1513-0071 Law and Regs.

1513-0061 Laws and Regs.doc

Tobacco Products Importer or Manufacturer - Records of Large Cigar Wholesale Prices (TTB REC 5230/1)

1513-0071 Law and Regs.

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26 U.S.C.

Subchapter D. Industrial use of distilled spirits

§ 5271. Permits

(a) Requirements

No person shall -

(1) procure or use distilled spirits free of tax under the provisions of section 5214(a)(2) or (3); or

(2) procure, deal in, or use specially denatured distilled spirits; or

(3) recover specially or completely denatured distilled spirits, until he has filed an application with and received a permit to do so from the Secretary.

(b) Form of application and permit

(1) The application required by subsection (a) shall be in such form, shall be submitted at such times, and shall contain such information, as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe.

(2) Permits under this section shall, under such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, designate and limit the acts which are permitted, and the place where and time when such acts may be performed. Such permits shall be issued in such form and under such conditions as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe.

(c) Disapproval of application

Any application submitted under this section may be disapproved and the permit denied if the Secretary, after notice and opportunity for hearing, finds that -

(1) in case of an application to withdraw and use distilled spirits free of tax, the applicant is not authorized by law or regulations issued pursuant thereto to withdraw or use such distilled spirits; or

(2) the applicant (including, in the case of a corporation, any officer, director, or principal stockholder, and, in the case of a partnership, a partner) is, by reason of his business experience, financial standing, or trade connections, not likely to maintain operations in compliance with this chapter; or

(3) the applicant has failed to disclose any material information required, or made (3) the applicant has failed to disclose any material information required, or made any false statement as to any material fact, in connection with his application; or

(4) the premises on which it is proposed to conduct the business are not adequate to protect the revenue.

(d) Changes after issuance of permit

With respect to any change relating to the information contained in the application for a permit issued under this section, the Secretary may by regulations require the filing of written notice of such change and, where the change affects the terms of the permit, require the filing of an amended application.

(e) Suspension or revocation

If, after notice and hearing, the Secretary finds that any person holding a permit issued under this section –

(4) has failed to disclose any material information required to be furnished; or

(5) has violated or conspired to violate any law of the United States relating to intoxicating liquor, or has been convicted of any offense under this title punishable as a felony or of any conspiracy to commit such offense; or

(6) is, in the case of any person who has a permit under subsection (a)(1) or (a)(2), by reason of his operations, no longer warranted in procuring or using the distilled spirits or specially denatured distilled spirits authorized by his permit; or

(7) has, in the case of any person who has a permit under subsection (a)(2), manufactured articles which do not correspond to the descriptions and limitations prescribed by law and regulations; or

(8) has not engaged in any of the operations authorized by the permit for a period of more than 2 years; such permit may, in whole or in part, be revoked or be suspended for such period as the Secretary deems proper.

(f) Duration of permits

Permits issued under this section, unless terminated by the terms of the permit, shall continue in effect until suspended or revoked as provided in this section, or until voluntarily surrendered.

(g) Posting of permits

Permits issued under this section, to use distilled spirits free of tax, to deal in, or use specially denatured distilled spirits, or to recover specially or completely denatured distilled spirits, shall be kept posted available for inspection on the premises covered by the permit.

(h) Regulations

The Secretary shall prescribe all necessary regulations relating to issuance, denial, suspension, or revocation, of permits under this section, and for the disposition of distilled spirits (including specially denatured distilled spirits) procured under permit pursuant to this section which remain unused when such permit is no longer in effect.

§ 5272. Bonds

(a) Requirements

Before any permit required by section 5271(a) is granted, the Secretary may require a bond, in such form and amount as he may prescribe, to insure compliance with the terms of the permit and the provisions of this chapter.

(b) Exceptions

No bond shall be required in the case of permits issued to the United States or any governmental agency thereof, or to the several States or any political subdivision thereof, or to the District of Columbia.

