Globe Partnership Survey

GLOBE Program Evaluation


GLOBE Program Evaluation

OMB: 2700-0114

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2005 GLOBE Partnership Survey


The information gathered from this survey will help the GLOBE Program Office better support partnerships and regional collaborations around the world. It is also intended to assist country coordinators and partners by generating a report of your partnership activities during the past year and helping to define plans for the upcoming year.

The survey consists of the following sections


A. Partnership Information

B. Funding and Sustainability

C. Implementation Summary

D. Trainers and Trainer Support

E. Teachers and Teacher Support

F. Communication and Administrative Support

G. Education and Environmental Issues

Partnership representative responding to survey:

Responder email address:


[A1. Partnership Implementation Plan: Question asking for Partnership Implementation Plan to be updated is removed.]

A2. How does participation in the GLOBE Program and in GLOBE activities help you to meet the goals of your partnership or organization?

A3. How do you utilize the media to publicize or raise awareness of your GLOBE activities?

A4. Impact of your GLOBE program activities:
a. For students,
i. What is the impact of your GLOBE program activities on students?

ii. What evidence do you use to determine the impact the program has on students?

iii. If applicable, how have you overcome challenges to your GLOBE activities having a positive impact on students?

b. For teaching practice,
i. What is the impact of your GLOBE program activities on teaching practice?

ii. What evidence do you use to determine the impact the program has on teaching practice?

iii. If applicable, how have you overcome challenges to your GLOBE activities having a positive impact on teaching practice?

c. For the local community,
i. What is the impact of your GLOBE program activities on the local community?

ii. What evidence do you use to determine the impact the program has on the local community?

iii. If applicable, how have you overcome challenges to your GLOBE activities having a positive impact on the local community?

d. Are there any other successes or challenges that you would like to share?

A5. What percentage of your work is directed towards the following activities? (Please note that the total should not exceed 100%.)

% Recruiting new teachers to GLOBE
% Training new GLOBE teachers
% Providing mentoring and support to teachers
% Working with students
% Building community involvement in GLOBE
% Participating in GLOBE Program Office professional development activities
% Other, please specify:


We would like to know more about organizations that have a history of funding GLOBE. This information is being gathered to help GLOBE and its partners understand the trends in GLOBE funding and identify future resources that may be pursued at local, national, regional and international levels.

B1. What is your approximate total annual funding/budget for GLOBE? (Please specify currency.)

B2. How many people work on GLOBE activities in your organization?

Full-time on GLOBE activities
More than half-time on GLOBE activities
Half-time on GLOBE activities
Less than half-time on GLOBE activities

B3. How is the management and operation of GLOBE funded in your partnership/country? If you have multiple funding sources, please estimate as best you can the percentage of funding from each source. If your program is funded 100% by a single source, please enter "100" in the appropriate box.

% Direct government funding (in ministry or department)
% Government contract/grant, awarded by competition
% Government contract/grant, awarded without competition
% Participant fees received
% Foundation or corporation funding
% Individual donors and other fundraising activities
% Other, please specify:

B4. Are your staff able to participate in fundraising for your GLOBE program activities?

No, restricted by government regulations or funding
Other (Please describe below.)

B5. Funding Sources: We are creating a database of funding historically received by GLOBE Partners around the world. If you would like to share information on support that you have received for your GLOBE activities with other GLOBE Partners, please enter information on grants or other support received in the past three years (2003 - 2005). Please be assured that GLOBE will NOT contact your sponsors.


Amount of support
(specify currency)

Type of support

Date received

Is there any other information that you would like to add regarding funding or other types of support you have received (for example, types of support not included above)?

B6. School Funding: How do your schools fund their participation in GLOBE? (Check all that apply.)

Schools receive government funds, via GLOBE Country Coordinator
Schools receive non-government funds, via GLOBE Country Coordinator
Schools raise funds independently
Other, please explain:

B7. Does your partnership provide equipment, materials, or other non-monetary support to schools, and how is the support allocated?


To everyone

To all who request it

As budget allows

Not provided

Provide GLOBE equipment

Provide computers / technology (e.g. internet connection)

Funding for administration and overhead

Funding for programmatic activities

Incentives for reporting certain types or amounts of data

If you provide other types of support, please describe:

B8. Regionalization: Are members of the GLOBE community in your in your state, or neighboring states that you collaborate with, interested in strengthening regional leadership and responsibility for GLOBE program activities in your region? If so, describe what this means to you and any activities or plans you have directed towards this goal:

Do you have funding specifically directed towards strengthening regional leadership and responsibility for your GLOBE activities?


(If No, please proceed to question B9.)

If Yes, what is the source of this funding?

% Direct government funding (in ministry or department)
% Government contract/grant, awarded by competition
% Government contract/grant, awarded without competition
% Participant fees received
% Foundation or corporation funding
% Individual donors and other fundraising activities
% Other, please specify:

If Yes, what is the approximate amount of this funding for 2005? (Please specify currency.)

