If this landing is for Bluefin tuna say “Yes”. Otherwise say “No”.
To report a Bluefin Tuna landing press 1. Otherwise press 2.
Was that Yes or no?
Let’s try once more. If you landed a Bluefin Tuna press 1 otherwise press 2.
You can use this system to report landings for Bluefin tuna only. To report your landing press 1. If you
need to report another type of landing press 2.
This system allows for the reporting of recreationally-landed

Atlantic bluefin tuna only. To report landed billfish or swordfish
please call 1-800-894-5528."
Should I repeat that?
To hear the information and phone number again say “Yes”. Otherwise say “No”
To hear the information and phone number again Press 1. Otherwise say Press 2.
Was that yes or no?
Let’s try once more. To hear the information and phone number again Press 1. Otherwise Press 2.
This system allows for the reporting of recreationally-landed
Atlantic bluefin tuna only. To report landed billfish or swordfish
please call 1-800-894-5528.
Ok, please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign, or say it one digit at a time.
Please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign <1.5 second pause> If you don’t know
the number say “I don’t have it”.
Please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign. <1.5 second pause> You can find the
number on the upper left side of your permit. <1 second pause> You can also say “I don’t have it”.
Using your keypad, please enter the 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign or say “I don’t have
Please enter or say the number again. <1.5 second pause> You can also say “I don’t have it”.
Let’s try once more. Please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign or say “I don’t
have it”.
Please say or enter your 8-digit permit number, one digit at a time followed by the pound sign. You can
also say “I don’t have it”.
Thank you
All right, let’s go ahead and get your landings.
I still didn’t find the permit, but let’s go ahead and get your landings.
First, in what US State or Territory did the landing occur?
Ok, in what US state or Territory was this landing?

Please say the name of the state or the name of the Territory where the landing occurred.
Say the name of the state or the name of the Territory where the landing occurred.
Please say the name of the state or the name of the Territory where the landing occurred.
Please say the name of the state or the name of the Territory where the landing occurred.
I’ll need to enter a location for your landing. For example you could say Maryland or Virgin Islands
I think you said Maine
I think you said New Hampshire
I think you said Massachusetts
I think you said Rhode Island
I think you said Connecticut
I think you said New York
I think you said New Jersey
I think you said Pennsylvania
I think you said Delaware
I think you said Maryland
I think you said Washington DC
I think you said Virginia
I think you said North Carolina
I think you said South Carolina
I think you said Georgia
I think you said Florida
I think you said Mississippi

I think you said Alabama
I think you said Louisiana
I think you said Texas
I think you said Puerto Rico
I think you said US Virgin Islands
I’ll record your landing but please keep in mind that the following special procedures apply when you
report Bluefin tuna landed in North Carolina or Maryland.
Vessel operators must fill out a landing card at a reporting station upon landing.
For further information regarding the North Carolina program, please call (800) 338-7804;
For Maryland, call (410) 213-1531.
Should I repeat that?
To hear the information again say Yes. Otherwise say No.
Let’s try one more time. To hear that information again Press 1. Otherwise press 2.
Was that Yes or no?
Let’s try once more. To hear the information again Press 1. To continue with your landing press 2.
Vessel operators must fill out a landing card at a reporting station upon landing.
For further information regarding the North Carolina program, please call (800) 338-7804;
For Maryland, call (410) 213-1531. To hear the information again Press 1. Otherwise press 2.
What was the *date* of the landing? <1.5 second pause> You can say ‘today’, ‘yesterday’ or give me a
date like this: March 15th, 2009.
What date did you land your Bluefin tuna?
For today press 1, For yesterday press 2. Or enter the date of your landing; for example, March 15, 2009
would be 03 15 09. <1.5 second pause> To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
What was the date? <1.5 second pause> For today press 1, For yesterday press 2. Or enter the date of your
landing; for example, March 15, 2009 would be 03 15 09. To speak with a customer service representative
press 0.