§ 5273. Sale, use, and recovery of denatured distilled spirits

(a) Use of specially denatured distilled spirits

Any person using specially denatured distilled spirits in the manufacture of articles shall file such formulas and statements of process, submit such samples, and comply with such other requirements, as the Secretary shall by regulations prescribe, and no person shall use specially denatured distilled spirits in the manufacture or production of any article until approval of the article, formula, and process has been obtained from the Secretary.

(b) Internal medicinal preparations and flavoring extracts

(1) Manufacture

No person shall use denatured distilled spirits in the manufacture of medicinal preparations or flavoring extracts for internal human use where any of the spirits remains in the finished product.

(2) Sale

No person shall sell or offer for sale for internal human use any medicinal preparations or flavoring extracts manufactured from denatured distilled spirits where any of the spirits remains in the finished product.

(c) Recovery of spirits for reuse in manufacturing

Manufacturers employing processes in which denatured distilled spirits withdrawn under section 5214(a)(1) are expressed, evaporated, or otherwise removed, from the articles manufactured shall be permitted to recover such distilled spirits and to have such distilled spirits restored to a condition suitable solely for reuse in manufacturing processes under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe.

(d) Prohibited withdrawal or sale

No person shall withdraw or sell denatured distilled spirits, or sell any article containing denatured distilled spirits for beverage purposes.

(e) Cross references

(1) For penalty and forfeiture for unlawful use or concealment of denatured distilled spirits, see section 5607.

(2) For applicability of all provisions of law relating to distilled spirits that are not denatured, including those requiring payment of tax, to denatured distilled spirits or articles produced, withdrawn, sold, transported, or used in violation of law or regulations, see section 5001(a)(6).


(FOOTNOTE 1) See References in Text note below.

(3) For definition of "articles", see section 5002(a)(14).

§ 5274. Applicability of other laws

The provisions, including penalties, of sections 9, and 10 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C., §§49, 50), as now or hereafter amended, shall apply to the jurisdiction, powers, and duties of the Secretary under this subtitle, and to any person (whether or not a corporation) subject to the provisions of this subtitle.

§ 5275. Records and reports

Every person procuring or using distilled spirits withdrawn under section 5214(a)(2) or (3), or procuring, dealing in, or using specially denatured distilled spirits, or recovering specially denatured or completely denatured distilled spirits, shall keep such records and file such reports of the receipt and use of distilled spirits withdrawn free of tax, of the receipt, disposition, use, and recovery of denatured distilled spirits, the manufacture and disposition of articles, and such other information as the Secretary may be regulations require. The Secretary may require any person reprocessing, bottling or repackaging articles, or dealing in completely denatured distilled spirits or articles, to keep such records, submit such reports, and comply with such other requirements as he may by regulations prescribe. Records required to be kept under this section and a copy of all reports required to be filed shall be preserved as regulations shall prescribe and shall be kept available for inspection by any internal revenue officer during business hours. Such officer may also inspect and take samples of distilled spirits, denatured distilled spirits, or articles (including any substances for use in the manufacture thereof), to which such records or reports relate.

§ 5276. Occupational tax

(a) General rule

Except as otherwise provided in this section, a permit issued under section 5271 shall not be valid with respect to acts conducted at any place unless the person holding such permit pays a special tax of $250 with respect to such place.

(b) Certain occupational tax rules to apply

Rules similar to the rules of subpart G of part II of subchapter A shall apply for purposes of this section.

(c) Exception for United States

Subsection (a) shall not apply to any permit issued to an agency or instrumentality of the United States.

(d) Exception for certain educational institutions

Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any scientific university, college of learning, or institution of scientific research which -

(1) is issued a permit under section 5271, and

(2) with respect to any calendar year during which such permit is in effect, procures less than 25 gallons of distilled spirits free of tax for experimental or research use but not for consumption (other than organoleptic tests) or sale.