B9. The GLOBE International Foundation: The GLOBE Program Office in the U.S. is limited in its scope of activities, and its ability to raise funds, by its nature as a U.S. government funded program. In the Next Generation GLOBE, consideration is being given to the development of a GLOBE International Foundation that would operate more independently to facilitate the work of partners and the GLOBE worldwide community. This effort cannot succeed without the support of our partners and affiliates around the world.

Would you or your staff be interested in contributing time and work to the development of a GLOBE International Foundation?


If Yes, please provide contact information for an interested individual:

B10. Would you, your staff, or others affiliated with GLOBE in your country be able to, or interested in, contributing funds to the development of a GLOBE International Foundation?


B11. Information or fundraising techniques that you would like to share:


C1. Please describe how GLOBE is implemented in your state:

Master Trainer Program

Master Trainers, Lead Trainers, and Assistant Trainers for your state with the investigation areas that they are certified to train:


Atmosphere, Basic

Atmosphere, Advanced


Land Cover, Basic

Land Cover, Advanced


Soil, Basic

Soil, Advanced

M = Master Trainer, L = Lead Trainer, A = Assistant Trainer (Master Trainer Program)
T = Trainer


Trainers for your state with the investigation areas that they are certified to train:


Atmosphere, Basic

Atmosphere, Advanced


Land Cover, Basic

Land Cover, Advanced


Soil, Basic

Soil, Advanced

T = Trainer

C2. If you have any trainer information that is missing from the above lists, please provide the additional or corrected information here. Please also list which of the trainers for your state are associated with your partnership.

C4. What else would you like to share about the GLOBE activities conducted by your partnership?

C5. Teacher Training Types
Do you conduct mentoring / follow-up activities?


How long are the training events that you conduct? (Check all that apply.)

Single-day teacher training events
Multiple-day teacher training events
Week-long teacher training events

Select the option that best describes how you most often train different GLOBE investigation areas:

Train all investigation areas at the same training event
Train one investigation area at a training event
Train protocols related to a theme at a training event
Other, please describe:

C6. How much time was devoted to each of the following topics during a typical GLOBE training that your partnership offered in 2005? (If you offer different types of training events, please answer this question for the type you selected above as your most common type of training.)


No time

Less than 1 hour

1 - 3 hours

More than 3 hours

Atmosphere protocols

Atmosphere learning activities

Hydrology protocols

Hydrology learning activities

Land Cover / Biology protocols

Land Cover / Biology learning activities

Soil protocols

Soil learning activities

Earth as a System protocols

Earth as a System learning activities


Hands-on practice using GLOBE data reporting forms

Hands-on practice using GLOBE data visualizations

Use of inquiry (or constructivist pedagogy) with GLOBE data

Ways to integrate inquiry (or constructivist pedagogy) into the classroom

Ways to integrate GLOBE with state or national standards/curricula

Implementation planning

GLOBE Web site and on-line resources (data activities)

Community involvement examples

Student research examples

Structure and content of GLOBE Teacher's Guide

Please add any additional important topics covered during your trainings:

C7. Student Projects and Research:
a. What types of research projects or events, involving GLOBE data, methods, or activities, have students worked on collaboratively within your state?

How was GLOBE data used in these projects?

b. What types of collaborative research projects have students in your state worked on where the collaboration extends beyond your state?

How was GLOBE data used in these projects?

c. Have students in your state initiated any research projects or events? If so, please describe:

d. Are GLOBE schools (teachers and/or students) currently working with scientists in your state? If so, please describe:

e. What are the most important improvements that the GLOBE Program Office can make to better support student research collaborations with:
i. Scientists

ii. Other students

iii. Thematic-based studies

iv. Local/regional issues

C8. What percentage of work on GLOBE student projects is directed towards the following types of projects? (Please note that the total should not exceed 100%.)

% Local collaborative projects
% Regional/national collaborative projects
% Global collaborative projects
% Other, please specify:


D1. What are the affiliations of your trainers who have attended a Trainer Workshop in the past 3 years (2003 - 2005)? Please include how many of these trainers are from each of the following types of institutions (the primary institution they work for). Count each trainer only once.

College or University Faculty

Education department
Science department
Other departments

Primary/Secondary Schools

Primary school
Secondary school
Other K - 12

Other Affiliations (e.g. government, NGO)
(please specify)

D2. What types of challenges do you have related to offering professional development opportunities for trainers in your state?

D3. What types of professional development opportunities can the GLOBE Program Office provide to assist trainers in your partnership? Rank in order, with 1 being the most useful and 4 being the least useful.