Let’s try again using your keypad. For today press 1. For yesterday press 2. Or enter the date of your
landing; for example, March 15, 2009 would be 03 15 09. To speak with a customer service representative
press 0.
When did you land your bluefin tuna? If your landing was today press 1. If it was yesterday press 2. You
can also enter a date; for example, March 15, 2009 would be 03 15 09. <1.5 second pause> To speak with
a customer service representative press 0.
Now, Please tell me the size of the fish with the head on or head off, for example you could say 32 inches
with head on.
Please tell me the size of the fish with the head on or head off, for example you could say 32 inches with
head on.
Please say the size of the fish with the head on or head off.
Let’s try entering just the inches using your keypad. Enter the number of inches for your fish, rounding to
the nearest whole inch.  To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
What was the size? <1.5 second pause> Please tell me the size of the fish with the head on or head off.
Let’s try once more. Please enter the size of your fish in inches. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
Tell me the size of the fish with the head on or head off, for example you could say 32 inches with head on.
Or just enter the size in inches , rounding to the nearest whole inch. and we’ll get the head information
later. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Is this measurement “The head on” or “the head off”
If you included the head in your measurement press 1, If not press 2.
I’ll need to know if you included the head in your measurement. If you did press 1, Otherwise press 2. To
speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Sorry, what was that? <1.5 second pause> If you included the head in your measurement press 1, otherwise
press 2.
Pardon? <1.5 second pause> If you included the head in your measurement press 1, otherwise press 2. To
speak with a customer service representative press 0.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. If you included the head in your measurement press 1. If not press 2. To
speak with a customer service representative press 0.
To confirm. You’d like to report a landing of 

Inches, with the

Is that right?
Press 1 for yes. Press 2 for no.
If this landing is correct press 1. Otherwise press 2.
Was that yes or no?
Let’s try once more. If this landing is correct press 1. Otherwise press 2.
If you’d like to report this landing press 1. Otherwise press 2 and we can change it.
You’ve reported the maximum amount of landings I can accept in one call. Please call again if you need to
report additional landings and be sure to report them within 24 hours.
To report another landing on the same date say “Continue”. To enter landings for another day say “New
Date”. If your finished say “I’m done”
Please say “Continue” to enter more landings for this date. To enter landings for another day say “New
To continue entering landing for this date press 1. To enter for another date press 2. If you’re done
reporting landings press 3. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
What was that? <1.5 second pause> To continue entering landing for this date press 1. To report landings
for another date press 2. If you’re done reporting landings press 3
Let’s try once more. <1.5 second pause> To continue entering landing for this date press 1. To enter for
another date press 2. If you’re done reporting landings press 3. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
My mistake. Let’s try again. To continue entering landing for this date press 1. To enter for another date
press 2. If you’re done reporting landings press 3.
To report another landing on the same date say “Continue” or press 1. To enter landings for another day
say “New Date” or press 2. If your finished, say “I’m done” or press 3. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
Thanks, your landings have been reported.
Please note, The permit you provided earlier was invalid. Let me get someone who can assist you with
your permit.
The permit you entered earlier has expired. Let me take you to the permits menu where you can renew it.

This permit is not renewable
This permit is sanctioned
This permit is sanctioned
This permit is sanctioned
This is a vessel buyback
This is permit is not active
This permit expired
This web generated permit application is in process
This web generated permit application is processed but permit has not yet been sent to owner
This web generated permit application is processed and permit has been sent to owner.
This permit was updated via the web but has not yet been sent to owner.
This permit was updated via the web and has been sent to owner.
This permit application is in process and was initiated using the phone system.
This application was initiated using the phone system. Permit is processed but has not yet been sent to
This application was initiated using the phone system. Permit was processed and sent to owner.
This permit was updated but not yet sent to owner.
This permit was updated using the phone system, but has not yet been sent to user.
This permit application is being processed
This permit application has been processed but permit not yet sent to owner
This permit application has been processed and permit sent to owner
This permit has been updated but not yet sent to owner.
This permit has been updated and sent to owner.

The Permit application is in process
This is a customer service initiated application. The permit has been processed but not yet sent to owner.
This is a customer service initiated application. The permit is processed and sent to owner
This is a customer service initiated permit updated but not yet sent to owner
This is a customer service initiated permit that has been updated and sent to owner
This is a prior year permit that is ready to be renewed
This is not a valid permit number
Sorry, I didn’t find a permit under that number. Let’s try again.
Sorry, I still didn’t find it. Let me get someone who can assist you.
Permit number
Pause Is registered to
<1st 5 letters>
Here’s the status. 