27 CFR

§ 20.22   Alternate methods or procedures; and emergency variations from requirements.

(a) Alternate methods or procedures—(1) Application. A permittee, after receiving approval from the appropriate TTB officer, may use an alternate method or procedure (including alternate construction or equipment) in lieu of a method or procedure prescribed by this part. A permittee wishing to use an alternate method or procedure may apply to the appropriate TTB officer. The permittee shall describe the proposed alternate method or procedure and shall set forth the reasons for its use.

(2) Approval by appropriate TTB officer. The appropriate TTB officer may approve the use of an alternate method or procedure if:

(i) The applicant shows good cause for its use;

(ii) It is consistent with the purpose and effect of the procedure prescribed by this part, and provides equal security to the revenue;

(iii) It is not contrary to law; and

(iv) It will not cause an increase in cost to the Government and will not hinder the effective administration of this part.

(3) Conditions of approval. A permittee may not employ an alternate method or procedure until the appropriate TTB officer has approved its use. The permittee shall, during the terms of the authorization of an alternate method or procedure, comply with terms of the approved application.

(b) Emergency variations from requirements—(1) Application. When an emergency exists, a permittee may apply to the appropriate TTB officer for a variation from the requirements of this part relating to construction, equipment, and methods of operation. The permittee shall describe the proposed variation and set forth the reasons for using it.

(2) Approval by appropriate TTB officer. The appropriate TTB officer may approve an emergency variation from requirements if:

(i) An emergency exists;

(ii) The variation from the requirements is necessary;

(iii) It will afford the same security and protection to the revenue as intended by the specific regulations;

(iv) It will not hinder the effective administration of this part; and

(v) It is not contrary to law.

(3) Conditions of approval. A permittee may not employ an emergency variation from the requirements until the appropriate TTB officer has approved its use. Approval of variations from requirements are conditioned upon compliance with the conditions and limitations set forth in the approval.

(4) Automatic termination of approval. If the permittee fails to comply in good faith with the procedures, conditions or limitations set forth in the approval, authority for the variation from requirements is automatically terminated and the permittee is required to comply with prescribed requirements of regulations from which those variations were authorized.

(c) Withdrawal of approval. The appropriate TTB officer may withdraw approval for an alternate method or procedure, may withdraw approval for an emergency variation from requirements, approved under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, if the appropriate TTB officer finds that the revenue is jeopardized or the effective administration of this part is hindered by the approval.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

(Act of August 16, 1954, Ch. 736, 68A Stat. 917 (26 U.S.C. 7805); sec. 201, Pub. L. 85–859, 72 Stat. 1395, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5552))

[T.D. ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF–235, 66 FR 5474, Jan. 19, 2001; T.D. ATF–476, 67 FR 17938, Apr. 12, 2002]

§ 20.56   Changes affecting applications and permits.

(a) General—(1) Changes affecting application. When there is a change relating to any of the information contained in, or considered a part of the application on Form 5150.22 for a permit, the permittee shall, within 30 days (except as otherwise provided in this subpart) file a written notice with the appropriate TTB officer to amend the application. However, a change in the information required by §20.42(a)(6) caused by approval of a new formula or statement of process shall not require filing a new application unless the approval is the permittee's first statement of process covering recovery operations.

(2) Changes affecting waivers. When any waiver under §20.43 is terminated by a change to the application, the permittee shall include the current information as to the item previously waived with the written notice required in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(3) Changes affecting permit. When the terms of a permit are affected by a change, the written notice required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section (except as otherwise provided in this subpart) will serve as an application to amend the permit.

(4) Form of notice. A written notice to amend an application on Form 5150.22 shall—

(i) Identify the permittee;

(ii) Contain the permit identification number;

(iii) Explain the nature of the change and contain any required supporting documents;

(iv) Identify the serial number of the applicable application, Form 5150.22; and

(v) Be consecutively numbered and signed by the permittee or any person authorized to sign on behalf of the permittee.