Video conferencing
Other, please specify:


E1. Please list any National Teacher Organizations that your GLOBE teachers belong to:

      Organization name:


      Telephone number:

      Fax number:

      Web site:

If there are additional organizations, please add the same information as above for the remaining ones:

Please list any International Teacher Organizations that your GLOBE teachers belong to:

      Organization name:


      Telephone number:

      Fax number:

      Web site:

If there are additional organizations, please add the same information as above for the remaining ones:

E2. Has GLOBE been integrated into any of your state/regional/national curricula? (Check all that apply.)

Science / Biology
Geography / Social Studies
Other, please specify:

E3. Has GLOBE been integrated into any textbooks or other educational materials?


If Yes, please provide the complete citation for each textbook or other material:

If Yes, do teachers have access to these materials?


If Yes, how are the materials accessed (e.g. on-line, print)?

E4. Do teachers in your state use GLOBE as a means of teaching a second (or non-native) language?


If Yes, which language(s) is GLOBE used to help teach? (Please provide any details.)

E5. Has GLOBE been integrated into any state/regional/national special needs curricula?


Physical disabilities
Learning disabilities
Other, please specify:


Physical disabilities
Learning disabilities
Other, please specify:


Physical disabilities
Learning disabilities
Other, please specify:

E6. Do schools in your state have challenges in accessing the internet and/or technology that limit their participation in GLOBE? If so, please describe:

E7. Which areas of support are provided to teachers/schools that your partnership has trained, and how is the support allocated?


To everyone

To all who request it

As budget allows

Not provided

Monitoring accuracy of data collected

Assistance on technical setup and equipment use

Monitoring and feedback on data reported

Refresher training sessions

Meetings or conferences to share the GLOBE experience

Teacher listserv

Supplemental material (e.g. implementation tips, classroom activities)

Alignment of GLOBE activities with state/local/national curricula or accountability requirements

Site visits by partnership staff, or mentoring for teachers

Personal, phone, or email contact with partnership staff to mentor teachers

Contact with scientists

Please describe other types of support that your partnership has provided:

E8. Please describe any creative support strategies you have implemented that might be of interest to other partners:

E9. How do you monitor ongoing participation of GLOBE schools and teachers in the program? (Check all that apply.)

Use Partner Administration pages of the GLOBE Web site to view school reporting activity
Email contact with teachers
Telephone contact with teachers
Teacher surveys
Visit school/teacher
Participation is not monitored at this time
Other, please specify:

E10. How do you reward/acknowledge outstanding teachers and students to encourage further involvement in GLOBE?

E11. How do you usually find out about challenges that teachers have (e.g. with implementing GLOBE or reporting data)? (Check all that apply.)


Which method(s) is most frequent?

A teacher phones or emails me

I phone or email a teacher

I visit a school

A teacher comes back for refresher training

I review a school's data on the GLOBE Web site

I seldom hear about challenges

Other, please specify:

E12. What types of challenges do you have related to offering professional development opportunities for teachers in your state?


F1. Which method would you prefer for receiving communications from the GLOBE Program Office regarding materials, the GLOBE Web site, training updates, and/or new scientific projects or field campaigns? (Check only one.)

GLOBE Web site
Partner listserv / Email
Meetings / Conversations with individual GLOBE staff
On-line Regional Newsletter
GLOBE Annual Conference
Other, please specify:

F2. How frequently do you use these sections of the Partner Administration pages of the GLOBE Web site?







Partnership Profile

Schools in My Region

Support Materials

Workshop Administration

GLOBE Communications

GLOBE Calendar

F3. Please add any comments or suggestions that you think would help improve the Partner Administration pages:


While the GLOBE Program is a science and education program that joins students, educators, and scientists from around the world in studying Earth Systems Science, many teachers use GLOBE in the context of studying environmental issues with students. This section gathers information about science education and environmental issues in your region and how GLOBE can be integrated into your Environmental Education initiatives to study these issues.

G1. Please describe any science education reform initiatives in your state:

G2. Are educational methods involving student research, such as inquiry or constructivist pedagogy, applied to science education in your state?


If Yes, please describe how your GLOBE activities implement these educational methods and how they relate to any relevant educational standards or requirements.

G3. How is Environmental Education defined in your state?

G4. What is the most important need for implementation of Environmental Education in your state?

G5. What are the biggest environmental issues in your state?

G6. Is GLOBE used to study any environmental issues in your state? If so, please describe:

G7. How many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are involved with Environmental Education in your state?

Less than 10
10 to 50
50 to 100
Over 100
Don't know

G8. In your opinion, how significant is the contribution of GLOBE to Environmental Education in your state?

No impact
Slight impact
Significant impact
Major impact

Please use the space below to share any other information, comments, or suggestions that you think would benefit the GLOBE Program and other GLOBE Partners around the world:

Thank you very much for your information and responses to this survey.

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title2005 GLOBE Partnership Survey
Last Modified ByWalter Kit
File Modified2006-12-19
File Created2006-12-14

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