 You can say “Repeat that” or “Main menu”
Please say “Repeat that” or “Main menu” You can also say “operator”
To hear the status again press *. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service
representative Press 0.
Pardon? <1.5 second pause> Say “Repeat that” or “Main menu” To speak with a customer service
representative say “Operator”
Let’s try once more. To hear the status again press *. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a
customer service representative Press 0.
To hear the status again press *. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
To hear the latest regulation updates say “Current Regulations”. For a fax copy of the Tuna ID guide or
Permit Application say “Fax Information”. You can also say “Main Menu”.

To hear another regulation update say "Current regulations". For a fax copy of the Tuna ID guide or Permit
Application say "fax information". Otherwise Say "Main Menu".
Please say “Current Regulations” “Fax Information” or “Main Menu”.
To hear the latest regulation updates Press 1. To receive a fax copy of a Tuna ID guide or a Permit
application Press 2. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service representative
press 0.
Pardon? <1.5 second pause> Please say “Current Regulations” “Fax Information” or “Main Menu”
Let’s try once more. To hear the latest regulation updates Press 1. To receive a fax copy of a Tuna ID
guide or a Permit application Press 2. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer
service representative press 0.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. To hear the latest regulation updates say “Current Regulations” or Press 1.
To receive a fax copy of a Tuna ID guide or a Permit application say “Fax information” or Press 2. “Main
Menu” or press #.
To hear the latest regulation updates Press 1. To receive a fax copy of a Tuna ID guide or a Permit
application Press 2. To return to the main menu press #.
Which document would you like. <1.5 second pause> Say “Tuna ID Guide” or “Permit Application”
Please say which document you’d like faxed. “Tuna ID Guide” or “Permit Application”. <1 second
pause> You can also say “Main Menu”
To have a Tuna ID faxed to you press 1. For a fax copy of the permit application press 2. To return to the
Main Menu press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Sorry, what was that? <1.5 second pause> Say “Tuna ID Guide” “Permit Application” or “Main Menu”
Let’s try once more. To have a Tuna ID faxed to you press 1. For a permit application press 2. To return to
the Main Menu Press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. Say “Tuna ID Guide” or press 1. “Permit Application” or press 2. “Main
Menu” or Press #. To speak with a customer service representative say “Operator” or press 0
To have a Tuna ID faxed to you press 1. For a fax copy of a permit application press 2. To return to the
Main Menu Press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
We can provide updates on the following regulations only. Atlantic Commercial. Atlantic Recreational.
Atlantic Charter/Headboat. Which one would you like to hear?
Please say which update you’d like to hear. “Atlantic Commercial” “Atlantic Recreational” or “Atlantic
Charter/Headboat”. You can also say “Main Menu”

For Atlantic Commercial press 1. Atlantic Recreational press 2. Atlantic Charter/Headboat press 3. To go
back to the main menu Press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
Sorry, which update? <1.5 second pause> Say “Atlantic Commercial” “Atlantic Recreational” or “Atlantic
Charter/Headboat”. You can also say “Main Menu”
For Atlantic Commercial press 1, for Atlantic Recreational press 2, for Atlantic Charter/Headboat press 3.
Main Menu Press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
My Mistake, Let’s try again. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
We can provide updates on the following regulations only. Atlantic Commercial. Atlantic Recreational.
Atlantic Charter/Headboat. Which one would you like to hear? <1.5 second pause> For Atlantic
Commercial press 1. For Atlantic Recreational press 2. For Atlantic Charter/Headboat press 3. Main Menu
Press #. To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
You indicated you’d like your renewal faxed. I’ll collect the number now.
Please say or enter your 10-digit fax number.
Sorry, that fax number isn’t valid. We can fax to any number except a 900 number. Please enter a new 10
digit fax number now.
Please enter or say your 10-digit fax number.
Please enter the 10-digit fax number on the keypad now
Sorry, could you repeat the number?
Let’s try once more. Please enter your 10-digit fax number.
Please note we can’t fax to 900 numbers. Please enter your 10 digit fax number now.
Thank you. If you don’t receive your fax within two hours. Please call back to speak with a customer
service representative. 
To mail this information I’ll need your first and last name. Please say and spell your name after the tone.
Is that correct?
Please say and spell your first and last name now.
Sorry, I didn’t hear anything. Please speak, then spell, your first and last name.
Please say your address including city and state. Please spell any difficult names.