(b) Amended application. The appropriate TTB officer may require a permittee to file an amended application on Form 5150.22 when the number of changes to the previous application are determined to be excessive, or when a permittee has not timely filed the written notice prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If items on the amended application remain unchanged, they will be marked “No change since Form 5150.22, Serial No. _____.”

(c) Changes in officers, directors and stockholders—(1) Officers. In the case of a change in the officers listed under the provisions of §20.45(a)(2), the notice required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall only apply (unless otherwise required, in writing, by the appropriate TTB officer) to those offices, the incumbents of which are responsible for the operations covered by this part.

(2) Directors. In the case of a change in the directors listed under the provisions of §20.45(a)(2), the notice required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall reflect the changes.

(3) Stockholders. In lieu of reporting all changes, within 30 days, to the list of stockholders furnished under the provisions of §20.45(c)(1), a permittee may, upon filing written notice to the appropriate TTB officer and establishing a reporting date, file an annual notice of changes. The notice of changes in stockholders does not apply if the sale or transfer of capital stock results in a change in ownership or control which is required to be reported under §20.57.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

§ 20.57   Automatic termination of permits.

(a) Permit not transferable. Permits issued under this part are not transferable. In the event of the lease, sale, or other transfer of such a permit. or of the operations authorized by the permit, the permit shall, except as provided for in this section, automatically terminate.

(b) Corporations. (1) If actual or legal control of any corporation holding a permit issued under this part changes, directly or indirectly, whether by reason of a change in stock ownership or control (in the permittee corporation or any other corporation), by operation of law, or in any other manner, the permittee shall, within 10 days of the change, give written notice to the appropriate TTB officer. Within 30 days of the change, the permittee shall file an application for a new permit, Form 5150.22 with supporting documents. If an application for a new permit is not filed on Form 5150.22 within 30 days of the change, the outstanding permit will automatically terminate.

(2) If an application for a new permit is filed on Form 5150.22 within the 30-day period prescribed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the outstanding permit may remain in effect until final action is taken on the application. When final action is taken, the outstanding permit will automatically terminate and shall be forwarded to the appropriate TTB officer.

(c) Proprietorships. In the event of a change in proprietorship of a business of a permittee (as for instance, by reasons of incorporation, the withdrawal or taking in of additional partners, or succession by any person who is not a fiduciary), the successor shall file written notice and make application on Form 5150.22 for a new permit, under the same conditions provided for in paragraph (b) of this section. The successor may adopt the formulas and statements of process of the predecessor.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

[T.D. ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 6, 1985; 50 FR 20099, May 14, 1985]

§ 20.60   Change in name of permittee.

When the only change is a change in the individual, firm, or corporation name, a permittee may not conduct operations under the new name until a written notice, accompanied by necessary supporting documents, to amend the application and permit has been filed and an amended permit issued by the appropriate TTB officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

[T.D. ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 6, 1985; 50 FR 20099, May 14, 1985]

§ 20.61   Change in trade name.

If there is to be a change in, or addition of, a trade name, the permittee may not conduct operations under the new trade name until a written notice has been filed and an amended permit has been issued by the appropriate TTB officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

[T.D. ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended at T.D. ATF–476, 67 FR 17939, Apr. 12, 2002]

§ 20.62   Change in location.

When there is to be a change in location, a permittee may not conduct operations at the new location until a written notice, accompanied by necessary supporting information to amend the application and permit has been filed and an amended permit issued by the appropriate TTB officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

T.D. ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 8, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF– 435, 66 FR 5474, Jan. 19, 2001; T.D. ATF–476, 67 FR 17939, Apr. 12, 2002]

§ 20.63   Adoption of formulas and statements of process.

(a) The adoption by a successor (proprietorship or fiduciary) of a predecessor's formulas and statements of process as provided in §20.57(c), and §20.58, will be in the form of a certificate submitted to the appropriate TTB officer.

(b) The certificate will contain, as applicable, (1) a list of all approved formulas or statements of process in which specially denatured spirits are used or recovered, (2) the formulas of specially denatured spirits used, (3) the TTB laboratory number of the sample (if any), (4) the date of approval of Form 1479–A or serial number of Form 5150.19, and (5) the applicable code number for the article or process. In addition, the certificate will contain the name of the successor followed by the phrase “Formula of ________ (Name of predecessor) is hereby adopted.”

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

[T.D. ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 6, 1985; 50 FR 20099, May 14, 1985, as amended by ATF–332, 57 FR 40849, Sept. 8, 1992]

§ 20.68   Notice of permanent discontinuance.

(a) Notice. When a permittee permanently discontinues business, a written notice shall be filed with the appropriate TTB officer to cover the discontinuance. The notice will be accompanied by the permit, and contain—

(1) A request to cancel the permit,

(2) A statement of the disposition made of all specially denatured spirits, as required in §20.234, and

(3) The date of discontinuance.

(b) Final Reports. The written notice required by this paragraph will also be accompanied by a report on Form 5150.18 covering the discontinuance and marked “Final Report.”

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

[T.D. ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended at T.D. ATF–476, 67 FR 17939, Apr. 12, 2002]

§ 20.111   General.

(a) An approved formula on Form 5150.19 is not required for an article made in accordance with any approved general-use formula prescribed by §§20.112 through 20.119, approved by the appropriate TTB officer as an alternate method, or published as a TTB ruling in the TTB Bulletin.

(b) Any interested party may petition TTB for approval of a new general-use formula by submitting a letter describing the proposed general-use formula to the appropriate TTB officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

§ 20.117   Reagent alcohol general-use formula.

(a) Reagent alcohol is an article (1) made in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, (2) packaged and labeled in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, and (3) distributed in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) Reagent alcohol shall be made with 95 parts (by volume) of S.D.A. Formula No. 3–A, and 5 part (by volume) of isopropyl alcohol. Water may be added at the time of manufacture. Reagent alcohol shall not contain any ingredient other than those named in this paragraph.

(c)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, reagent alcohol shall be packaged by the manufacturer in containers not exceeding four liters. Each container shall have affixed to it a label with the following words, as conspicuously as any other words on the labels: “Reagent Alcohol, Specially Denatured Alcohol Formula 3–A–95 parts by vol., and Isopropyl Alcohol—5 parts by vol.”

(2) Because this article contains more than 4% by weight of methyl alcohol, the label shall have a skull and crossbones symbol and the following words: “danger,” “poison,” “vapor harmful,” “May be fatal or cause blindness if swallowed,” and “Cannot be made nonpoisonous

(3) If water is added at the time of manufacture, the label shall reflect the composition of the diluted product. If the addition of water reduces the methyl alcohol concentration to less than 4% by weight, the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section shall not apply.

(4) A back label shall be attached showing the word “ANTIDOTE”, followed by suitable directions for an antidote.

(d)(1) Reagent alcohol may be distributed in containers not exceeding 4 liters exclusively to laboratories or persons who require reagent alcohol for scientific use.

(2) Reagent alcohol may be distributed in bulk containers to proprietors of bona fide laboratory supply houses for packaging and resale, and to any other person who was qualified to receive bulk shipments of reagent alcohol on the effective date of this part. Reagent alcohol may also be distributed in bulk containers to any person who has received approval of a letterhead application containing the following:

(i) The applicant's name, address, and permit number, if any;

(ii) A description of the security measures which will be taken to segregate reagent alcohol from denatured spirits or other alcohol which may be on the same premises;

(iii) A statement that labels required by paragraph (c) of this section will be affixed to containers of reagent alcohol filled by the applicant;

(iv) A statement that the applicant will allow appropriate TTB officers to inspect the applicant's premises; and

(v) A statement that the applicant will comply with the requirements of §20.133.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

[T.D. ATF– 199, 50 FR 1962, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF–435, 66 FR 5474, Jan. 19, 2001]

§ 20.133   Registration of persons trafficking in articles.