Is that correct?
Please say your address including city and state. Please spell any difficult names.
Sorry, I didn’t hear anything. Please say your address including city and state. Please spell any difficult
For verification please enter your 5-digit zip code.
Please enter your zip code.
Enter your 5-digit zip code now.
Please enter your zip code.
Using your keypad please enter zip code now
Using your keypad please enter zip code now
Thank you. You should receive your information within 10 business days 
Please say or enter your password.
Please enter or say your password now.
To enter the system, please say or enter your password
Could you provide the password again?
Let’s try once more. Please enter or say your password now.
Please enter or say your password now.
How would you like to search? Say “By Permit number” or “By Vessel number”
Please say how you’d like to search. Say “By Permit number” or “By Vessel number”
Let’s try again. To search for a permit number press 1. To search by vessel number press 2. To speak with
a customer service representative press 0.
Sorry, which one? <1.5 second pause> Please say “permit number” or “vessel number”

Let’s try once more. To enter a permit number press 1, To enter a vessel number press 2. To speak with a
customer service representative press 0.
My Mistake. Let’s try again. To search for a permit number press 1. To search by vessel number press 2.
To speak with a customer service representative press 0.
To search for a permit number press 1. To search by vessel number press 2. To speak with a customer
service representative press 0.
Ok, please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign. or say it one digit at a time.
Using your keypad, please enter the 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign. <1.5 second pause>
You can find the number on the upper left side of the permit.
Using your keypad please enter the 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign.
Using your keypad, please enter the number followed by the pound sign.
Let’s try once more. Please enter your 8-digit permit number followed by the pound sign.
Please say or enter your 8-digit permit number, one digit at a time followed by the pound sign.
Ok, Please enter your vessel number. For special instructions on using your keypad press *
Ok, Please begin entering the vessel number.
For instructions on entering a vessel ID using your keypad press *. Otherwise please enter the vessel
number you’d like to search for.

Enter the next character or press # if you’re finished.
Sure, here’s how you enter a vessel number. Using your keypad you’ll press the key where the Letter
appears. Each time you press the key I will speak either a number or a letter that appears on that key.
Continue pressing the key until you hear the character you want, then press # to select that character. For
example, to enter the letter B you would press the 2 key until the letter B is spoken to you. You would then
press the pound key to select it. You can then start on your next character. Should I repeat the
To hear those instructions again press 1. Otherwise press 2.
Press 1 to hear the instructions again. Press 2 to enter your Vessel number.

Was that yes or no?
Press 1 to hear the instructions again. Press 2 to enter your Vessel number.
Press 1 to hear the instructions again. Press 2 to enter your Vessel number.
Please hold while I look that up.
Permit number
Vessel number
was invalid
Is registered to 
The vessel number is 
The permit number is 
Here’s the status 
You can say “Repeat that” or “Main menu”
Please say “Repeat that”. To do another search say “Main Menu”
To hear the status again press *. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service
representative Press 0.
Pardon? <1.5 second pause> Say “Repeat that” or “Main menu” To speak with a customer service
representative say “Operator”
Let’s try once more. To hear the status again press *. To do another search press #. To speak with a
customer service representative Press 0.
To hear the status again press *. To return to the main menu press #. To speak with a customer service
representative press 0.
Thanks for calling National Marine Fisheries. Remember you can also visit us on our web site at www.h m
s permits.gov. That web site again is www. h m s p e r m i t s.gov
Sorry, for the difficulty. Let me get someone to assist you.

Please hold while I transfer your call.
Sorry, Our offices are currently closed. Our business hours are from Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm
eastern standard time.
Sorry, Our office is closed in observance of the holiday. Our business hours are from Monday through
Friday, 8am to 5pm eastern standard time.
You can also visit us on the web at www.h m s permits.gov . That web site again is www.h m s
permits.gov. If you’d like to continue using the automated system say “Main Menu”. Otherwise Please
call back during normal business hours.
Our web site again is www.h m s permits.gov. To use the automated system say “Main Menu”.
Otherwise please call back during normal business hours.
To use the automated system press #. Otherwise please call back during normal business hours.
To continue using the automated system say “Main Menu” You can also visit us on the web at www.h m s
To use the automated system press #. Otherwise please call back during normal business hours.
You can also visit us the web at www.h m s permits.gov . That web site again is www.h m s permits.gov.
If you’d like to continue using the automated system press #. Otherwise please call back during normal
business hours.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleC:\PRA\OMB83I pre-ps.WP6.wpd
File Modified2009-08-21
File Created2009-08-21

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