(a) Upon written notice from the appropriate TTB officer, any person who reprocesses, rebottles, or repackages articles, deals in articles, or receives articles in containers exceeding one gallon may be required to submit any of the following:

(1) Nature of activities to be conducted;

(2) Name and address of supplier;

(3) Size and type of containers in which articles will be received and, if applicable, rebottled or repackaged;

(4) Maximum quantity of each article to be obtained during any calendar month;

(5) Description of the reprocessing operation;

(6) Samples of the reprocessed article;

(7) Labels and advertising materials; and,

(8) Names and addresses of recipients of articles and quantities received;

(b) The appropriate TTB officer shall prohibit any of the activities described in paragraph (a) of this section if the activities pose a jeopardy to the revenue, or a burden in administering this part.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

§ 20.134   Labeling.

(a) General. Except as provided in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, each article shall, before removal from the manufacturer's premises, have a label affixed to its immediate container identifying (1) the name, trade name or brand name of the article, and (2) the name and address (city and State) of the manufacturer or distributor of the article.

(b) Articles for external human use. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, an article intended for external human use shall, before removal from the manufacturer's premises, have a label affixed to its immediate container identifying the name, trade name or brand name of the article. If the volume of the article in the container exceeds 8-fluid ounces, the label shall also show the information required by paragraph (b) (1) or (2) of this section.

(1) If the article was packaged or bottled by the person who manufactured it, the label shall identify—

(i) The manufacturer's name and the address (city and State) of the actual place or places where article was manufactured, or

(ii) The name and principal office address (city and State) of the manufacturer, and the permit number or numbers of the place or places of manufacture. However, in lieu of such permit number or numbers, the place or places where the manufacturing operation occurred may be indicated by a coding system. Prior to using a coding system, the manufacturer shall send a notice explaining the coding system to the appropriate TTB officer, or

(iii) The manufacturer's permit number and the name and address (city and State), of the person for whom the article was packaged and bottled.

(2) If the article was packaged or bottled by a person other than the manufacturer of the article, the label shall identify—

(i) The name and address (city and State) of the person by whom or for whom the article was packaged or bottled, and

(ii) The permit number of the manufacturer or distributor.

(3) If a permit number is required to be shown on the label, it may be shown utilizing a State code number, in accordance with §20.135.

(c) Shipment of unlabeled articles. A manufacturer may, subject to the approval of the appropriate TTB officer and compliance with §20.133, remove an unlabeled article from the manufacturer's premises, if the outer containers of the article are labeled with the name, trade name or brand name of the article and the names and addresses (city and State) of the manufacturer and the consignee.

(d) Use of the words “denatured alcohol.” If the words “denatured alcohol” appear on the label of an article, the label shall also have a name, trade name or brand name which appears as conspicuously as the words “denatured alcohol.”

(e) Use of the words “rubbing alcohol.” If the words “rubbing alcohol” appear on the label of an article, (1) the article shall be made in accordance with §20.118 of this part, and (2) the label (i) shall have the words “rubbing alcohol” in letters of the same color and size, (ii) shall identify the name and address (city and State) of the manufacturer or bottler, (iii) shall state the alcohol content as 70% by volume with no reference to the proof strength, and (iv) shall have the warning “For external use only. If taken internally, will cause serious gastric disturbances.” An alcohol rub made from any other material, such as isopropyl alcohol, shall not be labeled “Rubbing Alcohol” unless the label informs the consumer that the preparation was not made with specially denatured alcohol.

(f) Distributor labeling. Distributors of an article may place minimal identifying information (name, address and a phrase such as “distributed by”) on the label of that article (or on an additional label) without qualifying in any manner under this part; provided:

(1) The article is produced, packaged and labeled as provided in this part; and

(2) The distributor does not produce, repackage or reprocess the article.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

[T.D ATF–199, 50 FR 9162, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by ATF–332, 57 FR 40849, Sept. 8, 1992]

§ 20.202   Losses in transit.

(a) Reporting losses. Upon discovering any loss of specially denatured spirits while in transit, the carrier shall immediately inform the consignee, in writing, of the facts and circumstances relating to the loss. In the case of theft, the carrier shall also immediately notify the consignee's appropriate TTB officer of the facts and circumstances relating to the loss.

(b) Recording losses. At the time the shipment or report of loss is received, the consignee shall determine the quantity of specially denatured spirits lost. The consignee shall note the quantity lost on the receiving document and attach all relevant information to the record of receipt, prescribed in §20.163. For the purpose of maintaining the records prescribed in subpart P of this part, receipts of specially denatured spirits will only include the quantity actually received.

(c) Claims. A claim for allowances of losses of specially denatured spirits will, as prescribed in §20.205, be filed:

(1) If the quantity lost in transit exceeds one percent of the total quantity shipped and is more than 10 gallons, the consignee shall file a claim for allowance of the entire quantity lost; or

(2) If the loss was due to theft or other unlawful removal, the consignee shall file a claim for allowance of the entire quantity lost, regardless of the quantity or percentage involved.

(Reporting approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061; recordkeeping approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0062)

§ 20.234   Disposition on permanent discontinuance of use.

(a) Specially denatured spirits. Specially denatured spirits on hand at the time of discontinuance of use, may be disposed of by

(1) Returning the specially denatured spirits to a distilled spirits plant or dealer, as provided in §20.231,

(2) Destruction, as provided in §20.222, or

(3) Shipped to another user, as provided in §20.235.

(b) Recovered denatured alcohol, recovered specially denatured rum, or recovered articles. Upon permanent discontinuance of use, a permittee may dispose of recovered denatured alcohol, recovered specially denatured rum, or recovered articles by

(1) Shipment to a distilled spirits plant, as provided in §20.215 for articles and spirits residues,

(2) Destruction, as provided in §20.222, or

(3) Upon the filing of an application with the appropriate TTB officer, any other approved method.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

§ 20.252   Samples larger than five gallons.

(a) General. The appropriate TTB officer may waive the requirement to obtain a permit under subpart D of this part if a nonpermittee can demonstrate that more than five gallons is necessary to determine if an Industrial Use Permit is desired.

(b) Application. A nonpermittee who wishes to obtain more than five galllons of specially denatured spirits to determine if an Industrial Use Permit is desired, shall file a letterhead application with the appropriate TTB officer in which the nonpermittee's premises are located. The letter shall describe why the requested quantity is necessary.

(c) Approval. If the letterhead application is approved, the nonpermittee shall submit it to the proprietor of a distilled spirits plant or a dealer with the order for the sample of specially denatured spirits.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

§ 20.265   Retention of invoices.

(a) Any person required to keep records under this part shall retain copies of invoices which will enable appropriate TTB officers to readily obtain the details regarding:

(1) Purchases of all essential oils, chemicals, and other materials used in manufacturing articles, including the name and address of the vendor, and the quantity;

(2) Purchases of articles containing specially denatured spirits for reprocessing, or purchases of those articles for bottling, repackaging, and/or resale, including the name and address of the vendor and the quantity; and

(3) Dispositions of all articles manufactured or received, including in each case the name and address of the person to whom sold or otherwise disposed of.

(b) The appropriate TTB officer may, on application filed by the permittee, waive the requirements for retaining invoices if the quantity sold to any person during a calendar month does not exceed 25 gallons, and if a waiver will not hinder the effective administration of this part and will not pose a jeopardy to the revenue.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513–0061)

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title1513-0061
Last Modified ByTTB
File Modified2006-12-07
File Created2003-12-03

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